Meade and I stopped by the Tea Party Express event over on the far east side of Madison. There were about 300 people there, with various flags and signs. No violence. No epithets. Just a lot of people opposed to socialism.
I took a lot of photographs and video, which I'll put up here as soon as I can.
Go to a rally of whatever liberal cause is au courant and tell the person closest to you that you have a flat tire or a dead battery.
Try the same thing at a Tea Party.
Notice the difference.
When I was younger, dumber, and had Madison-esque politics I thought a lot of things (including modern Jazz) were smart and important. As I've gotten older and smarter and farther away from Madison and Boulder I've decided that I like the people who like country music and attend Cuborees a lot more than the people I used to like.
Maybe others will learn the same when there are these types of gatherings.
Did you buy any of the buttons? I like the one that said "O shit" with the Obama campaign symbol. Next year at this time, that vendor will be adding a VAT tax to his button's prices.
To all of you younger commenters...A normal lifespan is 70 to 85, and that means you too. I wish you all such a full life span. I am not ashamed of making it past 60. It is getting more fun all of the time.
I did a walkthrough of the gathering before the bus arrived. (It did eventually arrive, didn't it?) A welcoming and upbeat crowd. Even a decent sized turnout for a C-list Republican celebrity on a drizzly, Spring evening. A few religious types, a few gratuitous "Impeach Obama" signs, and (though I don't know why I feel the need to discuss it) a few more blacks and Asians when I was there than show in Ann's pics. Except for an under-representation of Madison's dread locked hippies, pretty much a good sample of the local population discussing and protesting Washington's excesses.
Funny, I didn't see any signs or placards calling for an end to medicare or social security.
The meme that the Tea Party Patriots are anti-socialist is a reach. They just don't want poor people of colour and children to have a taste from their vig.
Also Annie please don't preach to me about socialism until you stop abusing your tenure at UW. When is the last time you published in your field? Any legal aid for the indigent? Community service? What exactly do you do to earn the $158,000.00 from the Wisconsin taxpayers? It appears that you do as little as possible. Talk about a welfare case, LOL!
Based on the clothing you guys must have been rather chilly. It was mid-80s here in DC today. Can't wait for the Tea Party Express to arrive here April 15.
Also Annie please don't preach to me about socialism until you stop abusing your tenure at UW. When is the last time you published in your field? Any legal aid for the indigent
Seriously, dude, respect the dodo and the komodo. It's not like any of these endangered species are apex predators in a changing world.
I'm just sorry my wife *just* missed the tenure boat in her field. It would have been good to get fat on the proles. Kind of might make me feel better about my taxes. Sorta like imagining my SS "deduction" pays for my mom.
Instead she's had to start a company which is about to start its first full time employee.
Woot free enterprise, and pity Ward Churchill's fellow travelers.
Annie and Meade must have felt at home. A rally of a bunch of old white people.
Keep pushing the lie, pal. The breakdown of Tea Partiers pretty much parallels the American people except in race and it seems to be moving up there, too.
You're losing, all across the board.
PS Saw Meade's shot of you on Insta, Madame. Very Lauren Bacall.
There is a little grossness by the fact that the professor and her not working husband receive their insurance and pay from the taxpayers, the government and the state.
How sad.
How about trying working towards your own individual business where the rest of us "patriots" are not footing your bill. Government/State employees should be immediately laid off from the payroll. We are paying for these tenured, lazy government/state workers.
I am glad that there is a poster with the words "Ayn Rand was right." Though I have my doubts that person even knows who Ayn Rand was. Sorry, I was compelled by snobbery to say that. 300 people, tempest in a teapot. Tea Party, you have had your 15 minutes and you are hopefully swallowed up by the Republican Party who needs all the help they can get.
Maybe 150 people tops, from what I seen . Was cold, and damn windy though. It reminded me of a Fall musky tournament, with no fishing, and no beer. A pretty mild mannered corny right wing populism get together, it seemed.
Are the racialists among us as disdainful and critical when they see large groups of black people at any sort of rally?
Are large groups of older black people "boring"? Are they criticized for looking out for their own "kind"?
I'm serious, I just don't think about people in this manner and I'm fascinated and repulsed when I'm confronted by racially dismissive attitudes.
If such a thing as "race" exists, and if dismissing people based on race alone is something objectively evil, then there is absolutely no excuse to do it, ever, whether the race in question is "white", "black" or whatever. You're propagating racism. It doesn't excuse the evil when it's to your political advantage.
"The meme that the Tea Party Patriots are anti-socialist is a reach."
The talk from the stage... or song parodies from the stage... had a big anti-socialism theme.
"Also Annie please don't preach to me about socialism until you stop..."
I'm not preaching anything. I went to see what it looked and felt like and to take some pictures. I think you should see in the pictures that I wasn't taking a political side. I was observing humanity.
Meade Yea man. I seen you and Ann, just leaving, and didn't want to impose. Truth is, I'm shy in real life. Ha! But if I may impose, you and Ann looked genuinely happy together, which is great. Sincerely.
" Anyone who spray paints a sign that reads "Ayn Rand is right" obviously has not read anything written by Ayn Rand. "
I agree. The phrase "Ayn Rand is right" is too concise, clear and interesting to read therefore obviously not written by anyone familiar with Ms Rand's prose.
It's hilarious and sad to see a law professor buying into the partiers' line that BHO is a socialist. Saying his policies lean in a socialistic direction or the like is too many words for Althouse I guess.
It's also sad to see her promoting a rally featuring the "work ethic" sign, something that's implying that the millions of unemployed Americans are lazy bums. That's pretty anti-American for a bunch of "patriots", isn't it?
And, of course, the Rand sign. Randroids make Commies, Larouchians, and Raelians appear mainstream by comparison.
And, of course, none of those protesting have the ability to intellectually engage their opponents and try to show how they think they're wrong. They're like little children throwing a tantrum, and no one who's supposedly responsible should encourage them.
I find it odd and unlikely that a self-employed person with 23 employees would see reason to disparage an accomplished,veteran law professor at a state university.
Their more likely target would be a VP of Community Relations at a non-profit hospital who was paid more than $300K per year and happened to be mrried to a U.S. Senator.
Ok lefties, I think you managed to insult everyone here and there. Congratulation on another fine debate demonstrating your character and arguments. I'm very impressed, maybe you guys are really smarter.
What are all these old white people doing milling around a parking lot in the middle of the day? Don't they have jobs? And if they don't, shouldn't they be out looking for some?
Too bad Meade has converted Althouse into a Teabagger.
And I love that, of course, Althouse just *happened* to not take any photos of the birther, gun nut, and abortion signs, as seen on Garage's link above. LOLZ.
"What are all these old white people doing milling around a parking lot in the middle of the day? Don't they have jobs? And if they don't, shouldn't they be out looking for some?"
It started at 6 pm.
"And I love that, of course, Althouse just *happened* to not take any photos of the birther, gun nut, and abortion signs, as seen on Garage's link above. LOLZ."
These are my people-focused pictures. I have some sign stuff that I'm going to post tomorrow. Check back and be ready to withdraw your LOLZ.
There is something missing. I have studied these pictures of The Three Hundred, and not even the Greeks from the University are shown among the Army. Could these 300 really be the Spartans that will stop the Persians new best friend occupying the White House? Jerusalem awaits her fait and prays for Palin's election.
These are my people-focused pictures. I have some sign stuff that I'm going to post tomorrow. Check back and be ready to withdraw your LOLZ.
I dunno. An unbiased non-partisan observer like myself might reasonably get the impression that you now find it necessary to post the other photos that you originally had no intention of posting. Smells like PWNage.
"What are all these old white people doing milling around a parking lot in the middle of the day? Don't they have jobs? And if they don't, shouldn't they be out looking for some?"
That's rich coming from you! Didn't you depend on an "old white person" (mommy!) for room and board until you got a job writing paid endorsements of gay pornographic material?
You're real salt-of-the-earth material, Zach baby! Keep up the vulgarity, vituperation, ageism and racism, it's a real quartet of election-winners!
To our National Socialists, anything done by the government and paid by taxes is socialism. This presumably includes the Post Office and the United States Army. 150 years ago, garage and Wacko would have been writing Horace Greeley that settlers in Texas who reaped the benefits of the operations of Robert E. Lee and the 2nd Cavalry were hypocrites because they saw themselves as entrepreneurs and wanted no part of socialism.
LonewackoDotCom said...
It's hilarious and sad to see a law professor buying into the partiers' line that BHO is a socialist.
No, nobody thinks he's a socialist. They know he's a communist, just like his buddy, William Ayers
Yes, I can see I bring out the best in you, Palladian. Although I'm sorry about your obsession with stale cum. At least keep it fresh.
And the difference between when I was unemployed (two years ago, but thanks, I think, for assigning yourself as my biographer) and these sad fools is that instead of loitering around a parking lot with racists and making cardboard signs, I was actually looking for work and got myself out of a bad situation.
"these sad fools is that instead of loitering around a parking lot with racists and making cardboard signs, I was actually looking for work and got myself out of a bad situation."
It seems that you are the one making racist comments, Zach. I see no indication of racial animosity or even any mention of race at all in the signage held by these demonstrators. You and your cohorts are the only ones disparaging people because of their race and assigning a racial motive to a political cause. You are the ones propagating racism! The idea that ideological and philosophical positions can't be both defended or opposed across imaginary racial boundaries is completely repulsive to me. It's highly insulting to President Obama and black Americans (and by extension all Americans) that you are unable to give them enough credit to allow people to oppose (or indeed support) their ideas on merit rather than on race. While I find you an intellectually mediocre person, I know that you're intelligent enough to know what you're doing when you use racism to belittle your opponents. You're playing into irrational and hateful racial attitudes for political gain. You're doing exactly what opponents of civil rights did in the 20th century: implying purely racial motivations for ideas and dismissing compelling philosophical arguments because of false associations with ideas of racial inferiority. You should be ashamed, but as I said you know exactly what you're doing.
And as we both know, you have no shame.
I'm glad that I was raised in an environment— a profoundly working-class, rural, "white" environment, by the way— where such hateful notions were completely foreign.
It's a mistake to assume that the tone of someone's writing necessarily mirrors their emotional state. Good writing is a construction of tone, not a reflection of mood.
Oh yes, you are correct. For all I know you might have just acheived your own intellectual and emotional nirvana, leaving you as calm as the smoked-out dudes at the end of a 1980s Grateful Dead show.
But I still think that you, Titus, and Zach should fight it out in a three-way battle on
Oh dear, now I wonder: Is "" the "n-word" that is not supposed to be used?
Peaceable looking crowd. You've got to admire the imaginative leap of the media in painting them as a crazed lynch mob.....There didn't seem to even be any morbidly obese demonstrators for the tv folks to interview. In a pinch, I would go with the guy in the Illinois Tech sweatshirt and ask him about gun control. But even that's not a sure thing. There's got to be someone in the crowd who believes in alien abductions. It's the duty of a free press to uncover these facts.
"So there are only 300 people in Madison who are opposed to socialism?"
You have to admit, it takes balls to come out against Social Security, Medicare, public schools, fire and police departments, public works, bridges, roads, highways, waterworks, the military, disaster relief, etc., etc.
"I am a self-employed business owner and I employ 23 people."
I'm not saying this isn't true, but it's amazing how many liberals are small business owners who employ 20-something people (they love pointing it out in comments everywhere) and who support Obama despite everything he is doing that hurts small business owners who employ 20-something people.
Who knew so many were suicidal . . . business-wise that is.
Where is it written that people always have to vote their economic self-interest? My parents are liberal small-business owners; so are my sister and her husband. Me, I'm a conservative federal bureaucrat.
There's a new St. Norbert's college poll out -- for Wisconsin residents -- that claims that the Economy was the most troubling part of the Nation at the moment. If the economy improves (a big IF), I'm not sure how your prediction comes true. In WI, at least -- I'm not sure how the results would translate nationally.
Congress had very low approval numbers. Obama is at about 45%
The most odious complaint about people who reject socialism is that they may currently "benefit" from socialism.
It's a neat little trick. (1) The gummint makes rules that you must play by and cannot escape from. (2) You are born into that system, and play by those rules. (3) You realize socialism is messed up, and begin to complain. (4) But now you're a hypocrite, because you are 'benefiting' by following the inescapable rules.
The only way out is to move to ...where? Nowhere on earth, I guess, because the socialist crap is everywhere.
Wow, look at all those racist white men. There, there is one. And all those signs preprinted by special interest groups. That might be one over there, behind the hand made signs.
Lefties: Here is the problem. Go ahead and redistribute all the wealth to the poor. All of it. The rich will get it back very quickly as the poor have a tendency, a huge tendency, to piss their money away. Then what? Take it again? Oh, and why not just say that old white people aren't cool, like you, who know about everything and are smarter than the rest of us and aren't angry. Only the old white people are angry. And not cool. But you lefties living out there in the center of the country or in a suburb are trying desperately to live in a mental upper west side or downtown or the cooler parts of Brooklyn. But you aren't and it shows in your comments and your desperate urge to show that you will never be old or white.
I like the pix of the guy selling buttons and flags. He appears to be a minority, believes in free interprise and entrepreneurship. I don't care if he is a racist bigot. I like him.
"it's amazing how many liberals are small business owners who employ 20-something people"
Just an internet opinion but I find this completely plausible.
From what I've read (and tangental personal experience of my ex-wife being a business owner with a single casual employee) most Federal mandates don't kick in until you've got at least 25 employees and sometimes more. The Obamacare mandate to provide employee insurance coverage kicks in at fifty IIRC. If you're located in a small city in a state that has a hands-off attitude towards small business, and run a 'clean' business like retail sales or knowledge work you probably never come across some of the heavy handed regulation that people assume is pervasive and turns small business owners against government.
Michael said..."Lefties: Here is the problem. Go ahead and redistribute all the wealth to the poor. All of it. The rich will get it back very quickly as the poor have a tendency, a huge tendency, to piss their money away."
Yes, it's a long held fact that the "poor" have a tendency to piss away their money...on silly things like food, clothing and shelter. (They would have bought health insurance too, but as we all know, it's way too expensive.)
Michael...once again, you provide firm evidence of just how out of touch you really are. This has to be one of the most ridiculous comments to appear in quite some time.
President Obama's is giving all of the money to the poor...and they're going to piss it away...and then the wealthy will get it all back.
"He's engaging in free enterprise, which is in fact supporting freedom and individual liberty."
True enough. If he's also selling at an Obama rally does he still support freedom and individual liberty through free enterprise? Just saying, maybe he sees it as just trying to make a living - supporting himself or his family, not necessarily "the cause".
My Wife and I along with a friend, drove up from Mukwonago last night to gather with fellow patriots. It's great to be part of a grass roots movement that is having a positive impact on the direction of this country. Conservativeism will triumph as it always has. And why the angst over the intelligent, mature, productive citizens in attendance? There were plenty of young people in attendance. We were standing behind two young heros who proudly served this country.
I suspect that garage, Zachy and the rest of the liberals are disappointed in the teabaggers because they're just boring, corny white folks and not the young, vibrant, hygiene challenged kids wearing ski masks and keffiyehs whose protests usually result in a a few overturned cars, destroyed storefronts and a burned out Starbucks.
AND....we actually sacrificed to facilitate change rather than sit on our rear ends blogging like a lot of liberals do. Let's see, work all day, pick up wife at office and friend at park and ride. Drive to Madison, endure a bit of inclement weather, and arrive back home at 10:30PM. Get up at 5:00AM for work. Was it worth it? Absofrigginlutley! For those that scoff at us, we are working to protect the freedom you take for granted.
Can we agree to drop the homophobic slurs? Also the racialist and ageist slurs? And the hatred toward Ohioans and people with Parkinson's disease - what is that about? Very unfabulous. In fact, your lack of fabulousness causes me to question whether or not you are the real Titus.
But whoever you are, keep clicking in, driving up traffic. As I said, we have to earn our free enterprise each and every day.
True enough. If he's also selling at an Obama rally does he still support freedom and individual liberty through free enterprise? Just saying, maybe he sees it as just trying to make a living - supporting himself or his family, not necessarily "the cause".
Assuming one's actions reflect one's belief's he would still be supporting individual liberty and free interprise if selling at an Obama rally. Of course the Obamaites would want to make sure he's paying his fair share of taxes and spreading his wealth. Don't assume that because he's a minority and dressed casually that he's not rich. You don't want to be a racist, do you?
So lefties have bumper stickers now saying they teabagged Obama? Very few conservatives have their every idea plastered on a bumper sticker. Or perhaps the dumb old white people on the right have not been told what the term means. They are not very cool looking, certainly not metrosexual looking and maybe, just maybe, they don't know the meaning of the homophobic expression. Lots of dumb old white people have sisters and brothers and children who are gay so they are unlikely to use a vile, left wing, term that would reflect negatively on homosexuals. At least not knowingly.
@Meade I went to the site to see whether the paper had by chance published a story about last night's gathering.
There is no new story, but I was *stunned* to see the word changed in the original posting. This kind of "flip" doesn't seem proper in good journalism. At best, the paper should have admitted the error, apologized, and then posted a directed retraction.
Wonder if lefty mothers speak to their children in the way the lefties on this blog write? Profanity and anger brewed with stupidity would explain a lot about the inability of lefties to express themselves without using homosexual slurs or other examples of bad breeding.
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's apologized on Wednesday for declaring April as "Confederate History Month," but failing to mention slavery anywhere in his proclamation.
"The proclamation issued by this Office designating April as Confederate History Month contained a major omission. The failure to include any reference to slavery was a mistake, and for that I apologize to any fellow Virginian who has been offended or disappointed," McDonnell said in a statement.
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Oh God, how ridiculous. Where's the beef?
So there are only 300 people in Madison who are opposed to socialism?
wv = twiti
Sure enough, the local paper, in its announcement of the rally, refers to the attendees as "tea baggers".
"Next South Central Wisconsin Local meeting is April 10, at the Wil-Mar Center in Madison, 953 Jenifer Street"
Above, quoted from the website of the Socialist Party Of Wisconsin.
Might be an interesting compare and contrast, photos shot there, and at today's Express shots.
Might be wise to wear a wig, and borrow some tie-dye from someone before venturing into that meet-up.
Also, ceasing all bathing type activities between now and then would probably aid in blending in.
Very scary crowd.
A whiff of the Weimar? Or is that Ben Gay?
I loved the sign,"don't spread my wealth...spread my work ethic".
Annie and Meade must have felt at home. A rally of a bunch of old white people.
Those two girls in the last shot look a bit bored of the whole thing. Oldish white people are just not very exciting.
Yeah. Oldish white people are soooooo dull. I bet they even vote in off-year elections.
Historically, the left has believed that they can win these middle class, largely suburban people over by giving them things.
Student loans, healthcare, tax cuts,
Everything that is but respect.
They ain't falling for it anymore my progressive friends.
Go to a rally of whatever liberal cause is au courant and tell the person closest to you that you have a flat tire or a dead battery.
Try the same thing at a Tea Party.
Notice the difference.
When I was younger, dumber, and had Madison-esque politics I thought a lot of things (including modern Jazz) were smart and important. As I've gotten older and smarter and farther away from Madison and Boulder I've decided that I like the people who like country music and attend Cuborees a lot more than the people I used to like.
Maybe others will learn the same when there are these types of gatherings.
Did you buy any of the buttons? I like the one that said "O shit" with the Obama campaign symbol. Next year at this time, that vendor will be adding a VAT tax to his button's prices.
Probably the most peaceful, least vulgar or threatening demonstration in Madison history.
To all of you younger commenters...A normal lifespan is 70 to 85, and that means you too. I wish you all such a full life span. I am not ashamed of making it past 60. It is getting more fun all of the time.
Teabaggers are dull old white people, except when they're dangerous, murderous fanatics.
To me, those 2 girls in the last shot were like these.
I did a walkthrough of the gathering before the bus arrived. (It did eventually arrive, didn't it?) A welcoming and upbeat crowd. Even a decent sized turnout for a C-list Republican celebrity on a drizzly, Spring evening. A few religious types, a few gratuitous "Impeach Obama" signs, and (though I don't know why I feel the need to discuss it) a few more blacks and Asians when I was there than show in Ann's pics. Except for an under-representation of Madison's dread locked hippies, pretty much a good sample of the local population discussing and protesting Washington's excesses.
Sorry I missed you, Ann & Meade!
Funny, I didn't see any signs or placards calling for an end to medicare or social security.
The meme that the Tea Party Patriots are anti-socialist is a reach. They just don't want poor people of colour and children to have a taste from their vig.
Also Annie please don't preach to me about socialism until you stop abusing your tenure at UW. When is the last time you published in your field? Any legal aid for the indigent? Community service? What exactly do you do to earn the $158,000.00 from the Wisconsin taxpayers? It appears that you do as little as possible. Talk about a welfare case, LOL!
Based on the clothing you guys must have been rather chilly. It was mid-80s here in DC today. Can't wait for the Tea Party Express to arrive here April 15.
Also Annie please don't preach to me about socialism until you stop abusing your tenure at UW. When is the last time you published in your field? Any legal aid for the indigent
"Restraining order" come to anyone else's mind.
Re: Howard
Yeah, lots of those nasty "rich" Mid-westerners piling out of minivans with their kids when I got there.
Leave it to a hateful Lefty to try to describe a peaceful exercise of free speech about government spending as a racist agenda...
Jesus, how pathetic and not fabulous...but I still loved it.
@In The Mood - re: salary of tenured prof's.
Seriously, dude, respect the dodo and the komodo. It's not like any of these endangered species are apex predators in a changing world.
I'm just sorry my wife *just* missed the tenure boat in her field. It would have been good to get fat on the proles. Kind of might make me feel better about my taxes. Sorta like imagining my SS "deduction" pays for my mom.
Instead she's had to start a company which is about to start its first full time employee.
Woot free enterprise, and pity Ward Churchill's fellow travelers.
In the Mood said...
Annie and Meade must have felt at home. A rally of a bunch of old white people.
Keep pushing the lie, pal. The breakdown of Tea Partiers pretty much parallels the American people except in race and it seems to be moving up there, too.
You're losing, all across the board.
PS Saw Meade's shot of you on Insta, Madame. Very Lauren Bacall.
And Mary you know I love you to death but can you move on from the teabag thing.
I should have seen the Shining reference. Some clever giffer needs to make a wall of blood come from behind them.
There is a little grossness by the fact that the professor and her not working husband receive their insurance and pay from the taxpayers, the government and the state.
How sad.
How about trying working towards your own individual business where the rest of us "patriots" are not footing your bill. Government/State employees should be immediately laid off from the payroll. We are paying for these tenured, lazy government/state workers.
It is called individual freedom and enterprise.
I am glad that there is a poster with the words "Ayn Rand was right." Though I have my doubts that person even knows who Ayn Rand was. Sorry, I was compelled by snobbery to say that. 300 people, tempest in a teapot. Tea Party, you have had your 15 minutes and you are hopefully swallowed up by the Republican Party who needs all the help they can get.
Vicki from Pasadena
Hey, at least i admit i am a snob sometimes.
Hopefully you didn't have high expectorations before you went.
I bet they even vote in off-year elections.
I hope they voted today.
Whitey Titusy said...
"It is called individual freedom and enterprise."
Okay. Just keep clicking on that sweet monetized-by-blogads Althouseblogspot, baby.
It's our free enterprise, whitey. And, as we all know - free enterprise is not free.
300 people, tempest in a teapot.
Patience, the official recount comes in November.
Maybe 150 people tops, from what I seen . Was cold, and damn windy though. It reminded me of a Fall musky tournament, with no fishing, and no beer. A pretty mild mannered corny right wing populism get together, it seemed.
SWPLs, all of 'em.
Except for the dude selling buttons... he's probably an illegal with a very clever sense of humor.
Are the racialists among us as disdainful and critical when they see large groups of black people at any sort of rally?
Are large groups of older black people "boring"? Are they criticized for looking out for their own "kind"?
I'm serious, I just don't think about people in this manner and I'm fascinated and repulsed when I'm confronted by racially dismissive attitudes.
If such a thing as "race" exists, and if dismissing people based on race alone is something objectively evil, then there is absolutely no excuse to do it, ever, whether the race in question is "white", "black" or whatever. You're propagating racism. It doesn't excuse the evil when it's to your political advantage.
garage! You were there?
I agree - it was beautifully corny. My people.
"Except for the dude selling buttons... he's probably an illegal with a very clever sense of humor."
Yeah, anytime you see a swarthy looking person, he's probably illegal and couldn't possibly support such a racist cause as liberty.
For someone who likes to yammer on about the supposedly mind-expanding virtues of cannabis consumption you're pretty narrow, man.
One of your best comments.
Kind of forlorn, aina?
Meade did you wear your
"I married Ann Althouse and all I got was her platinum health care"
t-shirt to the angry old people's rally?
Anyone who spray paints a sign that reads "Ayn Rand is right" obviously has not read anything written by Ayn Rand.
Sorry about you not getting tenure, "In The Mood".
Oh, come on, I was joking. And that was like level 2 on the 1-10 scale of offensiveness. Let's not get all thought-policey. It's no fun...
"The meme that the Tea Party Patriots are anti-socialist is a reach."
The talk from the stage... or song parodies from the stage... had a big anti-socialism theme.
"Also Annie please don't preach to me about socialism until you stop..."
I'm not preaching anything. I went to see what it looked and felt like and to take some pictures. I think you should see in the pictures that I wasn't taking a political side. I was observing humanity.
Yea man. I seen you and Ann, just leaving, and didn't want to impose. Truth is, I'm shy in real life. Ha! But if I may impose, you and Ann looked genuinely happy together, which is great. Sincerely.
Anyone who spray paints a sign that reads "Ayn Rand is right" has obviously not read anything by Ayn Rand.
" Anyone who spray paints a sign that reads "Ayn Rand is right" obviously has not read anything written by Ayn Rand.
I agree. The phrase "Ayn Rand is right" is too concise, clear and interesting to read therefore obviously not written by anyone familiar with Ms Rand's prose.
I am a self-employed business owner and I employ 23 people.
My husband and I are going to Bayfield Wisconsin and are very excited about it.
It looks fab, for Wisconsin at least.
"Let's not get all thought-policey. It's no fun..."
Man, Genesis really sucked after Peter Gabriel left.
Not that they were all that hot before.
In the Mood said...
"Meade did you wear your... t-shirt..."
It was in the wash. But it's out now. Would like to iron it for me?
It's hilarious and sad to see a law professor buying into the partiers' line that BHO is a socialist. Saying his policies lean in a socialistic direction or the like is too many words for Althouse I guess.
It's also sad to see her promoting a rally featuring the "work ethic" sign, something that's implying that the millions of unemployed Americans are lazy bums. That's pretty anti-American for a bunch of "patriots", isn't it?
And, of course, the Rand sign. Randroids make Commies, Larouchians, and Raelians appear mainstream by comparison.
And, of course, none of those protesting have the ability to intellectually engage their opponents and try to show how they think they're wrong. They're like little children throwing a tantrum, and no one who's supposedly responsible should encourage them.
For all the details and the things that their promoters won't tell you, see my extensive coverage of the tea party movement.
P.S. Really think through any replies to this comment; another charming partier tactic is to try to smear anyone who criticizes them.
garage, Nice. Thanks!
We would've enjoyed meeting you, and buying you a beer. One of these days...
Palladian, when you are right you are right.
You are completely right about Genesis sucking donkey dicks.
Genesis where not even good enough to suck mule dicks.
Meade wrote "Would like to iron it for me?"
Meade, you are such a welfare queen...
Re: Titus and Bayfield
If you get a sunny day, Bayfield is gorgeous. Go sailing. It's awesome!
I find it odd and unlikely that a self-employed person with 23 employees would see reason to disparage an accomplished,veteran law professor at a state university.
Their more likely target would be a VP of Community Relations at a non-profit hospital who was paid more than $300K per year and happened to be mrried to a U.S.
But I could be wrong.
Ok lefties, I think you managed to insult everyone here and there. Congratulation on another fine debate demonstrating your character and arguments. I'm very impressed, maybe you guys are really smarter.
November is gonna be devastating.
What are all these old white people doing milling around a parking lot in the middle of the day? Don't they have jobs? And if they don't, shouldn't they be out looking for some?
Too bad Meade has converted Althouse into a Teabagger.
And I love that, of course, Althouse just *happened* to not take any photos of the birther, gun nut, and abortion signs, as seen on Garage's link above. LOLZ.
"What are all these old white people doing milling around a parking lot in the middle of the day? Don't they have jobs? And if they don't, shouldn't they be out looking for some?"
It started at 6 pm.
"And I love that, of course, Althouse just *happened* to not take any photos of the birther, gun nut, and abortion signs, as seen on Garage's link above. LOLZ."
These are my people-focused pictures. I have some sign stuff that I'm going to post tomorrow. Check back and be ready to withdraw your LOLZ.
As a small biz owner and employer I know how fucked up our healthcare system really is.
There is something missing. I have studied these pictures of The Three Hundred, and not even the Greeks from the University are shown among the Army. Could these 300 really be the Spartans that will stop the Persians new best friend occupying the White House? Jerusalem awaits her fait and prays for Palin's election.
These are my people-focused pictures. I have some sign stuff that I'm going to post tomorrow. Check back and be ready to withdraw your LOLZ.
I dunno. An unbiased non-partisan observer like myself might reasonably get the impression that you now find it necessary to post the other photos that you originally had no intention of posting. Smells like PWNage.
"What are all these old white people doing milling around a parking lot in the middle of the day? Don't they have jobs? And if they don't, shouldn't they be out looking for some?"
That's rich coming from you! Didn't you depend on an "old white person" (mommy!) for room and board until you got a job writing paid endorsements of gay pornographic material?
You're real salt-of-the-earth material, Zach baby! Keep up the vulgarity, vituperation, ageism and racism, it's a real quartet of election-winners!
"Smells like PWNage."
No, that smell is just Zachary. Stale cum, poppers and misery smells similar to PWNage.
These are great. Good for them! The tea party will be something great. Just shun the nuts.
To our National Socialists, anything done by the government and paid by taxes is socialism. This presumably includes the Post Office and the United States Army. 150 years ago, garage and Wacko would have been writing Horace Greeley that settlers in Texas who reaped the benefits of the operations of Robert E. Lee and the 2nd Cavalry were hypocrites because they saw themselves as entrepreneurs and wanted no part of socialism.
LonewackoDotCom said...
It's hilarious and sad to see a law professor buying into the partiers' line that BHO is a socialist.
No, nobody thinks he's a socialist. They know he's a communist, just like his buddy, William Ayers
"As a small biz owner and employer I know how fucked up our healthcare system really is."
It certainly is now, since they bribed and extorted enough "yes" votes the other week!
"No, nobody thinks he's a socialist. They know he's a communist, just like his buddy, William Ayers"
Socialism is the lube that aids insertion of the gigantic, one-way, barbed dildo of communism. This is called "being fucked".
Yeesh, see what happens to my metaphors when Zachary shows up?!
Was it cold? Some of the folks looked cold. (with wind chill added it ...brrrr?)
Yes, I can see I bring out the best in you, Palladian. Although I'm sorry about your obsession with stale cum. At least keep it fresh.
And the difference between when I was unemployed (two years ago, but thanks, I think, for assigning yourself as my biographer) and these sad fools is that instead of loitering around a parking lot with racists and making cardboard signs, I was actually looking for work and got myself out of a bad situation.
"these sad fools is that instead of loitering around a parking lot with racists and making cardboard signs, I was actually looking for work and got myself out of a bad situation."
It seems that you are the one making racist comments, Zach. I see no indication of racial animosity or even any mention of race at all in the signage held by these demonstrators. You and your cohorts are the only ones disparaging people because of their race and assigning a racial motive to a political cause. You are the ones propagating racism! The idea that ideological and philosophical positions can't be both defended or opposed across imaginary racial boundaries is completely repulsive to me. It's highly insulting to President Obama and black Americans (and by extension all Americans) that you are unable to give them enough credit to allow people to oppose (or indeed support) their ideas on merit rather than on race. While I find you an intellectually mediocre person, I know that you're intelligent enough to know what you're doing when you use racism to belittle your opponents. You're playing into irrational and hateful racial attitudes for political gain. You're doing exactly what opponents of civil rights did in the 20th century: implying purely racial motivations for ideas and dismissing compelling philosophical arguments because of false associations with ideas of racial inferiority. You should be ashamed, but as I said you know exactly what you're doing.
And as we both know, you have no shame.
I'm glad that I was raised in an environment— a profoundly working-class, rural, "white" environment, by the way— where such hateful notions were completely foreign.
Meade, got to love him. Gets his health insurance from his state employed wife.
How pathetic.
He is over 50 and unemployed. But is he a trust fund baby? How liberal, an unamerican and gross.
Meade is a fucking piece of shit who will be with Althouse for perhaps 2 years.
I love saying, get your own healthcare teabagger. It is so Ohio, parksinsons/ teabagger shit.
How about a poll on how long Meade will be around?
That would be abs delish.
Also, Meade fags hate you.
Except Pads, natch.
Titus, you seem so angry tonite.
Palladian seems very angry too.
Maybe it is something in the gay air?
"Palladian seems very angry too."
It's a mistake to assume that the tone of someone's writing necessarily mirrors their emotional state. Good writing is a construction of tone, not a reflection of mood.
Oh yes, you are correct. For all I know you might have just acheived your own intellectual and emotional nirvana, leaving you as calm as the smoked-out dudes at the end of a 1980s Grateful Dead show.
But I still think that you, Titus, and Zach should fight it out in a three-way battle on
Oh dear, now I wonder: Is "" the "n-word" that is not supposed to be used?
Time to bid you goodnight.
Peaceable looking crowd. You've got to admire the imaginative leap of the media in painting them as a crazed lynch mob.....There didn't seem to even be any morbidly obese demonstrators for the tv folks to interview. In a pinch, I would go with the guy in the Illinois Tech sweatshirt and ask him about gun control. But even that's not a sure thing. There's got to be someone in the crowd who believes in alien abductions. It's the duty of a free press to uncover these facts.
Didn't know there were so many New England Patriots fans in far-off Wisconsin.
That actually looks more like your photos of your 'stereotypical left-wing patriotic display' than of something right-wing.
I think the tea partiers should have signs depicting hairy balls dangling from the upper margin, as a critique of the media. LOL
"So there are only 300 people in Madison who are opposed to socialism?"
You have to admit, it takes balls to come out against Social Security, Medicare, public schools, fire and police departments, public works, bridges, roads, highways, waterworks, the military, disaster relief, etc., etc.
If we've got socialism already, what has Robert Cook been pissing and moaning about all this time?
"I loved the sign,'don't spread my wealth...spread my work ethic.'"
Nonsensical. People out of work in America don't lack a work ethic, they lack available jobs.
"I am a self-employed business owner and I employ 23 people."
I'm not saying this isn't true, but it's amazing how many liberals are small business owners who employ 20-something people (they love pointing it out in comments everywhere) and who support Obama despite everything he is doing that hurts small business owners who employ 20-something people.
Who knew so many were suicidal . . . business-wise that is.
"it's amazing how many liberals are small business owners who employ 20-something people "
Heh, I noticed that, too. It's one of those cheap lefty attempts at establishing bona fides.
I call bullshit; only a moron would support socialism and small-business capitalism at the same time.
Now large corporations supporting socialism is another matter; they have a good example in Germany of the 1920s and 1930s.
I am a self-employed business owner and I employ 23 people."
Mary Kay or Amway?
Titus without the silly cutie-pie David Sedaris mask is always my favorite, because it shows his true soul: mean, dark, and completely dessicated.
Where is it written that people always have to vote their economic self-interest? My parents are liberal small-business owners; so are my sister and her husband. Me, I'm a conservative federal bureaucrat.
November is gonna be devastating.
There's a new St. Norbert's college poll out -- for Wisconsin residents -- that claims that the Economy was the most troubling part of the Nation at the moment. If the economy improves (a big IF), I'm not sure how your prediction comes true. In WI, at least -- I'm not sure how the results would translate nationally.
Congress had very low approval numbers. Obama is at about 45%
"Where is it written that people always have to vote their economic self-interest?"
That's true, Paul. Over-reach on my part, and completely Marxist thought if you dissect its origin.
Pretty stupid of me, actually.
Really, Pogo. Only poor hillbillies (plainsbillies?) in Kansas are supposed to do that.
Besides, we know that all true liberals prefer to describe themselves as "Goldwater conservatives" or "lifelong Republicans".
You mean there are 300 people in Madison who are opposed to socialism?
To all of you younger commenters...A normal lifespan is 70 to 85, and that means you too.
"Vote in ignorance and haste, repent at leisure."
(With apologies to Ben Franklin.)
May they have a long time to suffer the consequences of their foolishness.
It doesn't look like he's supporting anything - he's just trying to make a buck.
He's engaging in free enterprise, which is in fact supporting freedom and individual liberty.
The most odious complaint about people who reject socialism is that they may currently "benefit" from socialism.
It's a neat little trick.
(1) The gummint makes rules that you must play by and cannot escape from.
(2) You are born into that system, and play by those rules.
(3) You realize socialism is messed up, and begin to complain.
(4) But now you're a hypocrite, because you are 'benefiting' by following the inescapable rules.
The only way out is to move to ...where?
Nowhere on earth, I guess, because the socialist crap is everywhere.
Wow, look at all those racist white men. There, there is one. And all those signs preprinted by special interest groups. That might be one over there, behind the hand made signs.
Lefties: Here is the problem. Go ahead and redistribute all the wealth to the poor. All of it. The rich will get it back very quickly as the poor have a tendency, a huge tendency, to piss their money away. Then what? Take it again? Oh, and why not just say that old white people aren't cool, like you, who know about everything and are smarter than the rest of us and aren't angry. Only the old white people are angry. And not cool. But you lefties living out there in the center of the country or in a suburb are trying desperately to live in a mental upper west side or downtown or the cooler parts of Brooklyn. But you aren't and it shows in your comments and your desperate urge to show that you will never be old or white.
I like the pix of the guy selling buttons and flags. He appears to be a minority, believes in free interprise and entrepreneurship. I don't care if he is a racist bigot. I like him.
"it's amazing how many liberals are small business owners who employ 20-something people"
Just an internet opinion but I find this completely plausible.
From what I've read (and tangental personal experience of my ex-wife being a business owner with a single casual employee) most Federal mandates don't kick in until you've got at least 25 employees and sometimes more. The Obamacare mandate to provide employee insurance coverage kicks in at fifty IIRC. If you're located in a small city in a state that has a hands-off attitude towards small business, and run a 'clean' business like retail sales or knowledge work you probably never come across some of the heavy handed regulation that people assume is pervasive and turns small business owners against government.
If you look closely you can see Michael holding a couple of nuts in his mouth.
Irene said..."Sure enough, the local paper, in its announcement of the rally, refers to the attendees as 'tea baggers'."
That's what they are.
traditionalguy said..."I loved the sign,"don't spread my wealth...spread my work ethic"."
Yeah, whatever the hell that means.
And she does look quite wealthy...
Michael said..."Lefties: Here is the problem. Go ahead and redistribute all the wealth to the poor. All of it. The rich will get it back very quickly as the poor have a tendency, a huge tendency, to piss their money away."
Yes, it's a long held fact that the "poor" have a tendency to piss away their money...on silly things like food, clothing and shelter.
(They would have bought health insurance too, but as we all know, it's way too expensive.)
Michael...once again, you provide firm evidence of just how out of touch you really are. This has to be one of the most ridiculous comments to appear in quite some time.
President Obama's is giving all of the money to the poor...and they're going to piss it away...and then the wealthy will get it all back.
You are a fucking moron.
Comments app may be acting up again
..."I loved the sign,"don't spread my wealth...spread my work ethic"."
Yeah, whatever the hell that means.
Heh...hardly surprise Jeremy wouldn't know what a work ethic is.
"He's engaging in free enterprise, which is in fact supporting freedom and individual liberty."
True enough. If he's also selling at an Obama rally does he still support freedom and individual liberty through free enterprise? Just saying, maybe he sees it as just trying to make a living - supporting himself or his family, not necessarily "the cause".
My Wife and I along with a friend, drove up from Mukwonago last night to gather with fellow patriots. It's great to be part of a grass roots movement that is having a positive impact on the direction of this country. Conservativeism will triumph as it always has. And why the angst over the intelligent, mature, productive citizens in attendance? There were plenty of young people in attendance. We were standing behind two young heros who proudly served this country.
I suspect that garage, Zachy and the rest of the liberals are disappointed in the teabaggers because they're just boring, corny white folks and not the young, vibrant, hygiene challenged kids wearing ski masks and keffiyehs whose protests usually result in a a few overturned cars, destroyed storefronts and a burned out Starbucks.
They love the smell of tear gas in the morning.
AND....we actually sacrificed to facilitate change rather than sit on our rear ends blogging like a lot of liberals do. Let's see, work all day, pick up wife at office and friend at park and ride. Drive to Madison, endure a bit of inclement weather, and arrive back home at 10:30PM. Get up at 5:00AM for work. Was it worth it? Absofrigginlutley! For those that scoff at us, we are working to protect the freedom you take for granted.
Can we agree to drop the homophobic slurs? Also the racialist and ageist slurs? And the hatred toward Ohioans and people with Parkinson's disease - what is that about? Very unfabulous. In fact, your lack of fabulousness causes me to question whether or not you are the real Titus.
But whoever you are, keep clicking in, driving up traffic. As I said, we have to earn our free enterprise each and every day.
Thank you.
once again all of the racism, sexism and ageism is coming from the commentariot on the left
True enough. If he's also selling at an Obama rally does he still support freedom and individual liberty through free enterprise? Just saying, maybe he sees it as just trying to make a living - supporting himself or his family, not necessarily "the cause".
Assuming one's actions reflect one's belief's he would still be supporting individual liberty and free interprise if selling at an Obama rally. Of course the Obamaites would want to make sure he's paying his fair share of taxes and spreading his wealth. Don't assume that because he's a minority and dressed casually that he's not rich. You don't want to be a racist, do you?
This fascination of the lefties with "teabagging" is really quite interesting to observe.
Perhaps you should tell the people wearing, and selling, hats, t shirts, and bumper stickers that say "I teabagged Obama"
So lefties have bumper stickers now saying they teabagged Obama? Very few conservatives have their every idea plastered on a bumper sticker. Or perhaps the dumb old white people on the right have not been told what the term means. They are not very cool looking, certainly not metrosexual looking and maybe, just maybe, they don't know the meaning of the homophobic expression. Lots of dumb old white people have sisters and brothers and children who are gay so they are unlikely to use a vile, left wing, term that would reflect negatively on homosexuals. At least not knowingly.
Michael, you appear to be obsessed with this "tea bagger" moniker.
It makes me think you may know a lot more about being tea bagged than you let on.
I normally don't accommodate wing nuts, but if you absolutely have to, and you say please...I will drop my balls into your mouth.
But only once...I don't want Hoosier, Pogo, Lem, Joe, and some of the others jumping on the bandwagon.
The local paper has now changed "tea bagger" to "tea partier" in the same link I posted above.
I apologize for not saving a screen shot.
Thanks, Cap Times, anyway.
@Irene: Very interesting and revealing. Reminiscent of CNN's flip.
@Meade I went to the site to see whether the paper had by chance published a story about last night's gathering.
There is no new story, but I was *stunned* to see the word changed in the original posting. This kind of "flip" doesn't seem proper in good journalism. At best, the paper should have admitted the error, apologized, and then posted a directed retraction.
You're right, Irene. I left a comment asking The Cap Times about it.
Thanks, Meade!
Wonder if lefty mothers speak to their children in the way the lefties on this blog write? Profanity and anger brewed with stupidity would explain a lot about the inability of lefties to express themselves without using homosexual slurs or other examples of bad breeding.
You're welcome, Irene, but I say - thank you.
@Meade: woof!
Michael said..."Wonder if lefty mothers speak to their children in the way the lefties on this blog write?"
Who's mother are you taling about, weenie?
George Washington's? Thomas Jefferson?
How about Ronnie Reagan?
Ohhh, you must mean...Glenn Beck's mommie.
Tea Baggers On Parade:
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's apologized on Wednesday for declaring April as "Confederate History Month," but failing to mention slavery anywhere in his proclamation.
"The proclamation issued by this Office designating April as Confederate History Month contained a major omission. The failure to include any reference to slavery was a mistake, and for that I apologize to any fellow Virginian who has been offended or disappointed," McDonnell said in a statement.
What slavery??
Challenge to our non-racist lefties: urge your children to join the black student union at their college.
Oooo Those are really some scarry looking violent radicals.
thanks for the pictures. Real people who care about their own lives.
thanks for the pictures. real people who care about their own lives
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