"Turns out one of Barack’s earliest supporters is a man who, according to The New York Times, and they are hardly ever wrong, was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol. Wow. These are the same guys who think patriotism is paying higher taxes."
Sarah Palin, talking like... like blogging!
She's got the reference to a story in today's news, a swipe at MSM, implicit snark about recent attacks on her, an expletive ("Wow"), and 2 not entirely fair hard punches to her opponents' guts.
1 – 200 of 304 Newer› Newest»Proving, once again, that a woman can do a man's job, in high heels, and with a smile.
(The job being running as VP, which is ancient Bozniack for "attack dog" [lipstick optional])
That was pretty hard core of her, I reckon, sitting here comfortably in Sydney, enjoying the US presidential election show.
And Sarah doing the heavy lifting for the journos too, apparently...
Why isn't this post packed with right wing vitriol in the comments?
Maybe it's a little early on Sunday.
But, still; by now there should be at least a dozen comments referencing BHO's so-called hatred of America.
This is the stuff many of y'all live for.
This is your chance to toss out the BHO is scary stuff that many of y'all love so deeply.
Pick up the pace.
In the first paragraph, Ayers is described as a "former 1960s radical." Former? Former terrorist, yes. Former radical, no. He's a self-described "little-c communist." I'd call that pretty radical on the American political spectrum.
A heart beat away. Not that I would want anything bad to happen to McCain, but a President Palin would be kicking some MSM butt. She's not afraid of anybody, also.
Meet the Press, 10 minutes in, runs that clip of Palin and talks about it. Looks like she's really gotten it out there.
This will go down as one of the greatest days for the right wing.
Not only has Palin been standing up for good American Joe Sixpack values. But, now she's calling out BHO as an evil America hater.
A few days ago y'all couldn't have imagined that Palin could possibly get any better--she was already perfect. But, now y'all have seen that she brought her game to an even higher level of right wing greatness. She is truly is the future of the R Party.
Champagne bottles are popping in right wing households across the country. The frothy little bubbles are flowing.
"This is the stuff many of y'all live for."
I'd really like to blame the liberal media for this sorry reaction to a serious concern ("Is the candidate for president a radical leftist"?), but I cannot.
The lack of worry over this sort of history should be alarming. 30 years ago it would have been disqualifying, well before it got to this point.
It tells me the left has indeed won. They control virtually everything: schools, corporations, city councils. That leftist mindset is not even recognized as a belief, but an unquestioned and unquestionable truth, such as by 1jpb here.
Even my church has gone leftist, demanding illegal immigration, higher taxes, and support of all pet liberal projects.
My only solace? unsustainable things tend to stop. That this spells the end of the American experiment in representative democracy is sad, but it was a good run, no?
"Champagne bottles are popping in right wing households across the country."
See what I mean?
Who thinks this way?
Idiots, that's who.
Why isn't this post packed with right wing vitriol in the comments?
Maybe it's a little early on Sunday.
Sorry, but we were at church and it ran a little late, as there was quite a bit of speaking in tongues at the "gays can be healed" forum.
So let me catch my breath first. Sundays can be so busy, you know?
Althouse: ...2 not entirely fair hard punches to her opponents' guts.
OK, I'll bite: what's not fair about them?
I'm assuming that you mean the Ayers connection and that somehow Joe Biden didn't say that paying higher taxes is patriotic. So, for reference, please see Stanley Kurtz on Obama and Ayers here, here, and here, and this YouTube clip of Joe in which he says that it's time for those making more than $250,000/year to start being patriotic by paying more taxes.
But remember, 1jpb is a "Republican for Obama", which sounds like but makes slightly less sense than Jews For Jesus.
Yeah, I'd be interested in the "not entirely fair" explanation as well. That is, if it is different from the NYT's attempt at "nothing here to see!" spin.
Re churches becoming leftist & supporting higher taxes, below is the letter I sent to the charities I support:
"Dear Charity or Worthy Cause to Whom I donate:
Barack Obama, a Democrat, will raise taxes. I estimate his plans will increase my taxes by 30% or more from their current level.
This letter is to advise you that I will therefore reduce my contributions to your organization by 30%.
When and if Barack Obama becomes the next president, perhaps you can try and ask the government to contribute to your fine organization. Because they will have the 30% I once gave to you. I wish you the best of luck in that effort."
Well, it would make a lot of sense if he was a "lifelong republican", because all of those people are voting for Obama this year. I heard it on NPR.
OT, but 1jpb, do you live in New Hampshire?
"Why isn't this post packed with right wing vitriol in the comments? Maybe it's a little early on Sunday."
john said...
Sorry, but we were at church and it ran a little late, as there was quite a bit of speaking in tongues at the "gays can be healed" forum.
Yes, and after we finish Sunday dinner, with a big salad of radicchio and arugula, we'll be busy clinging to our guns before going back to church this evening for some good old-fashioned snakes-in-tunnels handling. Join us!
Yes, and after we finish Sunday dinner, with a big salad of radicchio and arugula,
Too bitter, and clings to the roof of my mouth.
Palin is by-passing 'No Drama Obama' and getting Michelle Obama to show her true self. I cannot wait for that cat-fight...emasculating [not far to go] and enlightening all at once.
we were at church and it ran a little late, as there was quite a bit of speaking in tongues at the "gays can be healed" forum.
Well, it's early on the left coast (not New Hampshire) so I haven't gone yet. But, I do go to an Assemblies of God church, so I'm probably more familiar with hard core right wing religion than you might think (e.g. to drink or not to drink is currently a hot topic in my church.)
And, I have been conservative for all of my life. It was decades ago when a high school teacher made students physically separate into Rs and Ds on separate sides of the room. I was the only one on the R side. And, it was only eight years ago that I was donating and volunteering for McCain during the primary fight of 2000.
I do hope to be back. But, not this year: not this R Party.
1jpb said...
"And, I have been conservative for all of my life, but now will vote for a radical leftist because the GOP nomination went to a middle-of-the-roader, axelrod astroturf blah blah blah etc."
"I do hope to be back. But, not this year: not this R Party."
So.... instead of voting for an imperfect Republican candidate who you supposedly supported 8 years ago, you're voting for the most hard-core leftist ever to win major-party nomination in the United States? That makes a lot of sense... in an Andrew Sullivan kind of way.
I'm very curious to know what someone who has been a conservative all of their life could see in Barack Obama. What conservative principles does he bring to the table? Where are they in his policies and people he surrounds himself with?
However, I can understand the difficulty a conservative would have supporting McCain. He doesn't leave me much to rally behind, but there are a few things that stand out - important things that I feel I can be very proud of.
At a rally today in California, Gov. Sarah Palin offered up a rather jarring argument for supporting the Republican ticket.
"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women," the Alaska Governor said, claiming she was quoting former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
The statement came after Palin had recounted a "providential" moment she experienced on Saturday:
"I'm reading on my Starbucks mocha cup, ok? The quote of the day...
It was Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State [crowd boos] and UN ambassador. ... Now she said it, I didn't. She said, 'There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women.'"
Actually, Albright didn't say that. The real quote is...
"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."
**And 95% of the people here think this woman should be a heartbeat away from the Presidency???
Palladian: Sarah thinks it's a "choice."
When did YOU decide?
Oh, crap...did I fall for an astroturfer??
Is someone making fart sounds in here?
Because I swear I heard someone fart a question about me choosing Starbucks or something.
Guess it' legitimate to point out that Palin repeatedly courted a secessionist group founded by someone who openly professed hatred of the American government, cursed our flag, and wanted to secede from the Union.
Michael is....
Ah, the hell with it.
Can you say..."DESPERATE?"
McCain and Palin are both disgusting and I can't believe there are people here to continue to support these assholes.
McCain is going to lose the election by a massive margin and will forever be remembered in the same way as Lee Atwater and Dick Nixon.
Palladian...when did YOU decide to be gay?
Obama co-chaired Ayer's Chicago Annenberg Challenge with Ayers for 10 years. Ya know, just a sporadic contact.
I'm not sure anybody farted, but there does seems to be a turd floating in the punchbowl.
I love the way, when some of the fools here can't come up with an actual response, resort to cute little "inside" remarks to each other.
Gutless and uninformed.
Sounds like a McCain/Palin campaign slogan.
I am seriously going to use that letter.
Michael, you don't need to go to all the trouble of copying and pasting from the Huffington Post. We can go there and read it for ourselves. But thanks for clarifying that for us - support... help - changes the entire meaning, doesn't it?
McCain is toast, all he can do now is throw out any kind of smear he can come up with...and the only people that still support him...are wingnut children like you find here.
If it wasn't so sad...it would be funny...
meade - the article was all over the internet and published by a number of organizations.
And since when can YOU read?
Palladian - When did YOU decide to be GAY?
Mmmmm....toast....smeared with...clotted cream?
Palladian - Why do you support a political party that hates gays?
Don't you have any self worth or pride?
But Meade, don't you see, that makes Palin a liar, a lying liar who lies.
I have been a conservative since being born to my anti-abortion wing-nut Mom, yet now for the first time in my life, because McSame has abandoned conservative principles, I am voting this year for the communist party, having a sex-change just so I can have an abortion, and demanding a 100% tax on capitalist running dogs.
If the GOP improves their ways, maybe next time I'll vote Republican again. We'll see.
Michael: ahhh..forget it. not important. Its a gorgeous sunday morning here in Memphis, and not worth interacting. Have a great day.
Sarah is under strict orders not to attack Obama's pig vomit Rev Wright connection by McCain, who above all fears the R word. Better to hand over America to the tender mercies of big vomit marxist hate whitey king of resentment and revenge Obama than be called the R word.
"It tells me the left has indeed won."
I agree, Pogo. McGovern got 27% of the vote, what, 35 years ago? Now Obama has at least 45-50%. In one generation, the long march through the institutions is complete. My cousin told me he watches CNN election analysis because it's the most objective!
I almost hope that Obama wins so we can say, there, you have it. Stop hating and do a better job than Bushitler. Just STFU.
BTW, folks, go see An American Carol. It's funny and has heart. Support positive culture.
1jpb said..This is the stuff many of y'all live for.
This is your chance to toss out the BHO is scary stuff that many of y'all love so deeply.
Yep, we y'all just love to see some kinda fight bein' put up against them there liberal media tankers and the Obamacrats.
If'n we y'all is lucky McCain/Palins a gonna win and Lil' ole Johns a gonna die within the first month or two and Sarah Rootin' Tootin' Palin is gonna be the President!
Hell yeah.
Comments like Palin's might have worked early on, but now it's a day late and $700 billion dollars short.
If I were an undecided voter, I'd be asking Palin: "If you are implying I might be voting for a friend of terrorists, then why didn't you tell me this earlier? That's irresponsible."
What did Ayers see in Obama? What characteristics did an unrepentant terrorist see in the rising Obama that said to Ayers, "Here is the man I can mentor, guide, and develop into what I need."
When Ayres book and New York Times interview were published all mainstream Chicago Democrats and Republicans(is there one in Chicago) should have denounced and permanently shunned him.
Ayres, his wife, and their compadres should have been hanged by the neck until they were dead. If Obama loses I bet he will agree with that statement.
For your perusal:
PatCA: saw it yesterday afternoon- And it is hilarious, although I figure that the lefties, who are largely bereft of a sense of humor, will fail to laugh. Loved Kelsey G as Patton, with a cameo from the guy who was Peterman in Seinfeld as the maitre d'.
"If I were an undecided voter, I'd be asking the NYTimes, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, PBS, and MSNBC: "If you are implying I might be voting for a friend of terrorists, then why didn't you tell me this earlier? That's irresponsible.""
That's a fair point, Mixalhs. But I really do believe that John McCain thought the media would be at least a bit more fair than they have been. He was naive. And it probably is too late.
I'll be voting for a slightly naive, but indisputably courageous man. I'll sleep OK. :)
Hahahaha, sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
I'd like to nurse you, child- but my nipple is sore. Hahahaha.
hahahaha, she shoots wolves out of helicopters, too. Don't forget that one, it's my favorite. Hahahaha.
If only she dipped Copenhagen. Hahahaha.
Dr Kill: when you use hahaha in a post, it is time for your ritalin--and you have used it now two consectutive posts--go back to bed--you have a long day in preschool tomorrow.
Watched Meet the Press.
Glad they got to sit on comfy chairs. Gwen Ifill and Peggy Noonan's assholes must be sore from the drilling Obama's been giving them.
Right, Roger, but maybe a leftie with a sense of self-deprecating humor might like it!
Hmmm, guess I don't know many of those.
PatCa--they dont exist. Which is my fundamental problem with extreme lefties: they totally lack a sense of humor.
Michael (the Obama fluffer):
If you're so sure you're candidate is going to win now, then are so worried that you are constantly posting anti-McCain stuff?
If you're so sure, have some pity on all of the McCain supporters who are going to be losers, after all.
But something tells me you're afraid Obama still might lose. And then you will have to search for a new lay.
Easy, RJ, that's supposed to be snark aimed at Michael. But the Copenhagen part was serious.
And don't practice medicine without a license. Methylphenidate Hcl and bed don't usually go together.
You can trust me on that, even though I'm not a real doctor.
emasculating [not far to go]
So true.
Wow. I hope you don't mind if I provide the hyperlink to the stunning article you cited.
The media keeps leaving out two other terrorist supporters of Obama; US Congressman Bobby Rush, former Black Panther and corrupt Chicago politician and US Congressman Luis Guitterez, a member of the FALN and a corrupt Chicago politician.
The media will ignore this. They have chosen Obama, history must be made.
Ah, michael forgot his pills again. Maybe his mom, I mean wife, will come bring them to him. If only Freud were alive! He would have a field day with this kid.
ruth anne adams, I do not mind, not one little bit.
michael said...
Palladian...when did YOU decide to be gay?
10:38 AM
Are you planning on coming out? Bad news for you, kid, you will be single for the rest of your life.
“Michael” farted: Actually, Albright didn't say that. The real quote is...
OT, but did anybody ever take the piss out of Madeleine Albright better than David Zucker?
Labeling someone a "former" terrorist is the same thing as labeling someone a "former" murderer.
Unless you show some repentance over your past deeds you are not "former". A murderer can be repentant as can a terrorist, but you are never going to be able to erase the fact that you committed crimes against people that caused death and destruction.
There is no "former" about it.
Isn't that amazing, Ruth Anne? More amazing is that Obama has never really been called upon to offer anything more than "he's just a guy in my neighborhood" type responses. No denunciation of the horrible intentions of these terrorists, successful or not.
That's pretty much it. Amazing. And consequential, obviously.
Well, that didn't take long.
Now, Palin's attack on Obama's connection to Ayers is racist. The media forces of Obama are circling the wagons.
Analysis: Palin's words carry racial tinge.
Associated Press Writer
Palin's words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee "palling around" with terrorists while assuring a predominantly white audience that he doesn't see their America?
In a post-Sept. 11 America, terrorists are envisioned as dark-skinned radical Muslims, not the homegrown anarchists of Ayers' day 40 years ago. With Obama a relative unknown when he began his campaign, the Internet hummed with false e-mails about ties to radical Islam of a foreign-born candidate.
Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as "not like us" is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American.
Most troubling, however, is how allowing racism to creep into the discussion serves McCain's purpose so well. As the fallout from Wright's sermons showed earlier this year, forcing Obama to abandon issues to talk about race leads to unresolved arguments about America's promise to treat all people equally.
Michael said...
"McCain is going to lose the election by a massive margin and will forever be remembered in the same way as Lee Atwater and Dick Nixon."
I know historical illiteracy is the stock in trade of the leftosphere, but this one really takes the ribbon. Like McCain, Nixon lost his first bid for the Presidency, and went on to win on his next try. Moreover, when the left ran a radical left wing anti-war candidate against Nixon, Nixon crushed him by - in your cute phrase - "a massive margin." Likewise, whatever else you can say about Lee Atwater, he was on the winning side of both the elections he's associated with. If these are omens, they don't cut in your favor the way you seem to think.
Sorry Dr Kill--will retune my snark meter. :) Thanks
Interesting spin by the AP, edh.
Call me naive, but I doubt if that kind of attempt to link this charge to racism will work with anyone but rabid, closed-minded partisans that are lost anyway.
The rest with think it is hooey. Doggone it.
"Now, Palin's attack on Obama's connection to Ayers is racist. The media forces of Obama are circling the wagons."
It's going to get really, really ugly in the next few weeks and, I fear, for the next four years.
Michael's 10:26 AM, by the way, demonstrating the kind of mindless plagiarism by lefty trolls I was referring to yesterday. It lifts - without attribution, without a link, without quotation marks, without even formatting changes to distinguish it from his own work - verbatim from this HuffPo excretion.
Why do you people continue to respond to Michael? It has shown many, many, many times over that it is not commenting in good faith. As hard as it is to do on Blogger, try to ignore it.
The key phrase being:
Palin: "...according to The New York Times, and they are hardly ever wrong..."
Now THAT'S funny.
Can you say...hypocritical??
Palladian, you're full of shit.
I post comments that are just as relevant others here.
YOU may not like hearing it, or may not have the guts to respond, but EVERYBODY here gets off track from time to time and turn to personal attacks.
I find your specific comments to be less than enlightening, and generally downright childish.
And again I ask you: Do YOU think being gay is a choice?
As Andrew Sullivan would say, wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.
For me, michael, the moment is clear since it is seared SEARED in my mind. It was when I saw your "wife's" face.
Such was the trauma, that I decided to be a sausage lover that day.
Obama could quell this whole Ayers thing so easily. All he has to do is slip him one of those sly middle finger gestures in a public place.
But instead he'll make Bill Ayers his Secretary of Ed.
And how are you today, my succulent little chorizo?
I think that Obama and Ayers will practice shooting all those confiscated guns using the White House china of past Republican administrations as pigeons.
The media also has ignored the Chosen One's ties to the corrupt Chicago political machine- Mayor Daley, Governor Blago, and Barak's mentor and political godfather, Emil Jones.
Obama is owned by them, is part of the machine, and will enable the machine if he is elected.
Hey, why should corrupt government stand in the way of making history.
Palladian said...
And how are you today, my succulent little chorizo?
12:18 PM
I need a bit of re-hydration, but I'm pretty much in form. How are you, my dearest?
Simon, I didn't plagiarize anything.
I posted a comment right out of Palin's own mouth and made it clear that SHE herself said it.
As for posting a link to the article...LOOK FOR IT YOURSELF...it's all over the internet, and if everybody here had to reference where they get their information there would be no room for comments. (And you post things all the time without immediately referencing or crediting your source...everybody does.)
GOOGLE THIS: "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women," the Alaska Governor said...and there are at least six referenced sites or publications.
For someone who touts himself as being some kind of intellectual...you're really more of an uninformed twerp.
Palladian said...
"Why do you people continue to respond to Michael? It has shown many, many, many times over that it is not commenting in good faith."
I agree, but that only works if we all agree to do so - at least all the regulars. That said, don't think that he can't comment from coventry: I've been ignoring Freder for almost a year, and yet he continues (I'm told) to waste his time replying to my comments. I don't think Michael has that kind of persistence, however.
"I need a bit of re-hydration, but I'm pretty much in form. How are you, my dearest?"
Adequately hydrated :)
Peter: I can only take solace that one of America's good presidents, Harry Stearns Truman was a product of the Predergast Kansas City political machine. Unfortunately, I knew Harry Truman,and Barack Obama is no Harry Truman. It may take four years of an Obama administration to bring America to its senses--Fortunately if we survived Jimmy Carter, we will survive Barack Obama
But instead he'll make Bill Ayers his Secretary of Ed.
Bingo, Chicken Little.
What the McCain/Palin team has to do is connect Ayers' terrorist history to his radical, if non-violent, policy congruence with Obama today.
Michael, ¶¶2-7 of your 10:26 AM comment - which include but aren't limited to quotes from Palin - are lifted from the Huffpo post I linked above. You did not distinguish what's in effect a long blockquote from your own material, with quotation marks or a formatting change. Nor did you acknowledge, attribute or link the source. Whether you "meant" to or not, you represented someone else's work as your own. That is plagiarism, whether you like it or not.
Michael said...
"(And you post things all the time without immediately referencing or crediting your source..."
Cite any one example.
For someone who touts himself as being some kind of intellectual...you're really more of an uninformed twerp.
This is typical. He throws out insults. The he lies in wait, only to complain about being insulted.
Roger bitch slaps Simon: Simon--get a grip man! you're dealing with an idiot!!!! Stop it! The only redeeming grace that Michael has is that he continues to pay my social security, VA comp and military retirement. And he wont see a dime of any of that.
What's unfair about this? Obama's had a working relationship with Ayers since 1995 at two separate groups. He started his political career at Ayers home. Attended many of the same functions. Gave money to Palestinians together. Dumbed down Chicago's schools together.
Sounds like they were paling around to me.
It bothers me that the MSM is trying to blow this off.
The NYT article about Obama/Ayers is a perfect example of media bias: what they leave out is more revealing than what's actually reported.
For example, any serious investigative story about the Obama/Ayers connection should site the Stanley Kurtz article on the subject. Especially in light of all the controversy surrounding the CAP documents. Yet the "paper of record" doesn't even mention it.
The mainstream media is only interested in the "nothing to see here" angle. Their narrative is:
1. Ayers is "rehabilitated" (even though he's openly stated he has no remorse)
2. Obama barely knew Ayers (common sense dictates this is nonsense)
3. Ayers' intentions were good, anyway: (Most of the bombs the Weathermen were blamed for had been placed to do only property damage. "Most of" ????)
4. Ignore the details of Obama's and Ayers' most significant connection--the Chicago Annenberg Project. The CAP funneled tons of money into leftists groups and utterly failed in its (supposed) mission to help Chicago inner city schools.
The media will only reluctantly cover anything negative about Obama--and when it does, it leaves out every significant detail that works against him.
Sorry for such a long comment, but I do think this is the creepiest thing about Obama, which is saying a lot. His record shows that he is willing to associate with some pretty gross people in order to advance politically.
What Palin said after her quote/paraphase of the Albright phrase on her coffee cup is why people like her.
Ok, now thank you so much for receiving that well. I didn't know how that was gonna go over. And now, California, let's see what a comment like I just made, how that is turned into whatever it'll be turned into tomorrow with the newspaper.
ElcubanitoKC - So now your throwing out slurs about my wife?
How old are you...12??
Not exactly addressing Michael...and not a "regular", either...but what is the real beef, I wonder, about the difference in meaning between "help" and "support"? I am quite honestly not getting how pointing out this error on Sarah Palin's part is advantageous to her detractors.
EDH - Palin misquoted her.
Albright's quote doesn't mean the same thing at all.
Are you daft?
darcy, She means "support" as in; political support.
Albright was speaking in a more general manner, hoping women would "help" or stand together with other women, but not specifically in an election.
And I find it difficult to believe you didn't understand exactly what Palin was implying.
Oh, forgive that question...I guess I'm daft.
darcy: Oh, I forgot to ad...changing what someone else says to further your own goals is also unsavory at best.
roger: "...my social security, VA comp and military retirement..."
So you ARE a socialist, huh?
God you're easy...
Palladian: Why are you a Republican?
Have you no self worth?
And why are you sucking up to this crowd?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Simon, you sound sooooooooooo confident in McCain winning.
Would you care to wager $100 on that?
Palladian has stated numerous times he's not a republican.
Just because someone doesn't mindlessly worship Obama doesn't mean they should be ashamed.
The fact that you're taking the "gay" angle proves that you can't respond intelligently to any of his criticisms. And that liberals are as bigoted, if not more, than everyone else.
Well, Michael, I would say there may be many implications that could possibly be discerned by either woman's statement.
But I have lost the appetite to discuss with you, as you have already judged me to have not asked the question in earnest.
Please ignore me from now on. Thanks.
Michael is Luckyoldson who hates gays and accuses anyone he disagrees with of being gay which is just about the worst insult he can make. Do not respond to him and eventually he will go away.
Simon: "whatever else you can say about Lee Atwater he was on the winning side of both the elections he's associated with..."
How about that he was a disgusting human being who cried like a baby on his deathbed, begging for forgiveness for being such a complete asshole?
Anybody who defends Lee Atwater in any way, shape or form is a fool.
*A for what YOU consider plagiarism, that is bullshit. I never represented anything as "my own."
I provided the quotation marks for what was said and indicated who said it.
YOU just don't like what you heard and can't get away from the fact that Palin is an idiot.
That's why I said quote/paraphrase.
So, does this mean you are implying that Albright was speaking quite literally about which women are going to "Hell"?
You need to get yourself some support, er, I mean help.
Palin was laughing, snarking, when she said the NYT is never wrong.
Joke. Mockery.
EDH said..."So, does this mean you are implying that Albright was speaking quite literally about which women are going to "Hell"?"
Well, I don't know for sure. Maybe you can call her and ask her yourself? I merely said what I THINK she probably meant, but, hey...here's the quote itself, from Madeline Alright:
"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."
I sounds rather rhetorical to me, but what do YOU think she meant?
Knox wrote: The NYT article about Obama/Ayers is a perfect example of media bias
Add this to your list:
1. Release the story on a weekend.
2. Write as much about the partisans pushing the story as about the story itself. This allows readers to discount the facts and informs other media outlets that they can ignore it as a campaign story.
3. Move along, nothing to see. Move along.
Patca: Palin was..."laughing, snarking"
She's ALWAYS laughing and snarking.
How can you tell when she's being serious?
I can't believe how many here actually think this woman is good for the Republicans or the country.
It really illustrates how completely bat shit crazy most of your are.
Plagiarizing Michael - I didn't defend Atwater, I pointed out that it was ironic that you would say that McCain is going to be defeated and remembered in the same breath as two guys who won.
And if you think that all you did was provide some direct quotes from Palin, you need to go back and look at your comment again. It isn't just quotes from Palin, it's analysis that you plagiarized from HuffPo; unless you're Nico Pitney, you're a plagiarizer. Wriggle though you might, the right thing to do here is to acknowledge you made a mistake, apologize, and attribute in the future.
"Anybody who defends Lee Atwater in any way, shape or form is a fool."
Sorry but cliché is my second language. I understand "way" but what's the difference between "shape" and "form?"
Anyone else get the feeling that Plagiarizing Michael's head's going to explode if McCain-Palin wins?
On a personal note, I know Tina Fey will also be distraught, and extend the offer to comfort her in her hour of need.
Henry - This isn't a NEW story.
The press has been covering and reporting on this for two years.
(Obama was six years old when years was involved in the deeds they describe.)
The only reason it's big today is because of Palin's inane comment...and we ALL there's more of this to come...McCain is so desperate he'll do anything at this point in time.
*Why not Google "Ayers" and read one of the 12,000,000 hits that come up??
There's no statute of limitations on being a mad bomber.
The only differences between Ted 'Unabomber' Kaczynski and Ayers were that Kaczyninski was a loner and an anarchist and Ayers started his own little bomb-planting club and was and is a Communist devoted to the violent overthrow of the government.
Sen. Obama has strange friends.
(And the NYT did a masterly job of selecting photos that made Ayers and his Manson-adoring wife look like normal yuppies.)
I think it means Palin was having fun, in the context of being endorsed by a NOW femnist, while paraphrasing a quote printed on a politically correct coffee cup.
Albright was the highest ranking woman ever in a Democrat administration and a prominent liberal Domocrat. Albright was being celebrated for having invoked more religious ferver and vengence to support her own version of feminism than Palin has ever mustered herself on any issue.
But that's just me.
In the words of Robert Plant: "Does anybody remember laughter?"
I think one thing we can all agree on, and thank Michael for illustrating so well, is that supporting/helping elect Obama is truly a no-brainer.
Electric Citizen said..."There's no statute of limitations on being a mad bomber."
Then why isn't he being arrested?
You need to read up on Ayers and what was going on at the time.
Were you around for Vietnam??
Simon, once again: Willing to wager $100 on the election?
I'll send my dough to Ann, you do the same...she can hold it until November 5th.
Put up or shut up.
edh: "a politically correct coffee cup."??
It was a "quote."
Why you consider that to be "politically correct?"
Simon, No guts, huh?
All talk.
Not that it matters, but why are people assuming Palin somehow misquoted?
God forbid, but maybe Starbucks misquoted.
But yeah, the usual MSM machine response to Obama's radical and corrupt past is Palin misquoted.
Blah blah blah.
For those who don't remember.
There is no regret. All they learned was that bombs didn't work. Now they're working the alternative. Obama.
edh: "a politically correct coffee cup."?? It was a "quote." Why you consider that to be "politically correct?"
The point is Starbucks considered it politically correct to put a wrathful comment on a coffee cup because it was said by a prominent liberal Democrat.
Jeez, I see you still don't pick-up on the double standard, or Palin's humorous way of pointing it out.
But keep trying, you'll get there some day.
Michael, stop calling her your wife, it's creepy.
Yeah, put me down with the "what's not entirely fair" folk.
Maybe the patriotic taxes thing? There's no evidence that Obama thinks it's patriotic. But it's "fair". (There's that word again.)
(Actually, isn't Biden right? Everyone should pay taxes as their patriotic duty? But it's our tax code that rules half the people out, eh?)
The Ayers thing is not only fair, it's necessary.
Ruth Ann:
I saw that same story about 2 months ago in the WSJ I think. I sent it to my niece, a Fordham grad and Obama supporter, because the author is a prof at Fordham.
Palin's line was great btw "I was reading my copy of the NY Times". Loved it. Sarah has balls.
Michael (above) asks, re: Ayers and setting bombs in public places, if I was around for Vietnam and asks if I know what was going on at the time.
I have two responses:
First, Dr. Winston O'Boogie at 2:37.
Second, saw the Allmans last night. Were you there? Derek looked like he was waiting for a bus, but his hands were blazing. Warren? Nasty player. Near the end, the lights go down. What do I hear but Oteil Burbridge! Ba-baba-dom...bum-bubabum-bubahbum...der-ner-nar-nar-nanana.
Thas the kinda bombs that need to be dropped...and I have to stand by and take it, baby, all for lovin' you...
Skydog, RIP.
The person in hell will be in a black hole, imploding pressure, no vision, complete blindness. Always on fire, always burning, but never consumed. Always alive, but in never-ending pain. The mind will always be alive, but never able to change the burning, the pressure. And a million miles away from the next lost soul - no communication with any other being, ever. But, and this is the great part, the person in hell will know about the ones in Paradise.
Obama and Michele, Joe and Jill and their families are definitely going there.
So will most of their supporters. Not because they support Obama. They actually support Obama because they are already on their way to hell.
Oh well, where else can we screw the country?
BTW, Hell is resevred for those who reject the true God and His ways.
It's pretty obvious that most Obama supporters fit that category. Probably a good amount of McCain supporters.
But on the things that matter to the true and living God, it's patently obvious Obama and his stands aren't even close.
More "Friends of Obama"...Why focus only on Ayers?
Marilyn Katz, SDS, Socialist, major fund bundler, Consultant Public Relations on the Obama Campaign.
Katz met William Ayers through SDS and defended him after his association with Obama Surfaced during the 2008 Presidential Campaign. In recalling her SDS activism, Katz has said She was for "Sexual Freedom And A Democratic Socialist Paradise."
She is close (politically) to Communist Carl Davidson, a former vice president of SDS , who is webmaster for a group called Progressives for Obama, that is headlined by other former 60s radicals like Tom Hayden and the Maoist Bill Fletcher. Davidson and Katz were key organizers of the 2002 anti-war demonstration where Obama made public his opposition to the Iraq war that was so critical to his successful presidential campaign. She has a 30-year friendship with David Axelrod and is friends with Penny Pritzker and Weathergal Betty Lu Saltzman (of the billionaire Klutznik Family)
Add in Ayreh Neier, WWII Jewish refugee, now President of the Soros Foundation funding pro-Obama groups. Neier was the Founder of the SDS in 1959. Then went on to run the ACLU as Director. Then started ACORN and Human Rights Watch. Besides doing everything he can, and Soros approves of, to get Obama in office, Neier is also a committed Jewish Transnationalist seeking to supplant the US Constitution and Government with "higher level International Law endorsed by the majority of nations". Ayreh is a busy, busy boy.
Besides Ayers, Neier, Marilyn Katz, and Saltzman - several other former SDS members are active principals in Team Axelrod, for Obama.
Thank you, EDH. I am enjoying Sarah's comments all the more due to your perspective on them. :)
Elections smelections. Who cares ? Life is good The Phils won their series and are moving on to play the Dodgers.
And the Iggles lost - I am rooting against them as a Machavellian way to get rid of Andy Reid, the head coach and fat dope who calls the plays.
The Iggles will never win a Super Bowl with that stupid idiot so I want him fired now. Replace Any Reid with almost anyone else. And Reid can take McNabb with him.
Michael: "I Guess it' legitimate to point out that Palin repeatedly courted a secessionist group founded by someone who openly professed hatred of the American government, cursed our flag, and wanted to secede from the Union."
I read that speech. She told them to support the constitution, just as she does.
By the way, what's wrong with seceding from the Union? The San Fernando Vally wanted to secede from Los Angeles 10 years ago for always getting ripped off by the city (same thing as happened in Alaska). We had a vote. The secessionists lost but no one claimed what they tried to do was immoral or illegal. Well, come to think of it, I guess a few people tried. Were they friends of yours perhaps?
Simon says:
Anyone else get the feeling that Plagiarizing Michael's head's going to explode if McCain-Palin wins?
Yep. And he may think that “McCain's toast” (and McCain may indeed end up losing, mainly because of the happenstance of a historic financial meltdown coinciding with the election), but it ain't certain yet — while Michael's just trying to huff and puff a self-fulfilling prophesy into being.
As Mickey Kaus (no friend of McCain) put it just today:
“It looks to me as if McCain can win enough electoral votes simply by winning all the toss-up states on the RCP map — which does not require him to win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Minnesota. […]
“P.S. — Don't Unpanic, Dems! If Ohio is still in play, then I'm one of those who looks at the RCP electoral map and thinks, not ‘McCain's path to 270 … is narrowing,’ but ‘jeez, Obama could still easily lose,’ even if the polls showing his non-trivial national lead are right. He's got to win one of seven decidedly iffy states (Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Colorado, Missouri). You want to rely on Colorado?”
By the way, the President of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women, Shelly Mandel has just endorsed Sarah Palin.
Too bad, C-fudd, Buddy Larsen was saying on Roger's blog that you were "getting away" from the antisemitism but I told him in effect "just wait" and I was right. Thanks for proving me right once again, as you just can't help doing because you're so neurotically compulsive.
If Obama was hobnobbing with an international swindler on a yacht on his birthday like McCain there wouldn't be enough time in the day to talk about it on the MSM. If Ayers was a Republican he would be lionized on the MSM as a serious analyst like convicted felon and McCain family friend G Gordon Liddy who admitted conspiring to kill people and firebomb the Brookings Institution. Breaking the law if you're a Republican like Ollie North or Karl Rove gets you a nice reward as pundit at Time, or a radio host and twilight gig at FOX.
garage, what newspapers have you been reading and what TV networks have you been watching? You can't hide the sunlight with a thumb.
Media Matters: The NYT'S October 4 article quoted Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman denouncing Obama's association with Ayers but did not note that Chapman has described Liddy as McCain's "own Bill Ayers"
Steve Chapman: May 4 Chicago Tribune:
What McCain didn't mention is that he has his own Bill Ayers -- in the form of G. Gordon Liddy. Now a conservative radio talk-show host, Liddy spent more than 4 years in prison for his role in the 1972 Watergate burglary. That was just one element of what Liddy did, and proposed to do, in a secret White House effort to subvert the Constitution. Far from repudiating him, McCain has embraced him.
How close are McCain and Liddy? At least as close as Obama and Ayers appear to be. In 1998, Liddy's home was the site of a McCain fundraiser. Over the years, he has made at least four contributions totaling $5,000 to the senator's campaigns -- including $1,000 this year.
Last November, McCain went on his radio show. Liddy greeted him as "an old friend," and McCain sounded like one. "I'm proud of you, I'm proud of your family," he gushed. "It's always a pleasure for me to come on your program, Gordon, and congratulations on your continued success and adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great."
Which principles would those be? The ones that told Liddy it was fine to break into the office of the Democratic National Committee to plant bugs and photograph documents? The ones that made him propose to kidnap anti-war activists so they couldn't disrupt the 1972 Republican National Convention? The ones that inspired him to plan the murder (never carried out) of an unfriendly newspaper columnist?
Liddy was in the thick of the biggest political scandal in American history -- and one of the greatest threats to the rule of law. He has said he has no regrets about what he did, insisting that he went to jail as "a prisoner of war."
All this may sound like ancient history. But it's from the same era as the bombings Ayers helped carry out as a member of the Weather Underground. And Liddy's penchant for extreme solutions has not abated.
Liddy: Break-ins, burglaries, stolen papers, threats to murder and firebomb...
Michael McNeil said..."Yep. And he may think that “McCain's toast” (and McCain may indeed end up losing, mainly because of the happenstance of a historic financial meltdown coinciding with the election)..."
Yeah, that must be it.
Obama just happens to be running when everything has turned to shit.
Do you remember who was running the show while every turned to shit?
Well, I'm willing to put my money on Americans knowing exactly who it was, who's mostly tied to that administration...and will show up in droves to vote for Obama.
*You're not REALLY this dumb..are you??
Never mind...
Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country. - Sarah Palin, 2008
Judge us not by the promises we make, the stories we tell, nor the ads we run. Measure us, by all means, by the policies and proposals we lay forth for your consideration. But judge us as well by the example we set; by the way we conduct our campaigns; by the way we personally practice politics. - John McCain, 2000
"and they are hardly ever wrong..."
Best Line of the Day.
oh wait, even better -- Michael missed the joke!
Would you feel better if Palin had said "using foundation money to influence education policy" with terrorists as opposed to "palling around" with them?
Why is Sarah Plain giving a speech in front of a 49 star flag in 2008? Doesn't seem very American to me.
Michael said: At a rally today in California, Gov. Sarah Palin offered up a rather jarring argument for supporting the Republican ticket.
"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women," the Alaska Governor said, claiming she was quoting former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
What Dipshit left out was that Sarah Palin made her remarks at a rally at which the Los Angeles chapter of N.O.W endorsed Sarah Palin.
Funny how one candidate got tortured by Communists and the other drank white wine with them.
Gary Rosen -
People notice you never dispute what I write.
Your basic schitck is "He may be right, but it is anti-semitic to ever criticise my kind for anything. The truth is no defense."
There, little boy. You may now slink off like the coward you are...
McCain has abandoned all sense of dignity or integrity. He's basically sending Palin out there to say literally anything, regardless of how disgusting it might be. (I predict Palin will be working for Fox within 3 months.)
For him to accuse anyone of wanting to lose a war more than lose an election, especially considering his V.P. pick in Sarah Palin...is an absolute joke.
Well, I am still waiting for Michael who is hardly ever wrong to come up with an intelligent response to his promotion of the Dem talking point that 3 weeks of the Iraq war costs more than 7 years of the war in Afghanistan.
But I see he's moved on to the finer points of a Palin paraphrase to prove she knows nothing.
Obviously the same degree of significance as Ayers just being some guy in Barack's neighborhood.
JAL said..."Well, I am still waiting for Michael who is hardly ever wrong to come up with an intelligent response to his promotion of the Dem talking point that 3 weeks of the Iraq war costs more than 7 years of the war in Afghanistan."
Sorry, dumbshit.
I never made such a claim.
See if you can find it.
Liddy's a real patriot, and a practical guy. No wonder McCain loves him. I'll always remember with respect his advice to anyone being raided by the ATF agents: Shoot them in the head.
Now that's straight talk!
jal: "But I see he's moved on to the finer points of a Palin paraphrase to prove she knows nothing."
Palin didn't "paraphrase" anything.
She merely misquoted Ms. Albright for purely political purposes. Sayng someone should "support" someone versus "help" is entirely different. (The next time you run into someone having car trouble...or someone who takes a fall...tell them you'd like to "support" them...and see how they react.)
Maybe if you were to actually watch Palin's video clip or read the transcript?
Liddy's "advice to anyone being raided by the ATF agents: Shoot them in the head."
Yes, and he also offered to murder Hunt and firebomb buildings.
He's quite the "maverick."
Shelly Mandel, the President of the L.A. chapter of NOW specifically said the endorsement was personal, not the endorsement of the L.A. chapter.
Regardless, anyone want to speculate Ms. Mandel's fate in Obama/Democrat 08 Land?
Bet she gets fired?
Gov. Palin really is a nightmare. Like some Disney movie robot Mom in high-heel sneakers and a bra that shoots bullets. A 'Casino Royale' fembot slinging political Maypo.
She struck just the right tone with her NYT comments. A feather, not a hammer. Gonna play real well in minivan-ville where people only have 10 seconds to listen to the news while their kids are screaming.
The average moron--and there are a lot of them--is going to have a hard time understanding how a smart man can spend four years working with a dude who bombed a Pentagon ladies room.
(PS...My wife noticed that Biden does Botox and had eye work. I bet a lot of women noticed that. They're pretty good at spotting a phony.)
garage mahal said...
Why is Sarah Plain giving a speech in front of a 49 star flag in 2008? Doesn't seem very American to me.
5:48 PM
Can you prove that it wasn't an accident? Maybe the people who organize the act used an old flag by accident. The flag looks pretty old, the white faded to yellow. Are you still trying to tie her to the Alaskan Independence Party? That has been debunked quite a few times, you know.
Besides, if she were talking to separatists, why on Earth would they use such a huge US flag as a background? Did you stop to think about that? Why not use their own flag?
I bet you didn't think of that. Don't imitate michael, garage.
Plagiarizing Michael sez:
*You're not REALLY this dumb..are you??
Absolutely! And I wear the label “dumb” applied by the likes of you with pride.
Besides, Hawaii is the 50th State, and Alaska the 49th. Maybe she was speaking at the anniversary of statehood. You people need to do your homework. I am the foreigner here, seriously.
My apologies, Michael.
It was Alpha Liberal.
All you guys sound alike.
Oh, my bad, I forgot, the real flag, according to The One (PBUH) should have 58 stars. And Alaska and Hawaii are one state. Sorry, I forgot, my bad...
/ sarcasm
jal said...
My apologies, Michael.
It was Alpha Liberal.
All you guys sound alike.
6:48 PM
It is the same guy, don't worry.
garage mahal sez:
Why is Sarah Plain giving a speech in front of a 49 star flag in 2008? Doesn't seem very American to me.
Alaska is the 49th state — why shouldn't folks celebrate that fact? Me, I spent last Fourth of July reveling with lots of others in front of a 48-star flag. Was that supposedly “Unamerican” too?
ElcubanitoKC said, of liberals?
"All you guys sound alike."
Yeah, especially considering the wide range of disparate opinion expressed by the likes of you and about 99% of the rest of those here.
I'm still waiting for ANYBODY in the "wingnut club" to disagree about ANYTHING.
It's like a giant suckfest.
Michael McNeil, First of all, yes, you are un-American.
And second, I can't even imagine you reveling about anything.
Whining, yes...reveling, no.
I'm still waiting for ANYBODY in the "wingnut club" to disagree about ANYTHING.
Dude, you mistakenly posted a comment you meant to post on your Kos Diary. You know, the place where diversity is a sacrament where everyone thinks, acts, dresses and speaks the same way?
electric: "...how a smart man can spend four years working with a dude who bombed a Pentagon ladies room."
And yet another bald-faced lie.
Looking for a job with McCain?
Michael_H - Keep on suckin'...
Why is Sarah Plain giving a speech in front of a 49 star flag in 2008?
I don't know. Maybe Obama wouldn't let her use his 57 star flag?
"It really illustrates how completely bat shit crazy most of your are."
Typical comment from the "loyal" opposition.
If Obama wins, who are you going to hate? It will be paradise!
Plagiarist Michael sez:
Michael McNeil, First of all, yes, you are un-American.
I revel in it, coming from you. Dish it out! More, more! (And keep on attacking people's patriotism — it serves your cause well.)
And second, I can't even imagine you reveling about anything. Whining, yes… reveling, no.
Ah yes, the guy who fondly imagined that carbon dating could be and is used to date dinosaurs and the Earth. (Also a plagiarist, never forget that.)
Ah, the sock puppet speaks of suckfest. He would love to know, wouldn't he? Pity, he will never know.
Oh, yeah, I didn't write what you said I wrote. I was actually telling the author that you and AL are the same sad teenager.
I know that the Michael guy and my brother Alpha Liberal are not the same guy. I know that because both of them are in the basement using Mom's computer and eating Pop Rocks.
Both of them are supposed to be taking Ritalin, but they sell it to a guy in their class who sells it to his brother's high school friends.
All they do is cut paste, cut paste, cut paste, whiney whiney whiney.
I love you.
The Weather Underground detonated a bomb in a women's rest room at the Pentagon on May 19, 1972.
To find the cite, scroll down on this website devoted to listing the world's terrorist organizations. Weather Underground appears between the Zapatista National Liberation Army and the United Self-Defense Forces of Columbia.
Here's what Ayers wrote in his book about it:
"It turns out that we blew up a bathroom and, quite by accident, water plunged below and knocked out their computers for a time, disrupting the air war [in Vietnam] and sending me into deepening shades of delight.'"
Cool. "Disrupting the air war." Maybe Ayers got some US Air Force or Navy fliers killed.
Obama spent four years working with this evil creature.
Albright responded to Palin's remarks in a statement to the Huffington Post on Sunday.
"Though I am flattered that Governor Palin has chosen to cite me as a source of wisdom, what I said had nothing to do with politics.
This is yet another example of McCain and Palin distorting the truth, and all the more reason to remember that this campaign is not about gender, it is about which candidate has an agenda that will improve the lives of all Americans, including women.
The truth is, if you care about the status of women in our society and in our troubled economy, the best choice by far is Obama-Biden."
If Ayers is indeed a "terrorist," why is he not in jail?
Does out current administration not fight terrorism?
Why is this man allowed to live and breath???
Then again, why do we allow Cheney to be Vice President?
Bush, that's another matter...Cheney runs the show anyway.
michael said...
8:24 PM
Cut and paste without referencing the source. Plagiarism.
BetaLiberal - Does Palladian do your hair?
Does he do YOU?
ElcubanitoKC - If you think I made it up, Google it you little chickenshit.
You idiots get on a track and it's like a fucking dog in heat.
You want a reference, find it yourself...I'm not writing a term paper or an article or a book.
This is a fucking blog site and I don't have to provide anything more than the quote.
edh wrote:
Would you feel better if Palin had said "using foundation money to influence education policy" with terrorists as opposed to "palling around" with them?
I would feel better if Palin would stay within arm's reach of the truth. Since there is no evidence that Obama is "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country," it's quite clear that Palin is following Team McCain instructions to smear Obama with distortions and fabrications. This is precisely the kind of dishonorable behavior that McCain has repudiated previously.
However, I have no doubt that dim-witted rightwingers will eagerly lap up this slop and offer a typically pathetic defense of Palin's nastiness on their favorite blogs. At the same time, I'm confident that these rightwingers would be entirely untroubled by the news that Palin has been "palling around" with secessionists. Apparently gross hypocrisy isn't a concern for simpleminded partisan hacks anxious to regurgitate the latest talking points.
Carry on, edh, you'll find plenty of support here for your gibberish.
This is a fucking blog site and I don't have to provide anything more than the quote.
Because you're a troll.
elcubanitokc wrote:
Tell it to Methadras. I'd love to hear his "accidental plagiarism" excuse again.
michael, if you knew history, which you obviously don't; you would know that Ayers was charged, but his charges were later dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct. I am not sure if it constitutes double-jeopardy, but sounds quite like it.
Michael McNeil said..."Ah yes, the guy who fondly imagined that carbon dating could be and is used to date dinosaurs and the Earth. (Also a plagiarist, never forget that.)"
It CAN, you stupid fuck.
They find dinosaur follis INSIDE rocks all the time, come up with an approximate age of the rock...and well, what do you know?
In your case you stumble along, representing yourself as some kind of scientific genius, but you're just another wingnut hanging with the "gang."
Just for fun, why not educate yourself, asshole... and read to the end because you were wrong about WHERE they find the fossils, too:
Dinosaur fossils were once thought to be millions of years old. ... The geologic column dates fossils by the rocks in which they are found, and dates rocks ...
Dinosaur Fossils: Sedimentary Rock
Dinosaur fossils, as with other fossils, are found throughout earth's sedimentary layers.
www.allaboutcreation.org/dinosaur-fossils.htm - 31k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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