January 20, 2009

Roy Edroso enjoys that "Rightbloggers Not Really Enjoying the Inauguration."

A good link fest.


AlphaLiberal said...

After all, they're victims. Perpetual victims.

vbspurs said...

Of course the new President's momentary stumble on the Oath they found significant. "An ill omen," said The Modern Journalist. (Or was it John Roberts' fault? Ann Althouse discusses.)

Aww. Nice.

BTW, I think this "Who flubbed the Oath? Obama or Roberts?" is our first Obama Presidency kerfuffle.

Slow news day.


TosaGuy said...

I guess Mr. Edroso is incapable of celebrating the occasion of his guy getting into power, but can only wallow in smug satisfaction at the expense of others.

Michael Haz said...

Does Roy Edroso matter?

The Crack Emcee said...

I've got it on, with the sound down, because the speeches, "poetry," and commentary are all so bad. From what I can tell, conservatives are enjoying not having to run things:

Now we can throw rocks at the nice glass house.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Speaking of rightbloggers, some say that a preacher expressed hope that "white will embrace what is right," amongst a string of racially-stereotyping phrases.

Is that true?

Chet said...

Would someone, who graduated from the University of Idaho, do a better job than the morons in from Harvard and Yale?

You betcha!

vbspurs said...

I think a graduate of the University of Delaware may yet get a chance one day...

Brian Doyle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JohnAnnArbor said...

Biden's a Blue Hen? He'd be too old in 2016, I'd think.

The Dude said...

Nice, Doyle - a liberal ad hominem attack.

Justin said...

vbspurs said...
I think a graduate of the University of Delaware may yet get a chance one day...

I think you should clarify what you meant by that statement.

traditionalguy said...

This new President may be more Teflon coated than Reagan ever hoped to be. Let's wait until he actually does something bad to throw the first stones. Otherwise we will become like the little boy who cried wolf until nobody listened when it was for real.

Roberto said...

Chet said..."Would someone, who graduated from the University of Idaho, do a better job than the morons in from Harvard and Yale? You betcha!"

Get a life.

vbspurs said...

I think you should clarify what you meant by that statement.

That Biden may be President one day? I thought it was clear. :P

Brian Doyle said...

Justin, if she spelled it out any more it would be a federal crime.

Simon said...

JohnAnnArbor - yes, that's true.

Justin said...

vbspurs said...
That Biden may be President one day? I thought it was clear. :P

That, of course, was clear. My question is, by what route? Clearly, you meant to imply something.

I think Doyle may be right about what you intended to imply. And if he is, his original reply to you (which was surreptitiously deleted) was warranted.

Automatic_Wing said...

Justin, if she spelled it out any more it would be a federal crime.

Hey, aren't Presidential assassination fantasies supposed to be a healthy form of dissent against the criminal Amerikkkan empire? I'm pretty sure they were. Has something changed since yesterday?

vbspurs said...

That, of course, was clear. My question is, by what route? Clearly, you meant to imply something.

Oh, I see what you mean now. Yikes, come on. Just like I think that people who are always thinking of race, are twisted, I think that people who are always thinking "assassination" are crazy.

Sorry if that's not warranted.

vbspurs said...

Hey, aren't Presidential assassination fantasies supposed to be a healthy form of dissent against the criminal Amerikkkan empire? I'm pretty sure they were. Has something changed since yesterday?

Yes, everything has changed.

BTW, I would retch if someone filmed this assassinationgasm about Obama too.

Justin said...

Oh, I see what you mean now. Yikes, come on. Just like I think that people who are always thinking of race, are twisted, I think that people who are always thinking "assassination" are crazy.

Sorry if that's not warranted.

I see now, and in that case, Doyle's comment was unwarranted. With a comment like that, tone is really important - it wasn't readily apparent, at least to me, that you were joking.

LonewackoDotCom said...

JohnAnnArbor says some say that a preacher expressed hope that "white will embrace what is right," amongst a string of racially-stereotyping phrases

I'm glad you asked. Here's video.

I'm just as sure that Althouse will be calling on her choice to repudiate these remarks, as I'm sure that Althouse will be joining in my effort to ask the BHO admin real questions.

The BHO admin is apparently going to continue to solicit input from the citizens, and if those take the form of townhalls I have some really good questions for them.

If they do include townhalls, look askance at anyone who doesn't promote them being asked questions they're going to have trouble with.

Chet said...


Simon said...

Hilarious that a group of people who have behaved as the left has for the last eight years feel that they have standing to criticize anyone's treatment of the new President.

Brian Doyle said...

Why? The current president isn't a criminal.

The Dude said...

Ah, but he is - Gitmo is still operating, the wars based on lies are still being fought, and renditions are still occuring and poor harmless jihadis are being tortured. Nothing changed, but somehow The One is not a criminal. Think again, bunky, he is in up to his enormous ears.

Simon said...

traditionalguy said...
"Let's wait until he actually does something bad to throw the first stones."

He already has. By nominating Clinton and Salazar, he is party to breaking the sinecure clause. Before he'd even botched his oath to the Constitution he'd made clear that the Constitution will not stand athwart his ambition. When it is inconvenient, it will be ignored.

Eric said...

Why? The current president isn't a criminal.

Neither was Bush outside the fever swamp hallucinations.

Of course, with Obama there was the Rezko thing. Is it legal to take $300,000 from a political fixer? In the old days we used to call that a bribe.

And is it legal for you to trade favors in exchange for a do-nothing job for the missus? Isn't that some kind of donation in-kind? Does everyone get a 160% raise when her husband gets a new job? her job that was worth $300,000 but doesn't need to be done at all now that she's leaving.

Wasn't that one of Blago's demands, a job for his wife?

The guy had a couple minor scandals before he even took the oath. He's a small-time, crooked machine politician from Chicago. What are the odds his presidency will be squeaky-clean?

I'm actually looking forward to the next eight years. It will be difficult to work myself into the classless poo-flinging frenzy the lefties have had going for the last eight years, but Obama is a pretty easy target.

Unknown said...

Even if one concedes that Bush committed some sort of crime in office, it is irrelevant to Simon's point, given that the monkeyshit flung from the left began well before he was even inaugurated.

Virginia said...

So Althouse is a rightblogger.

Simon said...

Virginia said...
"So Althouse is a rightblogger."

So her critics complain...

Cedarford said...

One moderate, if not a rightblogger, Mike Moynihan, had a little fun with the medical setbacks of a Klansman and a "liberal lion" right after Inauguration:

An hour after the inauguration of America's first black president, the Senate's only former Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan, Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) collapses. Coincidence?

Sen Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), according to CNN, was also taken to the hospital and is "responding well" to treatment. Updates and details at USA Today's Obama blog:

Senators Edward Kennedy and Robert Byrd fell ill a short time ago at the Capitol luncheon where President Obama and Vice President Biden are being honored, CNN and other news media are reporting.

It is a pity the Senate does not have a mandatory retirement age as other Federal employees do.
Also a pity that Obama was not close enough to lay hands on them and help...

Chet said...
Would someone, who graduated from the University of Idaho, do a better job than the morons in from Harvard and Yale?

You betcha!

Well, if a wing of Republicans believes a woman that went to 5 schools in 5 years to get a degree in sports journalism is better than people with advanced degrees from good universities, more power to you "non-elitist" Right Wingers.

If we want to reshape politics and make room for the less-educated and mediocre running the country. It does get hard when you talk about proof of the Ark and men riding and walking alongside their pet dinosaurs - all those "elitists" look like you that you are a fool.

Same when you rail against "punishing the rich" so they have to pay as much on each dollar they earn on disposable income vs. 40% less than the upper middle class now pays.
Would such "everyman, love the CEO type" Republicans wish to go past Goddess Palin with 120 credits in sports news broadcaster larnin' and Joe the Plumber with a HS education and go right for Darnell Smith, in jail but workin' on his GED? Darnell, who doesn't need all that fancy-pants theory and stupid book stuff (there is only One Good Book) like knowing where Russia is on a map except it is next door to Alaska? You betcha!!

Anonymous said...

Oh look. C's spouting the refuted crap again.

Simon said...

Cedarford said...
"Well, if a wing of Republicans believes a woman that went to 5 schools in 5 years to get a degree in sports journalism is better than people with advanced degrees from good universities..."

Most of us don't believe that where you went to school makes you a better person than someone else. For the record, I think it's a mistake to determine someone's intellectual capacity based on where they went to school, also. There are some very intelligent and accomplished people who went to middling schools, and then there are people who went to terrific schools who are pig-ignorant. To be bipartisan about it, Bush and Kerry both went to Yale. It's no slight on Yale.

Simon said...

I mean, I've got to tell you, Cedarford, of the three stars in my legal sky, only one went to Harvard. The other two went to Alabama and NYU. Now, I have no idea where NYU and Alabama are in the rankings (or were, in 1983 and 1906, but I bet they were thought lower down on the totem pole than haaaaaarvard.

Palladian said...

I went to Yale and look at what a loser I am!

Prosecutorial Indiscretion said...

"Well, if a wing of Republicans believes a woman that went to 5 schools in 5 years to get a degree in sports journalism is better than people with advanced degrees from good universities, more power to you 'non-elitist' Right Wingers."

Why do you hate Abraham Lincoln? President Obama venerates the man, yet Lincoln had no collegiate credentials. You whack-job fringe liberal elitists have it in for anyone with an R after their name, don't you? Follow the example of our new president and get over your petty partisan belligerence.

Titusishungry said...

There seems to be quite a bit of anger in here.

I am still watching the parade and what I want to know is why hardly anyone is sitting in the president's box. It seems like most of them were no shows or left quickly.

The only ones that are left are Barac and Michelle Obama and Joe Biden.

Titusishungry said...

I bet Michelle and Barack are going to fuck their first night in the White House.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That seems like a good plan.

BJM said...

Yeah Titus, then he'll fuck the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Roy Edroso enjoys that "Rightbloggers Not Really Enjoying the Inauguration."

Why do the lefties care? This is their day, Salvation has arrived yet they fixate on what the "right" thinks.

The left liberals are suffering post traumatic stress from years of being beaten losers.

Now every care car back fire is a gun shot, every raised hand is a fist about to strike and every word is a potential "racial code word".

They're jumpy about something.

I think deep in their hearts the left liberals fear that like Lincoln and JFK, Barack Hussein Obama is going to be assassinated in office.

Eric said...

I bet Michelle and Barack are going to fuck their first night in the White House.

If it was me I'd do it in every room. Plus in the halls.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If it was me I'd do it in every room. Plus in the halls.

I might want to skip the kids rooms and probably the kitchen since there is always someone there.

But...yeah...me too. :-)

My first husband and I did it on my boss' desk, years ago. The boss was an a-hole and I got a lot of satisfaction every time I sat on the opposite side of the desk when he was droning on and on at me, just knowing that where he had his papers and desk blotter .....well you know. Ah memories.

Yep. Obama and Michelle need to create some great memories.

Ann Althouse said...

"I bet Michelle and Barack are going to fuck their first night in the White House."

Of course, but please, everyone, imagine the dialogue!

vbspurs said...

Of course, but please, everyone, imagine the dialogue!

Barack's taut muscles glistened as he stepped out of the White House shower for the first time, girding his loins tightly with a white towel. Water beads were like rivulets of passion down his body.

Michelle rasped lowly, in a voice full of hunger: "Come here, fool."

Unknown said...

Of course, but please, everyone, imagine the dialogue!

Na na na, na... na na na, na... hey hey hey...

Eric said...

My first husband and I did it on my boss' desk, years ago. The boss was an a-hole and I got a lot of satisfaction every time I sat on the opposite side of the desk when he was droning on and on at me, just knowing that where he had his papers and desk blotter .....well you know. Ah memories.

You're evil. I like that in a woman.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

OMG Victoria wins the thread!!

Speaking of reading lists...hmmmm.. I wonder what you've been reading.

Titusishungry said...

God Victory you got me horny.

You should write some romance novel.

I imagine it a little more rough. Like Michelle saying, "you think you are the most powerful man in the world"? "Get on your knees and worship by cooch". "Eat it clean, like you are shining a car with your tongue".

The Dude said...

Once she straps on, well, I will leave it to others to finish the dialogue.

vbspurs said...

Speaking of reading lists...hmmmm.. I wonder what you've been reading.

Doesn't this remark remind you of Patsy Stone's mother in AbFab, when old and infirm, she is confined in an OAH, and moans that she's "only allowed three Barbara Cartlands a day".


You should write some romance novel.

Incredibly, there's actually a romance novelist with my name! I reckon if I really hit the big time, I'll have to change my name, like Stewart Granger did when James Stewart was taken.

That's it. I'll call myself Farley Granger.


Anonymous said...

and every word is a potential "racial code word"

Sure, why should today be any different?

Ralph L said...

Titus, black men aren't known for eating pie.

Anonymous said...

@Ralph: So he'll eat half her pie. And then he'll finish his waffle.

rhhardin said...

How long will it be before politician who can give a speech is found.

I put suckage down to encouragement from the audience-hungry soap opera media.

The genes haven't changed, only the dominant chromosomes.

Jim Howard said...

Here's a fun thought experiement. Imagine if President Bush had flubbed his swearing in the way Obama did.

How many times would the word 'Chimp' appear in the usual left wing blogs? A thousand? Ten thousand?

I found Obama's swearing in to be very chimp-ish.

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