October 12, 2008

The Givhan of HuffPo is pretty sure her Women's Studies professor vomits whenever she sees Sarah Palin.

Karin Tanabe, who seems to be the Givhan of HuffPo -- which is nothing like the Mull of Kintyre -- takes a 2-week old Robin Givhan column -- which she quotes but doesn't link to -- and trashes of Sarah Palin's style.

Because it wasn't enough for Givhan to credit Palin with showing that "a woman can step onto the national political stage without having to manipulate her wardrobe into some torturous costume calibrated to make her look authoritative but not threatening, feminine but not sexy, serious but not dour."

Palin must be mocked.

Tanabe writes:
The point is, Sarah Palin and her hockey mom's, grandpa's and second cousins, don't want her to be authoritative.
It's funny when the Givhan of HuffPo falls prey to the grocer's apostrophe, is it not? Modeling haughtiness, she takes a pratfall.
Her bad highlights and her layers of puffy bangs scream "don't mind me, I've been filing my nails in a log cabin for the last decade and didn't know the bouffant was now reserved for burlesque dancers and women who think Vogue is a devilish jig invented by Madonna (cue giggle)." I'm pretty sure my college feminist literature professor is vomiting every time she sees bouffant Barbie. Don't worry Professor Hart, I am too.
Is that that what Women's Studies teaches these days -- inane snobbery? And when did throwing up become the preferred form of elite expression?



Anonymous said...

Another well-reasoned argument from Obama supporters who appear willing to throw over everything they stand for in order to support Barry or crush his opponents.

It's just one more instance of "feminists" willing to put Dem party politics above principle. It's a behavior that began when Bill Clinton was given a free pass for his behavior with women, and fully continues to this day.

And isn't bitching about how another woman dresses soooo....high school in-crowdish?

As an aside, shouldn't some Title IX equivalent require the teaching of 'masculinist literature'? Or are men more interested in an education that will lead to a job that pays actual money?

rhhardin said...

Modern grocery signs are the joy of shopping. Truths are proclaimed with modern sign-making technology in the hands of grammar-school writers.

George M. Spencer said...

Fashion chat written by a woman is ghastly.

The only thing worse is when it's written by a man.

Here's the Simon Noonan in The NY Observer:

"In Sarah Palin’s America, there are no Diana Vreelands, hip-hop queens, Janis Joplins, Zelda Fitzgeralds, Gwen Stefanis, Edie Sedgwicks, Annie Oakleys or Babe Paleys. There is a chilling absence of stylish daring. In its place are hockey moms, masses and masses of hockey moms—all attired, one imagines, in those denim dresses, worn over turtlenecks. Uggs in winter. Crocs in summer. Holiday-themed sweaters. Quacker Factory, etc. Pass the cyanide capsules, please.

And what about those “Joe Six-Packs” to which the vice presidential candidate alluded? Initially, this concept sounded quite promising: In my mind’s eye, I saw glistening David Beckham-ish blokes with fiercely toned abs. Then the penny dropped—a bit like the waist on a hockey mom’s denim dress—and I realized she was not referring to those lads in the Abercrombie ads, but rather to that genre of male that unwinds chaque soir by slurping and farting its way through six burpy cans of beer.

Paging Abraham Lincoln! Paging Liberace! Paging Tom Wolfe! Paging any American with a dollop of savoir-faire!?"

KCFleming said...

I managed to read it, barely. Hardly matters. I have to admit the media putsch this time was far more coordinated and successful. It helped to have a candidate who is afraid of the press and pulls his punches as a result.

For about two years after November 4th, we'll have fawning puff pieces about Michelle in every magazine and TV show. Few will will be seen, except by sycophants.

The AP is declining. Newspapers are dying. TV viewers are disappearing. Really, how many media arms of the DNC can turn a profit anyway?

They'll try to save it by reestablishing the fairness doctrine, but that will simply kill of talk radio altogether, and make news go away entirely. maybe that's the point. "No news all the time."

But the mask is entirely off, and they cannot pretend anymore. So I purchase and watch none of it. And if ever approached I will refuse to reply (if I can avoid assaulting them).

Civil disobedience is the sole remaining tool in a single Party state.

bleeper said...

Throwing up is popular among women. Keeps them skinny and attractive to men.

Meade said...

"And when did throwing up become the preferred form of elite expression?"


Barf me out. Gag me with a spoon.

Lisa said...

Final proof the women's movement is dead and we lost.

So called feminists are trashing other women to support a man who used sexism to beat his female opponent.


Because she is going against the One?
Because she doesn't agree with them?
Because she is pro-life?

When are we going to stop allowing the Democratic party to hold us hostage with abortion?

Women's rights do not end and begin with abortion.

And I will not be held hostage by anyone.

PunditJoe said...

Karin Tanabe as an 80's valley girl:

"Oh my God! Can you believe her? Where did she get those bangs done? I mean like, oh my God! And those highlights!? Puleeze! I'm mean it's like she doesn't want to be that prezzy person."

Wow! I never knew having a hair not approved by Karin Tanabe meant you sucked as a human being. Yup, Karin knows what’s is really important in a candidate.

As for all the talk on the left about vomiting when they see a Republican - It sounds (and tastes) like the vomit ray gun field testing is proceeding very well. Muhahaha!

Anonymous said...

Back in the late 70s I made the mistake of taking a women's studies class in college as an elective.

It's been 30 years now and I still have nightmares of the horrible women in that class. Mean-spirited, closed-minded, man-hating and not at all attractive either inside or outside.

It seems nothing has changed.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, that was awesome.

bearing said...

Since when is it new for political candidates of either gender to carefully construct their public image?

Tom Spaulding said...

Karen Tanabe...a Crystal Gayle wannabe? Giving fashion and hair tips to Sarah Palin? Why do I vomit every time I see a Women's Studies professor?

Shanna said...

and women who think Vogue is a devilish jig invented by Madonna (cue giggle)."

Wasn't she actually in Vogue?

But yes, Ann. Once you are mocking women for not reading enough fashion magazines you are a little bit beyond the ideals of feminism. Which is why I would like to officially declare this type of feminism dead.

Asante Samuel said...

Yes, Pogo- stay low, move fast and deal in cash. Invest in firearms and ammo. Let them pay their own god damn taxes.

George M. Spencer said...

Not following the 'Mull of Kintyre' reference...

Kilts? Linda? Droning? White paramilitary marchers?

Bissage said...

I’d never heard of Karin Tanabe but a quick Google search satisfies me she’s rich and on the fancy side of okay-looking. Reading some of her work satisfies me she’s absolutely no smarter or talented than the ordinary, unpretentious people I meet every day.

But what do I know? I'm no better than any other Joe Sixpack.

Maybe someday she’ll be famous for having invented the term “champagne-swirling”

Still, her skull is brimming with swill.

Take pity on her.

It’s no fun having champagne taste and a beer pocketbook.

Dody Jane said...

"Oh my God! Can you believe her? Where did she get those bangs done? I mean like, oh my God! And those highlights!? Puleeze! I'm mean it's like she doesn't want to be that prezzy person."

I love her highlights. The fact that this woman can not see Sarah Palin's obvious attractiveness is proof their hatred is so red hot it has melted their corneas. I mean - sure, disagree with the woman, but to disagree with her bangs? I love her bangs.

I would not let my daughter take any Women's Studies courses at her college. I told if she wanted to take some, she would have to pay for those classes herself. I wanted her to actually learn something. At $4000 a pop, she decided to take Romanticism and Philosophy of Art instead...

Barry Dauphin said...

It's women's studies via Wayne's World or "I think I'm gonna hurl." But we all know that Sarah is Baberaham Lincoln.

Expat(ish) said...

I'm pretty sure my college feminist literature professor is vomiting every time she sees bouffant Barbie. Don't worry Professor Hart, I am too.

Wow, two more reasons to Love Sarah.

I too once accidentally took a Womyns Studies course - to be fair, it was cross listed with PolySci and that's what I signed up for. The only other guy in there deserted me, and I needed the class for graduation.

I had to threaten the teacher with a public scandal with a B because she mis-graded every single test and paper to lower my grade.

The one really good moment came when she was asking the class the characteristics of a powerful woman and accidentally called on me. I replied "Beauty. Like Catherine the Great, Elizabeth, ..." and was drowned out by boo's at that point, which was good because I was out of examples!

The only other class that had an equally bizarre viewpoint on history and society was the "Native Studies" class cross listed with the "History of Central and South America" class (see the pattern?) where we were treated to an actual communist prof who wanted Clinton hung as a war criminal.

Feminista's and Commies, oh my, shudder.


BJM said...

What passes for Feminist thinking nowadays is only of interest among the angry left and academia.

I HATE the expression "I threw up in my mouth" and variants; it projects weakness and a lack of seriousness.

Slightly OT but dovetailing in with the grocer's apostrophe remark. The Safeway supermarket chain is running a month long fund drive to aid the Breast Cancer Foundation. Whilst shopping yesterday management announced that the store manager would be taking a pie in the face for a $40 donation. When I checked out a bit later there were about 20 folks waiting on line. Clever and amusing.

knox said...

Yea, dody jane's back!

knox said...

Modern grocery signs are the joy of shopping

Ture, The other day at Kroger there was a giant, hand-drawn sign in front of the ground chuck case announcing a sale on 5-lb "Chubs."

knox said...

Can't comment on the Palin thing anymore.

Too infuriating.

Too discouraging.

Anonymous said...


Well I'm pleased to note that it is now acceptable to tell women that they are incapable of high political office and, if they have young children, they need to get back in the kitchen.

And take off the shoes.

rhhardin said...

comment of the day

"We need an economics constitution and a Supreme Court of Economics to prevent these same wrong-headed policies from showing up over and over again in different skirts"

Why the inclination to compare political offerings to women's choices?

Brad said...

Ms. Althouse,

"Is that that what Women's Studies teaches these days" The more interesting question is what did you think they were teaching in women's studies these days? And, for that matte. what do you think they are teaching in any of the social sciences?

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Richard Fagin said...

Throwing up as social commentary became well known as a result of an MIT biology professor claiming Larry Summers' comments about gender and intelligence extremes made her want to hurl.

I recently told MIT to stop begging me for money until they fire her and Noam Chomsky.

What is comical about comments like the professor's and those of the Givan of HuffPo is that they reinforce the very stereotypes these women seem to find so offensive.

Funny how these same women seem to be able to resist regurgitation at the sight of Mahmoud Ahmedinejad or Ayatollah Khameni. After all, what's stoning to death for adultery or beheading for apostacy when mean old Larry Summers said there might be a scientific explanation as to why women aren't "represented" in top level physics and math.

KCFleming said...

"She is not one of us."

The only DNC media creativity remaining lies in the manner of saying the same message over and over.

Fashion, editorial, and 'news' all directed at maintaining the core party message. Repeat. Repeat. About as interesting as a flashing neon motel sign.

Among the devoted faithful such as Karin Tanabe, there is indeed produced a physical revulsion against the image of her Emmanuel Goldstein. I believe that even pondering Palin nauseates Tanabe quite literally, as it clearly does to others whose Party doctrine is their soul. However, her bulimic tirade betrays both the limited emotional palette and IMing thought process that tethers the immature.

Tanabe wears the assigned Party burka, and threatens to stone an unbeliever. She is unable to see beyond the Party, a dogma as delimiting as the supposed patriarchy she no doubt discovered in her college indoctrination.

Once doubt, reason, and insight are abandoned, the rest is easy.

Meade said...

Come to think of it, self-induced vomiting is a form of abortion. What these self-styled 3rd wave feminists are really saying is, "Whenever we see Sarah Palin, it makes us want to have an abortion."

Lisa said...
So called feminists are trashing other women to support a man who used sexism to beat his female opponent.

... who covered up for her philandering sexual harassing husband/president - the one who had a penchant for big-haired "bouffant Barbi" employees and fecklessly made appeals to racial politics in pursuit of the nomination his wife lost to the man who haplessly timed a joke about putting lipstick on a [log cabin dweller], clinging to her guns and religion and nauseously exercising her right to choose not to have an abortion.

Bruce Hayden said...

My most recent faux pas was on a college tour. I asked why all the gender studies profs were women, and then asked how that showed the diversity they were pushing so hard. At least when they call it womyns studies, they are being a bit more honest about it. I never got answers, and the silence the questions engendered was deafening. I was forcefully instructed not to do that any other colleges.

Darcy said...

The fact that this woman can not see Sarah Palin's obvious attractiveness is proof their hatred is so red hot it has melted their corneas.

Oh, I think they can see her attractiveness. And it melts their corneas.

UWS guy said...

Hmm...women who throw-up to feel better about themselves...


Bruce Hayden said...

Slightly OT but dovetailing in with the grocer's apostrophe remark. The Safeway supermarket chain is running a month long fund drive to aid the Breast Cancer Foundation.

When asked at the checkstand to contribute to this sort of thing, I invariably ask if they have comparable drives for prostate cancer. If they can assure me that they do, I contribute. If not, I point out their sexism, and don't.

Of course, historically women have done the bulk of the shopping, and so predominate esp. at grocery stores. But I still find is sexist that they would ask for donations for one women's issue after another, and ignore the other half of the population, and indeed, do it so mindlessly that they are often shocked at my prostate cancer question - not that I have it, but if I live long enough I probably will, and have zero chance of ever getting breast or ovarian cancer.

Anonymous said...

Is that that what Women's Studies teaches these days -- inane snobbery? And when did throwing up become the preferred form of elite expression?

Vomiting by women is the result of conflict with the internalized narrative of hegemonic White male normativity. As people of gender internalize the domination relationships of hetero-racist America a deep seated conflict with their internal goddess will result it nausea.

The fe/wo subconsciously attempts to conform to the demands of hetero-racist-capitalist Amerikkka by hating her own body.

The act of "throwing up" can be seen as the colonized fe/wo's attempt to purge herself of the cultural junk food force fed to her by the normalized sexist/racist/capitalist/homophobic/gynophobic/islamophobic/meat eating/"MOOSE HUNTING" system of control and exploitation.

The act of vomiting becomes a heroic act of resistance.

"In Sarah Palin’s America, there....there is a chilling absence of stylish daring. In its place are hockey moms, masses and masses of hockey moms—all attired, one imagines, in those denim dresses, worn over turtlenecks. Uggs in winter.

Vladimir Putin can't take his eyes off Sarah Palin!

rhhardin said...

breast cancer

A Kroger sign for it a week ago, whose tangled message seems to be offering sex for salad.

section9 said...

Somehow this post drove me to consider Madonna's leathery, 50 year-old ass after a three hour concert at the Albert Hall.

Call me a conservative, or just plain call me, but I quite prefer Sarah's legs, thank you very much.

Don M said...

Still waiting for any Obama supporter to tell me what he has accomplished.

I know about his ACORN work already. I know how he sued banks to get them to make sub prime loans to people who couldn't pay already. I know about his work with the Joyce Foundation to invent and create legal justifications for our political class to deny self defense tools to common honest citizens.

G-d, we humbly ask that You send us the cure. The sickness we have already.

Meade said...

"...if I live long enough I [...] have zero chance of ever getting breast or ovarian cancer.'

Ovarian - without ovaries, yes, zero chance. Breast - somewhat more than zero.

Chuck Pelto said...

TO: Ann Althouse, et al.
RE: Vomit

"Is that that what Women's Studies teaches these days -- inane snobbery? And when did throwing up become the preferred form of elite expression?

Spewing." -- Ann Althouse

Too funny. But it seems to me to be rather accurate. And foretold LONG ago.

As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. -- Proverbs 26:11


[And the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. -- Peter]

ScorchedEarth said...


Good point about Title IX- men should set up Men's Studies and demand that the budget matches that of the women's program.

Gut them of funds just like Title iX gutted men's wrestling, boxing, swimming, lacrosse, etc-

Vero said...

I took women's study to get an easy credit hour back in 1975. Guess where I met my wife, go ahead and guess. She is now anti, anti, anti Feminists. She still believes women should have equal pay, as so I, but today's feminist like code pink, are idiots. Those are her words not mine, although I agree with that opinion. I am guessing that we are not alone from readying all the comments.

AllenS said...

I think women who throw up are sick.

ic said...

Obama feminist protesters held up signs "we don't vote our viginas", but they vote Michelle's penis.

They are gross and rude. They don't throw up on their gutter languages but on their jealousy of Palin.

Their "battered wife" mentality is easily manipulated. It's not Bill Clinton who misused women, it's the women who preyed on Bill. They willingly attack Palin to show devotion to "their" man, do anything to protect him, to worship him on the pedestal. For them, a woman, a mere woman just like them, is always lower than a man. Their sexual revolution liberated men from responsibilities. They kill their own babies for the privilege of being screwed by men. Men don't even have to pay to make them whores.

Godot said...

The answer my friends is school uniforms. Trousers and button-down oxfords w/ tie for the boy candidates; skirts and blouse w/ kerchiefs for the girls.

In colder climes (and on special occasions!) a blazer is allowed. Footwear for both genders should be limited to the traditional loafer.

Anonymous said...

Eric said: Good point about Title IX- men should set up Men's Studies and demand that the budget matches that of the women's program.

Right-o, Eric. The Men's Studies classes can be held the Men's Resource Centers commonly found at all the finer universities.

Nah. Better to hold the classes in a male-centric environment where male students can have a few beers, crack open shelled peanuts and watch ESPN. Hooters comes to mind.

Ann Althouse said...

"zero chance of ever getting breast or ovarian cancer"

Men can get breast cancer.

Feel better now?

Jay Manifold said...

Fashionable anti-patriots are all about vomit, as in "patriotism honour courage vomit vomit vomit" (source).

Bender R said...

This is news? That Liberals, Democrats, MSM, and elites hate and despise Middle America? That they have nothing but contempt for the everyday people - the majority in this country - who make up Middle America?

This is not news.

Unknown said...

> Annie Oakleys

Umm, I'm pretty sure that Palin knows who Annie Oakley was and there are even some pictures of her dressed up like Annie Oakley.

What? We're not talking about the woman sharpshooter from the early part of the 20th century? We're talking about some poser who picked a name with name recognition?

Anonymous said...

Girl's trying to get a newspaper gig by mocking Palin online. Trouble is, Karen can't write - and other girls like Dowd do it better - and Karen doesn't know her grammar either.

cf said...

Actually, I think that is what they are teaching these days in women's studies.
As for American Studies I saw a professor from Temple the other night on TV. He was arguing that since our society is thoroughly (and apparently irredeemably) racist, to call one's self a "hockey mom" is to use a racist code word because blacks don't play hockey.
I have ceased giving money to the U of Wis alumni funds anymore. I have instead picked out specific programs I believe in which are independently funded and send my money there. I simply have no faith any longer in academia which generally (present company excepted)seems to be owned by kooky leftists who hate their own countrymen.

Chennaul said...

mammograms if men had to have them-well don't get me started.

Yes! Let's mash their testicles between two sheets of plastic and then corkscrew it down-

Now hold still!

I think if we did that to a few good scientists they'd invent something better than the mammogram in two months.

Bruce Hayden-honestly fight that testicular fight-it's all been soooooo unfair for men in that arena.

Anonymous said...

Breast cancer is horrible, as is prostate cancer. Breast cancer research funding is disproportionately higher than the funding for prostate cancer.

Over 40,000 American women succumb to the disease annually, and one in eight will contract breast cancer during her lifetime.

Breast cancer is the third leading cause of death among women, behind heart disease and lung cancer, respectively. Still, the statistics for prostate cancer are sobering, with one in six men’s being affected –one in four for black men- and nearly 30,000 dying each year

Last year, the United States government spent $699 million for breast cancer research, compared to $390 million for prostate cancer. A more equitable disbursement might be $699 million and $468 million. The disparity is not solely economic, though.

Commercials, public service announcements, news segments and magazine articles address the issue of breast cancer, but rarely touch upon health issues affecting men. Millions of cars’ bumpers sport pink ribbon decals, symbolizing breast cancer awareness.

Since 1985, October has officially been Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Numerous national organizations such as the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation work tirelessly to ensure that breast cancer is at the forefront of medical research, and fundraisers such as their annual Race for the Cure, as well as countless other benefits on state and local levels, collect millions more in research dollars. Fundraisers and events for prostate cancer are rare, at best.

Anonymous said...

I must agree that someone concentrating on the way someone else dresses is pretty shallow stuff. Whether the hair is up or down, shorter or longer, whether the clothes expose more or less of the leg or any at all, whether they come from this brand or that. I thought another thing the period that produced the feminist movement was about was looking past all that and to the person.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, gentlement, where is the furore?

Lippygate darlings, Lippygate

Chennaul said...


Send that guy a picture of Laraque, and then ask him who is the racist?


David L Riddick (aka The Aged P) said...

When the conservative UK Spectator began it’s Americano blog about the 2008 election I really thought it would travel well beyond the Toby Harnden type re-hash (see Daily Telegraph) of the latest from WaPo/NWT/AP. After all, why in this day and age should the DT bother paying loadsadollars to such hacks for regurgitating this stuff when we in the UK can read the US media online in real time? Maybe, at last, we would get some in depth, sophisticated reporting that really came from between and behind the lines – what a hope! Almost all UK commentators (even the so called Conservatives) can’t be bothered to operate outside the zone when it comes to Palin and as for Alaska – call for Borat…

I suspect that theirsympathies lie with the pet conservatives who are allowed to grace the columns of the NYT – David Brooks, anyone? – who view Palin with disdain because they perceive her as some trailer trash rube from the boondocks who was shoved on to the ticket at the last minute to shore up the hillbilly vote, so dim she thinks she can see Russia from her front room and had to answer “which one” when asked about the Bush doctrine (Ruth Lea on the BBC’s QT a day or so back)….

Well, they underestimate her at their peril. She has rough edges, still has stuff to learn and, of course, would be so out of place at any Beltway dinner table but she is savvy, catches on very quickly and, above all, she is a conservative who connects with ordinary, everyday Wal-Mart people – just watch how they respond to her at her rallies – and as Mayor and Governor her achievements outrank any failures.

It seems unlikely that McCain will win and he will join Gore and Kerry in the pantheon of losers – but Palin will not sink out of view. As the Obama supporting feminist icon Camille Paglia wrote “This is a tremendously talented politician whose moment has not yet come. That she holds views completely opposed to mine is irrelevant.”


She might well use the next four/eight years to become the focus of a new manifestation of Republican Populism, possibly mixing conservative social values with an anti big business platform, maybe an updated version of the Contract with America but much more than Newt 2…much more even than the Gipper……think Bull Moose…think Teddy Roosevelt….

BTW, re Ruth Lea – the Governor’s “nearness of Russia to Alaska” remarks, so often parodied, were attached to other comments about Russia that somehow ended up on the ABC cutting floor (I wonder why?)…and I would love to have heard which one of the five interpretations of the Bush doctrine did Lea have in mind…..

Tom Spaulding said...

The Left has become McCainorexic and Cariboulimic.

Christy said...

'Tis all diversion.

This garbage makes me so angry I cannot put together a coherent thought. It that the purpose? More than anything else, I see it as an indictment of our education system.

Did anyone see yesterday's NYT article about math skills among women? Girls have them; we just aren't encouraged to develop them. Instead we are encouraged into the ghetto of useless gender studies.

Anonymous said...

Is that what Women's Studies teaches these days -- inane snobbery?

Ann-- Where have you been? Women's Studies has been like this for decades. I once tried dialogue with these folks through the comments section of a feminist website and I got brutalized with name calling and other childish "spewings". And I'm even pro-choice! They're a churlish group that doesn't know how to critically look at itself.

PunditJoe said...

AllenS said...
I think women who throw up are sick.

I laughed out loud at that one. It's funny cause it's true!

Shanna said...

He was arguing that since our society is thoroughly (and apparently irredeemably) racist, to call one's self a "hockey mom" is to use a racist code word because blacks don't play hockey.

That was particularly kooky.

Last year, the United States government spent $699 million for breast cancer research, compared to $390 million for prostate cancer. A more equitable disbursement might be $699 million and $468 million.

That actually not too bad, I think. The trouble comes in general, with things getting more funding because they have more celebrity backing or better publicity or whatever. Our system of funding diseases is NOT rational at all. That should change, at least where government is concerned.

But on the prostate cancer thing, if men want to start a Prostate cancer 5k that has millions of people every year, they will get more funding from the public. The race for the cure has brought tons of public attention to the disease.

KCFleming said...

"The race for the cure has brought tons of public attention to the disease."

That's the problem, isn't it?
Science and health care is now beholden to politics and popularity, and open inquiry is as dead as free speech.

"...if men want to start a Prostate cancer 5k..."
Or what, screw research for that cancer?

The balkanization of medicine hardly seems the answer, unless the question is not equitable medical care but how best to divide the spoils, replacing a patriarchy with a matriarchy.

And under that rule, men's health will take less precedence than research on fish bicycles.

Jaq said...

These are the same 'feminists' who threw Monica back under the desk, and trashed Juanita Broadrick as a lying whore. What do you expect? How can you still be disappointed by them?

First they examine the situation in light of "what is best for the Democrats", make their conclusions, then construct their reasoning accordingly.

The real agenda is to deny the ability of Republicans to play identity politics, which, as we all know, is pretty easy otherwise. The only thing any Republican can ever be allowed to be "authentically" is a white male. Once you look at it this way, then it is all pretty clear.

Madelyn said...

I have a undergraduate minor in women's studies. I ended up in the class by accident really, but it made a profound difference in my thinking about women, particularly about women and the law.

My thinking is that woman who must trash other women so vehemently, have their own issues with the fact that they are women. Givhan has issues.

In re to Title IX, my daughter benefited from it immensely. She became a world class athlete and is now involved in the political forum, seeking office.

I just have positive experiences from both these programs. I am not financially challenged not was I seeking them for any reason. It just happened and I am glad for the experience. Speaking for me only.

Jaq said...

Interesting that you should bring up political medicine. Here is another for you. HPV vaccine. Did you know that men get HPV lesions too? Oral HPV lesions, which can be gotten from oral sex, or from simply kissing someone who has given oral sex, or simply kissing someone who has simply kissed someone who has given oral sex..., are 35 times more at risk from oral cancer than a tobacco user?

Yet HPV vaccine is only tested and approved for women. Political medicine. And Obama wants to put politicians in charge of medicine.

Cincinnatus said...

If I put two pink ribbons on my bumper, hanging from the middle, honk to show your support.

CarmelaMotto said...

Barleycorn - the kind of HPV that leads to cervical cancer is different from the strain that causes warts. There are lots of strains and it is so common. Men who have the non-wart strain never show symptoms and have no idea they are passing it on.

Donn said...

My oldest daughter was being interviewed by a professor because she was thinking of getting her Master's in Women's Studies. The professor said to her: "You're not a Christian, are you?" My daughter, who I had never known to back down to anyone, fumbled through some phony answer because she knew if she said "yes," that would have ended the interview.

A lot of the reason Palin is hated so much is due to her conservative religious views, i.e. being a "Christianist." What's so idiotic about the Left's hatred of "Christianists" is that the real threat to their beliefs will come, not from Christians, but radical Muslims. Of course, in that regard they seldom, if ever, have anything to say.

Anonymous said...

cf said...I saw a professor from Temple the other night on TV. He was arguing that since our society is thoroughly (and apparently irredeemably) racist, to call one's self a "hockey mom" is to use a racist code word because blacks don't play hockey.

Pretty soon Sarah's gonna be a "hockey grandma".

Here's Latino Scott Gomez from Alaska at the dropping of the punk by Sarah Palin .

What about those "Joe Six Packs"? Another racist code? Beer bellied White men!! Racist haters in every movie they're in, right?

What about the "Jamal Tupacs"? Do they feel excluded?

Cincinnatus said...If I put two pink ribbons on my bumper, hanging from the middle, honk to show your support.

To honk to show support would be racist. As in honk = honkies = white racists. Honking the horn is a dog whistle to the hate driven bigots.

Dana said...

Nobody eats their own like angry women. Women's Studies is an ugly club whose collective cause is to rail against content women and Palin, fortunately and unfortunately, oozes happiness and contentment in her rich full life. And they cannot stand it.

Its never been about choice - its been about be like us (bitter, angry, discontent, or we will eat you alive).

That Palin has luxurious hair that a man would love to run his fingers through and legs that rock in high heels is just the bitter frosting on top of the envy cake.

Feminists simply cannot be honest because their dogma does not allow them to be. And it shows - these are some of the unhappiest women marching around swallowing bile at every attractive, fertile smart babe that passes them by. Palin didn't swear allegiance and made it without them.

They can never forgive her for the betrayal.

Anonymous said...

At some point, we need to take a couple of steps back and consider what the despicable treatment of Palin and her family says about an apparently wide swath of our society.

Most of Obama's appointment's and their hires will be of the same or similar mindset and there is no reason to think that these behaviors toward political enemies will change.

We need to consider what kinds of things government comprised of such minds would do.

All this aberrant behavior by the left.

It means something.

DaLawGiver said...

"zero chance of ever getting breast or ovarian cancer"

My dad is 85. About 10 years ago he had a mastectomy. He didn't have any kind of reconstructive surgery. It looks like someone just took a a large ice cream scooper and scooped out the upper-right side of his chest.

Freeman Hunt said...

Doesn't this pervasive dogging of Palin's appearance remind anyone else of teenage harpies picking on the pretty girl in class? It's embarassing. Running down the woman's looks is an obvious dead end given that Palin is objectively very attractive. I sense more than a little jealousy coming from these writers. "How dare she get where she is today! Only women on our side are supposed to shine! And for her to be pretty on top of it all--oooo!" Makes their blood boil.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Pogo writes: Civil disobedience is the sole remaining tool in a single Party state.

I'm sure that's what a lot of people would like you to believe, but there's actually a fairly easy way to very effectively undercut the MSM. It's certainly odd how those who pretend to oppose MSM bias aren't willing to push that plan.

DaLawGiver said...

Both Hart and Tonabe probably need a a bucket. And I think Titus may like the song.

Patm said...

"And when did throwing up become the preferred form of elite expression?"

It's not. It is the form of expression of adolescents needing to feel a sense of control. Watching these people respond to Palin has convinced me that liberals stop developing mentally at about age 14.

Jaq said...

"the kind of HPV that leads to cervical cancer is different from the strain that causes warts. "

Men can get strain 16 orally, so can women, BTW. And men can get this strain in their urethra through "normal" sexual contact. Both cases are associated with much higher risk of cancer in those areas.

You should do a little research. Try googling HPV, "Oral lesions", and "oral cancer" and you can get up to date.

Jaq said...

"Honking the horn is a dog whistle to the hate driven bigots." LOL

Anonymous said...

Citing Paglia is not very convincing of anything. Sorry. It is the GOP--McCain and Palin--that are tossing out name calling, innuendo etc...Why do they seem unwilling or unable to deal with specific issue, which, after all, is what is now moving the polls into the Obama camp?
The comment that Palin will be an important political figure after this race is simply (a) very wrong, (b) an indication of how the GOP is falling apart.

Face it. The GOP "believes were direct and to the point: Markets work; govt does not. Now we find that that is not at all true. So we are left with the social conservatives. Alas, they are strident, as you have seen on tv, and show not much of what we used to call Christian values.

This group is referred to as "the base." How appropriate.

Cedarford said...

ic writes sadly and truly about certain feminists and "Angry Studies" female academics:

Their "battered wife" mentality is easily manipulated. It's not Bill Clinton who misused women, it's the women who preyed on Bill. They willingly attack Palin to show devotion to "their" man, do anything to protect him, to worship him on the pedestal. For them, a woman, a mere woman just like them, is always lower than a man. Their sexual revolution liberated men from responsibilities. They kill their own babies for the privilege of being screwed by men. Men don't even have to pay to make them whores.

I can't wait to repeat that insight to a certain "angry, angry" female I know and watch her go into vapor lock.

Title IX has been a pretty big disaster for male sports. At NCAA Level I sports program universities, football and basketball are the great revenue generators that fund other athletics. So they will not be eliminated. But to make money, you have to spend money - and that means the Big 2 programs help wipe out other sports offered for men.

While a panoply of diverse and interesting programs are offered to women, complete with scholarships that have no male counterparts.

The result is less American male participation in international sport because they lack opportunity. The ranks of good American male wrestlers, tennis players, gymnasts, soccer players, baseball players, etc. has thinned
as schools eliminated those programs while keeping the revenue-generating Big 2 untouchable...while "female sports" that few watch or follow, flourish.

twp said...

Isn't part of the problem that we actually pay these idiots to teach something as inane as "women's studies." What the hell is that?
And who in the world with any sense gives a rat's behind in hell about it anyway.
The very people who these "professors" hate are the ones who actually contribute productively to society by producing goods and services of value to Americans.
The university has become an intellectual, ineffectual wasteland of idiotic thought and hate-mongering idolatry towards all things banal and self-absorbed.

Trooper York said...

It has been my experience that the true fashionista's whether they be the pencil thin writers and Anna Wintour wannabees or the gay fashion icons simply hate normal America woman. Especially a woman is bigger that a size six. Conservative estimates are that more than 60% of American woman are bigger than a size 10 yet they are despised by fashion magazines and the mavens of style. So naturally someone like Sarah Palin puts their back up.

I once went up to a famous fashion designer at the tents in Bryant Park who was plus sized herself and asked if she would ever consider designing for the sizes that I have in my store. She flat out told me that she didn't want "fat" people in her clothes, and that they should shop in Walmart. She was at least a sixteen, but thought she was a six.

Joe said...

A central complaint of feminism is that men objectify women. It has been my observation that women objectify other women far more than men do and feminists are the worse of the lot.

Micha Elyi said...

In an aside, Michael_H (7:43 AM) wondered "shouldn't some Title IX equivalent require the teaching of 'masculinist literature'?" Yes, Title IX should but then that would require feminists to support equality and feminism isn't about that. Just try contacting the US Dept. of Education Office for Civil Rights to complain about the lack of equal education opportunities for men to learn about man-affirming literature. I once filed a complaint about the lack of a men's studies program at a feminist-infested campus and my complaint was blown off by an official who claimed that Title IX did not cover curricular matters.

Meade (8:20 AM) answered the Ann Althouses question, "And when did throwing up become the preferred form of elite expression?" by mentioning Valley Girl slang. Wrong, wrong, wrong, Meade. Valley Girls hanging out at the malls aren't members of the "elite."

Lisa (8:22 AM) said, "Final proof the women's movement is dead and we lost." Or that the Givhan of HuffPo offers one more proof that feminism is an anti-women's movement. Ironically, in the latter case Ms. Huffington can crow "I told you so."

bjm (9:07 AM) mentioned the Safeway supermarkets fund drive for the Breast Cancer Foundation (Speaking of grammar flubs, shouldn't that group have been named the Anti-Breast Cancer Foundation?). Safeway also has a counterpart fund drive to benefit the fight against prostate cancer. Only at Safeway are men people too, eh?

Eric (10:01 AM) echoed Michael_H's earlier comments about Title IX with "men should set up Men's Studies and demand that the budget matches that of the women's program. Gut them of funds just like Title IX gutted men's wrestling, boxing, swimming, lacrosse, etc-" While Title IX is useless against female supremacist man-bashing in the college curriculum, it can be use to demand equal funding for a men's counterpart to the university funded women's center. (Remember to insist that a men's center be pro-men or the feminists will capture that too!). As for fighting the inequality of the class and degree offerings, that can sometimes be fought by using state equal-access-to-education statutes, if any exist in your state.

madawaskan (10:26 AM) made me giggle when she whined about mammograms then cried "I think if we did that to a few good scientists they'd invent something better than the mammogram in two months." Hmmm. All the scientists are men, eh? Once again, we're treated to a feminist showing off her sexism. Plus, she's demanding that men make life more comfortable for women. Betcha madawaskan calls that "equality." Hey, madawaskan, study hard, earn an engineering degree or life science Ph. D. then invent your own damn breast cancer detector. Paint it pink if you like. Until then, show some appreciation for what men have already done for you.

Along with others who responded to Ann Althouse's query, "Is that what Women's Studies teaches these days -- inane snobbery?" Richard (11:11 AM) replied, "Ann-- Where have you been? Women's Studies has been like this for decades." Yeah, and Wisconsin's women's studies program is notorious for pioneering the inane. Now the nonsense has been replicated in hundreds of other universities across America. One wouldn't even have to suffer the indignity of sitting in the classes of Prof. Althouse's collegues in the women's studies department, just visit the campus bookstore and leaf through the textbooks used in their classes.

Trooper York said...

I specialized in woman study in college. I spent most of my college years at the Pussycat lounge and the Doll House on Murray St where we often studied women between classes. I think the intense study of a woman’s form and shape in all its many varieties is what makes this country great.

Michael S. Kochin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael S. Kochin said...

I taught a course in Women's Studies at Yale in 2004, and this time around I gave $50 to McCain-Palin.

Unknown said...

All those bitter wenches just need a good f--k.

Donn said...

I taught a course in Women's Studies at Yale in 2004, and this time around I gave $50 to McCain-Palin.

Hopefully, you're not posting under your real name. 8^)

Michael S. Kochin said...

Google me and see...

Donn said...

Ahhh....you teach in Israel.

paul a'barge said...

What is a jap doing commenting on American style anyway?

Trooper York said...

If Mr. Fuji was awake he would say that was racist.

LoafingOaf said...

Are they ever gonna re-design Huffington Post so it loads properly and quickly and doesn't make my browser act weird? It always amazes me that blog readers seem to have a high tolerance for web sites that are designed by people who wanna put so many ads and junk on their site that they cause people's computers to freeze up or have othger problems. I tried to read Hugh Hewitt's web site the other day, on the townhall web site, and was getting hit by pop-up ads behind my browser.

Why is it that some of the most extremely partisan blog sites are like this? Is there a connection between being the most partisan bloggers and being bloggers who are mostly about trying to make bucks off their sites? Like they're trying to become the central web site of the left or the right, not for idealistic reasons, but just to sell a lot of ads? Whatever the case, I don't care to read web sites that assault my computer or are such a pain to read.

Donn said...

I tried to read Hugh Hewitt's web site the other day, on the townhall web site, and was getting hit by pop-up ads behind my browser.

Are you using Explorer? If so, try switching to Firefox and that should take care of the issue.

TMink said...

Inane snobbery?

Middleschool jealousy!


TMink said...

"A lot of the reason Palin is hated so much is due to her conservative religious views"

More than hate I think. There is fear too. For a moment, consider that we Evangelicals are correct. Use your empathy. Imagine that abortion is indeed murder. Perspective taking is a sign of a progressive mind, no?

It would mean that the left is morally bankrupt, that the blood of millions of the most innocent are on their hands. Nobody could stand that amount of guilt, so they MUST try to marginalize us. Otherwise, what could they do with that mountain of guilt and shame? 17,000 abortions here in Tennessee last year. It makes the horrors of the Holocaust appear tame.

Now do you see why Evangelical Christians must be marginalized?


blake said...

It would mean that the left is morally bankrupt, that the blood of millions of the most innocent are on their hands.

That's never bothered them before. The great Communist leaders have gallons of blood on their hands and yet they remain idols.

BJM said...

Mischa, you're correct Safeway partners with the Prostate Cancer Foundation and they raised $13.2 million in June.

Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Fund raising for and heightened awareness of the many diseases plaguing mankind is a net good to both men and women.

mrs whatsit said...

I left a comment over there early this morning suggesting that people who want to drip condescension on other people for their lack of sophistication might want to check their apostrophes and their tenses before clicking "Publish." I got a message that the comment would be "held for moderation" but it was never seen again. The apostrophes have now been fixed. The garbled tense is still garbled ("didn't know the bouffant was now reserved . . . ") Maybe I should leave another invisible comment.

David said...

Yes, womens' studies brings forth inane snobbery. Here's an example:

Elizabeth M. Schneider is a tenured law professor at Brooklyn Law School, presently visiting Columbia Law School. She has degrees from Bryn Mawr, NYU Law School and London School of economics.

She is a "feminist" legal scholar who has written books about battered women and the law.

Shortly after McCain selected Palin, I got an email that had been originated by Professor Schneider and went through a few other hands before it got to me. Professor Schneider was disseminating and endorsing a commentary from a Bryn Mawr classmate who lives in Alaska, purportedly revealing the true Sarah Palin.

The email said:

"The most accurate description of [Palin] is red neck. Her husband works in the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles."

"Prior to [Palin's] one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla, a small red neck town outside Anchorage. The average maximum education level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade."

"Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about. These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating."

Elizabeth Schneider and similar smear artists are incredibly bigoted snobs who learned nothing in their years of fancy education except a completely unmerited sense of superiority.

LoafingOaf said...

Are you using Explorer? If so, try switching to Firefox and that should take care of the issue.

I've had the problem with Explorer and with Safari.

Why should I switch browsers to prevent townhall and Hugh Hewitt from assaulting my computer with pop-ups? I expect crap like that from porn sites, not a supposedly idealistic political site that wants me to come there and supposedly learn a thing or two about what's going on in the country.

They can fuck off with their pop-ups. I just won't read their site. But Huffington Post is even worse. I think bloggers who link to them should put a warning up that it may freeze up your computer or cause other weird things to happen to it.

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