September 1, 2008


I'm just coining a word. It means the way everyone went nuts after Sarah Palin made her entrance on the national stage. What are the symptoms of this mental disorder? Help me enumerate them. One certainly is the desire to comment on blogs, so have at it. Another is the obsession with the female body. Yes, let's talk politics -- let's talk about wombs and protruding abdomens and lactating breasts.

Palinsanity. You know you have it.


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Beau said...

What are the symptoms of this mental disorder?

Excessive posts by blogs owners.

chickelit said...

If one follows the meme, the whole ugly Palin smear is easy to understand.

It’s well known that Andrew Sullivan has been feigning his own pregnancy. He’s been secretly carrying Barry’s imaginary love child for some time now and he is conflicted. He knows he should carry the baby to term in November, but he’s having second thoughts. Sullivan has correctly sensed that Barry will throw him under the bus because Palin-gate got ugly and stupid. Being nominally pro-life, Sullivan also knows that he can’t have an abortion* at this late stage, so he’s backed off the fake pregnancy meme, mostly to keep on his fantasy lover’s good side.

But notice also that he’s hatched a new topic: birth control and teenage pregnancy. Now he can talk about how he wishes he hadn’t gotten knocked-up so easily, and drive Ann’s blog traffic.

I’d say that explains about 90% of the crap that’s come out of the left this weekend.

*Sullivan will deliver a healthy 8 lb turd out his own “vagina” in November.

Al said...

Drudge has had a pic of Palin's legs on the front page for at least the past two days.

I like her credentials, but one has to be a bit naive to think her appearance was not a deciding factor.

Unknown said...

One symptom of the left-wing variant of Palinsanity is that it deludes its victim into thinking you were actually seriously considering voting for McCain until he picked Palin. Seems to pop up often in these threads here.

XWL said...

This post is missing a "bodily fluids" tag.

EnigmatiCore said...

Acting like Loafing Oaf.

Unknown said...

I like her credentials, but one has to be a bit naive to think her appearance was not a deciding factor.

Damn straight it was. So was the fact she was a woman. And? People keep bringing stuff like this up like it's supposed to be scandalous. Well hell it's no worse than picking a guy just because he comes from a state whose electoral votes you need.

Let's be clear about something: a Vice Presidential pick is never made based on who would actually make the best V.P. I'd go so far as to say it's not even the overwhelming factor.

Besides, is there actually a consensus on what "best VP" means?

Peter V. Bella said...

Palinsanity symptoms:
Hatred for no discernable reason
Childish behavior

These symptoms seem to afflict the teenage bullies who preside over and post conspricy theories at KOS, MYDD, DU and other irresponsible sites. One of the worst afflicted with the disease is Andrew Sullivan. He is too far gone for any treatment.

On another note:
If Markos Moulitsas was not a sniveling bully and coward and if he was any kind of decent human being, he would have issued an immediate apology to the public over the behavior of his nutroot spawn. Then he would have taken down all of the offending material and banned the diarists who wrote it. This would have gained him respect and proven that he has gravitas. He would have been seen as a serious person instead of a teenager in the locker room. This is what people who run things do; they take the heat for others and apologize and correct the problem.. They act like adults. Markos has demonstrated a total lack of decency and is no better than the people who post trash on his site. .

He is not a decent human being. He may not even be human at all.

Fred said...

For conservatives like me, it's all about having a real out-side-of-Washington Reaganite on the ballot for the first time since 1988.

That's a long time to wait.

And after eight years of Bush, we're really hungry for someone with a Reaganite capacity to communicate, a Reaganite instinct to win, and a Reaganite toughness in the face of the opposition. You look at what Palin has done in Alaska, and it looks like she's got the goods.

She's even fired people like Reagan, i.e. she's got that "I paid for this microphone" vibe. Big time.

TurbineGuy said...

Palinsanity blew in with more destructive force than hurricane Gustav.

Zaplito said...

Someone posted at the Atlanta Journal Constitution "Vent" page:

"I am not concerned about Sarah Palin's being a heartbeat away when I consider that Nancy Pelosi is just two heartbeats."


Einfahrt said...

Well, I certainly have an inordinate interest in Sarah Palin. Mostly, it is renewed interest in the calculus of this campaign season, and of conservative interests.

I seek, or at least have for the past couple of days, the "read" of others about this new national candidate. I try to understand the renewal of values in the campaign I thought lost during the primary. I wonder if I can get a Palin poster for the yard; I had been reluctant to put out a McCain one, though I will vote for him. I haven't been particularly enthusiastic about active support.

Insanity? Perhaps, but certainly quickened interest, and not much time to become certain enough to act.

P.S. There is another here posting as “John Lynch:” We are not the same person, just the same name. I haven’t sorted out yet what to do, I’ve posted with this, my real name, for several (>5) years. I’d like to think I have some equity. Maybe go with vbspurs’ “Cheers” signature.

garage mahal said...

What are the symptoms of this mental disorder?

Thinking an open and public vetting process of a candidate after they've been picked spells doom for the other candidate, and the laundry from the public vetting on the candidate can only be good news?

J. Cricket said...

Well, let's see: John McCain picked someone utterly unqualified and unprepared for the second highest position in the land. He made a recklass and indefensible choice that contradicts all of his claims about putting the nation first and caring about national security. So it's McCain's insanity we have to blame, if there is an insanity to be unpacked.

MC said...

Yeah, the internet has become a madhouse.

Over at Daily Kos at the hight of the insanity, I saw probably 50+ posts damning her in terms like 'criminally inresponsible' for flying home to Alaska to deliver Trig after she had developed an amniotic fluid leak. Even though she had consulted her doctor about it, and it was OK. They were calling him things like 'criminally negligent'. There was a poster who dubbed it water-break-gate.

It is just fucking crazy.

Meade said...

chickenlittle said...
Sullivan will deliver a healthy 8 lb turd out his own “vagina” in November.

Stop prying into Andrew Sullivan's vagina.

Richard said...

I'm just coining a word. It means the way everyone went nuts after Sarah Palin made her entrance on the national stage.

Not so fast there, Blondie. That's your characterization. I didn't notice everyone "going nuts."

Simon said...

Well, for one thing, you've never seen a feeding frenzy in the comments like the one you've seen this weekend.

EnigmatiCore said...

You're so vain,
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain,
I bet you think this song is about you.
Don't you?
Don't you?!
Don't you!

Simon said...

But I still think you're making a mistake, Ann, to see this as something new. This isn't any different to how you're attacked, to how Clarence Thomas is attacked, to how Jerry Zucker is attacked. It's the same behavior for the same reasons. the left can't stand someone whose support they feel entitled to leaving the plantation.

Unknown said...

Brain damage. You don't know you have it. But you exhibit it pretty much every time you post.

Zaplito said...

Not so fast there, Blondie. That's your characterization. I didn't notice everyone "going nuts."

Let's start with Sully...

Peter V. Bella said...

Palinsanity also causes a severe superiority complex. Sufferers exhibit the irrational behaviors of mighty modern fighting liberals. They compare their powers to those of mythical comic book heroes. Sufferers tend to believe in conspiracy theories, especially regarding the personal lives of women they do not like. They indulge in puerile fantasy and create stories, charts, and fake news reports to prove lies about their target. They form groups and go to blog sites to post their fabrications in the hope that they will be noticed, loved, adored, and most important, agreed with.

Caution must be taken if one decides to disagree with a Palinsanity sufferer as they then turn into insufferable pricks and become deathly annoying.

Anonymous said...

People who subsist in a delusional state of unfocused anger and resentment, which probably includes at least half of the Democratic Party, only need the slightest of excuses to spout the usual venom. Today Palin, tomorrow anyone or anything that sustains the delusion and the anger.

Beldar said...

Certainly no one is Palindifferent to the choice.

Many of the Hard Left pundits and commenters have been Palincoherent in their ravings. We've seen a Palinflux of Palinappropriate smears, rumors, and Palinsults. Much of this is not part of a legitimate Palinterchange of ideas, but rather mob mentality, a Palinteraction of Palinferior Palintellects. Many of them need psychiatric help, I think, where they could be properly Palinterrogated about their underlying Palinsecurities.

Me, I'm more than Palinfatuated with the Governor of Alaksa.

Simon said...

Bob said...
"Well, let's see: John McCain picked someone utterly unqualified and unprepared for the second highest position in the land."

She's more qualified than the person the Democrats picked for the highest position in the land, jackass. You really want to have this argument? The Democrats really want to start that fight? How fucking stupid are you? Bring it on. If that's the debate, you've already lost.

MC said...

Ace has posted about it, too, he's reached 90,000+ uniques, and his previous best was just 55,000. He's calling it Palinmania.

Unknown said...


Recklass? Almost killed the lass!

Simon said...

*high fives Beldar* We've had our differences, but that was great - "palinfatuated"! LOL!

Peter V. Bella said...

Sullivan will deliver a healthy 8 lb turd out his own “vagina” in November.

Labor will be induced through the use of a Fleet enema.

Beldar said...

(Gah. Proof-read it all except the last word.)

rhhardin said...

It's just an intersection of soap opera threads.

All the contradictory narratives take over that have been learned in 30 years of media news and corporate mandatory annual consciousness raising sessions.

It interacts with the blog owner's favorite soap thread, woman doing it on her own.

Jason (the commenter) said...

We like to see people as pure and good but are enthralled/outraged when they get publicly degraded. Or we like degrading people who others see as pure and good. (That covers both sides in the Palin debate.)

Maybe it's because we have filthy secrets of our own we don't want to come out? Ones we haven't really come to terms with.

We're messed up. The real question is what can we do for treatment?

Chip Ahoy said...

I say keep those babies coming. I'm up to my neck in the futures market.

rcocean said...

Let's go for 700 comments!

Peter V. Bella said...


Hey, I think I suffer from that. I hope there is no cure.

Rohan said...

I can just imagine the reaction of someone who took the weekend off to go to the cottage, checking the news tomorrow morning.

In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves, "Whoa!"

Roberto said...

Simon said..."This isn't any different to how you're attacked, to how Clarence Thomas is attacked, to how Jerry Zucker is attacked. It's the same behavior for the same reasons. the left can't stand someone whose support they feel entitled to leaving the plantation."

Gee, that's so pithy and straight from the shoulder.

I wonder if anybody will attack Obama or Biden or Clinton?

MadisonMan said...

You need to make a Palindrome.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

If that's the debate, you've already lost.

You haven't noticed the MSM response to this? On the one hand, the choice of Palin "takes the experience issue off the table" This is quickly followed by additional comments on how inexperienced she is.

Derek Kite said...

The smell of desperation.

She is a remarkable woman, no matter one's politics. She made sure not to shrink McCain in her speech. If she hadn't done the effort, he would have disappeared.

She will be watched closer than anyone else in this campaign, and she looks like the type to handle it.

Obama looks almost commonplace.

It would make anyone who thought this was The Democrat's Year go nuts.

Let me see, who will make people turn on their TV's to watch? Obama or Palin? Or as HH said, Sarah for millions of women? Who would have thought that the VP debates were the ones to look forward to? I hear she's good with a filleting knife.

Oh, no bounce for Dems? Didn't the same thing happen the last time they got 37%?

It's going to get worse. At least Rove did his dirt to win. These folks aren't even smart enough to do that.

Derek (who can't help think of the Lieberman/Ned Lamont race right now)

Unknown said...

Why the insanity?

McCain makes a choice many consider a key sign of his judgment and he chooses:

A charismatic Christian creationist who's been governor for less than 2 years of a state so small she won her election with 115,000 votes. She was a member of a political party that stands for the secession of Alaska, the abolition of all property taxes, and the privatization and exploitation to the hilt of all public lands within the new country. She believes in abstinence-only education, yet her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. She supported the "bridge to nowhere" before she opposed it. She opposed Bush's "surge" before she supported it. She didn't "take on" the corrupt Ted Stevens, as Lindsey Graham claimed, but, rather, led a major fundraising effort for him.

So, Professor, the insanity is a reaction to the judgment shown by a guy who has a good chance of being our next president.

XWL said...

Rats, Palin uni laps tar.

(a palindrome was requested, MadisonMan didn't say it needed to make sense)

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

It was a game-changer. So we're all drawn in.

EnigmatiCore said...

Early in the morning I cant sleep
I cant work and I cant eat
I've been drunk all day, cant concentrate
Maybe I can push some Troopergate

Caught the thread on the DailyKos
Maybe we can turn that girl to a little tramp.
Jekyll and hyde the way I behave
That's because I don't need no shame.

Oh no not again
It hurts so good
I dont understand

Make a claim that silly like she's for Buchanon
Losing all equilibrium
It's so hard, my sweat starts to bead
Maybe this woman's just all they need

Oh no not again
It hurts so good
I don't understand
Fatuate me baby

Spirits soar when I'm by her side
She put a little love in this heart of mine
Maybe I'm lucky, maybe I'm freed
Maybe this woman's just all I need

Oh no not again
It hurts so good
I dont understand
Rev it up

Trooper York said...

Well I am that guy that just popped in. I have been busy this Labor Day weekend and not really on the net. I drop in now and then in-between time at the pool or the tables or the spa. And it is incredible.

It has brought out the worst in many commenters and the best in others. But the frenzy is unwarranted. It will all play out in the votes of normal Americans who don't get the news on the Internet.

All I ask is that you start a thread about something else every day so civil discourse might return. Without threats of violence and despicable accusations and other assorted bullshit.

chickelit said...

MadisonMan saidYou need to make a Palindrome.

Harass Sarah

reader_iam said...

"Egad, a base tone denotes a bad age."

Simon said...

Michael said...
"Simon ... Gee, that's so pithy and straight from the shoulder."

It comes from years of watching how the left deals with such people in general, and more than two yers of watching how they react to Althouse specifically. As I said in the thread earlier today, the left and their MSM surrogates have spent two days ruding around Palin county looking for some rope and a tree with a perpendicular limb. Watching them pour poison into the well, it's becoming harder and harder to treat these people as fellow countrymen rather than the enemy. What will be left of civilized discourse in America when the left is done trying to tear down Palin?

Terri said...

For me, it was love at first sight. It was seeing someone other than a 'white guy in a suit" up there. And, yes, I consider Obama to be another "white guy in a suit". Come to think of it, even Hillary seems like another "white guy in a suit". It's not about race or gender, it's about presentation. There is just something about politicians that turns me off. Gov. Palin was a breath of fresh air. I cannot describe the feelings as I listened to her speech. I think it is a changing of the guard. Yes, Obama is also of the same generation, but he seems like just another of the old boy politicians already..... I don't know. She's the reason I decided to donate to a campaign for the first time in my life, and the first time I'm not dreading the trip to the "pick the lesser of two evils" voting booth this year. Please, baby cheese, don't let anything screw this up and make her disappear.

MC said...

More Palinsanity: Fake youtube videos attacking Todd.

"A Video of Todd Palin from 1996...
In 1996 Bristol Palin daughter of Sarah Palin (presumptive vice-presidential republican nominee) was attending Iditarod Elementary School in Alaska. The teacher asked the students to ask their parents if they had any unwanted video cameras they could donate (for skits). Bristol Palin brought in a camera. The VHS tape found inside that camera featured her husband Todd Palin talking aloud to five-year old Bristol (she's holding the camera) about wife Sarah Palin regarding her 1996 Wasilla election win. (Her first term as mayor) DON'T MISS THIS! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THIS MAN SAYS!"

Check that phone. Real 1996.

Peter V. Bella said...

wyatt gwyon said...
Why the insanity?
She was a member of a political party … the abolition of all property taxes…

Is there something morally repugnant about abolishing property taxes? If that is true. If she is against property taxes, then I am not only Palinfatuated, I am in love with her. Go Sarah go!!!

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
I wonder if anybody will attack Obama or Biden or Clinton?

Nope. They are off limits. If they are attacked, apologies are demanded and received. Threats are made to stop your right to expression. Threats are made to cut off media access to them. Phone calls are made to the justice department demanding investigations. God forbid you attack one of their children. The earth will swallow you up. You cannot attack the holy saints of the Democratic party ever. It is not allowed.

Sloanasaurus said...

It has to be that with the selection of Palin, Democrats for the first time looked into the future and saw themselves losing in November. That is what set everyone off. Democrats know and love to play identity politics. The experience thing is just a cover up. With Palin they see Ohio and Pennsylvania slipping through their fingers.

Unknown said...

peter v. bella,

what about the secession of Alaska -- Country First, eh? What about the privatization and exploitation of all public lands so that they can be exploited entirely for private gain?

Roberto said...

derek kite asks: "Let me see, who will make people turn on their TV's to watch? Obama or Palin?"

I also think people will follow Palin closely, but this is a rather bizarre statement to make, considering Obama just had 38,000,000 people tune in and another 80,000 plus listen to his speech in person.

MadisonMan said...

Ooh, chicken little, that's good! I doff my hat to ya! xwl: not so good! :)

We need Allen Sherman here to write a song along the lines of One Hippopotami that plays on Palin instead of Pair of.

EnigmatiCore said...

Wyatt, I suggest you avoid Ben Smith's reporting over at the Politico. You won't find it very conducive to your latest attacks.

But everyone can hear the 'radical' for themselves.

She still has that naughty librarian vibe going, to boot.

Roberto said...

I posted..."I wonder if anybody will attack Obama or Biden or Clinton?"

And Peter V. Bella said..."Nope."

Can we assume you're new to the planet?

EnigmatiCore said...

Actually, this is starting to become something amazing to behold. The smears are coming fast but are getting debunked and dismissed before we can even get to the next work day.

Could this be where America starts saying "no" to political hits and starts doing their homework?

Wouldn't that be something if it is.

Roberto said...

Gee, try not to be so objective.

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cardeblu said...

Chickenlittle: "Harass Sarah"


Roberto said...

simon asks: "What will be left of civilized discourse in America when the left is done trying to tear down Palin?"

Isn't that just a tad over the top?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious how many people here actually clicked on enigmatic core's link and listened to Palin's welcome to the AIP convention. Democrats are sending this out to DISCREDIT her? They are insane! "If this be treason ..." LOL!

Peter V. Bella said...

wyatt gwyon said...
peter v. bella,

what about the secession of Alaska -- Country First, eh? What about the privatization and exploitation of all public lands so that they can be exploited entirely for private gain?

Listen, anyone who is for the abolition of any tax, including the income tax gets my vote. This Middle Class Guy worked too hard for too many years and gave too much money to the government for their financing of failures. I saw first hand where that money went. It was all a big altruistic waste.

As to the rest, it is all bovine excrement. The transcripts of her speeches disproved it. You are a day late. You better stay away from KOS, MYDD, and DU.

Zachary Sire said...

It'll be interesting to see how the Paloonies react when, gasp, she withdraws her name from the ticket. Anyone want to place a friendly wager that she won't make it to Wednesday night?

Sloanasaurus said...

Frankly, i was distressed when I first heard the news about Palin's daughter. The whole thing makes Palin and Mccain look like dopes. However, I realize that my background (like most bloggers) is much more similar to Obama's than Palin's or McCain's. I have a post graduate education, I read a lot of intellectual stuff and I think I know a lot about the world.

But, I admit to knowing less about small town America.

How then will the baby news play out in small town America, the voters Obama needs to win. Will people view Palin as a small town hick from a mobile home with disdain, or will they see her as the only one in the race who is like them (in the same way they saw Bill clinton).

Barack Obama won the Democrat primary almost soley through the force of identity poitics (he got 95% of the largest democratic constituency - black voters. Now he could lose from identity politics.

Sloanasaurus said...

Palin is the only change candidate running in this race. Obama gave up change in his convention speech.

Unknown said...


it isn't just her welcome message as governor to the AIP - in which she does say their message is hers -- it's that the AIP itself says she was a member. are you telling me she wasn't? that it's a slander?

how about the rest? all lies? and if it's all true, which it seems to me, and it's all fine (charismatic christian fundamentalist creationist who advocates abstinence-only education despite the apparent failure of her message to get through to her own daughter, former member of a radically anti-federal government party, political opportunist), then all i can say is we respectfully disagree, i hope that all is on the table for the election, and all of us, americans all, will see who wins, okay?

Zachary Sire said...

Gee, try not to be so objective

Ha ha. Simon has been foaming over Palin for months. Palin could confess to smuggling heroin into Alaskan public schools and he would vehemently justify it by saying that she was doing it to lower property taxes or because the heroin was going to be used to fuel oil rigs in ANWR.

He makes Obamatards look passive.

EnigmatiCore said...

"Anyone want to place a friendly wager that she won't make it to Wednesday night?"

Pick your poison.

EnigmatiCore said...

Keep hope alive, Wyatt! And maybe the Todd Palin video is real, and maybe she wasn't on the Forbes campaign but was a brigadier, and maybe both babies are Bristol's.

Or, maybe, you are in a panic and are going to be even more desperate tomorrow.

Palladian said...

"Anyone want to place a friendly wager that she won't make it to Wednesday night?"

Well since you're unemployed, I doubt the wager will be very wallet-punishing.

Simon said...

Randy said...
"I'm curious how many people here actually clicked on enigmatic core's link and listened to Palin's welcome to the AIP convention. Democrats are sending this out to DISCREDIT her? They are insane! "If this be treason ..." LOL!"

Maybe we should listen to them. No one knows more about treason than today's left.

Anonymous said...

That's precisely the effort here: to prevent Palin's nomination and her speech to the convention. These idiots have a limited amount of time to destroy her and were completely unprepared for her selection. If they fail, they're screwed because they will have set the bar so low that as long as she doesn't appear drunk on stage or prove incapable of stringing two coherent sentences together, she's America's Sweetheart our whatever People decides to call her.

Peter Hoh said...

Well, I want to hear her speak. I wouldn't mind getting a chance to shake her hand, were she to show up when I'm at the hardware store or at a restaurant here in St. Paul.

And here's Hilzoy, issuing a statement that I think deserves some attention.

And you can use it on those trolls who think that this story says anything useful about abstinence-only sex-ed.

Einfahrt said...


However, I realize that my background (like most bloggers) is much more similar to Obama's than Palin's or McCain's. I have a post graduate education, I read a lot of intellectual stuff and I think I know a lot about the world.

Your point of view seems a bit elitist. I've also a post graduate education, have lived in NYC, Paris, and Frankfurt, but choose to live in Ohio, I guess small-town America, if I read your comment correctly, a place somehow differentiated from post-grad, worldly views.

I don't buy it. While I've no doubt there are small thinkers in small towns, I'm sure there are small thinkers in urban settings. I've little doubt the liberal enclave of Yellow Springs, home to Antioch college, has more post-grads per square mile than NYC.

I think maybe a better stratification is those with a sense of values independent of political expediency, and those either populist or "right-minded" about utopian futures. Education may or may not reinforce those values, as might having lived in differing cultures. That speaks more to the values than it does to the accommodations made in the acquisition of education or cultural awareness.

Anyway, your comment seems a bit close to the "bitter, gun-clinging, bible-thumping" disparagements not likely to win hearts and minds.

Invisible Man said...

Palin is the only change candidate running in this race. Obama gave up change in his convention speech.

Yes, running PAC's for Ted Stevens is definitely the kind of change that we can believe in.

Anonymous said...

invisible man: Which PAC's? The one that raised $0 and spent $0 or do you have other ones in mind? Facts, please.

Roberto said...

sloan says: "I read a lot of intellectual stuff and I think I know a lot about the world."

That was meant as a joke, right?

"intellectual stuff?"

Unknown said...

EnigmaticCore: no problem -- i'll see you in November. i didn't mention the stupid "video" by her husband or trig's parentage. what exactly of what i mentioned is wrong, and what is it that's just okay with you?

and, btw, John Lynch, those post-docs in Yellow Springs (along with everyone else in Yellow Springs)might know as much as anyone what the last eight years have brought -- I live in Ohio too, and I was in Yellow Springs this summer, and Antioch is dead. literally. it's shut down and abandoned.

EnigmatiCore said...

Thanks, Invisible Man. When I was cataloging the desperate, failed smears thrown out so far, I forgot that one.

The PAC that was set up not to benefit Stevens, but to benefit Alaskan women Republicans. That Palin was on the board of, but did not run (as you claimed). And the PAC that didn't actually raise any money, and as such didn't actually influence anything.

Yes, by all means, let's cast the bright light on it! And while doing so, everyone can wonder why you can't make a charge without being deceptive, and why you can't seem to want to debate Palin on the issues.

Anonymous said...

Peter, IIRC the Hilzoy statement was posted on an earlier thread, but thanks for the reminder. I think InstaPundit linked to it earlier today, too, which was good to see. A lot of the responses Hilzoy got were pretty nasty, unfortunately.

garage mahal said...

Wolcott, who has been on fire lately:

Jake Tapper asks: "What would the response be if Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, and his wife Michelle had a pregnant unmarried teenage daughter?"

I can answer that. Mona Charen, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin would sprout bat wings and fangs and start divebombing, Peggy Noonan would issue a pained sigh that would ruffle nun's robes from here to Hoboken, Laura Ingraham and Bill Bennett would engage in a finger-wagging contest to condemn our loose licentious liberal culture, and Jennifer Rubin at Commentary's Contentions would crash into the wall doing cartwheels.

Sloanasaurus said...

That was meant as a joke, right?

"intellectual stuff?"

The joke is on you prick.

Roberto said...

simon, when you say "No one knows more about treason than today's left."

What are you talking about?

EnigmatiCore said...


Let's see your cards, then I'll show mine. You made some allegations, try and prove them.

Roberto said...

sloan; "The joke is on you prick."

Say what??

I have a joke on my prick?

Patm said...

Althouse is NOT wrong. This insanity is something altogether new. It cannot compare to Clarence Thomas (although I'm sure somehow they'll drag up the equivalent of an Anita Hill for Palin before this is over. After all, she once wore a tee shirt that joked about her boobs.)

You must consider that Palin has been on the national stage for not even 100 hours yet, and the level of vitriol being directed toward her - almost from the first quarter hour of her introduction - is unbelieavble and unprecedented. They hated her before they knew her. They began creating rumors based on either nothing or prompting from the Obama camp, immediately.

Since the press knew about Bristol's pregnancy, I think they told Obama's people (maybe not him, himself, but his people) and they passed it on to the Kos people, who screwed it up - probably because they were doing bongs when they took the call. Otherwise it's too much of a coincidence that rumors about Bristol started right away.

I am ashamed of Sullivan, who I used to like, and completely GROSSED OUT by the left.

Obama was a day late with his remarks today. He may need to say them again. Because these people are nuts and they're going to RUIN him.

Trooper York said...

I just picked up this book called "Orcs" which is pretty interesting and fun reading for the pool. It's a guy imagining what the orcs were thinking, you know with them as the heroes. History or rather fantasy from the other side of the equation.

Kinda like what these Kos guys do ya know.

Just the orcs seem to be more civilized. Just sayn'

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

garage, I made a similar comment earlier.

If Obama had an unmarried pregnant 17 year old can you even imagine what one would read here?

Patm said...

"It'll be interesting to see how the Paloonies react when, gasp, she withdraws her name from the ticket. Anyone want to place a friendly wager that she won't make it to Wednesday night?"

I don't think so. I think this woman is tough as nails.

BUT...if she does...if just say she does. Your party will be in a WORLD of hurt. You will lose all the women, even the ones who would not vote for her, because of the rotten way you've treated her.

This will blow up in your face either way.

Jim Howard said...

"it'll be interesting to see how the Paloonies react when, gasp, she withdraws her name from the ticket. Anyone want to place a friendly wager that she won't make it to Wednesday night?"

I've got a hundred dollars that says Palin is still on the ticket Thursday morning. Perhaps Ann will hold our bets.

Anonymous said...

Peter: It's too bad you couldn't wrangle seats for you and the kids to see the convention on Wednesday or Thursday nights. My nephew got to see the NYC 2004 convention when he was 10. He was thrilled to meet Schwarzenegger. Some protesters snuck into some kids event and created a disturbance. It wasn't pretty. Oh well, gone are the days...

Einfahrt said...


Yep. Antioch, not Antioch McGregor, or Pepperdine, all part of the same system, is dead. It has been dying for twenty years. It's Bush's fault, even though its incoming student population was less than its tenured professor population for most of the last twenty years.

Everywhere else, college population is growing. What's your point: "What the last eight years have brought"? You mean reality should have been suspended during the Bush years, or just your reasoning?

Peter V. Bella said...

Zachary Paul Sire said...
Anyone want to place a friendly wager that she won't make it to Wednesday night?

You already lost the bet. McCain's people knew everything there was to know about Palin and they are ready for any false dirt that comes out. If you read the real news instead of the conspiracy theories you would know this.

Also, it would be political suicide for McCain to dump her unless she is hiding some criminal activity. So far, she is just a normal politician wrestling with the same family problems many people in this country have. People can identify more with her than Hillary; who was about as elitist as they come.

This will all blow over like Gustav.

LoafingOaf said...

The Christianist wing of the GOP has always hated McCain. They even went along with the Bush campaign's horrendously immoral and racist smears of McCain in 2000. Now they're all voting for McCain because McCain was pressured to pick Sarah Palin, someone even McCain knew barely anything about when he chose her. Maybe these Christianists don't care if she knows anything about foreign policy. She's a family values Christian who didn't abort her down syndrome baby. What's more? She looks hot with a gun. They're probably figuring they can't win in the GOP primaries let alone a general election, but by forcing McCain to have a Christianist VP they can get the White House if he kicks the bucket.

I ask you this. When Althouse first posted about Palin, most of the commenters here knew absolutely nothing about her, but instantly fell in love with her on the basis of her passing a couple pro-life litmus tests and some sexy photos of her wielding guns. Do you believe them now when they try and claim they have been following Palin for many years and are absolutely sure she's both MORE qualified than Obama and ABSOLUTELY qualified to be Commander in Chief and Leader of the Free World? Bullshit.

Trooper York said...

Plus the book had some pretty cool sex scenes. The queen of the orcs has sex with her captives and at the moment of climax rips out their beating heart and eats it.

LoafingOaf said...

Palin's spending her Labor Day cramming on the issues so she can fake her way through the campaign.

EnigmatiCore said...

Actually, I'll show mine. They are pretty simple and straight-forward.

When she ran for office, she ran as a Republican, not on the AIP ticket.

When elected, she did not try to get Alaska to secede from the union.

Although, maybe she just hasn't snuck that one through yet.

But if you guys spam every message board with your beliefs that this is who she is, I am certain that people will give it the consideration it deserves and react in the proper manner, so by all means continue.

Sloanasaurus said...

This will all blow over like Gustav.

Maybe not. The attack on Palin's daughter by Obama and his netroot allies is becoming a symbol for the attack of Obama's policies on America's daughters in general.

If Obama can smear Palin's daughter, imagine what he will do to your daughter.

It's just another example of Obaama's disdain for small town America. Those who cling to guns, religion, and who keep their babies.

EnigmatiCore said...

"The Christianist wing of the GOP has always hated McCain"

Hey! It is that independent who hasn't made up his mind! Good to see you!

I see you are using that completely independent word, Christianist. You are a free thinker, my friend!

Either that or you aren't fooling anyone. Either or.

LoafingOaf said...

I always kinda like McCain, but I'm afraid he's losing my respect when it appears he pulled a running mate out of his ass without even looking much into her. Just to please the social conservarive wing of the GOP.

Sloanasaurus said...

Palin's spending her Labor Day cramming on the issues so she can fake her way through the campaign.

You mean issues like why the surge worked, and how not to appease America's enemies.

Trooper York said...

Wait a minute, I think that was what they said Palin did on the latest Kos diary. Well it was very hot at the pool and I was a little confused. Sorry.

Peter V. Bella said...

garage mahal said...
Wolcott, who has been on fire lately:

The doppelganger to Andrew Sullivan? That Wolcott?

Vanity Fair? May as well get political advice from GQ while you're at it.

Sloanasaurus said...

I always kinda like McCain, but I'm afraid he's losing my respect when it appears he pulled a running mate out of his ass without even looking much into her.

Apparently McCain had 25 people vetting her. None of them found any evidence that she had plagerized any of her speeches.

Peter V. Bella said...

You must consider that Palin has been on the national stage for not even 100 hours yet, and the level of vitriol being directed toward her - almost from the first quarter hour of her introduction - is unbelieavble and unprecedented.

It is way more than Hillary Clinton ever had to endure in her whole public life.

LoafingOaf said...

sloan: When Palin was asked about the surge she said she wasn't paying any attention to Iraq policy but she hoped there was a clear exit strategy and that the troops would be treated well and have adequate equipment. Paraphrasing.

Warren Rutledge said...

It is rather disturbing to see the darkness that consumes the souls of so many on full display. What drives these disturbed souls and spawns such madness that would lead anyone to heap such scorn on a 17 year old who is pregnant? Since when is that some kind of sin beyond redemption for her family? And, to rationalize this attack as tangentially related to her mother's policies is disingenuous. You can debate the mother's policies without using the daughter as an object.

I have to admit that the sheer viciousness and venom of the attacks has made me uncomfortable. While I have some concerns about Sarah Palin's readiness, I cannot help but support her because of the intensity of the hatred to which she and her family are being subjected by the lunatics.

Unfortunately, the worst is probably yet to come.

Anonymous said...

Just the orcs seem to be more civilized. Just sayn'

LOL, Trooper! My mom played bridge this afternoon. This is the age group that is supposed to be shocked by teen-age pregnancy, and mother with newborn running for office. They're an apolitical bunch and the conversation stayed apolitical but they were all definitely not amused by this. Outrageous invasion of privacy sums up their opinions. There were no dissenters.

Roberto said...

Sloanasaurus said..."If Obama can smear Palin's daughter, imagine what he will do to your daughter."

When did Obama do anything of the kind?

This is the kind of bald-faced lie that discredits anything you have to say.

Anonymous said...

Blogger garage mahal said...Wolcott, who has been on fire lately:

Jake Tapper asks: "What would the response be if Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, and his wife Michelle had a pregnant unmarried teenage daughter?"

I can answer that. Mona Charen, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin would sprout bat wings and fangs and start divebombing, Peggy Noonan would issue a pained sigh that would ruffle nun's robes from here to Hoboken, Laura Ingraham and Bill Bennett would engage in a finger-wagging contest to condemn our loose licentious liberal culture, and Jennifer Rubin at Commentary's Contentions would crash into the wall doing cartwheels.

And if any White Republicans had then referred to her as "ghetto trash" or "black garbage" you and everyone else would call them RACIST.

But it's PC and wonderful to call the Palin's and their daughter "trailer trash" and "White trash".

And that's the kind of smugly liberal double standard that will contribute to the election of McCain/Palin.

Peter V. Bella said...

If Obama can smear Palin's daughter, imagine what he will do to your daughter.

He or they would have to get through me first. It would not be pretty. If Obama was a real man and a real father of daughters he would have stopped this in its tracks. He is always a day late and a dollar short. One more reason not to vote for him.

Sloanasaurus said...

Anyway, your comment seems a bit close to the "bitter, gun-clinging, bible-thumping" disparagements not likely to win hearts and minds.

You don't get my point. I am admitting that I don't know enough to know about small town America to come to conclusions like small town America is bitter about guns and religion. Maybe I should hold some town hall meetings.

Zachary Sire said...

How upsetting it must be to have nasty rumors and unverified allegations hurled at your beloved candidate...

Sloanasaurus said...

When did Obama do anything of the kind?

I never said he did. I am merely pointing out that it could become the meme of the election in the same way that Democrats try to argue that McCain is George Bush.

Zachary Sire said...

The attack on Palin's daughter by Obama...

Proof? Facts?

Unknown said...

You need to close down the kid thread... 656 comments last time I scrolled by, it's scary.

The strange thing is that both sides have gone COMPLETELY NUTS over this woman. ON THE LAST WEEKEND OF SUMMER.

Stupid, ludicrously nuts. Screw the BBQ, the beach is lame, forget the family. SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET IS WRONG.

I'm on deadline, so I had to sacrifice the weekend anyway, but everyone on the internet is freaking out. Vortex posts here get maybe 100 or 200 comments. Very rare thing - need a bloggingheads or some fight with Jessica Valenti. Yet we're seeing hundreds upon hundreds of comments on every Palin thread. Meanwhile the rest get ten, twenty.

Every flipping post is getting an insane number of comments. On EVERY site on the internet. Proteinwisdom has a Palin thred with more than 600 comments. Hot Air has 13 Palin threads posted today with more than 3000 comments - average of 237 comments, mostly thanks to one thread hitting 968 and another 547. has Palin threads with more than 160 comments, while the usual flame fests of a David Bernstein post on anti-semitism/anti-zionism (this one especially juicy since it's on a Jewish anti-zionist) got 16 (i.e. ten plus six). TalkLeft has hundreds of comments on nearly every Palin thread.

Don't know why, but it's infected everybody.

LoafingOaf said...

Obama did the opposite of smearing Palin's daughter. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying.

Unknown said...

PatM: Since the press knew about Bristol's pregnancy, I think they told Obama's people (maybe not him, himself, but his people) and they passed it on to the Kos people, who screwed it up - probably because they were doing bongs when they took the call. Otherwise it's too much of a coincidence that rumors about Bristol started right away.

Sloan: The attack on Palin's daughter by Obama and his netroot allies . . . . and f Obama can smear Palin's daughter, imagine . . . .

So I'll pull a Simon. Got any EVIDENCE for these claims?

If not, stop spouting.

Yes, Sloan, we know the netroots are guilty, but you put an "and" in there, which means that you squarely accuse Obama of the attack.

William said...

This is a family crisis, not a scandal....Joe Biden's son was hired as a hedge fund manager. He had no experience and his salary was absurdly high. The fund has ties to the Rev. Moon....Bristol has perhaps not lived up to fundamentalist teachings about sex. Has Joe Biden's son lived up to Obama's teachings about lofty public service....I think we will read much more about Bristol's baby than the Rev Moon's hedge fund.....Edwards, Chelsea, and Biden's son are all involved in hedge funds.

Anonymous said...

Well Sloan, you do know enough to know about Obama's public statement on the matter earlier today. There is no equivocation in that statement. If you want to call him a liar, then call him a liar. Otherwise stop saying Obama and Obama's campaign are doing these things until you have proof. It's over-the-top supporters of Obama, like Andrew Sullivan, not Obama or his campaign.

Joe said...

Why would McCain dump Palin? She's been the perfect lightning rod. All the time slinging mud at Palin is time not spent slinging mud at McCain.

Roberto said...

sloan says: "I never said he (Obama) did. I am merely pointing out that it could become the meme of the election in the same way that Democrats try to argue that McCain is George Bush.

This is exactly what you said: "If Obama can smear Palin's daughter, imagine what he will do to your daughter."

You're not telling the truth in either case.

Elegrese said...

What I don't understand is why blog owners don't police their own.

Hey. I'm a Democrat and think the so called progressive blogs have hit the jackpot displaying their ignorance and some kind of new pathology this election cycle. Most leading the charge are blog owners.

If there ever was a case and evidence for the against net neutrality position, this is it.

Elegrese said...

What I don't understand is why blog owners don't police their own.

Hey. I'm a Democrat and think the so called progressive blogs have hit the jackpot displaying their ignorance and some kind of new pathology this election cycle. Most leading the charge are blog owners.

If there ever was a case and evidence for the against net neutrality position, this is it.

Sloanasaurus said...

we know the netroots are guilty, but you put an "and" in there, which means that you squarely accuse Obama of the attack.

The netroots are part of Obama's machine. They have been from the start.

I never accused Obama of attacking Palin's daughter. I only point out that the attacks and the attempted take-down of Palin's daughter could become a metaphor for Obama's policy positions and how they will take down small-town America.

Sloanasaurus said...

This is exactly what you said: "If Obama can smear Palin's daughter, imagine what he will do to your daughter."

Well, then you heard me wrong.

Sloanasaurus said...

Otherwise stop saying Obama and Obama's campaign are doing these things until you have proof. It's over-the-top supporters of Obama, like Andrew Sullivan, not Obama or his campaign.


Einfahrt said...


Good stats. A sign a Palinsanity everywhere. Perhaps a sign of at least part of the electorate paying attention and being engaged.

It is exposing some ugly sides to the partisan, perhaps overheated cultural war, battles.

Sloanasaurus, You are right, on better reading of your post, you clearly said you didn't know small town America. Overly sensitive on my part. Apologies.

Sloanasaurus said...

Everyone knows Obama disdains small town America. So why is the metaphor so hard to take?

Unknown said...

sloan @ 11:13The attack on Palin's daughter by Obama and his netroot allies is becoming a symbol for the attack of Obama's policies on America's daughters in general.
sloan @ 11:36 I never accused Obama of attacking Palin's daughter.

If you did your graduate degree in English or logic, I hope you have applied for a refund.

Roberto said...

sloan, based on you last few comments I don't believe you're a graduate of any university, and I can't even imagine what you consider "intellectual stuff."

And lying isn't good for the soul.

Zachary Sire said...

I never accused Obama of attacking Palin's daughter.

Oh really?

Sloanasaurus @ 11:13 said:

"The attack on Palin's daughter by Obama and his netroot allies is becoming a symbol for the attack of Obama's policies on America's daughters in general.

If Obama can smear Palin's daughter, imagine what he will do to your daughter."

You're either a liar or an idiot. I vote both.

Peter V. Bella said...

Zachary Paul Sire said...
How upsetting it must be to have nasty rumors and unverified allegations hurled at your beloved candidate...

About as upsetting as the true moral and ethical lapses of Hillary and Obama; of course the Dems have no ethics or morals so it does not matter to you.

Peter V. Bella said...

Zachary Paul Sire said...
The attack on Palin's daughter by Obama...

Proof? Facts?

Obama waited over twenty four hours before coming out against it. Just like he waited twenty four hours to congratulate Palin after his campaign issued a vicious negative attack on her when the announcement was made.

Unknown said...


To the unfocused eye, it looks a lot like


Peter V. Bella said...

LoafingOaf said...
Obama did the opposite of smearing Palin's daughter. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying.

Really? He did nothing, zip, zero, nada, to stop it. He and he alone could have nipped this in the bud. He could have called Markos and all the others and told them to stop. When the very first report gained legs, he could have stepped in. He did not do it. Yeah, he smeared her. It is his campaign and he is responsible for it.

blake said...

Palinanity, more like.

Sloanasaurus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Peter Bella, not releasing a statement decrying a smear for 24 hours is the same as attacking?

Really? Because by that logic, the W. himself is guilty of attacking Brigdet McCain in 2000.

Sloanasaurus said...

You're either a liar or an idiot. I vote both.

Whatever. I revise and extend my remarks then.

"The attack on Palin's daughter by Obama's netroot allies and Obama's lenghty delay in condemning the attacks is becoming a symbol for the attack of Obama's policies on America's daughters in general.

Sloanasaurus said...

Really? Because by that logic, the W. himself is guilty of attacking Brigdet McCain in 2000.

This argument has been made by the netroots in their usual attacks on Bush (before they started hating McCain).

Zachary Sire said...

[The Obama] campaign issued a vicious negative attack on her when the announcement was made

Please remind us what was so "vicious" and "negative" about that "attack." Do you have the quote? Or are you just lying?

IIRC, it was something along the lines of, and I'm paraphrasing, "She shares John McCain's views which means more of the same."

Vicious? Negative? Try again.

Peter Hoh said...

Peter Bella: Do you have any proof to back up your assertion that Obama waited 24 hours to respond to his campaign's earlier reaction to the Palin nomination?

She was nominated on the 29th.

According to this right wing blogger,Obama's follow-up remarks came on the 29th.

Care to comment?

Peter Hoh said...

Sloan, you really want to dismiss the 2000 smears against McCain as a mere trifle? Or does the fact that it was intra-party mean that it was okay? Or is it that it reflects badly on the Great Leader, so we must sweep it under the rug?

Help me understand this, really.

Zachary Sire said...

He did nothing, zip, zero, nada, to stop it. He and he alone could have nipped this in the bud.

Yeah, like Obama is supposed to step in, making MORE of a story out of it, before the McCain camp even makes their statement.

Get a clue. You're grasping at straws and you know it.

Peter Hoh said...

Zach, maybe we can use Sloan and Peter Bella as evidence that the right has lost its moral compass and is scared of Obama.

Peter Hoh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LoafingOaf said...

Why do the right-wing Palinistas of this thread keep trying to LIE and say Obama smeared Palin's daughter?

I thought these people were Good Christians. Yet they're liars.

MC said...

A different sort of anti-Palin uglyness at TalkLeft. A betting pool on when Palin will drop out.

You get the sense that many of them are salivating at the prospect of seeing this woman hounded off of the ticket. Just plain ugly.

Kudos to the commenters there who are uncomfortable with it, and shame on those who are.

LoafingOaf said...

DailyKos has a poll about whether Palin will drop out, too.

I mean...what do ya expect? McCain only met her like once or twice. Hardly vetted at all. You can't just grab the beauty queen of the religious right and throw her up into the Vice Presidency when you don't know jack squat about her.

Einfahrt said...

Loafing, Zach, Peter,

To set the record as straight as it is likely to be in a blog comment string:

Obama's reaction here:

Most of the over-the-top stuff came through Kos, Sullivan, some CNN anchor, a couple of the feminist blogs and was mostly ignored or missed the deadlines of the MSM. The weird left, and hard-core supporters of Obama were largely the sources. A good catalog of the attacks and the sources of those attacks, as well as an excellent display of political expediency over principle, can be found here:

Zachary Sire said...

Peter Hoh, it's pathetic, but not a surprise. Anyway to turn this on Obama, they'll do it.

LoafingOaf said...

but i'd like to see some integrity from some of these right wingers in this thread. They clearly lied in this thread, claiming Obama smeared Palin's daughter. He did no such thing. He did the opposite! Obama didn't even mention that Palin ought to rexamine her views on sex ed given that her daughter got knocked up and is now being subjected to a shotgun wedding. Obama didn't go there. People should stop lying.

LoafingOaf said...

According to kos, the original sources for everything were right wingers in Alaska. "Wingut radio" in Alaska is how I think Kos described the original sources.

MC said...


Read the news, you ass.

McCain vetted her thouroughly. Her daughter's pregnancy was the first thing she told them in the interview. She was vetted so hard, McCain knows she has a citation for fishing without a licensce.

Anonymous said...

Sloan continues to deny he wrote what he wrote (I think - I quit reading him) but I haven't noticed any other saying Obama himself is doing this stuff. If so, they are as dumb as he is. But most people here aren't so stupid. You on the other hand are and have been consistently dishonest in your comments and your motivations. Seems like the pot calling the kettle black, in which case, you deserve each other.

MC said...

In no way did Obama ever personally attack Bristol Palin, and it was admirable of him to tell people to lay of her and stick to the issues.


Jesus, it's only one idiot saying it was Obama's fault. Does every conservative have to apologize?

Anonymous said...

mc: he's been told that, provided the same link dozens of time. He's only interested in getting you angry enough to say something he can use to claim victimhood.

LoafingOaf said...

I love how you people cite McCain sources as saying she was vetting to rigorously. What, did you think McCain was gonna say he picked her out of his ass on a whim to please the religious right?

Sorry, your "proof" that she was thoroughly vetted is not a reliable source.

LoafingOaf said...

love how you people cite McCain sources as saying she was vetted so rigorously. What, did you think McCain was gonna say he picked her out of his ass on a whim to please the religious right?

Sorry, your "proof" that she was thoroughly vetted is not a reliabl

Joe said...

Calm down loafing, only one poster stated or implied that Obama made such attacks. Most agree he did not and that supporters did.

Obama has been quite gracious about Palin and is clearly trying to get his campaign and supporters focused on what matters. The question is whether he can.

Palin ought to rexamine (sic) her views on sex ed given that her daughter got knocked up

If you think varying sex-ed will change teenage pregnancy rates by any significant percentage, you are a wide eyed fool. Sex-ed in any form is as effective as DARE and other idiotic government prevention programs. What will change unwed pregnancy is societal disapproval, which is what ultimately reduced smoking rates. I don't see that happening, so welcome to the new reality.

and is now being subjected to a shotgun wedding

She's being subjected to no such thing. Besides the fact that you have your metaphor backward--it is the guy who is subjected to a shotgun wedding--she and her boyfriend and making the choice to get married.

MC said...

It was quite clearly started in this thread at Daily Kos by Kosites squinting at Palin pictures. Which has convienently disappeared, along with its 2000 comments. At no stage was Alaskan radio ever mentioned.

The airbrushing from the kosites continues in earnest.

Anonymous said...

Zach, maybe we can use Sloan and Peter Bella as evidence that the right has lost its moral compass and is scared of Obama.

There's ample evidence that there are any number of nitwits from the right and left here on any given day, and some of them only act like nitwits every other day. If everyone who posts has to swear an oath to condemn what happened in South Carolina eight years ago or what happened over the past weekend, along with a long list of mutually agreed reprehensible commenters on this site (separate lists for perceived Democrats and perceived Republicans, of course), there is no point to being here.

Joe said...


You are under the strange illusion that the choice of vice-president has a long term impact. It never has. McCain is the one running for president, wringing your hands about this gets you nowhere. Take a hint from Obama and move on.

(Biden has a boat load of baggage. Republicans have so far wisely simply ignored the man. HE.DOESN'T.MATTER.)

Anonymous said...

It was quite clearly started in this thread at Daily Kos by Kosites squinting at Palin pictures. Which has convienently disappeared, along with its 2000 comments. At no stage was Alaskan radio ever mentioned.

The airbrushing from the kosites continues in earnest.

LOL! Leftists are quite experienced at airbrushing and historical revisionism. Sounds like Moulitsas got pressure to lay off from the Democratic Party. Responding like this is typical of his kind, but there are probably a few thousand people who saved the page, and the comments, before it went offline.

Zachary Sire said...

If McCain vetted her so "hard" (!), why is he sending a bunch of operatives and lawyers up to Alaska, today?

Is there such a thing as "re-vetting?" This is almost funny, if it weren't so embarrassing.

Einfahrt said...


Love how you cite kos as saying the source was somewhere other than his stew of diarists, who picked something up, expanded it to something they chose to "flog" - their words, and think that's a reliable source.

At the end of the day, she sinks or she floats; and that's probably not an O! supporter's choice, but would be, could be, and already are McCain supporters.

Then, it’s up to the general. I think it an inspired, if not yet completely digested choice.

As this thread and many like it demonstrate, it has the buzz going, and certainly livened the debate. It is exposing some ugly sides of the weird left, and opening some dialog on sections of the right. The middle is where this thing will end up being decided, and I don't know that you are speaking for the middle. It appears not.

LoafingOaf said...


Those rumors were being circulated in Alaska by Republicans -- including, rumors say, the Republican state senate leader who is a vicious political (and personal?) enemy of Palin's. They were making the rounds on wingnut radio, and on wingnut forums. That's definitely where I first heard them months ago.

As for Bristol's current pregnancy, definitely rumored for some time now (again, mostly in Alaska wingnut radio), apparently few in the McCain camp knew about that....

LoafingOaf said...

Well, one thing was kinda funny over the weekend. Some of you tried to say that some of those people were completely erroneous when they claimed they could tell Palin's daughter was pregnant by some of the pics. I guess they were right about that!

Anonymous said...

IIRC, that's not what Moulitsas told Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post earlier today. LOL!

Sloanasaurus said...

Zach, maybe we can use Sloan and Peter Bella as evidence that the right has lost its moral compass and is scared of Obama.

I am scared of Obama.

I am scared that when Obama raises taxes and uses the taxes to transfer wealth to the middle class and poor he will drastically reduce capital creation, crushing long term economic growth and therefore reducing the standard of living for all Americans.

I am scared that Obama will never do anything about drilling for more oil and gas permantly keeping prices high.

I am scared that Obama will never lower the corporate tax rate (which is now the 2nd highest in the world), thus sending more and more jobs overseas, thus ending a century of continued prosperity.

I am scared that Obama's perceived weakness on foreign policy will encourage more bad guys to do more bad things, thus greatly increasing the chances of more wars in the future and America being a lot poorer than it is today.

I am scared that Obama's antipathy towards free trade will result in higher prices at home, recuding our standard of living.

I am afraid that Obama will allow Fannie and Freddie Mac to stay in business, setting us up for the next housing crisis.

Yes, you are right I am afraid of Obama. His election would be a very bad thing for our country and its future.

amba said...

Welcome to the Palin-Drome.

Now let's have some palindromes to let off steam.

Or is a palindrome like a syndrome? Is it getting you Down? (wince)

Zachary Sire said...

I am scared that you are a voter

LoafingOaf said...

You are under the strange illusion that the choice of vice-president has a long term impact. It never has. McCain is the one running for president, wringing your hands about this gets you nowhere. Take a hint from Obama and move on.

I'll move on when I feel like moving on. A Vice President becomes President at any moment. McCain VOWED he would pick someone ready to take over in a heartbeat. Maybe Palin's the woman for the job. Doesn't look like it, but she has till November to make her case. I ain't voting for her because she didn't abort a down syndrome baby and looks hot with a gun. Now, look, her speech the other day revealed she may be a very talented politician, so maybe she will make her case. I just think it's looking like she's not ready for the VP and it's amazing that McCain would pick a running mate almost on a complete whim. That's pretty reckless.

Anonymous said...

ZPS: You might do well to remember Healy's First Law of Holes: When you find yourself in one, quit digging.

Surely you are not so clueless as to really believe that John McCain is stupid enough to pick this woman on the spur of the moment, risking his entire campaign upon her selection, without doing any due diligence. You seem like a nice guy. Shame to see you surrender to Palinsanity.

Joe said...

Zachary Paul Sire,

He's sending communication staff to Alaska. Obama's campaign no doubt has a staff in Delaware for the same reasons. This is how campaigns work.


The picture in question alleged that Bristol was in advanced pregnancy before her mother gave birth to her youngest son. It seems, you need to pick up a book on gestation and sex education.

Speaking of conspiracies, why didn't the Obama campaign know about Bristol's pregnancy? If they did, why did they hide it?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sloanasaurus said...

I just think it's looking like she's not ready for the VP and it's amazing that McCain would pick a running mate almost on a complete whim. That's pretty reckless.

Whatever, I just don't believe that Obama is ready to be President. Just four years ago, Obama was a state Senator with no accomplishments. Prior to that, he was a part time law professor who never wrote an article or published a scholarly article. He has no executive experience other than chairing a foundation board run by Bill Ayres.. Obama has never made an executive decision, he has never run an an entity other than his current campaign.

Now I would agree that a person with no governmental experience could be president if they have a strong political philosophy and guiding set of principles.

However, Obama has no apparent guiding set of principles other than a theme of change. His positions seem to change on a dime from one position to the other depending on which way the wind is blowing.

We can quibble over who has more experience or who is more qualified, the one thing we can agree on is that Obama is running for President and Palin is running for Vice President.

Einfahrt said...

G'Night All,

Enjoyed the exchange of views, but 2:00 AM on a work night is too late for me.

John Lynch (not the other John Lynch)

Peter Hoh said...

Randy, re. 12:29:

Sometimes, I wonder if it makes any sense to try to be reasonable here. There doesn't seem to be much space in the middle here any more.

My 12:06 line is tongue in cheek. Too often, it seems that liberals get painted with a very broad brush in these threads, and the errors of a few are used to cast all in a bad light.

Sloanasaurus said...

For anyone who is paying attention, today the U.S. Military handed over control of Anbar Province to the Iraq Government.

Back in late 2006, the lefites on this board cited in great pleasure the idea that Anbar was lost (via Thomas Ricks), the war was lost, and that Obama and others were heros for wanting to pull out in defeat.

I know we are all just peons in the great world, but my fellow compatriots on this board who defended the military and defended the surge and fought against the netroots who wanted to end the war in defeat, and spread lie after lie about the war can take some comfort in that perhaps our voices helped in some small part. We need to keep fighting to keep those with bad judgment like Obama from obtaining power and wrecking everything that we and the world have gained.

Cousin Bob said...

Man!  You people are all going around and around the wrong mulberry bush.  I wrote this yesterday, but you really should pay attention.

Here's the real deal:

Palin's a Witch.  Not like New Agey Wiccan Womyn. (although she sometimes wears clogs like one)  Nope.  A real, Satan-worshiping, pentacle-dancing, Lilith-covenanting Witch.

Has anybody seen her actually run 10 miles?  I bet she just sets off, and, presto! shows up at the end of the course just like that.  I've read there's a picture of her really flying on her broom.  Somebody link that one up!

How could she do all the rest of the stuff she's supposed to have accomplished?  With 4, now 5 children??

Witchcraft, I say!

And "Trig" (a Pagan name if I ever saw one) really isn't the daughter's baby by the brother-in-law trooper.  Nope. That baby is the spawn of Satan!  Witch Palin wasn't worried about flying back to Alaska with broken water.  That baby can't be harmed, because he isn't human!

All this Christian happy-family crap is a smoke screen to cover up a serious coven of witches.  Her daughter missing most of the school year with "mononucleosis?"  Nonsense!  She was preparing for the initiation rites!  And now it turns out "Bristol" is pregnant!  And by a Familiar Spirit, none other than the Ghost of the Freemason Eliphas Levi.  Another spawn of Satan!  When will this end??

I think if McCain is finally going to look into all this, he got to have an expert in spectral evidence to do it.    McCain's "vetting" process was a joke!  He's got to properly examine the Invisible World to do the job. Otherwise, it's all going to be a whitewash.

I'm telling you, they did things right back in 1692.

Ben Morris said...

Random thought:

I think this pick has shown the danger of picking someone unknown at all, especially without even floating trial balloons, etc. Basically everything there is to know about that person, and everything they've ever said and done, any questionable associations they've ever had, any "skeletons" -- no matter how minor -- all come out at once, or close to it. While this can make a nice story or narrative about the good side of the individual, it makes 50 stories about everything "questionable," and then the abundance of stories itself becomes a story, and maybe even *the* story. When someone is in the public spotlight for a longer period of time, all this stuff comes out little by little, is analyzed to death, and either no one cares or they lose interest.

Not one of the stories or "scandals" or controversies that have come out about Palin so far -- trooper-gate, baby-gate, husband's DUI-gate, buchanan-gate secession-gate, she-once-changed-her-mind-about-something-gate, she-was-once-a-mayor-and-tried-to-get-money-for-her-town-gate -- has really had any teeth, imo. In fact, all of this baggage combined seems probably minor relative to almost any pol, including all 3 of those already in this race. But having all of this "reporting" and speculation at once does create a circus-like atmosphere that makes her appear less serious and accomplished to the casual observer -- i.e., the people who ultimately will decide this election.

Hopefully this will all burn out early enough for her to make a better impression. Originally I was thinking her acceptance speech would be her chance, but with the pot still boiling and the convention so incognito, it may all end up riding on the Vice-Presidential debate.

MC said...

"For anyone who is paying attention, today the U.S. Military handed over control of Anbar Province to the Iraq Government."

That's another change I can believe in!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I agree, Peter! My comment wasn't so much personal criticism as general sarcasm at what I saw as a trend: repeated calls for this rational person or that rational person from either side of the various disagreements (and a few stuck in the middle) to denounce this or that person or action before they could proceed. It just struck me as getting out of hand and I had this vision of a voluminous agreement that everyone would have to initial and then sign and have notarized before posting. On review, I could have expressed it better and used a few smileys along the way.

vbspurs said...

Ohh, so here you guys are. I've been posting and posting on that other mammoth 700 post thread all this time.

Okay, on to the show, even though I haven't read this would-be 200+ thread yet.

Palinsanity. Rhymes with Hannity, and stinks like Colmes.

1- Eagle-eye vision

One is able to focus on insignificant details like Hoochi-hoops and the twirling of rings on fingers.

2- A sudden and inexplicable desire to imagine a woman would bear her daughter's Down Syndrome baby in her stead, and successfully hide it from the world, pulling it off.

3- Lingering 2000 Election Psychosis

Defined as wishing to mistake "Baby bumps" for "Pregnant Chads".

4- Obsessive MySpace spying

Okay, that describes 3/4 of America today, but still.

5- The Daily Kos Logorrhoea

When the owner of a blog keeps repeating "It wun't me!", endlessly, so he's off the hook when his crazy-ass commenters suffer from Sarah Palin fixation.

6- Unshaven Armpits

Most At-Risk Demographic - Aging female hippies who put on their underwear over their clothes, leading to excessively droopy tits.


vbspurs said...

I like her credentials, but one has to be a bit naive to think her appearance was not a deciding factor.

It's possible.

But it's more probable that Conservatives have a greater pool of good-looking women to choose from, as compared to liberal women, and therefore McCain didn't have to look too hard.

Anyone who has ever watched Fox News babes and compared them to CNN (Candy Crowley, Dana Bash, Christiane "Ringo Starr haircut" Amanpour) understands what I mean.

vbspurs said...

BTW, I think Hillary Clinton as she looked this year, was a handsome woman for her age.

Not beautiful. She could never have been accused of that in her whole life.

But not ugly either. She's got great bone structure.

Unknown said...

Glad we cleared that up, Randy. I know I've been a bit testy. Idiocy from the left, when silence would be more helpful, really sets me on edge.

Victoria, I accept that physical attractiveness and brains are not mutually exclusive. However, I'd wager that the ladies of CNN would clean up against the ladies of FOX on Jeopardy.

Beau said...

God forbid you attack one of their children.

John McCain, had to apologize for telling this joke at a Washington dinner in 1998: “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father.”

Paddy O said...

Wow. I take the weekend away from the internet and come by to see all these posts.

I was telling my girlfriend all weekend how sad I feel about Obama supporters. Every time we saw a car go by I said how sad I felt for them.

It's like they were the cool kids in high school, but then everyone graduated and moved on to adulthood, but they're still trying to prove how cool their old camaro and long, feathered wavy hair is.

All the Palin frustration, in all these massive amounts of comments, is simply amazing. Speaks for itself. Such passion, such astounding passion, would be a sight to behold if it wasn't really so, so sad.

Godot said...


Anonymous said...

Zach -- How do people so smart continually lose elections?

SusanM said...

Ask yourselves this.

How would you react if Obama had a 17 year old who was pregnant.

As supportive as you are about Palin would be equally supportive if this was Obama?

Doubtful, very, very doubtful.

Personally, I don't give a shit. It is the hypocrisy of someone who is for abstinence only.

Abstinence for you not me.

SusanM said...

Democrats lose elections because they tend to suck at the campaign level.

Republicans on the other are outstanding campaigners and therefore win elections.

Unfortunately, republicans don't govern well. See George W. Bush.

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