When evil violence becomes legal, then we are instantly in a dangerous place to live. Syrians also believe that murdering Israeli citizens is legal. Now why do you suppose the Sweet Smiling Obama wants to assist Syrians in the Mid-East? Does he want to see the world become unsafe and need the UN to rule? If Obama had a traditional American mindset and the courage of this Judge. then the state of Israel would not be facing a solitary Battle for survival with Syria and Iran this winter.
To a large portion of the world, America looks like a place that has no morals, therefore, a lot of foreigners think that anything goes, and that we have no ability to resist.
I read something similar to the last comments about a Jewish man who spent a couple of weeks in a Muslim school. When some of the older students found out he was American, they propositioned him for sex.
They thought that all Americans will have sex with anyone all the time.
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The tragedy here is that does seem to be the level of discourse in political circles as well.
I wonder how long this native of Syria has been in the US. Can't he be returned?
When evil violence becomes legal, then we are instantly in a dangerous place to live. Syrians also believe that murdering Israeli citizens is legal. Now why do you suppose the Sweet Smiling Obama wants to assist Syrians in the Mid-East? Does he want to see the world become unsafe and need the UN to rule? If Obama had a traditional American mindset and the courage of this Judge. then the state of Israel would not be facing a solitary Battle for survival with Syria and Iran this winter.
In addition to blurting out the sex is legal bit, the defendant also "incomprehensibly compared himself to an assembly line cake."
Instead of an outburst, he should have screened a movie he directed.
As Ron White says, I had the right to remain silent... but I didn't have the ability.
I love Ron White.
In addition to blurting out the sex is legal bit, the defendant also "incomprehensibly compared himself to an assembly line cake."
Must be a Cake Wrecks reader.
Yes, return him to his homeland so he can indulge his cultural right to...whatever.
Obviously, his definition of "sex" is a weeee bit different than most peoples.
Word verification: nolest. Ok, that's so close to "molest" that it's creepy. I don't think the WV function is random anymore (*eek*).
Well, this shows the view of America from another culture.
They see sex, sex, sex, sex, and no boundaries.
So he figured that there actually were no boundaries.
We see Arabs behaving this way in SE Michigan all the time.
To a large portion of the world, America looks like a place that has no morals, therefore, a lot of foreigners think that anything goes, and that we have no ability to resist.
I read something similar to the last comments about a Jewish man who spent a couple of weeks in a Muslim school. When some of the older students found out he was American, they propositioned him for sex.
They thought that all Americans will have sex with anyone all the time.
They thought that all Americans will have sex with anyone all the time.
I still insist on dinner and a movie first. Plus some wine.
I may be easy but I'm not cheap.
FLS, it is good for America to have standards. 8)
Good on ya.
If you outlaw rapists, only outlaws will be rapists.
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