December 7, 2008

Joe Biden plans to do nothing as Vice President.

And he's preening as if he's being upstanding and virtuous. Is it even something he's doing as opposed to having done to him?


AllenS said...

Biden: "Mr. President, I congradulate you on winning the Presidency. As your Vice President, I'm here to serve and help you anytime you feel you need my assistance. What would you like me to do?"

Obama: "Nothing."

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden plans to do nothing as Vice President.

I don't think Sarah Palin was qualified for that.

save_the_rustbelt said...

We tried the activist VP, and look where that got us.

Let Joe go to funerals and ribbon cuttings.

MadisonMan said...

So we're back to the Nelson Rockefeller mold of the Vice Presidency. I've no problem with that.

On this historically infamous day, I salute the veterans of WWII.

Bissage said...

Mark my words. Someday mothers and fathers will travel from all corners of the United States to Washington, D.C. so their little children can visit the Biden Memorial.

Freeman Hunt said...

He should take up golf, model ship building, or maybe windsurfing. I hear there's another politico around there who could teach him.

KCFleming said...

He's had alot of practice, so it should be easy.

George M. Spencer said...

"The paper says that when Reid was asked whether Biden will be allowed to attend Senate Democratic caucus meetings, Reid said: “Absolutely not.”

Translation: "I think Sen. Biden is a $%*^(@! and I'm glad he's outta here."

save_the_rustbelt said...

Well, at least Biden and Reid won't have to smell the tourists.

If I were a Democrat i would really, really want to get rid of Reid. Leadership?

Expat(ish) said...

I would have said Joe was perfectly qualified for that job.

Sarah Palin would have wanted to produce some results - totally unsatisfactory.


Darcy said...

Hee. Too easy. :)

Anonymous said...

IOW, the Congress doesn't want the Lightworker to know what they're doing.

Obama may be a centrist a heart, but the Congress is of another mind entirely.

Wince said...

Well, if you call keepin the V.P. chair warm for Hillary if she wants it in 2012 "nothing" then, yea, sure, he's doing nothing.

Jb said...

Hey, wouldn't it be something if Joe Biden goes down in the history books as being famous for his restraint?

Anonymous said...

Ah, but can Joe Biden rise to the Al Gore standard of doingnothingness?

That would be an accomplishment! Which would, of course, be something. Which Biden is not supposed to do.

William said...

Biden's son will be appointed to his Senate seat. Given the advantages of incumbency, this seat will probably remain in the family for at least another thirty years. There has been very little mention of this-- at least, as compared to the Caroline Kennedy rumor....Some dynasties gather more resentment than others. I long for the day when the Bidens, the Jacksons, the Russerts are resented as much as the Bushes, the Kennedy's and that enduring favorite the Rockefellers. In a democracy all dynasties should be treated with equal disdain.

Joe said...

I thought Biden's son already turned down the offer for the empty seat and intends to finish his military commitment.