March 11, 2009

"Yes, free the president from his flacks, fixers and goons -- his posse of smirky smart alecks and provincial rubes..."

"... who were shrewd enough to beat the slow, pompous Clintons in the mano-a-mano primaries but who seem like dazed lost lambs in the brave new world of federal legislation and global statesmanship."

Camille Paglia wants heads to roll:
Heads should be rolling at the White House for the embarrassing series of flubs that have overshadowed President Obama's first seven weeks in office and given the scattered, demoralized Republicans a huge boost toward regrouping and resurrection. (Michelle, please use those fabulous toned arms to butt some heads!)
Heads should roll and arms should be used to butt heads. But butting heads is done with 2 heads colliding. If arms are involved, it's not butting. Even if the arms are fabulous and toned, it's not butting. Meanwhile, can you go mano-a-mano with a lamb? Lambs don't have manos. They have those little hooves. Perhaps fabulous hooves, but still. Butt still: Fight on, Camille! We love you... some of us do anyway. Others say Salon can "get Ann Althouse to do the same thing for much less money."

AND: Some day, when I get home after a long, strange conversation, I'll tell you everything about My Dinner with Camille.


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Penny said...

I enjoy Paglia and Althouse for the same reasons.

* They are intelligent women who speak their minds.

* Their views are not always predictable.

* They have wide-ranging interests, which makes each, ever so human.

I would love to see BOTH write for Salon.

Roberto said...

Cantor open to second stimulus...

Dem Rep Wants Limbaugh Debate: "You Are A Coward"...

David Frum: Self-Employed Republicans Turning Liberal Over Health Care Costs...

Majority of Voters View Limbaugh Negatively...

EFCA's Opponents Received Millions Upon Millions From Business PACs

Michael Steele Reveals He's Pro-Choice

TSA Investigating Vitter's Airport Tantrum


Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston Have Broken Up

The Republican Party...what a fucking joke.

JSF said...


I said good things about a president I did not like....Can you?

Or is it always with the insults?

Roberto said...

Penny said..."Their views are not always predictable."

That tells me you really DON'T read what these two say.

BOTH are entirely "predictable."


garage mahal said...

Wall Street thinks he's weak and indecisive, and so does most of the Left, though for different (but sometimes overlapping - like among those on all sides of the aisle who support nationalization of bad banks) reasons

But what does "nationalizing" even mean? We already own 40% of Citi, what's the difference between owning 40% and owning 60% or 80%? The Federal government is never going to be deciding who gets a loan or not. I think there are hundreds of billions of credit swap losses between Citi and AIG that they can't even tell anyone about yet. (Why they're not calling "nationalization").

Jeremy said...

Okay, I admit it: I'm a lying piece of shit who just want the rest of the local wingnuts to acknowledge me and love me.

Jeremy said...

I'm really cool.

JSF said...


So...always with the insults and the imitations...

I prove open mindedness and he spews Hate.

Thank you very much. Proved my point about "Liberal Tolerance," It does not exist.

Roberto said...

JSF - I think you're a fucking dick. You talk the talk but lack the intellect to make a reasonable point.

As for you ridiculous comment that you "...said good things about a president..."

I have no knowledge of that being the case.

Why not own up to the fact that you're a right wing creep and leave it at that?

I will.

JSF said...


I'm not insulting people left and right.

For some reason, I believe that people who have different opinions then me are other Americans, not Evil beings.

I offered open mindedness about a President I did not support. As they say, I gave at the office.

What did you offer in return?

All I hear from you is Hate.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would we want Althouse writing for Salon? Who would read her and how would she make up for the lost income?

Roberto said...

Cantor open to second stimulus...

Dem Rep Wants Limbaugh Debate: "You Are A Coward"...

David Frum: Self-Employed Republicans Turning Liberal Over Health Care Costs...

Majority of Voters View Limbaugh Negatively...

EFCA's Opponents Received Millions Upon Millions From Business PACs

Michael Steele Reveals He's Pro-Choice

TSA Investigating Vitter's Airport Tantrum


Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston Have Broken Up

The Republican Party...what a fucking joke.

Roberto said...

JSF: I don't "hate" you, I just think you're a fucking dolt.

I suggest you read more and talk less.

JSF said...


"A Dolt?" And this is not offering Hate how?

As I said, "Liberal Tolerance" is amyth and you are exhibit one.

Show me how you are open minded. Because you surely do not spout it.

Roberto said...

No comments about THIS???

Cantor open to second stimulus...

Dem Rep Wants Limbaugh Debate: "You Are A Coward"...

David Frum: Self-Employed Republicans Turning Liberal Over Health Care Costs...

Majority of Voters View Limbaugh Negatively...

EFCA's Opponents Received Millions Upon Millions From Business PACs

Michael Steele Reveals He's Pro-Choice

TSA Investigating Vitter's Airport Tantrum

Roberto said...

JSF said..."Show me how you are open minded. Because you surely do not spout it."

Oh, please.

Obama has been President for 50 days and literally every comment here is related his "failures."

You included.

There's no "open minded" here. And you're just another one of's evident by your constant sucking up to the locals.

JSF said...

"One of them," "Them"

Remember folks, if you do not walk lockstep with Michael -- you do not exist as a person.

I proved open mindedness by saying policies that I thought Clinton got right, and Michael could not do the same in return.

If he wants open mindedness on President Obama, maybe Michael can show some.

Roberto said...

JSF: "Remember folks, if you do not walk lockstep with Michael -- you do not exist as a person."

Eat my dick.

I'm a flaming liberal and could give a fuck about people walking with ME anywhere.

Are you in favor of gay marriage, legal drugs, national health care, a woman's choice, euthanasia, etc.?


Roberto said...

JSF: Oh, and I forgot...I do think people should be "opem-minded" regarding Obama...considering the man has been President for 50 days?

What is it about that that you oppose?

Do you really think 50 days is a sufficient period of time to evaluate?

JSF said...


Where is that Liberal open-mindedness I used to hear about?

Let me clue you on to something: I used to be NYC Liberal democrat until 1992.

I actually have friends of all Political persuasions....the way to win an argument? Conversions.

You want me in lockstep with you. Why would I want to share my views with a hate filled man?

Roberto said...

"And I'm sick of people impugning Rush's wealth and lifestyle, which is no different from that of another virtuoso broadcaster who hit it big -- Oprah Winfrey."

And just think of the many comparisons when considering their intellectual, cultural and human contributions.

Matt Eckert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

JSF: "Let me clue you on to something: I used to be NYC Liberal democrat until 1992."

So fucking what?

That doesn't make you any less of an idiot now.

Are you actually representing your abandonment of liberalism with your new infatuation with what we now see as the Republican/conservative view of the being good? The least bit intelligent?

You're eeven dumber than I thought...and that takes some doing...Mr.Professional.

JSF said...


As long as you spew hate, I am glad I am not allied with you.

Matt Eckert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
somefeller said...

But what does "nationalizing" even mean?

Full takeover of ownership of the bad banks (pouring out the shareholders, alas), with an eye to privatizing the remains later. The Sweden plan, as an example. I'm not saying that's the way things should go (though I'm leaning in that direction), but those who do support that method aren't fans of Geithner, generally, and that's a nontrivial number of people. Add to that group those who think he simply isn't coming off in a manner that inspires confidence, and you have a pretty big chunk of the interested electorate.

Roberto said...

Matt: "I hope you can gay marry downtownlad soon and enjoy molest children in Thailand together."

Gee, Matt...take any English grammar or writing courses?

As to your convoluted point: I don't care who gets married.


Why do YOU care?

Roberto said...

somefeller - Isn't it just a tad early for such anybody?

C'mon...50 days into a new administration after being left holding this bag?

Unless you're a complete fool, you already know that's unrealistic.

Roberto said...

JSF - I need you like I need a hole in the head.

You're not very smart and for some unknown think you are.

Buzz of.

JSF said...


You are an example of Hate Speech.

Makes you wonder why you have an empty Blog. Nothing but:

"I Hate anyone who does not think like me,"

Michael -- wanting everyone to walk in lockstep.

Seig Michael!

Jason (the commenter) said...

My fault (I typed to fast) but I meant the last two Presidents.


-welfare reform

Bush 2

-can't think of anything

Seriously, what did Bush 2 do that I should support? I'm a little "l" libertarian. Bush 2 was my exact opposite. I wont even give him invading Afghanistan, because I thought it was a problem long before 9/11.

Joan said...

Well this thread has been thoroughly polluted, but just in case ZPS pops in again, I thought I'd reply to this: Show me a poll where the vast majority of Americans universally love (the adverb remains) Rush Limbaugh?

Zach, in addition to your adverbs, you need to work on your reading comprehension. I never said anything about a vast majority of Americans universally loving Limbaugh, because that would be absurd. My only point was, in a country where the guy gets 20-something million listeners a week, at least some of them do like him, which means, by definition, that he cannot be "universally" hated.

That's all.

As for being in a bubble -- sweetheart, I'm a conservative working to become a teacher. If there is a profession less conservative than teaching, I can't name it. Every day I go to work I'm surrounded by people who disagree with me about religion and politics. In the classes I'm taking I have to watch what I say/write lest I antagonize the professor. I'm used to this kind of thing, though -- the vast majority (heh) of my family are Massachusetts liberals.

somefeller said...

Michael - I'd agree it's unrealistic to say at this point that a policy isn't working to its proper completion or someone should hold the bag. And I sure as hell am not one of the buffoons who are claiming that Obama's administration is failing. But politics is as much an exercise in perception as it is anything else, and there is an undeniably large group of people who aren't impressed with Geithner. Right or wrong, that's the current situation, and that has to be faced and addressed one way or another.

Actually, one thing that I think is worth noting is that a lot of people on the Left were against him from the very beginning (too much of a creature of Wall Street to do anything bold or overly progressive, in their view - and mine), while a lot of the Wall Street types bashing Geithner now were signing his praises when he was appointed. While it's true that changes of facts can and should affect opinions, it looks to me like the ones who can claim consistency here (at least as of now) aren't the ones who take their cues from CNBC.

somefeller said...

My only point was, in a country where the guy gets 20-something million listeners a week, at least some of them do like him, which means, by definition, that he cannot be "universally" hated.

And that's a very weak point. In a country this size, it's not hard for a major media personality to get a sizable audience. Limbaugh may not be universally hated, but he isn't popular except among hardcore conservatives, and Paglia's claims that Obama and the Democrats are hurting themselves by criticizing such a popular figure (and by extension, his audience of great and impressive Americans) is absurd and isn't supported by the facts. Which is to say, it's a standard Paglia statement.

Peter V. Bella said...

And what have the silly-right suggested to date? why, let's cut taxes. it has never worked in the past, never once, but heck let's try it again.

Cutting taxes without cutting spending is foolish, I agree. Cutting taxes while increasing spending is disastrous; which is what this administration is doing.

Government spending will not help this economy. A government that actually encourages industry and manufacturing- something we have not had for over forty years- will help the economy. Neither the Dems or the Repubs have done anything to do this.

A service economy is a servile economy. We are servile to all the foreign countries who manufacture the goods we buy. They buy few of ours in comparison. We have been in a major trade war and the government has done nothing for over forty years except to appease the foreign competition and stifle domestic production.

Roberto said...

Petey - "Government spending will not help this economy."

G.W. Bush came into office -
$2 trillion debt

Leaves office:
$10 trillion debt.

How do you suppose this happened?

Roberto said...

somefeller - 50 days in and you're concerned with what people think about someone 99% of the American population had never even heard of?

I suggest you read up on Geithner and give him a chance.

Most here supported G.W. for eight years and are suddenly impatient.

Roberto said...

Joan - "As for being in a bubble -- sweetheart, I'm a conservative working to become a teacher. If there is a profession less conservative than teaching, I can't name it."

It also tells me you're probably not going to be a very good teacher.

Liberals = "tolerance."

KCFleming said...

There is a cancer on this blog.

Peter V. Bella said...

Obama, having read history, knows that.

I doubt thaqt Obama has read history, unless it was revisionist history. So far all he has done is what Nancy Pelosi through Rham Emaneual hastold him to do. Obama is a good order taker and nothing more. Ask Emil Jones; the man who discovered him, picked him, and started his politcal career. A venal, ethically and morally corrupt Chicago Politician. He trained Obama to be just like him.

Roberto said...

Petey The Moron - "I doubt thaqt Obama has read history..."

Barack Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004...and you "doubt" he has read history?

These are the kinds of comments that really reveal you to be even dumber than first thought.

Jason (the commenter) said...

There is a cancer on this blog.

To stop those monsters 1-2-3
Here's a fresh new way that's trouble free
It's got Paul Anka's guarantee...
(Guarantee void in Tennessee!)
Just don't look!
Just don't look!
Just don't look!
Just don't look!

Roberto said...

Pogo said..."There is a cancer on this blog."

No, just a little Pogo pimple of a man who likes to read his own posts.

Why not leave?

somefeller said...

somefeller - 50 days in and you're concerned with what people think about someone 99% of the American population had never even heard of?

To the extent that a large portion of the people who have heard of him have an unfavorable opinion of him, and those people are heavily concentrated among political activists and elites, yes, I am concerned. Particularly because a good portion of that group is coming at this from the Left and from the beginning included informed sources on the Left. I have no use for the W supporters who are now criticizing Obama for not cleaning up the mess W made in a matter of weeks (in my view, they should drink a nice tall glass of STFU for about four to eight years), but I'm also not going to ignore the fact that Geithner doesn't seem to be doing a great job of winning friends and influencing people right now. I hope this can change, and it can. But this situation isn't something that can be brushed off as nothing more than the complaints of the Limbaugh set, and I suspect Obama (and Geithner, for that matter) is well aware of that.

Peter V. Bella said...

...what a fucking joke.

The joke is on you. Soon we will be a third world country thanks to the man who has been in office for 50 days. How many days until January 20, 2013?

Peter V. Bella said...

Barack Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004...and you "doubt" he has read history?

Michael the cretin,
yeah, I doubt that he has ever read a book since he graduated from law school. He taught law as an adjunct professor while he wrote his fictional books. Next you will be telling me that Hillary Clinton is a woman of accomplishment. You are a fucking squib.

BTW, I live in Chicago. I know who started Obama on his path with destiny. A corrupt Chicago politician, just like your Messiah.

Roberto said...

Peter - The man taught Constitutional Law, became a U.S. Senator and President and you're saying he's just not that well-read?

You are really a dumb fuck.

Jason (the commenter) said...

The joke is on you. Soon we will be a third world country thanks to the man who has been in office for 50 days. How many days until January 20, 2013?

Wow, bitter! Isn't the best cure for liberalism a dose of pure liberalism?

Roberto said...

Jason, what the fuck are you trying to say?

And get some smaller glasses.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think that commenting here is good for your mental health, Michael. Your posts are borderline violent, and usually involve some homosexual implication hurled as an insult, much like an adolescent boy would hurl. I suppose this is why people here originally thought you were an adolescent. For your own sake, you really need to work these issues out with a professional.

Roberto said...

somefeller- "To the extent that a large portion of the people who have heard of him have an unfavorable opinion of him, and those people are heavily concentrated among political activists and elites, yes, I am concerned."

You haven't read much about him have you?

I didn't think so.

Why post inane bullshit when you don't know anything about the subject matter?

And why do you care what others think about the man?

It tells me you have no mind of your own.

1. Geithner worked for Kissinger and Associates in Washington, D.C., for three years.

2. The International Affairs division of the U.S. Treasury.

3. Serve as an attache at the US Embassy in Tokyo.

4. Was deputy assistant secretary for international monetary and financial policy, senior deputy assistant secretary for international affairs, and assistant secretary for international affairs.

5. Was Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs and under Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers.

6. Was a Senior Fellow in the International Economics department.

7. Was director of the Policy Development and Review Department at the International Monetary Fund.

8. Was named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Now post YOUR resume for comparison.

Roberto said...

Henry - Fuck off.

Why would I care what you think?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Somefeller said something like in a country of this size, 20 million audience is no big deal (I am paraphrasing).

You are full of soup Tex. Can you list even 5-10 others?? I doubt it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Lucy/ Michael:

Take you meds and fuck off you deutschbag.

I'm Full of Soup said...

That was my pre-emptive strike Lucy! I learned from the best - George Bush!

Roberto said...

Jason - "Well, I'm not old enough to have TWO presidents I supported, so I'll have to do with one:

-Bombing Libya
-Firing the air traffic controllers who were on strike
-ending price controls on oil"

Not old enough?

Reagan was President in 1980..and you're saying you haven't "supported" any of the next 4??

Roberto said...

AJ - "Take you meds and fuck off you deutschbag."




Jason (the commenter) said...

Henry Buck : I really don't think that commenting here is good for your mental health

Henry, talking to a crazy person means YOU are crazy. (Hear that AJ and JSF?)

Roberto said...

Jason, You're such a little girl.

But you're really cute in those big 'ol glasses.


Joe said...

After 8 years of the most foolish and misguided administration in the history of the company

Polk is rolling in grave at that comment and Grant is shaking his fist at you for such arrogance.

Revenant said...

And that's a very weak point. In a country this size, it's not hard for a major media personality to get a sizable audience.

A person with 20 million fans is not universally hated, even if everyone else in the country hates his guts. QED. As points go that's rock-solid.

Anyway, Limbaugh is viewed negatively by less than half of the population. So any claim that he's universally hated is objectively false. The majority of Americans either like the guy or don't care about him.

KCFleming said...

This blog needs chemotherapy for the cancer that is Michael.

The Dude said...

Didn't want to read all of the Michael vomit, but there was one classic nugget amongst all the hatred and bile he spewed out:

"Liberals = tolerance".

Sounds just like "Islam = peace".

Submit to your betters and they will tolerate you in peace. Yep.

Meade said...

Whatever Salon pays Paglia, Althouse should get X3.

Trooper York said...

Why would the professor want to work in a nail salon? I thought you had to be Korean?

Fen said...

"After 50 days of the most foolish and misguided administration in the history of..."


Fen said...

"The man taught Constitutional Law"

No. Not really.

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