7:58: In the comments, we're setting the terms for the drinking game: I said:
Take a sip if McCain says "my friends" or if Obama says "uh."Palladian said:
Dear God, woman, are you trying to kill people? Alcohol is poisonous in large quantities!8:03: May the best man win. Jim Lehrer sounds stern! First question: take a position on the finance crisis.
8:04: Obama: "Move swiftly... and wisely... have oversight...." Don't pad the bank accounts of the rich. The whole problem is the fault of the other party. McCain: He begins with "thoughts and prayers" for "the lion of the Senate," Ted Kennedy, who's in the hospital now. He emphasizes that Republicans and Democrats are working together in dealing with the crisis.
8:08: Lehrer pushes them to take a position on the plan. Obama says he hasn't seen it. Ooh, I just saw Jon Stewart savage McCain last night for saying he hadn't read it. Obama's not taking a position. Come on! Take a position! He doesn't. McCain says "sure," he'll vote for it but immediately veers into an anecdote about Eisenhower and railing against greed. "Greed is rewarded." Both candidates look fresh and sharply outlined on the HDTV.
8:13: Lehrer wants them to talk to each other, but they don't much seem to want to. Next question: Are there fundamental differences between what McCain and Obama would do about the economy? McCain says we need to get spending under control... "earmarking as a gateway drug." Obama's a big spender. Obama said earmarks are abused, but earmarks are only $18 billion of the budget and McCain wants $300 billion in tax cuts. So the difference (in what they promise) is clear: McCain would cut spending and Obama would collect more taxes. McCain says those earmarks corrupt people, and Obama is proposing $800 million in new spending. Obama looks annoyed. He doesn't know where that number comes from. McCain looks a little pleased, I think, because he knows he's gotten to Obama.
8:20: McCain says pork-barrel spending is "rife," it's appalling. We see Obama raising a finger. He wants to be called on. Lots of arguing back and forth about who supported what.
8:26: Lehrer asks what sacrifices will be required. Obama mainly talks about things he wants to spend on. McCain says we've let government get out of control. He'd cut ethanol subsidies. (Good!) He'd eliminate cost-plus contracts. He speaks of saving $6 billion on one deal. Lehrer presses them, and Obama starts talking about spending again. (By the way, he is not saying "uh.") Lehrer gets excited about doing something different to deal with the current crises. McCain mentions a spending freeze. Obama objects and mentions another thing he'd like to spend on (early childhood education). Lehrer reasks the question: What difference will the crisis make? Obama talks about values. McCain talks about spending cuts. Obama questions McCain's record. McCain says, for a second time, that he wasn't elected Miss Congeniality in the Senate. (Should have put that in the drinking game.)
8:39: What have they learned from Iraq? McCain says we've learned how to fight the right way and to avoid defeat. Obama thinks we've learned we shouldn't have started the war in the first place.
Whoops. I've been calling Lehrer MacNeil... corrected.
8:44: McCain excoriates Obama for failing to support victory and for not acknowledging victory. Obama says the difference in opinion was only about whether there was a timetable or not. There's a hot dispute here. McCain gesticulates and smiles. Obama looks a little pissed off and interrupts a few times with the muttered phrase "That's not true."
8:51: Obama calls Pakistan "Pah-ki-stahn." Repeatedly.
8:52: McCain is not prepared to threaten Pakistan. You don't aim a gun if you aren't prepared to pull the trigger.
8:54: Obama denies that he talked about attacking Pahkistahn. He's just ready to "take out" al Qaeda if we know they are in there. He teases McCain about singing "bomb bomb Iran."
9:00: McCain stresses his empathy for soldiers. He's got a bracelet. Obama's got a bracelet too. He cares too. Jac writes (he's live-blogging too):
"I've got a bracelet." "I've got a bracelet too!" Are these serious adults running for president, or is this summer camp?9:04: McCain gets fired up talking about Obama's willingness to talk without precondition with Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad is talking about exterminating Israel, he exclaims. McCain stumbles over the name Ahmadinejad a bit, and I'm not sure if he's expressing genuine hatred for the man or is just getting fired up about a strong line of attack against Obama. Obama doesn't seem that irritated. He laughs a little. When he gets his turn, Obama needles him about, among other things, Spain. McCain inserts what must be a prepared barb: "I don't even have a seal yet."
9:15: We get a "my friend" out of McCain as he says Obama is "parsing words" about "preconditions, and he emphasizes how long he's been friends with Henry Kissinger. (Obama had cited Kissinger for the proposition that we ought to speak to everyone.)
9:18: The subject is Russia. McCain accuses Obama of naivete. He says: "I looked into Putin's eyes and I saw three letters, a K, a G, and a B." McCain is reeling off names of people and places in Georgia and Ukraine. He's got a strategy of displaying experience and making Obama seem green. Obama's given a chance and he mainly says he agrees.
9:25: Much crossfire over nuclear waste.
9:26: The last question is about terrorism. The main distinction here is that Obama views Iraq as a distraction and McCain thinks it's central.
9:31: Both men have been sharp and clear, and I haven't noticed mistakes. As expected, McCain is more passionate, but he never crossed the line into irascibility. Obama is cooler, but he never fell into that professorial mode that he uses sometimes. He certainly didn't stumble and babble incoherently, which is what his opponents say he does.
9:48: They didn't much go for that idea of talking directly to each other, did they? I mean, other than Obama's frequent assertion that McCain was getting something wrong.
9:54: In the end, I'd say, McCain made more good points and got in more punches, but Obama stood his ground and maintained his stature on stage next to McCain, even as McCain repeatedly tried to portray him as a lightweight. I should add that McCain never seemed too old, short, or lacking in vigor, even on HDTV. Obama looked fine too, and I never saw that upturned face, with the eyes gazing downward, that made him seem supercilious in those old debates with Hillary Clinton.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 833 Newer› Newest»ThTHTHere theh, there is..
Been watching the Phils game as I have my priorities straight.
I thought this was to be a foreign policy debate?
Thanks Roger -
Forget the depression Obama, try the bailout of Mexico, LTCM, S&Ls....
6:31 PST: Dan Savage says that McCain is winning the debate.
And the SLOG comment section is as lively or livelier than this one.
Will the late night comics pick up on the Obama stutter?
The problem with Obama is that he is using historical references, like a college professor. He's not wrong to, but it makes him sound hollow.
It brings to mind the saying, "Those who do, do, those who don't, teach."
McCain has done, you see.
Obama really does match up best with Palin.
Mark, The fact that your primary concern is that Obama hesitates before expressing a thought is infantile.
There are dynamic speakers in every industry that hesitate, pause, etc. before talking for one important reason: It's a part of "thinking" about what you're going to say...before you say it.
Will the late night comics pick up on the Obama stutter?
(Actually, the MadTV actor who did the LisaNova skit, did a great job with the stutter)
I, too, have my priorities straight. What about foreign policy and why am I not getting the Cubs game on television in Chicago?
McCain is running as a supply sider!
This is getting boring. We need another "Let's be clear" or "my friends".
Obama - Jim, John? Whatever!
I I I ju ju just have to make this point...
McCain screaming to high heaven about "spending" while being a part of the party who has been in control of congress for 7 of the last eight years.
It's ridiculous.
Obama is LOSING it. He called John McCain Tom, then just now called him Tim!
Obama comes of looking rude again not letting mccain finish
Obama had days to prep. He still seems like he's mostly a talking point guy.
Obama is flustered.
Not only the Jim/John thing.
Did you see his eyes? He made the, "Oh my gosh, I made a dumb mistake" look.
You've got to admit -McCain knows a lot of stuff - but - isn't this a foreign policy debate? When do we get to foreign policy? Did Jim forget?
Dody Jane: please visit her more frequently! And I suppose I should spell Jim Leher's name correctly--back to your regularly scheduled commentary (how about that oregon state USC game, btw)
Your running mate is the beauty pageant queen, not you. Enough with the Miss Congeniality references!
Does Obama know he is running against Senator John McCain -- nt President George Bush?
Ugg. The reference to himself as a maverick.
I thought it was Tim, maybe he said Jim.
Tom, then just now called him Tim!
Wow, I'm glad I don't have HDTV. It changes the words!
Obama said orgy.
and when has he lead in anything other than this presidential race.
BTW, it's totally appropriate to talk about economic policy in the wake of what's happening.
I think they should stick to economics and do foreign policy later...but McCain is telling the truth;he was for the surge before everyone else.
I thought it was Jim, maybe he said Tim.
why am I not getting the Cubs game on television in Chicago?
Here in LA, it's on ESPN. It's 1-1 in the top if the fifth. Chicago has two men on.
Boston losing to NY, 5-3.
Mets losing to Florida, 5-1, and Florida has the bases loaded.
Does Houston still matter? They're winning 4-2 over Atlanta.
Rays losing, White Sox losing, Twinkies losing.
And you're up to date!
Can I assume people here know that Churchill stuttered?
Probably not.
Can't Obama drop the fake folksy/Southern accent?
Th' ordinary American who is collectin' a paycheck...
Corporations that are shippin' jobs overseas...
People who are really strugglin' right now...
Lemmie jes make a coupla points..
95 percent of ya will...
People out there who are workin' every day...
Me bein' wildly liberal...
Also, President Obama, what's with, "When I am president, I'll go line by line..?"
Last time I looked, the Constitution specifically rules out a line-item veto.
Constitution, Smonshtitution, what's a silly piece of paper to do with Hope & Change?
Oh dear, how odd. McCain sounds like he's doing the talking points thing in his strong suit -- foreign policy!
This is where Obama might start to shine.
... ...
Obama is no Churchill.
Obama - Iraq War was bad, should have never gone, blah blah blah
If the Cubs win the world series - will the world end?
Possibly Obama did not misstate the name. Possibly he was talking to someone in an ear piece.
Obama is talking about how he opposed the war. He was a freaking STATE SENATOR. THere was no risk to him.
This is surreal for me lacking as a do a TV and not wanting to listen to the debate on radio..I am so happy that algore invented this internet thing. I love the comments and they are specially pungent lacking any frame of visual reference
Thank you, Tim Stoddder!
Iraq is not Obama's strong suit anymore but he is walking right into it.
Obama keeps looking at his notes. That's not good.
Victoria, now that would be ironic.
Obama - I'm a defeatist. Please vote for me you friggen swingers.
Is HuffPo live-blogging the debate. Is Obama mopping the floor on other liveblogs?
Oh good grief.
We have freed a country. And they are grateful.
And not training al Queda.
And is Obama's forehead also starting to look shiny with sweat beads?
OMG--Ms Dody makes a baseball reference--know I know I will follow her forever.
I do not believe Obama when he says he will not hesitate to use force.
Will Jim ask him about bombing Pakistan?
Obama is trying to say too much in that comment.
He could have made a solid single point.
(whether or not it's true.)
Dody Jane said...
"Spending freeze - vital issues - Early childhood education - Blah blah blah "
Yep. another dumb answer by Obama, as if the money just appears out of thin air if the subject's important enough.
Obama is SO obnoxious.
"I stood up against the war at a time it was politically difficult to do so"
My ass.
You gave a speech... to very few people... when you weren't running for Senate and weren't on the national stage.
Big whoopdeedo.
How would Obama know how to use the military wisely.
flop sweat?
McCain is dry.
OUCH! Obama and Petreus.
Look how Lehrer tries to interrupt to salvage Obama...
No hearing! He said it.
Good point by McCain, he has never held a meeting of the sub-committee he is supposed to chair.
Obama is totally flustered. He says he's qualified on foreign policy because of Joe Biden!
Jim begins to assist Obama - All news anchors eventually help Obama
"senate inside baseball"
He dodges the question. Pretty obvious.
But he had to do it.
Again Mccain is right. What is Obama thinking.
McCain smiling like a self-satisfied Cheshire cat about Iraq.
Hey, BIDEN handles all that foreign stuff for me.
Obama is raising his voice and he sounds flustered.
"He says he's qualified on foreign policy because of Joe Biden!"
And fighter jets will fly over Illinois!
I hope McCain brings up Biden's idea for dividing Iraq
Obama recovers from fluster by trying to talk his way through it.
OUCH!!!!! Tactic and a strategy.
Michael said...
"McCain screaming to high heaven about "spending" while being a part of the party who has been in control of congress for 7 of the last eight years. It's ridiculous."
Yeah, because of course, McCain and Bush? They're like that. McCain is too genteel for this - Gingrich would have torn Obama a new asshole for making that claim. "You may get to pull that crap in front of your adoring fans, but out here in grown-up world, you cannot seriously suggest that McCain and Bush represent the same thing."
You're ridiculous. And so is your cockamanie joke of a candidate.
Stodder: on the Strangers blog, a very liberal site, they are saying that McCain is winning.
Patm said:
"I have two dem college students in here with me. THey both say McCain is kicking Obama's ass."
Good report I hope they are right.
I am watching a baseball game.
Read the comments here- is Obama truly doing that badly?? I watched for a brief moment and he looked angry!
So is McCain really winning? Let's hear from the moderates, especially moderately lefties. Peter Hoh, I'm talking to you.
I have to go to bed soon.
Thanks everyone. Love your work.
Brutal by McCain.
Doesn't understand between tactic and strategy.
Obama is clearly out his league--what happens when you memorize talking points and cant think your feet..Loser
OMG! Obama does not understand the diff between a tactic and a strategy! OUCH
I'm afraid Sen. Obama doesn't understand the difference between a tactic and strategy.
Pow! Right in the kisser
McCain is sounding like an adult here.
Obama needs to calm down and get his composure.
Lehrer interrupts McCain; never interrupts Obama. Helps Obama. Schumck.
Obama is like an impolite child. He keeps trying to interrupt. Oh, yeah, he is a progressive liberal.
OBama, you're so fucking rude! Let the man answer.
Obama is behaving like a 5th grader, "It's not true, it's not true...mwah!"
Obama is clearly out his league--what happens when you memorize talking points and cant think your feet..Loser
It's brutal. His stutter is becoming worse by the minute.
OMG, he's trying to get "Jim" to help him out with the old guy.
Jim tries to rescue Obama
I told you so! Obama walk right into that one
let us win, let us win, let us win!
The stutter shows a lack of experience.
The left has spent the past eight years making fun of GW Bush's problems with public speaking. It's a valid topic.
A bigger example of Obama's lack of experience is what McCain just pointed out. Obama doesn't know the different between tactics and strategy.
When McCain demolishes Obama like he just did, he should not smile.
Lisa said...
"Obama is SO obnoxious. ... You gave a speech... to very few people... when you weren't running for Senate and weren't on the national stage."
"Senator McCain will bring a lifetime of experience, I will bring a lifetime of experience, and Senator Obama will bring a speech he made in 2004." Hillary Clinton can never take that back.
interesting thing is lack of lefties--not having brains of their own they are left waiting for Team Obama to tell them how to think.
Obama is so out of his league right now.
He uses "John" in his off the cuff statements, Senator McCain when he gets to his talking points.
"I absolutely understand."
He was flustered.
Obama is like a mirage - fading - way out there
OK, now I have it. Obama's teleprompter is acting up. McCain does not have one.
Obama is meandering.
Is Obama seriously saying that he wouldn't escalate troop deployment to Afghanistan? That's nuts. If anything, his Party wouldn't. They are only in favour of covering the military when there's political hay to be made.
I thought "The One" was supposed to be so eloquent. That's what they told me! I want a refund!
To answer Seven's question, yes, McCain is much better in this debate than Obama. I don't get the sense that Lehrer is helping Obama.
McCain talks victory. McCain talks future. Obama stuck in past. I think Obama is very rude, and he also really does not know military shit as McCain does.
Obama wants to capture and kill Bin Laden? With out a trial? Not capture or kill, but capture and kill.
Obama is asking for help because he is used to getting help ;)
I don't think Lehrer is helping Obama either.
I think Lehrer has his own goals and is trying to keep to those.
McCain is in his element. The One looks like a flustered...did I already say 5th grader? Yeah, that, 5th grader.
The dual screen favours the older, shorter guy. I think Obama shouldn't fear the Townhalls. It would make him look more commanding.
McCain just let out a little victory cackle.
Tal-EE- ban
It makes me sad to know that no matter what, the press is going to say their Lord has won.
Obama: "There are more troops in Iraq now before the surge."
So, Obama, what you're saying is that there are more troops in Iraq now than before we sent all those additional troops over?
sarcasm - Brilliant - /sarcasm
Does he know the difference between a regiment, a brigade, and a division?
Tal-EE- ban
That's the way it is pronounced in Arabic...
Did Obama just commit a major gaffe?
"We cannot separeate Iraq with Afganistan?"
"..but I want to send more troops to Afganistan?"
I'm confused..
Thank you, Peter.
Get this baby to 3470 comments, you people. And don't die from liver failure.
Good night!
Does Obama think he is running against Bush?
Pak-ee-stan, Tal-EE-ban
Pah-kees-tan. Hey Obama! The whole foreign accent thing ain't good. It makes you look FOREIGN...er.
Obama is an arrogant ass who lacks the intelligence and insight to be truly arrogant--thats a losing situation
Paaaak-is-tan. That's how Arabs say it. You're revealing your true colors Barack HUSSEIN.
Alex, what gaffe?
Night, 7 Machos! It's been real.
Okay - so it is Tal-EE-Ban - just sounds funny because no one else says it that way - I will desist
"You don't say that out loud."
The father tells the five year old.
LOL! What an crusty old asshole. McCain is sarcastically talking about PAKISTAN in his most American pronunciation.
"Obama keeps CRUSHING McCain's fist with his oh-so-handsome face. A cheek to the knuckles! A nose to the backfist. Obama is really pouring on the pun-pun-punishment!"
NY Times
Night, Seven.
Damn, it was really a mistake to play drinking games with this debate. One finger every time Obama tries to tie McCain to "George Bush." Two fingers if he says George W. Bush, in case we were under any illusion about which George Bush was being referenced.
YES! McCain is eviscerated Obama on Pakistan.
Obama - loose cannon, can't be trusted on foreign policy.
Not fit to lead.
My niece, a very liberal high school student who is one of the best writers I know, says Obama's winning.
I think she's watching this with her heart, however.
My son is writing music. He came out of his room and pointed to Obama and said, "I love him." Then left to go write more music.
Islamaban? Oops.
McCain is talking like a father who knows. OBama is looking like the teenager who is hiding his middle fingers under the table.
McCain is finishing Obamas education ;)
This war will not be won in afghanistan--it has already been won in Iraq. Afghanistan is a holding action and will keep the jihadis tied down there
Pakistan in Uhmerican accent.
PAK-ee-stan from Obama again. He can't help himself!!!!
Victoria, I am also surprised that Obama didn't agree to the town hall format. He's getting his ass kicked in this format. His only hope is that McCain pulls a major gaffe or faints.
Why's no one talking about the Endor Holocaust? Leia Lied! Ewoks died!
I'm sorry to hear that, John.
Dale con el Pah-kee-stan, ño!
(That's for Ernie)
Problem with Obama is he's running for President of the World. He needs to focus on what resonates in his purported homeland, America.
Why does Obama keep placing the focus on Osama bin Laden?
Killing that twerp in a public way would make him a martyr to plague the world for all time.
Rendering him and his lieutenants impotent and irrelevant is the best strategy, and is basically what we are doing.
Obama sounds weak, backward-looking, vindictive, and foolish on Iraq.
He is right about the importance of Afghanistan, but how does he propose to get rid of safe havens in Pakistan, without driving major elements in that nation further toward the Islamists?
McCain is right about getting the support of the people of Pakistan, also about calling Obama on his very silly PUBLIC call for military action in Pakistan.
Jhon is right again?
Obama recovered a bit.
McCain talked too long. Let Obama rest on the ropes.
Peter Bella said:
"OK, now I have it. Obama's teleprompter is acting up. McCain does not have one."
Best comment of the night so far!
Obama is embarrassing himself on "strategy" re Pakistan.
This is painful.
Obama bin laden by McCain...
Barry - you're not winning midwest swing voters by saying Pak-EE-stan.
Back in the dark ages, 1983, when men where men, and women hunted moose.
How many times has Obama said, "John is right?"
And GO McCain - he WAS against sending Reagan's troops to Lebanon
Schooling on Pakistan history there by McCain.
That was harsh.
(Back in the day, when they were asking W who was in charge of Pakistan) everyone knew it was a failed state
"I have a record"
Put up or shut up.
God I am happy the Phils won, Mets are losing and Obama got his butt kicked.
A co-worker asked me if I was looking forward to the debate and I said "No because I knew Obama was an empty suit and I would support McCain no matter what". And the Phils would be on TV too. Heh.
Alas, Obama is going to win the election anyways due to unprecedented MSM bias.
Wolfboro, New Hampshire. Eek. Oh no, I've heard this story before. He's going to show his bracelet.
McCain is getting a lot of space here.
Obama should try not to look annoyed and smug. THat did not work well for Gore.
Lehrer is letting folks talk.
Best moderator of the year so far.
One only has to look at Obama's military coterie of advisor to know that are a bunch of losers--and its showing up here
"He told me to make restaurant all pahkeestahni. People would come. But where are people? There are NOOOOO PEOPLE"
Lehrer is letting McCain ramble.
Every time they show Obama while McCain is talking he gives a look.
Obama has no personal stories of meeting troops or their families. Just empty rhetoric. McCain connects to people.
He stumbles over the bracelet name.
That's not good.
OMG! What is this with the competing bracelets?
It's like Queer Eye For the Straight Guy just broke out.
I got a bracelet too!
Obama - I got a bracelet too!!!! What a teenager.
I have a bracelet too!
That's the correct pronounciation. That's that make him elitist?
Obama flubbed his bracelet line. Perhaps as soon as he started saying it, he realized that he shouldn't have raised it.
Mega bracelet dittos
I agree, Paddy - a real debate -
Somewhere Ronald Reagan is weeping for how far Presidential candidates have fallen.
"Lehrer is letting McCain ramble."
And Obama ramble.
Lehrer is staying out of the debate.
I want McCain to say I have this watch, and I kept it up my ASS for 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton
Obama should head into a cloud, is my advice.
OBama is talking about tapes...at least no one is blowing up our buildings.
My heart is still racing though. One of these men could hit it out of the park any moment.
Obama has beed advised by George McClellan; McCain has chosed Grant and Sherman
"Would have gone to Afghanistan"
I want McCain to say I have this watch, and I kept it up my ASS for 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton
And then get Jill Greenberg to light him from below whilst he's saying it!
I do wish that McCain would address Obama directly, like Obama's doing to him.
This sounds like a snarky high school kid arguing with a grown-up. Can anyone take Obama seriously, after hearing this?
carmela, l'chaim!!!
Very disciplined.
Did BO really just say, "I have a bracelet, too!"???
YES, YES. Talk about Israel, John boy laddie.
There's Obama going after bin Ladin again.
Obama is really striking me as a very well prepared Eddie Haskell.
McCain - we WILL NOT allow a 2nd holocaust. Just won the Jewish vote!
Did BO really just say, "I have a bracelet, too!"???
Followed by, "and a FABULOUS belt".
THAT'S IT! He reminds me of Eddie Haskell!!
McCain: If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, it is an existential threat to Israel and a threat to the region
Right on!!!
Obama - um yeah they're sort of a threat, um yeah Bush wants to bomb Iran, screw Bush, nah nah nah
McCain is talking about bypassing the UN. Good idea.
Damn you Americans. Who is Eddie Haskell??
McCain is doing a great job on the Iran question.
the jewish vote is up for grabs--tell us about a divided jersulam bambi
IEDs from Iran - the dirty little secret the media loves to ignore
McCain is 71 years old and fully in command of his facts and his temper.
"Let me correct something". What Bammer, what? He got the colour of your bracelet wrong?
Patm said...
"McCain talks victory. McCain talks future. Obama stuck in past."
The Oracle said we can never see past the choice we don't understand. Obama doesn't understand the decision to go to Iraq, so he harps endlessly back to his position that it was a mistake to go in the first place, despite its total irrelevance to what we do now.
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