September 26, 2008

Live-blogging the big debate.

7:22 Central Time: Yes, I'm here, ready to go. Eager. This is big!

7:58: In the comments, we're setting the terms for the drinking game: I said:
Take a sip if McCain says "my friends" or if Obama says "uh."
Palladian said:
Dear God, woman, are you trying to kill people? Alcohol is poisonous in large quantities!
8:03: May the best man win. Jim Lehrer sounds stern! First question: take a position on the finance crisis.

8:04: Obama: "Move swiftly... and wisely... have oversight...." Don't pad the bank accounts of the rich. The whole problem is the fault of the other party. McCain: He begins with "thoughts and prayers" for "the lion of the Senate," Ted Kennedy, who's in the hospital now. He emphasizes that Republicans and Democrats are working together in dealing with the crisis.

8:08: Lehrer pushes them to take a position on the plan. Obama says he hasn't seen it. Ooh, I just saw Jon Stewart savage McCain last night for saying he hadn't read it. Obama's not taking a position. Come on! Take a position! He doesn't. McCain says "sure," he'll vote for it but immediately veers into an anecdote about Eisenhower and railing against greed. "Greed is rewarded." Both candidates look fresh and sharply outlined on the HDTV.

8:13: Lehrer wants them to talk to each other, but they don't much seem to want to. Next question: Are there fundamental differences between what McCain and Obama would do about the economy? McCain says we need to get spending under control... "earmarking as a gateway drug." Obama's a big spender. Obama said earmarks are abused, but earmarks are only $18 billion of the budget and McCain wants $300 billion in tax cuts. So the difference (in what they promise) is clear: McCain would cut spending and Obama would collect more taxes. McCain says those earmarks corrupt people, and Obama is proposing $800 million in new spending. Obama looks annoyed. He doesn't know where that number comes from. McCain looks a little pleased, I think, because he knows he's gotten to Obama.

8:20: McCain says pork-barrel spending is "rife," it's appalling. We see Obama raising a finger. He wants to be called on. Lots of arguing back and forth about who supported what.

8:26: Lehrer asks what sacrifices will be required. Obama mainly talks about things he wants to spend on. McCain says we've let government get out of control. He'd cut ethanol subsidies. (Good!) He'd eliminate cost-plus contracts. He speaks of saving $6 billion on one deal. Lehrer presses them, and Obama starts talking about spending again. (By the way, he is not saying "uh.") Lehrer gets excited about doing something different to deal with the current crises. McCain mentions a spending freeze. Obama objects and mentions another thing he'd like to spend on (early childhood education). Lehrer reasks the question: What difference will the crisis make? Obama talks about values. McCain talks about spending cuts. Obama questions McCain's record. McCain says, for a second time, that he wasn't elected Miss Congeniality in the Senate. (Should have put that in the drinking game.)

8:39: What have they learned from Iraq? McCain says we've learned how to fight the right way and to avoid defeat. Obama thinks we've learned we shouldn't have started the war in the first place.

Whoops. I've been calling Lehrer MacNeil... corrected.

8:44: McCain excoriates Obama for failing to support victory and for not acknowledging victory. Obama says the difference in opinion was only about whether there was a timetable or not. There's a hot dispute here. McCain gesticulates and smiles. Obama looks a little pissed off and interrupts a few times with the muttered phrase "That's not true."

8:51: Obama calls Pakistan "Pah-ki-stahn." Repeatedly.

8:52: McCain is not prepared to threaten Pakistan. You don't aim a gun if you aren't prepared to pull the trigger.

8:54: Obama denies that he talked about attacking Pahkistahn. He's just ready to "take out" al Qaeda if we know they are in there. He teases McCain about singing "bomb bomb Iran."

9:00: McCain stresses his empathy for soldiers. He's got a bracelet. Obama's got a bracelet too. He cares too. Jac writes (he's live-blogging too):
"I've got a bracelet." "I've got a bracelet too!" Are these serious adults running for president, or is this summer camp?
9:04: McCain gets fired up talking about Obama's willingness to talk without precondition with Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad is talking about exterminating Israel, he exclaims. McCain stumbles over the name Ahmadinejad a bit, and I'm not sure if he's expressing genuine hatred for the man or is just getting fired up about a strong line of attack against Obama. Obama doesn't seem that irritated. He laughs a little. When he gets his turn, Obama needles him about, among other things, Spain. McCain inserts what must be a prepared barb: "I don't even have a seal yet."

9:15: We get a "my friend" out of McCain as he says Obama is "parsing words" about "preconditions, and he emphasizes how long he's been friends with Henry Kissinger. (Obama had cited Kissinger for the proposition that we ought to speak to everyone.)

9:18: The subject is Russia. McCain accuses Obama of naivete. He says: "I looked into Putin's eyes and I saw three letters, a K, a G, and a B." McCain is reeling off names of people and places in Georgia and Ukraine. He's got a strategy of displaying experience and making Obama seem green. Obama's given a chance and he mainly says he agrees.

9:25: Much crossfire over nuclear waste.

9:26: The last question is about terrorism. The main distinction here is that Obama views Iraq as a distraction and McCain thinks it's central.

9:31: Both men have been sharp and clear, and I haven't noticed mistakes. As expected, McCain is more passionate, but he never crossed the line into irascibility. Obama is cooler, but he never fell into that professorial mode that he uses sometimes. He certainly didn't stumble and babble incoherently, which is what his opponents say he does.

9:48: They didn't much go for that idea of talking directly to each other, did they? I mean, other than Obama's frequent assertion that McCain was getting something wrong.

9:54: In the end, I'd say, McCain made more good points and got in more punches, but Obama stood his ground and maintained his stature on stage next to McCain, even as McCain repeatedly tried to portray him as a lightweight. I should add that McCain never seemed too old, short, or lacking in vigor, even on HDTV. Obama looked fine too, and I never saw that upturned face, with the eyes gazing downward, that made him seem supercilious in those old debates with Hillary Clinton.


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Roger J. said...

Clearly bambi cannot memorize more than eight talking points

Alex said...

Obama - more defeatism.

Peter Hoh said...

dody, I know about Iran and the ieds, and I got it from the MSM.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Mcain is right - again!

Anonymous said...

"If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, it is an existential threat to the State of Israel...."

Typical Western Liberal: "So, that's a bad thing?"

vbspurs said...

Patm, he turned 72 the day he nominated Palin as running mate. :)

God, I sound like Obama.

Anonymous said...

"Let's get back to the previous point because I have no idea..." says The Messiah

Peter V. Bella said...

Again, Senator McCain is absolutely right...

Alex said...

Obama just parroting what daddy McCain just said about Iranian nukes and Israel. I thought he was hopenchange?

Patm said...

Obama is a prickly little guy, ain't he?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The Mccain is right count is 4 I think.

Lisa said...

Talking to Ahmadinejad just gives him a platform to repeat his anti-Semitic beliefs... just like his speech at the UN this week.

Roger J. said...

where the hell our lefties?

vbspurs said...

Lehrer knows Obama is losing. He sounded positively depressed just now...


I'm Full of Soup said...

Can't wait to see the long faces on CNN's talking heads. I last saw that after the Saddleback Massacre no wait it was after the Palin convention speech? Which was last?

Patm said...

No, I think the "John is right" count is higher. My spouse is half asleep and he's counted at least 6-7

CarmelaMotto said...

North Korea has nukes thanks to Clinton and Maddie Not-so-bright

They promised it was just for energy and they...lied.

That's why they have it Obama

vbspurs said...

where the hell our lefties?

No where. With respect to them, and I do have for Beth, Eli, and Peter, the others didn't appear in the same numbers when Palinpalooza was at its height.

Alex said...

Good move McCain - nobody wants to vote for someone who effortless can pronounce dinner jacket's name.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, McCain stumbled over the Iranian madman's name! Call the presses!!!


I wanna see how many of these "Obamabots" can repeat that name 3 times without stumbling.

Dody Jane said...

OUCH again - McCain reminds Obama he will chit chat with little Amcashsjdhfjdkshfdjkh from Iran

Peter Hoh said...

I think McCain just gave Obama an opening with the "sit down" issue. Let's see if he can use it. Ah -- he's trying to undermine Obama's response. Good move.

Anybody who thinks that McCain mispronouncing "I'm a Dinner jacket" is an idiot.

Cedarford said...

vbspurs said...
Kennedy is back in the hospital, what a shame. :(

Completely expected. Paul Newman is also in a terminal state. And everyday in America, 6,300 people die. Likely hundreds going off as better human beings than Teddy or even philanthropist Paul.

peter hoh said...
I like the McCain plea for accountability.

Agree. I was very frosted after 9/11 that not a single person was fired or demoted or even officially reprimanded.

I was further frosted when the Neocons directly responsible for the Post-war Iraqi clusterfuck were given their Presidential Freedom medals and their path to other positions of power greased.

Simon - Yeah, really. Obama still doesn't get - and McCain still doesn't want to say - that entitlement spending is the problem. This whole "let's give everyone federalized healthcare" concept is bad enough as a matter of normative policy, but as fiscal policy it's loony tunes.

No, we spend an average of 50% more per capita on health care than any other advanced nation, with us ranking in the low 30s on the list of nations life expectancy.
While we fail to cover 1/7th of our working population, we give full health and dental to welfare clients, refugees, and prisoners.

Despite all the talk of "damn evil socialists" driving Europe into bankruptcy, the sorry truth is the fiscal balance sheets of Europe for future welfare state liabilities are in far better health than the long-term fiscal situation of the US, now facing 58 trillion in unfunded Social Security, Medicare.
Provide health care as well as the French, Germans, Swedes and Dutch do and we could cut our costs 30-50% and live longer on average.

Roger J. said...

and the sad thing was that bambi had most of the week to prepare for this

vbspurs said...

Obama getting a little second wind. He got the name right, Ahmedinejad's name.

Peter Hoh said...

let me restate: Anybody who thinks that McCain mispronouncing that name is an issue is an idiot.

Mark said...

"Tough direct diplomacy" with Iran? I'm not seeing Barry pull it off.

Equal time here. McCain flubbed the name of the Iranian President.

Blockades work. Cuba stopped being a threat after Russian cut off their supply line.

The most dangerous weapon in the North Korean arsenal right now is the massive hordes of starving North Koreans they are threating China with.

CarmelaMotto said...

Obama doesn't know his history

Alex said...

Palinpalooza. Good one Victoria!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I reserve the right as president to meet...

President Obama - the election is over allready?

Paddy O said...

Obama needs to sharpen his points. He is trying to get too much in, hits tangents as he remembers them, and waters what he's saying down so much there's not a main point that sticks.

Patm said...

Wait - is Obama now PRAISING a Bush strategy? Is he now using Bush to his advantage?

Also if Ajad is not the most powerful man in Iran, why does Obama want to meet with him?

Alex said...

Obama is toast in this debate, but he'll still win the election. He should build a shrine to the MSM and pray each and every day.

vbspurs said...

and the sad thing was that bambi had most of the week to prepare for this

The frightening thing is that this debate performance is largely off-the-cuff by McCain. He had a session today, with an unknown senator acting as Obama, but I don't think he needed more coaching than that.

CarmelaMotto said...

Obama is all over the place - is it me?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Is anybody drunk yet?

Hector Owen said...

Obama says we cannot tolerate a nuclear Iran?

And yet he wants to chat?

What does "cannot tolerate" mean? Now he's said that Iran is a "rogue regime".

This is incoherent.

Simon said...

I feel somewhat saddened reading all the comments above saying how McCain is just destroying Obama, how Obama is totally out of his depth and looks entirely ridiculous, and so forth, because you know that at DailyDD, MyKOS, TPM etc. they're saying exactly the opposite.

Alex said...

Obama - I reserve the right to meet face to face with the Grand Ayatollah of Iran!

vbspurs said...

OMG. Obama reads Daily Kos and HuffPo closely.


Patm said...

"I don't even have a seal yet."


CarmelaMotto said...

I am getting some more wine. Anyone want any?

Dody Jane said...

OUCH! A seal jab - most people won't get it.

Simon said...

Althouse said...
"8:13: Lehrer wants them to talk to each other, but they don't much seem to want to."

Of course not. These men can't stand each other.

Roger J. said...

the iranian president is a figure head--If obama doesnt realize he needs to talk to the ayatollahs he totally clueless

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I dont even have a seal yet!

home run with the bases loaded!

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

John Stodder's kids may love Obama, but, frankly, he scares the hell out of me.

But, then again, I'm an adult.

Be sure to tell me I'm racist for saying that, despite the fact I would vote for Colin Powell in a heartbeat.

It's proof of progress in this country, when I can be scared of a Presidential candidate no matter what his or her race or gender.

BTW, I fear Alex above is right.

Courtney said...

"I don't even have a seal yet." OH SNAP

vbspurs said...

"Stinking corpse". McCain has a voice like my grandfather reading me a scary Grimm Brothers story before bedtime.

Patm said...

Once again, in talking about Ajad talking about Israel as a "stinking corpse" he is appealing to common sense and human decency. Obama seems incapable of doing that.

CarmelaMotto said...

ooooh oooooh is he going to get to my point about Madelein not-so bright!

YES. Hi-5

Alex said...

simon - what if McCain really is destroying Obama on foreign policy? Do you also maintain cruel neutrality?

vbspurs said...

Was it Ann who said that McCain should quit with the self-satisfied smile when he hits a homer?

He should.

Alex said...


Paddy O said...

I just talked with my parents about the debate. They asked me how it was going. I said McCain is definitely strong, but he's not blowing it out of the water.

DailyKos, etc. would say Obama is winning if he was standing there drooling.

Anonymous said...

What I meant was Alex above is right about Obama winning the election.

Dody Jane said...

Finally - someone tells Obama his naivety is dangerous

vbspurs said...

"Aww please"

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Oh please?

vbspurs said...

"We'll take a look"

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Oh please?

Roberto said...

McCain is in big trouble.

vbspurs said...

"Hold on"

Obama SHUT UP.

vbspurs said...

LOL, big trouble.

Courtney said...

Obama just got schooled.

Simon said...

LOL - loved that last answer by McCain. "And we're just going to say no? Please!" Brilliant. That condescending contempt was the closest he's gotten to Gingrich all night.

Roger J. said...

my prediction: as soon as our resident lefties get their talking points we will hear from them--after the debate is over

vbspurs said...


John Stodder said...

Ouch ouch ouch. McCain just gutted Obama.

He might want to back off now.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

6 party, 6 points - basketball?

Patm said...

How is McCain in big trouble?

Roberto said...

McCain is in big trouble.

Roberto said...

How could McCain NOT know Bush has engaged Iran in discussions? How can he NOT know Kissinger's view?

What what was the "I don't even have my seal" comment all about??

Obama nailed his ass on Spain, too.

Alex said...

michael = our Baghdad Bob

Simon said...

Oh, brilliant! Obama's going to affirm the near abroad! I'm sure that the leadership of Ukraine is nearly ecstatic - "don't worry, everyone! Senator Obama is going to affirm us! Maybe he'll give us a benediction while he's at it!"


Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Oh the section on preconditions was painful. It seemed like Obama brought that up. Why did he want to go there? He really just rubbed his flaws in our face with that one. Why must he keep repeating this year-old gaffe? Man that was bad and it just went on and on.

John Stodder said...

McCain is in big trouble.

Yeah. He's being very mean to Obama. We might have to send him to bed without his dessert.

vbspurs said...

my prediction: as soon as our resident lefties get their talking points we will hear from them--after the debate is over

EXACTLY what I was thinking, Roger. I don't look at LGF or Instapundit or any blog when coming to my own conclusions.

But (and the Palin matter really showed this) the opposition trolls all get their talking points via HuffPo's sms service.

"Okay gang! Say that McSame rambled!"

Anonymous said...

michael, back to your corner you troll! We'll send you another box of tissues!

Patm said...

I disagree, Obama didn't "nail his ass" on Spain, that was actually sort of ungracious on a McCain slip. YOu didn't get the "seal" joke? Obama HAD one six months ago.

vbspurs said...

Someone hit TILT on the troll.

Alex said...

K-G-B!!! Yeah!

vbspurs said...

YOu didn't get the "seal" joke? Obama HAD one six months ago.

No, I believe the poster meant that your average American won't get the dig.

Dody Jane said...

Michael - Obama designed his own pre-presidential seal - it didn't go over well so he buried it after one day -

Roger J. said...

michael shows up at the tank battle with a pen knife

Courtney said...

Michael - it's called a "mischaracterization" for a reason. Obama has no concept of what those talks were about.

Roberto said...

McCain on Russia: Colin Powell just said, three days ago...that Georgia created the situation.

Does hit man watch news shows, use the internet?

Good lord...

Simon said...

Michael said...
"Obama nailed his ass on Spain, too."

You might want to wake up and watch the debate that's actually taking place instead of the one on your internal adult channel.

John Stodder said...

Obama nailed his ass on Spain, too.

Sure, Michael. Spain's a game-changer.

Alex said...

baghdad michael - "McSame is losing big time, Obama is totally schooling him on foreign policy!"

vbspurs said...

Not only did McCain go to Ossetia, but Cindy went to Georgia.

I think Michelle went to Atlanta once.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Where in the world is John McCain...

I've been ev-a-ry--where, man, I've been ev-a-ry where.

vbspurs said...

The Battle of The Shenkos.

Roberto said...

I've always suspected that many here are out there, but reading the comments tonight tell me just how far.

McCain is in trouble and does not sound like a leader.

Paddy O said...

Focuses on Ukraine.

Very interesting change of the emphasis. Let's see how Obama responds.

Alex said...

baghadad michael - you honestly believe Georgia aggressed against Russia you fookin' moron/

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Holy cow - take some russian lessons obama.

Paddy O said...

"John is right."

Anonymous said...

John Stodder: McCain may have just gutted Obama, but who can tell? You'd actually have to be listening to the WORDS, not worshipping the image.

I'm switching back and forth between listening to the feed and watching the video. Like the 1960 debate (which I am old enough to remember), if you listen to the words, McCain wins. If you look upon the image of the One, all these silly words don't matter.

Hope & Change.

Roger J. said...

please give michael a chance to get the Obama alerts so he can participate with the talking points. dont ask him to comment on substance

Patm said...

Obama agrees with McCain on Russia because he has nothing. "I called for money..."

vbspurs said...

Where in the world is John McCain...

McCain = Carmen San Diego.

Roberto said...

"Cindy went to Georgia"

And that pretty much solidifies my previous comment.

Simon said...

Lem said...
"Is anybody drunk yet?"

I was drunk in the first twenty minutes. One of the categories on our list is every time someone uses that tired, hackneyed, increasingly vapid cliche of "wall street" vs "main street." It long ago lost whatever evocative power it might have had through sheer leaden repetition.

Patm said...

I tuned in not expecting much, but I'm impressed with Lehrer and McCain.

Obama is unseasoned and it really shows here - he's weak on Russia.

Alex said...

Ah I loved those Carmen San Diego games!

UWS guy said...

Empire for everyone! Weeee!

vbspurs said...

Wow, issue of energy. Obama's got nothing. He's just a checklist of talking points.

Alex said...

baghdad michael - where was messiah? on another stump!

Roger J. said...

Spain cant handle its own ETA problem --they are non players

Paddy O said...

Obama is turning this back to his talking points well.

It's a dodge, but it's a good strategy. Or, is it a tactic?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Maccain and i agree - a variation on mccain is right. - again thats 6 times now i think

Alex said...

Obama - no nuclear energy.

John Stodder said...

Okay, listening to Obama's self-defense on his initial, weak response on the invasion of Georgia, we get an insight into what's wrong with his temperament. He won't let things go! Pretty much everyone saw his response as inadequate. So why go back there and try to fix the record. Friggin' move on.

Same with the "no preconditions" comment. He's had to live with that one for a year and he still hasn't figured out the way to parry it is to admit it and make a joke out of it. It's easily done and it kills the issue. Here he seems like he's fighting over how he wants his words from 2007 interpreted.

Mark said...

Obama disagrees with Biden on Clean Coal. At least this week.

Roberto said...

Notice how McCain never makes eye contact with Obama.


Patm said...

Obama is trying to turn the conversation away from Russia becuase he's got NOTHING on Russia.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Obama is repeating mccain's lines walk the walk?

Dody Jane said...

When in doubt - diss foreign policy and change to energy

vbspurs said...

Obama is unseasoned and it really shows here - he's weak on Russia.

Unfortunately, the shoe will be on the other foot when Biden/Palin speak on foreign policy.

It'll be brutal, as brutal as today was against Obama.

Mom said...

How many times has Obama said "walk the walk and talk the talk"? Or was it McCain, last time? Is it open season on irritating cliches?

Roger J. said...

Simon: I am subsidizing the barcardi family during this debae

Daddio said...

Obama: "John is absolutely right" or "I agree with John" = 15

McCain: "Obama is right" or "I agree with Barack" = 0

Dody Jane said...

Yes - I am dreading the Palin debate

Patm said...

NOtice how Obama keeps looking at McCain, like a kid hoping to get the teacher's approval.

Unknown said...

Ann, it IS pronounced PAH-KI-STAHN.

Alex said...

Victoria - don't worry. Biden's a gaffe/minute. Palin will be fine.

Roberto said...

McCain continues to refer to the 80's and the 90's.


Carl H said...

What do you MEAN I can't interrupt you? John? I I I I just have to correct you here I just have to make this point oh alright fair enough lets move on

Anonymous said...

Who did teach The Messiah manners?? Seriously. I could debate better than him in 4th grade!

vbspurs said...

Obama's self-defense on his initial, weak response on the invasion of Georgia, we get an insight into what's wrong with his temperament. He won't let things go!

John, that's the problem with the modern Left of America.

"More energy"??? Bad sarcasm by Obama.

Dody Jane said...

This debate FLEW by - I loved the format!!!

Roger J. said...

Michael: substance, son, substance--you can do this boy

Alex said...

Wait. If McCain is right so much according to Obama, why not jsut elect the crusty old dude?

Simon said...

I was surprised Obama goofed that answer about waste storage - that's one of the few issues I think he's right about, but he just couldn't get it out.

vbspurs said...

McCain has to be careful here. He could get the Al-Qaeda weasels to attack the US tomorrow, if he insists we're safer.

We're safer like a person with a bad toaster in their house is safe from fire.

Patm said...

I like this format, too.

Alex said...

baghdad michael is waiting for his next Daily Kos input.

Paddy O said...

"It'll be brutal, as brutal as today was against Obama."

Biden isn't as disciplined. And that will be more limited on foreign policy.

But yeah, that's going to be a big challenge for Palin.

John Stodder said...

McCain may have just gutted Obama, but who can tell? You'd actually have to be listening to the WORDS, not worshipping the image.

I disagree. At the moment I wrote those words Obama was visibly as well as audibly flailing as McCain ridiculed his "no preconditions" statements.

To be sure, Obama has maintained his calm demeanor and handsomeness. He hasn't gone the Dan Quayle route. But he is clearly the pursued with McCain the pursuer.

Anonymous said...

Michael: Really, we all know the talking points. We can play them in our heads. We read KOS, etc. Save yourself the trouble.

Obama is a scary doofus. McCain's time has passed. Obama will win.

And Obama is the one talking about the past and blame, but that doesn't matter. Only words, you know.

Not the first scary doofus to be President, but maybe the last in my lifetime

vbspurs said...

I wanted the Saddleback forum, but I agree this is more decourous for the first debate. You can feel the enormity of the occasion.

Dody Jane said...

vbspurs - I thought the same thing - now I have to pray there is no October surprise (bomb wise)

Alex said...

Victoria - don't worry McCain said all the right things.

Anonymous said...

roger j., he can't help it, the poor troll

Roger J. said...

when the lefties are reduced to talking about eye contact you know they got their ass handed to them.

Patm said...

I lived in NEvada for over ten years, and I have to say, if you can't store nuke waste in the yucca mountains, you can't store it anywhere.

Patm said...

And, having lived in Nevada, I voted for Harry REid. I hate myself.

Alex said...

Our enemies are in glee at the prospect of an Obama presidency. They will basically get a free ride...

Simon said...

Obama nailed that answer about border security. Spot on.

vbspurs said...

The first Nixon-Kennedy debate went to Kennedy if you saw him on TV. To Nixon if you heard him on radio.

I don't think Obama wins either, tonight. That stutter is killer, though it's gotten better lately.

Alex said...

Obama wants the world to love us.

John Stodder said...

The Palin-Biden debate will cause the next Obama-McCain debate to be held at the Mayo Clinic, with both of them on treadmills wearing EKGs.

Anonymous said...

World hug!!!

vbspurs said...

October surprise (bomb wise)

Dody Jane, God willing that won't happen. If it does, we're not Spain, though...if you know what I mean.

Simon said...

"We're less respected around the world today" - yeah, but your wife recently became proud of it for the first time in her adult life, so you pays your money and you takes your chances. If the left want the world to respect America, maybe they could start by respecting it themselves.

Patm said...

Pols who want love instead of respect are dangerous.

vbspurs said...

LOL John! Mooseburgers on the house.

Anonymous said...

John, I agree O was flailing. But, again, what about his trendy image vs. McCain the old man? My point is that content doesn't matter, just as it didn't in 1960.

I do hope I'm wrong.

Roger J. said...

McCain turned a virtuoso performace and Obama was left agreeing with him and stuttering..I think the American people can figure it out.

mrs whatsit said...

Looks alone: I never saw McCain look irritated, rattled or flustered. Obama: often. Will he wear his heart like that on his sleeve when he's negotiating with the hostile leader of some other country?

Yes, Michael, McCain's old. You don't seem to realize that this is not necessarily a Bad Thing. He appears to me to be the only grownup on the stage.

Patm said...

John Stodder: The Palin-Biden debate will cause the next Obama-McCain debate to be held at the Mayo Clinic, with both of them on treadmills wearing EKGs.


Daddio said...

Obama's obsession with our stature abroad seems to ignore the fact that winning in Iraq will greatly affect our status amongst a certain subset of nations.

vbspurs said...

Pols who want love instead of respect are dangerous.


So far, I haven't seen any sign of the fluid, nuanced intellectual mind I had heard so much of. His speaking skills are adequate at best. His saving grace could be a maturity far beyond his years, but even that is missing.

Jefferson-Jackson-Who? said...

"Project Power around teh world"!!!

Obama the hegemonist.

Chris Arabia said...


For shame! Reid is AWFUL!

I live in NV and yes, I don't think people realize how big and desolate almost all of this state is. It is really more of a territory than a state -- I think the Feds own 85% of the land.

Anonymous said...

Agree w/Victoria re LOLs about John Stodder's Mayo Clinic remark.

Speaking of the Mayo Clinic, where's Pogo??

Roger J. said...

Michael--since you were the only leftie to show up tonite, we do await your insights--but please son, try to focus on substance

Mark said...

Obama has spent less than 200 days actually working in the Senate. He shouldn't bring up his committee experience.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a dog in this fight (as usual I'm voting for the libertarian candidate) but Obama looks like he's won this thing going away. He speaks better. His positions are more local and reasoned. He stays on point. He doesn't keep referring to all the great things he's supposedly accomplished, as McCain is wont to do.

Prediction" The election is over. Obama won. The hard part from here on out will be listening to the gloating of some of this truly repulsive supporters.

Michael McNeil said...

I think it's a little lame complaining about McCain's pronunciation of Ahmadinejad when one's own self is simultaneously mispronouncing “Lehrer” as “MacNeil.”

I'd say it's rather like the way spelling flames always seem to contain typos.

vbspurs said...

"Some advantages to experience, knowledge, and judgement. And I don't think Senator Obama has experience, knowledge and judgement."

Stubbornness! OUCHIES!

Fen said...

Michael: I've always suspected that many here are out there, but reading the comments tonight tell me just how far.

Sure. It can't be you, so it must be everyone else. Hope you're taking your medications.

McCain is in trouble and does not sound like a leader.

Never occurs to Micheal that his opinion might be the outlier... go figure.

Roberto said...

Now we've got McCain calling for more "flexibility."

That's funny.

Anonymous said...

How does The One keep coming back to these debates? Hillary clubered him, and now he's on his way to being picadillo...

vbspurs said...

For shame! Reid is AWFUL!

Hey, I once voted for Michael Portillo. Be kind.

vbspurs said...


Anonymous said...

Did he just use his Kenyan father as a scoring point??

Dody Jane said...

GIVE ME A BREAK - People are still climbing over each other to get here!

Roberto said...

fen, I never said anything about "everyone else."

I said HERE.

Mark said...

Visit just about any college campus. People from around the world are still sending their kids to America for education.

vbspurs said...

Oh oh. POW reference.

Prediction" The election is over. Obama won. The hard part from here on out will be listening to the gloating of some of this truly repulsive supporters.

Duscany, with respect, I don't believe your claim.

Roberto said...

Here it comes...I WAS A POW.

Who knew?

Has he mentioned this before?

vbspurs said...

It's OVER!

It was decent. "Good job, John." "Thank you."

blake said...


I voted for Dukakis.


Somebody had to.

JAL said...

Obama has no expereince to draw on ... seems like McCain keeps talking about it, but he provides the background for those w'o don;t know.

Hey! Did you know Obama's father was Kenyan? That's where Obama got his name! Who'd have thought!?

Did you know Obama's father was a communist who tried to undo private ownership of farms in Kenya?

So much for how great America is in the Obama family.

Anonymous said...

dody jane said...
GIVE ME A BREAK - People are still climbing over each other to get here!

9:36 PM

I am living proof!!

MPH said...

At least now we know how Althouse is voting...

vbspurs said...

Spirited debate says Brit Hume. "It's a pretty good exchange, Jim Lehrer encouraged that, and he GOT it."

Michelle loped over like Mr. Snuffalaffugus. That wasn't a confident stride.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't keep referring to all the great things he's supposedly accomplished, as McCain is wont to do.

Some of us would regard that as a feature, not a bug.

Courtney said...

Duscany, I think you're in the minority opinion, except among leftists.

Simon said...

Mark said...
"Obama has spent less than 200 days actually working in the Senate. He shouldn't bring up his committee experience."

It does make you wonder: once it became apparent months ago that McCain was going to use the failure to convene a hearing as a cudgel, why didn't Obama neutralize it by holding a hearing?

JAL said...

No Michael, he didn't say he was a POW. He said he had been in prison.

Anonymous said...

michael, yeah, and the other one used his absent father, what's your point?

vbspurs said...

I am living proof!!

Me too, Ernie! God bless America, my new country!

vbspurs said...

I voted for Dukakis.

Dude, you totally win the rhythm stick.

John Stodder said...

I think Jim Lehrer should win a Pulitzer, or an Emmy, or something, for doing the finest hosting job for a debate, ever. He's a great American and made journalism look good in a period when it's been looking very, very bad.

Anonymous said...

vbspurs said...
I am living proof!!

Me too, Ernie! God bless America, my new country!

9:40 PM


Lem the artificially intelligent said...


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