According to Politico. Good choices. Maybe all as good as my top 2. But how am I supposed to start laughing on a Monday morning if somebody doesn't say "hot water to dehydrated babies."
Ah, thank you. I am now ready to face the working week with a smile.
"hot water to dehydrated babies."
See that's another reason he picked Sarah Palin. She has 5 kids.
Obama needed to pick a VP to handle being president for him and McCain needed a mom to handle the dehydrated babies issue when it comes up.
McCain has latched onto the 'sea monkeys' school of child rearing I see...
Unfortunately, not funny.
It's the GOP's October surprise -- a secret cache of dehydrated babies, stored underground and ready to be rehydrated when the need arises.
The whole idea came from a campaign brainstorming session: "Hey! People thought Palin and her kids were cute. So if a few cute kids were good, thousands of cute kids could tip the election!"
Unfortunately, the plan will backfire on them when the rehydrated babies all end up on Democratic voter rolls.
You can bring warm water to dehydrated babies more efficiently, and for less money, by using a tankless water heater. That should be McCain's approach on this issue to consolidate his support with the Dittoheads.
How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a tankless child.
What was the context? I infer from the lack of context on the YouTube clip that it sounds less crazy in context. The context for Obama's preconditionless-meeting bit makes it worse (which is why it's there).
Hurricane hijack again -- Ann, please, tell me to take a hike if I'm being a boor.
While most of the citizens are home, and most of the power is restored in the NOLA area (central and south LA is a very different picture), it's a mistake to think life is back to normal, as much as I'd like to. Just made a little grocery foray and found, among predictably empty freezer shelves, there is no cat litter to be found, not at the grocery nor at the pet store. Who knew people make a run on cat litter before a big storm? One more thing to add to the preparation list next time.
Obama's poll numbers are tanking; his support is drying up.
Oh, this is funny. Well, not the whole thing, really, but this graph:
McCain didn’t just pick a politician who could appeal to Wal-Mart Moms. He picked a Wal-Mart Mom. Indeed, he picked someone who, in 1999, as Wasilla mayor, presided over a wedding of two Wal-Mart associates at the local Wal-Mart. “It was so sweet,” said Palin, according to The Anchorage Daily News. “It was so Wasilla.”
Is there any way we can get this story blasted over the airwaves every day, every hour, for the next two months? I don't think it would necessarily win any votes, but it would drive the collective left so batty they might just forget to actually vote. Now that's voter suppression we can believe in.
Beth: E-mail me directly at either e-mail address if you'd like me to overnight ship you some cat litter. Really! You could consider it a re-housewarming (or homecoming) gift.
: )
Ruth Anne, I've used it as you have when I've lived up north. I asked at the pet store and they said it's just that people stocked up on it, and deliveries aren't coming in until late Wednesday. I thought perhaps some people were using it for sandbags. We had sandbag sites but there were limits on how many would be given out to one person, per trip.
Obama's poll numbers are tanking; his support is drying up.
No need to even vote on Nov. 8th, that's what I figure.
Nice try, mahal.
This gaffe doesn't twitch my gaff meter. The slip is with the word hot and not with the word dehydrated. Amusing as the idea of dehydrated babies are when thought of as beans or jerky or those sponge dinosaurs you get at the Natural Museum shop that magically grow but babies do dehydrate especially when sick with diarrhea.
Those eight gaffs at the link were not impressive. Too many were omitted. To many to enumerate here, and besides I'm tired of them. More important than gaffs were serious mistakes. Mistakes made all the more serious because they're not fully acknowledged and so destined to be repeated. reader_iam's link is indeed unfortunate and not funny. The author, Adam McKay refers to "the worst eight years in our country's history" ORLEY? Hyperbolic emotionalism. He's wrong right off. Adam continues, it reminds him of playing blackjack where "You make all the right moves, play the right hands ..." I submit the DNC has not made all the right moves nor played the right hands. Must Adam be reminded of Michigan and of Florida? Must Adam be reminded his party stands scant chance of winning in a general when they put forward in their primaries candidates that appeal to their base and only their base but for whom large portions of the general electorate will simply not vote? Daring the general electorate to not vote for your candidate is a losing strategy. It's a losing strategy when the opposing party puts forward a candidate that quite nearly entirely alienates their own base but will appeal more generally to the total of voters.
Now, those are gaffs for you. Gaffs to live and learn by. But I'm not expecting much learning here as apparently nothing was learned from the Kerry fiasco, just more anger and emotional threats to emigrate.
I love checking out commentaries on newspaper articles, Youtube, etc. don't you?
This man is DUMBER THAN BUSH...and now he's got Miss Alaska, queen of the igloos, and her BA in Journalism from Idaho University to back him up!
LOL. Queen of the Igloos. I love it!
garage mahal said...Obama's poll numbers are tanking; his support is drying up.
No need to even vote on Nov. 8th, that's what I figure.
Now could you please spread that hopeful message to your fellow Democrats.
Heads up, guys, Ann
Obama on Keith Olbermann tonight at 8 PM.
(I have the feeling he didn't like the way his interview with O'Reilly came out. It also raises Olbermann from his demotion news)
Perhaps KO will ask Bambi why he went after Palin again today (drudge has story). His problem appears to be he doesnt know who he is running against. And he forgets that the public votes for the top of the ticket (although methinks that old chestnut may not work this time around)
Victoria: thanks for the heads up but I don't have a TV so will rely on the commentariat here. Bambi going on MSNBC and talking to Olbermann is going to be a minefield--the chances of bambi screwing up here are bigger than a breadbasket.
Obama’s self-destruct countdown continues. you now have minutes to reach minimum safe distance. (from Aliens)
One day, in what has now become characteristically common; Obama suffers another slip of the tongue on national television and says “my Muslim faith”. If you look at the video it’s obvious that’s not what he meant to say, but the thunderhead said it, making a nice addition to a long farrago of faux pas.
The next day, Obama’s dirt excavation squad in Alaska digs up that Palin’s church has had some sort of controversial revival. I know it’s tempting to do a reverse Wright on Palin; but if you do that, isn’t there a danger you would disturb the now quiet resting video called “God damm America”?
What a bunch of amateurs.
vbspurs said...Heads up, guys, Ann
Obama on Keith Olbermann tonight at 8 PM.
Great, now downtownlad can watch some graphic gay porn uncensored on American TV staring two of his favs.
"McCain didn’t just pick a politician who could appeal to Wal-Mart Moms. He picked a Wal-Mart Mom. Indeed, he picked someone who, in 1999, as Wasilla mayor, presided over a wedding of two Wal-Mart associates at the local Wal-Mart. “It was so sweet,” said Palin, according to The Anchorage Daily News. “It was so Wasilla.”"
I wouldn't play up the Wal-Mart angle, as I consider Wal-Mart to be in no small way responsible for selling out our entire manufacturing base to China. But hey, we got low, low prices in return!
vbspurs: Heads up, guys, Ann
Obama on Keith Olbermann tonight at 8 PM.
Well ... they're both consenting adults. I guess if they're both wearing condoms, it'll be OK. Still, it's prime time and all ...
I'm glad that Rachel Sklar gave Ann her dues (and in fact, Beldar too!), but isn't this "late to the ball" hat tip of hers on HuffPo not rather annoying?
"I should've paid more attention to Ann about Palin", is basically her message.
Well, WHY weren't you paying attention? And not just Miss Sklar, but the whole of MSM?
Isn't it because these entities lean Left, and do not find it in their interest to follow the other side as much?
We in the blogosphere, particularly the middle to right of it politically, sure knew about Sarah Palin before August 29.
And if we can, and were ready with talking points about her that didn't include her hair, her beauty pageants, her pregnant daughter, than why couldn't they be?
BTW, the latest McCain/Palin ad is up.
The Original Mavericks
It's great.
Interesting change in the press. There was a mention on PTI (very popular ESPN sports talk show) about Obama mispronouncing the name "Nittany Lions." It's silly of course, but I don't think it would have been mentioned a few weeks ago (unless McCain or Bush had done it). A very strange year.
Nittany Lions
Ooh, tell! How did he say it, "Nih-TAHN-nee" instead of "Nit-nee"?
Even I know how to pronounce it, and I'm a girl, and foreign.
I didn't find a Youtube of Obama misprouncing the name, but I did find this.
Please note it's in the Chicago White Sox area of the forums (Obama is a White Sox supporter, as most people know).
"I saw in the paper that nobama called the nittany lions the nitally lions and he was in Pa. Man he is out of touch! Maybe he can go to Notre Dame and call them the fighting englishmen! Wow he went to Harvard! What a farce he is"
Fighting Englishmen, LOL! Nitally...hoo boy.
Who knew people make a run on cat litter before a big storm?
I wonder if it is being used to help dry off flooded floors. It absorbs moisture and solidifies, so you can shovel it (and the water) away.
Obama on Keith Olbermann tonight at 8 PM.
It will be fake... and inaccurate ;)
I wonder if it is being used to help dry off flooded floors. It absorbs moisture and solidifies, so you can shovel it (and the water) away.
Here's another fact you guys not in Hurricane Alley probably weren't aware of:
There's a run on Clorox bleach too.
We use it to disinfect our bath tubs, scrub it off, then fill the bath tub with potable water in case our water supply is compromised.
We learnt that from the Seminoles.
Latest Obama gaffe:
Obama told the $30,800-per-person attendees -– the money goes to a joint Obama campaign-DNC fund -- that he hoped they were “up for a fight.”
“I hope you guys are game,” he said, “because I haven’t been putting up with 19 months of airplanes and hotel food and missing my babies and my wife –- I didn’t put up for that stuff just to come in second. I don’t believe in coming in second. The American people can’t afford for us to come in second. We’ve got to win this thing and we’re going to win it with your help.”
Look, there are ways of rousing your troops to action, but one of them is NOT to complain about hotel food and travelling around in your private plane.
Is he such an egotist? Does he lack the most basic of political instincts?
Republicans CAN and should counter this with:
"John McCain's spent five years tied up in a North Vietnamese prison eating who knows what, if eating at all."
Guess who said that though? A commenter over at the Hillary Clinton Forums. If they can see how woe-is-me this sounds, I'm sure Americans will too.
First the waffles, now the hotel food. Poor guy can't catch a break!
The big shocker is that people eat dinner at 5:00 pm in Beverly Hills.
---Only when the dinner costs $28,500.00.
Another heads up, via Gateway Pundit.
Obama Campaign members possibly behind the "Sambo" smears
Let's see if this is true, and if it is, if he follows up his promise to fire people who peddle in smears.
Wow Victoria
Obama may as well give it up huh? Devestating news you bring.
After the Trig Palin smears, nothing is devastating to me, Garage.
That will be up to the American people to decide.
It's only a smear if they're against your candidate of choice.
Guess who would've been outraged if they had smeared Obama about not being the father of Malia and Sasha?
Me. And millions of other Republicans.
Not everything is about politics, although for some people, that's all that counts.
“because I haven’t been putting up with 19 months of airplanes and hotel food and missing my babies and my wife –- I didn’t put up for that stuff just to come in second."
When a teammate says something like that it's usually taken to mean 'you all slaking off and asking me to carry the load'. It's not a welcomed comment down the stretch.
Obama is not the demOsthenes we've all been waiting for ;)
Based on some of what garage mahal has said, I wonder if he's even human. He think Republicans are inhuman devils that rejoice in our political opponents personal troubles. I call it a classic case of projection.
* looks up farrago *
garage mahal said...
Obama's poll numbers are tanking; his support is drying up.
No need to even vote on Nov. 8th, that's what I figure.
Then stay home and leave the elction up to the adults.
(Obama is a White Sox supporter, as most people know).
ANother reason not to vote for him. The team is run by a commie and personal friend of Caesar Chavez.
Alex said...
Based on some of what garage mahal has said, I wonder if he's even human.
No he is not. He is a netroot lunatic and they are inhumane.
The team is run by a commie and personal friend of Caesar Chavez.
Ozzie Guillen isn't a commie, and you mean, Hugo Chavez...
Details, details.
; )
For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
Oh, well, what the hell:
Ain't it time, time enough, time enough at last, to make a literary allusion (as well as one to a famous "televisionary" one)?
It's a puzzle.
Hi, reader: what a generous offer! And I'd take you up on it if I hadn't found some at a Wal-Mart (saw Sarah Palin conducting a wedding on aisle 9 in housewares) across the river. It took an hour or so, but there's really no alternative. I am assured more will arrive by Wednesday evening.
We didn't flood in the New Orleans area, with the exception of a very small bit of the 9th Ward, and only a few inches there. But people were anticipating water that didn't appear, so maybe some folks bought up kitty litter for that. I suspect the neighborhood places (grocery, Petco), sold out before the storm and then, after they re-opened, other deliveries were more important.
Here's a shout-out to our Southwest Texan friends along that coast. I hope Ike is nothing more than a nasty wind by the time he reaches you.
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