December 16, 2009

Is this really still something that we should give a damn about?

I'm only linking to Memeorandum for this as a way to say I don't give a damn anymore.


AllenS said...

IIRC, I was the person of the year in 2006. So many awards so little time.

WV: splater

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The man that presided over the worst banking disaster since the savings and loans fiasco?

oh wait Obama got a Novel .. sure give it to him.

Jason (the commenter) said...

These "people of the year" "album of the year" "movie of the decade" lists from general news publications are pretty much pointless. Anyone who's paid attention probably has their own opinion and the "average reader" they appeal to just doesn't exist anymore.

But then, I have no idea why anyone would purchase a magazine like Time anyway. If anyone still has a subscription to it, please explain why. I'd like to know!

bearbee said...

Yes For when the economy finally tanks and wheelbarrows of dollars will be needed to buy a quart of milk, the sitting duck will be helicopter Ben Bernanke.

WV: lautse - it's how all of us will feel next year.

John Stodder said...

I love looking at the array of Time Men/Women of the Year from past decades. It started to get silly about 20 years ago when Time named the Earth "planet of the year," so I haven't cared since then. Bernanke is a classic choice, however, much more like Harlow W. Curtice (1955) or Owen Young (1929) than like "Young People" (1966) or "The Computer" (1982).

Here's the array of Time covers:,31813,1681791,00.html I like the graphic art style of the first 30 years or so. If they brought that style back, ?????, profits!

traditionalguy said...

The person of the year is clearly Bernie who Madoff with others financial assets from 30 years hard work.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Russell Kramer - I was Time Magazine's Man of the Year.

Matt Douglas - So was Hitler.

Russell Kramer -Not twice.

My Fellow Americans, 1996

MadisonMan said...

Only give a damn if you're a stockholder and this increases Time's circulation. Not so much otherwise.

Joseph said...

I think it deserves less attention than the Nobel prizes (except that those come with money), which in turn deserve less attention than the Oscars (which are at least awarded by people within the industry), but I don't think any of those awards deserves anything close to the attention they garner. People should decide for themselves who and what is important.

Stephen said...

Maybe this signifies a trend: awards are more about the future than the past.  Give a Nobel to influence the awardee's future actions in Afghanistan or Iran. And who's gonna fire the guy who's just been named the person of the year?

They're all MacArthur fellows now: "the fellowship is not a reward for past accomplishment, but rather an investment in a person's originality, insight, and potential." 

veni vidi vici said...

Should've been Tom Ford.

Just because.

wv: "congerm" -- your representative in DC.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Lem's 11:23 wins the thread.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The Tea Party folks would have been my Person of The Year.

How about a poll Althouse?

Hoosier Daddy said...

oh wait Obama got a Novel .. sure give it to him.

Now now, Obama got a Nobel not a Novel.

Oh wait...he did write two books about himself though didn't he? Can a Pullitzer be far behind?

Hey, just think, if he gets health care and cap and trade passed that would be considered two miracles and he'd be a candidate for sainthood.

Or maybe not, that's kind of a demotion from being Messiah isn't it.....

Unknown said...

The same thing with the Oscars and a lot of championships in sports. They've been so cheapened or don't have anything to do with people's lives anymore, so no one really cares.

vbspurs said...

I think bearded men should be banned from Time Person of the Year consideration.

Anonymous said...

I gave up on it when they changed it from "Man of the Year" to "Person of the Year."

Alex said...

I have to say that lately Althouse is posting lots of fluffy "stories". Get with it Althouse, we wants hard-core politics!

Martha said...

BREAKING NEWS: Tiger Woods named AP's Athlete of the Decade. I kid you not.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Lem's 11:23 wins the thread.

It would be presumptuous of me to speak having been only nominated.. (for the first time).

Suffice it to say it came as a complete surprise ;)

beggar that i am, i'm poorer in thanks.. but i thank you.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Lem you work hard for this and truly earned it! So, this is no time to be humble.

Leland said...

BREAKING NEWS: Tiger Woods named AP's Athlete of the Decade. I kid you not.

Big deal. Wilt Chamberlain still has him beat.