April 20, 2008

Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd get around to the subject of the Clinton-Obama debate.

It must be hard to think of new things to say, when everyone's been talking about the debate for days. You could talk about what people have been saying, but Dowd doesn't do that:
The thorny questions Obama got in the debate were absolutely predictable, yet he seemed utterly unprepared and annoyed by them. He did not do well for the same reason he failed to outmaneuver Hillary in a year’s worth of debates: he disdains the convention, the need for sound bites and witty flick-offs and game-changing jabs.
Does he "disdain" all that because he's lofty and idealistic, or because he's not very good at it? Remember the time he said "You're likeable enough, Hillary"? That seemed to lead directly to his loss in the New Hampshire primary and the agonizing prolongation of the primary season.
He needs to be less philosophical and abstract, and more visceral and personal....
He needs to not be the magical screen for projection that made us see what we wanted when we looked at him. He has one amazing thing that he can do better than anyone. How can he be expected to do anything else anywhere nearly as well?
[W]hen a voter from Latrobe asked in the debate why he doesn’t wear a flag pin, he high-hatted it as a “manufactured issue,” then, backing in tepidly, added, “I could not help but love this country for all that it’s given me.”

Asked about his friendly relationship with the former Weather Underground anarchist William Ayers — an association that The Wall Street Journal suggests could turn into the Swift Boat of 2008 given Ayers’s statement that “I don’t regret setting bombs; I feel we didn’t do enough” — Obama defended him with a line that only the eggheads orbiting his campaign could appreciate. Ayers, he said, is “a professor of English in Chicago.”

Obama has to prove to Americans that, despite his exotic background and multicultural looks, he shares or at least respects their values and understands why they would be upset about his associations with the Rev. Wright and an ex-Weatherman.
Dowd thinks Obama knows he needs to prove something like this and that he's trying, but what can he do? Dowd says that, since the debate, he's seemed "eager to show he was not highfalutin." Of course, he's eager. But what can he do? Saying he didn't grow up rich, hugging a vet, and ending a speech with “God Bless America” — the 3 things Dowd cites — do nothing to address questions about his patriotism.

Frank Rich begins with talk about the talk about the debate, specifically, the criticism of the ABC moderators, George Stephanopoulos and Charles Gibson:
Ludicrous as the whole spectacle was, ABC would not have been so widely pilloried had it not tapped into a larger national discontent with news media fatuousness. The debate didn’t happen in a vacuum; it was the culmination of the orgy of press hysteria over Mr. Obama’s remarks about “bitter” small-town voters....

Mr. Obama did sound condescending, an unappealing trait that was even more naked in his “You’re likable enough, Hillary” gibe many debates ago.
(I'm reading this after calling attention to the same Obama quote above.)
But the overreaction to this latest gaffe backfired on the media more than it damaged him. For all the racket about “Bittergate” — and breathless intimations of imminent poll swings and superdelegate stampedes — the earth did not move. The polls hardly budged, and superdelegates continued to migrate mainly in Mr. Obama’s direction.
Ahem. Check the trend in the Gallup daily tracking poll.
However out of touch Mr. Obama is with “ordinary Americans,” many Americans, ordinary and not, have concluded that the talking heads blathering about blue-collar men, religion, guns and those incomprehensible “YouTube young people” are even more condescending and out of touch.
Eh. Who cares? Obama isn't running against the media. It doesn't matter whether we like the media — which Rich is part of — less than Obama but whether we like the other candidates less. We will always bitch about the media, especially when they wound our favorite candidate.

That's all I have to say about Rich. Unlike Dowd, who makes every sentence interesting, Rich rambles through the second half of his column. Some people have more money than others — did you know?


rhhardin said...

I was stunned that Rich brought up the public disgust with the fatuous media.

You wonder right away what he considers fatuous.

ricpic said...

Ayers is "a professor of English in Chicago," so he must be alright. Says a lot about Obama. Credentials make the man.

Skyler said...

Your penultimate paragraph appears to have been typed in haste and is missing words in several places.

Brent said...

Frank Rich, the New York Times substance-challenged columinist, pulls out the "McCarthy" charge in just the 3rd paragraph:

Of course, Obama fans were angry because of the barrage of McCarthyesque guilt-by-association charges against their candidate, portraying him as a fellow traveler of bomb-throwing, America-hating, flag-denigrating terrorists. The debate’s co-moderator, George Stephanopoulos, second to no journalist in his firsthand knowledge of the Clinton White House, could have easily rectified the imbalance. All he had to do was draw on his expertise to ask similar questions about Bill Clinton’s check-bearing business and foundation associates circling a potential new Clinton administration. He did not.

What a hypocrite Rich is! First, it's wrong of Stephanopolus to bring those questions to Obama at all. But since he did, he's slammed for not asking Hillary the same kind of questions?

This is another perfect picture of the desperation and emptiness of argument from our political left in this country: You shouldn't do "a"! And how come you didn't do more "a">!

Frank Rich, whose entire column-writing career is built on guilt-by-association charges and innuendo is the last person in America that should throw a charge at ABC for the brilliant service done for America in the last debate.

rhhardin said...

Rich is a drama critic, and fittingly has gone over to politics.

It's just that he expects more respect than drama critics get.

Ann Althouse said...

Skyler, thanks, sorry. Actually, there was only one omitted word -- we -- and one typo ("would" for "wound").

Swifty Quick said...

What a hypocrite Rich is! First, it's wrong of Stephanopolus to bring those questions to Obama at all. But since he did, he's slammed for not asking Hillary the same kind of questions?

Rich was almost partway on to something there. First though, there was nothing wrong with Stephanopolus's questions to Obama. Actually, there should have been many more just like that starting months ago. But he's right that Stephanopolus didn't go after Hillary with the same vigor. And he should have. But the impact of that criticism is lessened by the fact that Hillary has already been hit harder by the media than Obama has, including in the debates, and by the fact that Obama is now apparantly way ahead in this race and likely going to win it. For the questioners to be doing their jobs rightly, Obama needed to be questioned harder than he has been.

RobertL said...

Rich is little more than a ranting child - in everything he writes (which is why the Times brought him back in the first place).

How dare the moderators ask difficult (or even stupid) questions of the candidate he wants to win? Only he is permitted to behave any way he pleases - because he, of course, has all the answers.

Ever heard that before?

titusiscalmand relaxed said...

I love Frank Rich. He is so New York.

titusiscalmand relaxed said...

I love Obama too.

former law student said...

Because the Clinton-Obama debate is played out, why not pay some attention to McCain -- namely his curious omission to release his wife's tax forms. Combined, the McCains are as wealthy as the Clintons. McCain has historically benefited hugely from his wife's property and position. Surely Cindy's income and wealth continue to benefit him. Being much much greater, Cindy's income and the McCains' wealth is much more significant to the future of our nation than Michelle's income and the Obama's house and yard.

From the Associated Press, April 3:

The McCains' marriage has mixed business and politics from the beginning, according to an expansive review by The Associated Press ... The paperwork chronicles the McCains' ascent from Arizona newlyweds to political power couple on the national stage.

As heiress to her father's stake in Hensley & Co. of Phoenix, Cindy McCain is an executive whose worth may exceed $100 million. Her beer earnings have afforded the GOP presidential nominee a wealthy lifestyle with a private jet and vacation homes at his disposal, and her connections helped him launch his political career — even if the millions remain in her name alone. Yet the arm's-length distance between McCain and his wife's assets also has helped shield him from conflict-of-interest problems.

Within a few years of marrying Cindy Hensley, the daughter of a multimillionaire Anheuser-Busch distributor, John McCain won his first election. He was new to Arizona politics and fundraising in the 1982 House race, and his campaign quickly fell into debt. Personal money — tens of thousands of dollars in loans to his campaign from McCain bank accounts — helped him survive.


“I would call your attention to the curious incident of the blogger in the nighttime.”

“The blogger typed nothing in the nighttime.”

“That was the curious incident.” -- Sir Arthur Conan Pundit

hdhouse said...

If only Maureen would marry me. sigh

Sloanasaurus said...

Obama cannot escape the fact that he sat in the pews and closely associated with a racist and anti-american preacher for 20 years. The theme of Obama's church is anti-white and anti-american.

So Obama needs to 1) convince us to overlook his associations or 2) convince us that he had no knowledge that his associations behaved in this way.

So far he has failed at both.

Sloanasaurus said...

why not pay some attention to McCain -- namely his curious omission to release his wife's tax forms.

Maybe the liberal media will press mccain as hard as they did John Kerry to get him to release his records.

While they are investigating McCains wife, they should investigate Michele Obama. Like how she got a sudden promotion which tripled her salary after Obama got elected to the Senate. After all, Obama has benefited in the past from Michele's income.

Fen said...

Unlike Dowd, who makes every sentence interesting

Despite how much I dislike Dowd's politics, despite her lack of ethics [see "dowdism"]...I have to admit she's a superb writer.

She's pretty hot too. Maybe you could set us up for a blind date. I promise to behave, unless she would prefers bad boys.

rhhardin said...

Love of evil is the root of all money.

Fen said...

Rich was almost partway on to something there....But the impact of that criticism is lessened by the fact that Hillary has already been hit harder by the media than Obama has, including in the debates, and by the fact that Obama is now apparantly way ahead in this race and likely going to win it.

Agreed. They should have both been scrutinized with equal vigor some months ago. Obama was not. I think some in the media are waking up to the obvious bias of their peers, and grilling Obama harder to balance that out.

garage mahal said...

If this debate was an interview Obama's application crumpled up would have hit the wastebasket before he exited the door, without even the obligatory "we'll call". Who else can go into an interview and tell the interviewer that the questions asked are ridiculous?

Hillary took Axelrod's astroturf and made impromptu exotic origami out of it and the media responds that it's "not fair".

titusiscalmand relaxed said...

Maureen Dowd is hot.

I would do her.

former law student said...

Michele Obama...sudden promotion ... tripled her salary after Obama got elected to the Senate.

Yes, we know all about this, because the Obamas released their tax forms, while the Bud-distributing McCains haven't.

rhhardin said...

How did we vet candidates before the income tax?

titusiscalmand relaxed said...

Frank Rich is not hot.

I would not do him. His son is hot though. I would do the son.

I love Maureen's hair. How gay was that comment?

titusiscalmand relaxed said...

I would love to be Maureen's girlfriend and go out to dindin and dancing and drinking with her.

titusiscalmand relaxed said...

If Maureen and I were girlfriends we could have sleep overs and braid each other's hair and share our diaries and talk about boys.

We could also go shopping and I would make recommendations of cute little blouses for her to buy and then we would go to lunch at a small out of the wafe cafe and then we would do yoga together.

I would be totally faithful to her as a friend. Be honest with her. And care about her deeply.

Sloanasaurus said...

Yes, we know all about this, because the Obamas released their tax forms, while the Bud-distributing McCains haven't.

No we don't know. Did Michele Obama get a promotion because her husband is a Senator. Where is the press investigation. Someone should be asking. We know that Obama is willing to take favors as he did with Rezko. Why not a favor here.

The press has thoroughly investgated McCain's wifes company. We know how much she is worth, how many employees they have, how much they pay them, etc.. We know that Cindy McCain iherited her company from her father. We know that she has doubled the value of the company since she took over 10 years ago. We also know all about Cindy's wife's drug addiction and her problems with that. We know that cindy is pround of her country and that Michele is not.

We know little about Michele Obama. What was her LSAT score. Did she get into the Ivy league on grades or through affirmative action. Did he ever have a drug addiction? The American people deserve to know these facts.

titusiscalmand relaxed said...

Do the American people need to know about John Mccain having an affair? I don't think so. I believe sex should be a private, very personal issue that should not be talked about.

If Maureen and I were girlfriends and talked to me about her sex life I would be very discreet and never spill the beans. That is what a good friend I would be.

former law student said...

sloan -- Unlike the other candidates, McCain has not released his wife's income tax information. Therefore he is covering something up -- simple as that.

Swifty Quick said...

McCain has not released his wife's income tax information. Therefore he is covering something up

Note that it's Cindy's tax return, and John McCain couldn't authorize its release no matter how much he wanted to. This is not just a pro forma nicety either. It takes Cindy's express authorization to release, and she may well be the one saying "no" to giving it. Probably is in fact. This is someone who, after all, has a prenup shielding her ownership interests in her family's business assets from John McCain's reach. They've always filed separate tax returns. It all fits.

So while it remains a question, the question is a little bit different than you put it.

But, hey, not to worry. Obama has experience at accessing and exploiting private records under seal. He can get that done.

garage mahal said...

This one's for you. It's pretty funny. My Maureen Dowd story

"Maybe Dowd's utter social cluelessness is more responsible for her never finding a husband than feminism is. Ya think?

Ultimately, though, I think this story is tragic. Here Maureen Dowd was, sitting across the table from this Totally. Fucking. Amazing. Person. Yet she could make no human connection with him. She did not get to know him at all. Because all she could talk about all night long was Bill Clinton's cock".

Omaha1 said...

I have been listening to the Sunday morning talk shows in the background and can hardly believe how the Obama backers are freaking out over the debate questions. Maybe there is someone out there who is not sick of hearing about the tedious minutiae of health care plans or the latest nuance on how we will withdraw troops from Iraq. That person would not be me.

I thought it was refreshing to explore the candidates’ responses to the latest media frenzies over “bitter-gate” and “Tuszla-gate”. They should be forced to defend their stupid remarks, after all they will be replayed ad nauseam during the general election campaign. All of Obama’s defenders are just making him look like a wimp who can’t stick up for himself in my opinion. If he can’t defend himself against Hillary, McCain will totally clean his clock in November.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"How can you have your pudding if you won't eat your meat?"
Obama wants to skip right to dessert. Don't ask any questions.

Actually, this debate gave Obama an opportunity address all the flak that had been hurled his way recently. Instead of taking the opportunity to spin it his way, make lemonade out of lemons, he biffed it and his campaign is whining about being asked to explain himself. A big missed opportunity. The fact that he isn't taking advantage of these opportunities and Hillary is, speaks to his inexperience and unreadiness to be President.

tituslets all hug said...

If Maureen and I were girlfriends we would order really fabulous salads at nice restaurants.

The salads would be all kinds of weird organic grass, exotic fruit from some weird place, goat cheese fresh from a goat, fresh vegetables that are green and picked that day from some fabulous garden and we would split a baby crouton. The salad would have a drop of dressing.

The water we would have would be really fabulous and expensive and be from somewhere like Iceland or Alaska. Real pure and white and shit like that. Lemon wedges, natch.

Afterwards we would share a toilet as we made ourselves throw up. I would hold her hair and everything.

That's how close we would be.

Cedarford said...

ricpic - Ayers is "a professor of English in Chicago," so he must be alright. Says a lot about Obama. Credentials make the man.

Indeed. Osama bin Laden can properly be criticized because he lacks a PhD and tenure. Mohammed Atta never even bothered to complete his mere master's degree. Kudos to Dowd for revisiting Obama's "credentials-based" defense of Ayers.
From opposite ends of the spectrum, we have white lace Irish Peggy Noonan and Maureen Dowd. Both may be wrong, sometimes simultaneously, but they are both talented interesting writers worth a read, consistently..
Sloan - While they are investigating McCains wife, they should investigate Michele Obama. Like how she got a sudden promotion which tripled her salary after Obama got elected to the Senate. After all, Obama has benefited in the past from Michele's income.

Both Obamas have benefited enormously from the early patronage of Chicago's wealthiest families and most powerful blacks - since the early 90s, the Obamas have moved with them, in the most elite of liberal circles.

Not surprisingly, U of Chicago Board of Trustees is dominated by those very same powerful blacks of the Dailey Machine and liberal blue-blood billionaire Jewish & Gentile business families (The Crowns, Prizkers, Rogers, Saltzmans).
Both Obamas were selected as up and coming "golden people" and given jobs and access starting as the ink was still drying on Obama's law degree and Michelle was put under the mentorship of the most powerful black woman in Chicago politics (Valerie Jarrett) - both were hired at U of Chicago and assured rapid ascent in their part-time jobs. Barack going since 1992 from teaching one course as an adjuct lecturer to senior lecturer in the league of appellate judges when he 1st became one of 59 part-time Illinois state Senators. Michelle through a series of U of Chicago posts beginning in 1996, despite being on part-time or maternity status in her career 1/3rd of the time - culminating in her old Dailey Machine mentor Jarrett, then ViceChairman of Trustees, working with John Crown (President of Trustees), Trustee Pritzker, Trustee John Rogers - to triple her salary. A 319,000 job with light duties and no staff but a single secretary/assistant to the VP? Hmmmmmn.....

Doors were opened early on for the Obamas, via affirmative action, their Harvard Law Degrees, and Baracks vote by fellow students and faculty to be a compromise "1st Black!!!!!" Editor of the Harvard Law Review further elevating the couple into Superstar status by the early 90s. Obama was winging around by the md-90s on Penny Pritzker's private jet and by other conveyances to make the introductons in Hollywood, NYC, SF as a rising black superstar. Always is elite circles, when he wasn't doing what he had to do and obligatorily attend Trinity and listen to Rev Wright or work with Nation of Islam, ex-Panthers, and the black part of the Dailey Machine to show his authentic black creds by day - Before, of course, the black tie dinners with Commeonwealth Edison heir & terrorist Bill Ayers and real estate moguls like the Saltzmans and Pitzkers, former SDS 60s radicals like Marilyn Katz, and connected Dailey Machine Elites, or taking off with the Crowns for an intimate Aspen Institute "Fred Crown Scholars" get-together.

The Elites stand to reap huge benefit from their investment in the cultivation and advancement of the Obamas. Especially the early Chicago talent-pickers in business, and at U of Chicago who no doubt are salivating at the thought of 30 years of million dollar + a pop phone calls from the Obamas to wealthy elite donors to fuel U of Chicagos endowment. All their power and wealth stands to advance as the Obamas rise..

(I just wonder why Michelle was not proud of America after all the lear jet rides and those swank functions and powerful patronage that boosted her career? If France wishes to give me a 319,000 a year part-time job with little responsibility and no management duties but to my secretary/assistant, I'd be proud of France all my adult life..)

tituslets all hug said...

You know quite a bit of stuff Cedarford.

Very impressive.

Trooper York said...

"How can you have your pudding if you won't eat your meat?"

I think you have to tone it down a little when discussing your sex practices as we have very sensitive souls on these threads. Earthy and bawdy behavior is really not appropriate. Pleas dial it down a little there Joan Blondell.

IgnatzEsq said...

Ann, I'm not saying Frank Rich was smarter and he checked out the polls in a more comprehensive manner. But relying on one daily poll result is like reading one paragraph of an essay and interpreting the rest from that paragraph.

For a better look at recent poll results, see this blog entry (from a fellow prof. at the UW no less)

reader_iam said...

Sex is one thing, but vomiting--now, that's a very personal thing.

reader_iam said...

Puking up something with goat cheese? Oh, gag me.

John Stodder said...

I love it when people cite the polls to support their view of what "ordinary people" think.

Especially a guy like Frank Rich whose big life transition was from writing theater reviews for the New York Times to writing political opinion columns for the New York Times.

Has he ever talked to a pollster about how a poll is taken? There are no essay questions, no probes of feelings. It's all zero sum: Hillary or Obama or Don't Know. The disgust with Obama's comments might not right away translate into a voter switching from Hillary to Obama. Said voter might have already dismissed the possibility of Hillary. Said voter might not want to have to admit they have no candidate in the race anymore by saying "Don't Know." So they keep saying Obama even though the glimpse of him given in the recent weeks is drastically different from the guy they first thought they liked. The pollsters can't switch to a different line of questioning to reflect the new news because there's no baseline. They didn't ask "Is Obama an elitist?" 10 weeks ago, so an answer this one week would be relatively meaningless.

Too bad Frank Rich isn't like the NYT theater critic in "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" with all the kids and the dog and Doris Day (movie) or Patricia Crowley (sitcom). That guy might've run into ordinary people at a PTA meeting, or even a Broadway show. Rich undoubtedly has structured his life to keep ordinary people as far away as possible. The polls, however, are no substitute.

Trooper York said...

The guy who Please don't eat the daisies was based on was Walter Kerr, who I had the priviledge of meeting several times hanging out in some of the joints in Times Square back in the day. He was a gentleman and a scholar in the old fashioned sense of the word, and Frank Rich couldn't be a pimple on his ass.

Anonymous said...

"He can create an uplifting new kind of politics if he becomes president..."

This is the central and biggest error of Obama-Love. There is no new politics possible. Politics is politics: a dirty, vicious, imperfect, sometimes uplifting and courage-driven means to tame the lesser angels of our nature. We are human, we simply are not in heaven yet.

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