April 2, 2009

"I love movies like that..."


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Anonymous said...

Robert -- The military did not doom Rome. Overgenerous welfare and citizenship programs did. Read your history. Dolt.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hoosier did you see this libtard email going around?

Pay each working person over 50 years old $1 Million to retire. The idea is they will retire their mortgage, buy a new car and create a job opening. The email estimated there are 40 million workers over 50 but of course neglected to mention the cost of such a program would be $40 Trillion. Libtards - gotta love em.

Hoosier Daddy said...

The military did not doom Rome. Overgenerous welfare and citizenship programs did.

Well to some extent it did as Rome increasingly relied on foreign mercenaries, particularly German tribes for thier military with the promise of land within the empire. Then again Rome didn't 'fall' as much as it changed hands from Roman rule to the Ostrogoths (briefly anyway).

Never mind that the Eastern Empire chugged along for another 1000 years after Rome's 'fall'.

I'd say that the continued influx of cheap Mexican labor to the tune of 20 million and counting will do more to undermine our society than maintaining a military base in Ramstein.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Hoosier did you see this libtard email going around?

I heard the same crap in sociology class in college 20 years ago. Somehow the idea of redistributing the wealth still has legs with certain circles. Perfect example of why that doesn't work is three words. Winning the lottery. There are stories galore of overnight multimillionaries going broke within a couple years.

Anonymous said...

Too bad you couldn't size up the guy before you voted for him.

Anonymous said...

"Under Obama, we will not get this."


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that I can't find more evidence of evangelical adoration of Bush. Maybe I'm making it up, maybe there is no analog there, among the those highly superstitious follower folks, to people getting heat exhaustion at a packed Obama rally in August on the verge of electing the first black President.

Then there's the whole militaristic/nationalistic angle of Bush love. I'm not claiming some huge network or conspiracy, I'm just saying it worried me more than the fainting, or Fairey posters, or whatever you've got.

You simply said there was no conservative equivalent to Obama-love. I found that interesting. Maybe you're right. I still think you're wrong, and engaging in revisionist history. I haven't proved anything, not surprisingly, but neither have you, and I won't argue this any more.

I don't think Bush is a thoroughgoing religious wingnut cult leader. (I actually think he's half decent.) But sometimes he liked to play one, more than a little bit, because it's very tempting. I'm sure Obama has had tinges of that. It's normal. But I don't think they are emotionally or intellectually similiar, with differences that that leaves Bush much more vulnerable to that weakness. Obviously, others disagree.

I do think Bush, despite certain deep sympathies (adjusted for his shallowness), mostly just used the evangelicals. I think there is some similarity there to Obama and "the commies," but I think the evangelicals are much more real and influential than communists are in America.

For what it's worth, I consider real Communists to be right-wing. In my mind, left-wing mostly denotes goodness, but if you go too far to the "left" you make a PacMan wrap-around move and get all controll-y and right-wingy. This view and semantic take, I suspect, does not predominate on this site.

I don't consider reading Malkin to be evidence of anything worthwhile. Simply jumping back and forth between Kos and Malkin is a mostly a sign of being a sensationalist. I read Red State to take a certain kind of pulse (and I feel bad after) but it's my appreciation of Daniel Larison that I hold as evidence that I'm getting somewhere.

OK, bye.

former law student said...

Ah but I bet a few here sleep under Che's poster..

More likely Ronald Wilson Reagan's.
(I tried to find a Reagan quilt pic, but the Jelly Belly portrait was the best I can do.)

Canadians won't have anywhere to go for thier health care.

Are Canadian physicians all conscripts? I don't think so, because I have heard radio ads for cheap Canadian Lasik treatments in Detroit. What would keep an entrepreneur from setting up, say a walk-in MRI clinic?

FYI I was making a fruitless effort to educimate the likeable but dogmatic FLS.

Ditto. What we had there was a failure to communicate.

Anonymous said...

"As with Rome, it will be the unsustainable costs of expanding and maintaining our empire that will doom us.'

As with Rome it will be the unsustainable cost of bread and circuses that will doom us.

Fen said...

Heh. DOD's "offense" budget.

At least you qualified yourself as an ignorant fool before talking about military spending.

Hey, maybe the Steelers will have a shot this year if they get a better goalie?

Fen said...

Hoosier: Now considering the current defense budget is about $500 billion, that would cover say, another 50 million beneficiaries based upon current expenditures which leaves us with 201 million who still need funding and we have no military left.

Ah, but after draining DOD's "offense" budget, there won't be too many beneficaries left alive. Maybe thats what he's getting at.

TMink said...

Rev wrote: "Christian churches of all denominations regularly ask their congregations to bless the President and guide him to make the right decisions."

Yep. I go to a conservative evangelical church and we pray for the President most Sundays. We pray for him to hear God's voice and lead us toward a more moral and caring nation, we pray for his health, we pray for his family.

I bet less than 10% of us voted for him.


Anonymous said...

Mather's post reduced:

I can find no evidence that something exists but I am certain that it does, all lack of evidence notwithstanding.

Whatever projections get you thru the day, dude...

Anonymous said...

Another part of Mather's post reduced:

Anything I sufficiently dislike becomes, by definition, right wing.

It's kind of a variation on the old "heads I win, tails you lose" concept.

Ofc. Krupke said...
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Ofc. Krupke said...

Take money away from the war department's offense budget

This is my new favorite illustration of left-wing cluelessness on military issues.

It even beats out Goldberg's line about "people who think M-16 is a bus route."

Robert Cook said...

"Exactly what part of defense spending constitutes offense?"

All of it. We haven't engaged in any defensive military actions since WW II.

Robert Cook said...
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