September 24, 2009

"Mr. Obama is teasing Mrs. Obama. 'You’re standing on the wrong side of me.'"

"She moves to his other side. He says, 'I’m just teasing.' She stares straight ahead with a smile."

Oh? What kind of smile?


Eli Blake said...

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Video is now out of armed paramilitary militia wrestling a protester into a car in Pittsburgh and driving away. These are not police, the car is not a police car and who knows where they are taking him and for what purpose.

I tried to link to the you-tube video right here, but it won't take, the best I can do is link back to the blog entry I just posted it on:

paramilitary thugs drive off with a protester in Pittsburgh.

This HAS to be opposed by everyone or who knows what kind of a hellish country we will soon live in.

Brent said...
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Brent said...
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Sofa King said...

Looks like a kidnapping to me. I really don't see how anyone could NOT be opposed. Even if they were government authorities, that would be outrageous.

Brent said...

Guess it takes 3 tries. Couldn't spell to save my life (old southern term) in the last 2 posts. Ahem . . .

You don't have to be an Obama supporter to know some things are common in EVERY marriage.

How comfy do you think the First Couch is?

Sofa King said...

The one scenario were that might be justifiable is if the protestor was a minor, and the soldiers were his father & buddies. It would still be bad parenting, though.

JAL said...

Well the protestors didn't seem to be those rowdy thugs from 9/12.

These guys seemed (in other video I saw today) to be seriously violating lots of stuff to make their Point.

All that being said I cannot imagine what that "apprehension" Eli posted about could have been about.

yoiu're right. Scarey. Maybe they have the paperwork. maybe he had threatened the president? (Don;t think they were Secret Service). And they certainly were big.

Wv hipers.
Maybe that's what they were.

chuck said...


Hmm, curious. No try at getting a shot of the license number? Sloppy uniforms advertising militia? Some guy singled out and carried in from off camera, not struggling much nor yelling loudly? I'm a bit suspicious we are watching a bit of street theater here. We will see.

Sofa King said...

Chuck, no way. Those guys were way to buff to be pussy G-20 protestors. Looking at it, I'm thinking that one of the protestors didn't listen to daddy when he said not to go down there.

If it's something else, I think we'll find out soon.

miller said...

a. threadjack
b. not convinced

Penny said...

I see the Althouse commenters are not into pomp, circumstance, fashion nor the funny!

Protesters, they say? pshaw pshaw

chuck said...

Sofa King,

Where did they come from? They were just hanging with the crowd in camo? How did they pick that kid out of the crowd? And the driver didn't look buff to me. Pro's wouldn't do it that way.

It may be something more sinister, but I think keeping an open mind here is a good thing to do. If the kid shows up in the next few days with a lurid story I'll be even more suspicious.

BJM said...

Eli, keep in mind that the FBI is searching for the missing bomb material from the recent terrorist arrests.

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, no foolin' around, it's a G20 meeting; a high profile target.

We know nothing of the circumstances, I suggest we wait to see what's up before start tossing around the word thugs, disappearances or kidnap.

They hustled him out of the area way too fast to be a protest arrest and these guys protected the protester's head as they stuffed him in the car like LEO's do. My guess is that if they were thugs they wouldn't much care about banging his head on the car, now would they?

btw- I see unmarked LEO and ATF cars like that in Oakland often.

miller said...

Without context, license plates, or anything else to trace this is just as likely to be a staged event as anything else.

I consider it with great skepticism.

JAL said...

Couple observations: There is a guy in a baseball cap on the far side of the car who appears to get into the car. (Seems like he got out of the car.)

The camos are different -- the black guy is in green, the guy closest is in desert brown. I think the driver is in desert camos. While all heads were close shaven -- the three did not have the current classical active duty high haircuts.

Not active military.... contractors? But then wearing camos in a crowd of G20 anarchists doesn't seem like a good idea. Definitely not blending.

The car came in really fast for the pick up and the guys connected right away.

I disagree with chuck -- the guy in black and blue seemed to be resisting pretty much, but was clearly out muscled.

As for the thread hijacking (or is it a kidnapping?) without a picture of Mrs. Obama staring straight and smiling, no big whoop. The writer was filling space.

Glad to see Gordon Brown doesn't hold a grudge. More class than others I know.

Pittsburgh, huh? Maybe the guy getting tossed in the car was a bitter clinger?

Penny said...

Helene Cooper. That was funny!

Move over National Enquirer. FUNNY is the new "shocking".

New York Times - "All the funnies, fit to print."

BJM said...

Oh, those wacky Obamas, just like Rob and Laura.

btw- any one notice that Laura Petrie's capris and flats are back in fashion this fall?

Wince said...

To answer Althouse's question...

Um, that'd be a "go fuck yourself" smile?

Penny said...

Has anyone noticed that there have been ZERO married "supercouples"?

No Mrs.Batman, no Mrs.Spiderman, no Mr.Wonderwoman.

Now that we have established that the funnies are IN, may I suggest the more creative among us work on that?

"Supercoupling" has a nice ring. And hell, it's not been done in any realistic way.

Go forth and create...

The Crack Emcee said...

Come on, it's the smile of the "controlling" one outside of her element.

The Macho Response

kentuckyliz said...

Given that Obama is a poor leader who can't accomplish anything, he felt that desperate little need inside to control SOMETHING.

What a small, small man.

rhhardin said...

...Mrs. Obama in a taupe, pink and green patterned cocktail dress with straps. Pink patent leather two-inch heels. Hair pulled back in a full, bouffant faux ponytail. Long pearl necklace, pearl earrings. No stockings.

Another hooker.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

There’s a pause for a while between arrivals, and the First Couple turns to the pool for entertainment.

Mrs. Obama: “You guys are so quiet. Somebody should sing.”

Where's that class of second-graders when you need them?

Shanna said...

Oh? What kind of smile?

Sounds like an pissed off smile to me.

Man, Michelle picked another one of those "I think I"m twelve" kind of dresses, like she did for the inaugural. I could excuse the dress for a picnic in the backyard, but it doesn't look quite appropriate for this event. Look at the lady she's next to. They look like they are at completelydifferent events.

Fred4Pres said...

You do not tease a woman like Michelle. Ever.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The fact that he had to tell her he was teasing tells us a lot.

They are not newly weds.

Der Hahn said...

"I was just teasing" = "that was a joke" = I just said something that I know will really piss you off but you can't respond the way you want to. I'm gonna enjoy the moment now, like wee'ing in a dark suit, since I know I'll pay for it later.

And which side was the wrong side? Was she blocking his view of the Teleprompter?

MadisonMan said...

I agree about Michelle's dress -- not that I have much fashion sense. What it needed was a knee-length duster-like coat to set it off. Just the dress wasn't quite working. I like the hair and pearls, however.

Why did G20 choose Pittsburgh?

traditionalguy said...

Mr Obama is glowing and happy at the G-20 Summit, quite unlike his experience at the US Congress where his long list of false statements had a critic in the audience. At the G-20 everyone is praising him for surrendering to the Post American leadership of the new power to rule the world. He is home at last where he belongs among his friends and comrades, except for that silly English Prime Minister from the country where old fashioned Democracy is still used to limit the power of Kings.

MadisonMan said...

...on the other hand, there aren't many other pictures of attendees, so it's hard to tell how she fits in. Angela Merkel's outfit looks kinda dowdy, and I can't believe anyone can pull off an ensemble in Peach if they're from Russia.

Sarkosy's wife looks spiffy in her black number.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Carla Bruni Sarkozy is the cat's pajamas!

coilud: Yeah, you bet!

J Scott said...

Maybe she was smiling philosophically.

Shanna said...

...on the other hand, there aren't many other pictures of attendees, so it's hard to tell how she fits in.

There were a few, and nobody else looked like they were at a picnic. There were also some descriptions, and I didn't see anyone else with " taupe, pink and green patterned cocktail dress with straps. Pink patent leather two-inch heels". For heavens sake!!! The lady is not 12.

AllenS said...

I'm not sure about why he thinks that she is standing on the wrong side. Unless it's some ancient Kenyan taboo, that is not known in the western world.

Treacle said...

Hmm. Did I just not correctly enter the word verification or has Ann banned me for suggesting Michelle has a large posterior?

Have I been bANNed?

Skyler said...

I won't presume to be able to second guess the humor or lack thereof in anyone's marriage. There's never been any indication that they aren't happily married.

As for the thread hijack: They seem to be wearing Marine uniforms, so they're not national guard. Such uniforms are easily obtained at any army/navy surplus store. Note that the protester is placed in the car still kicking and flailing. Not a very smart way to go. It seems very clearly to be street theater, and the thread hijack is more evidence of that.

KCFleming said...

That NYTimes entry would have been better in the style of Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code.

"Michelle Obama carried herself like an angry ox, with her wide shoulders thrown back. Wearing a taupe, pink and green patterned cocktail dress with straps and pink patent leather two-inch heels, she smiled, recognizing the now-familiar tang of pompous bureaucrat air - an arid, deionized essence that carried a faint hint of carbon - the product of socialist, anti-American authoritarians that rant around the clock to counteract the corrosive wealth exhaled by capitalists.

Her hair was pulled back in a full, bouffant faux ponytail, accentuating arrow-like brows that preceded her like the prow of a battleship. As she greeted the G20 Summit attendees, her dark eyes seemed to scorch the earth before her, radiating a fiery clarity that forecast her reputation for unblinking severity in all matters."

Treacle said...

Hey, I just watched Eli Blake's video. Who knew that when the military industrial complex finally clamped down, they'd do so from the back seat of a Buick LeSabre?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Hey, I just watched Eli Blake's video. Who knew that when the military industrial complex finally clamped down, they'd do so from the back seat of a Buick LeSabre?

In Obama's America no less.

Bob From Ohio said...

The "paramilitary" "militia" members are not even armed.

Total BS.

AllenS said...

Armed paramilitary militia thugs. Not so much. Looks like something that Michael Moore would produce.

Hoosier Daddy said...


Please make sure you stay on top of this very important story. I think its vital that we freedom loving Americans be aware that under the new Obama regime that paramilitary militias are now kidnapping law abiding anarchists off the streets of America in broad daylight. Today it's anarchists opposing the G20, tomorrow its Teabaggers opposing health care.


You know it was bad enough when Bush was illegally kidnapping Islamofascists but this kind of stuff is intolerable. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Eli.

Automatic_Wing said...

Who knew that when the military industrial complex finally clamped down, they'd do so from the back seat of a Buick LeSabre?

Budget cuts...they just can't afford black helicopters anymore. If the economy gets any worse, they'll have to abduct protestors on mopeds.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Budget cuts...they just can't afford black helicopters anymore. If the economy gets any worse, they'll have to abduct protestors on mopeds

Well not if Cap n Trade gets passed. Mopeds will probably be considered environmentally unsound.

They'll be dragging them from behind segways.

AllenS said...

Eli, call 911. Let them know what happened, then get back to us. OK?

WV: copin

I'm not kidding.

AllenS said...

That's 9 and a 1 and another 1. There is no 11 on your phone.

Donna B. said...

How old is Michelle Obama?

She used to wear sheaths, but I haven't seen her in anything that actually shows her waist in a while.

Is it possible she's pregnant???

Salamandyr said...

Has anyone noticed that there have been ZERO married "supercouples"?No Mrs.Batman, no Mrs.Spiderman, no Mr.Wonderwoman.

Now that we have established that the funnies are IN, may I suggest the more creative among us work on that?

"Supercoupling" has a nice ring. And hell, it's not been done in any realistic way.

This is not true. Spider-Man got married back in the 80's. He's been married longer than he was single. Up until last year, when by editor-in-chief demand, they made a deal with the devil and erased his marriage to save Aunt May (yes, it's that dumb), but they left enough leeway that as soon as somebody sobers up, they can revert it.

Superman married Lois Lane as well. I'm not sure if that's still in place now or not; I've never been a DC fan.

Green Arrow and Black Canary got married last year.

Unknown said...

"Mr. Obama is teasing Mrs. Obama. 'You’re standing on the wrong side of me.'"

I think Michelle has been on the wrong side of everybody for a very long time. It occurs to me she ought to be married to Geithner; they both look like they're always mad at something.

WV "scompi" Boston shrimp

Original Mike said...

If I were commanding a team to abduct someone from downtown Pittsburgh during a media event I would absolutely dress them in camouflage so that, you know, they would be invisible.

You can never be too stealthy.

Shanna said...

LMAO at Original Mike!

Although, it is hunting season, so that would be totally stealthy in Arkansas. Especially if you throw on an orange coat.

Cedarford said...

It was a nervous smile. A man who can heal the planet and stop the ocean's rise can easily turn her into a pillar of salt - should she displease The One.

Already, Michelle has been subject to mild crushing injuries from Barack's head expanding at various times in their lives.
Plus, she is mother to The One's children, apparantly born without original sin, so she is reasonably safe.

Asked about the incidents where Obama's head swelled, or his ego threatened to wash over all, including her, like a great flood...Michelle insisted it was no big deal.
"Wasn't no white man doing it to me."

David said...

Here is one of the more enigmatic paragraphs I've read in a long time:

"Prince Saud al Faisal of Saudi Arabia arrives stag."

That's it. No description of the greeting, as in other cases. Was there bowing? Did Obama forget his name? Did he chide Michelle for showing skin? This is the greeting I would most have enjoyed hearing about.

BJM said...

@Eli - An Update on this story:

The G-20 Joint Information Center, which can be reached at 412-402-7630, issued this statement to me which explains exactly what is going on in that video:

"The individuals involved in the 9/24/2009 arrest which has appeared online are law enforcement officers from a multi-agency tactical response team assigned to the security operations for the G20.

It is not unusual for tactical team members to wear camouflaged fatigues. The type of fatigues the officers wear designates their unit affiliation. Prior to the arrest, the officers observed this subject vandalizing a local business. Due to the hostile nature of the crowd, officer safety and the safety of the person under arrest, the subject was immediately removed from the area."

So, yes, the video is real. However, it wasn’t the military and the guy wasn’t being kidnapped. Instead he was being arrested for vandalism.

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