December 16, 2009

That prick muttered something under his breath.

It's not like he called her a "bitch" to her face.


MadisonMan said...

Rules are for the little people.

Scott M said...


I don't think we can have it both ways. We can't bitch about private jets and then slam them for flying commercial.

Yes, they should act as if they're always behind a mic or under a microscope, but in this case I think we can cut the guy some slack.

Scott M said...

Dammit...MM beat me to it with his much more pithy comment.

veni vidi vici said...

Shame these swine never lose in their slavishly devoted electoral districts/states.

Instead, they go on to become the next "eminence greaze" [sic] of that "august deliberative body" in DC.

DC = "douche colony", in case anyone was wondering.

wv: "antrudg" -- the long march of the ants.

TWM said...

This story would have had a happier ending had he refused to turn it off and then been thrown off the plane.

Maybe next time.

Big Mike said...

I don't care for Schumer one teensy bit, but as I understand it the cell phone prohibition starts when the doors on the aircraft are closed. Against that, thanks to him and his fellow politicians it is now a federal crime to talk back to a stewardess.

For a similar story about flight attendants overstepping go here.

Roger J. said...

Madison Man nails it, of course.

That said, we need to be on the rules. Schumer is indeed an egregious asshole, but rules are rules. The Door Rule seems to be pretty straight forward.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Actually Schumer and Gillibrand have since recanted their original story and said they were practicing their version of Hall and Oats’ classic song Rich Girl and that they were just misheard.

In other news, President Obama is working with legislators on issuing tax credits for re-insulating homes in hopes of bringing sexy back.

LouisAntoine said...

"According to a House Republican aide who happened to be seated nearby"

Politico Click, Althouse, and an anonymous Republican aide. What a great team.

robinintn said...

Why would he have had his aide issue even the half-assed apology if the source had been lying?

Wince said...

While I think we should all be entitled to our own mutters, this caught my eye.

He said he was entitled to keep his phone on until the cabin door was closed. The flight attendant said he was obliged to turn it off whenever a flight attendant asked.

“He argued with her about the rule,” the source said. “She said she doesn’t make the rules, she just follows them.”

Ha, Shumie, how does it feel to be on the receiving end of an "activist" flight attendant?

Like one of your favored nominees to the bench who will turn around and tell you she ain't when called to testify before your Judiciary Committee!

traditionalguy said...

It appears that Schumer was a normal stressed traveler. So what? The DemonRats are very stressed as their election prospects in 2010 seem to push a window for all that they can steal into a shortened 12 months. Did you ever watch "Super Market Sweep" in the 1950s? The Dem leadership is frantic now to sweep off our shelves the most that their carts can carry.

David Walser said...

Yes, they should act as if they're always behind a mic or under a microscope, but in this case I think we can cut the guy some slack.

No! If the story has been accurately reported (a big if), Schumer was told the flight was being held up until he got off the phone. He still wanted to keep talking -- making everyone else wait. That's rude on a huge scale. The fact he wasn't on camera lets us assume this is his "real self" and not his "public self" on display. The public has every right to take such a display of rudeness into account in judging the man.

And, no, the "door's not closed therefore I don't have to hang up the phone" excuse doesn't carry any weight. First, it appears the flight crew felt it shouldn't close the door until everyone had turned off their phones. He could have yammered on for another fifeteen minutes and the door would still have been open because he was still on the phone.

Second, its federal law that passengers promptly comply with flight crew instructions. Even if the flight crew has interpreted safety regulations a little more strictly than might be required, passengers still are obliged to follow those instructions -- not debate with the flight crew! Schumer was one of those who put those obligations onto the rest of us and he had, if anything, an even greater moral responsibility to promptly comply with the flight attendant's request he turn off his phone.

Synova said...

I don't see anywhere where it says that the cabin door was open.

vbspurs said...

Last night, I watched my first Alphabet Network show in 10 years (The Good Wife, on CBS). The show's premise was that a Judge, a long-time vociferous Democrat, was being racist towards blacks in his rulings. One of the characters, a black man, challenged someone who suggested his political leanings confirm he's innocence: "Because Democrats can't be racist, right?".

So today I'll paraphrase the statement to:

"Because Democrats can't be sexist, right?"


Anonymous said...

"This story would have had a happier ending had he refused to turn it off and then been thrown off the plane."

Interfering with a flight crew is a felony. He should have been arrested.

Shumer is like most Democrats - he's a douchebag.

vbspurs said...

Of course, after MadisonMan won the thread immediately, there is nothing more to wonder about other than the contents cooked up by Rep. Rob Dreier of California.

Dreier cooked an “egg thing”

An egg THING.


Scott M said...


That's actually a good point and I had forgotten that part of it. It certainly smacks of elitism, but hey, these are the Democrats we're talking about...the same party with electoral delegate (ie, party royalty) and rules made to be broken (Michican and Florida delegates) as long as they get what they want.

Kirk Parker said...

"This story would have had a happier ending had he refused to turn it off and then been thrown off the plane."

After reaching cruising altitude, you forgot to add...

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

Schumer was told the flight was being held up until he got off the phone. He still wanted to keep talking -- making everyone else wait. That's rude on a huge scale. The fact he wasn't on camera lets us assume this is his "real self" and not his "public self" on display.

David, you know full well that Democrats like Schumer are trying to save the world. A world that is ignorant and hidebound with their little rules preventing heroes like Chuck Schumer from taking a call about HEALTH CARE REFORM.

Rewind to July 2008, and hear what Nancy Pelosi said about refusing to let a bill about ANWR exploration to go ahead:

Explaining to Politico why she refuses to allow the U.S. to tap the combined 30 billion estimated barrels of oil in the two regions, Pelosi said: “I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet.“



rhhardin said...

Sotto voce remarks should always be ignored.

That's why they're sotto voce.

He's saying to himself that his cooperation is not to be relied upon, while at the same time cooperating.

His place in the system is not what the system defines it as, is all. That's the universal human condition.

Jimmy Carter's CAB appointee Elizabeth Bailey got into a tiff with an Eastern Airlines stewardess concerning smoking areas and seating. That kept the plane on the ground in Newark for 40 minutes.

The stewardess later claimed to have called her a witch, not a bitch.

Roger J. said...

Monty: having trouble with you point. Please explain this: “The senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath that he shouldn’t have made, and he regrets it,” Schumer spokesman Brian Fallon told Shenanigans." This is a misquote? why would the senator's spokesperson issue an apology? Was that just a fabrication? or are you just an idiot.

bearbee said...

Senator Schmucker is worthy of his name.

Anonymous said...

“It’s Harry Reid calling,” the source quoted Schumer as saying. “I guess health care will have to wait until we land.”

No! This plane is not taking off until we get this thing settled for once and for all. I'm serious, people.

Anonymous said...

Victoria said: "So today I'll paraphrase the statement to:

"Because Democrats can't be sexist, right?'"

Based on actions of late, I'm pretty happy if sexism is the worst we see from the left. Usually it's pure mysogyny.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, "misogyny."
Sometimes my fingers go faster than that part of my brain that checks spelling.

former law student said...

This is not the first evidence that Schumer is not a big lovable sweetheart.

Reportedly, the Congresscritter who receives the best treatment on the airlines is Rep. J.L. Oberstar, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure committee.

vbspurs said...

Senator Schmucker is worthy of his name.

And yet further proof that schmucks often get ahead, and in fact, are wildly successful people.

It's one of those fairy tale / morality tale canards that assholes are losers who the world rejects. They may eventually, but the amount of powerful or influential people who are assholes would fill their own continent.

garage mahal said...

The NRSC is so pathetic they're trying to spin this on.....Gillibrand ...because....she was sitting right next to Schumer!

"Politico! Here, fetch boy. Fetch!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

“It’s Harry Reid calling,” the source quoted Schumer as saying. “I guess health care will have to wait until we land.”

Woooheee good thing I wasn't the stewardess or flight attendant at the time.

My answer would be "Damned right it can wait. In fact it can wait until you effing bozos start listening to the public on what WE want and quit trying to spend us into oblivion. Now hang up your effing phone dick head."

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

There was a rumor before the election that Shumer would be the Secretary of Defense and John Kerry Secretary of State. I freaked out.

It could have been worse.

vbspurs said...

My answer would be "Damned right it can wait. In fact it can wait until you effing bozos start listening to the public on what WE want and quit trying to spend us into oblivion. Now hang up your effing phone dick head."

Chances are, DBQ, that Chuck would've escalated it to the c-word.

Big Mike said...

@Synova, Schumer himself claimed that the cabin door was still open.

Which leads to a bunch of questions. Was he correct? Or was it closed? Or, very interesting possibility, had it been closed and then reopened in preparation for throwing him off the flight?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Chances are, DBQ, that Chuck would've escalated it to the c-word.

LOL... My first husband was career navy...I can escalate my swearing to a pretty high level if I feel like it. You know, swearing like a sailor.

Of course then, I would, as the hypothetical flight attendant, be looking for a new job. So in reality, I would just grit my teeth and spit into his drink.

Unknown said...

Montagne Montaigne said...

"According to a House Republican aide who happened to be seated nearby"

Politico Click, Althouse, and an anonymous Republican aide. What a great team.

Reverse the parties and Montagne (and garage) would find it entirely credible and start their comments, "Ha Ha Ha..."

traditionalguy said...

It appears that Schumer was a normal stressed traveler. So what? The DemonRats are very stressed as their election prospects in 2010 seem to push a window for all that they can steal into a shortened 12 months.

Chuckie is safe, but he won't be one of the kings of Capitol Hill, getting everything he wants for very long. It's rough facing Gotterdammerung.

rhhardin said...

Sotto voce remarks should always be ignored.

That's why they're sotto voce.

The cute part of this is that it has never applied to Republicans/conservatives; anything off the cuff or accidentally on mike was an instant career ender. Now the Lefties are getting nailed on a regular basis. This won't happen to Chuck, but it shows even he appreciates the wolves are at the door.

I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the morning.

Ralph L said...

I saw on TV last night that the new 787 has electronic window screens. Will they be able to cut off all cell calls without asking?

EDITOR'S NOTE: This corrects an earlier version that misspelled US Airways CEO Doug Parker's name.
That is a tough one to spell.

Joe said...

That's Mr. Dickhead to you, DBQ.

Bruce Hayden said...

Chuckie is safe, but he won't be one of the kings of Capitol Hill, getting everything he wants for very long. It's rough facing Gotterdammerung.

What is scary to me is that he may just become one of the kings of Capital Hill.

I read a day or two ago that if Harry Reid loses his reelection bit, which he would if the election were today, then Schumer is one of the two most likely to get the Majority (or Minority) leader position.

He is scary because he is far more articulate than Reid, and, I think much more effective. Reid doesn't seem to be able to hold his caucus together, and Schumer I think could effectively browbeat them into line. For me, he is probably the scariest Democrat in the Senate, from the point of view of potential effectiveness.

And, indeed, his potential ascension to Harry Reid's position is the only reason that I might even consider not voting against the later in 11 months.

Joe said...

Excuse me, Senator Dickhead. Must get those titles right.

Bruce Hayden said...

I do find the cell phone issue in general quite humorous. Every once in awhile, I get into it with flight attendants. I suggest that the reason for the ban on cell phones in flight, as well as the requirement to turn everything else electrical off while taking off and landing, is ridiculous. They claim safety. I point out that the frequencies are wrong, and that the IEEE has repeatedly found no chance of safety issues, and that the real reason is interference with cellular towers - a phone traveling at airplane speed travels too fast to be effectively switched between towers. They respond that planes have almost gone down as a result. I don't respond, but I should, that I forget to turn off my Blackberry about 1/4 of the time any more, and am still alive, despite flying maybe 60 times a year.

It is a losing argument, because the FAA sets the rules, and the airlines don't have a choice. And if the EPA can get away with classifying our routine exhalations as air pollution, then this rule is far less arbitrary and capricious.

KCFleming said...

Thanks to the hyper-regulatory state, nearly every aspect of American existence is becoming arbitrary and capricious.

Under the thumb of minor unelected officials, certain people have authority that supersedes all Constitutional guarantees.

Flight attendants, dog catchers, "random" mass roadside drunk testing stations, child protective services, and IRS agents can completely screw you over on a whim.

Sen. Schumer is a putz, but that's not news.

Our freedoms are gone.
Maybe that's not news either.

traditionalguy said...

The Stewardess needs a digital camera on their head mounted like the Cops shows have dashboard cams, and then the videos will appear on U-tube and the Political Boss Hogs will have to be more polite.

Eric said...

The people for whom I feel sorry are the Great Man's staffers, who have probably been put into super-deferential mode to rebuild his (only slightly) diminished self esteem brought about this FA's effrontery.

Synova said...

With the last brouhaha concerning Muslims being harassed on aircraft and the charge that they were acting oddly on purpose just to get a rise out of people so they could claim mistreatment; someone suggested that airplanes ought to have cameras in the cabins.

It might be a good idea, really. It's not as though any of the people shoved in there elbow to elbow will be giving up privacy or something.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I suggest that the reason for the ban on cell phones in flight, as well as the requirement to turn everything else electrical off while taking off and landing, is ridiculous

I like the ban on cell phones and wish it would extend throughout the entire flight so people will shut up. There is no need to forcibly share with a group of people packed like sardines the icky details of your boring life.

Wonder just how much spit and snotburgers people like Schumer have unwittingly eaten in their lives. Tip: don't piss of the people who work at Taco Bell.

MadisonMan said...

Bruce, you can't argue when they say, in effect, It's Policy. Facts go out the window when policy is invoked.

Big Mike said...

@Bruce, I don't want to be on the first airliner to crash because some idiot was using his or her cell phone, and I can't imagine you would want to be on that airliner either.

You can live without your cell phone for a few hours.

KCFleming said...

"It's Policy."

Freedom's death by a thousand cuts.

jeff said...

"I don't think we can have it both ways. We can't bitch about private jets and then slam them for flying commercial."
Might want to go back and re-read this. NO ONE is slamming him for flying commercial.

"It is a losing argument, because the FAA sets the rules, and the airlines don't have a choice. And if the EPA can get away with classifying our routine exhalations as air pollution, then this rule is far less arbitrary and capricious."
Then why do you have this argument with flight attendants who have no choice but to enforce these rules? Really, why browbeat someone who has no control over this? Of course it's stupid. Most of the TSA security is stupid.
I drive a lot.

Anonymous said...

Bruce said: "I do find the cell phone issue in general quite humorous. Every once in awhile, I get into it with flight attendants. I suggest..."

Bruce, the flight attendants have no say in these rules. It's like arguing with the waitress about some food product not being approved by the FDA. If you don't like it, write your congressperson or something; don't be a jerk about it to people who can't change things.

Believe me, the flight attendant is not impressed by your superior knowledge about cell towers and frequencies, and the people around you do not think you're a big man because you can be a nag to a person in a service position.


Pete said...

What's wrong with muttering the word bitch under your breath? He wasn't acting in any official capacity. I have no problem with that.

vbspurs said...

What's wrong with muttering the word bitch under your breath? He wasn't acting in any official capacity. I have no problem with that.

Trust me, you would if you were a woman. Or maybe not. A lot of women are used to being abused by the men around them and think nothing of it.

Not me though. If a man wants to utter misogynist epithets to me, I can make him look like the jerk he is, easily.


Anonymous said...

The transmit and receive frequencies might be different and not pose a problem. But, who knows what IF frequencies are used in these devices and what harmonics of these frequencies might generated?

It's true that most devices are tested to restrict spurious radiation to some harmless level. But, again, who knows how many times the thing has been dropped or stepped on and whether the case shielding is still doing its job?

And who knows whether something in the avionics hasn't developed a yet undetected acute sensitivity to local radiation on certain frequencies?

As an instrument pilot and ex-avionics tech, getting up and away, or back on the ground with the gizmos off just makes sense.

chickelit said...

Hello mutter,
hello fodder!

Words to live by for the content-hungry blogger

Jim Hu said...

Please, people. Shumer is not a schmuck. He's a putzhead

Nichevo said...

Blogger Pogo said...

"It's Policy."

Freedom's death by a thousand cuts.
12/16/09 4:38 PM

C'mon, policy is great. How else can a $30k/year sky waitress ;> tell a US Senator to go fuck himself?

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