September 1, 2008
Code Pink!
One more photograph from the Republican convention in St. Paul, found through a Flickr search. This one is from !!WaynePhotoGuy, who has all rights reserved, but emailed me permission to blog it here.
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Oh crap not another blogging heads!
Oh sorry, they were ugly enough though, my mistake.
Shave. For God's sake shave!
The one on the left stole Elton John's glasses!
OMG! That Is Elton!
Has anyone gone up to them and asked them what war they're protesting?
Gee. Talk about playing to the stereotype.
Is it sexist of me to think that's pretty gross?
I don't actually mind men in shorts, being from California where they're often a necessity.
Smells like Team Obama Spirit
It is the Ly sisters. Ugly and Beastly. Ghastly was arrested earleir.
Is Code Pink the group that verbally abuses disabled war veterans as they leave the hospital in Bethesda?
Missing a "grooming" label.
Oh, yeah; she looks "peaceful."
Wonder if this was before or after she got pepper spray in the face.
One thing has always puzzled me about these career demonstrators - don't they have jobs?
Go ahead and laugh, but I can't imagine using my vacation days to go to a protest.....
Sorry, I just don't get it.
DBQ:Shave. For God's sake shave!
The one on the left with the mustache, or the one on the right with the pits?
Althouse: you should've put that photo behind a jump. It's too scary to be on the front page like that.
Hey girlfriend, have I got a guy for you.
Peter, are you sure they aren't the Ria twins, Di and Gonna?
Susan said...
Hey girlfriend, have I got a guy for you.
Man that was good. I almost spit out my wine!!!!!!!!!
"The Communist/anarchist/truther/pro-Obama protesters were out in force, committing various crimes and attempting to disrupt the proceedings.
The most shocking events are described by Jim Hoft, who was on a bus that was attacked from above when a group of protesters dropped sand bags onto the top of the bus. This is attempted murder: if the protesters had succeeded in hitting the windshield, a sand bag would have crashed through and killed the driver. The resulting accident would have killed or injured others on the bus. To my knowledge, the left-wingers/would-be murderers were not caught.
A little later, a busload of Cub Scouts were en route to the convention, where they were to present the colors to open the convention. A group of protesters--liberals, Obama supporters, or whatever--blocked the road, surrounded the bus, and attacked it, rocking the bus back and forth, denting and scratching the sides, and generally terrifying the children trapped inside. The left-wing protesters attacked a number of buses in the same way, but there is something especially despicable about attacking a group of Cub Scouts."
* keep your powder dry *
Is Code Pink the group that verbally abuses disabled war veterans as they leave the hospital in Bethesda?
Yes, they insure that the first sight our wounded see when approaching the hospital is "Maimed For A Lie".
Really, if there was ever a prime spot to lob a frag grenade...
The photo batch on LGF has a photo of the code pink woman just asking to be arrested, responding by stepping forward when ordered to step back by the cops, then pushed back, falls, her little pink electric megaphone cracked open with the batteries spilled out cracks me up. There's something about the batteries spilt that does it to me. I laugh just thinking about it. I think I'll frame it because it cheers me so much.
Jim said...
Peter, are you sure they aren't the Ria twins, Di and Gonna?
Yeah. They are still in Denver in jail. They were arrested for spreading something. I read that Markos was so enraged he personally was trying to bond them out. Details at Huffingglue.
Fen said...
"The Communist/anarchist/truther/pro-Obama protesters were out in force, committing various crimes and attempting to disrupt the proceedings.
I saw a video the news conference with the police chief of St. Paul. In reference to the anarchy in his streets, he never once mentioned the word protester. He consistently referred to them as criminals.
OK, and I'll Code Pink you right back!
Time for a Republican woman.
Is the one on the right who I think it is? Could it be? Nah. But, just maybe?
jdeeripper said...
OK, and I'll Code Pink you right back!
Code Pink....Women for Peace..Yeah, they look peaceful all right. They remind me of the Women in Black who hold their silent vigil every Friday in my little city. For Peace! 95% of them have the nastiest tongues on them, and would rip your throat out if they got the chance. Bleck!
Mmmmm... nothing like a good protest. I don't know which is my favorite shot: the "jump-dog," the snotty kid in the tie-dye, or the one showing protesters who've never understood dependent clauses. Heck, they're all my favorites!
Lovely. And they will be voting for Obama. Right along with Althouse.
Dems never learn do they? It's hateful and loony people like this who turn off the middle America voter. So they vote for Republicans.
Until Dems shut these crackpots out, they will have trouble taking back the White House.
AJ: are you saying that the Democrats should restrict the freedoms of speech and assembly?
There's no way that the Democrats can rein in these nuts. The anarchists are not Democrats, anyway. To them, both parties are "the Man."
Although, on the right woman...
No, forget it. Even Sophia Loren can't save unshaven pits. Yuck.
And what's worse, is that you know they don't use Secret either.
Looney and unhygienic. Yup, It's a lefty.
More protester freaks. If they spent less time developing costumes and gamboling for their "cause" they could learn a trade and get jobs.
Great, now they're dressing in leather drag. That's not a good look, especially when so many of these protesters have such huge guts.
There's no way that the Democrats can rein in these nuts. The anarchists are not Democrats, anyway. To them, both parties are "the Man."
If they're not Democrats, the Democrats ought to be able to vehemently condemn their actions without suffering any political harm -- right? I mean, if they've no hope of winning the Pink vote for Obama and no fear of losing it to McCain, why not call these dippy bitches on the carpet?
Agree Rev.
Sara: If they are not Dems, I guess Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink will be protesting at the Obama White House eh?
Seriously, open your eyes dear, many of these whackjob groups get financed by the biggest scum of all and its head puppet-master George Soros.
Dem candidates have yet to disown these piece of crap groups so they get linked to them! I.E. Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards.
Hell Hillary! showed up at the 2006 Nutroots smellfest.
Seriously, open your eyes dear, many of these whackjob groups get financed by the biggest scum of all and its head puppet-master George Soros.
I believe Medea Benjamin, the Code Pink founder, is independently wealthy.
Doesn't take too kindly when you question where Code Pink get money for all those HQs in pricey neighbourhoods...which they then proceed to trash.
I think a "body hair" tag might become necessary if too many more pictures like these are posted hereabouts.
Speaking of Minneapolis, and body things, here's another "bodily fluids" topic that has everything, 1st amendment issues, the Republican National Convention, good police work, and idiot protestors.
Ruth Anne: Thanks for pointing out that article. Let's encourage Althouse to post about it.
The striking turnaround in Anbar Province, accomplished by making deals with Sunni tribal leaders, has inevitably raised a question here: Could the Americans have avoided years of bloodshed by reaching out to the tribal leaders five and a half years ago?
“Yes, yes,” Mr. Rubaie said, shaking his head. “But they didn’t know.”
Appointing Paul Bremer may have been the biggest mistake of the Bush presidency. Too bad GWB couldn't have appointed John McCain instead - McCain seems to have had the better judgement on Iraq from the get go.
The more I look at those photos, the more I understand Titus. If those women were my only choices.........
Forget the genital warts. A few pictures like that in health class would solve the whole teen pregnency thing.
Radical Feminism: The only form of contraception that is 100% effective.
ewwwww--I love the sight of fury in the morning--its not quite as good as the smell of napalm, though
Randy said...
Is Code Pink the group that verbally abuses disabled war veterans as they leave the hospital in Bethesda?
Like Feb said. I know them from their horrific Walter Reed Army Medical Center Vigils. WRAMC is where all of the services send their amputees.
These women deserve a place in hell along side Hanoi Jane.
Nasty pieces of work.
Note that they weren't out protesting when Russia invaded Georgia, even though there is a perfectly good Russian Embassy in DC. Ethnic cleansing by Russians? no problem
No, they only oppose US wars. And only when run by the GOP
That woman on the right is one revolting looking individual.
I think the government should pay for her to get breast implants so that she'd be happier and put her arms down...
And they said that men in shorts were ugly!
Just wow.
Sit or stand next to someone less attractive and you will shine in comparison.
It took a while to figure out that the point was the armpit hair.
She looks okay to me, aside from being a kook politically.
Free speech is sometimes ugly and unpleasant.
Sometimes really ugly. But we should still protect it.
Consider the mass boredom created by both parties so far, the protestors are the only interesting activity of note.
"Appointing Paul Bremer may have been the biggest mistake of the Bush presidency"
There are so many to choose from.
Next year we start to rebuild the GOP.
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