January 19, 2009

"When You're Strange" is a new documentary about The Doors.

And promoting it, here's what's left of The Doors. Old, but — Morrisonless — decidedly not strange.


TMink said...

Jim had the looks and the voice, but those two old geezers were a HUGE part of the Doors.

Robbie wrote "Light My Fire." Manz played that wonderful organ intro.

Nuff said.


traditionalguy said...

Who left the Doors open? There is a cold draft of nostalgia Blowing in the Wind.I vote for Chuck Berry to come back and play dueling guitars againt these old guys.

Mike Ballburn said...

Morrison had become Elvis before he died. Fat and drugged up.
I imagine he'd be playing a Holiday Inn lounge somewhere.
"Hey, how many of you ladies are from out of town? C'mon and touch me baby."

Modern Otter said...

I think Rip Taylor's character (himself) in Wayne's World 2 got Jim and The Doors down perfectly:

I said, "Who are you?" He said,
"Jim Morrison. I'm a dead rock star."

I said, "I'm not familiar with
your work." So he played The Doors.

I said, "You're like a crooner
in the rock milieu, which I like."

Modern Otter said...
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John Kindley said...

Morrison, like Elvis, lived fast and died young, but did not leave a good-looking corpse.

chickelit said...

These sorts of inspired Doors revivals (Apocolypse Now, Sugarman’s book, Stone’s biopic) used to generate royalties from the music which went to the old man admiral and his family—a worthy cause. Now that he's gone, I guess it all goes to the surviving band mates.

I got something out of their music, so I hope it lives on through their endeavors.

Bissage said...

Off topic:

[Your humble correspondent strides through the fancy 1920s hotel lounge full of fancy 1920s people.]

BISSAGE: Paging Professor Althouse! Message for Professor Althouse!


BISSAGE: Sign, please.

[Hands over message.]

PROFESSOR ALTHOUSE: Here you are, boy.

[Gratefully accepts quarter and returns to hotel front desk.]

Bissage said...


How very strange.

Anyway, message is at comment 214, here.

Wince said...

Strange, indeed.

Robby Krieger in that photo looks like a character from Hee-Haw.

Wonder if he'll ask Manzarek "what's for supper?"

Goose Syrup said...

Morrison DID NOT DIE FAT....drugged, sure. But really, look at the photos of him right before he died, he lost all the weight and looked good.