September 1, 2008

"We wanted to be part of a historic event... We knew Johnny White's would be the place to be...."

"We'll probably switch to water about 10 o'clock, sober up, and see if we can help out."

Life in New Orleans, spared by the hurricane.

ADDED: Does this mean God is for or against John McCain? I've lost track.

AND: "One doesn't anticipate that one's private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase. But that's the nature of what we're dealing with."


Unknown said...


Peter V. Bella said...

I always found that taverns are good places to celebrate and be part of historic events; especially disasters.

Anonymous said...

Would the Reverends Moore and Fowler please enlighten us on what this says about God?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michael Moore - Christianist.

rhhardin said...

ABC radio's Alex Stone standing in the street, reports on swaying tree. real audio 7am WABC NYC.

MadisonMan said...

I'm cautiously optimistic. New Orleans is such a beautiful city, even when it's cold and rainy like it was when I was there in January.

Next up: Hanna. (The "beauty" of hurricane season is that it's one after another). The demise of Gustav should help Hanna strengthen. We'll see what happens with its track (currently set for landfall near Savannah on Friday). Then there's Ike for early next week!

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

God helps those who help themselves.


Palladian said...

"Next up: Hanna. (The "beauty" of hurricane season is that it's one after another). The demise of Gustav should help Hanna strengthen. We'll see what happens with its track (currently set for landfall near Savannah on Friday). Then there's Ike for early next week!"


Anonymous said...

Yes God is on the republicans side. Unlike the democrat morons that were running Louisiana 3 years ago, this time they actually have a competent,intelligent and capable republican governor. Incidentally the levy that failed and burst after Katrina was built during the Clinton administration. A fact conveniently overlooked by the democrat socialist party.

Anonymous said...

"One doesn't anticipate that one's private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase. But that's the nature of what we're dealing with."

He might want to recall the old saying, "character is what you are in the dark."

R.L. Hunter said...

From the news link

Public officials sternly warned in the days leading up to the storm that anyone leaving their homes after a dawn-to-dusk curfew was imposed would be swiftly thrown behind bars.(emphasis mine)
Does this mean you're only allowed out after dark?

dick said...

Interesting that Fowler was of course being sarcastic and didn't mean a thing but should not have been caught in the first place. Funny that he even thought this was something to say in the first place. Unbelievable in all cases.

amba said...

Gustav and the pared-down Republican convention made the Republicans look noble and John McCain presidential. 'Nuff said.

rhhardin said...

Fowler was making a joke about the media, not about the hurricane.

Anonymous said...

Fowler was making a joke about the media, not about the hurricane.

Perhaps, but the perception generated by those remarks was quite different, and in politics, perception matters...a lot.

rhhardin said...

The perception is tuned to the media soap opera.

Thanks to the soap audience, everything gets tangled in story-line trip-wires that criss-cross all of life on the media.

If it were a Calvin Coolidge quote, nobody would think twice about it. That's Cal making a joke.

In short, it's not the perception at all. It's just the media porn replacing enough people's lives so that the topic is what will the morons think of it, and everything accommodates this worry.