November 9, 2009

"I just can't believe that he's the one who killed all those people."

"You know, he tipped every girl as she came off the stage after her dance. He was a really good tipper."

So Nidal Malik Hasan liked to pass time in a strip club. Are we supposed to be surprised? I don't think it's surprising. He didn't know what to do with women:
He steered clear of female colleagues, co-workers said, and despite devout religious practices, listed himself in Army records as having no religious preference....
"He came to mosque one or two times to see if there were any suitable girls to marry," Khan said. "I don't think he ever had a match, because he had too many conditions. He wanted a girl who was very religious, prays five times a day."...
A co-worker at Walter Reed said Hasan would not allow his photo to be taken with female co-workers, which became an issue during Christmas season when employees often took group photos. Co-workers would find a solo photo of Hasan and post it on the bulletin board without his permission.
Men who don't know what to do about women.... we should be more suspicious of them than we are. And by the way, why was an Army officer allowed to be openly discriminatory toward women in the workplace? Some inane idea about diversity and celebrating difference?


Automatic_Wing said...

And by the way, why was an Army officer allowed to be openly discriminatory toward women in the workplace? Some inane idea about diversity and celebrating difference?

Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.

blake said...

"He was kind to strippers."

AST said...

It's true. He's from a culture where courtship is a business transaction between the parents.

But that "poor, lonely Hasan" line cuts no ice with me. I never knew what to do with women either, but I didn't become a mass murderer.

His religion seems to have given him and many others an excuse to commit suicide-murder. Mine made it clear that I'd have a hard time receiving the grace of God if I did either.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hey!! Big spender. Spend a little time......

DADvocate said...

It would seem requiring group pictures is beyond the scope of a work place. Requiring them during Christmas would be religious discrimination.

I refuse to have my picture taken in groups as to minimize any evidence against me.

wv - dictu - the man the woman with two vaginas it searching for.

chickelit said...

Men who don't know what to do about women.... we should be more suspicious of them than we are.

Hmm, a prominent blogger comes to mind....

Larry J said...

Given the ease that a man can have his career destroyed by a sexual harassment complaint (and the guilty until proven innocent attitude management takes), I've heard quite a few men who avoid associating with women in the workplace.

miller said...

Really, I do not care about this man at all.

Let him be tried. If he is found guilty, let him be punished.

But enough about motives and insights and pressure and PTSD and the like.

I just don't care.

bagoh20 said...

"Men who don't know what to do about women.... we should be more suspicious of them than we are."?

Yea, that's the problem. I knew we'd get to the bottom of it.

Chase said...

So Nidal Malik Hasan liked to pass time in a strip club.

Men who don't know what to do about women.... we should be more suspicious of them than we are.

. . . not that there's anything wrong with that . . .

Chase said...

Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.

True Statement of the year.

Anonymous said...

What Maguro said...

Also, perhaps jihadis get a break and are allowed to indulge in Western decadence before their suicide attack. Sort of practice for the 72 virgins?

garage mahal said...

No need to slander every male who likes to frequent Gentlemens Clubs.

former law student said...

why was an Army officer allowed to be openly discriminatory toward women in the workplace?

Because he steered clear of them? Or because he didn't want his picture taken with them?

Neither appears strange to me, having worked with nerds*, geeks, and dorks my whole life. Back in the day, such people were referred to as "bashful," not homicidal.

*(I still remember my Calc professor, irate, ordering the yearbook photographer out of our lecture hall. How dare she take his picture without permission! He was a 30ish white male with a German surname, for those scoring at home.)

I'm Full of Soup said...

On a serious note, Professor, will the strip club visits help or hurt an insanity defense?

If you are not sure, check with Meade and see what he thinks :)

BJK said...

I'm trying to figure out how a man devoutly committed to a religion in which women are not allowed to leave their faces uncovered in public, a man who wouldn't even be photographed with women, can simultaneously frequent strip clubs.

Is it any wonder the guy lost it?

former law student said...

a man devoutly committed to a religion

After learning how many priests with souls in their care molested small children, nothing surprises me any more.

J said...

"why was an Army officer allowed to be openly discriminatory toward women in the workplace? Some inane idea about diversity and celebrating difference?"

Yes. It's way past time we started acknowledging there are lots of things it's perfectly acceptable to be prejudiced against, and that not all diversity is good. We don't need to be celebrating cultures that think it should be a crime to teach a girl how to read and whose gay rights debate is over the proper method of executing homosexuals.

"He's from a culture where courtship is a business transaction between the parents"

That's the problem - no he isn't. He was born and raised in the US.
Hasan is sounding more and more like a typical loser who found pride in identification with the wrong group. It's one thing to become a muslim, another for somebody born and raised in the US to adopt bizarre affectations such as dressing like somebody from rural Afghanistan. That should have been a major warning flag that he was losing it.

Unknown said...

"I just can't believe that he's the one who killed all those people."

That's what they said about Mohammed Atta.

Shanna said...

Because he steered clear of them? Or because he didn't want his picture taken with them?

Neither appears strange to me, having worked with nerds*, geeks, and dorks my whole life.

Really? If they are just saying he never wanted to be in pictures, I could see that (although most people can be cajoled). But if he was actually refusing to be in the pictures only when there were women there? That would be really, really strange in any office I have worked in.

Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.

Truth. And that's pretty frightening.

natasha said...

I'm trying to figure out how a man devoutly committed to a religion in which women are not allowed to leave their faces uncovered in public...can simultaneously frequent strip clubs.

I think he justified it because in his mind it was just skanky infidel women.

Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.

Yep, actually Muslim trumps everything.

David said...

BJK said...
"I'm trying to figure out how a man devoutly committed to a religion in which women are not allowed to leave their faces uncovered in public, a man who wouldn't even be photographed with women, can simultaneously frequent strip clubs."

The rules apply to the women, not the men.

Back in the day, I used to go to London on business. Some of the people I worked with loved to go to the fancy discos with the private tables and the $5000+ bar tabs. The most profligate of the customers--financially and socially--were Middle Eastern men. I do not think the women with them were Muslims, nor were they strippers. They were mostly Caucasian Europeans and Asians and their commercial calling, while depending on sexual allure, was in a different category than strippers.

hombre said...

'Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.'

Yep, actually Muslim trumps everything.

Only since 9/11 -- to prevent backlash.

William said...

A guy with an MD degree who can't find a woman brings to mind the old joke about the guy with a C-note behind his ear in the Tijuana whorehouse.....Beyond being a doctor, the guy was a psychiatrist. In all his training, he never learned to relate to people or even to imitate giving a damn. How could someome this lame pass through a residency and a fellowship? My guess is that increasing religious fervor and not mental illness led him to this pass.

hombre said...

fls wrote: After learning how many priests with souls in their care molested small children, nothing surprises me any more.

fls just can't help herself, can she? She has a pathological red herring syndrome.

traditionalguy said...

The achilles heel of Mohammed's Cult is a disfunctional relationship with women. When I suggest to a Coptic friend that the Moslems women need to be set free as a strategy, he always looks at me like I am playing with fire. He understands the problem, yet he also fears women's equality himself. I suspect that extreme Lust Problems among Egyptian and Palestinian men in a culture run by Patriarchal authority figures is not an easy problem to solve and can lead men into an extra heavy guilt load leading to the use of scapegoats from among the women folk.

former law student said...

elHombre cannot explain how a man devoutly committed to a religion can violate its tenets, either.

kjbe said...

Miller – turn off the computer and the tv. It’s important to get as close as we can to the real ‘why’. Until then details and rumors will drip in like Chinese water torture.

Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.
Yep, actually Muslim trumps everything.

Really? Strip clubs put women right at the bottom, regardless of religion.

chuck b. said...

I think it was Trent Lott or John Ashcroft who said he'd never been alone in a room with a woman he was not related to. I thought that was bizarre. But of course that seems quaint compared to this dude.

careen said...

@Maguro Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.

No kidding. It's like white guys have transferred their US black/white complex whole to Middle Eastern Muslim guys and are busy trying to macho bond over basketball and redneck hate. Good Luck.

I had middle eastern friends growing up and in college (as well as later, but the youthful friendships were much closer). But it's a little different than your general white guy liberal who might know a nice colleague at work because my buds were female and told me blow-by-blow, and in excruciating detail, as it was happening everything they had to go through with their fathers, brothers, and culture.

So, yes, I have a strongly prejudicial opinion of the culture, and have had it since before 911, yet you can't exactly accuse me of being racist under the circumstances. There isn't any room for that knowledge in the current dialogue.

In a non-gender specific way, it's almost impossible for your average american white person to fully comprehend how important clan and revenge still are with the transplanted family. Think Sicilians. I'm part Italian yet I'll be the first to admit that it's relevant whether I'm dealing with the part of my family that hailed from the North or from the South.

Alex said...

Funny how the gym massacre guy from Pittsburgh is justifiably vilified(white male), while Hasan has all the female liberals falling all over themselves to excuse his actions. I wonder if they will all be writing him love letters in prison.

Alex said...

OMG... The HuffPo

are just insane and deranged!!! They even talking about all the "Christian terrorists" and the Crusades(which ended 700 years ago).

Dark Eden said...

Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.

It would be interesting to try to diagram that pecking order.

I have a feeling blacks would be on top, muslims just below that, followed by non black minorities, GLBT at the bottom of the 'victim's bracket, women, asians and jews in a sort of 'quasi victims,' whites on the bottom as 'oppressors' ... no, minority Republicans on the bottom as 'traitors.'

Anonymous said...

"Men who don't know what to do about women.... we should be more suspicious of them than we are."

What misandry.

hombre said...

fls wrote: elHombre cannot explain how a man devoutly committed to a religion can violate its tenets, either.

I'm an old prosecutor. If the violation of said tenets is also a criminal act, I have little interest in the explanations.

On the other hand, if the criminal act appears to be consistent with the tenets of a religion, that is an explanation no matter how many nitwits deny it.

Titus said...

That would be John Ensign Chuck b.

You know the guy that did his best friend's wife and then had his parents pay him 100k to shut about it.

From Inwood said...

Hey the Major can claim PTSD -

Post-Traumatic Sex Disorder

since he killed all these folks after his visit to the sex clubs.

Lindsey said...

elHombre cannot explain how a man devoutly committed to a religion can violate its tenets, either.

Original sin.

hombre said...

That too.

knox said...

How creepy that Hasan was most comfortable with women in a strip club. Speaks volumes about what a loser he is, but I'm not sure it says a lot about his desire to shoot up a bunch of innocent people.

I too have encountered plenty of really awkward and weird guys who are just intensely uncomfortable around any attractive woman. Every woman has. I'd guess that the vast majority are harmless; sad, and often creepy, but harmless.

Kirk Parker said...


What part of "they are infidel women" don't you understand? They're simply part of the spoils that he deserves.

amba said...

Not everyone sexually frustrated becomes a mass murderer, obviously. But there seems to be a broad swath of ingrained, chronic sexual frustration (and loneliness) in the mass-murderer profile.

Chase said...

But there seems to be a broad swath of ingrained, chronic sexual frustration (and loneliness) in the mass-murderer profile.

Hitler was a voracious consumer of pornography. We all know about Mao (one of Anita Dunn's favorite philosophers) and the thousands of young virgins he personally raped.

Nah, there's no pattern here . . .

Maizin Clement's Copy Editing said...

Barack Hussein Obama. Another man who doesn't want much to do with women.

Revenant said...

Muslim seems to trump female in the PC diversity pecking order.

At my company, the diversity trainer cited a female Muslim coworker who wouldn't be alone in a room with a male coworker as an example of the kind of diversity we were required to respect.

I asked why it was acceptable for Muslims to discriminate on the basis of gender, but not acceptable for fundamentalist Christians to discriminate on the basis of sexual preference. The guy mumbled something about how being opposed to gays wasn't an integral part of Christianity.

Thanks for clearing that up, I thought.

Revenant said...

Hitler was a voracious consumer of pornography. We all know about Mao (one of Anita Dunn's favorite philosophers) and the thousands of young virgins he personally raped. Nah, there's no pattern here . . .

The main pattern there would appear to be your willingness to accept thinly sourced urban legends at face value. :)

vbspurs said...

Hiya Knox!

I too have encountered plenty of really awkward and weird guys who are just intensely uncomfortable around any attractive woman. Every woman has. I'd guess that the vast majority are harmless; sad, and often creepy, but harmless.

Speaking of creepy and socially-awkward people, but many trenchant feminists can often act like this too. Not your garden variety feminist, obviously. And not even feminists. Just women who have been socialised to feel that men are condescending predators.

I am reminded of standing in a queue in an Amsterdam shop, when a really brusque older guy brushed this American backpacker girl in front, to ask for something. She shrieked and yelled, "Don't touch me!". The young Dutch cashier was mortified, and actually had to apologise on behalf of the Dutch man, saying by way of excuse, "He's from the North. They're very rude." The girl wasn't mollified and actually at one point said, "I feel like I've been raped".

It was but one brief moment of insight, but I couldn't help but feel that this girl was a walking lawsuit for any company which hired her. The sad part, other than living in such a highstrung way, is that she'd probably be given the benefit of the doubt, every time.

She was the parallel version of the murdering shrink Hassan.


vbspurs said...

BTW, didn't you guys remember that the day before the Florida 9/11 hijackers got on those planes, that they were at a strip club in Broward County, sneering at the girls that "you'll see tomorrow" slunked over their very illicit Johnny Walkers?

The strippers were interviewed by FBI agents afterwards. They said they were used to creeps, but that these men (despite being regular customers) had an anti-woman edge to them that freaked them out.

Let's see if I can find a link.

vbspurs said...

Here we go. A whole mess of links about the strip-club going antics of the 9/11 terrorists here. And specifically, about the 9/10 strip club visit here.

The dirty Hub dalliances of the terrorists is just the latest link between the Koran-toting killers and America's seedy sex scene. In Florida, several of the hijackers - including reputed ringleader Mohamed Atta - spent $200 to $300 each on lap dances in the Pink Pony strip club.

The group ran up drink tabs, spewed anti-American sentiments and talked of impending bloodshed a few days before the attacks, according to published reports. The group left behind a copy of the Koran - the Muslim holy book - at the Florida bar.

God, how eerie. Just like Hassan in almost every way -- down to giving his neighbour a Qu'ran the day before his rampage.

Clyde said...

Bad Muslim, No Virgins!

Anonymous said...

I am reminded of standing in a queue in an Amsterdam shop, when a really brusque older guy brushed this American backpacker girl in front, to ask for something. She shrieked and yelled, "Don't touch me!". The young Dutch cashier was mortified, and actually had to apologise on behalf of the Dutch man, saying by way of excuse, "He's from the North. They're very rude." The girl wasn't mollified and actually at one point said, "I feel like I've been raped".

I want to apologize on behalf of the rude American backpacker girl.

knox said...

Hi, Victoria, can't tell you how glad I was to see you back.

Now get to blogging! : )

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JamesM said...

Men who don't know what to do about women.... we should be more suspicious of them than we are.

Clearly, any man unmarried man over the age of 30 should be arrested. Any 40 year old male virgin should be summarily executed. It's the only realistic way to protect women.

Sheesh. Considering women in America control "access" like never before, and are clearly saying "no thanks" to marriage as they sleep around with the same 10-20% of men well into their 30's, you'd think there might be some consequences.

Not saying this was justified AT ALL. Just saying you can't have 20-30% of the male population having little, if any, investment in society and not expect to have consequences. This loon tried to find greater meaning in his crazy religion.

former law student said...

Barack Hussein Obama. Another man who doesn't want much to do with women.

well, in his shoes I wouldn't either. He lives with his wife, two daughters, and his mother-in-law. The only other creature with a penis in his household is the dog. There's probably not a bathroom in the place without its share of bras and hosiery drip-drying on the shower rod.

Obama needs a man cave, ASAP.

E Buzz said...

The guy who sawed his wife's head off in Buffalo, he was Muslim too.

Guess the respect men need to treat women with only applies to white guys.

Go figure. Once again, Republicans and Conservatives held to a different standard than everyone else.

When you step back, really, what in the world can the radicals want? Do they want insanity and murder? I've met enough to not rule that out.

Kirby Olson said...

The DC shooter will get what's coming to him in about an hour and he always knew what to do with women. Had at least two wives and some girlfriends. He had some kind of Islamic name but I can't remember it. I'm sure it'll be on p. 5 of tomorrow's paper.

In about ten years, we'll see this fellow's name on p. 5 too.

Kirby Olson said...

Maybe it's on the thread just below this one.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Men who don't know what to do about women....

You know who really knows what to do about women? Hugh Heffner. Now there's a guy who understands what to do with women without even having to leave his house or change out of his bathrobe. Makes a hell of a profit off it, too.

You know who else knows what to do about women? Larry Flynt! Man does he know how to create a lucrative empire by offering nubile young women the fame and attention they crave!

I have to say, I've seen women seek attention in many ways. So the controversy sought by these blog posts doesn't surprise me. But this is seriously the dumbest entry I've ever read.

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