January 11, 2009

"I can’t look at this movie and be proud of what I’ve done."

Nicole Kidman thinks she was bad in "Australia." She "squirmed in her seat" at the premiere in Sydney, then fled the country for fear of the bad press.


Don't bother to click on that tag "charming frankness." It's a new one, there's no practicable way to go back and add it to old posts, and I'm only hoping to get the chance to use it again.


Squints said...

"It was a LOUSY shot. I was aiming for the horse."

George M. Spencer said...

She was good in "Birth." Gripping close-up that runs for a minute or more.

knox said...

She's going to have to try harder with that frozen face she's got now.

Ophir said...

Don't bother to click on that tag "charming frankness." It's a new one, there's no practicable way to go back and add it to old posts, and I'm only hoping to get the chance to use it again.

What about Bush's "I'm just a simple president"? That was frankly charming.

Michael Haz said...

Well then, she'll be retuning her salary and the studio will pass through the lower cost in terms of reduced ticket prices, right?

Ms. Casper-The-Friendly-Ghost face should just shut up and be thankful that studios are gullible enough to pay her for staring blankly and calling it 'acting'.

Bissage said...

Didn't she used to have sexual relations with Tom Cruise or something?

Big Mike said...

The writing and directing left a lot to be desired. The character has enough spunk to fly from England to Australia with the world on the brink of war, enough spunk to fire Fletcher, and enough spunk to go on a cattle drive, but not enough spunk when Fletcher essentially confesses to murdering her late husband to pick up one of the remaining spears and run him through??? Not to mention her overwrought scene on the dock.

But in the end there is essentially no chemistry between her character and Drover, and that's fatal.

Tom Spaulding said...

A post about Sinatra is Charming Frankness incarnate.

Lance Burri said...

I was going to suggest the Prince Harry post for charming frankness.

Mark Daniels said...

I've never seen a good Nicole Kidman film. So, now I don't bother watching anything she does. She picks horrible movies to do, like the insufferable 'Cold Mountain.' What a boring, depressing dog of a film that was...and she was dreadful in it.

Der Hahn said...

Hard to tell if it was the more the plot/directing/writing or her acting. I came out of the theater thinking the working title of the film must have been 'The Wiz comes Out of Australia on a Wagon Train bound for Pearl Harbor'.

Barry said...

There's a lot of hate out there for it and Kidman, but I'm coming out of the closet as a fan of 'Australia'. I think I have pretty decent taste in movies, so I don't understand why everyone hates it so much. I'm not saying it was great, but it was good and much better than many other movies.

Brandon Walters, the child actor who played Nullah, practically steals the film from the big names, though I though Jackman did a great job in the role as it was written. Any lack of depth here comes form the script that focused more on the great themes and struggles than on the (potential) depths of the characters.

I've liked Kidman in much of what she's done. 'Moulin Rouge!' is one of my favorite films, for example.

I'll be paying better attention next time I see on of her films. maybe I'm being distracted by her other aspects to really gauge her acting.

Ann Althouse said...

@Mark Daniels -- "To Die For" is excellent. And I second the approval of "Moulin Rouge" -- an amazingly brilliant film.