This was made clear in the most chilling passage of Palin’s acceptance speech. Aligning herself with “a young farmer and a haberdasher from Missouri” who “followed an unlikely path to the vice presidency,” she read a quote from an unidentified writer who, she claimed, had praised Truman: “We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity.” Then Palin added a snide observation of her own: Such small-town Americans, she said, “run our factories” and “fight our wars” and are “always proud” of their country. As opposed to those lazy, shiftless, unproud Americans — she didn’t have to name names — who are none of the above....Don't you know that when Republicans praise the people of small towns, what they are doing is insulting urbanites? Right wingers are so sneaky.
Compare the forthright Barack Obama, who had the guts to come out and say that the people of small towns "get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
If he'd been more underhanded and sneaky like Sarah Palin, he could have sent that message secretly coded in praise for big-city people.
Back to Frank Rich. I'm skipping a whole lot of stuff about Westbrook Pegler. If you want to know who Westbrook Pegler is and what he's got to do with the frightening threat that is Sarah Palin, you have to click over.
But suffice it to say, Pegler was a big right winger and -- to accept Rich's characterization -- an anti-Semite and a racist. If Pegler was a right winger and Palin is a right winger, then Palin must be a big racist. That's Rich logic.
The game is always to pit the good, patriotic real Americans against those subversive, probably gay “cosmopolitan” urbanites... who threaten to take away everything that small-town folk hold dear.Fairy tale, eh? Here's a quiz: What big right winger famously mocked Obama by saying "Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen"?
The racial component to this brand of politics was undisguised in St. Paul. Americans saw a virtually all-white audience yuk it up when Giuliani ridiculed Barack Obama’s “only in America” success as an affirmative-action fairy tale — and when he and Palin mocked Obama’s history as a community organizer in Chicago.
1 – 200 of 344 Newer› Newest»Ann,
When Rich says "As opposed to those lazy, shiftless, unproud Americans — she didn’t have to name names ..."
He means black people - he's calling Palin a racist.
expect more of this if Obama continues to sink in the polls. We'll all be "racists" before this is done.
When someone like RIch (and Excitable Andy can't be far behind) see as conservative with any kind of rural accent praise small towns - he see white robes hanging in the closet.
The answer to your quick quiz is Wm. J. Clinton, a noted right-winger.
The racial component to this brand of politics was undisguised in St. Paul.
The most racist book of the Bible!
Rich, a theater critic at heart, is for fairy dust. He clapped for Tinker Belle in a character-forming production of Peter Pan with Mary Martin, and subsequent book report.
Fairy dust can be used anywhere.
"Fairy dust can be used anywhere."
Is that a Sullivan political credo?
It will be upon the reactionary idea that Americans should always be proud of their country that the Democrat Party breaks apart. That so many self-identified Democrats are still proud Americans gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
To those who accept (as I do) that NBC is the official network of the Democrat wing of the Democrat Party, I submit the following observation.
During a college football game Saturday afternoon (Michigan, I think- Hahahahahaha) an advert on NBC began with a mass chant, growing in volume, USA, USA, USA!
What the fuck am I hearing? A cheer for our country on NBC?
Turns out they were promoting some stupid golf shit called The Ryder Cup. Talk about your shameless flag-waving.
The only time NBC is proud of America is when they are brazenly hawking some dumb sport like golf, or the recent Olympics. Oh my, NBC does love them some USA when whats-his-name is swimming, don't they?
Give me a fucking break.
"...and when he and Palin mocked Obama’s history as a community organizer in Chicago.",,
I like the term history here. What history? Why do people, especially so called journalists, have to cloak everything about Obama in history? Barak Obama was a community organizer in Chicago; one of hundreds or thousands. Big deal. He left fir the ivy of Harvard Law. What history did he make? No one knew who he was when he arrived in Chicago as an adult and no one knew who he was when he left. There are a few who actually believe he grew up in Chicago.
Yeah, yeah, I know, the term is generic for experience, past, or background. But in the case of Obama it is not. He came, he left, he returned. The use of history is purposeful. It is to remind us that he will be a historical figure. It is like a code word.
Barak Obama also has a history- experience, past, and background- of close associations with corrupt Chicago and Illinois politicians; sometimes too close and cozy. That is the history we should be afraid of.
What the fuck am I hearing? A cheer for our country on NBC?
NBC is lobbying to change the stars in the flag to dollar signs.
"Rich, a theater critic at heart..."
No, not a theater critic at heart. A theater critic, period.
Frank Rich is one of the most important theatre critics in society today.
Oh Posh. Rich has it right. He generally does.
If you can't slam the message then shoot the messenger. Palin is a lightweight and her bump is certainly because McCain is a nebob she just improves the ticket.
She already has stated a foreign policy of Nato/Georgia/War with Russia - unless of course she is referring to the state, which just might be.
The ambitious Palin and the ruthless forces she represents know it, too. You can almost see them smacking their lips in anticipation, whether they’re wearing lipstick or not.
I wonder he would have had the courage to write that about Hillary six or eight months ago? Probably not, as he would have to apologize and bow down to her like all the rest were forced to do.
As opposed to those lazy, shiftless, unproud Americans — she didn’t have to name names — who are none of the above.
We can name names. Here are a few:
Frank Rich, Maureen Dowd, Mary Mitchell, Clarence Page, Charlie Gibson, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews; lazy, shiftless, unproud Americans all- journalists.
The game is always to pit the good, patriotic real Americans against those subversive, probably gay “cosmopolitan” urbanites (as the sometime cross-dresser Rudy Giuliani has it) who threaten to take away everything that small-town folk hold dear.
Maybe small town folks should not vote then. Only people who live in cities with a million or more population and have access to the NYT or WaPo should have the right to vote. Those small town folks are just, oh I don’t know, too provincial?
How do you run against that flashy flimflam?
Obama is nothing more than flashy flimflam. I guess no one should run against him. God forbid we expose the flashy flimflam of a candidate poised to make history.
An increase in corporate tax breaks isn’t going to end income inequality…
Income inequality? Where does it say there shall be income equality? Where does it say we all make the same amount of money? Will Frank Rich take a massive pay cut so his income is equal to the new kid? Income equality; hey Frank, the Soviet Union is dead. Get over it.
Hey HD,
The snideness makes your point so well! KTHXBYE!!!11ELEVENTY.
However, Palin re-iterated what Bambi hisself stated about this.
The policy of NATO is to come to the defense of its treaty partners.
How does Bambi get a pass for this & Palin gets the stick?
How soon before all the food and art critics weigh in with their political expertise?
Rich is a dishonest smear merchant. I tried to follow his logic and this is the best I could do:
1) Palin praised small towns that produced people like Truman
2) Part of the praise included a direct quote from a 1940s Pegler column. Pegler is a forgotten columnist who died almost 50 years ago.
3) Pegler -according to Rich -was an anti-semite/racist who in the 1960s called Jews "Geese".
4) Proof he was a racist/anti-semite is based on a 1998 online Slate column attacking WFB that has no support or direct quotes from Pegler.
5) Therefore, Palin a bad person or scary or maybe an extreme right-winger or may dislike Jews or Geese, or something.
Why this is relevant to the 2008 POTUS election? You got me. But then I'm not a genius like Frank Rich.
I am glad Frank Rich is afraid of Palin.
He should, however, fear for his job. Columns like his are why the shares of New York Times Co. have hit their lowest point in more than a decade, plummeting in the last 5 years.
$15.25 on Friday. It was over $50 in 2004.
I'm a small-town guy, and you know what? I do in fact despise preening cretins like Frank Rich. I know people like him in my town. All for diversity and immigrants and the poor ...except they don't actually have anything to do with them at all. I live in a 'multicultural' neighborhood. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians, whites. Gays and lesbians. Catholics and Baptisits and probably a few Wiccans.
Frank doesn't live here; people like him never do.
The March 2008 USA Today article about his wife's stupid book said it best:
"Mrs. Frank Rich belongs to the swankiest set in the most important city in the world. And you don't."
So go to hell Frank. I hope you find a good high-paying theater critic job somewhere after the NYTimes starts selling off its assets.
I lie awake at night wondering why Frank Rich doesn't like me.
(the other kev)
Back in the '80's, an angry playwright included this exchange in one of his works:
"Frank Rich!"
"That's redundant!"
Who is Frank Rich?
Frank is a theatre critic (who knows what that means) who also shares his feelings on the opinion pages of the NYT.
Very, very important. He's like Barbra Streisand but without the great singing voice.
Pogo said: Columns like his are why the shares of New York Times Co. have hit their lowest point in more than a decade, plummeting in the last 5 years.
Hey, I contributed to that decline in my small way.
I predict that Rich and Dowd will end up blogging.
I can envision Frank Rich, unshaven, bedraggled, sitting on a streetcorner, hat upturned in front of him, with a sign that reads: "Will opine for food, though ye be unworthy."
"Frankly, she scares me."
that's what matt said on this blog the other day. I wonder if it was matt damon because he seems scared of her too.
men of the left, butch up.
"I predict that Rich and Dowd will end up blogging."
And running blog campaigns for funds. And then taking unexplained absences.
I actually think that after the NYT collapses that Dowd will still be going to her office, wondering why her computer can't connect to the Internet for yet another day.
Ann Althouse: Fairy tale, eh? Here's a quiz: What big right winger famously mocked Obama by saying "Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen"?
Bill Clinton, if memory serves.
As for Rich, I'll see his Wegler and raise him one Saul Alinsky.
Pogo: you owe me a new monitor.
Here's how it is: in a lot of these communities in big industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, people have been beaten down so long, and they feel so betrayed by government, and when they hear a pitch that is premised on not being cynical about government, then a part of them just doesn't buy it. And when it's delivered by -- it's true that when it's delivered by a 46-year-old black man named Barack Obama (laugher), then that adds another layer of skepticism (laughter).
But -- so the questions you're most likely to get about me, 'Well, what is this guy going to do for me? What's the concrete thing?' What they wanna hear is -- so, we'll give you talking points about what we're proposing -- close tax loopholes, roll back, you know, the tax cuts for the top 1 percent. Obama's gonna give tax breaks to middle-class folks and we're gonna provide health care for every American. So we'll go down a series of talking points.
But the truth is, is that, our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when there's not evidence of that in their daily lives. You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
Um, now these are in some communities, you know. I think what you'll find is, is that people of every background -- there are gonna be a mix of people, you can go in the toughest neighborhoods, you know working-class lunch-pail folks, you'll find Obama enthusiasts. And you can go into places where you think I'd be very strong and people will just be skeptical. The important thing is that you show up and you're doing what you're doing.
"But since you raised the judgment issue, let's go over this again. That is the central argument for his campaign. 'It doesn't matter that I started running for president less a year after I got to the Senate from the Illinois State Senate. I am a great speaker and a charismatic figure and I'm the only one who had the judgment to oppose this war from the beginning. Always, always, always.' "
and you took that speech you're now running on off your website in 2004 and there's no difference in your voting record and Hillary's ever since?' Give me a break.
"This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen...So you can talk about Mark Penn all you want. What did you think about the Obama thing calling Hillary the Senator from Punjab? Did you like that?"
Frank Rich is not worth posting about, for me or Ann
Is that a quote, or did you just start writing something & couldn't stop?
"The racial component to this brand of politics was undisguised in St. Paul. Americans saw a virtually all-white audience yuk it up"
If you watched ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN OR MSNBC yes, that IS what you saw. The coverage was consistently tight, from only a few angles and never showed anything but whites.
But if you watched FOX, the coverage varied and there were plenty of non-whites in the audience.
It turns out that ABC cut out large amounts of Sarah Palin's answers that provided context for her answers. It was just a coincidence that the parts they cut out left a strong misimpression about Palin. A reading of the full transcript provides all the proof needed.
ABC couldn't do that though without butchering the tape and that's why the editing is so 'choppy'.
Disingenuous Media manipulation has become the MSM's specialty.
This election will be the MSM's dying gasp. The rise of internet TV like 'pajamaTV' presage the coming expiration of the MSM's dominance of news 'reportage'.
FLS: you lost me man--tell us in english what you are trying to say.
Frank Rich (between the lines): "I love you, Mommy!"
In the article we see Rich's teenage animus against the maternal parent struggle to be free of his inner first-grader's boundless motherlove.
Acting out first, forgiving hugs sought later. Poor Frank, in his heart, still only 15.
Pegler was the writer that Palin quoted, or stole from, in her speech.
Interesting that Palin would priase Truman, who got into the Presidency because FDR died.
This is a real bad move by Palin becuase it brings up the issue of McCain's very advanced age and that she could very likely be President, should McCain win.
And, given that Palin is a serial liar, that Palin is ignorant of foreign policy, that Palin is a would-be book banner who doesn't respect freedoms, that Palin thinks more oil is the answers to our energy woes.
Yes, the prospect of a Palin Presidency is frightening. It would be a very bad development for our nation.
Alphaliberal just wrote a summary of the Rich column. Since it's not novel, is that stealing or homage?
Here are a couple great Frank Rich lines on the rank Republican hypocrisy:
The same Republicans who attack Democrats for being too P.C. about race now howl about sexism with such abandon you half-expect Phyllis Schlafly and Carly Fiorina to stage a bra-burning. The same gang that once fueled Internet rumors and media feeding frenzies over the Clintons’ private lives now express pious outrage when the same fate befalls the Palins.
Alpha, all you've proven is that Rich knows how to employ a Tu Quoque.
Based on that standard, I hope everyone here treats you the same way you've treated Palin - lies, smears, hatred.
Of course, if you were bringing a new tone and Change[tm] to DC, you'd remark that "we don't define our standards by what the enemy does, or by what we THINK he does"
You can tell what Obama is all about just by watching his followers, like Alpha and Micheal - neobrownshirts on parade.
It's just more the the same hip bigotry the urban twits have been visiting on rural folks since forever, coupled by a very sexist double standard for Republican women who are conservatives. Hillary got to tout her 35 years of coat tailing as "experience" along with the empty suit Obamas complete lack of any beyond being a go along/get along failure as a community organizer to accomplish anything more than spending lots of lefty cash on collosal failures that the press refuses to examine.
But, Sarah Palin? Not so fast, girl. Out comes the proctologist gloves and sneering elitist crap. Not to mention the active cheerleading and butt covering for the Democrat nominee by same.
sammy990099 said...
Ann, When Rich says "As opposed to those lazy, shiftless, unproud Americans — she didn’t have to name names ..."
He means black people - he's calling Palin a racist.
Of course. But Frank Rich is a New York Jewish theater critic. His PalinPanic is over more than his pretend fear that Sarah Palin is sending a secret message to the hicks that it's time to lynch the negroes.
Let's not leave out all the other potential victims of the Palin Wolves - Jews, gays, illegal aliens, "artists and intellectuals", abortion doctors and their clients, guys who aren't good at sports, people frightened by guns, men with ear rings etc.
Get in line for the gas chamber oh progressive, superior people. The nightmareish threat of American White Trashdom is on the march...
The NYTimes is totally predictable. They wear their racist fears and cultural prejudices for all to see.
If I lived in Sarah Palin's small town, I'd pack the family and move as far as possible from vindictive little Nazi.
Ah, yes, Frank Rich has discovered the third-person omniscient.
This voice used to be reserved for fiction writers writing about their own fictional characters.
Now it's the style of choice of Rich, Herbert, Warner and every other second-rate columnist on deadline. It's an act of mindreading the world has never seen.
The problem is that they don't know they're writing fiction. You can't just name a fictional character "Sarah Palin" and expect people to believe it really is Sarah Palin. has McCain ahead by 40 electoral votes 289-248 over Barry-Biden.
So she'll be in every town in America.
You might need to move to Canada.
You do remember that Palin is the VP choice, right? It's Bambi on the Democrat side that's the inexperienced one.
Damn garage--thats the best thing you have said for months--let me suggest venezuela. Seriously, man, if you are promising, I might even kick in a little to help you move :) Or are you going to be like Alec Baldwin. That would seriously disapppoint me
Speaking of vitriol, Frank...
Excellent analysis, Ann. No one in the media can bear to admit it, but many thinking people have come to your same conclusions and thus abandoned the Democrats. It's not about Annie Oakley at all.
Once again you see the Left in action:
Palin = Nazi
And isn't it funny that papers like the NYT are just so energized to investigate all about Palin.
Where's the hard-hitting articles about Bambi's corruption?
Not a peep.
Jdeeripper said: Get in line for the gas chamber oh progressive, superior people. The nightmareish threat of American White Trashdom is on the march...
LOL. It’s malodorous belches and brain farts from the left that are killing us.
Frank Rich - like most leftists - doesn't have the faintest idea as to how "ordinary" Americans live and think.
They're all cartoons to him.
This coming from the same crowd that likes to boast that they believe in diversity and multiculturalism.
"Yes, we do".
No, you don't.
Frank Rich is a theatre critic.
The theatre is an artificial construct of what life would or should be like.
He's used to thinking what he sees should match what he wants, and he thinks his criticism of art is somehow useful in the real world.
Pity the man that thinks everyone should be his mirror.
"If I lived in Sarah Palin's small town, I'd pack the family and move as far as possible from vindictive little Nazi."
The fact that they are not doing so should tip you off to something. It's not that her town is full of idiots who just don't know any better, or that they must all be of the same racist and fascist mindset (anyone who lives in a small town knows that that sort of monolithic thinking is a stereotype) Rather, it's much more likely that they know her a whole lot better than you or Frank Rich, and are in a much better position to know the truth about her. Obama, OTOH, has the father of one of his biggest supporters wanting to cut off his nuts. Hmmmm...
A week ago today a Letter to the Editor my local paper read: "Jesus was a community organizer; Pilate was a governor."
Since then I've heard Donna Brazille and Susan Sarandon repeat that line.
I am afraid of people who think any politician is like Jesus. The man was not seeking worldly power.
And to think that a senior Democratic party consultant like Brazille would compared an elected governor to the military ruler of a land occupied by a fascist imperial power, Rome.
It is going to get weirder.
If I lived in Sarah Palin's small town, I'd pack the family and move as far as possible from vindictive little Nazi.
And everyone in the town would wave you goodbye and good riddance. Don't let the door hit ya where the Lord split ya.
"And isn't it funny that papers like the NYT are just so energized to investigate all about Palin."
Oh indeed. After looking at today's Tennessean, I'm canceling my subscription. One of the editors wrote a piece about how Palin is just going to have to put up with it, since the others in the race have had to be subjected to a thorough vetting. Sorry, but such bald-faced lies (even some Dems admit this is a lie) will no longer be funded by my money. He either thinks his readership is a bunch of idiots, or else he himself is an idiot. Either way, I'll no longer put food on his table.
I'm really looking forward to the Frank Rich piece next Sunday's NYT about the details of Obama's roles at the Woods Foundation and the Annenberg Challenge.
That's going to be some fantastic journalism by one of the finest writers employed by America's Newspaper of Record.
I've heard many leftist/liberals prior to this talk about how Jesus was a liberal because he "cared about the poor" of which the implication is that conservatives don't care about the poor much less other people. Nevermind that the biggest givers to charity are conservatives and that the Welfare state is a failure across the world.
The "Jesus was a community organizer" idiocy is of a piece with Marxist Liberation Theology and the attempt to co-opt the religious and teh Christian religion itself to advance leftwing political policies.
But, try and use Jesus to support a "reichwinger" and you are completely beyond the pale and are trying usher in "theocracy".
Note to Donna Brazile:
Adolph Hitler was a community organizer. Robert Mugabe is a community organizer. Osama bin Laden is a community organizer.
Pontius Pilate voted 'present'.
Matthew 27:24 "When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!""
FDR was a governor. As was Bill Clinton.
And everyone in the town would wave you goodbye and good riddance. Don't let the door hit ya where the Lord split ya.
If they weren't high on the crytal meth produced by a town where you can't swing a dead cat wihtout hitting one of the labs? Sounds like a real happy and content town don't it.
In a way, she is a perfect Republican. Low hanging fruit knuckle dragging religious nutbag, petty, abuses power with Cheney-like secrecy, anti-science, anti choice, hires unqualified personal friends for top level positions, and spends like a drunk sailor on stupid half built projects. But, she does make sure they all get their oil welfare checks every month so she does have that going for her.
a) Wow. Tu quoque and ad hominem all in one post!
b) 289-248
It's gonna hurt on 9/5/08. Better get ready now.
My back hurt a little on 9/5/08. I used some Mineral Ice and took some aspirin and it went away.
oh gosh.
what a morron
I was thinking of Pearl Harbor day.
Ahhhh--more insightful and germane commentary from garage. Thanks! keep that up because it really helps your chosen one. Its the politics of hope!
Palin praised small towns that produced people like Truman. Small towns in the hinterland, after Truman, also produced Eisenhower, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton.
Only JFK and the Bushes were born in blueblood locales.
So Palin has a point beyond just praising Truman (who did, BTW, have a better resume than her as a military commander, a successful manager of the family farm, top apparachnik in the Pendergrast machine, Senator. He only failed in one business - and that was a very successful one until the Depression wiped it out.)
Americans like their Presidents "scalable", seeing how a whole community reacts to them, imbued with those values. Candidates from cities are hard to know - too large and diverse to represent one coherent set of values voters can see, too big for any candidate running for Prez to claim the whole community knew and liked them...
I think the more the Manhattanite elites scream at Palin the more the rest of the country sides with her over the wealthy, contemptuous elites.
It's not a new thing. Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton were also considered unnuanced, simple-minded, unsophisticated bumpkins. So was Dubya - who made a deliberate effort to become an "aw shucks country boy" - with mixed results. He did get the election, but the toney Cosmopolitans, the wealthy Jewish radical/transnationalist crowd, and old money liberal WASPs to hate him as much as they hated the other "lesser" Americans that ran and held office from bumpkin Truman onwards.
Only born in NYC and to the manor bred JFK was given those groups unreserved adulation.
Donn said...
Once again you see the Left in action:
Palin = Nazi
No, general gist of Frank Rich, like most Manhattanites is that she is just another ignorant, Christianist, anti-Semite from some backward town. The bulk of his article is the attempt to smear her by association to some guy named Pelger as an "anti-Semite!"
Same criticism they gave about Truman, Eisenhower, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, and Reagan.
The funny thing is that several core Democratic groups - hispanics, blacks, white ethnics are becoming less fond of the culture wars the WASP and Jewish elites that are the main power brokers, lawyers, and top staffers in the Democratic Party ranks are doing.
Those elitist culture wars, sneering at faith, level of education at all but the most elite schools, belittling family, children and religion hit 98% of people in those Democratic core groups just as validly as attacks on "Unsophisticated, god-fearing Republican working slob bumpkins" do.
I doubt of many care about the old reliable "anti-semitism" is opposing the Progressive Agenda smears.
These working class voters know they are held in contempt by Dem Elites, but stay with the Democrats because they validly believe Republicans are the party of the rich and corporatists - and Dems the party of the working man and the helping hand stretched out to them.
When they feel betrayed, by favortism to the criminals, mootches, and the elitist agenda, betrayed enough, they become Reagan Democrats and wreck the Dems strategy.
Right now, it appears that the Elitist attacks on Palin are shifting whites and a sizable number of hispanics. But because Obama is running as a black man, the blacks and youth are staying put with him.
As are the Dem Elites, of course, putting every ounce of their wealth and control of media organs behind Team Axelrod and their Annoited One. To them, it goes beyond simple Bush-hatred and thirst for power and influence for their enterprises - many honestly see Obama as the Black Messiah, the redeemer of all their ancestors sins against the noble Africans..To those WASP and Jewish money, culture, and power elites, this is also a moral crusade and no Alaskan country rube ignorant Christianist has a right to mess up their plans.
Hi Cedarford,
My comment was directed at Garage, not Rich.
If I lived in Sarah Palin's small town, I'd pack the family and move as far as possible from [the] vindictive little Nazi.
The most racist book of the Bible!
Think about it. John and Sarah went to St. Paul.
For people like Frank Rich, this secret Christian code they sent out that week must drive them crazy. Forget the secret white robes in closets. They're outraged the crosses are so prominently displayed everywhere.
garage said: In a way, she is a perfect Republican. Low hanging fruit...
Where's the evidence of that?
NBC is lobbying to change the stars in the flag to dollar signs.
Bad news. Google got the patent first.
Alfred North: For a critic that first step is the first printed joke. It gets a laugh and a whole new world opens up. He makes another joke, and another. And then one day along comes a joke that shouldn't be made because the show he's reviewing is a good show. But, as it so happens, it's a good joke. And you know what? The joke wins.
(Please Don't Eat the Daisies 1960)
hdhouse sez:
Palin is a lightweight and her bump is certainly because McCain is a nebob she just improves the ticket.
Hdhouse is such a maroon, and insightful like a brick. A commenter at Talkleft yesterday left a much more penetrating remark, I think:
“One thing I can't say I've heard much remarked upon is how the Palin pick has seemed to make voters see McCain as an agent of change: someone willing to take a bold, risky, highly surprising step to shake things up.
“It gives people the sense that he won't just stick to the conventional wisdom. It does what every politician needs to do, and which Obama has mostly failed to do: show, not talk, in communicating what one stands for.
“In a way, it's not even so important that Palin be regarded as a great choice, necessarily — it's really only important that McCain be perceived as making a bold one (and one which at least was not a really bad one).”
Presto: McCain burnishes his “agent of change” credentials and escapes the “McSame” allegation.
By the way HD, the people over at Talkleft are looking horror in the face as a result of the latest polls and starting to panic. You might want to spend less time needling the folks here and attempt to rally your base there. I'm sure the same tactics you employ here will be a big hit.
Never fear, though, the Democrats will be ready to eat their own (“properly skewer” Obama as the author of that piece Big Tent Democrat put it) after O. loses the election.
Obama was supposed to appear on Saturday Night Live last night be he canceled earlier that day. Maybe the anticipated popularity of Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin in the opening of the show scared him.
Zeek, no. I know you may be joking, but give him his due -- he canceled out of respect for the victims of Hurricane Ike.
Michael McNeil said... Never fear, though, the Democrats will be ready to eat their own (“properly skewer” Obama as the author of that piece Big Tent Democrat put it) after O. loses the election.
Maybe but I doubt it. More likely they will stick with the Obama as black Jesus narrative and claim he was crucified in 2008 only to rise again and remain the savior of humanity.
When Obama loses he will only be 47. He'll try again and again and again.
The McCarthy period is generally portrayed as an example of hysterical anti-communism. Can we not claim that the internment of 50,000 Japanese was an example of hysterial anti-fascism....Rich is an example of the hysterical anti-fascists. Wear a flag pin: well, that's the the first step to the goose step. Say a prayer in your own church for the safety of your son and the sanctity of his cause: well, that's the first step to theocracy....There are, perhaps, people on the right who are as bigoted as Rich but very few of them are as self righteous. If Obama wins, Rich will become Minister of Culture. Small town people will be sent to re-education camps to re-think their backward values. It's part of the plan. I am afraid of Frank Rich.
jdeeripper says:
Michael McNeil said... ‘Never fear, though, the Democrats will be ready to eat their own (“properly skewer” Obama as the author of that piece Big Tent Democrat put it) after O. loses the election.’
Maybe but I doubt it. More likely they will stick with the Obama as black Jesus narrative and claim he was crucified in 2008 only to rise again and remain the savior of humanity.
When Obama loses he will only be 47. He'll try again and again and again.
Perhaps, and time will tell the tale. Certainly, if he were a Republican that's what would happen.
However, Mark Shields (who's been thoroughly in the tank for the Democrats for decades) asserted on the Newshour with Jim Lehrer a few weeks back that in the case of the Democratic Party a presidential candidate gets only a single chance to run (Shields didn't even lament this supposed fact, but merely stated it as a law of Democratic life).
If so, then why not crucify a (proven to be False) Messiah?
He'll try again and again and again.
Obama is no Richard Nixon. He lacks the inferiority demons driving him on.
Michael McNeil--you are apparently new to the blog--HD House hasnt had anything new or interesting to say in 3 years. You are picking low hanging fruit--HD is the epitome of low hanging fruit.
Pogo said...
Alphaliberal just wrote a summary of the Rich column. Since it's not novel, is that stealing or homage?
He is bowing to the porcelain god that is Frank Rich.
I don't usually like to invoke it in political conversations, but as a Jew descended from a family where one grandfather's entire family were murdered by the real Nazis(aka Einsatzgruppen), I find scumbags like garage extremely offensive. By invoking the Nazi slur, he is deliberately sliming the memory of the 12 Million Jews, Slavs, Gypsies and Russian POWs murdered by the Nazis.
Garage - have you no decency?
Hey folks, here is some news; more lies by the Alphaliberalgaragemahalmichael camp. They all admit they are liars.
Roger J. said...
Damn garage--thats the best thing you have said for months--let me suggest venezuela.
Garage is more the type to move to Darfur, the paradise the Libtards want us to save.
If Frank Rich assembled the NYT editorial staff, I assume he'd see "a virtually all-white audience".
LOL at loons like Frank Rich. You could not make this stuff up. The MSM just gets more and more obvious in their desperation.
We should start referring to them as Mr. or Ms. Irrelevant cause the MSM is dead.
Where's the hard-hitting articles about Bambi's corruption?
Not a peep.
That would be called racism. NYT cannot have that can they. That is the new defense when certain politicians are accused of corruption or get into trouble; they blame an ism or an ology. They never blame themselves.
Ann - I would seriously suggest you ban certain trolls that go way beyond the pale. Their presence does nothing to improve the debate here.
SMGalbraith said...
Frank Rich - like most leftists - doesn't have the faintest idea as to how "ordinary" Americans live and think.
Frank Rich and his ilk firmly believe ordinary Americans live in upscale neighborhoods in Manhattan and spend weekends in the Hamptons. The rest of the country are rubes.
Rather, it's much more likely that they know her a whole lot better than you or Frank Rich, and are in a much better position to know the truth about her.
And we know very little about Obama; truths or lies.
A week ago today a Letter to the Editor my local paper read: "Jesus was a community organizer; Pilate was a governor."
They love to lie. Jesus was not a community organizer, though he was falsely accused and murdered for it. Pilate was not an elected governor. He was appointed by Rome to rule over a subjugated people.
Weird coment:
"And isn't it funny that papers like the NYT are just so energized to investigate all about Palin."
You guys actually want our country lead by people we know next-to-nothing about? Pardon the rest of us if we don't swallow the McCain campaign pablum.
Palin's very new to the scene and we deserve to know that she hires cronies to lead government agencies (heeckuva job), abuses public power for personal ends, that she's autocratic and secretive, she's ignorant about foreign affairs, and that she's a religious ideologue.
Repubs might find this disturbing but it's a right of the people in a democracy to be informed about their leaders.
We need an OmegaLiberal.
Alex draws a target on himself:
"Ann - I would seriously suggest you ban certain trolls that go way beyond the pale. Their presence does nothing to improve the debate here."
You're top of the list, pal. Careful if you would censor, lest you be censored.
Perhaps Alex is really that censoring governor you claim censored stuff :)
And you should get a grip on yourself. Afterall you have much more experience at losing Prez elections than we do. So You can handle it.
I'm not the one calling people Nazis who I disagree with. It's your guy. Besides, I'm not saying you should be banned. But you still aren't apologetic for invading yesterday's off-topic beach thread with politics.
Will wonders never cease?
Karl Rove: McCain's Ads Have Gone Too Far
michael - Rove is simply playing Jedi mind tricks on Obama. You underestimate him at your own peril.
Petey says...with a straight face: "Frank Rich and his ilk firmly believe ordinary Americans live in upscale neighborhoods in Manhattan and spend weekends in the Hamptons."
Unlike the McCain's who are worth 150 million and own so many homes they can't keep track?
Compare Frank Rich's net worth to John and Cindy McCain.
michael - The McCains gave 27% of their net income to charity in 2007. Eat it.
If Frank Rich feels so insulted by words of praise for small town America... maybe he should get out more.
Give the denim wearing mamas the same respect that he'd give the quaint indigenous peoples of some other country.
In other words...
... travel.
alex, oh, thanks al.
I keep forgetting you think Karl Rove is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to politics.
*It is interesting that even when he says something that's true...YOU still can't believe him
That's funny.
michael - why is that trolls like you can never give any validity to Republican arguments or points made? How can your world be so binary?
Insults and mockery. Thanks for your contribution.
Anyway, John McCain is trying to tell us Sarah Palin is a champion of earmark reform.
The facts say the exact opposite: Sarah Palin
“nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. .”
Add another lie to the pile.
AlphaLiberal said...
Repubs might find this disturbing but it's a right of the people in a democracy to be informed about their leaders.
You wrote that with a straight face while touting Obama for president? Your lies corrected:
Obama is relatively new to the scene.
We deserve to know he came out of the corrupt Chicago political machine that hires cronies to lead government agencies, abuses public power for personal ends, and they are autocratic and secretive.
Obama is also ignorant about foreign affairs and he is a religious ideologue.
Alpha you are such a liar!
vbspurs said... Zeek, no. I know you may be joking, but give him his due -- he canceled out of respect for the victims of Hurricane Ike.
Are you sure it wasn't Hurricane Sarah?
Hiya Mikey,
Hey, did you go through all of your books, biographies, and articles to find some definitive proof to your lie that Obama grew up in CHicago?
alphaliberal - earmarks have decreased under the Palin administration.
So she's not perfect, and hasn't reduced them down to 0. SO what? She's a breath of fresh air, and will clean up the corruption in D.C. Oh and she won't be afraid to take on John McCain either.
Give the denim wearing mamas the same respect that he'd give the quaint indigenous peoples of some other country.
Synova, do you know that Sarah Palin made her first solo appearance in Carson City, Nevada Saturday?
She had her stump speech raring to go, and I'm sure it included the eBay line, the bridge to nowhere line, and the lipstick line.
But this is Palin ad-libbing a moment:
Noting that Chuck Yeager, the pilot who broke the sound barrier in 1947, was in the audience, she won huge cheers from the many women attending the rally by quipping: “Maybe he has a good idea how that first woman can break a glass ceiling.”
You can't teach political instincts like this. Obama doesn't have this common touch, not at all.
If he had ONE iota of common touch that didn't include sneering at others, and elevating himself to the detriment of those unlike him, as well as mentioning how rarified his arugula shopping habits are at Whole Foods, he would be ahead today handily.
Palin reminds people that there is another America out there -- depending who you are, you will fear it, or be comforted by it.
Frank Rich, Obama and Co. fear it. They will lose.
Victoria - did you read that Minnestota is tied now? Just a month ago, Obama had +13.
alex, think they wrote off any contributions against taxes on other income, revenue or investments?
Ever take an accounting course?
alex asks": "michael - why is that trolls like you can never give any validity to Republican arguments or points made? How can your world be so binary?"
WHAT points?
Karl Rove saying McCain is going too far?
Karl Rove saying McCain is going too far?
That's why you're a troll. You cherry-pick the one talking point that seems convenient for Democrats and ignore the 1000s of other points we make. That's not debating in good fashion. You are really good with straw-men.
Alex, Rove said it during an interview on FOX NEWS.
Are you saying I shouldn't be "cherry picking" what is said on the most right wing network in the history of television news?
Get real.
I keep forgetting you think Karl Rove is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to politics.
*It is interesting that even when he says something that's true...YOU still can't believe him
You seem to forget about those evil, vicious, ruthless, guys Mark Penn and Rahm Emanuel.
michael - so you will cherry pick one thing from Fox News, but ignore the rest of it? How is that valid? Like I said, you love to play with your straw armies.
Karl Rove saying McCain is going too far?
The guy running from a subpoena says the campaign that just got served a subpoena currently under ethics investigation is going too far? That takes a lot of nerve.
Alex, And by the way, the reason you call me and a few others "trolls" has nothing to do with cherry picking anything.
It's because we're not agreeing with the majority of right wing zealots that post here every day.
Any form of disagreement is viewed as "trolling" versus articulating a contrary opinion or position.
I posted a comment yesterday, pointing out that the McCain ad Ann and others thought was so dynamic, was based on bald-faced lies, substantiated via I never read one single response or defense from the crowd on the right.
Anything that goes against the grain is ignored or the party who posts the comment is labeled a "troll." for having the audacity to jump on board.
michael - I'll believe you're not a troll when you have anything negative to say about Obama. Otherwise you are NOTHING but a partisan hack.
Alex, The "rest" of WHAT??
That's what Rove said...period.
michael - do you have anything negative to say about Obama?
Alex, I support Obama for President.
If hat makes me a hack, I've just have to live with it.
By the way, why not list some of the things YOU don't like about McCain.
Michael, you're not a troll because you raise opposing points.
You're a troll because you don't actually engage in a discussion. You simply keep posting the same refuted information again and again.
If we wanted to hear talking points from so-called "progressive" sites, we'd go there.
Here we want to discuss facts, not hot conspiracy theories.
michael - Ok, I'll play a bit.
I don't like McCain on illegal immigration, on his global warming stance, and torture. I think Palin could have been a better reformer then she has.
However, it all pales next to Obammessiah. I can't think of voting for a guy who promised to tax the top 5% to give the bottom 95% all kinds of government goodies. That's the WORST political pandering in the history of this nation. Up there with FDR's shameless pandering of the 1930s.
McCain/Palin are basically decent politicians, not saints or anything. I don't agree with Palin on evolution or abortion rights. But I agree with them on the important things(taxes, national defense, don't bail out the foreclosed idiots, etc..)
Obama would be an absolute disaster for the economy.
Noting that Chuck Yeager, the pilot who broke the sound barrier in 1947, was in the audience, she won huge cheers from the many women attending the rally by quipping: “Maybe he has a good idea how that first woman can break a glass ceiling.”
You can't teach political instincts like this. Obama doesn't have this common touch, not at all.
Except this line is completely nonsensical. What the hell is it supposed to mean?
Bambi would be a national security disaster of unbelievable proportions.
He would have his first international crises in his first three months of office:
Putin - invasion of Ukraine
Amadinnerjacket - some craziness over Israel
Chavez - cut off oil
What would Bambi do? Issue a strongly worded letter? Cry on TV? Claim they're racist?
Feh. Bambi is leftist shorthand for weak.
It's because we're not agreeing with the majority of right wing zealots that post here every day.
Any form of disagreement is viewed as "trolling" versus articulating a contrary opinion or position.
It is because you come here as a left wing zealot with your lies, half truths, and propaganda that we do not care for you. You act like petulant and annoying teenagers just looking for attention, the more negative the better.
It is also because you are like the song that never ends. The same lyrics over and over and over agian.
Lastly, you are filled with hatred; which makes you hypocrites since hate is not a family value to progressives. So we have been led to believe.
BTW, you still have not proved your lie from yesterday that Obama grew up in Chicago.
Trolls, Be Honest Now
This is a really bad poem, gonna get a “one”.
No, this is a really bad poem, a really, really, really
Bad poem. Hell I just threw up while writing it.
This is so bad. And I mean really, really, really bad.
No really, it’s bad, it’s horrible, it’s disgusting, it’s revolting,
It’s the worst darn thing I’ve ever written, but I
Can’t stop, it’s like being a Troll I guess.
They can’t stop either.
Here Trolls, “one” you can be honest about.
Sandra Osborne
Do you have data (facts) about your assertion that Bambi grew up in Chicago?
Or is that another one of your constant lies and misstatements?
Republicans make running from a subpoena a new sport. Palin's crew is trying to quash the investigation of her in Alaska.
Not get to the truth, but to bury the truth.
And, yes, when Karl Rove says you've gone too far in lying, that ends the debate. If McCain Palin are lying now, why expect them to tell the truth if elected?
York, a "troll" is not someone you disagree with. Yeesh.
alphaliberal - where are the investigations against Obama for the Rezko affair? That is much more damaging then whatever Palin is being accused of.
Re Yeager- you are smart - you are not dense. That was a pretty good ad hoc remark by Palin.
Real Clear Politics just put Florida in the GOP column. Here is a Tampa article.
"But for all the attention to Florida from the Obama campaign, there's little tangible evidence it's paying off.
He is farther behind in the state than John Kerry was at this point in 2004, even though McCain began buying Florida TV ads only last week. By this time in 2004, the Bush-Cheney campaign had spent $13-million on Florida TV. In the rolling average of Florida polls compiled by the Web site, Obama has never taken the lead over McCain in Florida, and the latest average shows him behind by 5 percentage points. They were tied in early August."
How can Team Obama honestly think they had a shot in Florida to begin with?
All the demographics point otherwise. Consider:
- The elderly
- Republican Hispanic voters
- Jewish voters
- Huge turn out of white male voters
- Religious State
- Hugely pro-gun, pro-hunting, pro-military State
So we have foreigners who are naturalised Americans, many of whom are European (the amount of French and British in FL is staggering). We have transplants from New England, too.
So what, if you can't appeal to the people I just listed above?
I'm calling it today. McCain will win Florida by 3.0+.
The Giants Win!
They had fought the war, when Gods tower feel
Resisted the temption of Liliths, parted, supple thighs
Too lost in the next womans eyes
And on this night:
Their blood into a cup
They drank, and the dark cloud was under, standing
THEY had won
We, were one
Triumph, over the Abyss we go!
Into a light beyond reason
If only I had been One
Now, brother - who is the lost one?
Have you ever so exclaimed or sung?
When a man crosses a line
Gathers points in time
After hours passing in a moment
We Won
But not I
Yet, still I see (their glee)
Uni Verse
Victoria - considering how close FL has been in 2000/2004, I'd be very happy with a 3 point win.
Well michael is taking a very long time to come up with any criticism of Obama.
That was a pretty good ad hoc remark by Palin.
I guess I am dense. Can you explain why it was a good remark? How on earth does it logically follow that because a man broke the sound barrier in 1947, he would have insight into the discrimination suffered by women?
"Enrico Fermi is in the audience, he split the atom. Maybe he has a good idea how that first woman can break a glass ceiling"
Apparently, AlphaLiberal, you fail to realize that the so-called investigation in Alaska about Palin is nothing more than a political hit-job in the same vein as the democrats going after the Bush Administration for firing attorneys general.
Appointed positions are just that and nothing more or less. To investigate any government official who has the absolute right of appointing and dismissing people for such positions is what's destructive. Do we really want to hamstring any President or Governor by forcing them to live with the appointees of their predecessors, regardless of political persuasion? (Frankly, we would have all been better served had Bush canned George Tenet and not reappointed Greenspan.)
miller said..."You're a troll because you don't actually engage in a discussion. You simply keep posting the same refuted information again and again."
Show me something that's been "refuted" by an objective party.
(The only things I ever get thrown out are petty minutiae from racist creeps like Petey, disputing whether Obama grew up in Chicago. Yeah, he got there when he was 23, so maybe I misspoke when I used the term "grew up," but I was actually referring to his life as a functioning adult, and responding to a comment relating to him being called a Chicago politician...which, since he was there at an early age and held not hard to understand.
What I'd like to see is somebody actually "refute" the lies and distortions coming out of the McCain campaign. (Even your political God...Karl Rove is evidently bothered.)
You're just another wingnut who can't stand it when they're called out.
Much like the word "hate," (Palin calls her political opponents in Alaska; "Haters"...whatever the hell that's supposed to mean) and "troll" has become an overused, simpleton term used to dismiss what one can't actually debate or objectively "refute."
michael - I challenged you to come up with a single criticism of Obama and.... you just couldn't. He's your messiah and that's it. Game over.
Joe said..."Apparently, AlphaLiberal, you fail to realize that the so-called investigation in Alaska about Palin is nothing more than a political hit-job in the same vein as the democrats going after the Bush Administration for firing attorneys general."
Could someone be any more wrong?
You actually think the U.S. Attorney scandal was just a "hit-job?"
You really need to read more.
The Argument (haiku)
i struggle to find
a synonym for f**k you
i remain silent
Nomi Paul Mas
I don't think the man is the Messiah, I merely support him for President, asshole. (The Messiah reference is exactly as I've said; a right wing smear to dissuade voters from voting for him, just as the term "exotic" really means...different than regular folks
One can find something they don't like in anybody; maybe he should be more forceful, maybe he should have selected Hillary, maybe he should not have selected Biden, maybe he should not have attended Wright's church, but none of these mistakes or criticisms would move me to McCain.
I respect McCain, but choosing Palin makes me suspect his judgment is not as it should be, there were many others I would have chosen, including Ridge, Pawlenty, Whitman, Romney, etc...all of whom are qualified.
*I don't remember seeing your McCain criticisms. Lost in the mail?
The McCains gave 27% of their net income to charity in 2007.
An Argument Over Milk
You think you remember, do you?
You say there was always low-fat milk
Bought specially for me.
Well, I know you’re wrong.
There hasn’t been any in this house
For years.
Every day of that time
Is engraved in my mind-
Every thing I would eat,
And every single thing I would not.
And I can tell you
I would not have eaten cereal
Low fat milk or not.
I would not have drunk hot chocolate
Low fat milk or not.
You think you remember, do you?
Trust me, I remember
Lauren Watkins
michael - just maybe he shouldn't have attended Rev Wright's church for 20 freaking years? You are such a hypocritical POS. If McCain was attending a KKK church for that long, you'd crucify him as an uber-racist.
Petey, disputing whether Obama grew up in Chicago. Yeah, he got there when he was 23, so maybe I misspoke when I used the term "grew up," but I was actually referring to his life as a functioning adult, and responding to a comment relating to him being called a Chicago politician...which, since he was there at an early age and held not hard to understand.
Actually, by the time you are 23 one would hope that you are a grown up. However, given the writings by some, I suspect that many on the left are not grown ups even at the age of 30 or so.
From WikiHow-
Haiku usually focus on imagery from nature. Haiku do not tell stories and usually do not directly tell about human experiences; they communicate a deeply felt moment -- usually a scene from nature -- which is then simply expressed, without big, fancy words. Haiku reflects a deeper human experience, such as simplicity or loneliness.
Moose along the river
quietly eating when
Bang Click-click Bang Click-click Bang.
See the difference?
haiku to punky brewster
a cabbage patch kid
now all grown up and punky
bigness a legend
chris bowen
Speaking of drilling and killing- The Cord Lund Band.
Some of you here just will never get it. Lighten up, stop being so fucking earnest.
Michael, when you make a big deal out of his growing up in Chicago, and then slink away with "misspoke," that shows you are a coward AND a liar.
You didn't just misspeak. You repeated it, again and again, and never were able to back it up.
Then you were shown to be wrong - completely wrong - and the best you can do is whine that you "misspoke"?
Maybe Bambi "misspoke" when he promised to accept public financing.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Bambi never lies, even when he misspeaks.
But Palin - now that lady lies like a dog. Every word is a lie, including "and" and "the."
Is that about what you think? 'Cause that's how you come across.
You are best with the ad hominems, but you are mightily short on facts, data, and logic.
Do try to keep up.
Actually, by the time you are 23 one would hope that you are a grown up. However, given the writings by some, I suspect that many on the left are not grown ups even at the age of 30 or so.
Remind me please, how old was Dubya when he was guilty of "youthful indiscretions?"
Yay! A tit for tat argument!
Krylovite - I don't know. Your point is...?
At 23, Bambi didn't "grow up" in Chicago, much to the disappointment of those who would use that factoid to show how Bambi is a product of the gritty urban life.
Bambi swooped into Chicago, organized some tenants, and then left for Harvard.
That shows a lot of class, I suppose. Real street creds, there.
I don't know. Your point is...?
Obvious, but over your head.
This is so damn useless going back and forth with trolls. I'd much rather engage in real debate with Republicans about policy nuances we disagree on.
Funny how Michael only stated HALF the truth regarding Rove.
"The man credited with getting President Bush elected twice warned BOTH presidential campaigns on Sunday that they are making a mistake by going on the attack in advertising that distorts the truth about Barack Obama and John McCain."
Miller, show me where I "repeated again and again" that Obama grew up in Chicago.
I'll wait and see the postings.
Dust Bunny, Some people grow up faster than others, some help out in their communities, some go to a college via their grandfather and father's influence...then graduate 894th out of 899 students.
*And once again, my comment was directly related to Obama being derisively referred to as a "Chicago politician," which, based on his being there from the time he was only 23, and being elected to the state's a fucking no-brainer that he was obviously...a "Chicago politician.
I'll take my chances with someone who helped his fellow man and has a sharp mind over a man who can't remember how many houses he owns and graduated damn near last in his class.
Alex, Where are your criticisms of McCain?
Michael, if you believe the invented controversy about Bush firing the attorney generals isn't a political hit job, you have no business doing political analysis of any kind.
Serving at the pleasure of the president means just that, nothing more and nothing less.
The Sarah Palin crisis, Day -- crap, what day are we on? I thought it was 16, but if it started the 29th, and today's the 14th, that'd be 17 days.
This is why news anchors have assistants: To keep track of important dates.
Meanwhile, sources close to Palin say she's on friendly terms with a man allegedly running for President of the United States.
Opponents were quick to point out that if that were true, they'd have heard something about it by now, right?
I'll take my chances with someone who helped his fellow man and has a sharp mind over a man who can't remember how many houses he owns and graduated damn near last in his class.
You see, with liberals it's all about good intentions, not actual results. Even to this day, Barack can't explain exactly what the hell he did as a "community organizer". But heck, his intentions were noble!
I wonder if 0bama wishes he had accepted the 10 town halls and avoided the petty BS (100 years, $5million, 7 homes, and 1 keyboard to which the McCainsters have replied with their own BS).
If 0bama wanted it to be about issues, what says issues more than 10 town halls? Disastrous campaign management, unless he thought he would lose those town halls, which means he probably won't fare much better in the debates.
The MSM has knocked itself out of the game, so absent a massive choke job by McP, it's difficult to see how Obama wins this thing. Lucky the Cook County Departed can't vote in Indiana (or so I hope). If you see a procession of hearses and meat wagons headed out of Chicago on 4 November, be very afraid (politically, for starters).
You actually think the U.S. Attorney scandal was just a "hit-job?"
It was because the President has the authority to fire U.S. attorneys at will. If the president did not, hiring and firing would turn into political fiascos as the democrats have done to the U.S. attorney firings.
Palin could fire the state patrol commissioner at will without cause. So the fact that there is an investigation that she may have fired him for an "inappropriate" reason has no legal basis. The only basis it has is political.
The state trooper made death threats against Palin's family, yet he still works for the state. That is itself a scandal.
Donn, I posted the headline, and don't be giving me the crap that Karl Rove saying what he did was not interesting and newsworthy. The fact that you and others think it's just fine for McCain and Palin to continue to flat out lie tells me you are not honorable people.
If you'd like I guess I can post entire fucking articles or interviews.
Why not just go to Fox News and read the damn thing.
This is so damn useless going back and forth
Yeah, your bullshit is nauseating.
Alex, Where are your criticisms of McCain?
Please scroll above. It's not my job to keep reposting things for your convenience.
How many U.S. attorneys did Clinton fire?
Michael, that's just plain dishonest--you did take a long time to back off the grew up thing. Asking people to sift through 100s of comments is a cop out. You're better off letting go of a bad position, especially on a trivial point. It would have given you a speck of credibility.
Alex, Where are your criticisms of McCain?
Sloan, I'm sorry, but you're way, way too dumb for any form of realistic engagement.
*A also have a suggestion: Why don't 99% of those here just throw together one, "we hate Michael and everything he says, and we love McCain and Palin, no matter how dishonest they are comments"...then copy and paste it over and over again?
It would sure save you time.
You said "bullshit" on the 27% McCain income to charity. I read that figure in a couple places. What's your source / basis for calling BS?
Michael--you were dishonest again though, because Rove cited BOTH campaigns unless I missed something. An honest person would have included that.
But I thought all the McCain stuff was a Rovian conspiracy? I wish the left would get its paranoia straight.
Wow, this michael troll thing is really a piece of work. I did post a big paragraph of criticisms of John McCain and he like some mental patient keeps screaming "where is it". I think this one is ready for the loony bin.
Going back and forth
Yeah, your bullshit is nauseating
This is so damn useless
Kryovac- fixed it for you.
It's amazing to see the downfall of the trolls. The more you deconstruct them, the more their apparent mental illness manifests itself. F.e, they claim they can't see things that are clearly there. I pity the fool.
You and other liberals make a grave mistake if you believe many of use conservatives, especially those of a libertarian bent like myself, really like McCain or even Bush for that matter. I don't like McCain much at all, however I believe Obama is an idiot with dangerous ideas who is misguided about foreign policy. It's not simply that he is uniformed--that is easily rectified--but that his world view is so distorted as to be very dangerous for the United States. In this one regard, I honestly believe McCain is more prepared than Obama. I also believe his economic policies aren't very sound, but infinitely better than Obama's Marxist crap.
In short, I am voting more against Obama than I am voting for McCain.
I have no problem with Rove warning BOTH campaigns. I think that is fair.
What I have a problem with you is "spinning" it as if Rove ONLY warned the McCain camp.
alex, the post you responded with has a headline that sates:
Fact Check: McCain misstates Palin earmarks record
Hey, I thank you for the link. It makes my point.
"As governor, Palin has asked for 31 earmarks worth $197 million for the 2009 fiscal year. State budget documents show that the state requested 52 earmarks worth $256 million for the 2008 budget year.
* While she was mayor of the small town of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin hired a lobbyist to seek federal money for special projects. Wasilla obtained 14 earmarks, totaling $27 million, between 2000-2003, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group that monitors federal spending."
As far as the fact you mention, it is in a sentence debunked by the article. She did not cut the amount of earmarks sought.
Part of what is frightening about Palin is how casually she lies. Would hare to see her follow Cheney as VP.
Snell, ALL President fire U.S. Attorneys, but the " I don't recall" Gonzales scandal is entirely different, which tells me you haven't read anything relating to the actual situation, and are merely regurgitating the same bullshit we heard from Gonzales and his lackeys.
And if you really think it's over you're out of your little mind.
alphaliberal - the fact is that Palin did cut earmarks by 1/3 in the 2007-2008 fiscal year. CNN said so last night. Do you question liberal CNN?
Well michael is a certifiable nutcase. Alpha is simply a jerk who won't admit his partisanship.
joe, you spoke in generalities there. What do you object about in Obama's world views?
Donn, can you read?
This is the HEADLINE I posted at 3:05 - Where is the SPIN?
"Michael said...
Will wonders never cease?
Karl Rove: "McCain's Ads Have Gone Too Far"
I was lurking silently, watching the trolls heap the blog-equivalent of harsh liberal insults at the normal people neighborhood.
Then my secret word scanner software went to full alert when the previously-encoded key word appeared. TITS.
Trooper York, you said the magic word! Cannoli for everyone.
Meanwhile, the Obamatrons, for the most part, continue the same nonsensical attempts at reasoned discourse that they offered two months ago. The only change is the increased level of desperation in their pugilistic whiffs.
McCain is ahead. McCain has rope-a-doped Obama off of his faux change meme.
Obama's got nuthin', save for a discredited and increasingly impotent and sychophantic media.
Piss and moan all you want. Your guy is sliding backwards faster than a hooker reaching for a wad of benjamins.
Alex, Where are your criticisms of McCain?
No balls?
Yes, Michael, I can read (thanks for your concern). The ACTUAL headline:
Rove: Both Campaigns’ Ads Are Over the Top.
michael - your town probably has an insane asylum - please take advantage of the facilities. That's the last thing I'm ever going to say to you.
'Friggen nutbar. Can we get some reasonable liberals?
Beta, You have beautiful hair. Do you do it yourself?
So if a reasonable person tries to argue with a mentally ill troll is that the same thing as "when a tree falls in the forest, and nobody hears it, did it actually happen" or "yeah that's the sound of one hand clapping".
Donn, I posted the headline I read.
I hate to tell you this, but there lots of Karl Rove: "McCain's Ads Have Gone Too Far"...and se what happens.
Alex, c'mon weasel, post the criticisms of McCain...or shut the fuck up.
Obama is a Marxist. This view permeates his speeches, writings and proposals. He repeatedly betrays a lack of belief in the rightness of the United States. The worse sin of all is that he has openly advocated surrender in a war the United States is both winning and must win. He has advocated invading a nuclear power that is our ally. He has declared he will hold talks without precondition with nations who openly act against the interests of the west and the United States in particular.
The list goes on.
How many U.S. attorneys did Clinton fire? It's a simple question. I didn't regurgitate anything. I asked a SIMPLE question because it's helpful for purposes of perspective to examine past practices regarding Presidential behavior on this topic.
The truth is, you don't know the answer, and have no interest in finding out, because the one thing you do know is that the answer will undercut your argument. You can spout anti-Gonzales talking points, congratulations, but you can't address the question that will follow an honest examination of past practices and the comparative response.
Rove: McCain attacks have gone “one step too far” « FOX Embeds ...
Sep 14, 2008 ... Both Campaigns ‘Over the Top’? ELECTION HQ: Republican Strategist Karl Rove criticizes ad campaigns of both parties for ‘distorting the ... - 6 hours ago - Similar pages - Note this
Providing the complete info on Rove now further proves the initial criticism. You took something you KNEW was directed at both campaigns and presented as something directed only at McCain.
Why not be honest and admit to an error or deliberate misrepresentation, then got on to your substantive point*.
*You don't seem to have any, but if you were to have one.
Michael, your posts are the equivalent of screaming 'you're a Mr. Doody Head', over and over again. Nothing you have posted approaches a reasoned argument as to why Obama should be president.
Your adolescent invective may promote you to a higher rank among your equally adolescent peers over at Kos, but here on Ann Althouse's blog, populated with pretty bright folk, your invective is just plain foolish.
You said "bullshit" on the 27% McCain income to charity. I read that figure in a couple places. What's your source / basis for calling BS?
Cindy McCain's tax returns haven't been released and she's stated that she has no intention of releasing them. So tell me then, on what is Alex's knowledge of the McCain's charitable donations and income based?
I'm guessing it's based on the fact that Alex is full of shit.
here on Ann Althouse's blog, populated with pretty bright folk
Hee hee! Now that is funny!
For reference:
Snell, He fired a ton of them, just as all Presidents have the right to do.
The U.S. Attorney scandal right now has much more to do with who was hired or not hired in the first place, putting political leanings before qualifications, and also the firing of excellent attorneys because they weren't seen as Republican enough.
*Do you feel it's a tad strange that 150 graduates of Pat Robertson University (which wasn't even accredited by the ABA until...1996) would be hired into the Justice Department?
Why not read something before posting the same right wing drivel I can get from Hannity or Limbaugh?
McCain posted his tax returns and posted the amount of his charitable giving.
It's 27% or so.
How much did Spare Change Bambi give?
Of course, at $40k a year for the education of his kids at a private school (no public school for his kids, no sirree, even though they're good enough for the common folks!), he doesn't have a lot of room to give money away to the undeserving poor.
How many U.S. attorneys did Clinton fire? It's a simple question.
It's not a relevant question and it leads me to believe that you don't understand what made the Bush DOJ firings problematic.
I have a simple question.
Do you agree with Rove that Obama's campaign ads have gone too far?
The Moderate independent Rocks
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