May 10, 2009

Wanda Sykes at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.

Enjoy. Critique. Whatever.


Penny said...

Wanda who?

SteveR said...

"We won"

Rialby said...

Let me get my comments in before Jeremy and the rest of the reflexively obnoxious lefty commenters appears on the scene.

I am completely disgusted by what Wanda Sykes said but have come to expect no more from her, the adoring press and the President. None of them have any class. I was not surprised.

Palladian said...

These are the people that now control your life. Enjoy!

Penny said...

Not my life, Palladian. Stop preaching, son.

Titusshitonyourface said...

Wanda Sykes, the now newly admitted dyke, was fabulous.

Dykes can go back and forth between being gay and straight. Male gays can't. What's up with that?

Jack said...

Wow. That picture of Michelle Obama laughing and have a good time is going to trigger some real rage from your readers. It's like waving a carcass in front of a starving mad dog.

Xmas said...

Oh...things took a bad turn there. I like Wanda Sykes as a comedian. I can forgive her politics and her pandering to her audience.

I'm a bit worried that the audience was so slanted since, you know, these are the folks that are supposed to keep the President in check. But this is the President's first year. The media should be upbeat on the President right now.

If I was more cynical, I'd say that the you're seeing the last laughs of a dying industry. White House correspondents, the frothy slime coating the rotten corpse of the dead tree media.

Anonymous said...


Jack said...

* These are the people that now control your life. Enjoy! *


Watching your kind roll around on the ground in agony is one of the great pleasures of 2009, Palladian. So thanks for that.

Someday you'll get your emotions under control (well, probably), and you'll realize Wanda Sykes doesn't control your life.

But please: keep up the crybaby routine. It's bringing the majority of the American public more pleasure than you can know.

blake said...


Methadras said...

"Jack said...

* These are the people that now control your life. Enjoy! *


Watching your kind roll around on the ground in agony is one of the great pleasures of 2009, Palladian. So thanks for that.

Someday you'll get your emotions under control (well, probably), and you'll realize Wanda Sykes doesn't control your life.

But please: keep up the crybaby routine. It's bringing the majority of the American public more pleasure than you can know."

I'm confused by your missive, so let me ask you this. Do you want more government in your life or less?

Guesst said...

Sykes biggest problem was that her routine just wasn't funny.

IE: Palin being a no-show = abstinence : not funny

IE: Rush Limbaugh, terrorist, oxycontin, kidney failure : not funny

Using the stage to make caustic personal comments disguised as humor, is unfair to the audience (hostages).


Titusshitonyourface said...

Rush Limbaugh was the 20th jacker of one of the planes but missed it because he was strung out on oxycontin. Perfect.

Rush is very adamant about drug abuse you know. He is also very fat and ugly but doesn't believe in the sanctity of marriage....for himself but for the rest of you pleons yes, sanctity of marriage.

Who would fuck Rush Limbaugh is what I want to know? I wouldn't care how much money he has. I would do one of my rare clumbers before I would do Rush. Did I mention that he is fat and totally unattractive?


Titusshitonyourface said...

How dare she attack Rush. I can't wait to hear what he has to say. He is a good man, a generous man, and is our next presidential candidate for 2012.

Rush/Palin 2012.


Rush/Miss Califoria 2012.

Our party is healthy and on the rebound. Don't let anyone tell you anything different.

Titusshitonyourface said...

Palladian looks a little like Mister French from Family Affair.

I love my Palady Malady long time.

I have an entire Drag Personae dreamed up for her. Railing and hating her fellow fags. It will be divine and hugely successful.

I see her performing at The A House in Ptown this summer on before Hedda Lettuce and after Scabola Fecies.

She's hear, she's queer and she is pissed.

Introducing Palady Malady. You think your life sucks wait to hear what she has to say.

Unknown said...

A video of cowards, how amusing.

Titusshitonyourface said...

she's here. sorry before anyone bitches.

Titusshitonyourface said...

by the way no one controls my life. OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKay, bitch.

Titusshitonyourface said...

I just ate a rasperry and it is dancing in my mouth.

Eat slowly.

Have any of your really enjoyed your food?

Experience your food, eat slowly, let it tingle in your mouth. Experience the sensations.

Food can be your friend if you respect it and don't overindulge.

thank you.

Titusshitonyourface said...

rasberry. I type fast and don't proofread.

My TWM is 80.

Brooklyn Redneck said...

She had some good one at the beginning. specifically "whats up with that half white guy". Wen t way downhill with her nasty non funny attacks. Obama was actually much funnier than her. As for the media, they have no idea how out of touch they are. Drinks on me when the NYT declares bankruptcy.

Jeremy said...

Absolutely hilarious and right on the mark.

Her comments about Rush were especially funny and true.

I realize it's not fun being part of a losing party of no ideas, but don't take it out on the comic.


Jeremy said...

Bob Sacamano - Quit whining.

The entire audience was laughing like crazy.

Titusshitonyourface said...

We don't whine. We are republicans.

The few, the proud, the southern.

Penny said...

I don't want to die laughing at Wanda Sykes.

Titusshitonyourface said...

We don't believe in evolution.

Evolution is crap science put here by libtards.

We must fight and we will fight.

We still have the great states of Mississippi and Alabama. Those states may rank last in education and being poor but they are republican, thank the lord.

Titusshitonyourface said...

I loved Sykes comment about giving Texas to the Queen. Perfect.

Please do give Texas to the Queen or to anyone who wants it. They can have Oklahoma too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...the twentieth hijacker.

Oh oh.

Wanda didn't get the memo.
That kind of "Bush era", hawkish rhetoric within earshot of Obama has been banned.

The last thing Obama needs is to have news starved lapdogs.. I mean reporters, confuse Wanda with a pentagon briefer.

That post already belongs to Keith Olbermann.

Chalk it up to another Obama stumble.

Buford Gooch said...

Well, reading comments on this thread was a total waste of time. The quality of commenters drops severely on Sunday night.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Serious presidency is serious.

I r serious cat. This is serious press dinner.

Chip Ahoy said...

What's a pleon, a portmanteau of plebe and peon?

Chip Ahoy said...

Wanda Sykes and Comic Sans go into a bar. The bartender says, "Wanda, why the long face?" Wanda glares at the bartender because she knows her face to be almond-shaped and she tersly orders a Black Russian which the bartender finds funny in itself for some reason known only to him. But Comic Sans interjects, "Wanda feels she lost her funny. She confided in me earlier in her heart she takes the Obama administration as historically important, too important to joke about, she told me she finds it impossible to apply her usual humor to the man and his wife lest she disrupt this precious thing -- a gift to herself and to the world, and one that too important to mess around with. So instead she applies her humor to the opposition, such a rich vein to mine, and instead of being funny it comes out mean-spirited and ugly. She told me, and this was confidential so don't repeat it, she's lost her comic groove and she desperately wants to reclaim her unique charm that isn't merely hurtful and alienating."

The bartender goes, "Comic Sans, I understand what you're saying but it's all so funny when you say it." Ha ha ha ha ha.

Jordan said...

Honestly, the only good joke was when Obama spoofed his dependency on teleprompters... pretty much the only roast worthy joke... and it was the President who said it!


Palladian said...
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Synova said...

I always cringe at the thought of watching clips like this... but I'll get to it. Maybe tomorrow.

Of the jokes I've heard quoted, the one about the kids taking AF1 for a joyride sounded like it was funny. And if Obama spoofed the teleprompter thing, that's funny and gives me hope. (Pun sort of intended.)

But despite the fact that it makes Jeremy all creamy, "Cheney is evil," isn't funny. Now, when Chris Muir did Cheney... wait, that was Rove... as Darth Vader, that was hysterical because it was a joke with layers. And I still get a smile every time I think of Cheney (and I'm sure it's Cheney for this one) with bandoleers of ammunition across his ripped bare chest, leading the National Guard down Pennsylvania avenue with a machine gun in each hand and tanks in the background, if Obama won... but that wasn't intended to be a joke when the staggering intellect known as Erica Jong talked about it.

michael farris said...

"These are the people that now control your life. Enjoy!"

Poor Palladin, Wanda just won't leave him ... ALONE!

rhhardin said...

It's Air America humor, and more or less why they have zero audience.

Rush will have zero audience too if he doesn't snap out of his weeks-long American values kick.

Fen said...
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Fen said...
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Fen said...
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Fen said...

Wanda Sykes on Elizabeth Edwards: "I hope her kidneys fail and she dies".

Hahahaha! Fricken hysterical! What a class act these liberals are.

Fen said...

The entire audience was laughing like crazy..

No, the audience was the MSM, and they were on their hands and knees slurping Obama's cock most the night.

Which is not much diff from their day job.

Anonymous said...

It's just black humor.

Fen said...

Wanda Sykes: "I hope Elizabeth's kidneys fail and she dies"

Bwaahahaha! Still laughing over that one. What a riot!

Penny said...

"It's just black humor."

No. If it was black humor, we would all be sitting here with a wry smile and calling it DARK humor.

Crimso said...

Anybody recall why Michael Savage lost his MSNBC gig?

Anonymous said...

Unlike the sensitive types on the far left, Rush can take it. He won't be a weenie.

Rialby said...

He called a gay caller a sodomite and suggested that he hoped the caller die of AIDS.

Are you suggesting that Michael Savage = Rush Limbaugh? Or that Wanda Sykes should be ostracized for making the POTUS laugh at the thought of a terminal Rush Limbaugh?

Synova said...

"Unlike the sensitive types on the far left, Rush can take it. He won't be a weenie."

If there is a way to turn it profitable, he'll find it.

Other than that, yes, true... but it still doesn't make it an actual *joke*.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When the jokes weren’t working Wanda would say –
“yea - but you will be telling it tomorrow” .

Yea – but most of those people there are tuning on Rush today.

John said...

Who is Wandea Sykes? Seriously. I have never heard of her. When I heard the name I thought she was some crackpot 9-11 truther who represents some 95% black district in Congress. I have no idea who the woman is or why I should care who she is.

As far as what she said; yeah, the left in this country is full of ignorant, angry, bigoted people. That is who they are. A lefty making some awful vicious, classless comment these days is like a baseball player being caught using steriods. At some point it happens so often it ceases to be news.

MadisonMan said...

What's up with the half-white guy?


MadisonMan said...

Sleeves cost money!

Trooper: is that true? Do sleeveless dresses, as a rule, cost less than sleeved ones?

I was not fond of the Palin swipe, but I thought her comeback(s) to the Ooohers in the audience -- for that and for others -- was correct.

Who is Wanda Sykes anyway? I thought she had good timing, but I've never really heard of her.

John said...

"He called a gay caller a sodomite and suggested that he hoped the caller die of AIDS."

That is an urban myth. Show me the link to the audio that proves that. You don't have to like Rush Limbaugh, but stop lying and repeating urban myths.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Fen said:

"Wanda Sykes on Elizabeth Edwards: "I hope her kidneys fail and she dies".

Hahahaha! Fricken hysterical! What a class act these liberals are."

LOL- good one Fen!

TJ said...

Larry David on Wanda Sykes: "I'd know that ass anywhere!"

John said...

Conservatives need to stop whining. This clip is who liberals are. Whenever you go to a political even where the crowd is liberal and the speakers are liberal, you have to understand that they are going to make awful jokes and say hateful tastless things like this. It is what it is. Conservatives need to stop whining and just let it speak for itself. As for liberals, I hope you enjoy the look in the mirror.

hombre said...

Kos gets the troll marching orders out early Monday morning and the classless warfare continues.

Shanna said...

I can’t watch the video. Wanda Sykes is pretty hit or miss, and she can be crude. I will never understand why some folks (in this case liberal folks) think this stuff is funny. The problem is, true humor is rooted in truth, and if you don’t accept the “cheny/palin/rush are evil/stupid/whatever” as truth, the “jokes” aren’t funny.

If the jokes were good, they’d be funny to liberals and conservatives.

Bissage said...

(1) We Ask Sandy.

(2) Dank Ass Yew.

(3) Sad Yak News.

Frodo Potter said...

I feel no particular pity for Rush Limbaugh about oxycontin jokes or failure jokes. He started it and he’s a big boy and can take it. In fact, this will likely boost his listenership even more. Palin too is a public figure, and a moralizing one at that.

I *do* find it significant that this is supposed to be a roast of the sitting President. The sitting President is Barack Obama, not George W. Bush, nor Dick Cheney, nor Rush Limbaugh. Therefore, the jokes and quips should be about Barack Obama. Obama was actually making the quips and no one else was.

Is it just me or does this remind anyone else about King Canute and his worshipful subjects who thought he could stop the tide? King Canute was the only one who saw himself in the proper perspective. Is this what is happening here?

Crimso said...

"Or that Wanda Sykes should be ostracized for making the POTUS laugh at the thought of a terminal Rush Limbaugh?"

I'm sure if Bush had been there laughing at Savage that it would have been an impeachable offense. That's what I'm saying. Savage was fired, Sykes will probably be appointed to SCOTUS, the way she oozes empathy for people with addiction.

Crimso said...

"Obama was actually making the quips and no one else was."

They're afraid to.

hombre said...

Double standard? What double standard?

CBS Sports golf analyst David Feherty apologized Sunday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for a morbid joke that went bad in a Dallas magazine.

Among the classless left jokes don't "go bad," they just are bad.

John said...

"Obama was actually making the quips and no one else was."

They're afraid to."

True. This reminds me of the old Stalin joke updated to today. Obama meets with several Chrysler creditors in the oval office and sees them to the door. After they leave, he can't find his pen. He immediatly calls Rehm Emmanuel and tells him to stop the greedy creditors from leaving the Whitehouse, one of them stole his pen. A few minutes later Obama finds his pen under some papers and calls Emmanuel to tell him to let the creditors go. Emmanual responds that he already has gotten three of them to confess to the crime.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The entire audience was laughing like crazy..

Rialby said...

Crimso - Savage, Bush, impeached

Totally agree with you - if the same thing happened while Bush was in the roast chair, the Left would be calling for heads to roll.

But, unfortunately, that's not the way the world works. What the hell can you do?

Darcy said...

Yeah. Sadly, I think it is a waste of time and energy to be outraged about this. It's tasteless and hateful, but John @ 7:50AM is right.

Shanna said...

I feel no particular pity for Rush Limbaugh about oxycontin jokes or failure jokes. I don’t feel pity for Rush, but I just find very little humor in a total strangers drug addiction. You know who used drugs, but apparently wasn’t addicted that they could have made jokes about? Obama! But no, it’s more fun to make fun of Rush.

I'm not outraged or anything, this is pretty much par for the course these days. Maybe in a year or two, liberals will figure out how to make actual jokes about obama without feeling like traitors.

Rialby said...

John -

Isn't this Savage responding to the prank caller?:

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I guess you need to be a foreign journalist and not part of the slobbering lap dog press dry humping Obama's leg in order to see clearly the disgusting,classless behaviour of our "Dear Leader" and court jesters.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

I found the routine OK. There were funny bits, and not-so-funny bits. There were some right on target, and some that completed missed, and there were the tasteless bits.

There was the adoration, but there was some criticism which The One (P{BUH) did not seem to like, even as mild as it was. I found his self-important and arrogant expression a lot worse and more worrisome than Wanda's routine.

Sadly, her routine is still a lot funnier than our own Titus's schtick. Seriously, whomever you are, you are killing me, and not precisely of laughter.

KCFleming said...

Over time, you'll be able to see the press competing to see who can laugh longer and keep clapping longer for Obama.

Then they'll be afraid to be the first to stop.

paul a'barge said...

Remember when the Clinton people came into the White House and trashed the place? And just before they left, they trashed all the computer keyboards, prying off the "W" keys so the computers would be useless?

Well, it looks as if the trash is back.

I kid you not. You watch this and ask yourself if you would invite any of this trash into your home. Including the President and Michelle Obama.

I can only surmise that after the dinner, back at the White House with Barack, Michelle and Wanda Sykes there was an orgy of fist-bumping going on.


Sofa King said...
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Sofa King said...

I distinctly heard someone yell "kill him!" We'd best start investigations.

Largo said...

I can only surmise that after the dinner, back at the White House with Barack, Michelle and Wanda Sykes there was an orgy of fist-bumping going on.


Paddy O said...

"Over time, you'll be able to see the press competing to see who can laugh longer and keep clapping longer for Obama.

Then they'll be afraid to be the first to stop."

Just reminded me of a very interesting, recent Smithsonian magazine article: Dancing for Mao

Jen said...

It's like an epiphany, but much less inspiring.

Republicans can't tell the difference between comedy and politics!

So that explains it!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Jen said...
It's like an epiphany, but much less inspiring.

Republicans can't tell the difference between comedy and politics!

So that explains it!

10:12 AM

Exactly what is the epiphany?

And again, here you go lumping people together under labels that don't fit.

When comedy and politics intersect, it is fair to treat it as both, indistinctively.

Isn't it fair to treat this example. just as in Rush Limbaugh's case, as an obvious expression of the deliverer's politics?

I ask you, Jen, isn't it so?

Trooper York said...

As a general rule Madison Man, the cost of a dress goes up with the amount of fabric and detail that go into the manufacture of the garment. Of course the actual type of fabric is also a determining fabric. For example a beaded sleeveless Tadashi gown will cost double that of a similar Donna Ricco gown that is really the same dress but the details, beading and quaility of fabric make up the differntial.

The truely discouraging thing is that plus size dresses cost $10 to $20 more as a general rule. It certainly does not cost that much more for the fabric, they just charge that because they just don't want to make it at all so they charge a premium. And the 60%
of American women who are bigger than a size 10 get hosed again.

Darcy said...

Thanks for linking to Toby Harnden, DBQ. He's taking a lot of crap for his opinion. Decent guy.

Jen said...

ElcubanitoKC said "When comedy and politics intersect, it is fair to treat it as both, indistinctively. . . .

I ask you, Jen, isn't it so?"

"indistinctively" What?

Limbaugh styles himself as a serious political commentator. The people who listen to him think that he knows what he is talking about.

The platform is different.

When you present yourself as a comedian, delivering a comedy, the message is meant to be taken as a J-O-K-E.

E Buzz said...

What is different from what this clown said to what the good Rev. Dr. Jerry Wright barfed out?

Barry seems to love him some hateful speech.

Fen said...
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Fen said...

Jen: Limbaugh styles himself as a serious political commentator.

Actually no. Limbaugh himself says that his gig is entertainment.

Of course, if you actually listened to him, instead of forming your opinion from crap like HuffPo, you'd already know this.

The people who listen to him think that he knows what he is talking about.

Rush has forgotten more about politics than you'll ever learn.

Feel free to hate him all you want, but pretending that he's an idiot just makes you look silly and destroys your credibility.

Fen said...

Jen: Republicans can't tell the difference between comedy and politics!..

Jen, I hope your kidney fails and you die.

Comedy or politics?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Jen, acording to your definition, humour cannot be political. Art cannot be political. And by extension politics cannot be funny...?

hombre said...

Jen. Jen.

Is it really you?


Jen said...

Fen said, "pretending that he's an idiot just makes you look silly and destroys your credibility."

Dissing Limbaugh destroys my credibility?! Really?! With who? YOU?
Destroy away.

ElcubanitoKC said, "Jen, acording to your definition, humour cannot be political. Art cannot be political. And by extension politics cannot be funny...?"

There is a serious error in your logic here.

I never said any such thing. What I said was, a comedian delivering a comedy is a DIFFERENT context from and should be interpreted in a manner different than, a politician delivering a political diatribe. That's it. Logic 101. Which apparently, you failed.

Anonymous said...

Trevor Jackson said...Larry David on Wanda Sykes: "I'd know that ass anywhere!" "Tush".

Jen said...


Most humans have kidneys plural.

If you really want me to go, you should have said, "I hope your kidneys fail and you die."

Now THAT would have been funny.

Trooper York said...

The way the joke should go is this:

"I hope your kidneys fail and there is only one matching donor.

Rush Limbaugh."

Trooper York said...

Or how about this one:

"Does Rush Limbaugh's donated kidney make me look fat?"

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

So, I ask you again, Jen, can't comedy be political?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

And, Jen, since comedy can only be delivered by comedians, and politics by politicians; what do you make of The One's (PBUH) "jokes" that followed?

mariner said...

I'll go with "whatever".

Patm said...

I like Michelle Obama. I think she's doing a good job as first lady, certainly as good as Laura Bush. But the press are out of control on her. They're actually sort of pandering to her. When you are telling someone that they can do no wrong, you're being dishonest and unfair to them.

Obama needed to get up and give Sykes a Sister Soljah talking to. He's the "post partisan unifyer" isn't he? He showed NO CLASS when he went along with those jokes.

And sorry Michelle, but you didn't either.

It would have been wrong for such "jokes" to have been told about anyone, regardless of party. The Dems and press revealed just how ugly, mean and small they are.

They remind me of the ratskeller, around 1934.

Jen said...

I never said that politics can't be funny! Of COURSE it's funny! That's why we are here commenting on this blog. Because it is funny and entertaining.

Points been missed. I can't help you.

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