March 11, 2010

The Hispanic rebellion.

Why not? When health care reform hangs on every single vote, why shouldn't every single Congressperson perk up and call attention to what he/she wants? Once there's a breach in the wall of silent cooperation, it's every congressperson for him/herself in the dash for individual goodies.

Is it okay if I stand back and watch... or heckle with stuff like: Don't you know 100 human beings are dying every day because of you?


I'm Full of Soup said...

Connect the dots folks.

The lead researcher, Dr. Himmelstein, was co-author of all the highly questionable reports put out with Elizabeth Warren. The reports claimed half of bankrupcties were due to big medical bills.

Do they believe in integrity at Harvard? Cause they seem to just make a lot of stuff up.

Salamandyr said...

I hope this gets on the evening news, as well as some play on the cable channels.

I'd really like the American people to know how a group of legislators is more loyal to the citizens of a foreign nation than they are to the people they represent.

Anonymous said...

What's really funny is that if health reform passes, and they stop those 45,000 deaths, then Democrats are only killing everyone else on the planet.

Do you have any idea how much CO2 and methane a live person emits into Gaia's atmosphere? Have they no shame, these planet-killers?

AGW, and Mr. Spock, demand that we let these people die. That the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

Anonymous said...

"Do they believe in integrity at Harvard?"

What they believe at Harvard is that their $40 billion endowment should never be taxed to pay for health care. They're determined to enact huge tax increases for everyone else in order to protect their pile of US dollars from taxation.

And that's the only thing they believe. It's pure unadulterated, unmitigated greed.

KCFleming said...

"The Senate language would prohibit illegal immigrants’ buying healthcare coverage from the proposed health exchanges. The House-passed bill isn’t as restrictive, but it does — like the Senate bill — bar illegal immigrants from receiving federal subsidies to buy health insurance."

The cost of caring for tens of millions of illegals is probably insignificant, right?

I mean, take Mexifornia for example. They're doing great!

Fred4Pres said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Does this mean a Nude Rahm Anew?

Henry said...

I think it's time for the Rhode Island delegation to man up and demand some special shell-fishing provisions. What's health care for, if not healthier quahogs?

Hoosier Daddy said...

The House-passed bill isn’t as restrictive, but it does — like the Senate bill — bar illegal immigrants from receiving federal subsidies to buy health insurance

Um...maybe one of the resident liberals can esplain to me why individuals who have broken our immigration laws are barred from receiving federal subsidies (translation: taxpayer moneies) is wrong?

I mean if Juan and Guadalupe want to spend their landscaping and seamstress earnings on health care that's fine with moi. Just don't ask me to help them pay for it. Otherwise they can leave and go through the legal process like my great grandparents did since they didn't have the luxury of being able to walk across the Atlantic.

Richard Dolan said...

The politics of O-care is interesting, but this story seems more fluff than substance. In order to get concessions, each of these groups in the House has to pose a credible threat of withholding their votes if their issue isn't dealt with. The fact that the House bill already contained restrictions that the Hispanic caucus says it didn't like, while the House bill also contained provisions that the Stupak anti-abortion group demanded (and that most House Dems didn't want), tells you who was perceived as credible in threatening to withhold support and who wasn't.

KCFleming said...

"tells you who was perceived as credible in threatening to withhold support and who wasn't"

Maybe the Hispanic Caucus figured they were in a weak position before, but now they hold the bill by the short hairs.

Timing is everything.
It's all Show me the money!! now anyway.

Hoosier Daddy said...

O/T well accordng to FOX News, Merlin Olsen has assumed room temperature. That's two this week. One more to go.

I return you all to your regularly scheduled rants.

Chip Ahoy said...

Yes! By all means, stand back and heckle away. We encourage it, and by 'we' I mean 'I'.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Mr Obama tear down this wall ;)

Scott M said...

From the article:

Illegal immigrants will, one way or another, need medical attention in the United States, and it would be cheaper and more humane to provide them coverage if they pay for it.

Anyone illegally in the country that shows up in an emergency room should get the very best health care we can give them, followed by the most humanly expedited deportation to their country of origin. If they come back, jail.

If they purchase health insurance with their own money, assuming it was legally earned in their country of origin and brought here or sent here by others "back there", no biggie. Otherwise, they should be deported and the employer paying them fined heavily. If they come back and are caught again...jail.

Honestly, I think the whole thing would be solved (sarcasm alert) if we just adopted a policy of holding an illegal immigrant to the same immigration standards as their home country. Have you seen some of the draconian statues the middle American countries have in place?

All in all, as the financial woes deepen, we simply cannot be expected to welcome the huddled masses right now. Maybe in the future, but Not.Right.Now.

Scott M said...

statues = statutes

hdhouse said...

AJ Lynch said...
The reports claimed half of bankrupcties were due to big medical bills.

Do they believe in integrity at Harvard? Cause they seem to just make a lot of stuff up."

honest to God AJ somedays you are such a fool. Look it up. It is a stat that has remained constant for about the last 3 years.

You are such a fool. Warren is reliable and honest. Something you don't seem to understand.

Hoosier Daddy said...

honest to God AJ somedays you are such a fool.

Unlike you were it's just a feature of your existance.

Hoosier Daddy said...

if the House passes the Senate bill, there will be unacceptable abortion language there for the pro-life Reps., and unacceptable immigration language there for the Hispanics. And no way to guarantee that that won't be the ultimate form of ObamaCare.

And maybe someone can esplain to me why a push to cover uninsured Americans turned into a bill that covers abortions and people who broke our immigration laws?

Maybe garage can let me know how these 'individual' portions of the bill poll among folks.

kent said...

Once there's a breach in the wall of silent cooperation, it's every congressperson for him/herself in the dash for individual goodies.

I can't pretend that I'm not enjoying the holy living hell out of this. ;)

I'm Full of Soup said...


The study concluded the cause of bankruptcy was due to medical bills if the person had bills as low as $1,000! I say that is statistical bias and the authors found exactly what they set out to do.

The study has been debunked by people who are way smarter than me. And Warren is not an economist- she is a far left lib law prof.

garage mahal said...

Maybe garage can let me know how these 'individual' portions of the bill poll among folks.

How do you poll things that aren't in a bill? Maybe Rasmussen.

Anonymous said...

And that's the only thing they believe. It's pure unadulterated, unmitigated greed.

Oh cum-on!

It isn't unadulterated unmitigated greed.

There's plenty of adultery among Harvard's elite.

And their greed is mitigated by cocktail circuit compassion for the little people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gimme-fest, indeed.

Also, the democrats want to pass this out of spite and hatred for all Republicans, independents and even democrats who are opposed.

It's all about the hate.

"Stick it to them" is what animates the authoritarian left.

Anonymous said...

"... she is a far left lib law prof."

She is a Harvard Law Professor. That is all you need to know.

Harvard University, and especially its law school, simply has no credibility. Until it establishes some credibility, its opinions are meaningless drivel and should be treated as such.

le Douanier said...

Did folks see that Dobbs was on BillO talking about how he predicted that immigration reform would be done w/in six months? And, he is for it. He's been talking to Schumer about how this can be done.

What's next: Aprio signs up too?

Hoosier Daddy said...

How do you poll things that aren't in a bill? Maybe Rasmussen.


le Douanier said...


le Douanier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"There's plenty of adultery among Harvard's elite."

The one unifying quality of everyone who attends Harvard University is the protection of Harvard University against any sort of taxation.

Harvard exists to enrich the elite of this country and to protect them. That is its mission.

It is the first set of buildings the Tea Partiers should defund when the time comes.

They have $40 billion lying around for anyone with the political balls to come steal it from them.

You could fund the Tea Party for a long time to come with that kind of dough.

chickelit said...

April said: "Stick it to them" is what animates the authoritarian left.

That's because this whole issue is driven by a vengeful President getting payback for what happened to his mother.

kentuckyliz said...

The American People will revolt if they are ordered to pay for free health care for illegal immigrants--and they will come by the millions for the free health care, extremely sick people with diseases we already eradicated in north america.

Bodies in the streets time.

The Dems don't care if lack of insurance kills 45,000 people a year. If they did, they'd have passed this a year ago and the benefits would begin immediately, not years from now. They will be responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people.


ricpic said...

No federal subsidies for illegal immigrants? Why, it's a scandal!

kentuckyliz said...

What happened to obama's mother? That racist bitch got what she deserved.

Penny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Query: What is the reason that the non-legal-immigrants who want to pay premiums cannot pay into the system? They get totally free services now. Inquiring minds want to know. That is like Florida deciding not to tax out of state visitors anymore by ending their sales tax and starting an income tax on themelves.

garage mahal said...

Is it okay if I stand back and watch... or heckle with stuff like: Don't you know 100 human beings are dying every day because of you?

Never let a good crisis go to waste!

victoria said...

You all do understand that we pay for the healthcare, at least in California, for the illegal immigrants now. I believe that the anger and hatred of the immigrants as expressed by Beck, O'reilly and (especially) Lou Dobbs is what fuels the anti-illegal debate. This will no be solved in the next 6 years, much less the next 6 months. These are angry, angry white men who believe that white men are being discriminated against by all minorities. They want the status quo of 30 years ago to be the law of the land. Can't hold back reality, boys. White men have sat on their keesters for the last 100 years thinking that, just because they are white, the world owes them a living. HA! Competition a little too much for you?

Whiney jack asses.

Vicki from pasadena

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

..for the illegal immigrants..

I have a problem with people calling illegal aliens "immigrants".

I sense a communication spin there.. a slight of hand an attempt at manipulation.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

By calling illegals 'immigrants' I sense an attempt at legitimising the illegals.

I'm just putting that out there.

I'm Full of Soup said...


The angst is against lawbreakers [illegals] and those elected officials [like George Bush] who refuse to enforce our immigration laws.

But feel free to believe what you like.

traditionalguy said...

Lem...We all know that illegals are the work force invited here during the booming economy from 1992 to 2006, and they are vulnerable to every powerful force since those who have no rights to be here cannot fight back. But money is money no matter where it comes from. The Check cashing services exist because the illegals cannot get bank accounts that work for them. They are the victims of criminals since they cannot call the police. The police also confiscate their cash as suspected drug money and no one cares that they are robbed that way. But if you want good work done, then hire one.

Anonymous said...

'What is the reason that the non-legal-immigrants who want to pay premiums cannot pay into the system? "

You know damn well what the reason is: it creates an infrastructure of official support.

It's the same reason why banks should not be allowed to sell mortgages to illegal immigrants: when they get deported that money is gone.

It's patently transparent why you want illegal immigrants to pay into the system: you want the system dependent on that income so that it becomes too costly to enforce our immigration laws.

And that's why Democrats are going to be removed from positions of influence in this country.

We can't trust you to enforce our laws.

We can't trust you to hold votes.

We can't trust you.

Anonymous said...

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!"

You know what our favorite pasttime is, Garage?

Beating you at your own fucking game.

Your guys picked the rules.

Now, we're going to fucking eviscerate you with them.

Jim said...

victoria is both a misandrist and racist. She characterizes all opposition as belonging to "white men" because in her blind hatred that's all she sees.

Evidently she's never been to a Tea Party and seen the racial diversity and women there who are opposed to giving away freebies to lawbreakers who are only in this country because people like victoria don't want to pay minimum wage for someone else to raise their children, pick their lettuce, mow their lawn, build and then clean their houses, process their food, etc.

So why victoria do you hate brown people so much that you would encourage them to break the law for your own sake? Why are you so selfish that you would exploit these people?

You should be ashamed of yourself you selfish racist.

Unknown said...

Depending on which estimate you like (34, 45, 52, or 57 million uninsured), at least 30 million would be uninsured if this mess is enacted. But we have to make sure all the illegals are covered.

AJ Lynch said...

Connect the dots folks.

The lead researcher, Dr. Himmelstein, ...

Is he any relation to Dr. Hackbush?

victoria said...

You all do understand that we pay for the healthcare, at least in California, for the illegal immigrants now.

That's why the state is sinking by the bow, finacially.

I believe that the anger and hatred of the immigrants as expressed by Beck, O'reilly and (especially) Lou Dobbs is what fuels the anti-illegal debate.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the millions of Americans (all races, I might add) who obey the law and are sick of seeing their tax dollars spent to curry favor with a group of people here illegally with the hope that, if they are ever given some kind of amnesty, they will help create RahmBO's Permanent Democrat Majority.

These are angry, angry white men who believe that white men are being discriminated against by all minorities. They want the status quo of 30 years ago to be the law of the land. Can't hold back reality, boys. White men have sat on their keesters for the last 100 years thinking that, just because they are white, the world owes them a living.

Pick up a history book, dear. The white men were the ones who didn't think the world owed them a living and, except for the closet Communists and salon Socialists, scorned those who did. They're the ones got off their behinds and built a nation that spanned a continent and created the greatest, most productive society in history.

Go back to Kos and tell him his talking points have a couple of holes in them.

le Douanier said...

New Ham,

Are you one of the folks who (according to Amazon) bought Goldberg's book and 'Rules for Radicals'?

Seems like your following the rule book.

BTW, as I type this a robo call is being recorded by my phone: "Do you consider yourself to be a Tea Party patriot?" And, then something about Palin.

I think many here would be surprised by the phone lists I'm on because of my previous political donations.

le Douanier said...



Skeptical Voter said...

I believe that Congressman Joe Wilson was roundly criticized when he yelled out "You lie" to Obama, shortly after Obama told Congress that health care for illegals was not in the bill. In fact it was, but was subsequently removed. Now it comes back in again.

If you draft a two thousand page plus pinata, everybody will want to put their particular goodies in. That's the way of the world.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Speaking of 2,000 page bils, I wonder how many pages the original Medicare bill was or the Social security bill?

Those bills treated every American and every state exactly the same so I bet the actual bills were shorter. The Obamacare bill, on the other hand, is written to treat people very diferently depending on their income, etc.

holdfast said...

The Dems / Hispanic Lobby have for years DELIBERATELY conflated legal and illegal immigrants, trying to make us believe that the only difference is a lack of of silly papers that probably got lost at the laundromat (hence, "undocumented workers"). Well guess what beeatches! It worked - but not like they intended - now a lot of folks thinks that "immigrant" is just a euphemism for "illegal immigrant" - thanks Dems and Hispanic Caucus for f*cking it up for those of us actually here legally who would like to become Americans one day.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I'd like to pay you to write my responses to Hdhouse.

sunsong said...

How many no votes can the Hispanic Caucus deliver? That's what interests me. I want this monstrosity of a bill killed. If the pro-lifers kill it - I will be forever grateful. If the Hispanic Caucus kills it - I will be forever grateful. If it is a combination with some cool blue dogs who want healthcare costs to go done - I will be forever grateful

Those who suggest they may vote no - have power. Let more and more dems seek that power :-)

traditionalguy said...

NewHam...That was a good answer. The illegals need to all go back home. But unless that is done, we need to deal with their presence. They are basically good people, predominantly Catholic, honest and easy to get along with. But that is no reason to show them any mercy. The GOP should just downsize its Tent and get rid of all the people that don't talk and act like us. You do need to realise that merciful people can also be conservatives and vote for the GOP's candidates. Or do you want them attacked too. The Tent will become a pup tent if we do.

Roger J. said...

"fuck off victoria"

DBQ--if you ever want to dump your hubby, sign me up!

women who understand math and business are the real hotties

Anonymous said...

"Are you one of the folks who (according to Amazon) bought Goldberg's book and 'Rules for Radicals'?"

No, I bought Goldberg's book, but I stole the Alinsky one. Can't be handing ammo to the enemy, after all.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trad Guy:
I say give the illegals some sort of permanent status [must be done within 12 months of law being passed] but they never become citizens. Ergo no path to citizenship for people who came her illegally.

However, I'd let their kids become citizens somehow and someway.

chickelit said...

@AJ The reason I keep harping on that hypothesis is because I lived the role: I studied abroad without American-based health insurance. Fortunately, I was able to buy into host country-based systems (I had a visa btw for the countries I lived in). More fortunately, nothing major ever happened to me abroad. But I would have never expected the US to foot the bills for anything that could have happened either.

The sad thing is that statistically, his mother was probably pretty bad off from the get go.
I also had a parent who passed away uncontrollably under circumstances which others thought were "somebody else's" fault.

We don't do death well in this country I'm afraid.

Scott M said...

The health care debacle is proof that "comprehensive" legislation is a myth. Those calling for comprehensive immigration reform should take that lesson and break their goals down into smaller, easily achievable goals, the first of which must be closing the avenue illegals use to get here in large numbers.

Any legislation on immigration that starts with getting rid of the anchor-baby concept permanently has my ear.

Anonymous said...

"I'm tired of working every day and getting the short end of the stick and being called a racist for objecting to being screwed over and insisting that the laws of this country be enforced instead of being gamed by special interests."

If you're in a position to do something subtle about it, do it.

One of the best ways to fight back is don't give them raises.

Give them poor reviews and fuck them over at work.

Hire conservatives. Promote conservatives. Give conservatives good reviews even if they're not that good of a worker.

Figure out who is who at work and use the tools at your disposal to make sure they never get power.

Nothing overt or obvious. Never let them even know that it's happening. You know, be subtle. Fuck them over in small, easily deniable ways.

Eventually, they'll be extinct.

jimbino said...

I'm a White, Hispanic American and I do not want gummint health care. I get free treatment in Brazil where I have a second home that I visit as a mere tourist.

Why the hell should Obama pretend to compel me to participate in health insurance and not deliver me either health care or prescription drugs during the 4 months I'm NOT IN THE USSA?

Scott M said...

Give them poor reviews and fuck them over at work.

Hire conservatives. Promote conservatives. Give conservatives good reviews even if they're not that good of a worker.

Figure out who is who at work and use the tools at your disposal to make sure they never get power.

Nothing overt or obvious. Never let them even know that it's happening. You know, be subtle. Fuck them over in small, easily deniable ways.

Eventually, they'll be extinct.

Thank you, Saul.

Scott M said...

Why the hell should Obama pretend to compel me to participate in health insurance and not deliver me either health care or prescription drugs during the 4 months I'm NOT IN THE USSA?

For roughly the same reason they claim it costs less than $1 trillion over ten years, but never mention that 4 of those years have no benefits at all and the overwhelming percentage of the costs aren't incurred until the 11th year.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I didn't mean you were harping on that idea. Just saying I recalled you said it once before and I agree it is a wound Obama carries but his wrath is aimed at the wrong target.

Anonymous said...

"You do need to realize that merciful people can also be conservatives and vote for the GOP's candidates. Or do you want them attacked too."

I do not want GOP power earned on the backs of these slaves.

Illegal immigrants are used as slaves in the United States. The use of this slave labor undercuts the earning power of all other Americans and hurts my family and your family.

Illegal immigrants cannot receive legal protection. Not enforcing our immigration laws creates a flow of cheap labor into the coutnry and if you support illegal immigration then you are the worst sort of racist and I have nothing but disrespect for you.

You're hurting my family and my neighbor's family and we built this fucking country.

You're part of the problem of enduring slavery in the world if you support illegal immigrants.

I want our laws enforced not because I'm heartless but because we are a nation of laws, and not of men.

You want a nation of men where people can be exploited as slaves. Under the guise of compassion.

You're transparent and false and I do not support you or any political party that agitates for this sort of a system.

Anonymous said...

"Thank you, Saul."

This is precisely the model that is in force in our schools and colleges and Universities and other lefty institutions of power.

Conservatives are demonized, marginalized, demoted and fucked over and pushed out.

It's high time we fought back.

I'm for the proposition that my enemy decides the rules of engagement. They get to decide what the rules are.

But then we play the fucking game.

Liberals have established the rules and it's high time we fucking crush them with their own rules.

Scott M said...

This is precisely the model that is in force in our schools and colleges and Universities and other lefty institutions of power. Conservatives are demonized, marginalized, demoted and fucked over and pushed out. It's high time we fought back. I'm for the proposition that my enemy decides the rules of engagement. They get to decide what the rules are. But then we play the fucking game. Liberals have established the rules and it's high time we fucking crush them with their own rules.

We're winning by not stooping to this level right now. While definitely engaged, the conservatives are placing unprecedented amount of popular pressure on the left and, in answer, they are slowly destroying themselves because they don't know how do deal with it.

I'm not naive enough to believe that a Lancelot would always win the day in the trenches of American politics, but Patton would and he'd do it without resorting to base tactics like you proposed.

The truth, combined with strength, conviction and the will to win will beat Saul's manifesto in the end. Our society will be the better for it.

kent said...

We can't trust you to enforce our laws.

We can't trust you to hold votes.

We can't trust you.

Seriously, this would make for an absolutely KILLER campaign ad. ;)

WV: "dishoe" = rejected working title for Joy Behar's MSNBC show.

Anonymous said...

"The truth, combined with strength, conviction and the will to win will beat Saul's manifesto in the end. "

It hasn't thusfar, as evidenced by how far the left has pushed the country using their tactics.

Thug tactics work, dude. Read Alinsky.

They've taken over the media, government, the church, the PC military, every educational institution.

In a moment they'll take over the health care system without even fucking holding a vote.

The Chicago Way. Can't lose if you don't vote.

As noble as your assertions are, they're not borne out by a simple review of the facts.

And your approach is going to lead the country into a civil war.

Scott M said...

Where have you been for the past 10 months?

Scott M said...

They've taken over the media, government, the church, the PC military, every educational institution.

...and then you jumped the shark. "the church" lol, WHICH church? There is no "the" church. "the PC military" - have you ever served? The left don't even understand the military let alone "have" it. "every educational (is that a word?) institution" - there are plenty of school boards around the country that don't square with those on the coasts or inside the major cities.

traditionalguy said...

NewHam...The poor we will always have with us, and we can do them good if we want to. In the property less class the whites and the blacks and the illegals easily become wage slaves. That is part of life. But we need each others respect to unite and to defeat the internationalist Dems and the cunning Obama which have us 90% defeated already. They call immigration issues wedge issues because they split the votes. The GOP needs a common sense plan to deal with the illegal immigrants. Just to smash them all and piss down their necks is not the plan we need. That GOP plan will re-elect Obama.

Phil 314 said...

This is beginning to sound like The Spanish Inquisition (See here)
Our main goal is to cover the uninsured.......
Our TWO main goals are to cover the uninsured and regulate health insurance companies.......

among our goals are to cover the uninsured, regulate health companies and address the inequities in immigration policy

Anonymous said...

"The GOP needs a common sense plan to deal with the illegal immigrants."

Here's how we can come together: You come over my way and agree that we enforce our laws first. Build up a fence to stop any more coming over first. Then, start putting employers who hire illegal immigrants in jail where they belong.

That's common sense. That will solve the problem for us.

If you come over, we'll be sharing common ground. Once all that's done, we can discuss whatever else you want to discuss about this issue.

If you want to share common ground, then come on over.

Kirby Olson said...

The bill should cover all Mexicans, even those who aren't in America, just in case they want to move here. Then they will be covered in case they want to use our hospitals.

We should also cover all Chinese, and all members of Al Qaeda, for the same reason. If a member of Al Qaeda were to attempt to blow something up, but only blew off their own leg, they would need medical coverage, and it's cheaper to have the leg covered, than to have to put them through an emergency room visit.

Heck, just cover the whole world.

Some of these people might vote Democratic, if we do.

traditionalguy said...

NewHam...That's a deal. Putting up a border fence is a necessary part of enforcing our laws or the employers would just replace all of the deported people with new ones. If the economy is not stabilised soon, the fence's use will be to keep them here. So now is the time to build it using the money the Dems plan for us to spend on windmills. So let's go win an election.

Anonymous said...

"The left don't even understand the military let alone "have" it. "every educational (is that a word?) institution"

The church they took over is the Catholic Church, where they've been raping kids for 30 years.

The military they took over is about to rescind DADT so the ones kicked out of the church have themselves a new home where they can promote the next Maj. Nidal Hasan.

I mean, how many more dead bodies do you need to see lying on the ground before you're willing to fucking fight back against this socialist PC bullshit, dude?

How many dead soldiers before you're willing to admit maybe the left is behind your wire?

Scott M said...

Here's how we can come together: You come over my way and agree that we enforce our laws first. Build up a fence to stop any more coming over first. Then, start putting employers who hire illegal immigrants in jail where they belong.

That's common sense. That will solve the problem for us.

If you come over, we'll be sharing common ground. Once all that's done, we can discuss whatever else you want to discuss about this issue.

If you want to share common ground, then come on over.

You forgot anchor babies. None of what you just mentioned will get you much dissent from anyone serious about illegal immigration.

My main problem with your contentions earlier was that it occurred to me that if your was is what it takes to save the system, the system might not be worth saving.

Scott M said...

"your was" = your way

lol, damned typing fail

le Douanier said...


That you used the word 'Democratic' instead of 'Democrat' is interesting. The political politeness mixed in w/ some serious hyperbole was unexpected. Maybe you didn't know you could add an extra, subtle, jab w/ the 'Democrat' term.

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"You forgot anchor babies. None of what you just mentioned will get you much dissent from anyone serious about illegal immigration."


John "I'll build the goddamn fence if that's what they want me to do" McCain would probably not agree.

Republicans in the border states have a lot of pressure to allow illegal workers into the country because some folks are getting massively rich on the slave labor.

All they're doing with that stance is ensuring a permanent Democrat majority. "McCain Republicans" cannot win. McCain proved that and he paved the way for Barack Obama.

Got no more use for those types of Republicans. They're failures.

We don't need to deport anyone. We need to very publicly jail some CEOs of companies that are bringing in these slaves and slam their shareholders with fines.

That - and build the God damned fence, John.

Because they still haven't built the fence yet.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Illegal immigrants are used as slaves in the United States. The use of this slave labor undercuts the earning power of all other Americans and hurts my family and your family.

Illegal immigrants cannot receive legal protection. Not enforcing our immigration laws creates a flow of cheap labor into the coutnry and if you support illegal immigration then you are the worst sort of racist and I have nothing but disrespect for you.

You're hurting my family and my neighbor's family and we built this fucking country.

You're part of the problem of enduring slavery in the world if you support illegal immigrants.

This part of the rant, I agree with. Illegal immigration and having a huge underclass of people that are able to be exploited, abused and who are fearful of getting any protection because they are under the radar is a situation that just begs for abuse.

The illegals are mistreated and afraid to get help.

The illegals undercut the wages and living standards of legal TAXPAYING citizens. Citizens who pay their taxes, buy insurance, pay the fees and licenses to work and who are not able to compete with those who don't and won't.

One set of laws for the law abiding and no consequences for the law breaking. In fact....rewards for breaking the law. Someone 'splain to me why I should obey the laws.

The Democrats don't really give a rat's ass about the illegals, about their quality of living or anything other than the want to get their votes so the Democrats can stay in power.

It is all about power and money and not about people.

chickelit said...

Someone 'splain to me why I should obey the laws.

Because you're a better person than they are--that's why DBQ.

Gahrie said...

The poor we will always have with us,

The main reason this is true is because we keep changing the definition of "poor" upward.

The main health problem facing America's poor today is obesity.

The average poor person in America today has HD TV, an ipod, a cellphone, a car, electricity, air conditioning...etc.

Their children have $200 sneakers, ipods, cell phones, computers and game consoles. They throw out most of the free breakfast and lunch you and I are buying them and buy cheetos instead.

Chennaul said...

Thursday afternoon:

Reid's wife, Landra, 69, broke her back and neck in the accident, Reid spokesman Jim Manley said.

She and the couple's adult daughter, Lana, were being treated at Inova Fairfax Hospital in suburban Virginia. Neither woman's injuries appeared to be life-threatening, Manley said.

''While driving on a Washington, D.C., highway, their vehicle was rear-ended by a semi-truck,'' Manley said in a statement.

''Mrs. Reid has a broken nose, broken back and broken neck. Lana has a neck injury and facial lacerations. Both Mrs. Reid and Lana are conscious, can feel their extremities, and according to doctors their injuries are non-life threatening,'' Manley said. ''Sen. Reid has been to the hospital and appreciates the support he and his family are receiving from Nevadans and his colleagues in the Senate.''

Reid later returned to Capitol Hill, where he was meeting with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on efforts to pass health care legislation. He planned to return to the hospital after the meeting, Manley said.


Peter V. Bella said...

Why not just hold out until he gives every illegal alien, exqueeze me, undocumented Democrat, amnesty and full citizenship.

I wish they would stop the numbers lie. 100 humans dying each day, 30 million to 50 million people without health care, all the rest of their numbers. These numbers are as fake as their bill.

No one believes them. No one cares either. Except far left entitlement freaks.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chennaul said...

They should be taken seriously-they are going to do everything possible to pass this Health Care Bill.

No one should take it for granted that the Senate Parliamentarian's ruling on this is going to stop them.

The findings of the Parliamentarian are non-binding and can be overruled by Biden or any other Democrat acting as the Senate President. (or at least that is what some Liberal pundits claim.)

The Parliamentarian is hired by the majority party and can be fired by them. It has happened twice before.

One way for this to pass is for Republicans to keep believing that something procedural will stop the Democrats. That causes those opposed to this bill to stop calling their representatives.

Republicans have to be prepared for the worst case scenario, in order to win this.

Peter V. Bella said...

Since Obama has a big, bold, comprehensive agenda, along with the progressives bigger, bolder, more comprehensive agenda, why not just wrap up the whole thing in the health care bill.

AGW, immigration, cap and trade, daily mandatory conversations on race, taxing the middle class to poverty, putting all the poor on welfare and other entitlement programs, free college tuition for all, genocide of senior citizens, increasing the power of government, suspending the constitution, making PC the law of the land and criminalizing all speech that is not PC, and whatever other insane things they have.

Get the whole shebang over at one time. They can call it the Obama legacy bill for the promotion of HiStory.

Peter V. Bella said...

They left out pet health insurance. Pet health insurance is way more important than insuring illegal aliens. Hundreds of pets die each day because they are uninsured. Millions more are gassed each year because there is no insurance.Hundreds of thousands are released into the wild to die because of lack of insurance.

Animals have rights too. This bill should not pass unless every pet in the land gets federally subsidized free health care. On moral grounds, neutering will not be covered as it is genital mutilation.

Kirby Olson said...


I didn't know I could up the ante without the -ic.

I just find the whole left so funny right now. They are a coalition of competing factions -- the gays and the blacks have almost nothing in common, the women, another group, the Hispanics, the Louisianans, it's so funny to watch Obama try to keep his coalition together as they all ask for extras, and favors, and handouts, which is seemingly the basis of the Democratic side. The whole pork thing.

Oh, and you have to make a nod to the vegetarians.

Republicans just have two teams -- the fiscal conservatives and the evangelics. (I left out the -al part.)

le Douanier said...


Just like some Ds care about the 'ic', I thought Rs cared about all three legs of their proverbial stool.

It seems like you're missing one.

economic stuff, family values stuff, and military stuff

Of course, Rudy did have a two legged stool (military and economic) in the primaries so your two legged stool seems like a potentially viable reality--although, Rudy did go down in flames.

setnaffa said...

More than 2000 people per day are killed by mosquito-borne illnesses because of Rachel Carson and her misguided campaign to ban DDT.

Milwaukee said...

DBQ: I expect you obey the law because you are a person of integrity.

Victoria: You disrespect men because ... I don't know what your issue is. I'm sure there are plenty of problems you would be happy to have men solve for you: a backed up toilet, or the car that won't start on a dark rainy night, or anyone of a number of dirty dangerous jobs. Men and women are so different on such fundamental levels, each with their strengths and liabilities. Men: black, white, brown, yellow and other colors, built this country by bending their backs and sweating hard. Our food industry is at risk because of a shortage of vets. Female vets mostly want to be "personal companion" vets, for house pets. Male vets will don the gloves that fit up to their armpits, and then stick their arms the full length of the glove, up some unimaginable animal body part to care for the food we eat. Women won't do that.

We need immigration reform for so many reasons. Citizens of this country aren't getting jobs because of illegal immigrants. Yet those people are exposed to abuses because of their illegal status. Their being exploited should be a shame for all of us. Our citizens being unemployed because of them should be a shame for all of us.

Whatever we do, we need to be mindful that the immigration problem includes how we handle well educated immigrants, and those besides the "Hispanics". The Chinese and Middle-Easterns would also like to be immigrants. Why is it that a person is only a "Hispanic" north of the Rio Grande? South of that river, no one is Hispanic.

Bruce Hayden said...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's wife and daughter were hospitalized Thursday -- the wife with a broken back and neck -- after their minivan was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer truck on an interstate highway in suburban Virginia, authorities said.

If the good Senator is looking for an excuse to bail from a likely futile campaign for reelection, this is it. I think that goes against his basic nature as a fighter (and former boxer). Right now, his chances of reelection appear very low.

I am less confident than the NYT is that his wife is going to be ok. Rather, with a broken back and neck, I would not be surprised if she won't face a significant amount of pain throughout the remainder of her life. We shall see. My SO's travails started just this way (without the broken nose), and proceeded ultimately to innumerable surgeries and an expectation of life time chronic pain management.

Bruce Hayden said...

I should add that I wish his wife, daughter, him, and the rest of his family the best of luck.

kent said...

"[...] angry, angry white men [...] white men [...] White men have sat on their keesters [sic] [...] just because they are white [...]"

Twitching, frothing, bug-eyed mania...? You're soaking in it.

Brian J. Dunn said...

Please. The study under-estimates the problem. I'm confident in saying that 100% of people without insurance die. Of course, this is statistically no different than the 100% of people with insurance who die, but no matter--if trillions of dollars will save even one of those doomed people, I say it must be worth it!

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