February 2, 2008

So you've paid $6 million for a vanity license plate, and there's one you'd pay $20 million for?

There's one? Which one?

Yes, right, there's one.

Which one?

There's one. I'm trying to tell you.

Well, go ahead and tell me.


Tom Kelly said...

The governor of Colorado's car has "1", so I guess whatever plate is on the President's limo would be worth $20 million- and you'd get some other benefits by being President as well.

Mitt Romney is spending a lot of his own money trying to get that license plate.

hdhouse said...

As to the CNN clip, if there was ever an advertisement for even a modest energy policy, you have just seen it.

Anonymous said...

Here in Illinois there's a low number "war" that goes on. People hold on to their low number plates as if the plates are some kind of status symbol. It's just silly to me.

And, I wouldn't call those "vanity" plates either... They are just numbers.

Anonymous said...

Who's on first, What's on second, and I Don't Know is on third....

MadisonMan said...

The low number (lo numba) nonsense is endemic to Rhode Island too. I think it's because they have nothing else to be proud of.

Sheriff Cobb said...

Hey what if they retire your number? The Yankees are running out of numbers. Maybe they can buy some from these guys.

Sheriff Cobb said...

I guinea on my block has the best vanity license plate in New York,
it reads: Phongul.

babuilder said...

These stories were a lot funnier when it was Texans out spending our oil money. To quote Dan Jenkins pronunciation, "they's money, then they's all money."