January 15, 2009

"What kind of blogger attends a breakfast with the president and reports nothing?"

"Why attend? Do you think Obama wanted to be your BFF?"


Mark O said...

Could be embarrassment.

le Douanier said...

Someone sounds green.

SteveR said...

Andrew Sulivan and Larry Kudlow, yeah that's the revolution.

Palladian said...

Does Andrew Sullivan still pretend to be a conservative?

Ann Althouse said...

They could have at least gushed over his "beautiful blue eyes" and his "southern" chicken. Oh, wait... that was Bill Clinton, lunching with the bloggers.

Henry said...

The milk of Andrew Sullivan's adulation has a short shelf life. He'll repurpose his material soon enough.

garage mahal said...

Jessica Valenti. Prrrrr.

Virginia said...

it was an off the record thing with some conservative journalists, no? He's not really supposed to report anything. I guess yall know that though.

Palladian said...

"it was an off the record thing with some conservative journalists, no?"

But then why was Andrew Sullivan there?

Michael Haz said...

There was no discussion of Sarah Palin's uterus at the meeting, hence no Sullivan column.

SteveR said...

Ok Ann, you're really tempting things by bringing up the Southern Chicken episode in the same day as a blatent breasts post. Delicious, and I'm not talking about the chicken.

Mark said...

Best guess: Sullivan feels it would be too much like "kiss and tell".

Jeremie said...

This post does sound a little 1st grade for me - why wasn't I invited...

Steve M. Galbraith said...

But then why was Andrew Sullivan there?

He went with a second group of liberal journalists (Rich, Dowd et al.) that also met with PE Obama.

It'd be interesting (sorta') to find out if he refused to go with the conservatives or whether Obama invited him to attend the liberal meetup.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Most of the MSM punditocracy think in lockstep to a large degree. First they must agree on a consensus or meme, then they are all free to basically spout that same meme. I assume the meme is still being drawn up for distribution to the attendees.

That is why several non-establishment pundits are popular and refresshing.

IMO they include Instapundit, Mark Steyn, Dennis Miller, some of the commenters here, and even Althouse herself at times when she lets the veil slip a bit.

Moose said...

OMG - I'm underwhelmed.

I'm sure Sully had to wear a double Kotex to keep his excitement from showing.


Simon said...

Sully was just a little tongue-tied with embarrassment at being invited to the breakfast after buying one of these.