He may as well have fought for a bag of chips because his mission in Iraq had nothing to do with my "freedom" in the United States. I guess team Bush and his cronies (you know, the ones who never served a day of combat in their entire lives and got all those cushy deferments) are pussies too? Nice.
Oh come on zps, get with the program. We're supposed to be reveling in a combat veteran telling the liberal punks behind his/her car just who they owe their freedom to, and to shut up about the war being "unjust" and/or "catastrophic."
i do not "owe them for my freedom" if that is what you mean. my freedom has never been threatened by the happenings in iraq other than it has drained our human, equipment and monetary treasure all in the hame of Bush's follies.
A true man or woman would never, ever, say "hey you owe me". its cheap, it is tawdry, and my money is on it not being a vet but a wanna be....what Rush calls one of those fake soldiers perhaps?
REAL Americans go beyond that. They extol, they grovel, they worship anything military, or even camo-themed.
If you didn't think St. Gen. Petraeus was robbed of his richly deserved Nobel Peace Prize, there's a socialist leper colony for pacifist ingrates like you.
You're such a gasbag, Doyle. Did you ever listen to yourself? It must be embarrassing. Did anyone here do anything other than riff on and joke about this? No. But that never stops you from tilting at your own scarecrows.
The Drill Sgt: I'm on vacation in South Carolina and have been away from Althouse for lo these many days. Sorry to have left you hanging. Oops. Was that racist?
At first glance, I thought the "Been to Iraq . . ." was a bumper sticker, but upon closer inspection, I see that it is made up of self-adhesive letters, some of which appear to have fallen off.
Drill Sgt: There is no expectation of privacy in a government desk, office, barracks, etc. We have to safeguard the troopies from themselves. Actually, my husband was shocked at the level of freedom the 82d soldiers had in the barracks. Not so for his 2d ID guys in Korea. He changed that once he hit his brigade. [They had to sleep at attention when he was a TAC at OCS, too.] Being a graduate of a military college allows one four years of learning the ins and outs of barracks inspections and creative hazing.
Our freedoms have nothing to do with the war in Iraq. the same crowd yammering about "protecting freedoms," are the ones most energetically working to roll them back.
On many health and welfare inspections I was stationed outside the barracks to see which windows the good stuff came flying out of as the CO made his way down the hall.
This from, of all people...LOU DOBBS..who appears to agree with, of all people...ME:
NEW YORK (CNN) Lou Dobbs says President Bush has diminished a great nation and may diminish it further.
Frankly, I spend more time worrying about whether or not the United States can survive the remaining 15 months of his ebbing presidency.
There is little mystery about what future historians will consider to be the legacy of the 43rd president of the United States. Those historians are certain to describe the first presidential administration of the 21st century with terms such as dissipation and perversion.
Bush campaigned for the Republican Party's nomination eight years ago, styling himself as a compassionate conservative. He's amply demonstrated that he is neither.
Although many conservatives refuse to accept the reality, George W. Bush is a one-world neo-liberal who drove budget and trade deficits to record heights while embracing faith-based economic policies that perversely require only blind allegiance to free markets and free trade, without regard for consequence.
This president pursues a war without demanding of his generals either success or victory and accepts the sacrifice of our brave young men and women in uniform while asking nothing of our people or the nation at a time of war.
Sadly, this president has diminished a great nation and may diminish it further.
As a Marine, I find that type of display very unprofessional, not just because of the foul language, but the attitude that others should be beholden to a Marine is not appropriate to our commitment to subordination to civil authority. And the missing M is bad, too.
Kevin, Your reading comprehension is rather short on facts...such as:
1. "...historians are certain to describe the first presidential administration of the 21st century with terms such as dissipation and perversion." (Liberal?)
2. "Bush campaigned for the Republican Party's nomination eight years ago, styling himself as a compassionate conservative. He's amply demonstrated that he is neither." (Liberal?)
3. Although many conservatives refuse to accept the reality, George W. Bush is a one-world neo-liberal who drove budget and trade deficits to record heights while embracing faith-based economic policies that perversely require only blind allegiance to free markets and free trade, without regard for consequence." (I'm not sure what a neo-liberal is...but I know Clinton paid off our debt and left a surplus, contrary to President Reagan.)
4. This president pursues a war without demanding of his generals either success or victory and accepts the sacrifice of our brave young men and women in uniform while asking nothing of our people or the nation at a time of war." (Liberal?)
I realize you're about far to the right as one can be, but I don't think you can throw Lou Dobbs into the closet "liberal" mix...because he criticizes your hero.
Skyler said..."As a Marine, I find that type of display very unprofessional, not just because of the foul language, but the attitude that others should be beholden to a Marine is not appropriate to our commitment to subordination to civil authority. And the missing M is bad, too."
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12— In a sweeping indictment of the four-year effort in Iraq, the former top American commander called the Bush administration’s handling of the war incompetent and warned that the United States was “living a nightmare with no end in sight.”
John McCain told Bob Schieffer that he feels retired Lt. Gen. Sanchez might have felt he would have met the same fate as Gen. Shinseki if he gave an honest opinion about the war in Iraq which is another indictment on the Bush loyalty doctrine. Sanchez came out hard against the war planning and is now being criticized by the right wingers…
Sen. McCAIN: "And one of the reasons, in all due respect, my friend, is because General Shinseki gave his opinion and got fired."
LawGiver, What's the matter, asshole? Can't take the heat?
It's George W. Bush that got us into the war that this Marine is talking about...and I find it un-American to call those who disagree with Bush's policies and the war...pussies.
And if you actually think he's fighting to protect American's freedoms, while we occupy Iraq...you're even dumber than you sound here.
And keep in mind that right now, the people this Marine is calling "liberal pussies," encompasses about 70% of the American public.
I realize being a right wing Bush suck-up is tough these days, but that's a choice you've made...so deal with it.
Lawgiver, That's exactly the response I knew I would get.
Like I said; It's not easy defending George W. Bush...and you typify the usual right wing loudmouth who can't back up his bullshit with facts or discourse.
I believe that we should all agree that pussys should be above partisanship: no liberal or conservative pussys. It's time that we all do our part in the national healing and bring all the pussys together.
Did you see the first part of Sanchez speech where he ripped the press a new one for essentially propagandizing for the Democrats? What do you think about that?
Sanchez hasn't been in theater since 2004, so what he is talking about is a bit dated.
We already know that the initial occupation plan was inadequate. But, thats why they call them "plans" and not "infallable predictions".
I wonder if you have the intellectual honesty to recognize the gains made under Gen Petraeus' plan?
AlphaLiberal, for once I agree with you 1000% The only slight caveat is a Mariah Carrey stanky pussy. That even chased Derek Jeter away, and you know what a hound he is. In fact his name has now become a verb in the clubs of NYC. When you are trying to avoid a lady with an odoriferous pooter you "jeter" her big time. Nice to finally have a meeting of the minds
Sgt ted says: "LOS, Did you see the first part of Sanchez speech where he ripped the press a new one for essentially propagandizing for the Democrats? What do you think about that?"
The media has been a mess from day one.
They didn't dig into the bullshit we were fed by Bush & Company regarding the faulty intelligence, they gave Cheney a pass on his famous "flowers and candy" comment, his "last throes" comment, they didn't press Rummy on what was really going on, they didn't say squat when general after general quit or was fired for making comments. (See McCain's quote.)
As for Petraeus, he's doing a fine job, but it's way too late in the game. We have to work a deal with he three factions and get our asses out...it is THEIR country after all.
We went in via faulty intelligence, it all about OIL...Saddam was our perfect buffer between the countries that want a piece of the massive revenue pie, but now he' gone and our own soldiers are the buffer.(Oil was at about $30 when Bush came into office, and now it's at about $87. Gasoline was at about $150 and now it's at $2.50-3.00. Think about the impact that has on trucking, everyday goods and services.)
Do YOU think it was worth the lost lives, wounded soldiers, ruined lives, economic impact, massive debt and ongoing situation??
No, if he'd been to Afghanistan he'd have been fighting for me. That's where the people who actually attacked the U.S. are hanging out now. They send a few hundred low level recruits to Iraq to blow themselves up and kill Americans, but for the most part the people doing the fighting in Iraq are Iraqis, and I for one don't see how fighting them is fighting for me.
Lawgiver, Why would I care what a chickenshit like you thinks about anything?
You blather on about nothing, bitch and whine about ME posting comments you don't like or agree with (along with many others here), yet have absolutely NO argument or facts to defend your position.
Now as any true boulevardier can attest, the real dividing line is not between the liberal and the conservative, but rather between the bald and the hirsute. As a man of the world I personally prefer the Sinéad O'Connor as opposed to the Oscar Gamble, because spitting out miscreant follicles can put a damper on pregame festivities. However I would never denigrate the natural look as in my experience it is often sported by the more uninhibited and carefree free spirits.
Silly Marine. He's forgotten it's an honor to fight and risk death for Liberals who mock the uniform, the mission and the nation.
He's also forgotten that his sacrifices barely rise to the level of the Liberals, since, after all, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism." Just ask any Liberal like Howard Zinn - they'll be the first to tell you so.
At least we don't get caught with male hookers and meth, giving cops blowjobs in bathroom stalls, role-playing with hookers in diapers, or pass out and die masterbating with a dildo in the ass in full scuba gear.
garage mahal said..."At least we don't get caught with male hookers and meth, giving cops blowjobs in bathroom stalls, role-playing with hookers in diapers, or pass out and die masterbating with a dildo in the ass in full scuba gear."
"At least we don't get caught with male hookers and meth, giving cops blowjobs in bathroom stalls, role-playing with hookers in diapers, or pass out and die masterbating with a dildo in the ass in full scuba gear."
Man, liberals are a lot more boring than I thought. I thought you guys were supposed to be the fun ones?
If the nation relied upon only liberals volunteering to fill the ranks of the military, we'd be hard pressed to take on Malawi's 5,300 active duty troops.
Otherwise, please keep your fantasies to yourself, pussies.
I'm not sure what a neo-liberal is...but I know Clinton paid off our debt and left a surplus, contrary to President Reagan.)
Hmm, generating a surplus in your final year does not mean Clinton did not increase the debt. In fact when Clinton started in 1993, the national debt was $4 trillion. When he left is was nearly $6 trillion. That doesn't sound like paying off the debt to me?
Tim said..."If the nation relied upon only liberals volunteering to fill the ranks of the military, we'd be hard pressed to take on Malawi's 5,300 active duty troops."
Yeah, what would America do without those brave, "conservative" "volunteers" who served out country???
The Office of Management Budget projected a $296 billion federal deficit for fiscal year 2006.
Actually, it would be the fourth largest deficit of all time. Here’s the top five:
1. 2004 (George W. Bush) $413 billion 2. 2003 (George W. Bush) $378 billion 3. 2005 (George W. Bush) $318 billion 4. 2006 (George W. Bush) $296 billion (projected) 5. 1992 (George H. W. Bush) $290 billion
When President Bush came into office, he inherited a surplus of $284 Billion. At that time, the Bush administration predicted a $516 billion surplus for 2006.
Hey did you hear what happened last night. Jason Kidd was in a club and got a pussy in his kung-fu grip. We don't know if it was liberal or conservative. Just pissed off and I think she filed a police report. Film at eleven.
Skyler rocks: "As a Marine, I find that type of display very unprofessional, not just because of the foul language, but the attitude that others should be beholden to a Marine is not appropriate to our commitment to subordination to civil authority."
Thank you! Well said!
TrooperYork, glad we could agree on something! (Can't speak to Mariah Carey, but I do like to watch her walk away)
Lawgiver, does "LOS" mean "Laughing Our Silently?"
The intellectual honesty on display here is mighty lacking. So the war didn't get handled properly at the get-go. That's on the mend and is mending fast. Is it worth it?
That depends. I think it is worth it because I hate the idea of the torture, rape and murders committed by Saddam and his thugs. I like the idea that Palestinian suicide bombers' families are no longer paid $20000 to destroy families of civilians trying to get on in life. I like the idea that we now know Saddam can no longer be a destabilizing influence in a very tough part of the world.
I don't like the sacrifice that has taken place to get us to where we are today and where that country still needs to go. It is terrible to see the damage to Iraqi lives, and to know it was not too different for the past 30 yrs. But we moved in for more reason s than one, and I hope we can move out soon with all the huge developments already taking place.
So, LOS, I understand your points, but I cannot sympathize with your hatred of Bush or Cheney, or any of these other men. After all, they are just men. And you might want to read the full text of Sanchez' speech if you haven't already. Cherry-picking here and there doesn't work anymore. You might argue that is what happened with prewar intelligence. Don't do it yourself if you are going to criticize it. Oh, I see you've moved onto the deficit. I thought Congress controlled the money...
You are wasting your time. Lucky has incontrovertible proof that Bush/Cheney, et al., are homicidal manics who knew that the underlying intelligence was false.
His dissent makes him a hero and he hates those false heroes of the armed services. Running to the sound of gunfire tends to make anonymous typing from mom's basement look rather limp by comparison. Nothing short of lithium will move him off of his paranoid fantasies.
"Never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it."
AlphaLiberal: Our freedoms have nothing to do with the war in Iraq.
Riiight. The combination of radical Islam, WMD proliferation, and proxy terrorist attacks have *nothing* to do with American security. We can just retreat behind static defenses in Fortress America and down our lattes while chanting "give Peace a chance!". Genius.
the same crowd yammering about "protecting freedoms," are the ones most energetically working to roll them back.
Uh-huh. Intercepting *international* communications between terrorists on servers located inside the US sure has "rolled back" your freedoms.
Wilt Camberlain has stated that he had sex with over 10,000 women. He didn't tell us if they liberal or conservative. However, since he was a 7'2" black man, we know that his criteria was elastic vs inelastic. Either would do in a pinch, but one would pinch a little more than the other. Not that there was anything wrong with that.
So who can be proud of shooting fish in a barrel, then instigating a civil war which has killed thousands of innocents? Pity so many good Americans have died in this senseless war.
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Well that's provocative.
Boy, that takes balls. I hope that car has a security camera.
I we could only find someone to fight for an 'm'.
Yes, if you say it out loud, it seems he fought for a corn chip.
Actually, the bumper sticker is a misprint.
That Marine went to Iraq to fight for this guy.
That corn chip is dead to me now.
AA, you're too fast for me!
SteveR, you too!
Vandalized by a noble lefty within days, if not hours. Guaranteed.
Damn, two minutes of inspiration and I finish third, story of my life.
What is America, if not a bag of Fritos™?
He's probably from Camp Lejune, given the NC plates.
He also fought for his right to drive a Volkswagen without someone questioning his sexuality.
I take exception to that since both my cats voted for Reagan.
Maybe the pussys stole the M.
certainly makes me proud to be an American.
"We've been trying to get our hands on Jenna Tailya for many years."
paraphrase from a Robert De Niro SNL skit.
That's as tough as any bumper sticker on a VW can be.
Odds are its a woman.
He may as well have fought for a bag of chips because his mission in Iraq had nothing to do with my "freedom" in the United States. I guess team Bush and his cronies (you know, the ones who never served a day of combat in their entire lives and got all those cushy deferments) are pussies too? Nice.
Oh come on zps, get with the program. We're supposed to be reveling in a combat veteran telling the liberal punks behind his/her car just who they owe their freedom to, and to shut up about the war being "unjust" and/or "catastrophic."
hey doyle...
i'm thankful to the vets for their service.
i do not "owe them for my freedom" if that is what you mean. my freedom has never been threatened by the happenings in iraq other than it has drained our human, equipment and monetary treasure all in the hame of Bush's follies.
A true man or woman would never, ever, say "hey you owe me". its cheap, it is tawdry, and my money is on it not being a vet but a wanna be....what Rush calls one of those fake soldiers perhaps?
Hey, hdhouse:
i'm thankful to the vets for their service.
Oh you'd like that to be enough, wouldn't you?
REAL Americans go beyond that. They extol, they grovel, they worship anything military, or even camo-themed.
If you didn't think St. Gen. Petraeus was robbed of his richly deserved Nobel Peace Prize, there's a socialist leper colony for pacifist ingrates like you.
You're such a gasbag, Doyle. Did you ever listen to yourself? It must be embarrassing. Did anyone here do anything other than riff on and joke about this? No. But that never stops you from tilting at your own scarecrows.
Ruth Dear,
where were you on the Cosby post when I was trying to explain health and welfare inspections :)
They hate our Fritos.
The Drill Sgt: I'm on vacation in South Carolina and have been away from Althouse for lo these many days. Sorry to have left you hanging. Oops. Was that racist?
but as a former Division JAG type you must have seen a bunch of things involved in safeguarding troop welfare by use of inspections.
At first glance, I thought the "Been to Iraq . . ." was a bumper sticker, but upon closer inspection, I see that it is made up of self-adhesive letters, some of which appear to have fallen off.
Why do progressive cats hate corn chips (or middle Corleone children)?
Drill Sgt: There is no expectation of privacy in a government desk, office, barracks, etc. We have to safeguard the troopies from themselves. Actually, my husband was shocked at the level of freedom the 82d soldiers had in the barracks. Not so for his 2d ID guys in Korea. He changed that once he hit his brigade. [They had to sleep at attention when he was a TAC at OCS, too.] Being a graduate of a military college allows one four years of learning the ins and outs of barracks inspections and creative hazing.
creative hazing
now I would call that motivational therapy and Freder would call it "torture" :)
We must stop this discussion. The Marine has absolute moral authority over everyone who hasn't served there.
Sounds like a dumb ass.
Our freedoms have nothing to do with the war in Iraq. the same crowd yammering about "protecting freedoms," are the ones most energetically working to roll them back.
The Drill SGT: Po-tay-toe, po-TAH-to.
On many health and welfare inspections I was stationed outside the barracks to see which windows the good stuff came flying out of as the CO made his way down the hall.
liberal pussy, conservative pussy.
It's all good.
Speaking of Presidential chickenhawk pussies:
This from, of all people...LOU DOBBS..who appears to agree with, of all people...ME:
NEW YORK (CNN) Lou Dobbs says President Bush has diminished a great nation and may diminish it further.
Frankly, I spend more time worrying about whether or not the United States can survive the remaining 15 months of his ebbing presidency.
There is little mystery about what future historians will consider to be the legacy of the 43rd president of the United States. Those historians are certain to describe the first presidential administration of the 21st century with terms such as dissipation and perversion.
Bush campaigned for the Republican Party's nomination eight years ago, styling himself as a compassionate conservative. He's amply demonstrated that he is neither.
Although many conservatives refuse to accept the reality, George W. Bush is a one-world neo-liberal who drove budget and trade deficits to record heights while embracing faith-based economic policies that perversely require only blind allegiance to free markets and free trade, without regard for consequence.
This president pursues a war without demanding of his generals either success or victory and accepts the sacrifice of our brave young men and women in uniform while asking nothing of our people or the nation at a time of war.
Sadly, this president has diminished a great nation and may diminish it further.
As a Marine, I find that type of display very unprofessional, not just because of the foul language, but the attitude that others should be beholden to a Marine is not appropriate to our commitment to subordination to civil authority. And the missing M is bad, too.
George W. Bush is a one-world neo-liberal
LOS, Lou hit the nail on the head.
W is way too liberal.
Oh well, we'll get a chance to see how someone more conservative runs things 1/20/09.
Doyle said..."We're supposed to be reveling in a combat veteran telling the liberal punks behind his/her car just who they owe their freedom to..."
Americans owe their "freedom" to this guy...because he's helping occupy a sovereign nation we invaded via false intelligence?
Now that's quite the American history lesson.
Your reading comprehension is rather short on facts...such as:
1. "...historians are certain to describe the first presidential administration of the 21st century with terms such as dissipation and perversion." (Liberal?)
2. "Bush campaigned for the Republican Party's nomination eight years ago, styling himself as a compassionate conservative. He's amply demonstrated that he is neither." (Liberal?)
3. Although many conservatives refuse to accept the reality, George W. Bush is a one-world neo-liberal who drove budget and trade deficits to record heights while embracing faith-based economic policies that perversely require only blind allegiance to free markets and free trade, without regard for consequence."
(I'm not sure what a neo-liberal is...but I know Clinton paid off our debt and left a surplus, contrary to President Reagan.)
4. This president pursues a war without demanding of his generals either success or victory and accepts the sacrifice of our brave young men and women in uniform while asking nothing of our people or the nation at a time of war."
I realize you're about far to the right as one can be, but I don't think you can throw Lou Dobbs into the closet "liberal" mix...because he criticizes your hero.
Skyler said..."As a Marine, I find that type of display very unprofessional, not just because of the foul language, but the attitude that others should be beholden to a Marine is not appropriate to our commitment to subordination to civil authority. And the missing M is bad, too."
I agree.
Another Liberal pussy??"
Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez:
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12— In a sweeping indictment of the four-year effort in Iraq, the former top American commander called the Bush administration’s handling of the war incompetent and warned that the United States was “living a nightmare with no end in sight.”
And yet another "liberal pussy??"
John McCain told Bob Schieffer that he feels retired Lt. Gen. Sanchez might have felt he would have met the same fate as Gen. Shinseki if he gave an honest opinion about the war in Iraq which is another indictment on the Bush loyalty doctrine. Sanchez came out hard against the war planning and is now being criticized by the right wingers…
Sen. McCAIN: "And one of the reasons, in all due respect, my friend, is because General Shinseki gave his opinion and got fired."
Fuck you Luckyoldson.
This isn't about Bush, you better check your meds.
Nobody cares what you think.
Leave your never ending obsession with Bush somewhere else before I rent your ass as a condo to a family of Meerkats.
What's the matter, asshole? Can't take the heat?
It's George W. Bush that got us into the war that this Marine is talking about...and I find it un-American to call those who disagree with Bush's policies and the war...pussies.
And if you actually think he's fighting to protect American's freedoms, while we occupy Iraq...you're even dumber than you sound here.
And keep in mind that right now, the people this Marine is calling "liberal pussies," encompasses about 70% of the American public.
I realize being a right wing Bush suck-up is tough these days, but that's a choice you've made...so deal with it.
You're not too bright are you?
Suck off.
That's exactly the response I knew I would get.
Like I said; It's not easy defending George W. Bush...and you typify the usual right wing loudmouth who can't back up his bullshit with facts or discourse.
Are you for real?
This is about a poorly worded bumper sticker. We don't know anything about who put it on this car or why.
It's not Bush's car. It's not about the war, Sanchez, or McCain.
Work on those reading comprehension skills loser.
I believe that we should all agree that pussys should be above partisanship: no liberal or conservative pussys. It's time that we all do our part in the national healing and bring all the pussys together.
You're asking me if I understand this thread??
You actually think the thread is basically dedicated to a "typo," and not the message of the fucking bumper sticker?
Have you read ANY of the other comments by...
Keep on sucking.
Where's your profile?
Did you see the first part of Sanchez speech where he ripped the press a new one for essentially propagandizing for the Democrats?
What do you think about that?
Sanchez hasn't been in theater since 2004, so what he is talking about is a bit dated.
We already know that the initial occupation plan was inadequate. But, thats why they call them "plans" and not "infallable predictions".
I wonder if you have the intellectual honesty to recognize the gains made under Gen Petraeus' plan?
AlphaLiberal, for once I agree with you 1000% The only slight caveat is a Mariah Carrey stanky pussy. That even chased Derek Jeter away, and you know what a hound he is. In fact his name has now become a verb in the clubs of NYC. When you are trying to avoid a lady with an odoriferous pooter you "jeter" her big time. Nice to finally have a meeting of the minds
Piss off.
Try to argue with someone who cares about what you think.
Consider yourself jetered.
Sgt ted says: "LOS,
Did you see the first part of Sanchez speech where he ripped the press a new one for essentially propagandizing for the Democrats?
What do you think about that?"
The media has been a mess from day one.
They didn't dig into the bullshit we were fed by Bush & Company regarding the faulty intelligence, they gave Cheney a pass on his famous "flowers and candy" comment, his "last throes" comment, they didn't press Rummy on what was really going on, they didn't say squat when general after general quit or was fired for making comments. (See McCain's quote.)
As for Petraeus, he's doing a fine job, but it's way too late in the game. We have to work a deal with he three factions and get our asses out...it is THEIR country after all.
We went in via faulty intelligence, it all about OIL...Saddam was our perfect buffer between the countries that want a piece of the massive revenue pie, but now he' gone and our own soldiers are the buffer.(Oil was at about $30 when Bush came into office, and now it's at about $87. Gasoline was at about $150 and now it's at $2.50-3.00. Think about the impact that has on trucking, everyday goods and services.)
Do YOU think it was worth the lost lives, wounded soldiers, ruined lives, economic impact, massive debt and ongoing situation??
No, if he'd been to Afghanistan he'd have been fighting for me. That's where the people who actually attacked the U.S. are hanging out now. They send a few hundred low level recruits to Iraq to blow themselves up and kill Americans, but for the most part the people doing the fighting in Iraq are Iraqis, and I for one don't see how fighting them is fighting for me.
Why would I care what a chickenshit like you thinks about anything?
You blather on about nothing, bitch and whine about ME posting comments you don't like or agree with (along with many others here), yet have absolutely NO argument or facts to defend your position.
Talk is cheap, dickhead.
Hey, what about the missing 'M?'
You folks are just misinterpreting it.
He actually fought for the right to produce corn chips there, and if you say it, it sounds like 'Frito.' That's it, he fought for my FRITO!
Better than fighting for speedo.
Eli Blake said..."No, if he'd been to Afghanistan he'd have been fighting for me."
Exactly right.
We were attacked by Osama and his mostly Saudi assholes, and instead of ferreting them out and killing all of them, we went into Iraq.
It will be remembered as the biggest American policy blunder of all time...I hope...because things could get worse.
Bush, just today went on and on about World War III and Iran not getting the "knowhow" to create a bomb.
He's evidently not that familiar with the kind of information and "knowhow" readily available on the "internets."
Now as any true boulevardier can attest, the real dividing line is not between the liberal and the conservative, but rather between the bald and the hirsute. As a man of the world I personally prefer the Sinéad O'Connor as opposed to the Oscar Gamble, because spitting out miscreant follicles can put a damper on pregame festivities. However I would never denigrate the natural look as in my experience it is often sported by the more uninhibited and carefree free spirits.
So much for the Sox-Rockies.
Hey the indians win one every once in a while. Just tell Manny he has a Little Big Horn if you know what I mean.
Silly Marine. He's forgotten it's an honor to fight and risk death for Liberals who mock the uniform, the mission and the nation.
He's also forgotten that his sacrifices barely rise to the level of the Liberals, since, after all, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism." Just ask any Liberal like Howard Zinn - they'll be the first to tell you so.
And yes, of course Liberals are pussys.
Or else Gore would have filed suit to ensure military ballots were included, rather than excluded, in the Florida recount.
It's all about the missing "M"! And just what is an "M" when it's turned upside-down, I ask you?!
It's suckass chickenshits like you who continue to spew out the same old right wing bullshit who have doomed the Republican party.
Keep it up, asshole...we need ALL the votes we can get in 2008.
Whine, whine, whine...what a hoot.
Why not profile?
And yes, of course Liberals are pussys.
At least we don't get caught with male hookers and meth, giving cops blowjobs in bathroom stalls, role-playing with hookers in diapers, or pass out and die masterbating with a dildo in the ass in full scuba gear.
Just sayin!
It has been a while: Indians have actually won the series...'20 & '48.
garage mahal said..."At least we don't get caught with male hookers and meth, giving cops blowjobs in bathroom stalls, role-playing with hookers in diapers, or pass out and die masterbating with a dildo in the ass in full scuba gear."
I think Tim's busy in a stall.
Wide stance and all that.
"At least we don't get caught with male hookers and meth, giving cops blowjobs in bathroom stalls, role-playing with hookers in diapers, or pass out and die masterbating with a dildo in the ass in full scuba gear."
Man, liberals are a lot more boring than I thought. I thought you guys were supposed to be the fun ones?
Tim said..."...Liberals who mock the uniform, the mission and the nation."
Can you name a few?
If the nation relied upon only liberals volunteering to fill the ranks of the military, we'd be hard pressed to take on Malawi's 5,300 active duty troops.
Otherwise, please keep your fantasies to yourself, pussies.
Of course the question the nation really wonders about: Professor, Michael Jordan or Dr J (ABA days of course).
Sorry for the impertinence, but if you fail to live your life to the fullest, then the terrorists have won!
I'm not sure what a neo-liberal is...but I know Clinton paid off our debt and left a surplus, contrary to President Reagan.)
Hmm, generating a surplus in your final year does not mean Clinton did not increase the debt. In fact when Clinton started in 1993, the national debt was $4 trillion. When he left is was nearly $6 trillion. That doesn't sound like paying off the debt to me?
or Frodo
or Freedonia (Marx brothers)?
Anyhow, Marines ought to learn that freedo's jus anothe wor fo nothin lef t los. Nothin, that' al tha Bobb lef m, yea.
L l l, l l l l, l l l, l l l l
L l l l l Bobb McGe.
L l l l l, l l l l l
L l l l l, Bobb McGe, l.
Neville Chamberlain + Eeyore= Luckyoldson
Lo, Pog!!
I've tried the rest, liberal pussy is the best.
Tim said..."If the nation relied upon only liberals volunteering to fill the ranks of the military, we'd be hard pressed to take on Malawi's 5,300 active duty troops."
Yeah, what would America do without those brave, "conservative" "volunteers" who served out country???
Guys like:
Good work, Timmy.
You're full of shit...as usual.
When Clinton left office we had a surplus:
Clinton presided over the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and a federal surplus.
Read more...blather on less.
El Presidente,
Good God...now you're comparing me to Neville Chamberlain??
And again, another right wing moron makes my point: Disagree with the "pack" and you're branded as un-American.
And that's why the Republicans will get their asses kicked in 2008...stupidity.
Sgt Ted,
I responded to your questions.
Do you have a counter or something you'd like to add?
Maybe an answer to MY question?
Do YOU think the invasion the been worth the cost to America????
Something you might find interesting:
The Office of Management Budget projected a $296 billion federal deficit for fiscal year 2006.
Actually, it would be the fourth largest deficit of all time. Here’s the top five:
1. 2004 (George W. Bush) $413 billion
2. 2003 (George W. Bush) $378 billion
3. 2005 (George W. Bush) $318 billion
4. 2006 (George W. Bush) $296 billion (projected)
5. 1992 (George H. W. Bush) $290 billion
When President Bush came into office, he inherited a surplus of $284 Billion. At that time, the Bush administration predicted a $516 billion surplus for 2006.
don't confuse sloanasaurus with facts. they don't compute in his little brain.
Hey did you hear what happened last night. Jason Kidd was in a club and got a pussy in his kung-fu grip. We don't know if it was liberal or conservative. Just pissed off and I think she filed a police report. Film at eleven.
I just read that about Kidd. They're reviewing the "video" at the club.
Skyler rocks:
"As a Marine, I find that type of display very unprofessional, not just because of the foul language, but the attitude that others should be beholden to a Marine is not appropriate to our commitment to subordination to civil authority."
Thank you! Well said!
TrooperYork, glad we could agree on something! (Can't speak to Mariah Carey, but I do like to watch her walk away)
Lawgiver, does "LOS" mean "Laughing Our Silently?"
I know that Mattel is rushing to market the Jason Kidd action figure with the "Puff Daddy" grip. At a Toys-R-Us near you in time for Christmas.
"Good God...now you're comparing me to Neville Chamberlain??"
It is an unfair comparison. And poor Eeyore, he never said an unkind word to anyone.
El Presidente said..."It is an unfair comparison. And poor Eeyore, he never said an unkind word to anyone."
Yea! Another weary rant about Bush!
The intellectual honesty on display here is mighty lacking. So the war didn't get handled properly at the get-go. That's on the mend and is mending fast. Is it worth it?
That depends. I think it is worth it because I hate the idea of the torture, rape and murders committed by Saddam and his thugs. I like the idea that Palestinian suicide bombers' families are no longer paid $20000 to destroy families of civilians trying to get on in life. I like the idea that we now know Saddam can no longer be a destabilizing influence in a very tough part of the world.
I don't like the sacrifice that has taken place to get us to where we are today and where that country still needs to go. It is terrible to see the damage to Iraqi lives, and to know it was not too different for the past 30 yrs. But we moved in for more reason s than one, and I hope we can move out soon with all the huge developments already taking place.
So, LOS, I understand your points, but I cannot sympathize with your hatred of Bush or Cheney, or any of these other men. After all, they are just men. And you might want to read the full text of Sanchez' speech if you haven't already. Cherry-picking here and there doesn't work anymore. You might argue that is what happened with prewar intelligence. Don't do it yourself if you are going to criticize it. Oh, I see you've moved onto the deficit. I thought Congress controlled the money...
No, no, Lucky wants to be compared to Wilt Chamberlin. And we ain't talking about diplomacy neither babbbbbby! (Lame Dick Vitale imitation)
You are wasting your time. Lucky has incontrovertible proof that Bush/Cheney, et al., are homicidal manics who knew that the underlying intelligence was false.
His dissent makes him a hero and he hates those false heroes of the armed services. Running to the sound of gunfire tends to make anonymous typing from mom's basement look rather limp by comparison. Nothing short of lithium will move him off of his paranoid fantasies.
"Never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it."
AlphaLiberal: Our freedoms have nothing to do with the war in Iraq.
Riiight. The combination of radical Islam, WMD proliferation, and proxy terrorist attacks have *nothing* to do with American security. We can just retreat behind static defenses in Fortress America and down our lattes while chanting "give Peace a chance!". Genius.
the same crowd yammering about "protecting freedoms," are the ones most energetically working to roll them back.
Uh-huh. Intercepting *international* communications between terrorists on servers located inside the US sure has "rolled back" your freedoms.
Wilt Camberlain has stated that he had sex with over 10,000 women. He didn't tell us if they liberal or conservative. However, since he was a 7'2" black man, we know that his criteria was elastic vs inelastic. Either would do in a pinch, but one would pinch a little more than the other. Not that there was anything wrong with that.
So who can be proud of shooting fish in a barrel, then instigating a civil war which has killed thousands of innocents? Pity so many good Americans have died in this senseless war.
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