September 20, 2008


I like this graphic.


Bob said...

Gee, what really important issue got left off of that graphic?


Bob said...

And it's the issue that's going to kill Obama/Biden in the South, West and Appalachia, and maybe even Pennsyslvania.

le Douanier said...

It's so cute to see them snuggle together for gay folks.

The Drill SGT said...

The problem with the chart An, and the issue Bob, is that the chart reflects platitudes not action or votes on those issues.

Bob, if the put guns there, Obama ould regoster in the middle because of his warm fuzzy waffle on DC Gun case. He ought to be far lef based on is State record of votes on same

same with abortion. no way Obama is middle of the pack liberal, not with his voting record

Bob said...

the drill sgt: Bob, if the put guns there, Obama ould regoster in the middle because of his warm fuzzy waffle on DC Gun case. He ought to be far lef based on is State record of votes on same.

+1 Agree.

The Drill SGT said...


wireless kyboard needs new battries :)

Chip Ahoy said...

Cute, but that's all it is.

What is a lunchbox Democrat?

* searches "lunchbox democrat" *

Oh. That makes sense. I'm visualizing those beautifully packed little bento boxes one gets on trains in Japan and that super moms prepare for their little darlings to take to school.

TMink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TMink said...

While I agree it is a cute graphic, it portrays that Obama is less liberal than he actually is, and portrays McCain as more conservative than he is.

It is effect shifts both of them to the right, inaccurately. Probably some unconscious liberal bias.


vbspurs said...

If you liked that, try this Match-O-Matic from ABC.

I got 12-1, McCain. That surprised me.


Anonymous said...

The Drill Sgt said...
wireless kyboard needs new battries :)

Yes, I hate it when my teeth get all blue like that.
Use a little USB floss to whiten them up. Works every time.

Ophir said...

@ 1jpb
It's so cute to see them snuggle together for gay folks.

I was just about to comment about that. I literally laughed out loud when I clicked the gay marriage tab and they zoomed in together. Also, it looks like Obama's got his hand on McCain's err... backside.

George M. Spencer said...

Like picture. Me like. Good. More pretty.

Am vote now.

Bissage said...

Nonsense Rhyme Cheerleader Man (a copyrighted feature of this broadcast) is confused because he’s not sure how to pronounce Issues-o-Meter.

No matter. Bissage has long made it his standard practice to wear both belt and braces when the order of the day is pleasuring others.

Bissage said...

THIS sounds like a job for . . .
Nonsense Rhyme Cheerleader Man!!!
(a copyrighted feature of this broadcast):

Issues-o-Meter, lick my saltpeter, come and set a spell,
stir up the paint can, sweet home Alabam’, she knows but won’t tell.

Gooooooooooooo TEAM!

Bissage said...

THIS sounds like a job for . . .
Nonsense Rhyme Cheerleader Man!!!
(a copyrighted feature of this broadcast):

Issues-o-Meter, Barack Obamater, diving board won’t spring,
Delaware’s a tiny state, Hey young man you clean your plate, Frodo’s got the ring.

Gooooooooooooo TEAM!

Bissage said...

Oh, what the hell . . .

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I like this one

blake said...

The Issues-O-Meter brings up the Flash debugger I've apparently installed on my machine.

I got 10/3 McCain, but it must be said that I would've passed on some of these, given the option.

Anonymous said...


I can't stand Obama and I don't really like McCain. But I really want Sarah Palin to win.

She's cute, she's confident, she's conservative and she's crazy.


Anonymous said...

I love it! If you click on the Gay Marriage button, it looks like the wedding bells are ringing for the two of them! LOL

I think it is otherwise pretty accurate.

vbspurs said...

I got 10/3 McCain, but it must be said that I would've passed on some of these, given the option.

Hey, me too. I was mystified that I got so much right about McCain. Can he really be speaking my language?

It's so cute to see them snuggle together for gay folks.


Simon said...

Not entirely clear to me why Obama's ranked only 3/5ths of the way to the liberal side of the spectrum on abortion. I would think 9/10ths would be closer to the mark.

Anonymous said...

I got McCain 9 to 4 Obama...

I guess The Messiah has said 4 sensible things after all.


Simon said...

I got 10 to 3 for McCain - I only came out the other way on immigration (and to be fair, I disagreed with both answers on those two questions - just picked the one that was least disagreeable) and gay marriage. That last one surprises me - I had thought that federalism was McCain's answer on that question, and I don't believe that federalism is Obama's answer to any question.

Every time I see that quote from Obama about his criterion for picking judges I feel faintly nauseous.

Anonymous said...

Simon, agreed. I don't think justice and feelings should mix. There is a reason why Nemesis wears a blinfold. A lot of people seem to forget that.

Jim said...

Considering that Obama is actually to the left of NARAL on abortion (they supported the same language in the US Senate bill that Obama opposed in the Illinois Senate), there's no way he's anywhere short of the extreme left on that scale.

Even on gun control, where he lamented at a townhall that "I don't have the votes" to take away people's guns and who has repeatedly defended Chicago's right to completely ban handguns, there's no way he winds up anywhere but on the extreme left in an objective scaling on that issue either.

I also agree with Drill Sgt.: this scale is based on rhetoric, not record. If you go off the record, there's no way that the guy who has earned the title of "Most Liberal Senator" (once again, even to the left of the only self-described socialist in the US Senate) is anywhere near "moderate" in any thing other than his speeches.

Anonymous said...

This is obviously wrong. McCain is an extremist who is against gay rights in every scenario. Name me one gay rights policy he supports.

He even gave back money last month from a gay supporter, solely because that person was gay.