March 11, 2010
"Is there anything cooler than Al Franken at Netroots Nation?"
No, there is nothing cooler than Al Franken at Netroots Nation. It is absolutely the coolest thing known to mankind.
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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Is there anyone shorter?
Ann is being sarcastic.
The KOS kids love those Haaaarvaaaard grads. To bad they are so immature, vulgar, and puerile.
These people don't get out much.
The 150 year old dust in their college libraries has permanently affected their brains.
Pretty revealing, actually.
Anything cooler? That's the question they would ask.
Being a lefty is a fashion statement.
If people don't see NOW that politicians are the enemy, then I just don't know what to say.
Pick the guy who'll do the least damage. Don't idealize them, for godsake. That's not cynical, that's just realistic.
Thinking that some team is the "good guys" is what got us where we are today.
I'm wiping tears from my eyes. For this post, Althouse has already trumped her commenters.
Is the Netroots nation like the sweatlodge groupies contacting the higher and better destroyer spirits. These spirits all like to be called Al. Al-Gore Al-Franken and Al-lah.
Man, is that thing still going on? It sounds like going to a ska festival--"it just seemed so cool way back then."
Since Franken hasn't been cool for about 30 years, it says much about the Koslings.
Sad to say, Dennis Kucinich is also their idea of cool.
It'd be even cooler if he brought the ultra-cool Laraine Newman with him!
Is there anything cooler than Al Franken at Netroots Nation?
Oh I dunno-
Obama in Germany?
Obama with styrofoam Greek columns?
Al Gore with Bon Jovi?
This is just sad. I weep for my country. Seriously, I really do.
Fruitless search for bipartisanship. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Oh, God, I can't breathe
hahahahahahahahahahaha ...
The brushes with reality are so fucking funny.
"Is there anything cooler than Al Franken at Netroots Nation?"
Accordian lessons? The Lindy Hop? Open, weeping vaginal sores?
You can follow the "fruitless link" and find this at Huffington Post:
Certainly, the Vermont Independent was tossing red meat to the liberal crowd. A cadre of bloggers, talk show hosts and radio personalities at the forum repeatedly pressed the senators in attendance to be more aggressive at selling the Democratic agenda -- whether on television or in discussions with the White House.
Alongside Sanders, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) acknowledged that the President's commitments, specifically in regard to health care reform, had come up short.
I parsed as "is there anything cooler at Netroots Nation than Al Franken?"
And, even not knowing the speaker lineup, I can still say that statement is likely to be true.
If there anything cooler than AL Franken at Netroots Nation?
Not if you're from Minnesota (aka the clown state).
Wait, what about Jesse Ventura talking to Hugh Hefner?
Is there anything cooler than Al Franken at Netroots Nation?
If the fact that controlling the House the Senate and the White House among the tactics to pass the center piece legislation is to cannibalise your own...
Al Franken could be made to seem cool in comparison.
Al Faranken? Cool? I don't get it? Is it like a joke?
Franken's book Why Not Me? is fantastically funny, though. I encourage even the most conservative among you to give it a shot. I can't stand the man's politics, but he really does know humor.
Well, now it's time to declare that I'm actually now a citizen of Iowa even if living in the formerly USA State of Minnesota. Yeah, Harkin is a fool but then what else is new. Al Franken is short, an idiot, and has a bad temper, plus he's a fool, thus my citizenship switch to Iowa.
Can hardly wait until 2016 to vote out Franken. Of course, Franken might again attack someone he dislikes, which seems to be everyone other than his hero "O," and that someone will put FrankenIdiot down on the mat.
"Sad to say, Dennis Kucinich is also their idea of cool."
Actually in recent days there's been a Dennis backlash. He's an NO for health care. So he's been called the Nader of 2010. And, one of the liberal sites (TPM?) has calculated that he's only move three pieces of legislation in seven terms. One of the liberal sites called him the Ron Paul of the left, except at least when Paul doesn't get anything passed he's fulfilling his duty as a libertarian. [I thought that one was funny when I read it.]
Minnesota Senators:
A good enough start.
But then....
Oh yeah,
Governor Ventura.
Minnesota is a clown car.
True story: I was working for a woman who was speaking at a conference in 2003. Al Franken was at the same conference. He didn't like what my boss was saying so he threw a chair at her.
Hey, bodily injury! Coolest thing ever!
Pogo said...
Minnesota Senators:
McCarthy, Humphrey, Durenberger
A good enough start.
But then....
Dayton, Wellstone. Franken.
Oh yeah, Governor Ventura.
Minnesota is a clown car.
McCarthy, Humphrey were in a good enough start? They are kind of in the Wellstone class. And damn I still see an occasional Wellstone bumper sticker.
At least we had Rod Grams for 6 years. We are not total douchbags.
Credit where credit is due: Ventura's first couple of years were friggin' awesome, and his staff included quite a few really good people. Too bad the experience drove him 'round the bend...
As a useful thought experiment, imagine the Kossacks' reaction if they found a blog post titled "Is there anything cooler than Michelle Bachman at CPAC?" They really have no self-awareness at all, the poor dears.
Accordian lessons? The Lindy Hop? Open, weeping vaginal sores?
I cracked a rib laughing at that one!
Pogo, rdasher, & squid got it right. Even Jesse was great for two years, then he got a severe "Thin Skin" disease that's still haunting him.
Oh yeah, Grams and Rudy B. are right up there too. Also, scratch gutless Clean Gene McCarthy, although he did serve some purpose.
Still, if it weren't for Mpls and the Range, we'd have a pretty good state. OTBW: Got a way to build drinking fountains cheaper than $50K? Mpls might be interested as a money saving thingy!
"Fruitless search for bipartisanship."
I'm presuming that, in his usual inimitable style, should he find it Franken would grapple with bipartisanship and wrestle it to the ground while calling it a "big, fat idiot."
OMG! "muthas". serially. The Kossaks are a bunch of muthas. [I guess it could have been worse. It could have been "murthas". How cool would that be?]
The 'cool guy" was absolutely loathed by some truly cool guys- the original writers at SNL. Michael O'Donoghue was driven crazy just by the sight of Franken, who he rightly pegged as a self-centered hack.
Michael O'Donoghue was driven crazy just by the sight of Franken, who he rightly pegged as a self-centered hack.
*SIGH* I miss Mr. Mike... :(
WV: "futon" = what Al Franken's not smarter than.
Why yes, there is. Mickey Kaus announced; he is running for Barbara Boxer's senate seat.
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