Talk. Talk. Talk. I've got to catch a very early plane to Charlotte, with a hop to Chicago, and then on to Madison. So sidle up to whatever topics you please, but try not to pick each other apart. I'll stop by when I can.
September 15, 2008
The Crab Grille Café.
Talk. Talk. Talk. I've got to catch a very early plane to Charlotte, with a hop to Chicago, and then on to Madison. So sidle up to whatever topics you please, but try not to pick each other apart. I'll stop by when I can.
I got nothin'.
BREAKING: Obama tried to delay US Troop Withdrawal during Iraq visit
They say Drudge never has this kind of news, so early. This is big, if it can be proven.
It's illegal to conduct negotiations with foreign leaders, when not credentialed, right?
Under the sea
Under the sea
There'll be no accusations
Just friendly crustaceans
Under the sea
Obama resume embellishment? Former co-workers show up in the comments and aren't always complimentary. It's a couple years old but interesting that the Obamabots haven't mellowed a bit.
Gah! I wish I'd known you were going to be in Charlotte, I would have stopped by the airport to buy you some coffee.
It sort of has that Texas thingy going on.
You don't understand. When Obama saw that the surge he fought for was working he started fighting for the troops to stay to finish the mission, and win the war.
Obama has been fighting the administration all along.
Yea yea... that's the ticket.
vbspurs said...
It's illegal to conduct negotiations with foreign leaders, when not credentialed, right?
Jesse Jackson has been doing it for years. No one had the courage to do anything about it. Obama is still a Senator and he can still say that he was using his position as a Senator, blah, blah, blah.
It is all meaningless; as th article indicated no one took him seriously.
The best part about visiting the shore is the fresh seafood. Yummy.
PVB, When Jesse made one of his junkets in the mid-1980's, he was referred to as a "Distinguished American Visitor", a title created by military policy officers. It sort of makes me wonder what options they rejected.
As yesterday was International Pickle Day, it is fitting that we now celebrate International Wear-a-Dress Day.
Gentlemen, don your bathrobes and flip-flops.
(Incidentally, while in Charlotte be sure to tour the city's graceful freeways and interstates. They are among some of the most charming in the Southeast, except, of course, for those in Atlanta.
It was clear to me that BHO wanted to claim the mantle of end game for himself. He could assert that Bush left him a situation that he, BHO, cleaned up quickly as promised.
One can only imagine the conversation behind democratic closed doors. when someone points out that by delaying withdrawal for political purposes they are sacrificing lives on the altar of politics...and they did it anyway.
Now that is cold arrogance.
When staying in Charlotte, I recommend the fried fish at the Riverview Inn.
Business trip? Don't forget to bill them for carbon offset credits.
A note to the long-time Althouse regulars: Can we declare this to be "Ignore the Obama Trolls Week" on all of the topics Ann posts?
It would be a good thing, in my opinion. The neighborhood has become a bit creepy of late.
Hey, Ann, Obama has a tough new ad out. Will you post it or ignore it?
michael_h, I agree it's creepy. More and more right wingers slinging slurs in response to simple arguments.
Or how about "Learn the Definition of Internet Troll" week? That would be a nice turn of events.
George: Agree with most of your post. Charlotte is an air bub for I think US Air--quite an impressive city from the air and the airport was also nice. From my experience in the Atlanta area the freeways appear to be very long parking lots!
Michael_H -- Good idea.
That Frank Rich post with its 340+ comments set a new low in troll engagement.
Blogger AlphaLiberal said...
"Hey, Ann, Obama has a tough new ad out. Will you post it or ignore it?"
Read the goddamn post!
Madison Man says: "The best part about visiting the shore is the fresh seafood. Yummy."
No, that's the best part about living near the shore!
Even Fox News is getting fed up with the lies of McCain campaign.
simon, I did read the post, you grumpy gus. didn't get enough sleep?
"So sidle up to whatever topics you please, but try not to pick each other apart."
There was an article in the Sunday paper about Nina Camic, who is sometimes linked to from here.
Well, you can see the new Obama ad here. Good stuff. Dems need to stop praising McCain. He's. the. opponent.
"I'm AlphaLiberal and I approve of this ad."
Relax. Sit back, enjoy your coffee. Close your eyes and imagine you are driving your car on the highway. You are peering through the windshield. Alpha is a large bug.
Now take a deep breath, ponder your sense of accomplishment, and enjoy the day.
michael h,
You will have to find a specific definition of trolls, as the trolls here have their own; it changes by the minute.
AlphaLiberal said...
Well, you can see the new Obama ad here
LIAR!!! The link goes to nothing.
vet66 said...
Now that is cold arrogance.
The modern Dems are not known for their care of troops. Troops are nothing but pawns in a game to them. They will play the troops like hostages while trying to collect ransom. It is shameless and heartless.
They really do not care about lives lost or blood shed. They really do not care about honor or a higher calling. All they care about is themselves.
Ignoring these trolls has been my policy ever since this Palin insanity started. They are like the crazy people in the subway who shout and demand you pay attention to the repeated frenzied speeches. It is correct that a troll is not someone who you disagree with. A troll is someone who lacks any humor or humanity and insists on posting pedantic posturing pustules of pus on every single thread regardless of the subject.
That’s what the Daily Kos and Little Green Footballs are for.
This should be all about dogs urinating, chickens running free, tales of home schooling, photos of delectable digits and other weighty topics.
Shape up and bow down.
Wow, Althouse went down South and got crabs!
Ooops. Thanks for the gentle reminder I copied the wrong link, peter. You have a nice day, too.
Here's the new hard-hitting Obama ad.
And, please show me the internet glossary or dictionary that defines "troll" as "someone I disagree with."
Bob Schieffer on Wisconsin Public Radio: It's demeaning that the McCain campaign will not let Palin talk to the press.
It sure is. Also demeaning to voters telling us she's ready to be a President but can't talk to her until she's trained.
Trolls along with crabs share an unfortunate trait of extremely poor eyesight which leads to a complete lack of reading comprehension. So sad. So sad.
"Wow, Althouse went down South and got crabs!"
Trooper, you should expect some crabbiness for having made that observation!
Ask for some butter.
It's demeaning that the McCain campaign will not let Palin talk to the press.
Demaning to who? The press? Talk about Hubris. You elected these well paid, well fed, talking heads to anything?
Can't get that Obama ad to's probably a good one. No doubt McCain has done some dishonorable stuff.
My guess is that the GOP is holding its fire on the most explosive issue against Sen. Obama...Ayers.
I'd love to ask Sen. Obama this question: "Sen. Obama, isn't it true that you worked for three years as the co-chairman of the Chicago Annenberg education reform group with a man who headed a terrorist group who exploded 20 bombs in public places, and who to this day dedicates his life to the violent overthrow of the US government? Sen. Obama, will you demand that that library release all of its Annenberg records?"
Imagine, also, if, God forbid, there's a bad terrorist hit against the U.S. between now and election day. On one side, a guy who's a war hero; on the other side, a guy who won't come clean about his bomb-making ex-business pal.
(A little tidbit...that bomb that blew up the Weather Underground hq in Manhattan? The person making it was Ayers' girlfriend. It was a nail bomb intended for use against enlisted men at Fort Dix, the Army boot camp in New Jersey. Talk about 'dishonorable.' What sort of cowardly subhuman creatures would want to do such a thing?)
As for Palin not talking to the press at this point, that's like Jackie O not talking to the press. Creates more mystique, more buzz, sucks more oxygen/bandwidth away from Sen. Obama. It's all about creating momentum to see who will have the biggest box office on Nov. 4.
My guess is that when the time comes McCain will use her as the instrument with which he will disembowel his opponents.
Have a nice day!
Tony Rezko is supposed to be talking to the feds to get his sentence shortened. Now, what is going to happen to Obama when all of his supporters, backers, friends, and fellow Illinois elected officials are named as corrupt politicians and cronies?
Hope and Change! Hope and Change!
Why can I see Phil Simms in the reflection of that bumper?
It sure is. Also demeaning to voters telling us she's ready to be a President but can't talk to her until she's trained.
She is not running for President. And please, oh mighty modern fighting liberal, tell us Obama's readiness to become President? It ought to be good?
We already know can tie his own shoes and he can put his clothes on all by himself. I would bet that momma Michelle no longer has to bottle feed him either.
He has expertise in terrorism because he associates with Ayers and Dohrn.
He has experience in politcal corruption and patronage through his mentor, Emil Jones.
So, what other qualifications does Obama have to be president?
He already explained Ayers. It was something to the effect of- hey, you know, the guy lives in my neighborhood and we kick back and have a few beers together. Gee, he is a nice guy, good neighbor, takes care of the lawn, supports all the good causes, doesn’t make bombs anymore, just a regular Hyde Park joe.
I want Sarah Palin to talk to the press so I learn something about her. So far, I've learned that she appears to be a borrow-and-spend Republican, judging from the debt in Wasilla before and after she was Mayor. Well, we've just had 8 years of borrow and spend. Look how well that's helped the economy. On the other hand, silence might be her best gambit, because it seems like the more I know, the less I like.
I know that some people laud that she is not pro-choice. Like someone launching a bomb (figuratively or literally) at the USA is going to think Wait. (Vice) President Palin is against abortion! Never mind!
Watch tonight to see what real football teams look like. Dallas and Philly. These are the two teams that are gonna own the giants this year. As a further insult I hate Philly more than the giants, Hah!
Did I mention the Cowboys own FIVE superbowl rings?
Dallas SUCKS!
Hey Trooper, how's that Bret Favre thing working out for New York?
Pink Floyd's Richard Wright, taken by cancer at 65. I'm speechless.
Prepare to get THUMPED
Dec. 7th...
Dallas SUCKS!
The Cowboys are the NY Yankees of the NFL. You either love them or hate them. You my friend are a hater. But that's OK because there is room for all of us in the big tent of the NFL. In this tent it's OK to be a hater. In fact it's a good thing because without you haters Dallas' victories wouldn't be nearly as sweet.
Look your team is going to get SPANKED!
Like a bunch of School girls who brought their hoola hoops to the wrong field-
Dec. 7th.
{shit- I forgot if that's in your cow dung patty or in the Cathedral of STEEL!-gotta go look that up...}
Simon said: Pink Floyd's Richard Wright, taken by cancer...
Crabs = Krebs = Cancer
Can we declare this to be "Ignore the Obama Trolls Week" on all of the topics Ann posts?
I had the same thought yesterday, except I've decided to do it for the rest of the election. They've been even worse than they were in 2004, which is saying something.
See? Now what'chya got there is a visual pun of the first order.
Like a bunch of School girls who brought their hoola hoops to the wrong field-
Hey, hey. Misogyny has no place in the NFL. We are proud of our World Champion Synchronized Hula Hoopers. Plus our cheer babes, uhhh i mean Cheerleaders are the finest in the land. How many TV shows did they make about the steelerettes? NONE!
Did I mention Dallas owns FIVE Superbowl rings?
Hey, Original Mike that is just what I expected. The Jets like the Mets are just losers. They will find a way to screw it up. So Farve will fit right in. You would think he would take the game in his hands to win it. That game was all about the kicking game. The Pats pinned every time.
Meanwhile the Giants are rolling. I can't wait till we bitch slap those Romosexuals in Dallas.
Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with being a Romosexual. They just get distracted in the big game.
Giants. Jets. I getem' confused.
Too much cheese dude.
Peter wrote:
Jesse Jackson has been doing it for years. No one had the courage to do anything about it. Obama is still a Senator and he can still say that he was using his position as a Senator, blah, blah, blah.
As Triangle Man answered, he was able to co-opt some kind of title for himself.
But Obama's move reminds me of...Jimmy Carter.
At least the latter has the imprimatur of ex-President, and Nobellist (a prize he returned, BTW...), but Obama does not.
This is very close to being on the wrong side of the Logan Act:
"Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."
Something a lot of us think Jimmy Carter should've been charged under, during his recent Middle East forays.
That bout says it all don't it?
My team don't need no flippin' cheerleaders.
We got dirty towels!
The Logan Act was passed long before anyone here was alive. Or anyone's great-great-grandparents were alive. It's yielded one (1) indictment in its 200-year existence. I suspect it's not about to be enforced now.
The Logan Act was passed long before anyone here was alive. Or anyone's great-great-grandparents were alive. It's yielded one (1) indictment in its 200-year existence. I suspect it's not about to be enforced now.
Which is independent of the ethics of doing what it seeks to forbid.
Reagan was (falsely) rumored to have negotiated with the Iranian hostage-takers to prevent the hostages being released till after his election. I think we could agree that that would've been despicable.
Cowboys vs. Steelers on the television tonight? Aaack.
I may need to watch PBS in stead. Maybe they'll send Mark Shields to Wasilla in a moose suit to do some undercover investigating.
Boy, that Brett Favre sure looked.....38. Or maybe it was Bellichick's brain waves or sumthin'...
Maybe they'll send Mark Shields to Wasilla in a moose suit to do some undercover investigating.
He would never subject himself to such persiflage.
(Bonus points if you can tell me why that word was used)
I've been wondering what that crab was doing there.
I think I've found an answer.
Remember EGGAGOG?
Here's a post:
Obviously the crab got the same invitation.
Of course, I remember Eggagog. Gog, I loved Eggagog.
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