September 21, 2008

We enjoyed the tasty new blood that was Sarah Palin's, but now her blood is just as vile as the old blood we were drinking.

Everybody at Arianna Huffington's blood-swilling party is sick of Sarah Palin now, says the hostess, reapplying her lipstick.

Photo by 96dpi.


Ron said...

One can take consolation in knowing they will explode in sunlight...

Bissage said...

The internet is a vast universe of satirical creativity.

Someone already posted that exact same, utterly predictable, Arianna Huffington bit and they did it on Saturday, August 30, 2008.

But we don’t know who that was which just goes to show you there is no God.

PHenry said...

So, Obama was the old blood, and Palin is the new blood. Who is up for next month?

Anonymous said...

"Mission accomplished," Arianna?

Jeff with one 'f' said...

Nice bit of editing, putting this sentry right after the "serious leaders" post!

The Huffington bloggers as a group are just about the least serious group of humans on the internet.

I wish the Film Actors Guild would revoke their standing in the union or something...

vbspurs said...

Arianna, this is what is called projection. I'd take Palin's accent over yours, which makes me think of screeching scarecrows.