December 26, 2007

What was Hillary Clinton's experience as First Lady that might qualify her for the Presidency?

Patrick Healy writes an important piece in the NYT, and I urge you to read the whole thing. The first few paragraphs stress that Hillary Clinton did not have a security clearance, attend National Security Council meetings, receive a copy of the president’s daily intelligence briefing, or "assert herself" on various crises.

But read on. Healy interviewed Mrs. Clinton and various others, and I think an impressive picture of her experience emerges at some point. I am, as I've said many times here, averse to the idea that the position of First Lady is a springboard to the Presidency, but I could feel myself softening as I read this:
Friends of Mrs. Clinton say that she acted as adviser, analyst, devil’s advocate, problem-solver and gut check for her husband, and that she has an intuitive sense of how brutal the job can be. What is clear, she and others say, is that Mr. Clinton often consulted her, and that Mrs. Clinton gained experience that Mr. Obama, John Edwards and every other candidate lack — indeed, that most incoming presidents did not have.

“In the end, she was the last court of appeal for him when he was making a decision,” said Mickey Kantor, a close Clinton friend who served as trade representative and commerce secretary. “I would be surprised if there was any major decision he made that she didn’t weigh in on.“In the end, she was the last court of appeal for him when he was making a decision,” said Mickey Kantor, a close Clinton friend who served as trade representative and commerce secretary. “I would be surprised if there was any major decision he made that she didn’t weigh in on.”...

Mrs. Clinton said in the interview that she was careful not to overstep her bounds on national security, relying instead on informal access....

She said she did not attend National Security Council meetings, nor did she have a security clearance — though she was briefed on classified intelligence before going on some important diplomatic trips.

“I don’t recall attending anything formal like the National Security Council,” she said, “because I had direct access to all of the principals. I spent a lot of time with the national security adviser, the secretary of state, other officials on the security team for the president. I thought that was both more appropriate, but also more efficient.”

Mrs. Clinton declined to say if she ever read the President’s Daily Brief, a rundown of the latest intelligence and threats to national security provided to the president each day. “I would put that in the category of I-never-talk-about-what-I-talk-to-my-husband-about,” she said. But she indicated, and other administration officials confirmed, that Mr. Clinton would sometimes talk to her about contents of the briefing.

“Let me say generally, I’m very aware of and familiar with what the P.D.B.’s actually are, how they work, what they include,” she said. “And it wasn’t always through the Clinton administration — when I went to Bosnia, for example, I had a full briefing from the military commanders there about what the situation was like.”
Hillary Clinton is in a very strange position where if she claims too much experience, she confesses to overstepping limits. She didn't have a security clearance or the official role of co-President, but you get the sense that, at the time, she behaved as though she did. Of course, now, she's compelled to deny it, but she also wants to let us know that it's true. Yes, I know: how Clintonesque. And yet, I'm inclined to accept the experience argument now. What next? Grill her about those decisions during the Clinton years!
Mrs. Clinton said she was “only tangentially involved” in Mr. Clinton’s first major overseas test, whether to send American soldiers after the Somali warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid and his forces, a raid that ended in 18 American deaths. Asked if she had pressed for an invasion, she said she had acted “more as a sounding board” for Mr. Clinton....

Asked about her role in Somalia and Haiti, [former Secretary of State Warren] Christopher said in an interview, “She wasn’t at any of the meetings in the Oval Office or cabinet room, and didn’t take any formal role that I saw.”
Spare me the "formal role"/"tangentially involved" niceties, and hold her to account. Make her defend Bill Clinton's decisions or tell us exactly what she thinks he did wrong. And don't let her dodge around by playing on our feelings about the marital relationship.


ricpic said...

Does this mean that Mrs. Lee Iacocca was qualified to run Chrysler?

rhhardin said...

Too bad she wasn't better in bed.

That more or less summarizes reactions to the importance of her claims of experience.

It lets you know that the argument is starting at the wrong place.

Laura Reynolds said...

Please resist the urge to find something in her role as First Lady sufficient to qualify as experience.

1. They've had a lot of time to craft the argument,

2. There are a lot of documents buried away that they are very deliberately not going to let anyone see. Documents that could shed some light on her contribution.

3. Let's see how willing she is to submit to hard questioning without resorting to cackles. What exactly did she do?

I think until they provide some real information, as opposed to platitudes from Clinton bunk buddies like Mickey Kantor, you should only rely on her public record, such as it is.

Anonymous said...

"Friends of Mrs. Clinton say that she acted as adviser, analyst, devil’s advocate, problem-solver and gut check for her husband, and that she has an intuitive sense of how brutal the job can be."

And this differs from involved stay-at-home housewives the world over how?

"Co-president." What a hoot. The drooling true believers and hard core fems will buy it, but so what. They were always going to vote for Her Nothingness. No sane person will buy into this ridiculous line of argument, and it will never be documented in any meaningful way because it cannot.

George M. Spencer said...

Fascinating quote near the end, regarding her belief in the value of face-to-face exchanges with foes:

“If you do have to engage in a bombing campaign, you’re going to have a much better idea of how much pressure it’s going to take to finally break him [if you have met the person].”

(Such great euphemisms we have: "Engage in a bombing campaign." I bet the Romans spoke the same way.)

Meanwhile, Sen. Clinton is being told to "smile more" by her campaign magazine, according to the Wall St. J.

Anonymous said...

If she was indeed Bill's final sounding board, that seals the deal for me: she's either weak or supremely cynical. Hill and Bill kicked the problem of Islamism down the road, failing to note that Islamism was not going away or, worse yet, knowing that but hoping the Big One would happen on the next guy's presidency. 9/11.

I would not vote for her at this point. Yes, let's question her on her role and her opinions on issues of war and peace. She has to talk about her role at some point, doesn't she?

former law student said...

HRC has opened the door for a couple of questions I'd like to ask:

- What was her role in welfare eradication? Isn't providing Aid to Dependent Children consistent with her book, "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child." Did she decide raising other people's children was no longer the village's responsibility?

- What was her role in approving Nafta? Nafta hurt the working class people of two countries: First, factory jobs fled south, hurting US workers. Second, the new Mexican factory jobs went to China, hurting Mexican workers. Third, cheap US corn flooded the Mexican market, hurting Mexican small farmers. Fourth, destitute Mexican smallholders fled north, hurting US workers by willingly accepting lower wages and less safe working conditions.

Trooper York said...

I think her experience, as first lady is very valuable. Maybe she can throw a lamp at Hugo Chavez.

Roger J. said...

If Ms Clinton is willing to take responsibility for any decisions made, then I will entertain her claims with a bit more assurance--until then--give it up Hillary; no accountability, no claims for experience.

BTW: Merry christmas to all the Althouse commenters

Chip Ahoy said...

Yes. She did all that. Yes. Yes. Yes. Then eight years elapsed and all of us lived it. We lived the Clinton era already, we all had a splendid time, and then it was over.

This article describes how dynasties are built from pure ambition. Should this gambit succeed we'll next be hearing about Chelsea's, is that the girl's name?, experience as first daughter and how valuable that is. From the Times:

"Chelsea Clinton, Primed for a Second Stint as First Daughter."

Peter V. Bella said...

Why not release the public documents that the National Archives refuses to do under the "request" of Bill Clinton. Now they are considered classified. This is the new PC term so the media will not keep demanding access or sue under FOIA. Since when are documents related to the First lady classified?

jeff said...

Short answer would be none. However, there is always the Edith Wilson example. At least Hillary is doing it the legal way. Asking if she is qualified doesn't really thin the herd much. Is Edwards qualified? Obama? I would say no. However, had I been alive in 1944 I would have said the same thing about Truman, who is one of my favorite Presidents.

These days I look more to how the person running handles stress, how well they work with people on the other side, and if they have any core beliefs that they will not compromise on, what those core beliefs are and how do they compare with mine. Whether or not they had jobs in the past that "qualify" them for the presidency isn't an issue as I have no idea what job has the responsibility and world impact that the Presidency has.

Cedarford said...

All I hear in Clintonista Micky Kantor's defense is that the real business of a CEO, General, President rests on pillowtalk with their mate.
Even if he is right about the primacy of a mate's opinion in any military or political or business decision an executive makes - and not engaged in the usual insincere sophistry people of his courtier lot make into an art form, he is basically telling us that Bill Clinton's pillowtalk clout will allow him to bypass the 22nd Amendment when his spouse becomes President. "Mrs President! Mrs President! All your advisors say you must decide Yes!" "Well, I agree with you now, but this is a major decision that requires it to rise to the "pillowtalk with Bill" level. I'll get back to you with my decision."

In the end, she was the last court of appeal for him when he was making a decision,” said Mickey Kantor, a close Clinton friend who served as trade representative and commerce secretary. “I would be surprised if there was any major decision he made that she didn’t weigh in on.“In the end, she was the last court of appeal for him when he was making a decision,” said Mickey Kantor, a close Clinton friend who served as trade representative and commerce secretary. “I would be surprised if there was any major decision he made that she didn’t weigh in on.”...

If Hillary was indeed that critical to Bill Clinton's thinking, why was he not urgently arranging her security clearance before assuming office as he did with other members of Team Clinton and his Arkansas organization? Why was this fact not proudly touted to feminists and old ladies who love Hillary that she had such clout and 'final decision with Bill' influence in all Presidential matters. And only hinted at in her Senate Race?

I also don't like it on another level - it is yet another DC argument for the legitimacy of nepotism. That as family, somehow there is a unique gift of experience and collective wisdom received from the Person in Power that similarly justifies rewarding the spouses and young Princesses and Princlings and brother-in-laws of Ruling Elites with jobs and prestige appointments beyond what their personal resume` would justify.

Trooper York said...

There was a great deal of debate over the amount of influence Eleanor Roosevelt exercised over FDR’s administration. Although she was a spokeswoman and advocate for many causes and defended the New Deal in the press and on the stump, it was always an open question as to how much influence she actually had over her husband. Their martial status was troubled and it has been rumored that both had affairs while they were in the White House. FDR had confided in his henchman Louis Howe, that he had not had sex with Eleanor since 1927. FDR had several mistresses on staff in various positions and was often somewhat blatant in his behavior. Although he used Eleanor’s popularity he did not give her any real responsibility. . As noted liberal historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. reported, “FDR really didn’t trust Eleanor’s judgment. Joe Stalin was impressed by her socialist tendencies and hoped to make use of her as a ‘useful idiot’ When old Uncle Joe asked FDR at Yalta what Eleanor was in charge of in Washington, FDR simply stated ‘The carpet, munching and otherwise.’ They soon dropped the subject so they could divide up the Balkans.”
(Eleanor and Franklin; An Oral History, Doris Kearns Goodwin)

Cedarford said...

Jeff - Asking if she is qualified doesn't really thin the herd much. Is Edwards qualified? Obama? I would say no. However, had I been alive in 1944 I would have said the same thing about Truman, who is one of my favorite Presidents.

I used to think that about Truman as well, because the "standard media storyline" is that he was an unprepared VP that somehow rose to the office...but only in hindsight...because his comtemporaries thought he was as lousy at it as Dubya or Jimmy Carter.

But if you read on Truman more, you see he had plenty of significant executive experience. He managed all affairs on a farm for 10 years. He was a combat officer with exemplary awards who rose to Colonel. He was a Mason leader. He was in an "executive" position in the Pendergrass Gang. When he became Senator, he sought and got Leadership postions and was placed at the head of important committees - including investigating WWII spending.

He staffed, he hired and fired. He led men and managed budgets from an early age.

Even his "failed haberdasher" critique ignores that he personally paid off his debts over a 15-year timespan from a business failure that had more to do with the Depression when tens of thousands of good businesses also failed, than any mismanagement by Truman. How many of Dubya's failed business dealings had Dubya make good on them?

I also agree with Jeff on Obama and Edwards lacking any executive training or experience. Hillary isn't that much better. But the top 3 present Dem candidates would look like pygmies alongside what Truman had done before he assumed the Presidency.

john said...



jeff said...

Oh, I could go thru an entire list of things Truman did before and during president that I don't like, but that's not what I said. I said he was one of my favorite presidents, and he is. As my main point, was he qualified to be president before running as VP, on paper no. In practice, yes.

Trooper York said...

“Boss Pendergas” was Tom Pendergast nickname as he was a drunken Irishman who enjoyed drinking lots of beer and really, really loved sauerkraut and baked beans. Cedarford just misspelled it, it was gas not grass.

Anonymous said...

For the fun of when you discuss Mrs. Clinton's qualifications with one of her ardent backers, point out that Laura Bush has nearly the same qualifications as Mrs. Clinton(equal, if she holds a senate seat for a few years) and would make a superb presidential candidate.

Then take two steps backward so as not to be splattered with invective, none of it rational.

jeff said...

In the eyes of the media, Truman's experience before being VP wouldn't have counted. Not to mention just having a high school diploma. There is no way someone with his background would be allowed the nomination of either party. While I disagree with a lot of his continuation of the new deal and the fair deal (he was also against some tax cuts and for price controls and I think a early supporter of universal insurance) he also did a lot of things that I fully support. I was in KC the night he died and stood in line for 7-8 hours for the viewing. There were a lot of people in the area that thought a lot of the man. I wonder what the people running the party these days think of him.

Laura Reynolds said...

The "Pendergrass Gang". Hey I hung out with them in college. Good times.

David Foster said...

The concept of *staff* versus *line* positions is relevant here. There is a huge difference between advising someone on what to do, and actually being the decision-maker.

No sane corporation would appoint someone as CEO based soley on his experience as "assistant to the President," no matter how much brilliance he had shown in that role.

Mortimer Brezny said...

Aren't there enough women in the Senate and House and in the corporate or legal world to run a female candidate who isn't essentially a house-wife? It strikes me that Hillary Clinton was just a house-wife to a very powerful man. There's nothing wrong with being a house-wife, but that doesn't seem like the right way to become President. It sounds silly. Why don't people just laugh at her candidacy?

Bruce Hayden said...

Another thing to keep in mind about Mrs. Clinton taking responsibility for her husband's actions is that some of them appear to have been less than honorable.

For example, a lot of extraordinarily questionable pardons were granted as he left office that were quite beneficial to her and her brothers. How can she essentially claim being an innocent bystander for such pardons of convicted drug king pins and major tax evaders if she was closely involved in his decision making. Does anyone really believe that he granted all those pardons without her, likely considerable, input? What she had before was plausible deniability. This claim by her makes any denials ever more implausible.

former law student said...

I wonder why the NYT puts some of this shit in, especially this passage I quote below. Surely the NYT is familiar with the winners of the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize, Catholic woman Mairead Corrigan and Protestant woman Betty Williams, who not only met each other in Belfast, but, brought together by a senseless tragedy, drew other women, both Catholic and Protestant together to march for peace. But, somehow, twenty years after the Peace Prize was awarded, HRC is the trend setter. Or maybe she was the pioneer of interfaith kaffeeklatsches.

Her personal interests also drew her to Northern Ireland, where she believed she could help foster peace as a female leader bringing together women split by the sectarian divide. She played host to a memorable meeting, one of the first of its kind, of Catholic and Protestant women in Belfast. “It gave everybody a safe place to come together and start talking about what they had in common,” Mrs. Clinton said.

Patm said...

Here, here, I remembered Corrigan and Williams, too! And I'm sorry, but this piece didn't "soften" me at all, it merely made me wonder why every first lady is not then "more experienced" and thus "better qualified" than other candidates to be president. Unpersuasive.

Patm said...

Dick Morris on Hillary and Ireland here.

Der Hahn said...

Too much criticism focuses on the fact she was first lady.

I don’t think anybody (hopefully even Republicans) would take Karl Rove’s experience in the White House as preparation for becoming President. Absent evidence that an advisor is a bona fide subject matter expert, one has to assume that the advice being offered is primarily political in nature. Being a politician is a probably the greater part of a President’s job but there’s never a 100 percent overlap between actions that enhance the political stature of the President and those that are best for the country overall.

A number of people have pointed to the ‘omniscient observer’ problem that an advisor has. Obviously, any advisor is going to give some bad advice. Discerning when this happened is difficult, so it leaves the impression that she counseled for any actions that went well and against those that failed. If she had such a crystal ball (assuming it’s been in a secured undisclosed location for the duration of the Bush Presidency) you wonder why Bill didn’t make more use of it.

Mr. Forward said...

"What was Hillary Clinton's experience as First Lady that might qualify her for the Presidency?"

Well I don't know, has Hillary had sex in the Oval Office?

overly interested said...

I think that we as people sometimes don't give credit to our intuitive senses that are innate to all people but denied for lack of scientific proof. If you really want to know what type of person Hillary is look in her eyes when she speaks. Do you believe that she will care once she is in office? No!! Hillary is a continuation (because she was there when it was corrupt!!) of business as usual.

VC said...

I kept hearing people say Hillary should prove the 35 years of experience she claims. So I researched it. And I was floored!

--- Hillary worked against voter fraud when she was 13.

--- She worked on Senator Walter Mondale’s “Subcommittee for Migratory Labor” when she was 26

--- She was on the Congressional Legal Team that indicted Watergate when she was 27

Below is a chronological summary of Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments. It is sourced from a combination of the encyclopedia, government documents and press releases—not her website. Note, it does not include the thousands of political decisions and discussions she was privy to during 20 years as First Lady in Arkansas and the White House. Nor does it list the White House proto call and presidential events that would be second nature to her after 8 years.

It also does not include all her Senate bills ---she has over 2600! It was interesting to discover she doesn’t put her name on them. Instead they have titles like, “Provide for the Common Defense” at $7 Billion bill that helps protect our cities and other targets from terrorist attacks. Or “Sex Offenders’ Database” also known as “Dru’s Law” that lets you know via internet if a sexual predator is now your neighbor.

It doesn’t list the hundreds of world leaders she already knows and has a relationship with---a good relationship -- especially with Europe and the "hot spots" around the world, e.g. the Middle East, (both with Arabs and Israelis), with Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong Il. Mc Cain does not have a good relationship with them. Obama would have to start from scratch. Trust is not an automatic thing. It is earned and that takes time. With all that is happening around the globe, I do not know that time is something we have in abundance.


Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
Born October 26, 1947
Age 13

1960 Hillary helped canvass South Side Chicago following the very close 1960 U.S. presidential election, finding evidence of electoral fraud against Republican candidate Richard Nixon

1964 Volunteered for Republican Barry Goldwater in the US presidential election

1965 National Merit Finalist

1965 Organized a two-day student strike and worked with Wellesley's African American students for moderate changes, such as recruiting more African American students and faculty

1968 President of the Wellesley
College Government Association through 1969

1969 Interned at House Republican Conference

1969 First student at Wellesley College to deliver their commencement address. Her speech received a standing ovation lasting seven minutes and she was featured in Life Magazine

Yale Law School
1969 Served on the Board of Editors of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action

1970 Worked at the Yale Child Study Center as a research assistant on the seminal work, Beyond the Best Interests of the Child (released 1973) and study early childhood brain development

1970 Worked on cases of child abuse at Yale New Haven Hospital

1970 Volunteered at New Haven Legal Services to provide free legal advice for the poor

1971 Interned on child custody cases at the law firm of Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein, which was well-known for its support of constitutional rights and civil liberties

1972 Worked on Democratic presidential campaign of George McGovern

1973 Worked on Senator Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor, researching migrant workers’ problems in housing, sanitation, health and education

1973 Received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale
1973 Post-graduate study on Children and Medicine at the Yale Child Study Center

1973 Her first scholarly article, "Children Under the Law", was published in the Harvard Educational Review. Discussing the new children's rights movement, it stated that "child citizens" were "powerless individuals" and argued that children should not be considered equally incompetent from birth to attaining legal age, but rather courts should presume competence except when there is evidence otherwise, and all children should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The article became frequently cited in the field.

1973 Staff attorney for Children's Defense Fund in Cambridge, Massachusetts

1973 Consultant to the Carnegie
Council on Children

1974 Member of Impeachment Inquiry Staff in Washington, D.C. advising the House Committee on the Judiciary during the Watergate scandal. Under the guidance of Chief Counsel John Doar and senior member Bernard Nussbaum. The committee's work culminated in the resignation of President Richard Nixon in August 1974.

ARKANSAS --- moved to Arkansas with Bill Clinton. She is 27 years old.

1974 Became one of two female faculty members in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville until 1977

1977 Joined Rose Law Film, specializing in patent infringement and intellectual property law, while also working pro bono in child advocacy

1977 Published the scholarly articles "Children's Policies: Abandonment and Neglect" and "Children's Rights: A Legal Perspective". The latter continued her argument that legal competence of children depended upon their age and other circumstances, and that in cases of serious medical rights judicial intervention is sometimes warranted. An American Bar Association Chairman later said, "Her articles were important, not because they were radically new but because they helped formulate something that had been inchoate."
Historian Garry Wills would later term her "one of the more important scholar-activists of the last two decades", while conservatives protested, saying her theories would usurp traditional parental authority, allow children to file frivolous lawsuits against their parents, and considered her work part of legal "crit" theory run amok. However, her theories were mainly used in removing rights from parents who sexually and physically abused or neglected their children, prevented a child from getting needed medical care, or removing parental rights from convicted prisoners serving long-term sentences so their children could be removed from the foster care system and be legally adopted

1977 Co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, a state-level alliance with the Children's Defense Fund

1977 President Jimmy Carter appointed Hillary Clinton to the national Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation where she served until the end of 1981, mainly as the Chair of Board, the first woman to do so. During her time as Chair, funding was expanded from $90 million to $300 million and she successfully battled against President Ronald Reagan’s initial attempts to reduce the funding and change the nature of the organization which is responsible for overseeing the disbursement of federal funds to legal bureaus nationally

1979 Became First Lady of Arkansas for a total of twelve years (1979–1981, 1983–1992)

1979 Appointed Chairwoman of the Rural Health Advisory Committee where she successfully obtained federal funds to expand medical facilities in Arkansas' poorest areas without affecting doctors' fees

1979 Became the first woman to be made a full partner of Rose Law Firm.

1982 Hillary Clinton Chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee for ten years from 1982 to 1992, where she brought about reform in the state's court-sanctioned public education system. In one of the most important initiatives of the Clinton governorship, she fought a prolonged but successful battle against the Arkansas Education Association to put mandatory teacher testing as well as state standards for curriculum and classroom size in place and require schools to provide math and science classes. Her education reform was cited as a model in the United States.

1985 Introduced Arkansas' Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth (HIPPY), a program to help parents work with their children at home in preschool preparedness and literacy, focusing on boosting education levels of low-income children

1983 Named Arkansas Woman of the Year

1984 Named Arkansas Mother of the Year

1985 On corporate board of TCBY

1986 Chaired the Children's Defense Fund for six years until

1982 Served on board of Wal-
Mart until 1992. She was the first female member on Wal-Mart's board and pushed successfully for the chain to adopt more environmentally-friendly practices and unsuccessfully for more women to be added to the company's management

1987 Chaired the American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession for four years until 1991, which addressed gender bias in the law profession and induced the association to adopt measures to combat it

1988 Named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America

1988 Served on the boards of the Arkansas Children's Hospital Legal Services until 1992.

1990 Served on board of Lafarge for two years.

1991 Named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America for a second time.

White House Years
1993 Became the First Lady of the United States. Hillary Clinton was the first First Lady to hold a post-graduate degree and to have her own professional career up until entering the White House. She was also the first to take up an office in the West Wing of the White House not the East Wing. She is regarded as the most openly empowered presidential wife in American history, save for Eleanor Roosevelt. Some critics called it inappropriate for the First Lady to play a central role in matters of public policy.

1993 Appointed Chair of the Task Force on National Health Care Reform, a comprehensive proposal that would require employers to provide health coverage to their employees through individual health maintenance organizations. It was bitterly debated and did not gain Congressional approval.

1995 -2000 - Published a weekly syndicated newspaper column titled, "Talking It Over"

1995 Helped to found the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, which contributed to a one-third decrease in the teen pregnancy rate between 1995 and 2005.

1995 Official visit to the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing where Clinton argued against practices that abused women around the world and in the People's Republic of China itself, declaring " it is no longer acceptable to discuss women's rights as separate from human rights". She resisted Chinese pressure to soften her remarks and refused to bow to those in America who wanted to expand trade with China without requiring any improvement in their Human Rights record.

1996 Wrote New York Times Best Seller on children in America, “It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us”.

1997 Won Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album for “It Takes a Village…” audio recording. The title refers to an African proverb that states, "It takes a village to raise a child", focusing on the idea of a combination of family, church, school and community working together.

1997 Clinton was a force at the White House pushing for the State Children's Health Insurance Program, a federal effort that provided state support for over 6 million children whose parents were unable to provide them with health coverage, while Senator. Ted Kennedy and Orin Hatch introduced the bill in the Senate.

1997 Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses and encouraged older women to seek a mammogram to detect breast cancer and for Medicare to cover it

1997 Helped procure research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health.

1997 Pushed to investigate reports of an illness affecting veterans of the Gulf War, which became known as the Gulf War syndrome.

1997 Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice with Attorney General Janet Reno, which sought to increase penalties for abusers of women and children and educate the public and professionals on domestic abuse. It also provided victims of sexual assault and battery medical, legal and support services.

1997 Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act, which restructured the National Foster Care System, cutting red tape, and reduced the time a special needs child spent in the system by allowing singles and elder couples the right to adopt, creating tax credits for adoption and increasing by over 80% the number of children who were removed from the foster care system and into adopted families.

1997 Hosted White House Conference on Child Care

1997 Hosted White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning

1998 Released book, “Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets”

1999 Hosted White House Conference on Philanthropy

2000 Hosted White House Conference on Children and Adolescents

2000 Hosted first White House Conference on Teenagers

1992 – 2000 ---Traveled to 79, solidifying alliances with Foreign Leaders and doing President Clinton’s bidding.

Hillary was one of the most prominent international figures at the time to speak out against the treatment of Afghan women by the Taliban that had seized control of Afghanistan.

Along with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, she helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative sponsored by the United States to promote the participation of women in the political processes in all countries.

Clinton traveled to Ireland on 7 official trips, giving speeches and meeting with leaders, including John Hume, Sinn Fein, Ian Paisley, Tony Blair and their wives, both English and Irish, in their native countries and in the United States, pushing women to stand for peace in Northern Ireland and get involved in the political process, who, prior to Hillary, had been more passive in the political system. Some proponents claim it was that new women’s movement that enabled Northern Ireland to become more receptive to the acceptance of the Good Friday Agreement which ended up passing with 52% of the vote. Each year, Hillary Clinton meets with the Taoiseach and other party leaders from Ireland and continues to take calls from all parties to provide help behind the scenes and to keep the process moving forward. She has held meetings in her office at the request of Northern Irish officials on job creation, trade, agriculture, autism, policing, economic development – and of course reconciliation.

Hillary Clinton arrived in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on May 14, 1999 during the war over Kosova and traveled to the border near the war zone to visit refugees. She met separately with Prime Minister Georgievski and President Gligorov, accompanied by U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia Christopher Hill, emphasized America’s support for the stability and security of Macedonia and discussed refugee policy. Before her arrival, the Macedonian government had an inconsistent border policy that frequently severely restricted the flow of refugees trying to escape the war zone. After talks between Hillary Clinton and the Macedonian leadership, including two million dollars in US aid, the government kept its borders open and saving lives. As a Senator, Hillary Clinton championed recognition of Kosovo’s independence in the context of full protection of minority rights, especially for Serbs and supported full integration of the Western Balkans into Europe and the transatlantic community

Founding Chair of the Save America's Treasures program, including the flag that inspired the Star Spangled Banner and the First Ladies Historic Site in Canton, Ohio
Headed the White House Millennium Council and initiated the Millennium Project with monthly lectures that discuss futures studies, one of which became the first live simultaneous webcast from the White House.

\Created the first Sculpture Garden at the White House
During eight years as First Lady,

Clinton hosted numerous large-scale events at the White House, including ones that raised funds for music education in public schools, a New Year's Eve celebration at the turn of the twenty-first century, and a State Dinner honoring the bicentennial of the White House in 2000.

Hillary Clinton also welcomed hundreds of foreign dignitaries and World Leaders, many with whom she established long-term relationships.

2000 Wrote “An Invitation to the White House: At Home with History”

United States Senate 2000

2000 Became the first First Lady of the United States to be a candidate for elected office.

Only member of the Senate to serve on U.S. Joint Forces Command’s (USJFCOM) Transformation Advisory Group (TAG). A division of the Department of Defense, the TAG force provides the USJFCOM independent advice and recommendations on strategic, scientific, technical, intelligence and policy-related issues, with emphasis on how these issues relate to the command’s efforts to develop battle and disaster ready, multinational joint-force capabilities to combat global terrorism, urban warfare and multinational operations today and in the future. USJFCOM holds large scale terrorist-disaster joint-training missions. Hillary Clinton is the only Senator the Pentagon asked to serve on the TAG force. 2004 - present.

2001 – 2003 Committee on Budget drafts Congressional annual budget plan and monitors action on the budget for the Federal Government. The committee has jurisdiction over the Congressional Budget Office.

2001 - present Commissioner of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe also known as the Helsinki Commission, which monitors compliance with the 1975 Helsinki Accords. The Helsinki Accords include 10 points: I. Sovereign equality, respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty, II. Refraining from the threat or use of force, III. Inviolability of frontiers, IV. Territorial integrity of States , V. Peaceful settlement of disputes, VI. Non-intervention in internal affairs , VII. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief , VIII. Equal rights and self determination of peoples, IX. Co-operation among States, X. Fulfillment in good faith of obligations under international law

2001 – present Special Committee on Aging conducts oversight of the Medicare program, Social Security and the Older Americans Act. Examines unacceptable conditions in nursing homes, age discrimination and pricing practices for prescription drugs.

2001 – present Committee on Environment and Public Works oversees environment and infrastructure issues including the Subcommittee on Public Sector Solutions to Global Warming, Oversight, Children's Health Protection and Nuclear Safety and the Subcommittee on Transportation Safety, Water Quality and Infrastructure Security with a special emphasis on terrorism vulnerability.

2001 – present Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Monitors measures relating to education, labor, health, and public welfare. These include Aging, Agricultural colleges, Arts and humanities, Biomedical research and development, Child labor, Convict labor and the entry of goods made by convicts into interstate commerce, American Red Cross, Equal employment opportunity, Gallaudet University, Howard University, and St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., Individuals with disabilities, Labor standards and labor statistics, Mediation and arbitration of labor disputes, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Private pension plans, Public health, Railway labor and retirement, Regulation of foreign laborers, Student loans, Wages and hours of labor, including the federal minimum wage ,

2003 – present Committee on Armed Services is empowered with legislative oversight of the nation's military, including the Department of Defense, military research and development, nuclear energy (as pertaining to national security), benefits for members of the military, the Selective Service System and other military matters. Chairman of the Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), noted Clinton introduced more legislation to address problems facing wounded service members than any other Senator, Democrat or Republican

2007 – present Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease addresses issues of greater investment in research, improving diagnosis and treatments, and increasing support for family members and caregivers

2001 Clinton was Junior Senator from NY during September 11, 2001 bombing of World Trade Center and was involved in recovery issues for several years following the national disaster that devastated New York.

2001 Sought and obtained funding for the recovery efforts in New York City and security improvements in her state. Working with New York's senior Senator, Charles Schumer, she was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment.

2001 Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders and was in getting them healthcare benefits after the government refused to honor their coverage

2001 Co-sponsored with colleagues the Innocence Protection Act to reduce the risk of executing innocent persons by authorizing the accused DNA testing to support his claim of innocence. Provides funds for DNA testing, establishes the National Commission on Capital Representation, increases compensation in cases of a person unjustly sentenced to death and creates restrictions regarding the execution of juvenile offenders
and the mentally retarded

2001 Rallied against Bush tax cuts, including Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, saying it was fiscally irresponsible to expand the budget deficit

2001 Sponsor of the National Teaching Corps which would recruit, teach and support new teachers by giving grants for tuition in exchange for two years of work as an educator in rural or low income areas. To encourage people to join the teaching profession as data indicates a shortage of teachers in the future.

2001 Book released, “Witness to Genocide: The Children of Rwanda: Drawings by Child Survivors of the Rwanda Genocide of 1994, 50 drawings filled with pain and hope. Forward by Hillary Rodham Clinton and edited by Richard A Salem. Proceeds donated to trauma treatment organizations in Rwanda. Clinton and Salem received many international awards for the book

2001 Co-sponsored the Strong Fatherhood and Families Act which would promote responsible parenting through child rearing classes, mentoring, anger management and counseling against abuse, financial planning, job training services and enforcing child support payments

2001 Co-sponsored the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers, Farmers, Communities and Firms Act which would intervene when entire communities are adversely impacted by trade policies, relocations or industry downsizing by giving access to expert evaluation and leadership through establishing a Community Economic Development Committee to oversee a strategic plan to transition community, give tax incentives for new businesses, offer retraining, financial counseling and job search program, relocation allowance, early retirement eligibility, extended unemployment benefits period and trade adjustment allowance. It did not pass.

2001 Original Co-sponsor of the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act which increases sentencing and provides funds for technical, forensic, prosecutorial, or other assistance in the criminal investigation or prosecution of any violent crime motivated by prejudice based on the race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability of the victim or is a violation of hate crime laws

2002 Pushed for legislation for a National Coordinator for AMBER alerts and an alert system for missing children, to provide additional protections for children and establish stricter punishments for sex offenders

2002 Original sponsor the Influenza Vaccine Security Act with Sen. Pat Roberts to improve methods of vaccine procurement and distribution, increase public awareness and education about flu vaccines and implement new technology to speed vaccine production and create a system for tracking vaccine distribution. It also encourages the government to increase vaccine development research and vaccine stockpiling.

2002 Co-sponsored the Chemical Security Act S.1602 which would regulate manufacturing plants and distribution centers that handle particular chemicals that could be used in manufacturing explosives. Co-sponsored with Senators Jeffords, Corzine and Boxer

2002 Pushed for inclusion of comparative effectiveness studies in the Medicare Modernization Act, to assist physicians and patients in selecting the best treatment and help reduce inappropriate uses of treatments that pose safety risks to patients

2002 Petitioned the US postal service to create a commemorative stamp to pay tribute to the “Order of the Purple Heart for Military Merit”. The proceeds provide funding for the Veterans’ Health Care Administration.

2002 Introduced the Fostering Service Act to increase opportunities to serve in AmeriCorps for individuals aging out of foster care and The Opportunities Passport Act which provides $10 million in grants to help foster children transition out of the system. Co-sponsored with Senators Landrieu, Edwards, Lieberman and Dodd

2002 Co-sponsored, with Senator Chuck Hagel (NE), “National Purple Heart Recognition Day”, honoring all soldiers who were severely injured while serving their country and who were awarded a Purple Heart.

2002 Co-sponsored the Pediatric Research Equity Act which gives the FDA the authority to ensure that drugs marketed to pediatric populations have first been tested on children

2002 Introduced and shepherded the designation of the building located at 1 Federal Plaza in New York City as the "James L. Watson United States Court of International Trade Building."

2003 Introduced legislation to create a pediatric vaccine stockpile to ensure against shortages of essential vaccines that help protect children and establishes a vaccine tracking system of recipiants

2003 Wrote a 562-page autobiography, “Living History”, which set a first-week sales record for a non-fiction work, went on to sell more than one million copies in the first month following publication and was translated into twelve foreign languages. Clinton's audio recording of the book earned her a Grammy Award nomination for Best Spoken Word Album

2003 Assisted John Podesta in establishing Center for American Progress, a “nonpartisan research and educational think tank dedicated to promoting national policies that ensure a strong, just and free America with opportunity for all Americans”

2003 With Senator Carl Levin, Clinton called on the Bush Administration to propose a U.N. Security Council resolution which would formally reject Iraq's conditions on U-2 flights over Iraq, demand that Iraq not endanger or impede the operation of the U-2, and put Iraq on notice that any action by Iraq that is intended to harm or interfere with the operation of the U-2 would be considered a material breach of U.N. Security Council resolution 1441 and would be considered an act of war against the United Nations

2003 Introduced an amendment to require public disclosure of documents to justify waiving requirements for open and competitive bidding with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other Federal agencies, as well as requiring disclosure prior to any new reconstruction contracts being awarded, and to justify its exemption of $1.7 billion in contracts from full completion. Co-sponsored with Senators Susan Collins, Ron Wyden, Joseph Lieberman, Mike Enzi, Dianne Feinstein, Frank Lautenberg and Daniel Akaka

2003 Introduced the Votes for Women’s History Trail Act which creates a National Park trail in upstate New York that includes the Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls/Waterloo, the Susan B. Anthony House in Rochester, the Matilda Joslyn Gage House in Fayetteville, and almost 20 locations in all, creating a tribute to the women’s movement

2003 Unveiled bipartisan bill, the Sunshine in Iraq Reconstruction Contracting Act, to explain any decision by federal agencies to award Iraqi reconstruction contracts without a fully open, competitive bidding process. Co-sponsored by Senators Ron Wyden, Susan Collins, Robert Byrd and Joe Lieberman

2003 Original co-sponsor of legislation that provides strong incentives to adopt older children and children with special needs out of foster care

2003 Introduced Provide for the Common Defense Act, a domestic defense fund to provide $7 billion to support homeland security for cities including $5 billion to communities with base level funding for first responders for equipment, training and infrastructure, $1 billion in an emergency Reserve Fund for cities and states during a high profile terrorist trial, or similar emergency situations, $1 billion for "High Threat Areas" areas considered potential terrorist targets such as ports and tunnels

2003 Sponsored the Elder Justice Act S. 333 to combat, identify and prosecute the growing trend of elder abuse and neglect

2003 Introduced amendment and co-sponsored another to enforce fiscal accountability to the Iraq and Afghanistan Supplemental Appropriations bill which provides the General Accounting Office with the ability to conduct a detailed review of how American taxpayer money is spent in Iraq and Afghanistan

2003 Co-sponsored with a bipartisan coalition of dozens of Senators the Agricultural Job Opportunity, Benefits and Security S.359 to establish an effective, legal workforce for the agricultural sector throughout the country

2003 Traveled through Ireland, to Pakistan where Clinton and Sen. Harry Reed were briefed by U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Nancy Powell, and the embassy staff

2003 Spent Thanksgiving in Afghanistan with U.S. troops. In Bagram, briefed by Ambassador Khalilzad and his team, met with a group of Afghan women leaders to learn about challenges they face. Met with U.S. Marines then met with President Karzai in Kabul and were briefed on the current situation in Afghanistan from General Austin and his team

2003 Traveled with Reed and Kandahar to Islamabad meeting with President Musharaff of Pakistan

2003 Traveled to Iraq and was briefed by Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, the head of the CPA, and Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq. Later met with Brigade commander, Colonel Fuller, and discussed with U.S. troops challenges they face. Met with representatives of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), who provide assistance to Iraqis and discussed challenges they face. Visited Iraqi women leaders to discuss greater protections for women's rights in Iraq. Met with General John Abizaid, commander of Central Command and discussed both Afghanistan and Iraq. In Kirkuk, in Northern Iraq was briefed by Major General Raymond Odierno of the 4th Infantry Division and then went to downtown Kirkuk and met with a group of local Iraqi leaders including the provisional Governor

2003 Announced a spending bill of approximately $1 billion in direct aid to the City and State to cover costs related to September 11 and within that, $90 million for baseline screenings and long term health monitoring of thousands of Ground Zero workers and volunteers.

2004 Co-introduced the Kinship Caregiver Support Act S.895 with Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) to aid the over 6 million children cared for by grandparents and other relatives. Establishes a Kinship Navigator Program to assists caregivers through existing programs and services; establishes a Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program to provide federal assistance to better serve the needs of kinship care families; and ensures relatives are notified when children enter foster care

2004 Honorary Chairwoman for TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) which helps families of fallen Armed Service members receive grief counseling and assistance for their children

2004 Awarded the Intrepid Freedom Award for distinguished action in promoting and defending the values of freedom and democracy which are the core beliefs of our nation. The only other women to receive this award are Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

2004 Led efforts for the Immigrant Children's Health Improvement Act which gives states the option to provide federally funded Medicaid and SCHIP benefits to low-income children and pregnant women to ensure that children, who are in the U.S. through no fault of their own, have access to medical care

2004 Co-sponsored the Access to Employment and English Acquisition Act to meet the growing demand for English language courses and other job skills and enable people to become full members of the American society. Co-sponsored with Senators John Ensign and Jeff Bingaman

2004 Co-sponsored the DREAM Act which provides a path to citizenship through military service and higher education to children brought here by their parents. Co-sponsored with Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

2004 Offered amendment to make family reunification the guiding principle of immigration system
2004 Introduced the Family Asthma Act S.2114 to help children manage their asthma and improve ability to identify and control environmental factors that contribute to asthma attacks

2004 Worked with Senate members to secure $7 million in federal funds for Ongoing Construction and Maintenance of the World Class Research and Development Lab, Canandaigua’s Infotonics Technology Center, a New York State center for excellence in photonics and micro-systems, where companies from across New York work with world class industrial and university scientists to bridge the gap between research and product manufacturing.

2004 Co-sponsored legislation to support AmeriCorps in schools that provide service learning opportunities to elementary and secondary students and fought for an emergency appropriation of funds when AmeriCorps was in danger of being cut by close to 70 percent.

2004 Traveled to Iraq and Afghanistan to visit American troop and meet with military and government leaders.

2004 Co-sponsored the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Improvement Act, which improves access to training for teachers, expands monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, improves students’ transitions from high school to adulthood, and involves parents more in the education of their children

2004 Pushed against the Federal Marriage Amendment that sought to prohibit same-sex marriage.
2004 Reintroduced the Children and the Media Research Act, or CAMRA which creates the first single, coordinated research program at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development devoted to studying the effect of the media on children. Focuses on the impact of media on infants, an area that is widely not understood, and on the growing link between television viewing and childhood obesity

2004 Assisted David Brock in establishing Media Matters for America
2004 Introduced the Student Borrower Bill of Rights S.3255 which ensures repayment of student loans is fair and easier by providing borrowers with five basic rights and protect them when trying to repay their loans. Gives student borrowers the right to fair monthly payments not exceeding a percentage of their incomes, access to fair interest rates and fees, the right to shop in a free marketplace for their lender and to borrow without exploitation. It also gives students access to better information about loan options during repayment.

2004 Co-sponsored the Improved Nutrition and Physical Activity (IMPACT) Act S.1325 with Senators Frist (R-TN) and Bingaman (D-NM) which provides grants to train health professionals and students in obesity and eating disorders; grants to promote increased physical activity and improved nutrition; and provides funds to collect and analyze data related to obesity and youth health behaviors. Other Senators co-sponsored also.

2004 Secured, with Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), expansion of Department of Defense Authorization bill to provide one additional year of TRICARE eligibility to Guard and Reserve Members for every 90 days of active duty.

2004 Introduced legislation to
award Dr. Dorothy Irene Height the Congressional Gold Medal for her tremendous contributions to the nation in improving the lives of African-American women, children and families.

2004 Co-sponsored an amendment to the Dept. of Defense Appropriations Act of 2005, increasing funding for humanitarian operations in Sudan and Chad.

2004 Co-sponsored the Positive Aging Act with Sen. Collins (R-ME) and Reps. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) which makes mental health services for older adults an integral part of primary care services in community settings and extends them to other settings where seniors reside and receive services, provides competitive grants to interdisciplinary teams of mental health professionals working in collaboration with primary care to identify and treat mental health disorders in seniors

2004 Visited Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, NY with Brig. Gen. Dana Demand
2004 Successfully pushed Sen. Harry Reid to create a Senate War Room to handle daily political messaging.

2004 Championed the Calling for 2-1-1 Act that establishes an easy-to-remember, non-emergency national phone number to link individuals with government services and volunteer opportunities they need. 2-1-1 services are current underway in the Finger Lakes Region, the Hudson Valley Region and Western New York.

2005 Co-introduced legislation to increase the size of the regular United States Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain on soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan forced to do multiple tours of duty

2005 Visited Jordan, met with her friend Queen Nor and King Hussein and discussed issues facing the middle east and the situation in Jordan.

2005 Visited Israel and discussed the shared security challenges that Israel and the US face, visited the fence, held a series of meetings with Israeli officials and discussed challenges and shared interests. Met with Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom about threat posed by potential of a nuclear Iran - not only to Israel, but to Palestine, Europe and Russia. Met privately with Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz then both of them attended panel discussion hosted by the Saban Center for Middle East Policy, answered questions from the audience and discussed strategic challenges and opportunities facing Israel and the US.

2005 Offered amendment to the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act (S.852) which protects workers and residents of New York that were exposed to more than 2,000 tons of asbestos on September 11th and in the days and weeks after the collapse of the World Trade Center.

2005 Visited Israel a second time in November to attend memorial ceremonies for Yitzhak Rabin. Met with several Israeli leaders and participated in a conference on Middle East policy issues and discussed security challenges for both Israel and the US. Had meeting with Prime Minister Sharon and continued discussion when Sderot was attacked.

2005 Created the Lifespan Respite Care Act S.2489 with Senators John Warner (R-VA), Mikulski and Breaux which authorizes competitive grants to states to make quality respite care available and accessible to family caregivers, regardless of age or disability, allows grantees to identify, coordinate and build on existing federal, state and community-based respite resources and funding streams.

2005 Visited New Orleans, Louisiana and Mississippi Hurricane Katrina damage and met with local leaders, residents and rescue workers

2005 Spoke at NATO centered meetings at Munich Conference on Security with United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and other World Leaders, suggested an expansion of NATO, assistance to the African Union Mission in Darfur and a restructuring of the United Nations and their role in world conflict.

2005 Awarded, along with Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), The Military Coalition’s Award of Merit in recognition of tireless bipartisan work to expand access to TRICARE military health care for all drilling members of the National Guard and Reserve and their families regardless of activation status. The award is the Military Coalition’s highest honor. The Military Coalition is comprised of 36 military and veterans organizations representing more than six million members around the world, including active duty, National Guard and Reserve, retired members and veterans, as well as their families and survivors.

2005 Introduced the Early Treatment for HIV Act with Sen. Smith (R-OR) which allows states to expand Medicaid eligibility to low-income individuals living with HIV instead of forcing them to wait until they are disabled by the disease, allowing patients access to life saving, life extending treatment and services immediately. Bill could cut AIDS deaths by 30%

2005 Worked to ensure Health and Human Services Implementation of Ryan White CARE Act is not done in a manner that jeopardizes access to care. Worked to increase the funding for all titles of the CARE Act and improve availability of critical AIDS treatment and support services.

2005 Sent letter signed by 10 other women Senators to President Bush urging him to support a draft of Iraqi constitution that would maintain equality before the law for both men and women.
2005 Visited Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) facility in Rome, and the Stratton Air National Guard Station in Scotia, NY.

2005 Supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans, and lobbied against the closure of several military bases, including Fort Drum, Fort Hamilton, West Point and Watervliet Arsenal; Air National Guard installations such as Hancock Field Air National Guard Base in Syracuse, the Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) in Rome, Stratton Air National Guard base in Scotia, Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, and Gabreski Air National Guard base in Westhampton.

2005 Joined bi-partisan group of Co-sponsors on bill S-1197, the Violence Against Women Act to ensure critical programs provide crucial aid to women, men and children experiencing domestic violence. VAWA programs and services, with the support of federal, state and private funding, have changed and improved national response to violence at the federal, state, local, campus, and institutional level and provide shelter, legal advice and assistance to survivors of domestic abuse. Senator Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno were the original founders of the Office of Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice in 1994.

2005 Cosponsored the Military Personnel Financial Services Education Act S.418 against predatory lending practices which instructs military members on financial information they and their families need to make informed decisions about their future. Requires the Department of Defense to provide consumer education, a trained counselor in financial issues, and make counseling services available, not only to service members, but also to their spouses in order to allow decisions to be made as a family and to ensure spouses have access when a service member is deployed.

2005 Helped pass the Military Death Benefit Improvement Act which raises the military survivor benefit, or “death gratuity,” paid to the families of military personnel killed in the line of duty.

2005 Co-sponsored with group of Senators legislation for Dru’s Law, a National Sex Offender Database S.792 which makes the National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) available to the public via the internet giving citizens a chance to object before a sex offender is moved into their neighborhood. NSOR is a nationwide database of sex offenders, created by the Clinton Administration, for use by law enforcement. Dru's Law requires registry information to include the offender's name, address, date of birth, physical description, and photograph, the nature and date of commission of the offense, and the date on which the person is released from prison or placed on parole, supervised release, or probation and that the information be standardized from state to state. States are also required to intensively monitor any sexually violent predator or anyone judged to be at high risk for re-committing any sexually violent offense or criminal offense against a minor who has been unconditionally released for not less than one year.

2005 Co-sponsor of S. 1086, a bill to Intensely Monitor Violent Sexual Predators by mandating Global Positioning System tracking devices be used on all violent sexual predators, establishes a new, federally maintained sex offender DNA database to be used by law enforcement and prosecutors, and makes failing to register as a sex offender a deportable offense.
2005 Awarded National President’s Award from Reserve Officers Association

2005 Co-sponsored Hurricane Katrina Response Act S-2172

2005 Co-sponsored Gulf Coast
Infrastructure Redevelopment and Recovery Act S.1836 to provide funds and committee to assist Gulf Coast in planning and rebuilding hurricane ravaged communities and infrastructure quickly, improving civic and environmental needs and increasing resistance to future hurricane damage

2005 Visited Singapore with the American Olympic Committee Delegation to promote holding the 2012 Olympic Games in New York

2005 Co-sponsored Kindergarten
Act S.4003 which would extend the kindergarten year for low-income children to begin six months earlier. Under privileged children ten to start school well behind higher income children. Co-sponsored with Senators Kennedy, Kerry, Lieberman, Schumer and Durbin

2005 Secured $200 million to secure northern border with Canada for the Northern Border Air Wing for five new installations to provide critical surveillance, interdiction and investigative capability along the Northern Border.

2005 Met with Israeli Prime Minister Sharon at American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference

2005 Joined Sen. Diane Feinstein at conference with Women Leaders from Iraq and Afghanistan to discuss the status of women in both countries.

2005 Fought for military widows over the age of 57 to retain their survivor benefits even if they remarry
2005 Introduced, with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, M.D., the "Health Technology to Enhance Quality Act of 2005" which creates an interoperable health information technology (IT) system for hospitals and health professionals which will also reduce costs, enhance efficiency and improve overall patient care.

2005 Co-sponsored S.250, a vocational and technical education program which improved upon the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical program, allowing students to enter emerging fields and receive above-average compensation for their work. Technical employment is the fastest-growing segment of the labor market, and employment growth in occupations requiring a vocational associate’s degree is projected to be 30% higher than overall employment growth-14%

2005 Fought for healthcare benefits for families of the National Guard and Reserve, for which she was given the Military Coalition Award of Merit, their highest civilian honor.

2005 Introduced legislation to ensure the National Guard, who responded to New York’s security needs following the 9/11 attacks, receive military retirement credit for that service regardless whether they were serving under federal or state active duty.

2005 Joined with other Senators to push Secretary Rice to aggressively address Darfur by pushing to strengthen the African Union, give force to existing U.N. resolutions, ensure proper care for affected women and children, hold accountable human rights violators, and appoint a new envoy to Sudan.

2005 - Called for the Federal Trade Commission investigation on how hidden sex scenes showed up in the children’s controversial video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

2005 Original Sponsor of the Family Entertainment Protection Act S.2426, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.

2005 Fought to increase funding for Title X, the nation’s only family planning program, expand states’ ability to provide family planning services through Medicaid, increase awareness and access to Emergency Contraception, particularly for victims of sexual assault, and promote medically-accurate sex education that includes both contraception and abstinence for young people. For every $1 spent on family planning, Medicaid saves $3 in pregnancy and birth-related costs.

2005 Original Co-sponsor of the Positive Aging Act which will improve access to mental health services for Seniors. Senator Collins (R-ME) and Reps Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL).

2006 Worked to include provisions from the Positive Aging Act into the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006, which assists seniors with their mental healthcare needs and bring increased emphasis to home and community based delivery of critical services through an innovative concept pioneered in New York called Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities or NORC

2006 Visited 3rd Brigade at Ft. Drum and spoke with troop, employees and military leaders.

2006 Original Sponsor of the Privacy Rights and Oversight for Electronic and Commercial Transactions Act of 2006, S.3713 also called the PROTECT Act which secures the personal information and interests of consumers, creates stronger, better enforced protection for medical privacy and sets out clear rules to allow the government to use new intelligence techniques and make sure the public knows its rights and limits.

2006 Co-introduced the Clinton-Lowry Resolution to strengthen and extend Medicaid coverage of family planning services for low income women

2006 Co-introduced resolution with Sen. Chuck Hagel calling on the President to declare lung cancer a national public health priority.

2006 Visited Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station with General T. Michael Moseley, the Air Force Chief of Staff, and met with troops and Air Reserve Leaders

2006 Pushed again against the Federal Marriage Amendment that sought to prohibit same-sex marriage.

2006 Called on Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to testify in public at open hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee. He declined.

2006 Questioned Sec. Rumsfeld in closed session of Senate Armed Services Committee on the Bush Administration’s handling of the war in Iraq. Emphasized common sense overwhelmingly does not either understand or approve of the way Secretary Rumsfeld and the Administration are handling Iraq and underscored the Administration’s errors in judgment, strategic blunders and record of incompetence that have led to the current situation in Iraq.

2006 Public hearings of Senate Armed Services Committee received testimony on Iraq, Afghanistan and the global war on terrorism. General Peter Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and General John Abizaid, the Commander of Central Command, testified.

2006 Co-sponsored The James Zadroga Act to amend the eligibility rules of the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund, extending the filing deadline beyond the original December 2003 limit so that victims and first responders who became ill, in addition to their respective family members, could still be compensated. Co-sponsors include Senators Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), and Robert Menendez (D-NJ)

2006 Authored legislation to support Zimbabwe in their efforts to promote democracy and human rights in their country, despite years of repression and violence under the government of Robert Mugabe

2006 Honored with National Appreciation Award by the Gold Star Wives of America for outstanding leadership and tireless efforts to secure legislation that would allow widowed military spouses who chose to remarry after age 57 to continue receiving survivor benefits.

2006 Requested with other Senators that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) examine Pentagon hiring practices following reports that partisan affiliations shaped the personnel decisions for reconstruction effort in Iraq and investigate reports that qualified applicants with language skills and experience in post-conflict reconstruction were rejected in favor of unqualified Republican Party loyalists. Individuals with political connections and little or no professional experience were placed in key positions to rebuild Iraq, including a 24-yr-old with no financial experience who was charged with opening the stock exchange.

2006 Announced the SAFE Port Act with Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, which includes a provision to protect the health and safety of rescue workers, residents, and volunteers that may be negatively impacted in the aftermath of a disaster

2006 Introduced resolution, with Rep. Nita Lowey, allowing Congress members to declare their public support for contraceptive programs without stigma

2006 Awarded Outstanding Public Service Award from the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association

2006 Co-sponsored S. 1741, the Disaster Area Health and Environment Monitoring Act with Sen. George V. Voinovich (R-OH), an amendment to the Security and Accountability for Every Port Act which focuses on health monitoring for first responders. It authorizes a program in a federal partnership with appropriate medical institutions for the protection, assessment, monitoring and study of the health and safety of individuals and directs federal agencies to enter into a contract with the National Academy of Sciences to study and report on disaster area health protection and monitoring.
2006 Awarded the Inspirational Leadership Award from the Military Order of the Purple Heart, “In recognition of her inspirational leadership and dedicated service to America’s military service members and America’s veterans. Senator Clinton was an early advocate and co-sponsor of legislation to provide guaranteed funding for the VA health care administration.” One Member of Congress is chosen for this award each year. Senator Clinton is the first woman to receive this honor.

2006 Co-sponsored S. 371, the College Quality, Affordability and Diversity Act, which doubles the maximum Hope Scholarship Tax Credit to $3,000, increases availability from two years to four years, enable 5 million to refinance their loans, provide incentives to colleges to join the Direct Loan Program--saving taxpayers 14 cents per dollar loaned, increase funding for TRIO and GEAR UP, strengthen efforts to recruit, train, and retain qualified teachers, paraprofessionals, principals and superintendents

2006 Co-sponsored with Senators Durbin and Salazar the Federal Interoperable Communication and Safety Act S.3172 to establish a federal Office of Emergency Communications to develop, manage, operate and coordinate an interoperable public alert and warning system

2006 Re-introduced the Non-Traditional Student Success Act, a comprehensive bill to help students 25 and older enter and succeed in college and improve their employment opportunities, even while raising families and working full-time. Increases the maximum Pell Grant to $11,600 by the 2010-2011 school year, makes Pell Grants available for Summer enrolled students, creates pilot program for half-time student to receive federal student aid, increases income protection allowance to allow higher income without losing crucial student aid, expands the Lifetime Learning Credit from 20 to 50% and allows students to receive money in advance in order to pay tuition.
2006 Participated in Democratic Policy Council (DPC) oversight hearing on the war in Iraq discussing a need for a change of course with three former top military officers who served in Iraq, underscoring the need for real answers and called for National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) report on Iraq to be declassified.

2006 Championed the Paycheck Fairness Act S.766 which prevents pay discrimination and provides critical tools to resolve it if it occurs by prohibiting employers from punishing employees who share their salary information with their co-workers, toughening penalties associated with violating the Equal Pay Act, teaching women and girls negotiation skills; (Women are 8 times less likely to negotiate their starting salaries then men and if a woman with a starting salary of $25,000 fails to negotiate for $5,000 more a year, she stands to lose more than $550,000 by age 60.), rewarding model employers, and strengthening the ability of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to crackdown on equal pay violations.

2006 Outlined national security principles that should underlie American foreign policy in a major policy address at the Council on Foreign Relations, calling for increased diplomacy, balancing our idealism with realism to reduce American isolation and succeed in the war on terror

2006 Met privately with Tzipi Livni, Israel’s Foreign Minister where they discussed Israel’s security and the status of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers

2006 Co-sponsored Choices in Child Care Act (S.820) which gives qualified families greater flexibility in providing safe, quality care for their infants, helps parents balance work and family, helps meet the critical shortage of infant child care, provides cost savings to state child care programs, supports quality care for the critical first years of a child’s development, and values parenting and stay-at-home parenting as a form of work.

2006 Introduced the “Standing with Minimum Wage Earners Act” which would tie an increase to Congressional pay raises to Minimum wage increases. It did not pass.

2006 Co-sponsored legislation to expand the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to provide parents time off from work to take their child to the doctors’ office. Takes steps toward helping parents balance work and family by providing paid family and medical leave to qualifying individuals by allowing parents time off to attend teacher conferences for their children.

2006 Co-sponsored amendment to increase funding for COPS Program to $1.15 billion, providing state and local law enforcement with critical resources. Funding is offset by an unallocated reduction to non-defense discretionary spending. Originally created by Clinton Administration, the Government Accounting Office found a statistical link between COPS grants and crime reduction. Brookings Institution reported COPS Program is one of the most cost-effective programs ever in US, reducing violent crime 8.5% per year for 7 years.

2006 Co-sponsored the Healthy Families Act, S.910, which provides workers with seven paid days of sick-leave, giving parents time off from work to go to doctors’ office with their child or aging relative, or to address their own health needs

2006 Introduced resolution calling for opening of the largest closed Holocaust Archives in the world, located in Bad Arolsen, Germany

2007 Sponsored Nuclear Terrorism Prevention Act which seeks to prevent nuclear terrorism by eliminating and securing nuclear material around the world. Increases funding to convert research reactors around the world from highly enriched uranium to low enriched uranium and remove highly enriched uranium from such facilities; invests in forensic measures to advance capability to identify the origins of a nuclear weapon in event of a nuclear terrorist attack; creates international guidelines to raise security standards at nuclear sites worldwide. Requires the President to develop a comprehensive plan with the international community to secure nuclear weapons and materials all around the world and to create a new post of Senior Advisor to the President for Preventing Nuclear Terrorism to prioritize and coordinate these efforts and report back to Congress. Elements of the Nuclear Terrorism Prevention Act were approved by both houses of Congress as part of the FY 2008 Defense Authorization Act in December 2007

2007 Called on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign and launched an Internet campaign to gain petition signatures towards this end after a scandal involving the alleged misuse of authority in firing dozens of Democratic Judges.

2007 Joined Sen. Christopher Dodd and a bipartisan coalition of Senators to introduce amendment to extend Family and Medical Leave Act to family members of wounded soldiers to six months as part of the CHIP bill

2007 Along with Sen. Charles Schumer, Reps. Louise Slaughter, Thomas Reynolds, Brian Higgins, Clinton urged the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to respond to documents which suggested that recycled uranium was rolled at Bethlehem Steel stressing that the findings could have major implications for the radiation exposure levels workers received at the plant.

2007 Co-Sponsored Legislation
with Sen Webb Prohibiting the Use of Funds for Military Operations In Iran that prohibits the use of funds for military operations against Iran without explicit Congressional authorization (S. 759).

2007 Co-introduced resolution urging all European nations to allow for open access to the Holocaust archives in Bad Arolsen, Germany. Largest closed World-War II-era archives in the world, holding an estimated 50 million records that disclose the fate of some 17.5 million victims. Resolution was introduced in the House by Representative Alcee Hastings (D-FL), Chairman of the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), of which Senator Clinton is a member.

2007 Visited troops and meet with military leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan
2007 Joined a bipartisan coalition of 20 Senators to introduce the Domestic Partner Benefits and Obligations Act which extends domestic partner benefits to federal employees similarly offered at thousands of companies, state and local governments, colleges and universities, making a federal employee and his or her same-sex domestic partner eligible to participate in federal health benefits, the Family and Medical Leave program, long-term care, insurance, and retirement benefits. They would also assume the same obligations that apply to married employees and spouses, such as anti-nepotism rules and financial disclosure requirements.

2007 Co-sponsored the National Infrastructure Bank Act 2007 to create funding to build large scale national projects such as bridges, highways, etc. which would update the country’s infrastructure and create jobs.

2007 Co-sponsored, with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), a bill to help soldiers with Traumatic Brain Injury to improve detection, assessment and treatment of traumatic brain injury and expand support systems to former members of the Armed Services with traumatic brain injury and their families, and to ensure they receive the proper disability benefits

2007 Released Plan to Stop the Escalation of the War in Iraq first by capping U.S. troop numbers unless Congress approves of an increase. In general, it cuts off US funds for Iraqi security forces, including private contractors and reconstruction funds, within 90 days if it cannot be proven the following conditions are met:

• Ensure the security forces of the Government of Iraq are free of sectarian, militia influences and enemy forces
• Ensure security forces of the Government of Iraq are assuming greater responsibility for security in Iraq
• Ensure the government of Iraq is providing an equitable distribution of the oil revenues of Iraq to its people
• Ensure significant progress is reached in political accommodation among the ethnic and sectarian groups in Iraq
If Congress disagrees with the President's certification, Congress would have 60 days to "disapprove" of the Presidential certification resulting in a cutoff of funds for the Iraqi government.

2007 Released Plan to Start Phased Redeployment and Involving Other Countries in the Region in the Future of Iraq. In general, Clinton’s legislation . requires U.S. military begin transitioning to a phased redeployment of U.S. troops in 90 days or the authority of the Use of Force in Iraq would cease. Phased . redeployment would concentrate on:
• Training Iraqi security forces to take over protecting Iraq
• Providing logistic support and guidance of Iraqi security forces but reduce the number of US troops in combat situations
• Protecting United States personnel and infrastructure
• Participating in targeted counter-terrorism activities.
The legislation also requires that the United States convenes an International Conference so as to:
• Actively involve the international community and Iraq's neighbors in improving Iraq’s situation
• Promote a durable political settlement among Iraqis
• Reduce regional interference in the internal affairs of Iraq
• Encourage more countries to contribute to the extensive needs in Iraq
• Ensure that funds pledged for Iraq are forthcoming.

2007 Released legislation for Protecting Troops Sent into Iraq which prohibits funds from being spent to send troops to Iraq unless the Secretary of Defense certifies to Congress that the troops are adequately equipped and trained for their mission prior to departure

2007 Co-introduced, with Sen. Collins, the Positive Aging Act of 2007 to amend the Public Health Service Act, making mental health services for older adults an integral part of primary care services in community settings and to extend them to other settings where seniors reside and receive services.

2007 Called for the federal government to cover the long-term medical monitoring and treatment needs of all those who are suffering from the health effects of the September 11th attacks and the release of previously approved funds

2007 Reintroduced, with Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM), the Public Mental Health Emergency Preparedness Act of 2007 which would establish the National Center for Public Mental Health Emergency Preparedness to coordinate the development and delivery of mental health services in the wake of public health emergencies like September 11th and Hurricane Katrina, in collaboration with federal, state and local entities.

2007 Co-sponsored the Education for All Act of 2007 which would provide $10 billion over the next five years to less developed nations to train teachers, build schools, develop effective curricula, increase access to school lunch and school health programs, and increase parent and community involvement in schools. Focuses on ensuring vulnerable children, including those displaced by conflict or natural disaster, are able to have the stability of school in their lives. By providing universal basic education, we can improve health, reduce AIDS, increase prosperity and political stability, lessen recruitment for terrorists, and provide girls with equal opportunity – resulting in returns many times greater than our original investment.

2007 Co-sponsored, with Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Protecting Military Family Financial Benefits Act, the Restoring Guaranteed Bonuses for Wounded Veterans Act and the Military Personnel Financial Services Education Act to ensure that service members and their families receive financial support and benefits they have earned, especially bonuses owed to soldiers who are medically retired or discharged due to combat-related injuries and to require financial audit to determine how many service members were affected by the practice of not paying out, and recouping bonus payments.

2007 Co-chaired hearings with Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-08) on failures of the Federal government in responding to the environmental crisis that resulted from September 11th, including misleading public statements about post-9/11 air quality, failure to provide a proper testing and cleaning of indoor spaces contaminated by WTC toxins and lack of health care for thousands of people ill as a result of exposure to pollutants.

2007 Original Sponsor of the School Leadership Act S. 837 to develop a generation of school leaders committed to and effective in, increasing student achievement and to ensure that all low-income, under-performing schools are led by effective school leaders who are well-prepared to foster student success. Focuses on leadership training, special skills needed to target problem areas and creating innovative and effective methods to support both the child and the teacher.

2007 Sponsor of the Transition to Teaching Act which trains and recruits new teachers

2007 Co-sponsor of Teach for America Act S. 959 which is an expansion of the original Teach for America concept created during the Clinton Administration in 1993 to recruit, train and support new teachers for placement in low-income and rural communities by offering grants for school tuition in exchange for their services for a limited amount of time.

2007 Co-chaired hearing with Sen. Edward Kennedy on the HELP Committee into 9/11 health effects on New Yorkers and others.

2007 Co-sponsored the Social Security Fairness Act to repeal two provisions of the Social Security Act that have reduced the Social Security benefits of hundred of thousands of low-paid public employees throughout the United States. Co-sponsored by Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer

2007 Reintroduced the Cameron Gulbransen Kids and Cars Safety Act which ensures new vehicles, especially SUVs, are equipped with safety technology (like cameras) to prevent harming children when vehicles backing up are unable to see directly behind them.

2007 Co-introduced amendment to Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 with Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) that would remove barriers to reunification for the nuclear families of lawful permanent residents and reclassify the spouses and minor children of lawful permanent immigrants as "immediate relatives," thereby exempting them from the visa caps.

2007 Announced initiative to address the growing crisis with sub-prime mortgages which would break down barriers to owning a home and build up protections against unfair and unscrupulous lending practices, provide more borrowing options for lower income, minority and first-time homebuyers before they sign on the dotted line; more information and safeguards against abuses by lending institutions; and reforms to reduce foreclosures

2007 Introduced the Federal Housing Fairness Act which increases FHA loan limits so working families in high-cost areas can use the program, bringing more people into the FHA program and ensure working families in high cost of living States are not denied the benefit of this program. Provides homebuyers a real alternative to the sub-prime and predatory lending market, opening it up to working families, teachers, firefighters, and other public servants who live in high-cost areas but must contract with risky mortgage products in order to finance their home since the average house price in their area is above the current FHA limit

2007 Co-introduced the Working Family Flexibility Act, which gives workers the right to request flexible work options in order to balance the demands of their jobs and home life. Co-sponsored by Senators Kennedy, Dodd, Obama and Congressman George Miller.

2007 Co-sponsored the Investing in Tomorrow’s Schools Act S.1542 which would fund the construction and renovation of schools throughout the nation, making certain they are at current safety code standards and have the facilities children need for a good education

2007 Introduced the 21st Century GI Bill of Rights Act to reward the veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by providing them with education, housing and entrepreneurial benefits commensurate with their needs. Veterans serving at least two years on active-duty since September 11, 2001, or deployed overseas in support of a combat operation since September 11, would be eligible for 8 college semesters of tuition, fees, books, room and board and other related education costs. Active Duty service members, National Guard and Reservists would have equal footing and access to benefits. Education assistance would be on a level consistent with undergraduate education costs paid by non-veterans, assistance could be used for specialized trade or technical training and certification and licensing programs. Unlike under the current Montgomery GI Bill, promotes new entrepreneurial opportunities for veterans by establishing a low-interest, no collateral Veterans’ Micro-loan Program.

2007 Joined with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro to introduce The Quality Child Care for America Act which strengthens America’s child care workforce by funding training, first-aid training, workforce development initiatives and workforce enhancement ensure high quality care for children.

2007 Called for action to address the increasing foreign-held debt, citing that foreign nations now hold nearly half or more than $2.2 trillion of all public debt with China and Japan holding nearly $1 trillion which causes a growing vulnerability to the US economy.

2007 Announced legislation to create a Strategic Energy Fund to jumpstart research and investment in clean energy technologies and to help America reach the goal of reducing oil imports by 50 percent by 2025

2007 Along with Senator Robert Byrd (WV), called for End of 2002 Use of Force Resolution Against Iraq. The Senators, both members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, believe the 2002 resolution is outdated and President Bush should redefine the goals and submit his plan to achieve them to Congress and the American people, giving President Bush the opportunity to make the case for the "new mission" in Iraq, a mission that Congress and the American people would then have to approve.
2007 Co-sponsored the Mental Health Parity Act of 2007, which improves mental health treatment for millions of Americans, who by virtue of their condition struggle to be treated fairly. It requires health insurance plans that include mental health benefits equal to that provided through the Clinton Administration executive order.

2007 Co-sponsor of the Help Expand Access to Recovery and Treatment Act (HEART) with Senator Coleman (R-MN) which provides equitable access to substance abuse treatment services for 23 million adults and children who need treatment for the disease of alcoholism and other drug dependencies. Prohibits health plans from imposing limitations or financial requirements on substance abuse treatment different from other health services. Does not mandate coverage of substance abuse treatment; only requires if an insurer offers coverage, it must be on par with other medical and surgical benefits.

2007 Announced additional $108 million in federal funding to the FY2008 Omnibus Appropriations Bill to address the mounting health needs of individuals exposed to environmental hazards released as a result of the September 11, 2001 attacks upon the World Trade Center. The money builds on the $50 million that was provided in the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill that was signed into law earlier, bringing total funding to $158 million. Co-sponsored by s Senators Charles Schumer, Frank Lautenberg and Robert Menendez along with Representatives Carolyn Maloney, Jerrold Nadler and Vito Fossella
2007 Called, with Sen. Jim Webb, for Investigation into the Effectiveness of Body Armor Issued to Our Troops , to research which body armor system offers the best protection for effectiveness and reliability against the threats facing different troops in combat.

2007 Sponsored legislation to provide vouchers for families of service members deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan to cover the cost of shipping a package of up to 10 pounds or a letter up to 13 ounces. Funds for vouchers would be provided every two months and transferred from the Department of Defense. Legislation was originally introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Vito Fossella.

2007 Called on Pentagon to brief Congress on any existing plans for withdrawal from Iraq, or provide explanation as to why such plans have not been properly created, both a letter to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and in a private meeting with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace.

2007 Co-introduced legislation with John Kerry (Mass) requiring the Pentagon to prepare a report and briefing for Iraq Redeployment to be given to the appropriate oversight committees on current contingency plans or explain why they decided not to engage in such planning.

2007 Called for Armed Services Hearing to Focus on Redeployment of U.S. Forces from Iraq with Senators Jim Webb (D-VA), Robert Byrd (D-WV), and Evan Bayh (D-IN) who, along with Hillary Clinton (D-NY), are on the Senate Armed Services Committee. Possible closed door session would allow Administration to testify on status and strategy of withdrawal planning, but also could solicit views of outside experts experienced in redeployment of large numbers of troops. Hearing could be held in closed session

2007 Introduced the Protection Against Transmission of HIV for Women and Youth (PATHWAY) Act, the Senate companion of legislation introduced by Representative Barbara Lee. Requires the President to develop and implement a comprehensive, integrated and culturally relevant global HIV prevention strategy that addresses the vulnerabilities of women and girls. It would also strike the requirement that one third of prevention funding under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief be spent on abstinence-until-marriage programs and be redirected to the most critical local need.

2007 Co-introduced in Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program which makes it easier for local law enforcement agencies facing financial hardships to buy bulletproof vests for their officers by adding an amendment to the current law which allows grants. Co-sponsored by Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and Mary Landrieu (D-LA)

2007 Co-introduced the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act along with Senators Christopher Dodd (D-CT) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) which creates the Hunter Kelly Research Program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to do vital research in improvements to screening technology and treatments for newborns.

2007 Co-introduced, with Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL), the Homeowners Defense Act of 2007 which makes disaster insurance for hurricanes, floods, fires and other natural disasters more available and affordable for American homeowners by pooling and diversifying it. The Clinton-Nelson bill is companion legislation in the Senate to the bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressmen Ron Klein (FL-22) and Tim Mahoney (FL-16).

2007 Reintroduced the Count Every Vote Act, a comprehensive voting reform legislation that demands an electoral system that ensures every voter is given the opportunity to cast a vote, ensures every vote has been counted, and reduces wait times in lines, the erroneous purging of voters, voter suppression and intimidation, and unequal access to the voting process. The legislation also requires a paper trail for all voters, mandates standards for the registration of voters and the counting of provisional ballots, provides for re-enfranchisement for those convicted of crimes but who have fully repaid their debt to society, and calls for Election Day registration and a national holiday to make it easier for many Americans to vote. Co-sponsors Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Representatives John Lewis (D-GA) and Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH)

2007 Helped to pass a resolution condemning Hamas and Hezbollah for kidnapping three Israeli soldiers and demand their unconditional and immediate release
2007 Joined colleagues in co-sponsoring the “Prevention Through Affordable Access Act which corrects a provision included in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2006 (DRA) unintentionally cutting off college and university health clinics and hundreds of safety net providers from being able to offer affordable prescription drugs to students and lower-income women

2007 Joined New Jersey and New York’s Senators in co-sponsoring legislation to reduce flight delays and ease congestion in the New York/New Jersey airspace as part of the Fiscal Year 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Bill. One amendment requires federal government to provide a plan to Congress to reduce flight delays in the New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania Region, the nation’s most densely congested airspace. Other amendment requires the investigative arm of Congress, the Government Accountability Office, to investigate the Administration’s Airspace Redesign Plan, as well as the effectiveness of a variety of approaches used nationwide to reduce flight delays.

2007 Co-sponsored the Aviation Security Act S.1447 which increases monitoring and security of civil aviation and railways

2007 Co-sponsored legislation to improve protection at U.S. Embassies

2007 Co-sponsored legislation to improve bomb scanning technology

2007 Co-sponsored legislation to identify potential terror sites and targets in the US and conduct annual inspections for security vulnerabilities

2007 Co-sponsored with Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) the Nursing Home Quality and Transparency Act to require the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) disclose names of all nursing homes that receive the “special focus facilities” designation for “poor performance”. As of October 2007, there were 128 special focus facilities identified by CMS.

2007 Called on President Bush & Defense Secretary Gates to Clarify Administration Policy on Resuming the Military Draft, and Affirm Their Commitment to an All-volunteer Force in light of White House Deputy National Security Adviser Lt. General Douglas Lute saying the draft "has always been an option on the table" - which contradicts Administration statements

2007 Sponsored Amendment to Increase Temporary Lodging Expenses for Service Members from 20 days to 60 days for service members moving to a military base and experiencing a housing shortage. Part of the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization

2007 Co-sponsored with Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) the Support for Injured Service Members Act which allows the family of wounded military personnel to take up to 6 months of unpaid leave. The legislation expands the benefits provided under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which currently allows 12 weeks of unpaid leave.

2007 Joined bipartisan group of Senators to introduce bill to Require Report on Iraq Redeployment Planning from Administration from the Department of Defense within 60 days to congressional defense committees, with updated reports every 90 days thereafter. Co-sponsored by Senators Ken Salazar (D-CO), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Susan Collins (R-ME) George Voinovich (R-OH), Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) and Jim Webb (D-VA)

2007 Called for a Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigation to examine the nation's long-term care infrastructure in nursing homes, including accountability and the ability of the states and federal government to provide appropriate oversight and sanctions, especially with the decline in the quality-of-care related to the purchase of nursing home facilities by private investment groups.

2007 Co-introduced Legislation to Require President Bush get Congressional Approval for Extending U.S. military commitment to Iraq. Also sent letter warning the President against rushing the United States into long-term security commitments to the Iraqi government and urging him to seek Congressional consent. This was in response to President Bush’s signing a Declaration of Principles for a Long-term Relationship of Cooperation and Friendship with Iraq. Co-sponsored by Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Carl Levin (D-MI) and Jim Webb (D-VA).
2007 Called for Investigation of Reported Rape and Detention of American Contractor in Iraq after allegations by Jamie Leigh Jones that she was brutally raped and forcibly detained while serving as a contractor in Iraq. Since no United States government agency or department has undertaken a proper investigation of the incident for more than two years, Senator Clinton urged in a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Attorney General Michael Mukasey to take swift and immediate action to investigate rape charges.

2007 Original co-sponsor of the Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act of 2007 which prevents those with predatory criminal histories from working within long-term care settings by establishing a nationwide system of background checks. This new system coordinates abuse and neglect registries with state law enforcement registries, and adds a federal component to the background check by cross-referencing potential employees with the FBI’s national database of criminal history records. Co-sponsored by Senators Herb Kohl (D-WI), Pete Domenici (R-NM), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Carl Levin (D-MI)

2007 Introduced amendments to the National Security Strategy, a National Defense Strategy and Quadrennial Defense Review, key documents that guide national security policy, to consider strategies regarding natural disasters and mass migration issues that could be caused by Global Warming and climate change and how they would impact National Security, add to global tensions, and increase conflict over resources.

2007 Joined colleagues in calling for pay raise for wartime troops to 3.5 percent and to ask Bush not to cut a proposed benefit for grieving spouses, which would provide $40 a month to help these military families cover expenses when a loved one is killed in action. Co-sponsored by Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) and House members Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill. 5th District), Tim Walz (D-Minn. 1st District) and Patrick Murphy (D-Penn. 8th District)

2007 Joined with Senator Schumer in adding $286,898 for United Auto Workers Training for Region 9 to the Fiscal Year 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Bill

2007 Fought to include a provision requiring the Army audit the pay accounts of 1,216 wounded soldiers in the FY 2007 Defense Authorization bill. The audit, which the Army completed in 2007, found 24% of the wounded soldiers had underpayment issues totaling nearly $400,000.

2007 Reintroduced the Standing with Minimum Wage Earners Act that would tie an increase to Congressional pay raises to Minimum wage increases

2007 Introduced the Protecting Military Family Financial Benefits Act to close gaps in the death gratuity and other survivor benefits intended for family members of active-duty military personnel and protect children of single parents by allowing guardians of the surviving minor children to access the benefits.

2007 Introduced the Restoring Disability Benefits for Injured and Wounded Warriors to fix flawed disability benefits evaluation process to be more efficient and make sure wounded service members are treated fairly by including an independent review of disability benefit ratings below 20 percent and an increase in disability benefits when warranted.

2008 Co-sponsored with Senator Dodd the Family and Medical Leave Act which was incorporated into the Defense Authorization Act, extending to loved ones of wounded service members the right to take time extra time off to care for an injured spouse or child.

2008 Called on Senate to include the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program in the Farm Bill Final Conference Report which supports healthy, affordable foods and strengthen local and regional food systems to the benefit of farmers and consumers. Co-sponsored with Senators Herb Kohl, Amy Klobuchar and Russ Feingold.

2008 Joined colleagues to introduce the Civil Rights Act of
2008 which strengthens accountability when civil rights and workers’ rights are violated. Legislation ensures accountability for violations of our civil rights and fair labor laws, gives individuals the right to challenge practices of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, disability, age or gender. Gives students the same protection from harassment in school that workers have on the job, and holds employers fully accountable for age discrimination and discrimination against men and women in the armed services. Co-sponsored by Congressman Lewis, Senators Kennedy, Leahy, Dodd, Lautenberg, Bingaman, Kerry, Harkin, Mikulski, Akaka, Boxer, Feingold, Murray, Durbin, Schumer, Cantwell, Obama, Menendez, Cardin and Brown.

2008 Along with bi-partisan support, Clinton pushed for permanent improvements to Food Stamps and the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), which is set to expire 2012 when over 10 million recipients experience benefit cuts, while 300,000 low-income people would be cut off from food stamps in 2013. Census Bureau data shows more than 35 million people in the United States live in households facing hunger.

2008 Introduced with bi-partisan group Casey, Sessions, an Amendment to Protect Bonuses for Wounded Veterans that would create a reserve fund to guarantee that veterans who are wounded in combat are able to receive full payment of bonuses and incentives so that Medically-Discharged troops are not penalized

2008 Called on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reverse its plan to weaken safeguards for children in its Cancer Risk Guidelines. Joined by Senators Johnson and Boxer

2008 Sponsored Bridging the Gap bill to ensure that active duty and veterans’ health care services are available to all current and former service members injured after October 7, 2001, and another amendment to require that the development of a DOD-VA electronic medical records system is compatible with efforts to develop a nationwide health IT infrastructure. Senate Armed Services Committee and both houses of Congress adopted these measures of bill

2008 Called on President Bush to commit needed focus and funds to the BioWatch program, to develop bio-weapons sensors to detect the early stages of a biological attack

2008 Met with Irish Peace Agreement architects, Ian Paisley and Sinn Fein, who only requested meetings with two Americans when they visited from Ireland: One with President Bush and the other with Senator Hillary Clinton.

2008 Joined several colleagues in calling on the Senate Budget Committee to fund a Green Collar Jobs Initiative in the upcoming budget resolution bill and create good paying jobs, a cleaner environment, and be a key step in asserting our nation’s energy independence. Lawmakers are requesting $7.5 billion in the budget be provided to fund alternative and renewable energy policies.

2008 Joined bipartisan coalition urging Senate Budget Committee to provide $5.1 billion for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) since families expect to pay 37 percent more to heat their homes this winter, rather than the current possibility of dropping many as 1.2 million households from the program.

2008 Introduced the Mortgage Refinancing Initiative of 2008 which provides an opportunity for at-risk households to refinance unworkable mortgages. The 1.3 million foreclosures contribute to weakening house prices and devastating communities. Decline in home prices has already cost families an estimated $1.6 trillion.

2008 Met with British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Shaun Woodward, during his visit to Washington, DC

2008 Joined colleagues to reverse past reductions in funding to the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) account by increasing funding to $3.8 billion to ensure nation’s energy resources remain secure and affordable and key energy efficiency and renewable energy tax incentives are retained

2008 Called on Senate Armed Services Committee to hold oversight hearings on circumstances surrounding resignation of Admiral William Fallon as Commander, U.S. Central Command, voicing concern that Admiral Fallon may have been coerced to resign because of his willingness to offer unfiltered, independent advice

2008 Defense Authorization Act
included additional amendment from Clinton to expand burial travel allowances for military families to minor, dependent siblings of deceased service members who currently have to pay out of pocket to travel to their brother’s or sister’s funeral services.

2008 Joined Senators in pushing Government Accountability Office to investigate EPA’s decision to deny California’s request for a waiver to enable them to reduce global warming emissions from vehicles below national standards and reduce pollution. The decision impacts 19 states. Co-sponsored by Senators Barbara Boxer, Sheldon Whitehouse, Joseph Lieberman, Frank Lautenberg, Bernard Sanders, Benjamin Cardin and Amy Klobuchar

2008 Called on the Pentagon to implement an aggressive suicide prevention program for military, including a targeted outreach for soldiers at risk of harming themselves as more active duty soldiers committed suicide in 2007 than in any other year on record.

2008 Co-introduced Brown-Stabenow-Feingold-Snowe-Clinton amendment to enhance manufacturing training, extend research and development tax credits, increase the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, support the development of green jobs and ensure technical training needed to link skilled employees to 21st century jobs is among the strategies used to revitalize our manufacturing sector.

• National Journal's 2004 study of the Senates roll-call votes assigned Clinton a rating of 30 in the political spectrum of 100, with a rating of 1 being most liberal and 100 being most conservative. National Journal's subsequent rankings placed her as the 32nd-most liberal senator in 2006 and 16th-most liberal senator in 2007.

Clinton has received dozens of awards and honors during her career, from both American and International organizations. These are only a few.

1983 Named Arkansas Woman of the Year

1984 Named Arkansas Mother of the Year

1988 Named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America

1991 Named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America for a second time.

1993 Became the First Lady of the United States. Hillary Clinton was the first First Lady to hold a post-graduate degree and to have her own professional career up until entering the White House. She was also the first to take up an office in the West Wing of the White House not the East Wing. She is regarded as the most openly empowered presidential wife in American history, save for Eleanor Roosevelt.

2000 Became the first First Lady of the United States to be a candidate for elected office.

2004 Awarded the Intrepid Freedom Award for distinguished action in promoting and defending the values of freedom and democracy which are the core beliefs of our nation. The only other women to receive this award are Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

2005 The Military Coalition’s Award of Merit in recognition of tireless bipartisan work to expand access to TRICARE military health care for all drilling members of the National Guard and Reserve and their families regardless of activation status. The award is the Military Coalition’s highest honor. The Military Coalition is comprised of 36 military and veterans organizations representing more than six million members around the world, including active duty, National Guard and Reserve, retired members and veterans, as well as their families and survivors.

2005 Awarded National President’s Award from Reserve Officers Association

2006 Awarded the Inspirational Leadership Award from the Military Order of the Purple Heart, “In recognition of her inspirational leadership and dedicated service to America’s military service members and America’s veterans. Senator Clinton was an early advocate and co-sponsor of legislation to provide guaranteed funding for the VA health care administration.” One Member of Congress is chosen for this award each year. Senator Clinton is the first woman to receive this honor.

2006 Awarded the Outstanding Public Service Award from the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association - June 13, 2006 Senator Clinton and Representative Nita Lowey have introduced a resolution in both Houses of Congress that does not cost a penny and allows members of Congress to declare their public support for programs and policies that make it easier for all women at all income levels to obtain contraceptives and use them consistently and correctly over time.

2006 Awarded the National Appreciation Award by the Gold Star Wives of America - May 26,
2006 At the Gold Star Wives inaugural Congressional Reception, Senator Clinton received an award for her outstanding leadership and tireless efforts to secure legislation that would allow widowed military spouses who chose to remarry after age 57 to continue receiving survivor benefits.

Ranked among the “World's Most Powerful People” by Forbes magazine

Listed in Time Magazine's “Time 100”.

2007 - First woman ever to be nominated by a major party for President of the United States.