January 25, 2009

"What Maureen Dowd misses is that both Blagojevich and Paterson rolled Obama on Senate picks. And rubbed it in, hard."



Buford Gooch said...

Obama: rolled by a blind guy and a stupid one. Don't let anyone fool you. Blago appears to have made a brilliant move, but it wasn't through intelligence. This guy is dumber than a box of rocks.

The Crack Emcee said...

Yea, for some reason, I've recently found myself kinda rooting for Blago. I think it's because of the tendency amongst libs to throw people under the bus, rather than stand on whatever passes for principles in their world. Whatever it is, I think he's played it beautifully so far, and should hand them everything they deserve until the truth comes out, one way or another.

Big Mike said...

I was wondering when someone was going to point that out.

And I note that it is the Kennedy clan that vows revenge on Paterson, not the White House.

Odds on who's next to roll Obama:

Nancy Pelosi.............even
Harry Reid................2:1
Joseph Biden.............5:1
Dick Durbin.............10:1
Arnold Schwartzenegger.20:1
Mitch McConnell........50:1

Curtiss said...

Blago - what a tool.

He's a crook and a scoundrel, but I can't help rooting for him too.

I suppose he's the underdog now. He's certainly the politician without a party.

Brian Doyle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dualdiagnosis said...

Why do people insist on calling people like Blago stupid? He became Governor in a state like Illinois using his wits, and just recently has schooled the high flying Messsiah along with the entire Dem congress, both surrounded by a compliant media.

Unknown said...

I'm surprised you'd ask that question. We've had eight years of discussion as to how a stupid person with obvious verbal communication idiosyncrasies could graduate from Yale and Harvard and ascend to the presidency. The governorship of Illinois seems easy by comparison.

David said...

Let's see. Rolled by Blago and Paterson. So how is he going to do with Putin?

Actually I'm not sure Obama got rolled. He did not seem to be all that interested in these two selections. At least that is the public stance. If the public stance is true, it may mean that Obama is willing to focus on high priorities--like the economy--without trying to control everything that goes on.

At least that's the hopeful point of view.

vbspurs said...

Nancy Pelosi.............even
Harry Reid................2:1
Joseph Biden.............5:1
Dick Durbin.............10:1
Arnold Schwartzenegger.20:1
Mitch McConnell........50:1

Interestingly, the guy who got my vote in November says he's NOT on-board with the stimulus plan, "as it now stands".


John McCain.........55:1.

vbspurs said...

Actually I'm not sure Obama got rolled. He did not seem to be all that interested in these two selections.

I agree. Obama wasn't interested in who succeeded him once he found out Blago wanted $$$ for Valerie Jarrett.

As for Caroline, he probably thought Paterson was in the bag for her, and was as non-plussed by the negative reaction to her, as she must've been. That after she stepped down, there weren't leaks that he leaned on Paterson on her behalf tells you something.

He's an user. He's used everyone he's ever met to get where he is, and doesn't care what happens to them after he's reached the summit.

Mo MoDo said...

I was so intrigued by Dowd's comparison of Gillibrand to Tracy Flick that I made a movie poster mash-up with Peterson in the Matthew Broderick role.

TitusonceknewagirlfromNantucket said...

Don't worry. In the democrat primary in 2010 we are going to destroy Kirsten.

I don't give a shit about the gun issue.

But we need someone super fabulous and Kirsten just doesn't make the grade.

Still love her tits though. Want to see her tits. Would love to milk her tits.

David said...


As for Caroline, he probably thought Paterson was in the bag for her, and was as non-plussed by the negative reaction to her, as she must've been. That after she stepped down, there weren't leaks that he leaned on Paterson on her behalf tells you something.

He's an user. He's used everyone he's ever met to get where he is, and doesn't care what happens to them after he's reached the summit.

Well, yes. Caroline's main use is in the past. She will never be as valuable to him again. She might have been a useful ally in the Senate, but not so uniquely useful that he wanted to give others chits against him in an effort to get her there.

Caroline will go back to the life she had before. I do not say that it has all been blissful ease for her, as she has had some terrible shocks. But I doubt it will ever be as satisfying for her as it once was. She left the bubble and bears the scars.

TitusonceknewagirlfromNantucket said...

You have to agree with one comment in the editorial. Al D'Amato-gross, absolutely gross. And totally not fabulous. This aint Mississippi. We demand fabulous here. Rudy's fabulous and very cosmopolitan just don't tell any one else though-it's our little secret. And Mitt is east coast elite. Any if you believe that I am a carpet muncher.

TitusonceknewagirlfromNantucket said...

Sorry meant Mitt is NOT east coast elite.

MayBee said...

Well, yes. Caroline's main use is in the past. She will never be as valuable to him again

If we had known she was a tax-cheating, illegal nanny-having, Pinch-screwing, "you know"-saying dud, who would have cared when she threw her support behind Obama?

She used the last of her legendary status to campaign for Obama, and he didn't stand up for her as her status was stripped from her.

Who has he stood up for?

David said...

Let me be clear. I don't fault Obama for using Caroline. That's politics. She offered herself up and he took her.

You need to be ruthless to be President. Not vindictive or cruel, but ruthless. Your job is to marshall your power so you can be effective in office. Going to bat for Caroline would not have been a power marshaling act.

There is no need to feel sorry for Caroline. She's a grown woman who gave it a shot. It didn't work out, mainly, I think, because she did not have the political sense to take advantage.

I want my President to be tough and to fight the right battles. This was not battle worth fighting, regardless of how jealous and disappointed it left Maureen Dowd.

le Douanier said...

Have folks seen the whole clip of Blagojevich talking about hangings? He's talking about an old movie where folks wanted to hang a cattle thief w/o good evidence. That must be "Hang 'Em High" which was recently included in an Althouse post.

Apparently in his upcoming NBC interview he compares himself to King, Mandela, and Gandhi.

Regardless of a person's political preferences, folks must find Blago fascinating. I can't wait for the next Blago update! [Though he may need to start recycling historical names for comparisons to himself, he's running through the Rolodex of history very quickly--it's as if he's pulling out all the stops because he won't have much more time on the national stage, or at least as governor. But, until Fitzgerald is done we should be able to count on more Blago fun.]

BJM said...

Dowd: "...let the jealous vindictiveness of the Clintons and friends... poison the air."

Hello? Ms Pot, kettle is holding on line 1.

rhhardin said...

Dowd did not consider that her second sentence, ``I love his beady little eyes,'' would appear next to her picture in her online column.

Joe said...

I too fail to see how Obama got rolled; he didn't give a damn who was appointed. He knew both would be democrats and even if not, he already has a majority.

somefeller said...

I agree with Joe, and Glenn Reynolds (no surprise) is grasping at straws to do a little Democrat-bashing. Obama wasn't a key player in either appointment choice, and by extension, in the drama surrounding such choices. And either way, those choices go to Democrats, so it's a wash for him.

And while I don't have anything against Caroline Kennedy, Gillibrand is a better choice for Senator. If the worst thing she may face in a primary (emphasis on may, once someone is an incumbent worth protecting, a lot of pressure comes down within the party to keep that incumbent untouched) is the dread pro-gun control axis of the NY Times editorial page and a Long Island Congresswoman, both of whom will more than likely be opposed by the Governor of New York (and by extension, his allies) and pretty much everyone in upstate New York, then Gillibrand has little to worry about.

MayBee said...

You need to be ruthless to be President. Not vindictive or cruel, but ruthless. Your job is to marshall your power so you can be effective in office. Going to bat for Caroline would not have been a power marshaling act.

My dream is simply for people to see who Obama is. A politically ruthless person.

I also find Caroline to be a perfect illustration of the mythology surrounding politicians. It's another reminder that people may not be what they seem.

I wonder if she had supported, say, John McCain, the people who knew her flaws would have told us about them sooner.

traditionalguy said...

Blago has Chutzpah in spades. But he has exposed the Dem.'s pay to play game, and for his breaking the clause of the Political Players Code by this incompetance in easily getting caught, to everyone's embarrassment, he will be dealt with summarily. Will there be life after the death for Blago? We will wait to see. He could become an MSNBC regular with his expertise in Hardball.

William said...

Paterson on a first reading seemed to be an OK guy. He was upfront about his past sins and muddled through his first days in office with obvious good humor and good will. As time goes by, he looks more and more inept. Neither he nor Caroline handled this affair with any grace or skill. But Caroline can retreat back into her wealth and position and continue being a grande dame. Paterson is very exposed and lame, and his career is effectively over. This is a very bad thing for NY because his tenure has years left to run, and we are in a period of economic crisis. I hope the press doesn't sour on Obama as soon as they soured on Paterson. I hope Obama isn't as much a projection of fond wishes as Paterson has proven to be......I have seen Maureen Dowd's kind words for Caroline mirrored in those of other liberal commentators. They all knew her in college or socially and informed us that she, really, was very smart and dedicated to public service. If she had a bad interview, don't believe you're lying eyes. Accept our word that she is one of the best and brightest. And you just know that Tina Fey wasn't, like you know, working twice as hard to nail down a devastating impression of Caroline. This whole Caroline mess doesn't make anybody look good.

le Douanier said...


There is also this.

Michael Haz said...

Maureen Dowd missed the first official rolling of Barack Obama.

It was his being manipulated into naming Hillary Clinton Secretary of State. He clearly didn't want her to be a part of his administration, hence the snubbing of her as VP. Michelle Obama was on record as not wanting Hillary in the administration.

Her 'people' (Emmanuel, Axelrod, et. al.) persuated him to select her as Sec State.

Barry got rolled.

Big Mike said...

@vbspurs, thanks. I'm also adding another some more.

Hillary Clinton.........2:1
Bill Clinton............3:1
both working together...even

Fred4Pres said...

Absolutely. These guys gave Barack and his team the finger. I get it in Blago's case, what did he have to lose and in a weird way he helped the dems by avoiding a special election--but Paterson? He basically slapped Sweet Princess Caroline down in public. Ted is pissed off and there will be blood. Obama is demasculated by his own party.

If Obama is facing this now, how will it be a few years from now?

Zach said...

Don't forget Hillary. The whole secret meeting, followed by anonymous reports that Obama had offered her State, followed by anonymous concerns about disclosure are as good an example of rolling as you can get without involving Rick Astley. Unless you think Obama leaked the stories about offering state and Hillary leaked the concerns about disclosure.

OSweet said...

VBSPURS said: Obama wasn't interested in who succeeded him once he found out Blago wanted $$$ for Valerie Jarrett.

No doubt somebody on the Fitz investigation team tipped off Obama's peeps to remove Jarrett from consideration like posthaste.

MadisonMan said...

I fail to see the rollage as well. Exactly how did Obama have a huge vested interest in either candidate?

I think the Democratic Party -- especially Harry Reid and the Senate -- got rolled by Blago, which was great to see. But Obama? Not much rolling there.

RobertL said...

Poor Mo'.... she seems to miss on just about EVERYTHING! Don't you think that most of her stuff is more appropriate for Seventeen Magazine?

Balfegor said...

I fail to see the rollage as well. Exactly how did Obama have a huge vested interest in either candidate?

He was publically known to have expressed his preference for a particular candidate in each case (Jarrett, in Illinois, and Kennedy, in NY). In each case, his preferred candidate went down in flames. The fact that he wasn't out there stumping for the candidates just takes some of the sting out of the defeat.

Kurt said...

Seeing how Dowd goes after Gillibrand just makes me think she's raging about her increasing irrelevance. Her pal Caroline gets passed over, and Gillibrand--who she doesn't know (and who doesn't seem like the sort to defer to the Dowds of the world)--gets selected.

Eli Blake said...

If Blago beats the rap and doesn't go to prison, I suspect he's got a career waiting on TV.