March 1, 2009

Off-blog Althouse.

I stood on Lake Mendota:


Acquired a hat at The Sacred Feather:


Hid under it at Michelangelo's:



traditionalguy said...

Professor, you are a smile shinning in a cold place. There is a warm heart behind today's smile. May you enjoy the new life you are blessed with today.

Michael Haz said...

It looks like you had a lovely day. Good for you!

Gretchen said...

Great hat! I have a similar one in black from the Sacred Feather. It's a great hat shop; my husband has gotten (and lost twice-grr) perfect hats from them. I took my oldest there last spring, and she picked out a hat for her little brother. The woman running the place thought that was sweet, and let my daughter pick out a bandanna for herself for free. Nice people.

ricpic said...

Dare To Wear...Purple

Purty li'l gal she wanted a hat,
So she went to the hat store and what'd she gat?
Gat a hat what was purple, a hat what was purple,
Purty li'l gal jes' had to have purple.

Then she went to have coffee at the coffee store,
And what'd she wore at the coffee store?
Why she wore that hat at that coffee store!
Yep, she brazened it out.
Purty li'l gal dared to wear purple.

bearbee said...

Well, don't just STAND there!


Automatic_Wing said...

Is that Charlton Heston out there by the Statue of Liberty?

Brad V said...

Ah - pure Madison. If only you had topped it off with a shot of you and Scanner Dan on the same bench.

George M. Spencer said...

There are 25 windows in the crown which symbolize gemstones and the heaven's rays shining over the world.

The seven rays represent the seven seas and continents of the world, says the Nat'l Park Service.

Beware of cheap men's suit jackets imported from Germany.

This message has been brought to you by Brooks Brothers.

As the country’s oldest clothing retailer, Brooks Brothers is proud to uphold the same traditions and values for nearly two centuries. We believe these are the reasons why our customers consider us to be far more than a store. Brooks Brothers is an American icon.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to learn depth of field.

J. Cole said...

It seems that Madison, WI is remarkably similar to Eugene, OR.

Host with the Most said...

You are a handsome woman, if I may say so . . .

Bob W. said...

Professor A, did you get a chance to catch a walleye out there on the lake? It would have helped you understand what the fishing thing is all about (although ice fishing for me has always been an excuse to drink brandy, and spit chewing tobacco streams on the ice!)

Meanwhile, you missed the story about the troop withdrawal from a perilous, far from pacified region, after a 3+ year commitment. . .

J. Cricket said...

Memo to the Self-absorbed One:

When you put it on the blog, there is nothing "off-blog" about it!

Patm said...

The hat is fantastic. Only a woman with confidence and a bit of an attitude should wear hats. You pull it off well.

TitusJustShotaLoad said...

Great pictures, wonderful smile.

I love the Sacred Feather. I am glad to hear it is still there.

gefillmore said...

Patm said:

The hat is fantastic. Only a woman with confidence and a bit of an attitude should wear hats. You pull it off well.

very nice; very cool-

and, as HWTM said, you are a handsome woman, and moreso-

TitusJustShotaLoad said...

My morning loaf were cute little balls that lightly shot from my ass. Each plopped ever so gently into the bowl.

AmPowerBlog said...

Getting warm under it at Michelangelo's?

Ron said...

In the blog,
The women come and go,
Eating at Michelangelo's.

--Love Song of Ann Althouse Prufrock

Trooper York said...

Holy crap, Peter Fonda retired to a hat store in Wisconsin. Cool.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to learn depth of field.

Someone needs to learn to see what's in front of her nose, and not make impertinent and inapplicable remarks.

Someone, obviously ignorant of the subject, needs to not look up photographic concepts such as "depth of field" on the web and attempt to work them into random snark.

TitusJustShotaLoad said...

Sunday loaf pinching is a time for reflection, perspection and projection.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Well, Theo, I was mostly talking about that last photo. I would focus on the nose in front of me, but, alas, it's out of focus. The clearest part of that image is the gentleman to the right of the portrait subject.

Or isn't that an appropriate use of snark?

Perhaps I might join in with GeorgeE and lament that the giddy schoolgirl has neglected to do her bloggerly duty which we have come to expect even though she is not directly compensated monetarily with it.


TitusJustShotaLoad said...

I am crowning again and preparing for my second Sunday pinched loaf.

FYI-I usually take one when I wake up and another after I have some caffeine.

The one brewing in me now is the one after my caffeine.

Paco Wové said...

"Perhaps I might join in with GeorgeE"

"join in" with a stalker? Why would you want to do that?

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

As a "lady of a certain age" ... that hat looks good on you.

TitusJustShotaLoad said...

I just completed my second Sunday Loaf.

I commonly refer this loaf to the "combo loaf". It is a combo loaf because it incorporates many type of loaves into one.

It was a reluctant loaf initially. But after a few grunts it slid out rather seamlessly. The combo part was that it was part logs, part soft stool, part runny and part sassy. All of those parts together makes it a combo loaf.

Combo loaves require a great deal of wiping. The type of wiping where you ask yourself when is it going to end? And even when you completed the wiping you are not certain if the wiping was really completed thoroughly. As a matter of fact you could probably go back in there and wipe and find that there are many klinkers and dingleberries still surrounding the hole of the ass.

Big Mike said...

The first picture looks like the setting from that crazy "Day After Tomorrow" movie. I thought on the second picture that you maybe had gotten a case of Aretha Franklin envy. But in the third picture you bring the look off with style and pizazz. Well done, Professor!

David said...

Althouse is looking very satisfied with herself. Unlike graceless George E., I consider this a very admirable trait.

George E.
Puddin' and Pie.
Liked the girls,
But never made them sigh.

Curtiss said...

What? No purple scarf to go with the hat?

Anonymous said...


No, Helen. Let's just say you're full of shit.

That picture isn't out of focus. The camera was rotated slightly during the exposure, causing the visible blurring. The left hand of the photographer seems to have jerked slightly, and the axis of rotation is somewhere near the top rung of the gentleman's chair visible to Althouse's left. The camera movement was not, of course, perfect rotation, so the picture is nowhere completely free of blurring, obviously caused by motion. That is NOT "depth of field."

If you knew anything about photography, that would be as plain as the nose on your face.

But of course you know nothing about photography. You're a psychologist with a leftish political agenda and a dislike of Althouse bordering on an obsession. And you're also one whose own picture becomes much less fuzzy each time you (meaning the various Maxine sock puppets) troll this blog.

Anonymous said...

Theo: My bad. I thought 'visible blurring' equals 'out of focus.' Oh, kind sir knight, will you please, please, please forgive me for commenting at all about the portrait of the fair Althouse damsel?

Palladian said...

Theo's correct. The problem in the last photograph is camera movement, not "depth of field". If you bothered to look at the EXIF data of the photograph, you'd see that it was taken with a Canon PowerShot SD800 which allows the user no control over the aperture anyway. Those cameras are designed to take pictures with consistently high "depth of field" even at low f-numbers. In other words, it's Althouse's point-and-shoot camera, not her Nikon SLR.

Try harder, Maxine. Stick to something you know something about, like....



Anonymous said...

Well I know a little about football players. I especially like Doug Flutie and Brian Piccolo.

Anonymous said...

And another thing I know with complete certitude: I am not Maxine.

Penny for your thoughts though.

Matt Eckert said...

What is this Lake Mendota? I heard you were dipping you toe into Lake Meade.

hdhouse said...

hey ann...i spot three different coats in the three pictures...clothes horse!

jeff said...

"Holy crap, Peter Fonda retired to a hat store in Wisconsin. Cool."

Trooper, please. Anyone can tell that's Paul Hogan.

DaddyO said...

I appear on scene when needed to right wrongs, deflate trolls and defend all things good and just.

Helen, you are warmly requested to examine 'depth of field' by sticking your swollen but empty head up your ass. And don't for get to smile for the camera.

Helen, Maxine, Penny, whatever. Same head goes up same ass.

Ass woman.

If you had a real life you'd not have any friends there, either.

DaddyO said...

Helen Maxine Penny, fat ass cottage cheesy thigh sour hag. Do you still love nature, despite what it did to you?

Anonymous said...

I admitted I made an error about my photo critique. But you all answered by being, at the very least, inhospitable. Is there an entrance exam here? What must one do to be a commenter? It sure feels like a clique.

Is it never permitted to tweak the blog hostess? I sort of thought she was all about living free through blogging and all that. Shall I just be derivative and talk of menstrual blood or bowel movements?

What are you all so protective about? Seriously. So Meade fell into the Althouse vortex and you all are clumbering to ride off that cliff, too.

I reiterate: I am not Maxine.

Jason (the commenter) said...

i spot three different coats in the three pictures

The first and second coats look like the same coat to me, they just have slightly different colors from being under natural and artificial light sources. And the third "coat" is just some sort of big sweater worn under the coat. You can see its collar in the other pictures. All part of the fine art of layering.

The Dude said...

One never knows what it takes to be accepted here, or even if that is a good thing. Just write, move on, and if some shit head gets on your case, blast him. No, that was not another reference to Titus, lord knows...

But you might want to look at your need to be liked or accepted - who gives a flying fuck what strangers think?

And if Michael has not been banned, then it is doubtful that you will, either. Unless you can be more obnoxious, more left wing, more of a lick spittle Obama fluffer - in which case, well, nothing. Keep posting until you grow tired of it.

Rockport Conservative said...

I like that hat! I want one.

traditionalguy said...

Helen parr... The Professor is valued for her teaching skills which are off the chart high. The added spice of her being a sweet and kind person does draw either loyalty or incredible jealousy. Hang around until you find which way you want to lean. No amount of honest criticism will offend The Professor, but some of the loyal types who comment here are not timid when she comes under fire.

Anonymous said...

fcai and traditionalguy: Much obliged for the clue.

Big Mike said...

@HelenParr, some folks defend the Professor with extreme vigor, and your comment -- which was a little on snide side -- triggered a disproportionate response. Don't sweat it. Probably you learned something today.

@Jason, I think you're right. I think the Professor was wearing the same coat in the 2nd picture as in the first, but with a black scarf.

Anonymous said...

Big Mike: I don't want to get all victimy here, so thanks. Lesson learned. Let's move on.

TitusJustShotaLoad said...

Lets destroy HelenPaar

traditionalguy said...

Titus... Let's pull-up all of the comments about you last week and re-run Them with Helen Parr's name in place of yours. That would be the famous "cruel and unusual Punishment", but she has no Con. law helpers available.

traditionalguy said...

Titus... Is everyone snowed in up North yet? The city of Atlanta is eagerly awaiting Snow Day closures in the morning for frozen over roads/bridges. We are amateurs over snow and ice conditions. The Airport gets big delays too. But we expect warm weather (72F.) next weekend in Amelia Island.

Roberto said...

Helen - "Is there an entrance exam here? What must one do to be a commenter? It sure feels like a clique."

No, it's more like a pack of right wing Althouse sycophants.

Especially if you say ANYTHING negative about the "Queen."

jeff said...

Hey, looky there. Titus crapped out a Michael. Need to flush a bit faster Titus, one of them crawled out.

The Dude said...

Jesus God, Michael, have you turned against Obama now? Are you calling him a queen now? That is low, even for a flaming left winger commie pus bag such as yourself.

traditionalguy said...

Michael... What's a sycophant? Is it a new breed of Cocker Spaniel? The best part of cocker spaniels is their loyalty, so I may be one of the Queen's Sycophants and feel no jealousy towards her.

Michael said...

Helen - "Is there an entrance exam here? What must one do to be a commenter? It sure feels like a clique."

No, it's more like a pack of right wing Althouse sycophants.

Especially if you say ANYTHING negative about the "Queen."

The Dude said...

Yeah, I see you working, but that's even less imaginative than my obscenity laced ad hominem attacks.

Roberto said...

traditionalguy - Maybe a dictionary would come in handy...suck ass.

Roberto said...

And of course, an immediate response from three of the local suck shore up exactly what I said.

Suck harder, girls...she might not know you're there.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Michael : Especially if you say ANYTHING negative about the "Queen."

Pooh, Althouse begs for criticism. Some of the people labeled trolls spend so much time making clearly partisan statements, that no one pays them any attention when they say something intelligent.

Some of the other people labeled trolls who are supposedly "shocking" would only shock a square.

Worst trolls ever!

Methadras said...

The hat store looks like it has pride of ownership. It's neat and tidy and I like that. I shop at places that are like that. Everything in it's proper place conveys to me a sense of goodness and warmth. Damn, my synesthaesia is kicking into overdrive today.

Methadras said...

TitusJustShotaLoad said...

I just completed my second Sunday Loaf.

I commonly refer this loaf to the "combo loaf". It is a combo loaf because it incorporates many type of loaves into one.

It was a reluctant loaf initially. But after a few grunts it slid out rather seamlessly. The combo part was that it was part logs, part soft stool, part runny and part sassy. All of those parts together makes it a combo loaf.

Combo loaves require a great deal of wiping. The type of wiping where you ask yourself when is it going to end? And even when you completed the wiping you are not certain if the wiping was really completed thoroughly. As a matter of fact you could probably go back in there and wipe and find that there are many klinkers and dingleberries still surrounding the hole of the ass.

Your scatological narrative is completely and utterly second rate compared to that of the Japanese and Germans. Even if you were either Japanese or German or some mixture thereof, you would be but an a mere novice to their mastery of all things poo. You could learn a thing or two from them. Either way, I hope that now you are empty you can get up dance a jig or two in celebration. Cheers.

Methadras said...

It's these sweet little mom and pop shops that deserve as much business as you can possibly give them. They are the backbone and bread and butter of this nation. This country still cherishes these little niches of industry, entrepreneurship, and sole-propriety and we should all support them.

traditionalguy said...

Michael... The Dictionary defines Jealousy as anger, sadness and disgust mixed up in a strong emotional reaction to something one feels he has lost because another has gotten it. What has the professor got that you feel has been lost by you? Is she a center of much attention? Is she in a safe place? Does she have friends? Does she have a free mind to express her own thoughts? What is it?

Wince said...

Similar to that missing syllable in "One small step for a man..."

... if you listen to Heston very carefully, he says...

"Arrgg, damn you. God damn you Althouse to Hell!"

Kind of like Michael when he visits Althouse.

I suppose that makes most Althouse commenters, what... the apes?

RLB_IV said...

After all the commentary regarding our humble host, all I can ask is,"what becomes a legend most..." Is it the hat or something else...

john said...
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john said...
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john said...

Perfessor - will that Statue tip over when the ice melts? Does it have to follow the ice house regs?

Here's a little ice fishing excitement.

David said...

Dear Helen of Parr:

"Is there an entrance exam here?"

No entrance exam. Have you been reading the comments? This is High School. If you breathe, you get in.

"What must one do to be a commenter?"

Make comments. But if you don't like comments directed back at you (some will be snarky and (gasp) unfair) you will have to thicken your skin. (Just like in High School.) On the other hand, you may be completely ignored (many of us are and were in High School too). Continue to dance by yourself and pretend to enjoy the party. (Like High School, remember.)

"It sure feels like a clique."

No, it's not a clique. It's several cliques. (High School!!!!) Some are, or think they are, more cool and popular than others. Some are based on actual friendship or other affinity.

This is not to criticize the blog, its participants or its hostess. Life is indeed like High School.

Actually, High School wasn't so bad. Over too soon, though.

David said...


"It's these sweet little mom and pop shops that deserve as much business as you can possibly give them. They are the backbone and bread and butter of this nation. This country still cherishes these little niches of industry, entrepreneurship, and sole-propriety and we should all support them."

We are going to be supporting them very soon and very handsomely. These lovely little bread and butter backbones hardly ever supply their employees with medical insurance or retirement benefits. But never fear. Soon we taxpayers will supply all those things and the mom and pops can continue their charming and parsimonious way.

Palladian said...

David, does your last name happen to be Walton?

Chip Ahoy said...
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Chip Ahoy said...

The Statue of Liberty replication interests me. Is it flat or is it three dimensional? Why is the torch so poorly rendered compared with the head? Where is the hand holding the torch? These burning questions burn with the fire of a sun, or perhaps the heat of a 40 watt bulb.

[+"lake mendota" +liberty]

Story here.

Ha ha ha. Those crazy college kids. What will they come up with next? It's a shame the first one was burnt. The photo of the original does show a proper torch.

The stop at the milliner's shop looks interesting. The thing about hats for women, though, is when coming in from the cold, they generally must go straight to the bathroom to fix their hat-hair.

chickelit said...

Do the gentlemen still keep their hats on by day in Madison?

Anonymous said...


Freeman Hunt said...

David, does your last name happen to be Walton?

Interesting point of fact: I don't know the other ones, so I couldn't say, but Jim Walton's family is just about one of the nicest families you could ever hope to meet. That's saying something too because it's not like they'd have to be to get by, especially in Bentonville.

David said...

Walton? I wish. If I'm a Walton it's more like John-Boy.

David said...

BTW, I'm a Walmart fan. Not as a shareholder but a shopper. Where I live, the Walmart is packed every day because it's got low prices and reasonable quality. It's not a New York thing, I know, Palladian, but here in SC it's the main deal.

I love NY man, and I love Mom and Pops and the people who run them. My town is full of them and I admire the owners. I just think Mom and Pops are over romanticized by the Hate the Corporations crowd. A Mom and Pop is not a great place to work: no benefits and no career path.

bearbee said...

Holy crap, Peter Fonda retired to a hat store in Wisconsin. Cool.

Crocodile Dundee

Freeman Hunt said...

Could not agree more with David.

Palladian said...

"I love NY man, and I love Mom and Pops and the people who run them. My town is full of them and I admire the owners."

Well you're lucky. Most of them were flushed out of New York a long time ago.

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