January 21, 2009

Some practical advice about loneliness.


Anonymous said...

The easier practical advice is to brows over to the Althouse blog and interact with all the other lonly loosers there.

rhhardin said...

I recommend plan C. Take a camera and go out and play with the dog.

le Douanier said...

Is this what self-help books are like? This is what I imagine them being like. I can't imagine that these sort of things can effectively train folks to get out and have fun w/ others. If folks can't figure it out on their own it's hard to see how a paint by numbers friendship tutorial is going to do the trick.

The recent Amjad Atallah & David Frum Bloggingheads was interesting.

What's w/ Kerry's cleavage shield?

ricpic said...

I made it to the 3 minute mark, couldn't take anymore.

It's hard to make a friend and it's inevitable that once having made a friend there will come the moment, for a host of reasons, that you can't stand another minute of the SOB. And vice versa of course. Which is to say that there's no way to escape wounding and being wounded if you want to be social.

My advice? I have none.

Chip Ahoy said...

Kerry is a very good listener.

traditionalguy said...

This guy is repeating the E-Harmony advice: find people who like what you like. That rules out the Althouse crowd as good candidates for fellowship. But as Barry told Hillary ,"you're interesting enough".

Tibore said...

"ricpic said...
I made it to the 3 minute mark, couldn't take anymore."

Oh Jesus... agreed ricpic. You and me both.

le Douanier said...

* "That's just stinkin' thinkin!"
* "You're should-ing all over yourself."
* "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!"
* "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."
* "I am a worthy human being."
* "...and that's...okay."
* "I don't know what I'm doing. They're gonna cancel the show. I'm gonna die homeless and penniless and twenty pounds overweight."

Thanks for the advice Senator Smally.

Automatic_Wing said...

P.P.S. What's w/ Kerry's cleavage shield?

I thought she'd stolen Flavor Flav's alarm clock necklace.

blake said...

Kerry's eyes are looking particularly soulful in that clip (for the minute I could watch).

Lonely? Or merely sympathetic?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Theo...You might try a Rodney Strong-Alexander Valley Cab at Costco.

Wince said...

If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

- Harry S. Truman

Simon said...

Whenever I feel lonely, I just stop being lonely and be awesome instead. True story.

blake said...

If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

Apparently, that doesn't apply to Paris.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Kerry's not looking too good. Must be the sins of being such a soul-less, un-American hack.

Freeman Hunt said...

I made it until Caciappo started talking. Nothing against him. I just wanted to see if he sounded like John Stossel.

Alex said...

Learn to love loneliness. No idiots to tell you what to do or what to like. The ultimate freedom.

The Counterfactualist said...

The beauty of your spouse is irrelevant to your happiness? Someone tell that to Will Wilkerson. He should divorce immediately and shack up with an ugly chick.

Justin said...

Alex said...

Learn to love loneliness. No idiots to tell you what to do or what to like. The ultimate freedom.

If your friends are idiots who tell you what to do or what to like, you have the wrong friends. You might want to review the "S" part of the E.A.S.E. acronym.

Justin said...


That quote is legen- wait for it....

Justin said...


The Dude said...

I made it to the "lonely individuals" line. Then I thought Lonely Americans - yet another special interest group that needs protection. Then I went back to work.

The Dude said...

Holy crap, Quayle - is that English you were trying to write? Brows? Lonly? "loosers"? What the fuck?

Shawn Levasseur said...

John, 2001 called, they want their webcam back!