April 3, 2010

"Scozzafava writing election memoir."

I guess she hasn't had enough of being a butt of jokes.
"I have been kind of putting pieces together, yes, just, I think, more so for me, just to kind of go back and recall different moments, and I had jotted down certain occasions and I've got a whole calendar of events, and I'm kind of thinking about it again," said Scozzafava.

She doesn't yet have a title for the book.
Oh? Maybe we can help!


traditionalguy said...

"The Political Narcissist's Manual" sounds like a great handbook for today's candidates.

SteveR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SteveR said...


AllenS said...

Scozzafava, Not So Much

That's kinda catchy.

WV: clogical

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The ego. ugh.

Anonymous said...

"The Atkins' Diet."

Oh wait, she's never heard of the concept of a diet.

Wince said...

This one time, at...

campy said...

"How George Bush, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, the RNC and Right Wing Mysogynists Betrayed A Strong, Independent Woman."

A good start, but it needs something about Teabaggers.

Anonymous said...

Scozzafava writes election memoir...


"Hairy Bean Versus the VRC"

wv: hariest(no kidding) def Scozzafava's grandfather

mesquito said...

Shrewd. She won't sell any books, of course, but she'll occupy the public space recently vacated by Scott McClellan.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Good point and I also should have added Ronald Reagan and Abe Lincoln.

mesquito said...

Suggested title:

"Teabagged: How I Was Swallowed By A Racist Mob"

campy said...

Good point and I also should have added Ronald Reagan and Abe Lincoln.

Nah, leave Reagan out of it. But do add something about Sarah Palin.

William said...

One would need the Haldron collider to measure her impact on the public psyche. Traditonalguy nailed it right off. Her wish to leave a record of her glorious voyage to nowhere is why she lost.

Scott said...

"PAYOFF: How a Hack Politician Nobody Cares About Gets a Tidy Advance on a Book Nobody Will Read."

mesquito said...

Forward by Arianna Huffington

Anonymous said...

"Shrewd. She won't sell any books, of course, but she'll occupy the public space recently vacated by Scott McClellan."

You don't understand how "book sales" work in the United States.

You can't bribe a politician directly. That's illegal.

But you can buy their book. And you can buy another copy for a friend for Christmas, and nothing really stops you from buying all your friends copies - and their friends.

And maybe you get absent-minded and you don't send them all out. Or maybe you decide they weren't such good friends after you bought all those copies.

When the political elite want to funnel money to a politician in this country - the absolute first requirement is that the politician has to have a book on the market.

Then the bribe money comes flowing in.

mesquito said...

You don't understand how "book sales" work in the United States.

Oh, I know how they work. My shins are still scarred from tripping over unopened crates, which seemed in the late 1980s to clutter every unused space in Texas, of Jim Wright's Reflections of a Public Man.

Unknown said...

Here's the subtitle, anyway:

How a Hard Core Lefty Was Run Out of a Congressional Race in New York State by a Geek Even Less Ready for Politics Than She.

Nobody in the history of modern politics was less ready for prime time than Doug Hoffman. If I were Scuzzy Favor, I'd pass on this one.

Anonymous said...

My first reaction: "Scozzafava!? Who the hell is Scozzafava?"

Clicked the link.

"Oh, her!"

How quickly we forget.

I expect to see her book in the bargain bin after the first week.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Tea Party for Victory!

(It's odd how some recent major Dem victories have come with the unwitting assistance of the partiers, isn't it? Almost like they're secretly working for the Dems or something.)

AllenS said...

If the book deal doesn't work out for her, how about a Scozzafava Commemorative Plate and Coin Collection.

WV: minto

jaed said...

Perhaps she can invite Martha Coakley to be her co-author. A real bipartisan effort, in these troubled times...

rhhardin said...

A mnemoir, actually.

Adam said...


Unknown said...

LonewackoDotCom said...

Tea Party for Victory!

As usual, he's behind the curve. Consider this and this from Insta.

David said...


campy said...

Suggested title: Dreams of Audacious Hope

Revenant said...

The proposed title is "How I Narrowly Missed Being the One Republican Vote for Obamacare".

Irene said...

Payback: it's a bitch.

Elliott said...

Left of crazy: Why I am irrelevant in the modern GOP

Kirk Parker said...


That's awesome!




kentuckyliz said...

I Know Why The Caged RINO Sings