And, for more Palin memoir fun, don't miss the unusually wacky "Duct tape" thread. Click here to get to the comments after the 200th. 201, by Roger J. is:
"This has got to be abolutely the most screwball post I have ever seen, and damn if its not going hit 200 comments! Wow--just wow."Andrea had me in hysterics:
Does anyone else here besides me find it absolutely hilarious at Jeremy's incandescent Rage! against the whole idea of using duct tape to prevent frostbite? I mean, it's absolutely ridiculous, over-the-top RAAAAGE! It's over NINE-THOUSAAAAAAND!
Rage! Rage against the using of the duct tape!
Chick Fight. Boy girls are mean.
Does this mean Sarah's fabulous gams morphed into beetle legs?
I am amazed that people still read Jeremey's posts.
Palladian's intro was genius.
I like Sarah Palin. I have no idea if she will even run for President, let alone be the GOP nominee. But if she does win it, she will have to earn it. But I know this much, Sarah Palin drives the left absolutely nuts. I really enjoy that. A lot.
Remember the prediction by Ana Marie Cox, Sarah Palin will never be bigger than now.
For more girl attacks against Palin, check out Andrew Sullivan and Charles Johnson's sites.
Does anyone else here besides me find it absolutely hilarious at Jeremy's incandescent Rage! against the whole idea of using duct tape to prevent frostbite? I mean, it's absolutely ridiculous, over-the-top RAAAAGE! It's over NINE-THOUSAAAAAAND!
You want rage, pull that duct tape off fast with a five o'clock shadow underneath.
Why is Ana Marie Cox trying to look like a guy? Her haircut makes her look bad.
Fred4Pres said...
" But I know this much, Sarah Palin drives the left absolutely nuts. I really enjoy that. A lot. "
Nah Fred. What drives us nuts is an educational system that produces 30% or so of adults who don't think that she is an unqualified bozo.
Just reading the exerpts makes my skin crawl......but then again she seems to be writing in a second language.
Beginning January 1, 2010, all incandescent rage will be replaced by fluorescent rage.
Rebates will be offered for the first 1000 buyers. Some restrictions apply.
Re: blogger rage.
Yes in the same way that watching someone have a seizure is fun to watch.
You want rage, pull that duct tape off fast with a five o'clock shadow underneath.
Waxing. It's rage-inducing.
Palladian did nail it. She was suddenly called one morning to do a special warrior's job down in the lower 48 after being a valiant shepherdess in the out back of Wasilla, somewhere near Siberia. The Jeremy in that thread was not the Jeremy we are used to. He either was the real Jeremy, and he had finally gotten laid, or he was a good natured clone borrowing Jeremy's name.
Ann are ever going to say anything intelligent or interesting about the book, or are you just going to post snark? What are you auditioning for XX?
Palladian's intro was genius.
Seconded. I can't imagine why that wasn't the first line.
Although the issue was touched on, the thread never devolved into a "duct tape" vs. "duck tape" flame war as I expected.
Fred4Pres said...
"Why is Ana Marie Cox trying to look like a guy? Her haircut makes her look bad."
Uh, Fred, Ana Marie would have to swath her face with duct tape to cover that beauty.
Plus short hair on dangerous women is all the rage. Haven't you seen "V?"
"Palladian's intro was genius."
I, for one, sure hope that the in love Rs don't follow the lead of Gregor's family. They must not give up on Palin.
Palin 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wv=ductfig close to duct tape
FWIW Stacy McCain writes in The American Spectator that Miss Sarah's ghost writer is one Lynn Vincent. Anyone familiar with her work may feel free to comment.
PS In the Jeremy Goes Berserk thread, I noted that what makes Thinsulate garments work is Teflon. Anybody know if Teflon is used in duct tape?
WV "coutti" Bug you may find in your tutti fruitti
You want rage, pull that duct tape off fast with a five o'clock shadow underneath.
You want rage, use the gorilla tape instead of the blue painter's tape.
Anne Marie Cox is cute but she is dumb as a post and annoying as hell. And I am still not convinced it wasn't her that was the hooker on capital hill that she was blogging about.
Watched (inadvertantly -- but stuck with it) excerpt of Barbara Walters interviewing Gov. Palin last night on NIGHTLINE.
Asked about the economy Gov. Palin stated that the Dems had it "backasswards" (or was it "assbackwards"?) -- raising taxes and spending billions on nothing.
I was looking down so did not see Barbara's face, but it provoked a surprised response from her. To which SP responded (WWTE) that that was exactly what it was.
Speaking the truth in un-nuanced veracular.
wv blatel
blatently telling it
Wonkette is a crazy left winger. Nothing more to say.
Pogo said...
Beginning January 1, 2010, all incandescent rage will be replaced by fluorescent rage.
Thanks for the reminder.
That's why, here at Meadhouse, for months, we've been stockpiling incandescent rage.
Along with duct pâté.
Why no Jeremy tag?
He was responsible for 150 of the posts all by himself.
Maybe we need a body swap film with Palin and know...a horror film.
You want rage, pull that duct tape off fast with a five o'clock shadow underneath.
You want rage, use the gorilla tape instead of the blue painter's tape.
You want rage? Try putting incandescent blue paint on a gorilla's penis.
"Try putting incandescent blue paint on a gorilla's penis.
I'll never do that again.
@ David Uh, Fred, Ana Marie would have to swath her face with duct tape to cover that beauty.
Clerks II - *ss To Mouth
Just saying ewwwww.
fls -- did you see Greta's link.
It is duck tape.
But hey -- whatever works to keep a shoe on a horse til the farrier comes. Duck Tape Club
Why duck?
Even the Urban Dictionary covers it.
And Michael, the guys in the family are going to get the Gorilla tape treatment in their stockings this year. I saw the PM test review too. (Or was it the glue. That too.)
But regular strength (not the cheap crap) works well normally.
AP devotes 11 people to fact-check Sarah Palin's book:
despite not fact checking Obama's book at all. More wonderful "unbiased" MSM.
Fred4Pres - it's the emo look. And yes, it's all the rage.
AP devotes 11 people to fact-check Sarah Palin's book:
Are you familiar with the concept of the "man-hour"? That book is hundreds of pages long. To assess it in a reasonable time they had to divvy it up amongst 11 people.
despite not fact checking Obama's book at all.
Are you sure about this? Of course, at the time it came out Obama was not very well known.
"And Michael, the guys in the family are going to get the Gorilla tape treatment in their stockings this year. I saw the PM test review too."
For what it's worth, I was very disappointed w/ the Gorilla Tape. It's weak.
But, the Gorilla glue is awesome--just don't get it on yourself, and be prepared for it's expansion. After using the stuff for many years, I can confirm that the glue will strongly bond to everything except for some plastic laminate surfaces.
"Are you sure about this? Of course, at the time it came out Obama was not very well known."
I don't think they ever fact checked it or looked into just what the hell BO was doing with the Annenberg Challenge and back in Chicago before he got into office. While they were obsessing over Palin's OBGYN records and some hocky rink she built as mayor, no one bothered to ask why obama was living in a house he got on the cheap from a convicted felon.
"Although the issue was touched on, the thread never devolved into a "duct tape" vs. "duck tape" flame war as I expected."
Duck Tape is a brand of duct tape and trademarked brand names should be capitalized.
Also... google Duck Tape or duct tape prom dresses...
Fun. :-)
I dated several girls when I was in law school who did the beauty pagent circuit. Duct tape is invaluable to conestents. Under those one piece bathing suits, there is a lot of duct taping going on.
I speak to you as a man, a man who is well-versed in the ways of the tapes.
There is the duct tape, a handy item that works well everywhere....except on ducts. Think of it as cloth-backed adhesive plastic. It comes in many colors and widths. It is the stuff of lore, McGyver in a roll. It does not work well in conditions of pressure and higher temperature, which is why it falls off of ducts within a few months of application.
Then there is the actual metallic duct tape, the tape designed to actually work on ducts, for long-term application. Think of it as highly adhesive thin aluminum. You wouldn't want to make a prom dress out of this stuff.
And of course there is Gorilla Tape, the extra sooper duty version of duct tape. A passing touch of Gorilla Tape would lift Joe Biden's hair plug out in an instant. Through his nose.
Thespians have long loved Gaffer Tape, a sort of stronger, trans-gendered version of the original duct tape. Its properties make it perfect for use in the film and theater industry.
The fabled Blue Tape is the Latter-Day-Saints version of good ol' masking tape. It's purpose is to help painters protect adjacent areas, and its special powers let it be removed without leaving behind an adhesive residue. Any good painter has at least a case of it stashed somewhere.
Last, there is Duck Tape, merely an attempt at turning bad diction into a brand name.
Thank you. It's time for my nap.
@Adele, there is no "Jeremy" tag because the good Professor does not believe in feeding trolls.
I don't think they ever fact checked it or looked into just what the hell BO was doing with the Annenberg Challenge and back in Chicago before he got into office.
That's not surprising since he hasn't been fact checked since he became President.
I always wondered why a unknown 33 year old would have thought that anyone would be interested in his memoir.
Expat(ish) said...
@ David Uh, Fred, Ana Marie would have to swath her face with duct tape to cover that beauty.
Clerks II - *ss To Mouth
Just saying ewwwww.
11/18/09 11:13 AMa
Okay funny, sort of. But why does the dialog in Clerks II seem forced and awkward compared to Clerks I? Why did Sarah Palin do better with her interview by Charlie Gibson and then got worse when she interviewed by Katie Couric? It is not like Katie Couric is known as a very skilled cross examiner/interviewer. It is a mystery?
And is Ana Marie Cox her real name or just a nom de plume reference to something else?
Is "over 9000" mainstream now?
Althouse had you heard it before Andrea used it in the comments?
@Michael H
I am out of gaffer's tape and need to restock. Otherwise, my inventory is complete.
Michael H's tape outline is excellent. Thank you. But why is painter's blue tape the LDS tape?
And the primary Kafkaesque thing about Sarah Palin is the dog pile from the left against her.
But I digress from the tape.
Is "over 9000" mainstream now?
Althouse had you heard it before Andrea used it in the comments?
I have an urge to post the youtube clip explaining the reference but I think Althouse might hang her head in shame if she realizes what a dorky reference she posted.
@Adele, there is no "Jeremy" tag because the good Professor does not believe in feeding trolls.
I am not sure if I would call Jeremy a "troll". Sometimes he really does contribute. More like a libtard.
Last night though, he may have been over the top with his adamant refusal to even consider that Todd Palin might possibly know more about surviving in sub-zero weather for days at a time than he knows.
After all, Jeremy is a liberal, and they are geniuses, as we all should know by now (except that Todd Palin apparently is, or at least was, registered as a Democrat.
It was a brilliant opening.
More, please.
Wow, the fear of Palin is so strong you can smell it. An eight-minute prime-time dissection of a celebrity memoir? Would that one-tenth of that effort had gone into, say, scrutinizing that domestic-terrorist-ghosted book of Obama's.
Michael H's tape outline is excellent. Thank you. But why is painter's blue tape the LDS tape?
Because it is the successor to masking tape, which is the New Testament tape to duct tape's Old Testament.
Michael H,
Where does the green tape fit into the analogy?
BTW, if folks do buy the green tape, it's important to store the rolls in their cases. The air degrades the surface coating.
I don't always agree with you and I certainly didn't agree with your voting choice of Obama, but I've had respect for you, Ann.
It is difficult to watch someone you admired turn into a semi-vicious green-eyed blogger. You are sounding more and more like MoDo, and that's not a compliment. Pull in the claws.
When you can sell as many books, can reach out with one click of the mouse and reach millions and you can fill venues with 25-35-45,000 people and say something everyone wants to cheer about, maybe then you will have some gravitas on Sarah Palin. Right now, your obsession is making you seem petty.
Where does the green tape fit into the analogy?
Green tape is blue tape, colored green. Same product, same use. Painting contractors will give part of a crew blue tape, the other part gets green tape. Easy to spot who's slacking and who isn't by the amounts of each tape applied on the job.
According to Al Gore, "Jeremy's incandescent Rage!" created a temperature of millions of degrees!
@ Fred4Pres Funny you should say that, I have had mixed feelings about II vs. I for years. Smith just changed a lot as a director/writer though he still has, as he says: three shots one with a dolly.
I love the dance scene on the roof.
WV - sidywa - where one dance partner sits down and watches the other.
When I described the Flaming Tape War thread to my husband, he told me the Geek definition of duct tape:
"It's like the Force. It has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together!"
Big Mike said...
@Adele, there is no "Jeremy" tag because the good Professor does not believe in feeding trolls.
Is that true?
I thought he was the most popular person here. I mean he seems to be able to curse and insult everyone and nothing is ever deleted.
Its like he owns the place.
I think the "good Professor" loves trolls. She sure does throw out a lot of bait for them.
There will be a test on Palin's book.
Loafing Oaf said
Gee, Victoria, everyone's waiting with baited breath on your verdict. As if you're not a completely in-the-tank shill for Sarah Palin. Frankly, the only question left is whether you're gonna be a groupie on her book tour and ask her if you can eat her pussy out on her bus.
I don't feel bad about saying such a rude thing.
For one, we're over 200 posts so few people will see this.
For two, Althouse patted that guy Palladian on the back when he trolled people who called Palin dumb, a judgment that is now the official line of the blogger herself after a long time of her trying to deny the obvious. (Palladian used to constantly say Palin's vagina was biting me, or some weird shit like that. Now Palladian returns to act like he's some voice of reason on Sarah Palin. HAHA!)
Now we're supposed to await the big book review from Victoria. On a book by a ghostwriter writing for a woman who did not know jack squat abut anything in the presidential campaign but thought she was qualified to be Vice President and a heartbeat away from the presidency under a very old presidential candidate.
In case some of you still cannot figure out reality: SARAH PALIN IS DUMBER THAN ME AND I AM A LOAFING OAF! ALSO, SARAH PALIN LIES ABOUT EVERYTHING! This woman should do herself and her family a big favor and just get the hell off of the stage. She is a national joke. She was a candidate for VP and she could not answer the most basic questions in a way that even remotely suggested she knows a thing about anything. SHE IS A DUNCE. And I have contempt for a Republican Party that attempted to get a complete dunce and ignoramous a heartbeat from the presidency. The GOP is playing way too recklessly with the lives and futures of my family and my neighbors and my fellow citizens. And I resent it.
But Victoria can treat Palin's stupid book as if it is some important work, and not as the cynical mega-hyped cash-in product that it so obviously is.
This was posted at the end of over 200 comments yesterday. Palladian
what say you?
Troll baiting is such fun!
You know you're a hillbilly if your wallpaper is duct tape.
Can we have a moratorium on Jeremy, please? that thread got old fast.
Hey Adele, did you notice Ann front-paged a female commenter today? and literally the day after you complained how all the good female commenters are chased away, a couple of them reappear. what a coincidence!
Some folks here don't realize that they get off on Palin like Jeremy gets off on duct tape.
I think I'm quite self-aware. ;-)
I just don't see the point of constantly adding qualifiers so that everyone else is aware, too.
Also... Palin brought Oprah the highest ratings she's had since the Osmond family was on her show in 2007.
This is either very funny.
Says something important and profound about the reality of America and traditional values.
Or both.
A thoughtful, self-aware person considers it. The unthoughtful grasp the opportunity to ridicule the Osmonds.
"A thoughtful, self-aware person considers it. The unthoughtful grasp the opportunity to ridicule the Osmonds."
What is a person who would mock the person who would write the statement above?
Now ridiculing the Osmonds is off limits before anyone can be considered thoughtful and self-aware. Sheesh.
That's "bass-ackward".
I'll repeat what I posted on the now infamous duct tape thread today:
Are you people completely out of your minds?
Every time I stir the pot with something like this, it's like lighting a forest fire in your pants.
290 comments, a vast majority relating to duct tape, and of course, the standard screaming, whinging and bitching about anything I throw into the mix.
I showed yesterday's thread to my wife and she at first thought I was just making it up, but then I added a few more comments so she could witness the immediate rapid fire responses, and read the hysterical content of many. She asked me why anyone would buy into someone taking a contrary stand (as I did), relating to something as ridiculous as duct tape...they MUST know you're just screwing with them.
I told her that would be the case with most, but here, we're dealing with a different animal because 90% of the regulars here (the wing nut pack as it were), agree with each other about, oh...99.9% of the time, so when someone steps into the fray and introduces a contrarian viewpoint (of damn near anything)...they go stark raving mad.
She also thought it was quite funny, as did I.
Now...I hate to ask this, and I certainly don't want to get people riled...but what does everybody think about...Super Glue?
Pro or Con??
Oh yeah!
At least she's not a commie.
Does this mean Sarah's fabulous gams morphed into beetle legs?
Uhh, I don't think a cockroach is a bettle.
Every time I stir the pot with something like this, it's like lighting a forest fire in your pants.
One should not complain about the forest fire while still holding the lit march.
wv: datiogsp. What is that? I don't know but I betcha a little duck tape could fix it in a jiffy!
c3 - "ne should not complain about the forest fire while still holding the lit march."
Who's complaining?
I think it's hilarious.
"...they MUST know you're just screwing with them."
So few people are willing to present themselves in public as pedantic idiots in order to screw with people that we just don't expect it.
You sure got us there!
We really believe you're a moron.
Oh, and you're so good at screwing with us that you've convinced us even more than ever that liberals are hateful morons.
This must be a really exciting win for you.
Why you'd want to do that is a mystery, but I see no reason not to take your word for it that convincing people that liberals are hateful schmucks and you personally are a two neuron's short of a synapse seemed like a good idea to you at the time.
they MUST know you're just screwing with them.
I've never quite gotten the whole troll mentality.
"Look look I spent ten hours acting like a complete jackass and got some people to treat me like a jackass! Haw haw PWNED!"
Err... okay.
"Now ridiculing the Osmonds is off limits before anyone can be considered thoughtful and self-aware. Sheesh."
Okay... how about put the Osmonds back *on* limits and take ridicule of the people who tune in to Oprah to see them off limits?
Though anyone who watches Oprah can probably be ridiculed in general terms in any case.
OTOH, I do think that it's sort of amazing that the Osmonds were that big of a ratings draw. OTOH, women my age are probably Oprah's strongest demographic, so it's probably not surprising at all.
OYAH (on yet another hand) I think that those who want to claim (and they do) that this country is not essentially conservative could say it was all Palin haters tuning in to get the dirt on her... but it's hard to turn a big turn out to find out what the Osmonds are up to into a progressive impulse.
You've seen the chess champion take on a whole room of chess club enthusiasts who fancy themselves capable of challenging a champion or just want to try. I believe the loquacious bore J, whose name must not be spoken lest it provoke the hostess, fancies himself the champion. I note the large number of sequential posts advancing separate elements of separate arguments, were you to stretch and call those bursts arguments.
It occurs another analogy would be useful. I visualize a heroic swordsman of old, valiantly taking on multiple opponents at once, then in a gallant dash, exits with a flair upon his steed.
Synova said..."Oh, and you're so good at screwing with us that you've convinced us even more than ever that liberals are hateful morons."
You call contributing to yesterday's insane duct tape silliness...a form of liberal hatred?
Synova, you REALLY have to get your ass out of that little trailer more.
Dark Eden - "I've never quite gotten the whole troll mentality."
Well, start with this: If you yourself visit a site much like this one, offer up a contrary viewpoint to the regulars (who are there every fucking day of the week and every day of the year, regurgitating the same drivel, over and over again...and of course, patting each other on the backs), and YOU will also be regarded as...a TROLL.
I visit this site, and a few others, and when I read the same bullshit over and over again (Obama's the devil, Obama's a communist, Obama's a socialist, Obama's destroying the entire universe, Princess Sarah is brilliant, Rush Limbaugh is brilliant, Glenn Beck is wonderful, etc.)...I feel it's my duty as a thinking American to counter the bullshit with my own slant on what's going on.
Oh, and keep in mind, as a "troll" I represent a majority of America...unless you don't remember the past Congressional and Presidential elections.
So who are REALLY the trolls?
"...a form of liberal hatred?"
J... refuting my assertion that he portrays liberals as hateful says...
"Synova, you REALLY have to get your ass out of that little trailer more."
You're GOOD at this!
(Just remember... liberals *care* about the under-classes.)
Chipper-Doddle - I don't consider myself the "champion" of anything, unless aggravating the living shit out of you and the other wing nuts here represents such an accomplishment.
Why not forget about me and continue to suck up to Ann and post nifty pictures of yourself?
You're getting better and better at it every day, but we need a new photo.
The funny thing about duct tape is, it's good for so many uses including frostbite prevention, but actually sucks for taping ducts together. Breaks down and leaks in hot attics. I don't think it's even to code anymore.
Synova - Anybody who thinks the silly comments relating to duct tape, or egging you idiots on for hours at a crack, somehow represents liberal hatred needs to get a fucking life.
And if getting out of the trailer helps...I'm all for it.
It has nothing to do with "hatred," it has to do with wondering what in the world would make you or anybody for that matter, think something so ridiculous.
And I also notice how, regardless of how many snide remarks are thrown in my direction, you and others here appear think that's just part of the game.
And it is...and I accept it.
So suck up and stop whining.
The only thing missing was Freder talking about the thermodynamics of the duct tape issue.
BTW, I have on occasion taken extreme positions to provoke a response. It can be fun with the right target. Yet I don't admit it immediately after wards since it tends to get people angry and I know it is jerk-like behavior.
I guess on the internet, certain people can be a jerk on purpose a tad safer. Even proud of their jerk status. Strange.
Bobbo - If you're referring to me, I didn't admit to anything "immediately."
There are about 290 comments you can read through yesterday, and my comments today relate to the fact that people are STILL talking about duct tape...oh, and if you didn't notice this, via Queen Ann:
"And, for more Palin memoir fun, don't miss the unusually wacky "Duct tape" thread."
Trying to screw with many here, without them throwing a hissy fit is not an easy task.
Bitching and whining is a part of their DNA.
Princess Sarah on the possibility of a Palin/Beck ticket in 2012...and you wonder why people think she's a frigging dolt?
"I can envision a couple of different combinations, if ever I were to be in a position to really even seriously consider running for anything in the future, and I'm not there yet," Palin tells Newsmax. "But Glenn Beck I have great respect for. He's a hoot. He gets his message across in such a clever way. And he's so bold — I have to respect that. He calls it like he sees it, and he's very, very, very effective."
Glenn Beck - "bold."
Jeremy meant to do that!
@Adele, concerning your comments at1:11 and 1:20, Jerkemy really hates to have fun poked at him so I used to play a bit of game with him. One point for each time he directed me to go engage in autocopulation, and two for each time he suggested I perform fellatio on him. On some threads I'd get eight or nine points.
Then the Professor had a post where she really came down hard on troll feeding so I've pretty much quit responding to him (it?).
You see, Jerkemy likes to join our threads armed with a couple talking points from -- I don't know, perhaps Daily Kos -- and a limited collection of epithets that he uses repetitiously. His problem is that he often runs into people who have specialized knowledge of whatever the thread is about, and he gets shot down with ease -- a fact he seems unable to comprehend. He gets nastier and nastier and instead of Googling, or even checking Wikipedia, to find out where he has gone wrong, Jerkemy's preferred methodology is to keep repeating his talking points as though he can make them change from demonstrably false to true by sheer persistence.
There are other left-wing commentators who join the threads. A couple of them are persuadable now and then, and "former law student" actually has a valid point from time to time (don't let it go to your head, FLS). It's not necessarily a problem to attempt to engage them. (The one who calls himself "downtownlad" responds to criticism by boasting about his IQ or attempting to run down yours -- ignore him when he does because that means you've won.)
These are, of course, one person's perspectives on the people you'll find adding comments here. I'm sure FLS, AlphaLiberal (who comes across as more of a beta, if you get my drift), garage mahal, and other well-left-of-center commenters would have equally interesting things to say about me, but you can save wear and tear on your fingertips, folks. I'm like Scaramouche: "Born with the gift of laughter, and a sense that the world was mad."
Adele, may I welcome you to the Althouse blog?
Sarah and Glenn Beck team up for a duo:
Sarah Sings:
"I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin' while my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.
I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le,
In trouble or in pain.
Glenn Beck Chimes in::::
With the thoughts you'll be thinkin' you could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain.
Jeremy...You are double secretly appreciated. John Wayne cannot fight for the right without a villain or two in every movie. It is written in Proverbs that as steel sharpens steel,a man sharpens man. As for your attraction to sniffing super glue, don't mess with that stuff, or you will end up mind glued to liberal nonsense, or even glued to the keyboard until the fire department shows up.
I visit this site, and a few others, and when I read the same bullshit over and over again (Obama's the devil, Obama's a communist, Obama's a socialist, Obama's destroying the entire universe, Princess Sarah is brilliant, Rush Limbaugh is brilliant, Glenn Beck is wonderful, etc.).
But....but....what does this have to do with duct tape?
Thank you Big Mike.
I was a long time lurker, but was moved to comment because of the sharp turn into bashing Sarah Palin every day in the recent posts. I guess this is just another woman that Ann can not get along with. After all Palin has too many conservative fan boys. Even the liberals seem obsessed. It is passing strange.
I am sort of familiar with most of the people you cited. Is garage mahal the gay one with the dogs?
Jeremy spewed:
I visit this site, and a few others, and when I read the same bullshit over and over again (Obama's the devil, Obama's a communist, Obama's a socialist, Obama's destroying the entire universe, Princess Sarah is brilliant, Rush Limbaugh is brilliant, Glenn Beck is wonderful, etc.)...I feel it's my duty as a thinking American to counter the bullshit with my own slant on what's going on.
Yet when I feel the same way about Huffington Post and their glorification of Al Gore, Obama, Keith Olberman,, Rachael Maddow, Ed Schultz, etc... that makes me an EVIIIIIIIIIIIL right wing Rethuglican not worthy of basic human consideration. Jeremy - your hypocrisy is showing!
Ann's snarkiness aside, Sarah Palin doesn't really deserve much respect. What has she accomplished besides being a quitter and being eviscerated by Charlie Gibson and Couric? She's mediocre at best, and I'd be embarrassed to tell anyone that I was a fan of that non-intellect. At least with Reagan, you could be proud of him - that mean had rock solid ideas and could express them so eloquently.
no one bothered to ask why obama was living in a house he got on the cheap from a convicted felon.
For the same reason no one bothered to ask about the anal probing Sarah Palin received during her abduction by space aliens -- it never happened.
1. Barack Obama bought a house from two resident physicians who were moving out of state.
2. The property had been on the market for several months, so the owners were motivated to accept a bid lower than their asking price.
3. Even with the price reduction, the Obamas could not swing the price of both the house and the adjoining buildable lot.
4. Obama's real estate developer acquaintance, the Catholic Tony Rezko offered to help out by buying the adjoining lot from the physicians. Later, Rezko sold a strip of the adjoining lot to the Obamas so that they could have a side yard.
5. Years after the Obamas moved in, Rezko was indicted for his part in a variety of political corruption schemes, including, allegedly, those that Ill. Governor Blagoevich participated in. None of these led to Obama.
"the Catholic Tony Rezko?"
Is that you Maureen Dowd?
the Catholic Tony Rezko
What does that mean....some sort of code.
I see you pooped out on number 6.
I guess you just want to prove that the "the Catholic Tony Rezko"
would not be disposed to do any favors for "the Muslim Barrack Hussien Obama."
You might have a point.
I can't believe Jeremy is using the "I just did that to stir you up!" excuse. That is so 2003. It's even older than my usage of "over NINE THOUSAAAAND!" Weak.
And what's this, Jeremy's married? Darn. (Puts away bridal magazine. Not to mention hopes and dreams!)
That's Titus, not garage mahal.
Looks like the photographer could be in trouble over the Palin photos. link
Six of the last 15 comments concern ME.
And you idiots don't think I'm still stirring the pot?
If I didn't stop by from time to time you fools could post one comment and cut and paste it over and over again for the rest of the day.
Small minds.
Oh, and keep in mind, as a "troll" I represent a majority of America
I hear echoes of this
c3 - The truth hurts.
The local wing nuts who congregate here are in the minority and will stay there for years to come.
And if they somehow get Princess Sarah as a candidate in 2012 it could last decades and decades before the GOP recovers.
"If I didn't stop by from time to time you fools could post one comment and cut and paste it over and over again for the rest of the day.
Small minds."
Well, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to expand our minds and "educate" us.
Or, more seriously, I think you labor under the misapprehension that anybody is actually taking your arguments seriously. My read on the last few comment threads is that your pot is being stirred just as assiduously as you claim to be stirring ours.
Alex...Your favorite meme that Sarah is a quitter only reminds me that all of the the US Navy Aircraft Carriers had quit Pearl Harbor on Decenber 7, 1941. Then the Japanese serious case of overconfidence lead them into a trap planned by the quitters on June 4, 1942. So just keep bragging over Palin quitting, but if I were you I would keep a sharp eye out for Facebook dive bombers.
"Six of the last 15 comments concern ME."
Well, you're kind of the subject of the post, dude. (And -- modest cough -- so am I, but if no one wants to talk about me I'm cool with that. You HATERS.)
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Being a city girl myself, and mostly from locations not known for cold, I found myself unable to even think of a response to all the back and forth about using duck tape to prevent frost bite.
With that in mind, and currently living in Far Northwestern MN, deep in Polaris and Arctic Cat home turf, I ran the entire discourse past a friend. Her husband works for Arctic Cat and has logged many hours testing snow mobiles in very cold locales. Her response, "That's what you do. Everyone knows that. I don't understand the science behind it, but anyone whose anyone in the cold weather survival field knows that."
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