August 19, 2008

"My God, it's a mansion!"

"It's a house."

Now, have a nice breakfast. And don't sell the house. I love this house.


knox said...

That movie makes me ache with nostalgia. I love it so much.

kjbe said...

I love this movie and I love the quote from Olga - "She's a very nice lady." How sweet.

Growing up in the midwest, I've always been intrigued by what New Yorkers called a 'house.' No grass, no room - a completely different sense of space.

john said...

The clip makes me hungry. Never saw the movie, but now I know what I can do with the rest of last night's bread. Wish we had some bacon.

Ann Althouse said...

"Wish we had some bacon."

Looked like liver, wasn't it?

Amexpat said...

"It's not a house . . . it's a home."

john said...

Too red? I thought it was a chile.

Sofa King said...

Here lies Walter Fielding. He bought a house, and it killed him.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

I would love to see Althouse's Blogger page which has all her taglines. It must be two pages long!

"Eggs". Hehe.

vbspurs said...

I liked putting the sugar cubes in the celebrational fermented beverage.

You like putting Mentos in champagne, Ruth Anne? Didn't Mythbusters already do that?

rhhardin said...

I thought they were talking French for quite a while.

Monsieur Holot's Holiday is better, if you want French.

knox said...

Snap out of it!


Ann Althouse said...

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kimsch said...


My house could fit in that kitchen! But I have a bigger yard.

Ann Althouse said...

Most interesting entry on the list:

things only said once (1)

Ann Althouse said...

I don't like that there's only 1 for "symbols." I just forgot I started that tag. I was going to merge it with "logo"/"metaphor," but the post in question wouldn't accept either.

Ann Althouse said...

Still, in the process of trying, I discovered the need for an "elephant" tag, and now I've got 24 for "elephant."


Palladian said...

I love eggs cooked like that. We called them "bird's nests", without the red peppers.

Chip Ahoy said...

We called them "eggs in a hole". I thought it was a novelty for children. I make them infrequently just to feel like a kid.

rhhardin said...

Aftermath of egg explosion in egg poacher.

Two eggs in one egg pocket.

I've since figured out that 30% power for 5 minutes is all that's needed. Puncturing the yolk, furthermore, is unnecessary.

ricpic said...

Supposedly, the standard of living has gone up in America, way up; but that kind of kitchen and even that kind of house (maybe a bit smaller overall) was standard blue collar, pre-WW II.

vbspurs said...

# priorities (1)


Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadisonMan said...

We called them "eggs in a hole".

Eggs in a Frame. I didn't like fried eggs, my brother was the one who ate these.

Peter V. Bella said...

vbspurs said...
I would love to see Althouse's Blogger page which has all her taglines. It must be two pages long!

Ann Althouse said...

See above list.

Guess you showed her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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