November 11, 2009
The chimp attack victim surfaces on "Oprah."
Here's the story, where you will find a second link that will take you to the picture. I've looked at the picture, but you might not want to. You can't unsee it after you've seen it.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Yeah, no thanks.
I refuse to look at Oprah.
Always thought it was kind of cruel on those makeover shows how the audience always cheers loudly when the makeover is complete, and the person walks out..... "Yay, you aren't ugly anymore!"
LOL AllenS and thanks. I needed to laugh. I've been feeling terrible ever since I looked at the picture.
Not a story for "Monkey News."
knox, chimpanzee that?
I really wish I had followed your advice and not clicked on that one.
Ugh. Me too.
She looked like just one more American Soldier after one more ambush in one more Afghan mountain valley by an IED explosion followed by guerilla executioners showing the mercy of a mad Chimp. What year is it now?
garage... Remember that lady who sued because she was going to go on one of those extreme plastic surgery make-over shows, they lined up everyone who loved her and was close to her to say on camera how ugly she was and how it impacted her life, and then the makeover show backed out because her dental surgery (if memory serves) would have been too expensive.
She was suing them. She knew she was ugly but what can you do? And the "before" filming they did encouraged everyone to say how ugly she was and hopeless her life was, which decent people, and the people who love her best, would not have otherwise expressed because it's downright cruel, but she was going to get that "wow, you aren't ugly anymore!" payoff.
I generally like the choices you give your readers. But this week, you give us fallen vagina story [NSFME] vs. chimp ate my face.
Nah haven't heard of that particular makeover before. As for this poor definitely left a mark didn't it.
Speaking of chimps...
Fox News (of all people)..."fact-checks" Princess Sarah's latest insanity...
Last Friday, while speaking at a Wisconsin Right to Life fundraising banquet -- attendees were barred from bringing cell phones, cameras, laptops -- Palin rolled out the latest: an anti-Christian conspiracy in the redesign of U.S. coins. Palin waded into the subject by remarking that there had been a lot of "change" of late -- for example, the redesign of U.S. currency which moved the once-centered text "In God We Trust" to the edge of coins.
"Who calls a shot like that?" Palin demanded on Friday. "Who makes a decision like that?"
As Fox News anchor Bret Baier noted: President Bush, that's who.
Baier quoted from Politico's write up on the banquet which commented on the not-so-hidden subtext of Palin's speech: "Unsaid but implied was that the new Democratic White House was behind such a move to secularize the nation's currency." Baier added: "In actuality the coin's design was commissioned in 2005, when Republicans controlled congress, and then was approved by then President Bush."
Synova, it was worse than that, if memory serves. One of the relatives who had said such nasty things became a suicide.
Sounds like a dumb call, Jeremy. 'Course, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
(Some idiotic e-mails went out saying the phrase had been removed from dollar coins entirely, which it hadn't. And there's those who say it's been on coins since the beginning, when it actually got started in the Civil War and took a long tome to reach all coins. STill, off-topic.)
That's pretty off topic and all, but Sarah Palin is right. 100%. The God language on the coins were reduced.
This was done by democrats in congress, of course. The bill was signed by Bush, but he let the legislature do its thing most of the time without vetoes. Sarah never said it was democrats... just our society, but this story mainly exposes that people are very unfair to Sarah Palin again. I don't know why she cares about this issue, and I don't agree with her opinion, but the 'fact check' didn't prove her wrong or insane, as you say. It proved you wrong and you insane.
This woman who had her face ripped off... can she see?
She has no eyes, so she cannot see.
I'm reading at home, and the internet is slow. Maybe I'll just give up trying to see the image. Will I sleep better tonight because of it?
Did this victim know that she was visiting a privately owned chimp? I am sure she didn't know it was on psychological medication, prescribed by an idiot owner, but I would never visit a chimp that wasn't behind bars in a zoo. Or any other exotic animal without learning what the risks are.
This poor woman should still recover every penny of insurance coverage and property value that the chimp's owner has. I wish the owner had dispensed with the lawyer and simply gave all she had to this victim and declared bankruptcy. Unrealistic.
About Palin: she was very clear that she would continue to scrutinize republicans... she's done so since long before Mccain had ever heard of her. Unless she made a factual claim that was incorrect, I don't understand the hysterical claims that she's 'insane'. Also, people get facts wrong. Obama said 10,000 people died in a tornado that killed 12. He said we have 57 states. He said our Army was killing civilians and bombing villages when they weren't. Be fair.
Madison Man, I saw the image... I did not find it disturbing because it is so unlike a human face.
It's here:
It looked like she was missing her eyes, but I wanted to be sure. Loosing your eyes trumps everything else that could happen to you. In my world. I'd rather be insane or dead.
There but for the grace of Magilla go I.
Soooo that what Bubbles did to Michael?
This is the fate that libs like Jeremy wishes would be befall Sarah Palin. Believe me, he is secretly pining for it.
If you came across that monkey in a darkened alley, would you kill it for revenge if you knew no one would find out?
I stared at the link for a bit and then, with your warning in mind, decided no thanks. I don't have to see every gruesome thing the internet makes available. A couple of years ago, I made myself fully watch one of the beheading tapes because it seemed the price I should pay if I was in support of the war. It was hard to fully comprehend another human being's willingness to commit such a brutal act.
The police shot the chimp dead at the scene. The women really is a good case for euthanasia. I couldn't "live" like that.
What new dollar coin. They had better hurry before the metal costs $50.00 to mint it and it will have to say In China We Trust on it.
She does not look as bad as what I expected.
Her look isn't horrifying or monstrous, so I can't imagine why she would think to wear a veil to protect *other* people from the sight.
It just is not that bad.
She does not look as bad as what I expected.
Her look isn't horrifying or monstrous, so I can't imagine why she would think to wear a veil to protect *other* people from the sight.
Not as bad as expected? This was worse then expected. She does look horrifying and monstrous and she should wear a burka!
What I mean is: Scientists tell us that on some level chimps know right from wrong. Does that make a chimp who attacks a woman subject to the feelings we would have when faced with a human who made a similar attack (more so at least than in the instance where grizzly bears killed the man who tried to live among them)?
The chimp was on some kind of drug. It didn't ask to be in captivity and given drugs by some dumbass. Chimps are territorial animals. They use violence because they are animals.
No, the chimp is not at fault. It's a victim too. It probably had to be destroyed, but it was murdered as soon as that idiot decided to keep it, or to give it mind altering medication.
Diamondhead - I would like to know what kind of "scientist" claims that chimps know right from wrong. Do you have a link for that?
That will teach me to watch network TV after the news.
Access Hollywood, without warning, put a clip of the Oprah interview and a full facial of the Chimp Lady on prime time TV
a Shocking story about Hasan from NPR
Caption: Walter Reed Officials Asked: Was Hasan Psychotic?
I feel very badly for her. It was a horrible event. She will never fully recovery but I hope she can get better than she is now. I hope that never happens to me or (even worse in a way) anyone very close to me. And I do not mean a chimp attack, that sort of facial injury can happen in any kind of serious face trauma.
Maguro, not saying I agree, necessarily, but here's a link.
She has no idea what she looks like, so why is she so worried about others? Because others have told her she looks scary. I would have to guess that she's wearing the veil in part to no longer be told that.
And, frankly she doesn't look as bad as I was expecting. I'm also a bit appalled at the comments suggesting one would rather die than live with such a deformity or loss of a sense.
Is that wimpiness or callousness or something else?
That's awful.
I wish I would not of seen that.
I am actually kind of sick feeling now.
Drill Sgt, that link is driving me mad. Thank you for providing it.
If true some careers should definitely end badly.
Donna B - in Japan up until recently if a man was disgraced it was considered honorable to commit sepuku(aka ritual suicide) by self-disemboweling. Were they wimpy too?
Heck, even Titus is so disgusted he can't come up with his usual snarky post! This will definitely make him feel not so fabulous tonight as he makes love to his British/Indian husband.
Veterans Day palette cleanser: proper pets—not chimps—welcoming welcoming soldiers home.
Fred, that last para was the most disgusting. You had the Top Shrinks at both the Army's Flagship Hospital, the Top Shrink at FED MED, and his advisors all say,
He'd be a danger if he went to the Mid East, I wouldn't want to serve with him, but hey screw it, they'd think we're bigoted, and besides, we're sending him to Ft Hood, they've got 1/10th the resources we do and no history to go on, they can deal with it. :(
And finally, Hasan was about to leave Walter Reed and USUHS for good and transfer to Fort Hood, in Texas. Fort Hood has more psychiatrists and other mental specialists than some other Army bases, so officials figured there would be plenty of co-workers who would support Hasan — and monitor him.
The Drill Sgt - it seems to me that the troops are being held hostage to PC right now. Dangerous nutcases like Hasan are NOT going to be proactively dealt with while Obama is CIC, thus more massacres are inevitable. If I were a soldier, I'd become a conscientious objector immediately!
Alex -- are you sure you want to compare or relate in any way what happened to this woman to disgrace... and what another culture considered a reasonable action after being disgraced?
I don't think you mean it this way, but it could be interpreted that you think she should commit suicide so that we do not have to "face" her.
@Irene: Beautiful! Thanks.
Donna, I did not say I'd rather die than live with this 'deformity' as you put it.
I said I'd rather die than be lose my eyes. That's not cowardice, it's honesty. You can be appalled all day, if you want to take offense at things like that. What a miserable way to think, though.
People can decide what they value in life. I value vision quite a bit. What this person has lost is tremendous, from my point of view, and worse than death.
I stiffened my courage (I'm going to Oprah) and took a look. Seriously, I've seen worse:
I saw a guy, just a few years ago, with his brain exposed through a big-assed hole in his forehead. That was weird. I don't know why, but I wasn't ready for it. Probably because he was just out-and-about on the street and shit.
I once saw a guy lose his head. Motorcycle accident. Head on collision with a telephone pole. I was about 10 years old.
Two cops put the guy's head - still wearing the helmet - in a regular brown supermarket shopping bag. But first they debated who was going to do what (which, for some reason, cracked me up). And then, with a posture that suggested the head was shooting off radiation, as one of them used his two, gloved, index fingers to gingerly lift the helmeted head, the other held the bag, with both of them making the "ick" face the whole time.
I still haven't figured out what I learned that day, but it was something.
I saw another motorcyclist get run over repeatedly, on the freeway, when I was a child. As an adult, I also saved a dog from the same fate, after seeing him get hit the first time. Not on my watch,...
I saw a dying son on the floor, screaming "I can't, Momma, I can't!" or "Momma, I don't know how!" over and over, as his mother sat on his chest, alternately hitting and hugging his head as she begged/pleaded/threatened him to "Pray, Robert, Pray!!!" until he died. Later, she made movies of his funeral and made me watch them with her a few times.
Did I mention I don't like Oprah?
wv: candam - one of those things I'm capable of
This woman is not a "good case for euthanasia," as Alex put it. If she were despairing, I could understand why she would choose suicide, but euthanasia is something done TO someone. She doesn't sound as if she wants to die in the least. Good for her.
The Chimpanzee woman or the Elephant man? She has no face anymore. Can she even speak?
I thought that Leischmaniasis was the worst condition I'd ever seen, but...
Words fail me. Oh, that poor woman.
prairie, I suppose the euthanasia comment was meant to mean 'doctor assisted suicide'.
Which, as you note, would be understandable. I have no idea how much this woman despairs her condition. I don't think I could actually kill myself, even under this circumstance, even though I think death would be preferable to it.
It's amazing how we get so bent out of shape about our little problems. At least we didn't get our faces ripped off by some idiot's buzzed monkey, and then go on the Oprah "awwwwwwww" circuit.
The lawyer's comment, about how the victim was helped out by the chimp owner, before the attack, in some pedestrian way, and how there was some 'sympathy during the trial' speech, really amazed me. I don't care how much gas money she owed ya... she got her face ripped off!
I watched the show, and the horror after a while abates. In every other way, she is healthy and her spirit is intact.
I wish her the best, and I hope one person is saved from an exotic pet owned by a criminally idiotic person like her former friend.
The chimp, Travis, was a pet, had been for years. He could dress himself, drink from a glass, and surf the internet (somewhat). The victim knew she was visiting a chimp--she went to the owner's house to help get Travis back into the house after he escaped into the yard. I don't think this info excuses the owner from helping the victim with any costs and burdens, but it adds a bit of 'grey' to how I think one should blame the owner.
Slow Joe -- you answered the question I asked: for you it's something else. And that's fine with me.
Actually, Alex was the prime target of my comment, not you. Being terrified of a disability in yourself is not the same as suggesting someone else should wear a burka or commit sepuku, is it?
My bad, Donna. I realized that after I commented.
Regardless, I do think her life has value, and could even have tremendous value. I don't hold it against her if she's not what Oprah is obviously trying to make, and my life probably would have very little value if I had my eyes and face pulled off.
Kristin, did the victim know that the owner was insanely adding drugs to the animal?
Chimps are far, far too dangerous to legitimately be pets, in my opinion, and if you own something like that, you need to know what the heck you're doing, and accept all the harm you cause, even to your friends who accept that you have such a thing.
It's kinda like owning a bomb. At the very, very least, people who own animals like this, from Pit Bulls to Tigers, should be forced to carry millions of dollars in liability insurance.
If I were her, I really would give her everything I owned, and go move into a little apartment and ride mass transit.
Ah... but now, Slow Joe you've hit on something else, equating domesticated animals with undomesticated.
Pit Bulls are not intrinsically more dangerous than other dogs, it's just that when they do attack they do a lot of damage.
I do agree with you that it's stupid to own chimps, tigers, boas, etc. as pets. And I blame it on the owners' stupidity.
It's also owner stupidity that is often at cause when a dog goes nutso, but there are dogs that just go crazy -- and for all we know it could be a brain tumor or doggie schizophrenia.
One dog I saw become totally insane was a small dog, less than 20 lbs. He could not be trusted not to bite/attack anyone eventually, even his owner and had to be put down. If he'd been a large dog, he'd have been put down after the first time he snapped.
I've also seen housecats go crazy, insanely, destructively crazy and have to be put down.
And there's no doubt dogs can be trained to be mean and that's a disgrace. Again, owner stupidity.
"The women really is a good case for euthanasia."
What an extraordinary thing to say. She's hoping for face and hand transplants, not death.
People adapt to injury and illness and disability. Never underestimate the power of people's ability to adapt. No one can rip your dignity off.
I think it's bad karma to say you'd rather die than have a deforming injury or lose a sense. Are you tempting fate to teach you a lesson?
My HCPOA thinks like that, in a rather utilitarian matter, and I had to educate her that I believe differently--and I know this from my work with people with disabilities.
My work relies on speech and hearing, both of which I have almost lost or was at risk of losing. I know the adaptive technology to do my work with hearing loss, but I haven't figured out how to replace the speech. Although it just occurred to me how to do that.
She's a person. She's alive. She's not in pain. You should be able to look at her.
If anything, it's a bit of a triumph.
A crazy animal did this to me, and yet I live!
Kristin Gannon said: "The chimp, Travis, was a pet, had been for years. He could dress himself, drink from a glass, and surf the internet (somewhat)."
Jeremy, no offense...but you're not a chimp, are you?
Not that there's anything wrong with that, after all. (Calm down, boy. Here, have some raisins. That's better.)
Does your owner know the sort of comments you leave here? I guess they prefer that to your flinging of actual feces.
you can see her video here
Was it really necessary?
looking at the video and how the face of charla nash (the 55 year old girl who got her face ripped-off by a chimpanzee) was really gruesome and one may think that Oprah may gone a little bit too far for the interview.
The person was already under in veil, wouldn't it be better if she stays in that way? rather than getting it unveiled for Public Watching.
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