December 14, 2008

Click image for animation.


Bissage said...

Whatever else might be said about Governor Blagojevich, you really can’t blame him too much for stumbling in his search for the opposite of “notoriously”

David53 said...

Those who want to wear taping devices, it kind of smells like Nixon and Watergate.

I'm confused, does it smell like those who helped bust Nixon's crew or does it smell like those who were busted for doing dirty deeds?

knox said...

That image reminds me of Frosty in the animated TV special that's been on since the 70s.

Wince said...

I'm confused, does it smell like those who helped bust Nixon's crew or does it smell like those who were busted for doing dirty deeds?

I thought about that, too, at first.

But remember, it was Nixon who made the tapes that were his downfall.

By egging prosecuters on, Blagojevich came about as close to that as you can. Didn't he?

If nothing else, Blagojevich is elusively apt in the comparisons he makes!

Unknown said...

"Bleepingly yours," LOL!

Patty has the looks of an Adriana and the soul of a Janice.

Peter Hoh said...

From last night's SNL news segment: It looks like his hairpiece is wearing a hairpiece.

Ann Althouse said...

"That image reminds me of Frosty in the animated TV special that's been on since the 70s."

There must have been some magic in that old toupee he found/For when he placed it on his head he began to dance around.

Darcy said... I'm reading it enough that I believe it. That's a toupee? Yikes.

I really do understand that going bald is painful for men. But I must say that I think most bald, slightly bald, half bald, etc., men look better without the hair. Maybe not youthful, but better.

Robert Duvall, Rudy G., Sean Connery...(need to work on my list of younger guys, I know) they're all sexy bald guys.