December 12, 2008
Mark Kleiman says Glenn Reynolds is "hyper-masculine" and Glenn frets about it.
¿Quien Es Mas Macho? Mark, finding other men hyper-masculine or Glenn, fretting about it?
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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
So if you dare mention wimps, that makes you hyper-masculine? Kleiman sounds like a wimp for saying so. I guess that makes me hyper-masculine.
And Kleiman also indicates that he believes libertarians see no valid place for environmental regulations. That's untrue. So, is it hyper-masculine or something else, to not know your own subject matter?
I'm not seeing a fret. Wonder, confusion, but not a fret.
He doesn't look masculine.
He was the manliest professor at UT's College of Law when I studied there, except for the teacher who sang church hymns in class. And the blind teacher. He was manly, too.
Perhaps Kleiman thinks skepticism is hyper-masculine. He doesn't like Cartesians messing with his faith.
Or is it humor that Kleiman fears?
If Reynolds is hyper-masculine, he's the nerdiest, most low-key hyper-masculine person you'll ever find.
Glenn is the archetype for our new nebish overlords.
I, for one, welcome them true revenge of the nerds.
Trey (who used to know how to use a slide rule)
Couldn't Reynolds just be normally masculine?
How can we be sure Reynolds reads all those "In the Mail" books he mentions in his blog.
I think he's just doing it to scoop chicks!
"Mark Kleiman says Glenn Reynolds is "hyper-masculine" and Glenn frets about it."
Oh, bother... just get him a Survival Bracelet and be done with it.
For the embodiment of "hypermasculine", you should all look to me.
Except when I'm cooking. Or ironing. And when I have a cold. But otherise, I am butch incarnate!
"Mark Kleiman says Glenn Reynolds is "hyper-masculine"
More than Fernando Yamas or Yoyd Bridges? Please. Even Maguire isn't at that level.
The true definition of masculinity:
Feo, Fuerte y Formal.
Three signs that Glenn Reynolds is Hyper-Masculine:
3. "Insta" is as masculine a prefix as there is.
2. Glenn's posts about nanotechnology are the smallest available on teh interwebs.
1. "Heh" is both an onomatopoea and a pallindrome - how masculine is that?
What's wrong with being hyper masculine?
Kleiman is a screeching sissy, a mince-step lisping little girl.
I always thought that an obsession with firearms was a sign of compensating for a lack of manliness. Also railing against the evils of government, and how government never does anything right, while safely sitting in a tenured professorship at a state university, demonstrates a certain hypocrisy that hardly reflects manliness, let alone hyper-manliness.
Freder, I tire of you.
I wager I am not alone.
Althouse. Purveyor and disseminator of "Right Wing News".
You probably are alone in your use of the present tense there.
Freder said...
...obsession with firearms was a sign of compensating for a lack of manliness. Also railing against the evils of government, and how government never does anything right, while safely sitting in a tenured professorship at a state university...
Reynolds doesn't obsess over firearms. His focus is advocating the importance of protecting the right to own a firearm from those whose obsession seems to be using the government to deny that right to others.
I've never fired a gun in my life, and I find his arguments very persuasive.
As for government in general, I think he believes its scope should be limited, especially the federal government, leaving more discretion to the states and the people, and that by increasing its role to do more things the likely outcome is for the government to do all of them at a lower standard while breeding corruption.
You know, all that non-penumbric stuff in the Constitution.
But go on, build us another strawman.
Dr. Helen KO1 over Mark "Oy vey iz mir" Kleiman.
Kleinman's post seemed hypo-masculine, suggesting the root of his problem.
The Instapundit is definitely hyper-masculine for a college professor, but the bar is set very low.
I mean you can say that Barack Obama is very honest for a Chicago politician.
You can say that Rosie O'Donnell is very attractive for a troll.
Not an internet troll, a real troll.
I mean she could be a gnome.
All gnomes are trolls but not all trolls are gnomes.
"Hyper-masculine" in this case is of course a polite way of saying "right-wing cracker".
It's why Sarah Palin isn't really a woman. Women aren't men, and therefore aren't by nature evil.
Palin is evil. Therefore, she's not a real woman. Same thought process, really.
I'm surprised Kleiman survived that picture of Condi Rice in those boots. The cognitive dissonance and probable surge of unfamiliar hormones must have put an awful strain on his system.
Every time I see that picture of Condoleezza I think of this song.
I mean, the hyper-masculinity argument is interesting and all, but so is the question of what is a libertarian answer to chemicals in the environment.
And this Kleiman fellow makes a person register to comment, so I hardly think he can fuss too much if people don't volunteer a discussion of that.
My feeling is that libertarian principles, reduced to its simplest form, is that you don't have the right to hurt other people, and if you're not hurting other people you should be left alone.
So regulation and enforcement is a possibility.
But probably not practical for a lifestyle "problem." And unless I've misunderstood, the emasculating chemical storm is a by-product of modern life.
Do we give up modern life?
With the free availability of information about his, can we avoid the impact of the chemicals without giving up our modern life?
In that case, Mr. Kleinman, the good old libertarian method of relying on market forces might be the best way to deal with the problem.
If it's actually a problem.
Since "hyper-masculinity" is supposedly a bad thing anyhow.
Our society has become more feminine over the years, and Reynolds doesn't apologize for being a man. Lots of guys will find that a bit threatening, especially the types who go around campus telling women they're "feminists" because they think it will get them laid.
Mmmmm, like Freder.
"I always thought that an obsession with firearms was a sign of compensating for a lack of manliness"
No, but that's a common perception among people, particularly leftists, who don't know anyone who owns a gun - or more likely do, but are unaware of it.
"railing against the evils of government, and how government never does anything right, while safely sitting in a tenured professorship at a state university, demonstrates a certain hypocrisy that hardly reflects manliness, let alone hyper-manliness"
I'm not sure how hypocrisy correlates with a lack of manliness, and this one's tough anyway. As someone who generally falls into the "government never does anything right" camp, I can still acknowledge that there are some things it's OK for the government to be involved in, such as public universities, even though I certainly have problems with the effort at times. Also, is it really hypocrisy for a tenured professor to say "I think you're an idiot for giving me this money and position, but if you insist, I'll take it". I suspect Reynolds could find a job where he spilled more money than UT pays him without much difficulty.
the types who go around campus telling women they're "feminists"
Why is it that when a man tells you he's a feminist, you know with near certainty that he's going to be one of those men who talks to you in a very condescending way?
Why is it that when a man tells you he's a feminist, you know with near certainty that he's going to be one of those men who talks to you in a very condescending way?
Because he thinks you're a walking vagina that will open up to him if he uses the right invocation. He can't hide it very long if you actually talk to him.
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