November 5, 2008

Emotional Condi.

IN THE COMMENTS: Verso said:
Very touching comments by Ms. Rice.

Can you imagine the fury and rage we'd be seeing from the Republican Party right now if Michelle Obama said this country "continues to surprise?" Or that the US has not yet perfected the union? It would be fodder for days worth of classic wingnut thrashing and moaning. And they'd never forget it, either: Wingnuts in 2019 would still be reminding us about how Michelle Obama once said she was "surprised" about the USA.

Yes, I can. And let me remind everyone that I saw Michelle Obama give one of the speeches that were supposedly so horrendously anti-American, and as you can see from my report, I thought she was excellent and noticed no flaws.


Meade said...

It would make me happy if she were elected President.

Revenant said...

Very nice speech, especially coming from a woman with her childhood experiences.

Anonymous said...

She's so awesome. She was CEO for my organization, and she's great. More like her, please.

Kansas City said...

It is probably understandable, but weird, to see the Secretary of State in a Republican Adminitration effectively celebrating the election of a new democratic president who was unfairly critical and even vicious toward her boss, President Bush. I think it reflects the beauty of America electing a black man president. It also reflects very well on Ms. Rice and, I think, her boss President Bush who has such a high regard for Rice and who did not obstruct her from making these complimentary statements about Obama. Sometimes, this is a beautiful country.

ps I don't like identity politics, but if the Republicans are smart, they will find the most gifted Hispanic in their party and groom him/her for national office. The democrats have locked up at least 90% of the black vote for the next 50 years. The Hispanic population is larger than the black population, the republicans currently get about 33% of the Hispanic vote, and they could bump it up to 75% or higher if they nominate an Hispanic for president or even vice president.

road warrior said...

I would imagine that there is a big tension in the hearts and minds of some of these people like Rice. She know what's coming and that for her profession his is a pretty hard day with the liberal illuminati gaining power but at the same time she feels pride and joy for what has taken place. It's an interesting thing to watch.

Anonymous said...

Okay people, let's think this through. All of what Rice said so eloquently about race is hugely important. However, the Secretary of State is our primary speaker to other countries. When speaking to other countries, internal division means nothing. Furthermore, we spend a good deal of time and effort promoting both the idea of democracy and the idea of peaceful transfer of power.

Therefore, any Secretary of State is going to applaud any election result in this country because it promotes both those vital messages.

chuck b. said...

That was awesome.

Kind of off-topic, but I've been thinking about it--I would really like to see several people from this administration write some very forthcoming biographies with lots of details about their time in office. They have nothing left to lose and, frankly, I think they owe us a reckoning.

Anonymous said...

Class act

Palladian said...

Compare the kind of class displayed by Secretary Rice to this kind of display from our ever-thoughtful, ever-classy lefties. The people who made these repulsive images were rewarded yesterday for their years of hard work. I'm just sorry that, for all the good people who voted for Obama, all the repulsive ones got "rewarded" as well.

Anonymous said...

Very touching comments by Ms. Rice.

Can you imagine the fury and rage we'd be seeing from the Republican Party right now if Michelle Obama said this country "continues to surprise?" Or that the US has not yet perfected the union? It would be fodder for days worth of classic wingnut thrashing and moaning. And they'd never forget it, either: Wingnuts in 2019 would still be reminding us about how Michelle Obama once said she was "surprised" about the USA.

Anonymous said...

Wherein Verso projects hilariously.


Anonymous said...

I don't like identity politics, but if the Republicans are smart, they will find the most gifted Hispanic in their party and groom him/her for national office.

The republicans are waaaaay ahead of you on the whole identity politics thing. That's the a leading reason McCain selected Palin: She was supposed to widen the (imaginary) Hillary/Obama rift. And a large part of the reason the Republican Party is enthusiastic about Bobby Jindall is because he can help inoculate them against the charge they are a whites-only party. To speak in the mean language of the Republican right, both Jindall and Palin are "affirmative action picks," desirable not for merit-based reasons but because they fit a certain racial or gender profile.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see that tools like Verso are celebrating Obama's win with equanimity instead of spewing childish venom about the evil of the other side.

Donn said...

are "affirmative action picks," desirable not for merit-based reasons but because they fit a certain racial or gender profile.

Gee, I wonder who that sounds like?

LonewackoDotCom said...

I'm sure it was a wonderful, moving display. Say, anyone have any thoughts on our post-racial candidate's support for balkanization?

Kansas City said...


I don't get your post about Michelle Obama.

You are right that Palin was an affirmative action pick, but not with the same potential impact on the electorate as a Hispanic candidate. The presence of a woman on the ticket obviously does not move large numbers of women to that party even for one election, much less an extended time period(neither Ferraro nor Palin caused that), whereas the first Hispanic presidential or vp candidate clearly has the potential to move millions of Hipanic votes for a generation or more.

I don't see how Jindall fits in at all as an affirmative action pick. He has not been helped in any way by his Indian heritage, he has not been "picked" by anyone except voters, and there sure is not a mass of Indian votes waiting for the Republicans to scoop up.

Anonymous said...

KC -- He's a tool with a long, sordid history here.

Mark said...

I had hoped for a long time that Condi would be our first African American President.

Maybe she'll be our second.

LonewackoDotCom said...

1. We've already had five or six A-A presidents; do a search.

2. Kansas City's plan sounds great. However, speaking as someone who's been following imm. issues for years and who's written thousands of posts about it, I can only think of three Mexican-American politicians who don't occasionally act like outright agents of the Mexican government would act. And, two of those are the Sanchez sisters, and I'm giving them both a huge break by including them in the list.

The current Hispanic GOP leaders are all pan-Hispanic nationalists in one way or another. And, some are basically just Bush stooges.

So, your plan might work, except for the fact that it would be difficult to find someone to fit your uniform who wouldn't do as much or more damage to the U.S. as BHO will do.

integrity said...

She looked genuinely happy, even joyous. I'm not even mad at her anymore. She's the past, and helped to create Obamanation. How could I still be mad at her?

Roberto said...

Donn said..."are "affirmative action picks," desirable not for merit-based reasons but because they fit a certain racial or gender profile."

"Gee, I wonder who that sounds like?"

And once again, this racist little creep denigrates the blog.

Anonymous said...

See, look. Integrity can decently do equanimity. Can't you help you kooky brethren, dude?

Roberto said...

Try to imagine being black.

Or, try to imagine being a woman.

Things like this do not come along very often.

rcocean said...

We need only one more step to achieve racial equality - a great white cornerback. I hope Obama will work on this and bring America together in the defensive backfield.

Anonymous said...

All the tools are coming out. It's a toolfest.

Anonymous said...

Jason Sehorn occasionally did not get his doors blown off.

Deirdre Mundy said...

Hey... are you calling George P. Bush (Jeb's Half-mexican son) a tool of the Bush's? He's his own man, I swear! =)

section9 said...

The Totenkopf Right was upset with Condi today, as if she wasn't supposed to be happy with the election of the first black President. Sometimes, my Party breeds stupid people.

Rice was poised and graceful today, and she tried to speak for all Americans today in the aftermath of a bruising campaign. And I believe that she did.

I believe that after she writes her book she'll reenter politics, and that will be all for the good.

cardeblu said...

Just a small quibble:

It's Dr.Rice.

Zachary Sire said...

I don't like identity politics, but if the Republicans are smart, they will find the most gifted Hispanic in their party and groom him/her for national office. The democrats have locked up at least 90% of the black vote for the next 50 years. The Hispanic population is larger than the black population, the republicans currently get about 33% of the Hispanic vote, and they could bump it up to 75% or higher if they nominate an Hispanic for president or even vice president.

I think this contrived, and most importantly, CYNICAL way of thinking is a big problem for the Republican party. This idea of "finding" someone and "grooming" them. It doesn't work, obviously.

And while the cliche is repeated over and over again that Palin or a Token Mexican "energizes the base" and/or "motivates the base," I think it would behoove Republicans to come to terms with the fact that "the base," isn't big enough to win elections. Not anymore anyways, clearly.

The question is, who is the conservative party, and how can they win elections? Do they turn to the ultra religious right or do they embrace the moderate fiscal conservatives who are grounded in reality?

Tough times for the Republicans!

Roberto said...

Try to imagine this woman as V.P...and that 95% of the idiots here think she's qualified

Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron appeared on The O'Reilly Factor tonight and described in much fuller detail the truly astonishing behavior, and lack of knowledge, of Sarah Palin on the campaign trail.

Cameron relates how McCain aides were terrified of Palin's lack of knowledge of international and national issues, and even basic civics.

Cameron reports that Palin was unfamiliar with the concept of "American exceptionalism," and that not only did she not understand that...

...Africa was a continent rather than a single country...

...but also that during debate prep Palin was unable to name all the nations in North America.

Vice President of our country??

Donn said...

Michael said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

John Stodder said...

I saw Cameron's report.

Sobering. And quite believable. To a degree I wouldn't have expected, it turned out Palin is completely uneducated. If she wants to run for president -- she's got a gift for politics, obviously -- she's got a lot a schoolin' to get through first. Like maybe 12 years of it.

My vote for Obama just got a lot more comfortable. The Cameron report is just as devastating to McCain as it is to Palin. The choosing of Palin and then the subsequent mismanagement of the whole situation. Yeesh. Consider McCain's loss a bullet dodged.

But given she's so clueless, how did she manage to hold her own against Joe Biden? That should scare Dems a little bit, doncha think? You betcha.

Anonymous said...

Zach -- You are 100 percent correct. A solid critique. These are tough times indeed, and sadly they are well-earned.

Some of the biggest pigs who feed at the public trough in Congress are Republicans. Bush did nothing to curb spending. The opposite, in fact. And in the same way that Clinton failed to head off the easily foreseen problems with terrorism, Bush failed to head off easily foreseen problems with the economy. He also let a war that was so obviously winnable drag on un-won for far too long.

Minority candidates would certainly be great to have. The Republican party is primarily the party of small businesspeople and the middle class, though, and it's a sad fact that minorities don't own more small businesses and aren't part of the middle class. In my view, we have all failed minorities in this regard and continue to fail them, but that's another debate for another time.

Anyway, what conservatives need is to go back to first principles and offer a strong military that wins wars, curbs federal spending and power, and sound fiscal policy. On the latter issues, we need to practice what we espouse in theory.

The good news is that hope and change and pie-in-the-sky liberalism don't work in the cold, hard world. We'll always have the effects of bad leftist policy as our trump card.

Donn said...

And once again, this racist little creep denigrates the blog.

No one, but no one, Michael, denigrates this blog more than you, which is why you have been told many times you are not welcome here, but here you are, day after day, still showing up. You're one SICK dude.

Anonymous said...

Michael is a total tool.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hmmm..GW appointed two black Sec of States and now he should get some credit for the first black president.

Perhaps we should applaud GW for doing some nation building right here at home?

Donn said...

My vote for Obama just got a lot more comfortable. The Cameron report is just as devastating to McCain as it is to Palin. The choosing of Palin and then the subsequent mismanagement of the whole situation. Yeesh. Consider McCain's loss a bullet dodged.

I guess whatever it takes to justify your vote.

Roberto said...

On Meet the Press in 1968, the progressive hero Bobby Kennedy predicted that someone like Obama would emerge.

"Despite what is going on in the country, particularly in Alabama, things are moving so fast in race relations a Negro could be president in 40 years," he declared.

He thought such an eventuality inevitable, just as the election of his brother, a Roman Catholic, had been inevitable. "In the next 40 years," he went on, "a Negro can achieve the same position that my brother has...prejudice exists and probably will continue to...but we have tried to make progress and we are making progress.

We are not going to accept the status quo." His prescient words can be found in Excerpts in Rights for Americans: The Speeches of Robert F. Kennedy.

Mark said...

Still running against Palin, eh?

My guess is you should keep in practice. After four years, I don't expect there will much to run on except fear of Palin.

Anonymous said...

Be interesting. You can digress, but digress creatively. Amuse us!

Roberto said...

donn, you and some of your buddies here represent the dumbest of the dumb.

You're uneducated, course, bigoted and as we all know, a fucking rcist prick.

I feel sorry for you.

Mark said...

Now, if only we could end the prejudice against pale Americans with odd accents....

Anonymous said...

Donn -- At least you are not a tool, and at least you can spell. So you've got that going for you, which is nice.

Roberto said...

mark - you supported this idiot.

A person who doesn't know Africa is a continent???

You feel good about that?

Donn said...

Michael said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

Anonymous said...

Also, Donn, just FYI, Stodder is perhaps the best Democratic commenter here. So good, in fact, that I question why he is a Democrat. Listen to him. He is wise, even if he votes poorly.

Roberto said...

I'll lay odds donn didn't even vote.

Roberto said...

seven - Another fucking dolt.

Obama won by 7,000,000 votes.

Where does that put YOU...??

Donn said...


Yes, I know JS is a thoughtful commenter.

Anonymous said...

...Unlike Michael, who is a tool who, to my knowledge, has never said anything remotely interesting, who everyone wants gone, including many on the left, and who gets his comments deleted, which takes quite a lot of assholery at a place so tolerant as this one.

It's sad that a few commenters just don't have the social intelligence to be interesting.

Mark said...

"You're uneducated, course, bigoted and as we all know, a fucking rcist prick."

Among all the ways that this self-negates, my favorite is the classic homonym error.

Michael, do you know what I mean without Google?

Roberto said... case you didn't know: saying the post is deleted...doesn't delete the post.

And speaking of "posts."

You're as dumb as one.

(This is sooooooo easy.)

Anonymous said...

My candidate lost, but I woke up this morning and was not a tool. Sadly, not everyone is similarly blessed.

Donn said...

Michael said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

Donn said...

Michael: case you didn't know: saying the post is deleted...doesn't delete the post.

Gee, Michael, thanks for the pertinent info....I didn't know that.

Roberto said...

mark, a typo isn't quite the same as voting for a fucking dolt.

YOU supported Sarah Palin.

I supported Obama.

And I love your BFF seven...who evidently fancies himself as a fucking terrorist.


Anonymous said...

Thread ruined. Good night.

Roberto said...

Well, I'm going to have to leave you bigots to your circle jerk.

Keep on sucking.

And, a racist prick, how does it feel to have a black man as your President?

Donn said...

Thread ruined. Good night.

I'm out too, Michael can talk to himself....not that would stop him, of course.

Mark said...

And for what it's worth, I'm guessing that Palin knows the number of states is on the south side of 57.

The saddest spectacle of this election has been the establishment Republicans turning on Palin.

They lost the election. She made it interesting.

Ta ta.

Alice AN said...

A very classy Lady, who I respect. I wish the Republican Party included more people like her.

And I wish she had prevailed in the power struggle with Cheney earlier. The nation is safer because of the work she does, and I applaud her.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Michael says that someone else said Palin was unable to name all the nations in North America.

Didn't watch it, but perhaps she was confused over the division between NA and CA?

Also, I realize this isn't anywhere near as important as geographical trivia, but BHO supports a Bush trade scheme that might be a precursor to joining the 57, er, I mean 3 countries in NA. See #18 here for the details.

So, let's imagine this choice:

1. someone who doesn't know where NA begins and ends

2. someone who wants to join the three nations into one happy trading zone with former U.S. citizens living not under the Constitution but some amalgam of U.S., Mexican, and Canadian laws.

I have little doubt that many "liberal" useful idiots would indeed choose the second.

Donn said...

Also, I realize this isn't anywhere near as important as geographical trivia, but BHO supports a Bush trade scheme

Good thing Michael left, because you would now be called a racist for using BHO, something I see here many times a day, but to Michael, the sick F*** that he is, means a person is racist. Amazing.

Roberto said...

LonewackoDotCom - Are you actually saying you voted for someone to serve as our Vice President, one heartbeat from the Presidency...who doesn't know Africa is a continent?

And you're proud of it?

Anonymous said...

Wacko -- I said I was leaving but I came back and I feel compelled to respond to you, briefly. Do you have any notion of the economic suffering the United States would endure if we instituted barriers with our #1 and #3 trading partners? I rest assured that you'd like to institute barriers against #2 China and #4 Japan as well.

The mind reels at the fundamental misunderstanding of economics involved in the conclusion to not do business and expect economic improvement.

Finally, please point to one single instance in which any aspect of the Constitution has been superseded by NAFTA.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight, sad and lonely tool.

Donn said...


Oh, I thought you left (now that's funny because you NEVER do leave even though you have been told to over and over again), and I answered your question yesterday. I'm fine with BHO as my president. Got it?

Roberto said...

seven - what does NAFTA have to do with Palin not knowing Africa is a continent?

We can argue about NAFTA and any number of other treaties and agreements, good or bad...but it would never negate a basic ignorance of world geography most would learn in high school.

The woman was running for Vice President.

Just once, try to be honest.

Synova said...

Also, Donn, just FYI, Stodder is perhaps the best Democratic commenter here. So good, in fact, that I question why he is a Democrat. Listen to him. He is wise, even if he votes poorly.

And yet... he totally believed the report of someone who said that Palin didn't know if Africa was a country or a continent.

This is a totally unbelievable lie and he bought it.

The child of two educators who got merit scholarships and has helped four children through Geography 101?

I suppose we should believe in aliens dissecting cows too?

Roberto said...

donn, You refer to Obama as BHO because you're a racist, bigoted prick.

And you know it, too.

Roberto said...

Synova - Why not watch the video from FOX before making an ass of yourself?

Donn said...


You can call me anything you want, it means nothing to me because you are everything you project to others. Go away.

Donn said...


And yet... he totally believed the report of someone who said that Palin didn't know if Africa was a country or a continent.

That was exactly my point, JS believes this based on one person's report. It may or may not be true, but I'm not going to believe one reporter.

And I knew Michael never saw the report live because he doesn't watch BO, that's why he links there is a reliable source!

Roberto said...

donn, why not show everybody an article, commentary or report by any credible source that refers to Barack Obama as BHO.

You know exactly why you do it.

Bigotry and racism.

Roberto said...

donn, HuffPo has the fucking video of the show.

Are you really this dumb?

Are you saying the reporter is lying?

Donn said...

Michael said...

Yada, yada, yada. Insult. Yada, yada, yada. Insult.


Roberto said...

donn...we're waiting.

Put up or shut up.

Zachary Sire said...

Condi has always frustrated me. Her being complicit and even a cheerleader for Bush's disastrous foreign policies, coupled with her charm, brilliance, and apparent reasonableness really drives me bonkers.

She would make a great Democratic candidate in 2016, we'll just need to groom her.

Mark said...

ZPS, the cognitive dissonance you feel is a result of not actually thinking about the Bush policies, instead just taking in the received wisdom your cohort has been passing around like a bad strain of mono.

Roberto said...

Donn said...

You know exactly why you do it.

Bigotry and racism.

Michael, can you understand one simple thing? Yes, I know this will be hard for you, as stupid and ignorant as you are. I don't care whether or not you think I'm racist, you don't know me, or anything about me. All you have is your own insane ideas, and no one here, except a few of your fellow lefties, gives any consideration over ANYTHING you have to say. Why don't you do as this blog admin has told you and go away and never come back?

Roberto said...

donn, why not show everybody an article, commentary or report by any credible source that refers to Barack Obama as BHO.

You know exactly why you do it.

Bigotry and racism.

Donn said...

Michael said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

Zachary Sire said...

This is a totally unbelievable lie and he bought it.

The child of two educators who got merit scholarships and has helped four children through Geography 101?

I don't see anyone in the McCain camp benefiting from making these stories up and then leaking them to Carl "Hot Carl" Cameron. I have no reason not to believe they are true, especially after seeing her interviews and debate performance.

Also, if senior McCain aides are leaking these things, doesn't that make McCain look worse than Palin, for actually picking her and trying to pass her off for the past 2 months? Country First, anyone?

I appreciate the small minority of Palin fanatics out there (hey, they're loyal) who will defend her
to no end. But at what point do they stop and say to themselves, "Ok, maybe she's not exactly who she says she is."

They make Obamatrons look almost sane.

Roberto said...

"...the cognitive dissonance you feel..."

Good lord.

And yet another blowhard enters the fray.

Donn said...

Michael said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

Mark said...

Here, let me type this:


Damn, I'm a racist!

Roberto said...

"I don't see anyone in the McCain camp benefiting from making these stories up and then leaking them to Carl "Hot Carl" Cameron."

Yeah, especially since you can find the interviews and report on FOX and the Washington obviously far left...

Palin is a dolt and she'll be long gone in a matter of months...except of course, for when she re-surfaces on FOX as a talking head.

Zachary Sire said...

ZPS, the cognitive dissonance you feel is a result of not actually thinking about the Bush policies, instead just taking in the received wisdom your cohort has been passing around like a bad strain of mono.

That sentence makes absolutely no sense grammatically or argumentatively. But, thanks for trying.

Taking in the received wisdom... ?

Donn said...


It doesn't do any good to talk to Michael....according to many here he's a long time troll named LuckyOldson.

Roberto said...

mark, why not show everybody an article, commentary or report by any credible source that refers to Barack Obama as BHO.

You know exactly why you do it.

Bigotry and racism.

Roberto said...

donn, why not show everybody an article, commentary or report by any credible source that refers to Barack Obama as BHO.

You know exactly why you do it.

Bigotry and racism.

Mark said...

Hardly blowing, Michael.

You are fun to taunt, though. Sort of like yelling "Boo!" at those goats that go stiff and fall down.

Seriously, with control of both Houses and the Presidency, what will trolls like you find to rant against?

Ah, I know: moosekiller!!!!

Zachary Sire said...

Everyone In The Comments Section Said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

Roberto said...

donn - mark: C'mon, you chickenshits.

Show everybody an article, report or any commentary by a credible source that uses YOUR term to describe our new President.

Bring it on.

Synova said...

It may or may not be true, but I'm not going to believe one reporter.

That's giving the report too much credit.

The idea is not in any way *credible*. It requires a willful suspension of disbelief. It's like actually *believing* that Obama, who lived in HAWAII is not entirely aware that there are 50 states. It might be fun to needle people about the gaff but anyone who believes it is a moron.

This is the same magnitude. If John believes it, he is a moron.

The MOST gracious explanation I can think of is that Palin asked a clarifying question... Are you talking about the continent or the country? (And South Africa could mean either). In which case the story might not be an out and out fabrication but only a deliberate lie.

Donn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donn said...

I appreciate the small minority of Palin fanatics out there (hey, they're loyal) who will defend her
to no end. But at what point do they stop and say to themselves, "Ok, maybe she's not exactly who she says she is."

I don't disagree with this point, and have been saying so since the KC interviews. However, that being said, she isn't any more stupid than Joe Biden, and he IS the VP.

Roberto said...

mark, I told everybody here that Obama was going to win the election by a huge margin for months on end.

I think Obama will be a great President.

What I don't understand is why people like you and donn can't show some respect for what the man has accomplished.

I think it makes you look small.

Donn said...

Show everybody an article, report or any commentary by a credible source that uses YOUR term to describe our new President.

Michael, I don't care one whit who does or does not use the term BHO. Good you want to know why I use the term?

One, is because I use abbreviations for everyone, even my gf. One of my best couple friends I call KB, Ken and Barb.

But the main reason is that it drives you crazy, and ANYTHING that does that is fine by my book!!

Synova said...

Oh the other devastating horror about Palin?

She wasn't ready when her "staff" came to her hotel room because she'd just showered and was in a couple of hotel towels... waved them toward the sofa and told them to talk to Todd while she got ready.


Roberto said...

donn, the fact that you actually think someone who doesn't know Africa is a continent is as intelligent as Joe Biden says it all.

You're as dumb as a bag of rocks.

*Do YOU know Africa is a continent?

Zachary Sire said...

Donn, you've just said that Sarah Palin is as smart as Joe Biden. Just wanted you to be aware of that.

Also, why does you name have two N's? It's not a visually pleasurable name.

Donn said...

I told everybody here that Obama was going to win the election by a huge margin for months on end.

Good grief....I have been saying for over a year that a Dem would win this election. It's not rocket science.

Synova said...

BHO is better than BO.


Roberto said...

donn, you're a lying piece of shit.

You know exactly why you use the term.

Did you also refer to Bush as GWB?

Clinton as WJC?

Why not just be a man and stop?

Zachary Sire said...

Synova, that story about Palin in the towels was hilarious. Not damning, but indicative that someone really doesn't like her in the McCain camp and is being petty. That said, she is still a joke.

DONN, is your name an acronym or a nickname for something else? You just said you like to use nicknames. Or is it short for DONNIE? Or just long for DON? I need to know.

Donn said...

Also, why does you name have two N's? It's not a visually pleasurable name.

What a stupid thing to say. Do you feel the same about Glenn?

Roberto said...

synova, so now your BFF is donn the racist?

Working your way up the Althouse ladder of shame?

Donn said...


Yeah, I'm hoping that BHO is a good president. Do you know what BHO did today?

Zachary Sire said...

I just went to DONN's Christian Website and he has some interesting things there about religion and science. DONN is as smart as Sarah Palin, and Joe Biden.

Mark said...

ZPS, my Gunning Fog Index was a bit high (just shy of 18) so pardon me for packing a lot into a little.

Here's the short form: Palin isn't an idiot. She has establishment enemies that want to make her sound like an idiot.

Here's the meme:

Who lost the election for Republicans? Wasn't me, boss, must have been that rube from Alaska. What, the rube that outdrew all the other candidates at rallies, including the tops of the tickets? That's her, boss, lot's of rubes in the sticks, boss.Oh, that makes sense.

Roberto said...


Are you saying you think it's dignified for a woman who has been selected to possibly represent our country as Vice President, to stroll into a room where two aides to the Presidential candidate are sitting, wearing nothing but a towel??

Even YOU can't be that dense.

Donn said...

I think that BHO is working on his transition team. I heard Kerry may be on it. That won't be good for a BHO presidency, imo.

Donn said...

ZPS: (Good thing you're not black or I would be a racist)

I just went to DONN's Christian Website and he has some interesting things there about religion and science. DONN is as smart as Sarah Palin, and Joe Biden.

LOL....nice try.

Zachary Sire said...

I just googled "Donn Day" and there were several results for horse racing, a Linked In Profile, and of course, the DONN DAY Divine Conspiracy website. This is very interesting and I will be reading as much as I can before I go to bed tonight. I hope to find out the origin or truth behind DONN's name first and foremost.

Roberto said...

mark, Palin is indeed an uneducated rube who had absolutely no real qualifications to be selected as V.P.

Why you or anyone would continue to support and defend this fool is ridiculous.

Then again, you don't sound that sharp either.

Donn said...


Knock yourself out....I'm shaking in my boots!

Donn said...


Oh, by the way. I visited your blog quite some time ago, however, not much interesting so I left after about 30 seconds. Hopefully my site will be better. 8^)

Zachary Sire said...

Here's the short form: Palin isn't an idiot. She has establishment enemies that want to make her sound like an idiot.

Why bother? They already lost. And the meme that I'm hearing is that they lost because of Lehman Bros, not Palin, not McCain, not Bush, just a last minute "crisis" that suddenly moved everyone, even Republicans, over to Obama, who had already defeated a Clinton when there was no crisis and led McCain in most polls before Palin, and before Lehman.

Get over it. No one cares why McCain lost. He lost because Obama was the better candidate with an overwhelmingly better ground game.

They aren't dissing Palin because they want to make it look like she fucked everything up, they're dissing her because she's an idiot and she pissed them off. The funny thing is that by dissing her they only make themselves look like the bigger tools for trotting her out in the first place.

Synova said...

Look, Zach... I don't expect everyone to like her. But I wish they would at least be decent. If your idea of a "joke" is a middle class person who put herself through school and got involved in her local politics and worked her way up while holding to a pretty strict idea of ethics and putting her career and advancement at risk to call people in her own party on ethics issues, and managed to defeat the incumbent in her own party to become a state governor then that's your idea of a joke.

As for who she *says* she is... what has she *said* she is that you dispute?

I know some libertarians like her... I don't think she's libertarian at all. She hasn't claimed to be. I think she's a fairly uncompromising person with strong ideas. Those ideas include an ethos of service. And even as willful as she is, she has practice compromising and actually making executive decisions, taking what is realistic even if it's not what she really preferred. She really *did* cut the budget for the Governor in Alaska by something like 80%.

She shows up to the McCain campaign... needs clothes and polishing... and the "staff" gets pissy that the hick with the funny accent doesn't know her place.

Yeah, I'm on her side in this.

Eddie said...

I heard Rice talk about being proud of the country and I've seen some friends of mine post similar sentiments on Facebook pages and the like. Am I the only one who finds it a little odd to talk this way? As an analogy, I wouldn't say that I am proud of my parents; I would say that I am proud to be the child of my parents. What does it mean to be proud of your country? Is this not condescending?

Donn said...

ZPS hit my site at 10:42:34 PM, and posted the following at 10:45:

I just went to DONN's Christian Website and he has some interesting things there about religion and science. DONN is as smart as Sarah Palin, and Joe Biden.

Gee, nice to see that you're a speed reader. You go guy!

Roberto said...

synova, I can't wait to hear from you in about a month or so when the real inside Palin shit hits the fan.

Mark my words...there's much to be seen and it will not be good.

Synova said...

And the idea that she is *dumb* makes people who believe it look like... Michael.

Zachary Sire said...

"...she spent "tens of thousands" more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost. An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books."

It's called opportunism. Hey, if someone gave me a credit card and told me to go to town, I'd do it! But I don't go around talking "real America" and "small towns" 5 minutes later. It's called hypocrisy. Palin fans refuse to acknowledge this, because it means they have been duped, fooled, and misled. I get it. It takes guts to admit you were wrong.

Roberto said...

eddie - No, it's not strange to be proud of your country.

What is it you don't understand?

If America came to the defense of another country under attack...would you not be "proud of your country?"

Roberto said...

synova, She's a rube.

Oh, and she doesn't know Africa is a continent.

Did YOU know?

Zachary Sire said...

I had a hard time when John Edwards' affair came out, and felt like a total jackass for supporting him. But it's called humility. You admit you were wrong and you move on. It's as if rejecting Palin is just too difficult for her fans, particularly women, because it means they are rejecting a piece of themselves!

No, I am not a psychologist, but I do bill by the hour.

Synova said...

So you think Trooper when he was talking about what sort of shopping was reasonable was just too stupid to know better?

You don't think that articles of clothing can get "lost" when she's got several appearances a day, maybe not even in the same state, and someone else is in charge of the laundry?

Please, oh PLEASE hold Obama to this standard of accountability.

Palladian said...

"Gee, nice to see that you're a speed reader. You go guy!"

Zach lives with his parents. Doesn't it show?

Donn said...

Hey Pal,

Did you have a hangover today?

Roberto said...

synova: "You don't think that articles of clothing can get "lost" when she's got several appearances a day, maybe not even in the same state, and someone else is in charge of the laundry?"

Yeah, most people lose their clothes on a regular basis.,,epspecially when "someone else is in charge of the laundry."

Good lord...

Synova said...

See, Zach... you're gonna sound like Michael.

Who has never lost a sock.

And who can't even *imagine* that in the chaos of rushing from one hotel room in one city to the next, that stuff might get lost. Because NO ONE looses stuff when they travel for vacations or business.

Zachary Sire said...

Bristol Palin will be photographed wearing that cream colored coat her mother wore at the RNC in a matter of days, trust me. Oh, we thought it was "lost," but it just must have ended up in someone else's bag.

DONN with 2 N's has a great website, you should all go check it out.

Synova said...

Sure Zach, but don't bother waiting until that happens to form your opinion, okay?

The woman is soooo obviously a complete dunce, she wouldn't be *smart* enough to realize that the coat would be recognized.

Roberto said...

"DONN with 2 N's has a great website, you should all go check it out."

donn has a website??

Do tell...

Zachary Sire said...

Well, I just finished reading DONN's entire website. No word on what the deal is with his name. Oh well.

Synova, your excuses are cute. I admire your loyalty and hope Mrs. Palin does whatever she needs to do to keep you convinced. It's none of my business and I don't care about her clothes, whether or not she lost them, or how much they cost. The bit about the towels is still hilarious and I almost like her because of it.

Palladian, GO TO BED.

Zachary Sire said...

"Welcome to The Divine Conspiracy. The material presented on these pages is of the highest quality available anywhere on the Web."

Wow, way to undersell your material!

Donn said...

Well, I just finished reading DONN's entire website. No word on what the deal is with his name. Oh well.

Actually, you missed several pages, but it's obvious honesty isn't one of your primary traits.

Ahhh....I see Michael has paid a visit also. Nice to see the lefty pagans visiting!

amba said...

It would make me happy if she were elected President.

Me too! I've admired her since the 1980s, when she came on the scene as a Soviet expert, fluent in Russian. I love the way she (unlike some black conservatives) doesn't studiously ignore the fact that she's black, but nor has she ever allowed that to affect her choices or opportunities in the slightest. She's got that just right. Gracious!

amba said...

I'm just sorry that, for all the good people who voted for Obama, all the repulsive ones got "rewarded" as well.

Yeah, really, Palladian. Well said.

Mark said...

ZPS, for someone who doesn't care about Palin, you sure do keep your keyboard warm dissing her.

In the middle of 2009, when the Democratic Congress and the Democratic Administration are flailing, you'll still be pissing towards Palin, because you know in which direction your own team's doom awaits.

Roberto said...

donn - Here's the part I found most interesting about your "Christian" website:

"When I was a liberal and an atheist, I was angry at the world and anyone who didn't believe the things I did. Today, I am at peace with my own beliefs, and with those that believe differently."


"Today, I am at peace with my own beliefs, and with those that believe differently."

If that's the case, why would a Christian like yourself denigrate Barack Obama by referring to him in a way that is obviously meant to incite a negative reaction?

I've asked you to provide others who do so, but you've yet to provide any evidence of such.

Your website also states the following: "I would say the two biggest challenges that face Christianity today are atheism and Islam."

I can understand that atheism thorn in your side, but Islam? One out of ever six people on the planet are Muslims.

What do you and the rest of the Christians propose we do about that?

Donn said...


Anything to do with my website I would be happy to talk to you through email or IM. This is not the place for that.

I have already told you why I use the term BHO, the fact that you don't like it means nothing to me. You don't define the terms I use. Got it?

amba said...

On Meet the Press in 1968, the progressive hero Bobby Kennedy predicted that someone like Obama would emerge.

"Despite what is going on in the country, particularly in Alabama, things are moving so fast in race relations a Negro could be president in 40 years," he declared.

Sort of, but not quite. sets you straight. Scroll down to the last two paragraphs.

Alex said...

Another RINO can go to hell with her racial bullshit. Or was she even ever a RINO? I think she was a Democrat. Bush has to be the stupidest POTUS ever to have all these traitorous dogs in his administration....

Alex said...

I vow to fight this criminal Chicago machine politics with every fiber of my being for every second until he is gone in Jan 2013... Not a single moment of peace will be for Hussein. He better learn to deal with 50 million angry Americans who will not take his socialist bullshit.

Chip Ahoy said...

The sadness and touching sentiments expressed here are pure class. Watching the video has stirred emotions deep within me that I do not understand. This confusion has caused me to make my own animation of the video and provide the magnificent Condoleezza Rice with dialogue that I do understand.

Bless this woman. She has been a wonder to behold.

John Stodder said...

Just to be clear, I don't think Sarah Palin is stupid. She obviously is not stupid. But she's miles and miles from being ready for the presidency. And the McCain campaign didn't seem to know that when they selected her.

A lot of what Cameron had to say made the McCain camp look petty, mean and bullying. I cringed on her behalf as I watched it. It was vicious to leak it. But I don't think it was invented.

So, what's it mean? The McCain campaign put someone on the national stage who was clearly unready for such responsibility. They virtually guaranteed she'd be eaten alive and combined with the leaks out there now are bidding fair to destroy her career.

In my life, I've known quite a few citizen-politicians like Palin (mostly liberals) whose careers started at a local level, motivated by the right thing, a sense of civic responsibility. They were also smart and they made a great contribution. They were also unready for the presidency, because they hadn't lived their lives up to that time trying to prepare for a high-flying political career. That's how I see Palin -- one of those housewives or small business owners who ended up as local political fixtures after starting as part-time activists. Given time to develop, who knows how far Palin could go. It's part of the unwisdom of McCain's selection of her that no matter how well she prepares in the future, she'll always be stuck with her botched roll-out.

In short, I'm appalled at McCain. I'm depressed about Palin.

Donn said...

Good points John. I'm just not ready to necessarily believe the source. The story may or may not be invented.

rhhardin said...

I'm ready with Bolivia and tin if anybody questions my civics knowledge.

lowercase said...

I'll look at the report, but you asked how would McCain or his aides benefit from these stories...

The Romney contingent within McCain's camp benefit.

LoafingOaf said...

Whoa! I just watched the clip of Cameron reporting on Palin. Here it is.

She didn't know what countries are in NAFTA?!?!

Well, Michelle Malkin and her ilk will still defend Palin's selection because she liked to shoot moose and didn't abort a Downs Syndrome baby. Malkin today: "But two fundamental conservative stands she took mattered greatly to me: She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life more eloquently in practice than any of the educated conservative aristocracy."

But...she didn't know what countries are in NAFTA?! And she thought Africa is a country?!!

I realize ignorance is different from stupidity. But wasn't it pretty stupid of her to think she should be VP when she's SO IGNORANT?

Or maybe she was just in it for the Neiman Marcus shopping sprees.

Andrew Sullivan has this:

NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin's shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain's top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family—clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent "tens of thousands" more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost. An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.


BTW, any word on whether Levi is still going through with the shotgun marriage to Bristol?

LoafingOaf said...

But wasn't it pretty stupid of her to think she should be VP when she's SO IGNORANT?

And of course it ruined McCain's case that he had the judgment to be Prez.

And to think that the Palin lovers in these comment sections kept saying they wished Palin were top of the ticket!

Given all the wackjobs that have taken over the GOP, maybe now is an opportunity for the Libertarian Party to mainstread itself and make a bid at becoming the second major party. Let the GOP become some fringey regional party. If the Libertarians could find a bunch of charismatic, personable candidates similar to Arnold Schwartzenegger, who knows, maybe they could rise up as a more mainstream party that either forced the a revolution within the GOP or gradually took over major party status from it.

Sorry, Sarah Palin ain't winning the White House in 2012, folks. She may not even been Governor of Alaska much longer.....

LoafingOaf said...

BTW, America seemed like a very happy country today, in the wake of Obama's victory. I even saw Spike Lee saying how much he loves America on TV today. I guess people like some hope and some change.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Sorry, Sarah Palin ain't winning the White House in 2012, folks. She may not even been Governor of Alaska much longer.....

Well she does have another four years in her term.

Unless you're suggesting something sinister.

hdhouse said...

Donn said...
"I don't disagree with this point, and have been saying so since the KC interviews. However, that being said, she isn't any more stupid than Joe Biden, and he IS the VP."

ahhh Donn, you underestimate Ms. Palin. She is way "more supid" than Biden. Not even close. Give her some credit.

By the way, wasn't this thread about Ms. Rice's comments?

I was never impressed by her but that was a good statement and well put. It is what a lot of people are thinking and I'm glad she said it.

and now that I'm being so nice, let's balance it out...Don't argue with Seven Nachos...for the years I've been commenting here he remains the same cold cereal in a cardboard box. Don't open it and expect will always be Rice Krispies.

mrs whatsit said...

I wondered who would be the first person from the left to respond to Rice's display of graciousness and class by demonstrating the complete lack thereof. And along came VERSO! Let's all give him/her a round of applause!!

As for the word Obamanation, I hope that those who use it will eventually realize how much it sounds like "abomination," and STOP. The word is not creating the effect that you intend!

ricpic said...

Both Michelle and Condi are now no longer ashamed of America. What a relief!

Meade said...

Chip, that was a touching tribute to a great woman... a great black woman... a great black emotional woman. Crocodile tears - brilliant!

mrs whatsit said...

The claims by some here that it is racist or somehow otherwise disgraceful to use a person's actual initials in referring to him are not only hilarious, but also have given me a musical earworm.
"LBJ took the IRT
Down to Wall Street, USA.
When he got there,
What did he see?
The youth of America on LSD!
LBJ... IRT... USA ...LSD!

Now it'll be stuck in my head all day. Thanks a lot.

Meanwhile, I went looking for the evidence that somebody challenged somebody else to find regarding the use of Obama's initials. Here's an article about the Obama campaign's sensitivity regarding the issue, which clarifies why the use of all three initials isn't widespread. And here, under "initials, presidential" is a fascinating little dissertation by the ever-erudite William Safire about the history of presidential nicknaming-by-initial.

I agree with Tapper that Obama deserves credit for not taking the easy way out and changing his name. I also agree with Synova that given the choice between BHO and BO, I know which one I'd choose!

"LBJ, IRT, CIA, LSD ..." damnit.

KCFleming said...

Gee, for a minute, I thought the left would be feeling magnanimous and benificient, full of forgiveness and hail-fellow-well-met charm.

But instead they remain bilious and vituperative.
The terms 'unsportsmanlike' and 'sore winners' come to mind.

I've always hated that taunting dancing in the end zone shit. Looks like that hopeandchanginess thingy didn't mean much except "more of the same, turned up to eleven".

knox said...


We're one-fourth of the way there


rhhardin said...

Constantly surprised is the opposite of proud for the first time.

Anonymous said...

verso: Can you imagine the fury and rage we'd be seeing from the Republican Party right now if Michelle Obama said this country "continues to surprise?" Or that the US has not yet perfected the union? It would be fodder for days worth of classic wingnut thrashing and moaning.

Give me a break. If you can't discern the difference between "My country continues to surprise me" and "For the first time, I'm really proud of my country," and "The US has not yet perfected the union" (a perfectly clear reference to "In order to form a more perfect union...") and "The US is a mean country," then you, quite simply, need a remedial course in reading comprehension.

knox said...

Palin continues to enrage the left. I think it's because every fault they accuse her of, one of their candidates possess to a greater degree.

Lack of experience: Obama's executive experience is non-existent. He's never even made a tough legislative decision.

Stupidity/Lack of Eloquence, etc.: Joe Biden. This guy was supposed to bring the experience in foreign policy and he said we got Hezbollah out of Lebanon in the debate (huh????) ...among countless other ridiculous statements.

Democrats simply couldn't tolerate that she -- a minority!! -- energized the republican base so late in the game. She *had* to be destroyed. And they did a great job of it. She helped some, with her interviews, I won't deny. But they went after her daughter, and her baby. Well done!

(As far as McCain's campaign they are obviously complete idiots. I sometimes doubted that them even wanted him to win. I take anything leaked from them with a big grain of salt.)

knox said...

your excuses are cute

Great example of democrats' attitude toward women this election cycle.

Darcy said...

As far as McCain's campaign they are obviously complete idiots. I sometimes doubted that them even wanted him to win. I take anything leaked from them with a big grain of salt.

Excellent observation. That Carl Cameron report should have reflected more on John McCain's campaign and staff than on Sarah Palin. Good, professional, dedicated (not to mention loyal!)people don't engage in this kind of crap. And the evidence of that is that this started even before the election.

I believe it is catty bullshit.

Darcy said...

Excellent speech from Dr. Rice. Classy woman.

freesia girl said...

In reference to the comment you chose to highlight on your blog, I don't understand why the Republicans are singled out for being vicious and partisan. Remember the effigies of Bush wearing a yellow star? Remember the constant Bush/Hitler comparisons. Remember the "art" depicting the assassination of Bush. Can't you get past this even when you win?

paul a'barge said...

I thought she was excellent and noticed no flaws

Of course you would say that. You voted for her husband.

What flavor of kookaid was that again?

Kevin said...

Sarah Palin was an honor student in her high school. Her parents insisted on good grades and her father was a high school science teacher. I doubt very much that someone with her background is misinformed that Africa is a country. It simply doesn't compute, sorry. This one should be filed along with her fake high school transcripts. The amount of slander that has been dumped upon this woman is sickening, and frankly, reveals the true tolerance and inclusiveness of the slanderers.

Justin said...

It's important to understand something about LuckyOldSon. He's not interested in making arguments or convincing people. In fact, he probably doesn't even believe half of what he writes.

He's only interested in scoring points. It's easy to score points when you're the scorekeeper. And he awards them to himself all the time. Here's an example:

And speaking of "posts."

You're as dumb as one.

(This is sooooooo easy.)

Now, anyone who comments can award points to himself. Watch, I'll do it right now:

Lucky's an idiot who lives in his mom's basement.

*Are you really this stupid?

See? Point for me.

I recommend not trying to engage Lucky on the merits of his arguments. You can score your own points, to be sure. But then it's nothing more than mutual masturbation.

mrs whatsit said...

Oh come on. The differences between the negative things Michele Obama has had to say about America ("downright mean" comes to mind) and the graciousness of what Condi Rice said ought to be clear to anybody who doesn't have blinders on. And given the countless race-related attacks that have been leveled at Ms. Rice over the past eight years by guess who, the post-racial party of tolerance, I really wish we could just please for crying out loud DROP THE SUBJECT for once?? Just because she and Michele Obama are both female and black doesn't mean they are otherwise comparable!

Justin said...

Another thing about LuckyOldSon: he's not a liberal troll. He's actually a conservative Moby. His goal is to make liberals look bad. He is very good at it.

KCFleming said...

"He's actually a conservative Moby."

No one wants him on their team, eh?

Darren Duvall said...

The difference between Condi Rice making these statements and Michelle Obama making these statements is that Condi Rice is, well, Condi Rice. She's taken fire from people from every direction for seven years for her service to the country, there is no question where her commitment is and what motivates her.

The commenter about Republicans bleeding out their eyesockets if Michelle Obama said these things is correct, assuming you completely disregard the context of who's saying the statements and what price they've paid. I don't remember anyone calling Michelle Obama a "house negro".

It's unfortunate that you would quote Verso, Ann. A commenter silly enough to dismiss Bobby Jindal, the Rhodes Scholar who has spent his career reforming the swamp thickets of Louisiana government, as an "affirmative-action pick" marks them as unserious.

MadisonMan said...


(I'm talking about the Sec'y of State, not some of the commentors here).

Palladian said...

"BTW, America seemed like a very happy country today, in the wake of Obama's victory. I even saw Spike Lee saying how much he loves America on TV today. I guess people like some hope and some change."

There's a term for this:

Fair weather friends. Fuck 'em. I hope we get to disappoint them again really soon.

wind.rider said...

Just a couple of observations -

This country made tremendous progress on Tuesday, that is certain. The fact of the results should put the lie to the argument that this country has yet to reach a point where a person's abilities matter more than his race.

I would observe, however, the results indicate, and as is indicated in this comments thread and elsewhere, that the evidence is clear that we have yet to achieve Martin's dream - that we should all be treated based on the content of our character alone, and not by the color of our skin.

Because like it or not, there is a large percentage, the true size of which we will never know, who voted the way they did solely on the issue of race. An act, which is certainly something to cluck about, may end up serving the greater good by being a shining example of why basing any decision solely on race is a phenomenally stupid and ignorant thing to do.

I will agree with the statement that the election of an African American to the Presidency is an historic, important and likely necessary step towards achieving Martin's dream, which I share - if for no other reason than it takes a tremendous amount of wind out of the victimology and hatemongering that has been the staple undercurrent of racial discussions in this country for far too long. And it is in keeping with Martin's dream that I certainly do wish it was someone else that had achieved that distinction.

Condi is a completely first rate, class act, from start to finish. I've been proud, and happy to celebrate her many accomplishments of the past eight years, and will be forever grateful to her for her steadfast and honorable service to this nation. She achieved this through the strength of her character, and her substantial abilities, just as it should be.

Then again, one could accuse me of gushing over a hometown hero, and generational peer. Because Condi and I are both about the same age, and we both grew up in Birmingham, Alabama.

I'm comfortable that both of us took some very useful, positive lessons from the experiences of our childhood in that broken environment. It'll be nice when the rest of the country catches up to us, and groks them as well.

Unknown said...

I don't believe Palin didn't know Africa is a continent. Just like I don't think Barack Obama believes the US has 57 or more states.

My guess is there was a similar stumbling over words, and the staffers, already dissatisfied with Palin, jumped on that.

I agree that one of Palin's problems was that she wasn't prepared on national and international issues. But naming the continents is early grade-school level material. I'd be surprised to learn that Piper Palin doesn't know Africa is a continent.

section9 said...

Palladian's right, by the way: Fuck the Fair Weather Friends six ways from Sunday-but I'll get to that later.

Secretary Rice made me proud to be a longtime supporter of her, no matter what some of my rather angry Freeper friends said about her. She had a right to be emotionally proud that the nation passed a watermark on Tuesday, and that an African-American became President. Very few people here had to go through what she did as a child in Birmingham. It's worth noting that Obama did not have to go through what she did in Birmingham.

That said, I look forward to her further adventures in politics as we rebuild the Republican Party and the Conservative movement. Her voice will be worth hearing.

The slams against Palin sound like the Romneybots leaking to Carl Cameron. I'm going to defend Palin here. One, yes, she was an honor student, so I don't put much stock in the Africa comment. Two, she was head of the Interstate Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, so the notion that Palin didn't know who was in NAFTA should be considered laughable in its face. The Romney crowd are desperate to kill her now because Mitt is such a phoney store mannequin.

The truth about Mitt Romney? He couldn't beat Heinrich Himmler in a contest for Mayor of Tel Aviv. Mitt Romney would lose to Paul Tibbets if they held a race for Mr. Congeniality in Hiroshima. Mitt Romney is a cheap, two-bit phony of a candidate with Brylcream hair whose paid Grima Wormtongues got themselves installed into the McCain campaign like so many pilot fish. Once Palin was picked, Romney saw his future at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue going up in smoke because he saw how she connected with crowds. So, when his bots were not spending money on Proposition 8 in California trying to take away matrimonial rights from my brother and his husband, they were engaged in hostile leaking against Sarah Palin. That's what's going on now.

Lastly, I agree with Palladian: screw the Fair Weather Fairies. Wait till the going gets tough, the Iranians sink an aircraft carrier, and Obama has to declare war to survive in office and reinstate the draft and carry out the largest land invasion since WWII.

Then where will all you antiwar HOPEYCHANGEY assclowns be? Eh?

I tell you where you'll be: supporting the war and the draft, that's where. Yellow ribbons on your cars and all that. Trust me, downtownlad will be the first in line to buy war bonds.

I can smell a Nice big slam bang WWII-style war coming a thousand miles away. But first, let's strip the opposition of their right to speak and pass that Fairness Doctrine!

Hope and Change! Hope and Change!

jeff said...

Wasn't LuckyOldSon the guy defending pedophilia some time back and was reminded of it in every post since then? Then disappeared? So Michael is LuckyOldSon? He borrow the Michael from Jackson?

Justin said...

I don't remember him defending pedophilia, but if you have a link I'd be very interested.

I do remember how he likes to insult people by calling them gay. In Lucky's world, that's the worst insult.

And yes, Michael is definitely LuckyOldSon. It looks like he tried to hide it for a while, but then he just gave up.

*You can tell by the way he ends the last sentence of a post with an asterisk.

And how he likes to say "blow me".

Lane said...

Condoleezza is the best and that's why we wrote a song about her. You can hear it here:

also on itunes...

Daryl said...

More lurid, imagined straw men . . . you didn't like those when they were being done to you, did you, Althouse?

It didn't bother you at the time, and I guess it still doesn't bother you that Michelle Obama said: "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country"

That's very different from talking about making our country more perfect. I wouldn't expect a liberal to pick up on the subtle* difference between talking about how perfect/great America is, and whether you feel in your heart, any pride whatsoever.

* it's not subtle to me. But I wouldn't expect a liberal to notice the difference.

Shanna said...

But instead they remain bilious and vituperative.
The terms 'unsportsmanlike' and 'sore winners' come to mind.

Yeah, kind of sad. It's like the people who won't slap hands and say "good game" after the games done.

On topic, I heard the Condi snip on the radio and I am happy for her. I don't think it makes me proud of the country or anything, but I am happy for people like Juan Williams, and Condi and my boss and the 15 year old on the radio yesterday who said this made her believe she could do anything. I think she always could (hell, look at Condi!), but if she needed this to make her believe then I am happy for her.

I hope (thanks Obama :) race stuff can kind of calm down now. There are a few racists still left, but not enough to make a difference. That should say something, right?

Jum said...

Condi Rice isn't the only GOPer making very gracious and healing statements - they're all over the place. But that's not really a surprise, is it? Didn't every one of us, Repub and Dem, expect the gracious concessions and genuine good wishes from Republicans? Of course we did. Because we know Republicans understand that's what decent people do after a scrap - they know that if you don't make an effort to reconcile, the disagreements can fester into something malignant and eternal.

Now turn the tables - does anyone really think a Rahm Emanuel or James Carville or Paul Begala would be making similarly heartfelt and gracious comments should Obama have fallen short? Of course we wouldn't. Because we know that for far too many Democrats (and for even more of those who are farther left), winning is everything. For too many the race never ends, and there is nothing but winning.

There won't be any such admissions in rooms full of strangers, and not many admissions in rooms full of friends. But in our hearts, we know it's true. And it is one of the essential differences in the people who make up the parties.

mrs whatsit said...

The more I think about it the more it bothers me that any comparison at all is drawn between Condi Rice and Michele Obama, who have nothing in common that I can see other than their gender and their race -- not their professions, not their backgrounds, not their politics, nothing. I really thought that we were past that. Or that most of us were, anyway.

wind.rider said...

Oh, and one more observation -

The folks flailing the crap out of the "Palin is a moron" meme aren't really accomplishing anything except making a vivid display of their own shallow ignorance.

Anyone who makes as much of a success out of their lives as she has must have something positive going on upstairs.

I look forward to her return to, and continued presence, on the national stage.

Jack said...

Note that these gracious comments came from a woman whom (white) lefty political cartoonist Ted Rall once depicted as Bush's "house slave." Can anyone imagine Jesse Jackson weeping if Condi had just been elected president as a Republican? For that matter, can anyone imagine liberal feminists being even half this gracious if Sarah Palin had been elected VP?

Jack said...

Regarding the lefty commentor's remarks about "What if Michelle Obama had made these remarks...":

Condi Rice has proved over and over her devotion to and patriotism for America. No one can question that. When has Michelle Obama ever done anything but bitch and whine? She didn't earn the nickname, "Ms. Grievance" for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Since when does Mrs. Obama "Bitch and whine"? She has a very exceptional, calm well spoken demeanor like her husband and speaks about issues. If speaking about subjects that really matter and/or criticizing something means you're "bitching and whining" than so be it!