[Clarence Thomas] has less than fond memories of his treatment by Biden, who chaired his stormy 1991 hearing. In his 2007 memoir "My Grandfather's Son," Thomas recalls that Biden initially kept Anita Hill's allegations of sexual harassment against Thomas private. Before the firestorm began, Biden called him at home and said, "Judge, I know you don't believe me," but if the allegations come up, "I will be your biggest defender." Wrote Thomas, "He was right about one thing. I didn't believe him."A bit more at the link. But it would be very easy to comb the old Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for loose talk that poured out of Joe Biden's mouth while an esteemed judge had to sit there and put up with it. I may go back and read the transcripts from the Reagan-Bush I era, but as for the the Roberts and Alito material, I've pre-blogged it, so let's see what I have.
There's this description, from Elisabeth Bumiller, of Biden at Day 2 of the Alito hearings:
"I understand, Judge, I am the only one standing between you and lunch, so I'll try to make this painless," he began, with some promise.To which I said:
Mr. Biden then dived into a soliloquy on Judge Alito's failure to recuse himself from cases involving the Vanguard mutual fund company, which managed the judge's investments. After 2 minutes 50 seconds - short for the senator - Mr. Biden did appear to veer toward a question, but abandoned it to cite Judge Alito's membership in a conservative Princeton alumni group. Mr. Biden discoursed on that for a moment, then interrupted himself with an aside about his son who "ended up going to that other university, the University of Pennsylvania."
Judge Alito, who had been sitting without expression through Mr. Biden's musings, interrupted the senator midword, got out three sentences, then settled in for nearly 26 minutes more of Mr. Biden, with the senator doing most of the talking. With less than a minute to spare, Mr. Biden concluded, thanked Judge Alito for "being responsive," then said to Mr. Specter that "I want to note that for maybe the first time in history, Biden is 40 seconds under his time."
How appalling! And complimenting himself, in the third person, in the end, as if he's being charmingly self-deprecating?There's this from Day 3 of the Roberts hearings:
Joe Biden is hamming it up big time, dramatizing the frustration of not getting Roberts to say how he'll decide specific cases. We've been through this so many times, but Biden seems to think that, if he just emotes more than the others, the American public will finally see the outrage of a judge not committing his vote before hearing the case. Yet every time Roberts explains why he won't answer, he sounds so eloquent and even inspiring about the role of the judge, that it ends up making the Senator look childish.None of this Roberts-Alito material is anywhere near as awful as what happened to Thomas (and Robert Bork). Biden was just talking too much, in love with the sound of his own voice, and frankly, that let the nominees off the hook.
Joe Biden: Profile in Personality Disorder
Republican plays victim and whines. In other news, sun rises again.
Time is the moving image of eternity and it is embodied in Biden full blown....This is a hurried comment. If one actually thinks through a comment, one loses the coveted, most read first position. But parodoxically if one expresses a banality it will not be read anyway. A conundrum.
garage mahal said...
Republican plays victim and whines. In other news, sun rises again.
What was done to Thomas and Alito was pure evil in public. It was shameless and immoral. But, that is the Democratic Party for you.
Come on, really. Does ANYONE take joe biden seriously? reminds me of the old joke about Howard Cosell: The only man who wears a hairpiece to tell it like it is. The fact that Joe Biden was even picked says all there is about the state of the democrat party
And I love liberals using the expression "field strip a moose." You field strip a weapon; you field dress a game animal.
What was done to Thomas and Alito was pure evil in public. It was shameless and immoral. But, that is the Democratic Party for you
Sniff sniff. Can I get a hanky for you, crybaby? Or maybe the Palinbots are now going to say we can never EVER ask a Republican a question ever again!
Oops -- I think that the link is wrong under "he writes" -- that's the link from an earlier post.
IRC, the worst questioning of Thomas came from Leahy and the other loser Democrats, Biden was somewhat reasonable - on camera. But of course, he let Hill testify and defended the leaking of her allegation, and voted against Thomas.
As for Bork, Spector and Kennedy were the worst. Biden talked alot and his attacks were softened by his stupidity and average joe charm.
"Or maybe the Palinbots are now going to say we can never EVER ask a Republican a question ever again!"
No, you can ask us a question. Any question. But it better be good or we'll cut Joe Biden's nuts out and field dress his hair-implanted scalp.
Gee Garage: were you among the democrat whiners who complain the Palin was -- gasp--sarcastic toward Mr Obama? Wow--sarcastic. and here I thought the VP nominee was supposed to be the attack dog. Thats the conventional wisdom
My understanding was that Thomas' opposition had three more women -- either victims or witnesses to Thomas's alleged harassment -- to testify, but Biden wouldn't let them speak, doing Thomas a massive favor. From fair.org:
Anita Hill was not the only women to allege that she had been sexually harassed by Thomas. Angela Wright, who worked with Thomas at the EEOC, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Thomas had repeatedly made comments to her, much like those he allegedly made to Hill, pressuring her for dates, commenting on her body, etc. As chair of the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Joseph Biden decided against publicly hearing Wright's testimony. Transcripts were, however, released to the press.
Another former Thomas assistant, Sukari Hardnett, made further damaging charges against him. Although Hardnett made it clear she was not accusing Thomas of sexual harassment, she provided the Judiciary Committee with sworn testimony that "if you were young, black, female, reasonably attractive and worked directly for Clarence Thomas, you knew full well you were being inspected and auditioned as a female."
Gee Garage: were you among the democrat whiners who complain the Palin was -- gasp--sarcastic toward Mr Obama?
Not me, it was she has neither the stature or record to talk shit about anybody. At least Obama has been taking plenty of questions and doing interviews for 18 months. She does 3 speeches and runs to Alaska refusing to answer one question. If Palin was a Democrat she would be laughed off the stage.
garage mahal,
If Ginsburg was victimized the immoral, unethical and racist way-anti-Black and anti-Italian-
those two were would you just STFU? You would still be hollering and pissing and moaning over and over again like a broken record. That is the Liberal way. Everyone is a victim except people you hate. Hate is a family value.
She would also be laughed off the stage if she were a man I might add.
Golly, fls, it was just a blow job. What's the matter - you don't like blow jobs?
garage mahal said...
Not me, it was she has neither the stature or record to talk shit about anybody.
Obama has not stature and is full of shit. After what the media and the Obamatites did to her, she owes the media nothing. The media is not the public watch dog or mouth piece. No one elected them to anything.
I wish she would just tell them to go eff themselves. But you liberalmaniacs would get all bent out of shape for your propaganda machine being insulted.
garage mahal said...
She would also be laughed off the stage if she were a man I might add.
That is why the media did not laugh Hillary off the stage. They just held their noses while she rubbed her bovine excrement in their faces.
Joe Biden's mean.
Vote for McCain and Palin.
IRC, the worst questioning of Thomas came from Leahy and the other loser Democrats, Biden was somewhat reasonable - on camera
Yeah, but it all happened because of Biden. As chair he was the ringmaster of the whole circus.
Garage: had Obama put hillary on the ticket he might have some traction, but at this point, I would suggest, it is the democrats who are being laughed off the stage. If Obama cannot handle Palin's "sarcasm" just how in the hell is he going to stand up to Putin, Ahmadjenidad, and the dear leader? Obama is hardly a profile in courage at this point. YYMV, of course.
None of this Roberts-Alito material is anywhere near as awful as what happened to Thomas (and Robert Bork).
Speaking of which:
"During the hearings, Senator Biden's presidential aspirations came to a sudden end, probably for all time. The campaign staff of Governor Michael Dukakis gave the press videotapes demonstrating that Biden had plagiarized speeches by other politicians such as Britain's Neal Kinnock. In addition, the press learned that Biden had misrepresented his law school record. As the damaging facts began to pile up, Biden at first tried to explain and finally had to hold a press conference at which he withdrew as a candidate for his party's nomination. Shortly after that, during a break in the hearings, Biden came over to my table and said, with every appearance of sympathy, 'You know, your situation and mine are a lot alike.' I didn't think there was any comparison but managed not to tell him so."
- Robert Bork, The Tempting of America
If Obama cannot handle Palin's "sarcasm" just how in the hell is he going to stand up to Putin, Ahmadjenidad, and the dear leader? Obama is hardly a profile in courage at this point. YYMV, of course.
Roger, WTF are you talking about? Obama has been taking questions for 18 months! Nobody knew Palin two weeks ago and we still no virtually nothing about her except for the speeches written for her. She can't even do Larry King for Christ sake. Republicans will never admit it, but they know she knows absolutely nothing about national security or foreign policy, but they don't care. As long as she can trash talk that's all the qualifications she needs.
Or maybe the Palinbots are now going to say we can never EVER ask a Republican a question ever again!
In Biden's case, the only person who has ever stopped him from asking questions of Republicans or anyone else is himself and his penchant for profuse pontification over trenchant inquiries.
That's a big part of the point of this post, isn't it?
penchant for profuse pontification
Try saying THAT one five times fast. Damn. Way harder than "rubber baby buggy bumpers," and almost as tough as "black bugs' blood."
/OT aside
Betcha Biden could do it. As can I. It comes with lifelong rigorous exercise of the jaw and various facial muscles.
; )
/this OT digression for real
garage mahal said...
She can't even do Larry King for Christ sake.
Hey, you do have a sense of humor. that is the best joke of the day. Hee, hee, hee. Larry King. Why would she go on a comedy show? Next, you will be saying she refuses to go on that other paragon of journalism that all the celebrity politicians must be seen on; Saturday Night Live!!!!
“Joe Biden has had his finger in every tawdry hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee in my memory,” Levin said. “He has lowered the standard of debate. He has politicized the confirmation process. He has used his position to defame a number of nominees, including Bob Bork and Clarence Thomas, and there’s no road too low that he won’t travel.”
“You can trace back the origins of our current confirmation spectacles to the days when Joe Biden chaired the Judiciary Committee for the Robert Bork and the Clarence Thomas hearings in ‘87 and ’91,” Hausknecht said. “Those particular hearings set the stage for the confirmation wars of today -- what, ironically, Sen. Biden now calls a ‘kabuki dance,’ as if he had no hand in creating it.”
Garage--relax. It was Bambi who was complaining about Palins "sarcasm" not me. He was the one who wasnt going to be bullied (by, presumably a hockey mom). And please drop the she doesnt do interviews meme--she will do them, just not on your terms. Finally, Garage: explain to me why Palin is the issue anyway--Bambi is supposed to be running against John McCain. Heres a big flash: voters do not vote on the VP--they vote on the top of the ticket. By making Palin the issue, the dems, stupid as they are, have made made it a bambi palin race, and they are going to lose that one.
At any rate--this isnt worth arguing about--we will see what the November results disclose, and what strategy worked best
There ought to be a list somewhere of all the people elected Pres or VP who had zero experience with foreign policy. Because that complaint is a non-starter.
Can I just say that whatever other shows Palin does or doesn't do, she must go on Craig Kilbourn's show. IIRC, that's the first time I remember hearing anything about her, and thinking it was kind of neat for a Governor to have an obvious sense of fun.
Scrutineer, the incident that Bork describes is the one that convinced me that this guy wasn't just a putz, but a first order douchebag who had to be kept as far from power as possible.
garage mahal said...
"Republican plays victim and whines."
You think Tony Mauro is a Republican?!
I'm not crazy about Biden, but Palin is a total zero in my book. Clarence Thomas and Alito are large negative numbers approaching negative infinity. Unfortunately, the majority of commenters around here, especially the new ones, are subhuman trash. Oh, I know, that's not a nice thing to say. Do you want me to lie to you?
"Unfortunately, the majority of commenters around here, especially the new ones, are subhuman trash. Oh, I know, that's not a nice thing to say. Do you want me to lie to you?"
Thanks for the laugh Trump. Your continuing satire of the stereotypical hated-filled lefty is spot on.
Btw, I realized that when some of them wanted to force my 12 year old daughter who was raped, to carry the fetus to full term. I have my shotgun ready, folks, for when you bastards come for her. I'll go down fighting. Bastards!
Trumpit said...
Btw, I realized that when some of them wanted to force my 12 year old daughter who was raped, to carry the fetus to full term. I have my shotgun ready, folks, for when you bastards come for her. I'll go down fighting. Bastards!
How, by shooting yourself? You wouldn't know one end of a gun from the other. You always came off as one of those anti-gun nuts. Anyway, I thought your parents had you neutered for the unspeakable crimes you committed as a child.
BTW, shot guns are great for hunting birds; pheasant, grouse, woodcock, geese, ducks, sage grouse, huns, turkey. They are also good for rabbits and squirrels too. If you put a rifled slug barrel on them, you can hunt deer.
Then you have a nice freezer full of fine food to enjoy throughout the winter. A good meal of game, some nice wine, and a fine cigar and Cognac afterwards. Ah, the life of a sportsman is a fine one. Good dogs, good friends, good food, and fine weaponry. Season opens soon.
Golly, fls, it was just a blow job.
What part of "Biden did Clarence Thomas a massive favor (by cutting off further sexual harassment testimony) did you not understand?
It would be more correct to say that Obama has spent 19 months ducking questions, and refusing to produce any records that he could keep hidden.
Of course, since the MSM gives him a pass on that, I guess some Obamabots can then claim that he actually 'answered' questions, since his answer was basically "No way am I going to let you know."
And Ginsburg is the worst excuse for a Justice in living memory. No judicial temperment at all. She's an 'activist' jurist, she's a "make shit up" jurist.
I also love the idea that some one claiming to have studied at least some law regards "sworn testimony that 'if you were young, black, female, reasonably attractive and worked directly for Clarence Thomas, you knew full well you were being inspected and auditioned as a female'" as some sort of evidence of something other that personal feelings.
She "knew full well" how? She's a mind-reader? She has other witnesses who heard something?
How about I sign a sworn statement that "if you're a rational human being, you know full well that disgruntled Lefties make up scurrilous, unfounded accusations in an effort to harm their enemies?"
There that should prove it.
Here's a more striking example of Clueless Joe at his worst - the matter of his wife's fatal accident. Biden claimed afterward she was killed by a drunk driver. He knew, in fact, the driver was not drunk, having been evaluated at the scene by the police. The poor driver was shaken by the memory and plagued until his untimely death by the guilt. And you could look it up.
Dave said...
"Ginsburg is the worst excuse for a Justice in living memory."
Abe Fortas? Warren Burger? Harry Blackmun? Anthony Kennedy?
Joe Biden is such a ridiculous jerk.
Here's a more striking example of Clueless Joe at his worst - the matter of his wife's fatal accident. Biden claimed afterward she was killed by a drunk driver.
Did any witnesses come forward? Was the accident reconstructed? She was hit broadside by a truck. Maybe she failed to yield the right of way. Maybe the truck driver wasn't paying attention, and didn't stop in time. Did anyone come forward in the 20 years between the fatality and 1999?
He knew, in fact, the driver was not drunk, having been evaluated at the scene by the police.
There's no evidence of what Biden knew or didn't know. Further, what was the driver's BAC reading? Maybe he had a couple of cocktails before getting back in his rig. The standard for impairment has been reduced since Biden's wife was killed.
FLS: I thought about posting to this thread earlier, after seeing, via e-mailed comments, doc99's post, but I'm just too busy to do anything serious.
That's still the case, but let me just say that the account is accurate. It was a tragic, tragic, tragic accident, but essentially Mrs. Biden pulled out from that intersection (which then, unlike now, sported only a stop sign, in a then more rural--it wasn't IN the TOWN of Hockessin proper, not now, not then, though certain--area) having not seen the tractor-trailer, which didn't have time to stop. This is entirely credible with the layout of that area at the time.
I should tell you that my family, because my parents were avid cyclists, bike throughout that area and right through that intersection countless times in the relevant time period and years beyond. There was a time--for about 4-1/2 years, ending about 13 years ago--when I drove right past/through that intersection at least five days a week (at least twice a day). I myself, while at my in-laws' house just last week (they own multiple properties along the relevant section of Limestone road, off which they have lived and worked since 1971), drove through the intersection something like six times.
I'm intimately familiar with the layout then and now, and the reportage, then and later. My mother-in-law recently recalled the day after the accident occurred in vivid terms, along with the aftermath and coverage. (And not due to any internet prompting--I'm not sure she's EVER used a computer.) Her recollection absolutely comports with mine, and with this report.
I'm sorry it's Inside Edition that's the source. But so be it.
And, in my opinion, this is indeed one of the more odious "mispeaks" of Biden's (for whom, unlike most people here, I've actually cast votes at one time). I think he may have convinced himself of this, which I can even understand and feel for the human impulse, but still: there is. Sad, understandable but still odious. And unjust.
garage mahal said...
"Republican plays victim and whines. In other news, sun rises again."
In my experience, both full-blown sociopaths and petty schoolyard bullies habitually blame their misbehavior on someone else's failings.
Thanks, reader, I really appreciate your post.
I'd say it's hard to blame your dead wife for causing her own demise, and memory distorts the truth to ease the pain.
I think your link to Tony Mauro might be incorrect--the think the correct one is: http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1202424301994
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