August 31, 2008

"Where does the story come from that I don't like beer? Come on, man."

Barack Obama on "60 Minutes," fending off a Steve Kroft crack about how he's gone out of his way to seem like the common man.

ADDED: Here's some transcript (and video):
"You know, I think we really underestimate people in the neighborhood. In the neighborhoods I came from, you came from. I really think we underestimate them," Biden remarked. "People get it. I think they're looking for more than whether or not Joe Biden's from Scranton and she hunts. I think that's you know, 'What ya gonna do about it?'"

"But you tried really hard to reach these people. You went and sipped beer, which I know you don't particularly like - I mean you even…," Kroft remarked.

"Steve, I had a beer last night. I mean, where do these stories come from, man?" Obama asked.

"I'm the one… [that] doesn't drink," Biden pointed out.

"Where does the story come from that…I don't like beer? …C'mon, man," Obama said.

"You even tried bowling," Kroft remarked.

"Time out there," Obama said.

"I've got to defend my bowling honor here," Obama said, laughing. "It is true that my bowling score left something to be desired. The reason I bowled though, wasn't to try to get votes....."


Simon said...

Even if the story were true, this would be as ephemeral as the "attack" on him that he smokes. Big deal - he enjoys a smoke and prefers bourbon over beer. These aren't serious strokes against the guy.

Rich B said...

I would have been more impressed if he told Crofts that beer and arugula were perfect together.

Host with the Most said...

I would be more impressed if he went back to the Senate and tried to actually accomplish something other than public-speaking before running for President.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Let's add likes beer to the long list of accomplishments. It ranks pretty high, actually, which is sad.

Anonymous said...


I think it comes from the fact that he bowled, and I use that term loosely, thirty-less than girly-seven. If you look at that irrepressible picture of Senator Lefty bowling, you will see that he is bowling wrong-legged.

No one who likes beer bowls wrong-legged.

And don't get me started on that bike helmet!

vbspurs said...

Heads up:

Palin on CNBC, being inteviewed by Maria Bartiromo.

She's being asked at length about ANWR, and a national energy plan.

Oops, it's over. It was great.

rhhardin said...

I don't like beer either.

vbspurs said...

I like Sam Adams, not that foreign muck.

XWL said...

Anyone who likes beer would be able to name the beer that they like. Haven't seen it yet, maybe he does, but I doubt it.

Of course, if I were asked, I'd have to admit that I prefer my stout mixed with sparkling wine, so that makes me pretty unpresidential, I suppose.

(Half Guinness, and half Chandon California Brut Classic, preferrably)

Isn't 60 Minutes supposed to be where you get 'serious' interviews?

vbspurs said...

LOL! I just realised who Ann reminds me of sometimes, with her in-depth fisking of topics.

Andy Rooney.

(Ooh, he mentioned Joe Stone's Crabs. I live a few blocks away!)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bartorosa was on Matthews this morning. It was obvious she is a Palin fan.

But Chris did not get a tingle up his leg.

EnigmatiCore said...

What dumb dialog.

Does liking beer make one a normal, everyday guy? No.

Does not liking beer make on abnormal? No.

<---enjoying a Bud Select as we speak.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I did not watch 60 Minutes. Did Obama get any softballs? Heh.

Anonymous said...

Isn't 60 Minutes supposed to be where you get 'serious' interviews?

No. 60 Minutes is where we get sworn verification that Obama likes beer and circa 1968 12-pt. Times New-Roman documents printed on laser printers that tell us that George W. Bush missed a physical.

Hard-hitting journalism you understand.

Anonymous said...

Althouse is not anything like that boring half wit. Take it back.

LonewackoDotCom said...

I'd be more impressed with Althouse if she'd pointed out that Steve Kroft conducted a puffball interview rather than, for instance, calling BHO on some of his lies or pointing out the tremendous flaws in his policies.

Freeman Hunt said...

Why does everyone running for office have to act like he likes to drink? Or maybe everyone (except me) does like to drink...

vbspurs said...

Althouse is not anything like that boring half wit. Take it back.

He said something about umbrellas that had me laughing, because it was astute and unlike anything any other person says on television.

And no, I won't take it back! Ann is an American original just like Rooney.

I concede she has less bushier eyebrows though.

LonewackoDotCom said...

The transcript of the interview is here.

vbspurs said...

Or maybe everyone (except me) does like to drink...

The whole world loves to drink, Freeman. Sometimes I wish I could. I am a situational drinker, but practically a teetotolarer.

I just don't get why people need to anaesthesise themselves, to enjoy life. It takes away the focus, which is crucial to how I appreciate the world.

God, I'm such a prig.

Anonymous said...

I don't really like to drink, either. There is a subtext at work here, and an interesting one at that. Not only does Obama realize that he has to convince a very large and vital segment of America that he is the sort of fellow that would be fun to have a beer with, he realizes that he has to convince these people that he likes the product in the first place. And he is currently behind in several polls.

Yet McCain is desperate. Alrighty then.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

enjoying a Bud Select as we speak.

I'm having a Corona myself ;)

EnigmatiCore said...

"if she'd pointed out that Steve Kroft conducted a puffball interview"

Not every interview has to be hardball. I enjoy puffball interviews, so long as those aren't the only interviews.

You can learn quite a bit about what candidates want you to see when they are feeling unthreatened.

vbspurs said...

Bartorosa was on Matthews this morning. It was obvious she is a Palin fan.

The journalist I mentioned on CNBC, right?

I was talking to a lady neighbour in the corridor earlier today, and her eyes were like beacons talking about Palin.

I think the appeal of Barack Obama for people was that he destroyed Hillary as a legitimate choice in politics. He was a kind of saviour, who got rid of the "Clinton inevitability".

Getting the same vibe from women (my mother, this lady, me, Bartiromo) about Hillary vs. Palin.

Suddenly, she's not the only woman we can talk about, seriously as a national political leader.

It is an absolutely liberating feeling.

Poor Hillary. So many people wanted to see the back of her.

EnigmatiCore said...

"The reason I bowled though, wasn't to try to get votes....."

He really should have stopped before saying this. Again, the 'authenticity alarm' went off screaming right then and there.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I din't know Obama had a drinking problem ;)

Peter V. Bella said...

Seven Machos said...
Agreed. Let's add likes beer to the long list of accomplishments. It ranks pretty high, actually, which is sad.

If he drinks foreign beer does that give him foreign policy experience?

vbspurs said...

LOL! That would SO be a Kos Diary already if it weren't about Obama.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If he drinks foreign beer does that give him foreign policy experience?

If he likes Corona, does that mean NAFTA is safe?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yes Victoria - that is the one. I just spelled her name badly.

What is a corridor? Did you mean hallway? Heh.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

What is a corridor?

That's for the ATF to know, and you to find out.

Anonymous said...

Obama likes Dos Equis, I'm sure, because he is THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD.

vbspurs said...

What is a corridor? Did you mean hallway? Heh.

Crap. I gave away my position!!

I'll go back to hiding behind the chesterfield.

Freeman Hunt said...

I am so relating to Victoria and Seven Machos right now.

The cloudy mind feeling that comes from drinking is very disagreeable.

vbspurs said...

Sarge Shriver, JFK's brother-in-law, was McGovern's running mate in 1972. He entered a blue-collar bar in Chicago to shake hands and court votes.

He slapped one burly guy on the back, and shouted:

YOU GUYS ARE GREAT! Beers on the house. And a Courvoisier for me."

What was it again? 1 State carried + DC. Nice.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

LOL! That would SO be a Kos Diary already if it weren't about Obama.

Where did you think I got the idea from?

Koos is instant Anthropology.

dcwilly said...

Project for the folks who routinely ridicule Obama: compare and contrast Obama's experience with Abraham Lincoln's experience when Abe ran for president. While you're at it, identify the critical "executive" experience Abe had when he became President. Then, report back to us.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The reason I bowled though, wasn't to try to get votes....."

I used to date a lawyer - this is an example of an unsolicited proffer.

It could be used against him ;)

Simon said...

Re beer - Me, I fancy a cool glass of Nun's Oath Ale...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The cloudy mind feeling that comes from drinking is very disagreeable.

I guess you'r the designated driver then :)

Synova said...

Seeming to drink beer only for the show is far worse than not drinking it if he's trying to appeal to the regular-Joe.

I'm with those here who don't drink and don't see the attraction. Still... if I had to say what I like... it would be pricey port and hot sake. Or maybe the cold sake with lumps in it when you pour.

I don't understand why people say they don't like sake.

Anonymous said...

DC -- You look into Warren G. Harding. Thanks.

Also, generally great argument: the less experience, the better. After all the guy who was president during the only civil war had limited experience.

I have even less experience than Obama. Elect me!

vbspurs said...

While you're at it, identify the critical "executive" experience Abe had when he became President.

There's a crucial flaw in your logic.

Obama is no Abe Lincoln. He's Carter with Wilson's brains.

Now, Michelle is interesting.

She's got that whole hottie Frances Cleveland thing going on, but unfortunately, she's as sour as Lemonade Lucy.

dcwilly said...

vbspurs: Obama is no Abe Lincoln. He's Carter with Wilson's brains.

So you admit Lincoln had no executive experience, and you don't contest that Obama has at least as much experience in government as Abe Lincoln. All you Republicans used to brag how your party was the party of Lincoln. I guess that's gone in this election.....

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I don't understand why people say they don't like sake.

Ask George 41, he might have had reacted to one all over the prime minister of Japan ;)

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm Full of Soup said...

Obama = Lincoln!

God there are gonna be some very disappointed people among his supporters if he should win.

Anonymous said...

I see that DC is here to collect gotcha points as well. Never mind all the southerners who to this day despise Lincoln but who vote overwhelmingly Republican. Never mind the ridiculously poor logic. It's all about the gotcha points.

Here you go, dude: 10 jillion.

Now, can you please say something remotely interesting?

Peter V. Bella said...

dcwilly said...
Project for the folks who routinely ridicule Obama: compare and contrast Obama's experience with Abraham Lincoln's experience when Abe ran for president. While you're at it, identify the critical "executive" experience Abe had when he became President. Then, report back to us.

If you want to look even sillier then go all the way back to George Washington.

The only qualifications Obama has are the ones the liberals have orgasms over; Harvard Law, Harvard Law Review, and he is Black, he married a Black, and he is part and parcel of the most corrupt Democratic regime in the country. That's all there is folks.

He even beats out old what's her name in the liberal qualification arena.

Now, I will have a nice Merlot while I LMAO at you silly, silly people.

le Douanier said...

Can vbspurs come up with some narrative where Palin's greatness is realted to beer?

I'll channel her:

"Palin is a good, honest, lover of America and all things American. She is a moral leader of unbounded capacity who brings cheer and joy to those she meets, just like beer."

Well, I think it became a little contrived there at the end.

But seriously, how can Palin think that the Founding Fathers wrote the Pledge? Can you imagine the vitriol if BHO made this mistake:

11. Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance

chickelit said...

What does Sarah Palin drink?
(between pregnancies of course)

dcwilly said...

SM: Never said the less experience the better. And I am not saying that having little or no experience automatically will make you a great President. It's just not the disqualifier lots of folks claim that it is. I'm only pointing out something obvious that you don't (because you can't) contest. If I am wrong about how much experience Abe Lincoln had, I'm confident you'd point it out.

Peter V. Bella said...


If Lincoln had no experience- which is historically incorrect- then we need more self educated, self made, backwood birch chewer boys to run for office.

vbspurs said...

Dcwilly, it's like this. I'm Greg Maddux, but you're not Andres Galarraga. So you will get lots of junk back. It's how I deal with fools wasting my time.

Anonymous said...

It's weird. There seems to be a core group of people who have been getting information and then saying, I better run over to Althouse and pst this.

Bad management, though, because one of your fellow lackeys beat you to the punch in a previous thread, 1jpb.

Too bad, sucker. You'll have to wait for the next meme to trot out.

vbspurs said...

SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance

If this is what you guys can come up with, compared to Rezko, Ayers, and Wright, baby, this election is over.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

While you're at it, identify the critical "executive" experience Abe had when he became President.


John F. Kennedy was one of only 42 men who truly knew what it is like to be president. He was not prepared for it, but I doubt that anyone ever was or ever will be. The job is sui generis. The presidency is an act of faith.

Sui generis - "The expression was effectively created by scholastic philosophy to indicate an idea, an entity or a reality that cannot be included in a wider concept"

dcwilly said...

Peter v. bella:

Never said that Lincoln had no experience -- to the contrary. I am saying that he had as much or less than Obama WHICH NOBODY HERE HAS OR CAN CONTEST. But 90% of the commenters on this blog believe BO too inexperienced to be President.

vspburs: your baseball analogy makes no sense. None. If I am a fool wastinng your time, don't respond.

Asante Samuel said...

Hey Vic, if you see our oldest boy down there, please send him home. It's suppertime.

Anonymous said...

DC -- Here is your argument, just so you know:

1. Lincoln had had little experience and was president.

2. Obama has little experience.

3. Therefore, he should be president.

If that doesn't look really, really, frighteningly stupid to you, I don't know what you tell you.

Sloanasaurus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Automatic_Wing said...

Can you imagine the vitriol if BHO made this mistake:

Oh no, the vitriol would be literally unimaginable if O ever made a mistake. Vitriol would be all over the place - I hate it when that happens.

He did make this silly mistake last month,though:

"I am absolutely committed to ending the war," the longtime community organizer declared. "I will call my Joint Chiefs of Staff in and give them a new assignment and that is to end the war."

Hey, guess what? The JCS is just there to advise POTUS and SECDEF and resolve disputes between the services. It won't be their "assignment" to end the war, but yours, Barry, along with your CENTCOM commander.

But I guess not understanding the role of the JCS is no big deal compared to the huge question of the pledge of allegiance's history.

Glad we cleared that up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama's candidacy is all marketing and no substance.

dcwilly said...


You're the one making the frighteningly stupid deduction here, purposefully distorting a pretty benign observation: with Abe Lincoln as an example, extensive governmental or executive experience is not a prerequisite to a successful presidency. You can construct all the syllogisms you like, you're the idiot.

le Douanier said...


So, it's OK to not know what the Founding Fathers did. Got it.


We don't need to imagine. The right wing attackers already went nuts falsely claiming that BHO didn't have his hand over his heart for the Pledge (I will acknowledge that the left does have nuts too, so you don't need to point out the garbage about Trig.)

Your JCS comment is stupid. Do you suppose BHO shouldn't include the JCS as he changes the Iraq policy? Stupid. You should think instead of repeating the chit chat of your favorite professional conservatives.

Cspan has been playing news casts from all over the world. Here are a couple negative reviews:

Iran TV had Mike Gravel criticizing BHO: "Obama will continue American imperialism..."

France TV was showing angry HRC supporters who are going to vote for McCain.

Sloanasaurus said...

Project for the folks who routinely ridicule Obama: compare and contrast Obama's experience with Abraham Lincoln's experience when Abe ran for president. While you're at it, identify the critical "executive" experience Abe had when he became President. Then, report back to us.

Abe Lincoln was a self made man beyond anything we can comprehend today. No one compares to him. The guy taught himself law rather than getting an affirmative action scholarship to Harvard.

But besides that he essentially had the same elected office experience as Obama. 8 years in the Illinois legislature, and 2 years in the House.

Here's one: Compare and contrast Calvin Coolidge's experience to Sarah Palin.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It won't be their "assignment" to end the war, but yours, Barry, along with your CENTCOM commander.

The cold war was fought with virtually the same vigor by both republicans and democrats.

There were more American deaths and it was more way.. way more expensive than Iraq and yet I don't remember any democrat getting to were Obama is on account we had to end the cold war unilaterally.

That said. Things are getting better in Iraq. At least that's what I heard on FOX ;)

Sloanasaurus said...

While Sarah Palin was fighting corruption as Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Board, The long time community organizer, Barack Obama, was voting present 132 times in the Illinois legislature.

Peter V. Bella said...

dcwilly said...
Peter v. bella:

Never said that Lincoln had no experience -- to the contrary. I am saying that he had as much or less than Obama WHICH NOBODY HERE HAS OR CAN CONTEST.

I can contest it and history can contest it. Lincoln was vastly more experienced than Obama. There is no comparison. Ya know, if you read books instead of relied on Wikidikipikipedia, you might have actually learned something. Just sayin, ya know.

Automatic_Wing said...

Your JCS comment is stupid. Do you suppose BHO shouldn't include the JCS as he changes the Iraq policy?

The JCS are but advisers - the chain of command runs from POTUS through SECDEF to the combatant commanders. This is a fact.

Obama's remark indicates that he does not understand the military chain of command, period.

Cedarford said...

dcwilly said...
vbspurs: Obama is no Abe Lincoln. He's Carter with Wilson's brains.
So you admit Lincoln had no executive experience, and you don't contest that Obama has at least as much experience in government as Abe Lincoln. All you Republicans used to brag how your party was the party of Lincoln. I guess that's gone in this election.

I didn't see Vbspurs admit that Lincoln had no executive experience. Indeed, as Vbspurs is a very intelligent and well-educated lady, I would be surprised if she did..

The Obama=Lincoln case may fly with Obamessiah fans who never cracked a book since HS, let alone read any biography on Lincoln, but not the people with more than a passing familiarity with what Lincoln had done before running for President.

1. He was a self-taught lawyer and independent businessman who came up with a rather ingenious patent for a air floatation system to lift river boats off snags. That was later independently created and utilized by barge operators and Royal Navy using piping and air valves to ballast tanks instead of bladders..

2. Lincoln drilled and served with his local military force - the militia for almost 20 years - and was made Commanding Officer of his region's militia in the Blackhawk War.

3. Lincoln became one of the premier "railroad" lawyers, working and negotiating with industries, farmers, road,river&sea freighters, and state legislatures to rationalize and codify the "high tech" of his day - railroads and telegraphs to create a modern trade and growth infrastructure.
Lincoln served 3 railroad companies in that executive capacity. He was given his own private rail car and a personal telegraph operator by the firms as he negotiated with the States, banks, and with shippers and businesses in the private sector.

He turned down a hefty stock offer, a Directorship in senior management and 50,000 in pay from the largest East Coast rail line.

4. He was senior partner in one of the most succesful law firms in Illinois, and argued over 100 cases before the State Supreme Court.
Which on top of his rail firm connections, was also an executive spot.

5. Finally, he became a leader and Boss in the new Republican Party in the Midwest...


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

combatant commanders

Ok. but how fast can you say combatant commanders ;)

Automatic_Wing said...

Ok. but how fast can you say combatant commanders ;)

Heh. It used to be worse. When I started studying for my first Air Force promotion tests in the late 80's, they were referred to as "commanders of combatant commands". Try saying that 3 times!

le Douanier said...


Have you looked at all the details behind this corruption fighting?

It's not like she was blazing the trail. Someone here (in another post) linked to a long article about this. She was told to snoop by others. She received complaints and forwarded them on. She was taking direction from others.

It is possible that she's over selling this aspect of her past.

We already know that she's lying by saying she stopped the bridge to nowhere. And, that was a big point in her introduction. So, she could be exaggerating or fibbing in other situations. We sure are learning a lot about Palin. It would be unfortunate if some of the Palin fans end up looking foolish. Y'all may want to wait until we know more about her.

Anonymous said...

It would be unfortunate if some of the Palin fans end up looking foolish.

Yeah, I'm sure that would totally bum you out. Fuck off, dude. You are a hard left troll. Stop with the pretense of objectivity. It's really annoying.

Sloanasaurus said...

The media is really blowing it on Palin. They are repeating bias statements without any follow-up. This morning on Meet the Press Tom Brokaw stated and highlighted twice that Palin's mother wondered why she was chosen. Then Brokwaw seemed concern that it was her mother saying it. Well it turns out it wasn't her mother:

Sarah Palin's hometown rallied around her as mayor - now Republicans wonder if the rest of America will warm up to the surprise pick from cold country.

Though her mother-in-law has doubts.

Faye Palin admitted she enjoys hearing Barack Obama speak, and still hasn't decided which way she'll vote.

Come on - her "mother-in-law?" How reliable is that.

Brokaw is just part of the smear machine. How could he make such a mistake?

LonewackoDotCom said...

EnigmatiCore says Not every interview has to be hardball.

Almost no interviews are truly hardball, and I'm not aware of an interview where a pol is walked through what they support and what's wrong with it. I.e., what lawyers like Althouse are presumably trained to do.

In fact, instead of discussing beer, Althouse might want to consider how dangerous it is to our political system that very few interviews are hardball.

Of course, when she had the opportunity to ask McCain a question she dropped the ball, so I'm not expecting much of anything.

Here's an example of the type of question for McCain that she's obviously incapable of thinking up or asking.

Sloanasaurus said...

We already know that she's lying by saying she stopped the bridge to nowhere.

What, you have to be kidding me. Palin came out saying that her state did not want $400+ million of free money that her party bosses had got for Alaska. ($400 million is more than the non-oil income tax revenues in AK) What other governor has rejected such riches out of principle. That is what built on the motivation to stop it. (Note that Obama voted to earmark the bridge).

Contrast that with the long time community organizer sending a $million earmark to his wife's hospital the year after he got elected. Strangely that coincided with Michelle getting a nice raise.

Contrast this with the long time community organizer never bucking his party - always going along with the corrupt chicago machine.

EnigmatiCore said...

Sloan, they only barely have a point, because after Palin made it clear that she did not want the money for the Bridge to Nowhere, Young and Stevens managed to include the money for Alaska anyway, not specifically for the bridge. The money was then accepted and used to build infrastructure.

Sloanasaurus said...

She was told to snoop by others. She received complaints and forwarded them on. She was taking direction from others.

She is the one that took the risks. That is 90% of fighting corruption.

She is the one that resigned from the Commission and than ran against Murkowski in the Primary.

Contrast this with the long time community organizer, Barack Obama, that has never taken a risk to fight corruption. He is a full fledged member of the chicago machine.

In fact The community organizer never takes risks at all. He flip flops on all his positions to reduce any risk taking.

Sloanasaurus said...

Palin made it clear that she did not want the money for the Bridge to Nowhere, Young and Stevens managed to include the money for Alaska anyway, not specifically for the bridge.

yeah but its a lot easier to kill something in Congress when you can argue that the state's own governor doesn't want the $400 million. Can you imagine any other state governor saying they didn't want $400 million. Come on...

blake said...


It's not news here. We had the Abe Lincoln discussion earlier. Please research before trolling.

Lincoln united Republicans at a time when the country was falling apart. Obama can't even get the PUMAs to fall in line.

blake said...

Booze-wise, it's not even a matter of "not liking" to drink.

I've just never had a drink. I don't even have religion to fall back on.

I see these movies, like Sideways and Bottle Shock that make wine sound like a wonderful delicacy, full of nuance and subtlety.

I listen to my beer-drinking friends who fall into two camps: Those who drink domestic and think European (and microbrewery) is crap and those who drink European (and microbrewery) and think domestic is crap. I wonder which camp I would fall into.

I read hard-boiled detective novels where the heroes down scotch and bourbon 'cause sometimes, that's the only way to face down the hard world.

Hard to feel like you're not missing out on something.

EnigmatiCore said...

"She was told to snoop by others. She received complaints and forwarded them on. She was taking direction from others."

"You have to go back to a 2004 article published in the Anchorage Daily News to discover that Palin was actually examining Ruedrich's computer at the behest of Alaska's assistant attorney general. The state was conducting an ethics investigation of Ruedrich and asked Palin to look in his office and on his computer for any evidence that might further that investigation.

Palin, as chairwoman of the Oil and Gas Commission and its ethics supervisor, ****was entitled to examine Ruedrich's computer**** since the computer was state property."

"Palin found dozens of e-mails and documents on the computer that suggested an improper relationship between Ruedrich and oil companies, which she forwarded to the attorney general's office."

Then, when nothing happened, she resigned.

Only to come back and take the job of the Governor who ignored what she had found.

The story is even better when one hears the details.

Anonymous said...

Well, Blake, Lincoln united the country except for the small matter of the civil war that raged during his presidency.

I am a Lincoln liker. But I think that's worth noting.

Sloanasaurus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daryl said...

The reason I bowled though, wasn't to try to get votes....."

He said he wasn't trying to get votes, he was campaigning.

HUH? That doesn't make any sense, Obama. If George W. Bush said that, it would be a "Bushism"

blake said...

Sloan, Seven--

Dunno why you deleted your responses, which I thought were well expressed.

Lincoln was a party bigwig at a time that really meant something. First Rep pres and all that.

Anonymous said...

I deleted mine because I figured it made no sense after Sloan deleted his. No context, I figured.

Richard Fagin said...

Poor Barack really doesn't get it. People don't care whether he likes beer of can bowl. People want to know if he condescends to those who like beer and bowl. President Reagan undersood that, and that was the basis for a lot of his popularity. Bush the elder didn't.