June 27, 2009

Are you annoyed at the way the death of Michael Jackson has overshadowed the protests in Iran?

This may help.

IN THE COMMENTS: Titus says:
I am annoyed the way Michael Jackson's death overshadowed Mark Sanford.

I want more Mark Sanford.

I want more previous video clips of Mark Sanford moralizing and passing judgment on others. I want 24 hour Mark Sanford and I want it now....

I want to hear Mark Sanford bitching about not taking stimulus money but than using tax payer money to fuck in Argentina... with someone other than his wife.


Anonymous said...

I love the way whoever created this had the ingenuity to USE MJ's death to spotlight the protests. Did you see Joan Baez singing We Shall Overcome in Farsi? Really moving....

Fred4Pres said...

I will give Joan Baez one credit, unlike the rest of the Vietnam anti war radicals, she recognized the harm caused by the pull out (in Cambodia and Vietnam). Unfortunately some people never learn.

rhhardin said...

I don't remember where I was when I heard Michael Jackson died.

Or Princess Di, for that matter, though I remember thinking it was amusing.

Anonymous said...


i was outside a kroger without a camera. now that you mentioned that i will probably remember it for a long time. That kinda bothers me.

Fred4Pres said...

The Michael Jackson that fans loved died years ago. What passed away a few days ago was the shell of Jackson.

AlphaLiberal said...

Chief Justice John Roberts was not a fan of Michael Jackson while working as a Reagan aide.

Dude's kind of uptight.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Yes, I am annoyed.

But I would have more standing to argue that if I didn't just mistakenly post my "Insurance, but no coverage for the Jackson Tour?" (deleted) comment here instead of under the "Was Micheal Jackson Murdered" thread (added).

Mark Daniels said...

That old SNL routine about Francisco Franco has me repeating to myself, "This just in. Michael Jackson is still dead."

Ann Althouse said...

I'm annoyed that Alpha digressed to link to something I've already blogged.

AllenS said...

Althouse, we're all annoyed when Alpha digresses, but that's what he and other thread hijackers often do.

bearbee said...

Are you annoyed .......

I watch a couple of international news channel and am surprised and perplexed by the scale of international coverage.

Iran protests had peaked with coverage somewhat subsiding. I would have been annoyed if coverage had overshadowed the progressive stages of the protest movement and the international politics surrounding the movement.

If coverage continues I will be annoyed. Too many critical legislative things underway. Washington likes distractions while they tax away the countrys future.

Video had good action shots.

Enjoyed the Amadinajab/Obama moment:
F#@k you! I won!.

Mark Daniels said...

By the way, Ann, thanks for posting that video. Jackson's death does seem to have crowded Iran off the news channels.

Sissy Willis said...

I love the way Iranian freedom fighters, when they noticed all-Michael-Jackson-all-the-time was kicking them off Twitter top topics -- unlike whiny nanny-staters keening for others to take care of them -- picked themselves up and got back in the race.

Sissy Willis said...

I love the way Iranian freedom fighters, when they noticed all-Michael-Jackson-all-the-time was kicking them off Twitter top topics -- unlike whiny nanny-staters keening for others to take care of them -- picked themselves up and got back in the race.

Sissy Willis said...

I love the way Iranian freedom fighters, when they noticed all-Michael-Jackson-all-the-time was kicking them off Twitter top topics -- unlike whiny nanny-staters keening for others to take care of them -- picked themselves up and got back in the race.

Kansas City said...

It did make me feel better. Clever and nice use of the song.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Well, know we know that a Hezbollah sleeper-cell killed Michael Jackson.

Jeff with one 'f' said...

I am annoyed at the lack of coverage of the climate bill, what it contains, and what it means for our future.

Chip Ahoy said...

No, I am not annoyed the death of Michael Jackson has overshadowed the protests in Iran because in my world the life and death of Jackson are more immediate and important than the political life of that nation of wankers who brought that despicable government upon themselves and in so doing inflicted it upon all the rest of us. I care not at all their access to technology is being denied by that same government because it was they who rejected the pace of modernization to begin with and demonized our culture in the process, a state of affairs in which they, as a whole, persist. So bite me.

I recall viewing YouTube videos of Saudi's moonwalking to Jackson's music. It was hilarious and touching that his music and dance moved even them. So that's something.

To celebrate my lack of annoyance I've Photoshopped Althouse of the lily pond by way of distraction. Presently I'm all wrapped up in Egyptian language and mythology with several projects running concurrently, one of which is the second Egypt-related birthday card due next month containing two pop-up mechanisms. One of the mechanisms took eight prototypes to sort out. I've come up with the most delightful message to write in hieroglyphics that I adapted from a well-known and thoroughly documented tomb located at Aswan, that of Harkhuf, known for his foreign campaigns and noted also for having brought a pygmy to Pepy II who was six years old at the time. The birthday message will read:

"He who opens this book without rejoicing and giving good birthday praise and without gladdening the heart, I will wring his neck like a bird."

Like it? I'll show you when I'm done.

bearbee said...

... political life of that nation of wankers who brought that despicable government upon themselves...

Protesters a different generation.

mariner said...


I'm annoyed that Alpha digressed to link to something I've already blogged.

But! ... But! ...

I thought we weren't supposed to feed him?

Cedarford said...

There was little difference between the Iranian protestors and the Haitian protestors demanding that the US restore (for the 5th time) - some semblance of order.

Nations of wankers, as Chip Ahoy said, fouling their own nests and bringing it on themselves.

Most concern of the Iranian protestors never went past the "My, that sure sucks, sorry Iranians, better luck next time!" sentiment in most of the American public. No urge to intervene and truthfully, the protests were a one-week thing and had ended days before the Gloved Perv's death.

The demands that the US DO SOMETHING, like bomb immediately, for the Noble Freedom Lovers!! - came from the usual small coterie of discredited neocons. The ones who never served, but see the US as only good for endless wars sucking up other American's kids to fight them.

Last summer, the same bozos were out demanding we send troops to Georgia to fight Russians - In the Name of Freedom and Democracy!!

They just don't understand that after 7 year of war, Americans don't want our guys sent out to bleed and suffer cleaning up other fouled nests, in more endless wars on several continents.

They just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

I'm annoyed in general at the way they are covering Jackson's death. He was a pop star for heaven's sake. And a probable pedophile.

As to his death cutting into Iran time, well, that was to be expected. The media certainly isn't interested in reporting about people fighting for freedom nor a president who hasn't a clue how to respond to it. At least not this president.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I'm annoyed that the coverage of Jackson's death goes on and on and on and on and on and on..........

Enough already. He's dead. So what? They even had a moment of silence for him in Congress. For Christ's sake!! he was just an entertainer. Get some perspective people!

A retrospective of his career and contributions to music and dance would be appropriate but seriously....days and days of news coverage that excludes almost everything else.

Jackson's death is not going to affect my life, however the events in Iran, Iraq and Korea might be just a bit more relevant.

Frodo Potter said...

Yes, it did make me feel better. I might also note that Althouse, Sullivan, and Tammy Bruce all linked to this youtube—and that’s just the ones I know about.

Sissy Willis is right. This is very clever indeed and has helped keep Iran in my thoughts. We might all ask ourselves how *we* would adapt if something very important to us got kicked off the news cycle in favor of quasi-tabloid material.

traditionalguy said...

Neda is not protesting in the streets on Iran anymore. But her example has become an Icon as big as MJ.

TitusHelloHowRUIreallycareIdo said...

I am annoyed the way Michael Jackson's death overshadowed Mark Sanford.

I want more Mark Sanford.

I want more previous video clips of Mark Sanford moralizing and passing judgment on others. I want 24 hour Mark Sanford and I want it now.

New York said...

I am annoyed at the lack of coverage of the climate bill, what it contains, and what it means for our future.

You must be a holdover from the era of American democracy. These days congress is a politburo that demands a bit of pork before assenting to the schemes of the far-left executive.

TitusHelloHowRUIreallycareIdo said...

I want to hear Mark Sanford bitching about not taking stimulus money but than using tax payer money to fuck in Argentina...with someone other than his wife.

Big Mike said...

Interesting video. Who was that singing the song track?

David said...

I do not feel better. What's happening in Iran is becoming a pop culture event in the west, with all the seriousness and attention span that implies.

Meanwhile, the House passes major legislation unread and unavailable to the public, and Obama abandons all pretense of transparency.

What an unholy mess.

Jennifer said...

Hey, I just noticed you changed your comment directions. Good. Heed please, people.

I forgot this song was quite that awesome. Great video.

joewxman said...

i am far more furious that the state senate here in ny who can't agree on who will be leader in their playground, held a momment of silence for Michael Jackson! So isnt it just lovely we have government paying homage to a pedofile. My tax dollars at work.

al said...

I'm annoyed we're talking about the death of a pedophile rather than Iran, NKorea, the House passed climate bill, or all kinds of real problems.

Maybe the DNC had MJ taken out knowing that no one would talk about the climate change bill once he died....

MadisonMan said...

held a momment of silence for Michael Jackson! So isnt it just lovely we have government paying homage to a pedofile. My tax dollars at work.

We'd be a lot safer if Congress had continuous moments of silence.

Penny said...

Seconding Madison Man.

What a bunch of numb skulls. I have less concern about the individual deals they make for their own gain than I do about their belief that they need to pass laws to be effective.

Hey YOU, Mr./Ms. Congresscritter! We could do with a lot more votes like our current leader gave when he was in your shoes. Smile for CSpan, and vote "present".

Titusisback said...

Thanks Althouse. I love you, but you know that, dont' you?

I do kind of love Sanford's wife though.

She sounds like a tough bitch. I hope she doesn't take him back. Why should she? She is very pretty too.

He's in love with Buenos Aries. And himself, obviously.

Penny said...

Titusisforward. Need I say more?

A.W. said...

Hmm, don’t get the Sanford thing. Didn’t even hear of him until he disappeared, and the dems are pretending he was the leader of the republican party. Apparently that was only true in 1) the minds of the Dems now they want to use him against the entire party and 2) sanford’s mind.

And then they want to say he was a hypocrite for putting down bill Clinton. Um, is there an adulterer alive who hasn’t said something against adultery? I am willing to bet even Clinton has said something bad about it. And besides, it is Democratic spin that he was being impeached for sex. The actual documents say otherwise.

Or Sanford wasting money while complaining about waste. Mmm, I am sure Obama never said anything anti-deficit, anti-debt or anti-waste, right? And are we sure that Sanford stuck taxpayers with the bill for any of his trips? The last one was only in technicality; he has pledged to repay it.

Really, I don’t get the hypocrite charge. Would it have been better for Sanford not only to cheat on his wife, but to tell everyone how great it is and how we all should do the same? Um, isn’t that worse?

And likewise, which is worse? Wasting the cost of a trip to argentina, or wasting billions by accepting stimulus money? Again, isn’t it worse to be consistent?

All of which is not a defense of Sanford, just a swipe at the intellectually lazy claim of hypocrisy. What he did was frankly worse than Clinton. He abandoned his post. And of course being faithless in any respect is a bad thing. And if he used public money to do it, and didn’t reimburse that money, then that is bad, too, but I haven’t seen that charge established yet. But my condemnation of those behaviors have nothing to do with whether Sanford condemned it too.

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