Well, this is certainly disappointing news for us social conservatives.
It is imperative that we do a cleansing of these deviants immediately. We now find out that one of the most powerful women in the world is lebanese. This is a sad day knowing that Condi, whom I once respected, doesn't like meat.
Hmmm. Quoting a hater like Michelangelo Signorile? Notice also that the comments section is filled with remarks by another well-known Bush hater and west coast queen David Ehrenstein.
These guys have made it their mission in life to smear Republicans and "out" their political opponents.
I take their insinuations about Rice with a grain of salt.
he postulated that if he aimed a quarter at her butt, it would bounce off like a rocket. He was right. Rice, who was dancing, didn't realize what he had done until everyone began laughing hysterically. She was flattered -- and proud.
But seriously, how can you link to that degrading filth? "Outing" is despicable and attacking Condi's friends is despicable:
Even if Rice is heterosexual, however, it is fascinating and mind-boggling that this woman whose best male friend is an openly gay liberal and whose best female "friend" is a "liberal progressive," would work for a president who has opposed every gay rights initiative and tried to enshrine religious hatred in the Constitution. What does it say about them as well?
Because, don't ya know, you're supposed to shun conservatives. You shouldn't even be their friend. Because they are intolerant and won't accept you as a person, you know what I mean?
And what has Bush done to gays that's so terrible? All I can see is that he's continued Clinton-era policies and hired many gays for his administration.
It's still up to every individual state whether or not to recognize gay marriage. They blame Bush for the fact that most voters in their state don't think gay marriage is a good idea. It's not his fault. And when gays are represented by people like Signorile, it's no surprise that straights don't want to give them anything.
Many gays can't seem to handle the fact that most conservatives really don't care about sexual orientation. I would venture that most people of every political stripe have relatives or friends who are gay. It's pretty much a yawner of an issue these days.
Maybe because some high profile conservatives like James Dobson, who has met with the president many times (so he says) believes gays can change through restorative therapy is the reason some gays believe some conservatives have an issue with the gay-maybe.
"Even if Rice is heterosexual, however, it is fascinating and mind-boggling that this woman whose best male friend is an openly gay liberal and whose best female "friend" is a "liberal progressive," would work for a president who has opposed every gay rights initiative and tried to enshrine religious hatred in the Constitution. What does it say about them as well?"
What a paragraph.
Opposition to gay marriage is 'enshrining religious hatred'?
Echos there of the reviews of Atlas Shrugged, saying it was a novel written from hatred.
But to answer the rhetorical, what does it say about them, that they can be friends with someone who they don't agree with on matters of social politics? How about that they don't seethe with hatred towards people who disagree with them? And that they don't assume that, just because they think that their position comes from 'love', that other positions must come from 'hate'.
Of course conservatives hate the gays. This is even up for debate.
I've seen it with my own eyes, where the conservatives I knew called me "evil" when I came out and forbid me to see their children. Not to mention that EVERY practicing Catholic thinks that gay people are "intrinsically evil" as the Pope has instructed them to believe.
This is typical. But of course the conservatives will continue to lie and say they have no problem with the gays.
But Condoleeza Rice is a carpet muncher, yet she was National Security Advisor. Is that a violation of don't ask, don't tell?
Bush has imprisoned three hardworking soldiers for three months, just becuase they had gay sex.
Yet people like Joe lie and say they have no problem with the gays. Yet, people like Joe continue to favor the firing of over 10,000 federal workers under the Bush Presidency, just because they were the gay. Not surprising, since Bush as governor of Texas (and he has yet to renounce his position) publicly favored the imprisoning of gay people just for having sex in the privacy of their own home. Blogs like Powerline lojng for the death penalty.
Condoleeza Rice is a faggot. And its important that we get this news out there. Now why is this faggot allowed to interact with soldiers. We all know that faggots are a threat to the security of this country. At least that's what Don't Ask, Don't Tell tells us.
These guys have made it their mission in life to smear Republicans and "out" their political opponents.
Gedaliya is a hater. She thinks that by calling someone gay that it is a "smear".
I've already outed Ann Althouse. She's straight. Is that a "smear"?
Gedaliya has unknowingly showed to the world what she really thinks of gay people, by saying that it's a "smear" to call someone gay. She hates them and is disgusted by them.
Can we also get out the news that DADT was passed by a democratically controlled senate and house and signed by a democratic president. Also can we get it out that the military cannot change the policy because it is defined by law passed by congress and until congress changes it, that is the official policy. Sorry but that dog don't hunt, DTL. It just shows you up for the mindless fool and mean-spirited person you are at times.
The policy prior to Clinton was that you were kicked out of the military even if you didn't ask or didn't tell.
He tried to allow gays in the military, but REPUBLICANS, anti-gay southern Democrats, and bigoted, betray-us type military types, vehemently opposed it.
So DADT was passed, and it was a liberalization from prior policy.
The vast majority of Democrats want this repealed, but Bush has vowed to veto the law, so it has not gained any momentum.
However, Bush is VIOLATING don't ask, don't tell, by kicking gays out of the military based on hearsay. One guy was kicked out of the military, because it was discovered that he like theater. He was then asked if he was gay, which is a VIOLATION of the law. The soldier did not lie and was kicked out.
But gay porn stars like Matt Sanchez, who are on filming fu%cking guys up the as$s and sucking other guys c*ocks. But he doesn't get kicked out of the military, because he is a self-loathing Republican.
And Bush has thrown three soldiers in jail for sodomy, despite the fact that Lawrence V. Texas made that unconstitutional.
downtownlad is like the clown in the dunking booth at the state fair, hurling insults and talking trash in order to get people angry enough that they will spend money to throw a ball and try to dunk you. Resist the temptation, folks. The clown's not worth your balls.
This piece of trash by 90s queen Signorile is meant to inflame the perceived anti-gay prejudices of conservatives. It's a divide-and-conquer tactic of the lowest order, just like Kerry/Edwards' remarks about Cheney's LESBIAN daughter. Does anyone remember when Signorile slimed Andrew Sullivan by publishing private sexual information about him (as if Sullivan were "in the closet" about his sexuality anyway)? A purely revolting political move of the same order.
The message here from the so-called liberals: do what we want or we'll try and shame you and it doesn't matter if we have to inflame people's prejudices in the process. We'd rather prolong hatred than lose another election and, just like Clinton, we'll throw you to the wolves again soon enough.
Please find one insult I've thrown in this thread.
By the way, conservative blogs use that information about Sullivan to slander him constantly. So it proves the point that conservatives are bigots.
By the way, Matt Sanchez is a faggot, so why is he still a military reservist? And why is he allowed to serve in Iraq. Are only self-loathing gay porn stars allowed to serve in Iraq, but 10,000 gay men are kicked out, because they happen to mention that they like theater in their high school yearbook?
Here's Hillary Clinton, on the subject of gay marriage, from WNYC's "The Brian Lehrer Show", Wednesday, June 18, 2003:
"Lehrer: The lead story in the New York Times today is about Canada's decision to fully legalize gay marriage. do you think the United States should do that?
Clinton: Well, obviously in our system it is unlikely ever to be a national decision. It is a state-by-state decision because of the way our federal system operates, where states define what the conditions for marriage, or domestic partnership, or civil union might be, so I don't think that we will ever face it. In fact there is a law on the books, passed before I was in the congress, the Defense of Marriage Act, which goes so far as to say that even if one state does it, other states under our full faith and credit clause of the constitution don't have to recognize it.
Lehrer: But is Canada setting a good example, on that you'd like to see spread through the states here?
Clinton: Well, I have long advocated domestic partnership laws and civil unions, to me...
Lehrer: That's different from marriage.
Clinton: Well, marriage means something different. you know, marriage has a meaning that I... I think should be kept as it historically has been, but I see no reason whatsoever why people in committed relationships can't have, you know, many of the same rights and the same, you know, respect for their unions that they are seeking and I would like to see that be more accepted than it is.
Lehrer: But not with the context of marriage.
Clinton: Yeah, I, I think that is, you know... First of all, I think that it is unlikely, if not impossible, to be something nationally accepted in our country, but I also think that we can realize the same results for may committed couples by urging that states and localities adopt civil union and domestic partnership laws."
Gedaliya is a hater. She thinks that by calling someone gay that it is a "smear".
Yawn. It is a "smear" when you accuse someone of being "gay" when there is no evidence to support the accusation. Most people agree this is a despicable act, although not as bad as "outing" someone who, for whatever reasons, wishes to keep their sexual preference a private matter.
Signorile and Ehrenstein delight in "outing" those with whom they disagree politically. They are the ones who care not whether lives are destroyed or privacy violated. They are the ones who deserve our scorn.
Listen kid, I'm male, not female, and as anyone can tell from how I post here, no hater. I just don't find the need to pander to your silly and childish obsessions with how you decide to get your jollies.I don't give a whit if you're "gay." I just find it boring that you feel compelled to whine about it all the time.
"Please find one insult I've thrown in this thread."
Ok, how about this:
"Silly Palladian."
There are others, too.
"Of course conservatives hate the gays" [And if you claim this is not an insult, well, my parents are conservatives. They don't hate anyone and would be insulted that anyone would think they do.]
"But of course the conservatives will continue to lie" [Or is calling someone a liar not an insult?]
"Yet people like Joe lie" [ditto]
"Condoleeza Rice is a faggot" [if she is gay or not, calling her a faggot is using a slur to be insulting.]
"Gedaliya is a hater." [insult]
I am going to insult you now-- you are one of the most hateful people I have encountered online. I sympathize with your hatred; I understand from where it comes. I loathe what you have had to go through, especially from your own family. But it has turned you into exactly the type of hater that you claim so many others to be.
Geez - Gedaliya really is a hater. Why does she deny it?
People assume am I straight all the time. While I find that heteronormative thinking annoying, I don't think it's a "smear" to be called straight, although of course it would be "despicable" to actually BE straight. Who wants to be fat and ugly after all . . .
Geez - Gedaliya really is a hater. Why does she deny it?
People assume am I straight all the time. While I find that heteronormative thinking annoying, I don't think it's a "smear" to be called straight, although of course it would be "despicable" to actually BE straight. Who wants to be fat and ugly after all . . .
Enigmaticbore - Those are not insults. Now just because you have a tiny pecker, please don't take it out on gay people, who have never interfered in your life.
Interesting. I am conservative and I just found out from DTL that I hate gays. This will come as quite a surprise to family members, co-workers and friends. I have to admit, there are a few gay people I can't stand. Like there are a few straight people, white people, black people etc that I cant stand. Because their assholes. I wonder if that might be the issue with DTL experiences.
Jeff - You oppose equal rights for gay people, you favor the Federal Government firing people just because they are gay, and you oppose equality in the law for gay couples, ergo you hate gays.
In fact, if a local high school has a simple seminar and teaches the students that its wrong to beat up people just because they are gay. Well guess who opposes that seminar.
You betcha!
Jeff Enigmaticore Joe Cedarford Revenant
And George W. Bush.
But they don't hate us - they just enjoy seeing gays have their faces bashed in.
It most certainly can be. When Democratic Rep. Pete Stark was nearly getting into a fistfight in the well of Congress by calling another Representative a "faggot" and a "little fruitcake", he was intentionally trying to be insulting and using the terms as derogatory slurs, as were you.
You could have said that you think or know Condi Rice is gay. But instead, you chose a more aggressive word, using it exactly as one would use a slur.
So do not try to claim innocence now. You do not have plausible deniability.
Those were insults, as was this:
"Now just because you have a tiny pecker"
"please don't take it out on gay people, who have never interfered in your life."
I have nothing against gay people. I do have something against you whenever you go off on one of your hate-ridden tirades. You are what you claim to deplore, and the only question is if you became it because people treated you badly or if people treated you badly because you have always been a hateful sonofabitch.
Unfortunately, a thread like this allows children like DTL to hold court for a while and get some attention. "Gays" like DTL are classic cases of arrested development, never emotionally emerging from adolescence, where everything is viewed through a onanistic lens.
I have to confess that sometimes I am amused watching him (and others like him) go ballistic over this "gay" thing. I feel guilty, but hey, we've all got our weaknesses.
I find it fascinating. Years ago I was involved in a fight pulling gay bashers off of a guy. A couple of years ago I voted against the Ohio constitutional amendment stating marriage is between a man and a women. My first choice for a babysitter is my cousin's partner. According to DTL, I want to see people get their faces punched in. Any more mind reading you want to do today?
It is a "smear" when you accuse someone of being "gay" when there is no evidence to support the accusation.
That's bull. The word "accuse" defines your attitude precisely. There's no accusation in speculating whether someone is gay or straight. One "accuses" someone of something wrong, something shameful, or illegal or otherwise negative. No one's accusing Rice of being gay, just opining that she probably is. So what? Is she's not, it's just a mistaken speculation, and no big deal. That you use words like "smear" and "accuse" says exactly what you think of homosexuality-that's it's something shameful or wrong.
Yeah, conservative in kind of a libertarian mold. More of a south park conservative I would guess. Seems like a lot of people see diversity in everything except for conservatives. We, of course, are stereotyped into one borg collective of evil. It gets tiring.
That's bull. The word "accuse" defines your attitude precisely. There's no accusation in speculating whether someone is gay or straight.
To "accuse" someone of something is to charge them with an offense. Signorile has accused Rice of the offense of being in the closet, which in Signorile's world is a crime, especially if you are a member of the Bush administration. This, as I said, was a smear, and I see no reason to retract my statement.
Therefore I think the word is apropos in the context in which I used it.
DTL I have news for you. Anyone who has a problem with you, it's because you're an asshole, not because you are gay. You don't know me and you don't know my views. I worked with gays and had gay friends before you were born. So get over yourself.
"The chances of a lesbian couple celebrating their 10th anniversary at the White House are pretty slim—but Tammy Baldwin and Lauren Azar did.
"Baldwin, the country’s first out lesbian to hold a seat in the House of Representatives, and Azar were at the 2006 Congressional Christmas party at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. When they met up with President Bush, Baldwin introduced Azar as her partner, and told the president, “’It’s our anniversary.’ He asked how many years. I told him, ‘Ten years, Mr. President.’” Bush congratulated them and, according to Baldwin, was gracious."
I think there are many stories like that, of Bush on completely friendly terms with gay people. There is no evidence that he is an anti-gay bigot.
DTL, i'm curious as to why you left lucky of your hater list. Have you never noticed that he likes to insult people by insinuating that they are gay? If you have noticed, have you ever confronted him about it? If not, why not?
I don't happen to think that george bush is anti-gay. He such aligned himselves with anti-gay zealots including Bob Jones University; James Dobson; Tony Perkins; Pat Robertson (where they hired a boatload of those graduates from that esteemed law school); James Dobson; Richard Land and many others.
Also, many or most of the republicans go to kiss each one of these individuals asses in order to hopefully get elected. The democrats don't do this.
I think it is worse that he probably isn't anti-gay but used anti-gay individuals, who believe in therapy to cure the gay-in order to get elected.
Also, it is interesting that none of the straight republicans here think of George Bush as antigay or using the bullshit marriage amendmant in order to get elected in 2004. Check out all of his town hall meetings in received the biggest reception-but I am sure all of them were really just cheering about keeping marriage one man and one woman-nothing to do with any of their actual hatred for gays.
I don't know one of my gay friends or families of my gay friends who believes that this administration hasn't been hostile to gays.
Even the frickin log cabin republicans bitched about it last election and did not endorse Bush.
But all of you include, Althouse can believe that their was no damage or hurt delievered to the gay community by the republicans. Your completely delusioned.
Sorry if we feel differently-you weren't used as a wedge issue last election. History, though, with the younger generation more open, will definitely judge the hate harshly.
OK, now that I said my peace. Today was fabulous in NYC. The weather was initially rainy but it cleared up and was sunny.
It was a day of working out, relaxation and rejuvination for me.
I began at the gym with a Gakic shake and then pecs and tris-downed a creatine shake and salad and moved onto the spa.
My monthly back waxing went well-I don't have too many hairs on my back but just a few that bother me and I will be shirtless on the dance floor tonight and don't want to deal with being paranoid. I am feeling my abs right now and they feel good.
After the waxing I did bikram yoga-I thought I was going to faint-we are on top of each other in that room but I was pleased with my downward facing dog as well as my wide second.
Then I had a haircut, manny and peddy, massage and facial.
The dogs went to doggy daycare. I feel guilty if I leave them along for that long so they got to play with their other friends. Each of their report cards were exceptional today, although one is a little antisocial-we are working on that.
I too, picked fresh flowers for the house and I am going to have a couple of friends over for a cocktail, go to dindin w and off to "Splash" for dancing.
I am thinking I am in the mood for fish tonight-trout, swordfish, mahi mahi or perhaps sea bass-no potatoes of course (I have to keep the 31 inch waist) and a light caprese salad. Oh and a couple of kettel one martinis to rev my engine.
Now everyone take a deap breath, say namaste, enjoy the weekend, fall is here and days like this make me absolutely love NYC. I am relaxed, peaceful, and a few hours will hopefully meet a nice young ethnic man, who is inferior to me in every way so I can feel better about myself.
When cornered by a blowhard who bent his ear with a ridiculous rant about his movies, Alfred Hitchcock said:” I understand the inventor of the bagpipes was inspired when he saw a man carrying an indignant, asthmatic pig under his arm. Unfortunately, the manmade sound never equaled the purity of the sound achieved by the pig."
Oh, I forget to mention I got a cute little blouse at Marc Jacobs for tonight-the sales queen, said as soon as I walked out of the dressing room-"wrap it up"-I was so excited.
"I am sure all of them were really just cheering about keeping marriage one man and one woman-nothing to do with any of their actual hatred for gays."
Well, in the case of my mother, yeah, that was the reason for her being uncomfortable with it. And she loves my cousin and his partner. She is also against marriage between one man and multiple women. Who would she be hating in that case? Isn't your party the one of nuance?
Even if Rice is heterosexual, however, it is fascinating and mind-boggling that this woman whose best male friend is an openly gay liberal and whose best female "friend" is a "liberal progressive," would work for a president who has opposed every gay rights initiative and tried to enshrine religious hatred in the Constitution. What does it say about them as well?
That they're normal human beings? Lots of people have friends they disagree with strongly on political issues. My dad and the guy who has been his best friend since childhood are miles apart in political orientation, and they still get along great. They just don't argue about politics. Besides, it isn't like Rice is an advocate for the gay marriage amendment; that's not her area.
Besides, if it doesn't make sense that Rice and Bean could be friends, how does it make any more sense that they could be lovers?
Anyway, for all I know Rice *is* a lesbian. It would be kind of cool if she was.
In fact, if a local high school has a simple seminar and teaches the students that its wrong to beat up people just because they are gay. Well guess who opposes that seminar.
Sheesh, no wonder your own mother can't stand being around you. A guy with as many personality problems as you could at least try to make up for it by being honest.
My lover and I (I don't have a partner. Law firm have partners and I didn't fall in love with a law firm) have been together since 1971 -- despite the best efforts of you and yours to demonize me and mine.
As I said on my blog, Condi is merely an hors d'oeurve to nibble on while awaiting the main course -- Patrick McHenry.
gedilaya, you didn't say it's a smear to accuse someone of being in the closet. You said this: "It is a 'smear' when you accuse someone of being 'gay' when there is no evidence to support the accusation." So, according to your first wording, saying you think someone is gay, is a smear. I can see why you'd want to back away from that ridiculous statement, but too late, you made it.
There is no evidence that he is an anti-gay bigot.
He doesn't have to be. He just has to enjoy the support of anti-gay bigots. He might happily support an abortion for one of his daughters, but at the same time court the right-to-life vote. I don't particularly care how well-mannered he manages to be in his social relationships with gay people. I care that he's carefully cultivated the support of his base by assuring them of his support for sodomy laws, anti-same-sex constitutional amendments, and abstinence-only sex ed and HIV protection policies. Why do you think it means anything at all in the big picture that he didn't have the White House guards toss the dykes out?
The whole Condi as a butch lesbian thing got me thinking: Why is there an enforced ideological straitjacket in the gay community? People like Ehrenstein, Mike Rogers, and Signorile act as a new generation of Red Guards-imposing the metaphorical Terror with self-righteous vigor.
I mean, let's take a look at what actually occurred. Condi and Bean own what I believe to be a joint tenancy (Althouse is the lawyer here, she can clear this up) under CA law, and the 2nd mortgage that was the rider to it. It appears that Condi was wealthy enough to be the White Knight to a damsel in distress and is, after all, a stand-up girl.
Rogers, Ehrenstein, and the rest of the crowd immediately assume that they must be swapping strap-ons during secret trysts. Yet there's no actual evidence of a romantic affair at all. Indeed, while there are strong rumors to suggest that Rice is a gay woman, Bean is probably the best friend. This has overtones of Dobie Gillis to it.
There is an assumption on the part of the gay activist community that Rice would be exiled from Republican politics if she were outed (which is part of what Rogers is trying to do...). This shows a profound level of ignorance of modern Republican politics, at least as far as the rank and file are concerned. Let's say Rice comes out on Ellen. I strongly suspect she would receive a vast wave of support within the Republican Party, where she is a revered figure. Liberals assume that we are all angry, hateful people because that's what they tell each other about us.
Wait a minute. Rice would never come out on Ellen. That would piss off Oprah no end. I take that back..
These people probably have very, very few conservative friends. The contrast with Rice herself is instructive. She makes it a point to have friends on both sides of the aisle.
The activities of Rogers, Ehrenstein and Signorile are a cautionary tale of fanaticism and anger dressed up in self-righteousness. They are part of what is wrong with our politics, while Rice, a conservative who practices a more inclusive brand of political give and take, has lived a far more enriching and rewarding life. Whether it is a gay life or not is really her business.
Pure speculation. Just persuasive language with no facts on which to base anything.
Secondly, Rice does work only on the foreign policy side, not domestic.
Not everyone who refuses to openly champion the gay lifestyle is a hypocrite, even if closest friends are homosexual. There are some more conservative homosexuals who themselves would not publicly champion gay causes and wisely choose to keep their orientation private, as sexual matters should be. After all, it's really no one's business but the person/people with whom one wishes to share it.
"Yet there's no actual evidence of a romantic affair at all. Indeed, while there are strong rumors to suggest that Rice is a gay woman, Bean is probably the best friend. This has overtones of Dobie Gillis to it."
Which as you recall co-starred a lesbian who has since entered politics
" There are some more conservative homosexuals who themselves would not publicly champion gay causes and wisely choose to keep their orientation private, as sexual matters should be."
Really? Seems to me that heterosexuality isn't private at all. In fact it's in you face 24/7.
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What's going on here? The usual liberal/progressive display of tolerance and understanding and empathy... for those who agree with them.
Good morning fellow republicans.
A rainy day in NYC.
Well, this is certainly disappointing news for us social conservatives.
It is imperative that we do a cleansing of these deviants immediately. We now find out that one of the most powerful women in the world is lebanese. This is a sad day knowing that Condi, whom I once respected, doesn't like meat.
Next will find out Lindsey Graham is homosexual.
Hmmm. Quoting a hater like Michelangelo Signorile? Notice also that the comments section is filled with remarks by another well-known Bush hater and west coast queen David Ehrenstein.
These guys have made it their mission in life to smear Republicans and "out" their political opponents.
I take their insinuations about Rice with a grain of salt.
I'm skeptical. Who's got a quarter?
he postulated that if he aimed a quarter at her butt, it would bounce off like a rocket. He was right. Rice, who was dancing, didn't realize what he had done until everyone began laughing hysterically. She was flattered -- and proud.
Cue Carl's Jr. Commercial
But seriously, how can you link to that degrading filth? "Outing" is despicable and attacking Condi's friends is despicable:
Even if Rice is heterosexual, however, it is fascinating and mind-boggling that this woman whose best male friend is an openly gay liberal and whose best female "friend" is a "liberal progressive," would work for a president who has opposed every gay rights initiative and tried to enshrine religious hatred in the Constitution. What does it say about them as well?
Because, don't ya know, you're supposed to shun conservatives. You shouldn't even be their friend. Because they are intolerant and won't accept you as a person, you know what I mean?
And what has Bush done to gays that's so terrible? All I can see is that he's continued Clinton-era policies and hired many gays for his administration.
It's still up to every individual state whether or not to recognize gay marriage. They blame Bush for the fact that most voters in their state don't think gay marriage is a good idea. It's not his fault. And when gays are represented by people like Signorile, it's no surprise that straights don't want to give them anything.
It is funny that Rice's best friend is named Bean.
Other than that: ick. It's well known that some people are stupid. I just wish they wouldn't make it so obvious.
Thank god they didn't quote her college boyfriend who was an Israeli national named Roni Wexler.
Many gays can't seem to handle the fact that most conservatives really don't care about sexual orientation. I would venture that most people of every political stripe have relatives or friends who are gay. It's pretty much a yawner of an issue these days.
James Dobson won't be too happy.
Maybe because some high profile conservatives like James Dobson, who has met with the president many times (so he says) believes gays can change through restorative therapy is the reason some gays believe some conservatives have an issue with the gay-maybe.
"Even if Rice is heterosexual, however, it is fascinating and mind-boggling that this woman whose best male friend is an openly gay liberal and whose best female "friend" is a "liberal progressive," would work for a president who has opposed every gay rights initiative and tried to enshrine religious hatred in the Constitution. What does it say about them as well?"
What a paragraph.
Opposition to gay marriage is 'enshrining religious hatred'?
Echos there of the reviews of Atlas Shrugged, saying it was a novel written from hatred.
But to answer the rhetorical, what does it say about them, that they can be friends with someone who they don't agree with on matters of social politics? How about that they don't seethe with hatred towards people who disagree with them? And that they don't assume that, just because they think that their position comes from 'love', that other positions must come from 'hate'.
It's just a Bean in a Box.
Of course conservatives hate the gays. This is even up for debate.
I've seen it with my own eyes, where the conservatives I knew called me "evil" when I came out and forbid me to see their children. Not to mention that EVERY practicing Catholic thinks that gay people are "intrinsically evil" as the Pope has instructed them to believe.
This is typical. But of course the conservatives will continue to lie and say they have no problem with the gays.
But Condoleeza Rice is a carpet muncher, yet she was National Security Advisor. Is that a violation of don't ask, don't tell?
Bush has imprisoned three hardworking soldiers for three months, just becuase they had gay sex.
Yet people like Joe lie and say they have no problem with the gays. Yet, people like Joe continue to favor the firing of over 10,000 federal workers under the Bush Presidency, just because they were the gay. Not surprising, since Bush as governor of Texas (and he has yet to renounce his position) publicly favored the imprisoning of gay people just for having sex in the privacy of their own home. Blogs like Powerline lojng for the death penalty.
Condoleeza Rice is a faggot. And its important that we get this news out there. Now why is this faggot allowed to interact with soldiers. We all know that faggots are a threat to the security of this country. At least that's what Don't Ask, Don't Tell tells us.
These guys have made it their mission in life to smear Republicans and "out" their political opponents.
Gedaliya is a hater. She thinks that by calling someone gay that it is a "smear".
I've already outed Ann Althouse. She's straight. Is that a "smear"?
Gedaliya has unknowingly showed to the world what she really thinks of gay people, by saying that it's a "smear" to call someone gay. She hates them and is disgusted by them.
Can we also get out the news that DADT was passed by a democratically controlled senate and house and signed by a democratic president. Also can we get it out that the military cannot change the policy because it is defined by law passed by congress and until congress changes it, that is the official policy. Sorry but that dog don't hunt, DTL. It just shows you up for the mindless fool and mean-spirited person you are at times.
Sorry dick. But you can't rewrite history.
The policy prior to Clinton was that you were kicked out of the military even if you didn't ask or didn't tell.
He tried to allow gays in the military, but REPUBLICANS, anti-gay southern Democrats, and bigoted, betray-us type military types, vehemently opposed it.
So DADT was passed, and it was a liberalization from prior policy.
The vast majority of Democrats want this repealed, but Bush has vowed to veto the law, so it has not gained any momentum.
However, Bush is VIOLATING don't ask, don't tell, by kicking gays out of the military based on hearsay. One guy was kicked out of the military, because it was discovered that he like theater. He was then asked if he was gay, which is a VIOLATION of the law. The soldier did not lie and was kicked out.
But gay porn stars like Matt Sanchez, who are on filming fu%cking guys up the as$s and sucking other guys c*ocks. But he doesn't get kicked out of the military, because he is a self-loathing Republican.
And Bush has thrown three soldiers in jail for sodomy, despite the fact that Lawrence V. Texas made that unconstitutional.
dick: Sorry but that dog don't hunt, DTL. It just shows you up for the mindless fool and mean-spirited person you are at times.
Specifically, those times between 12:00:00 AM and 11:59:59 PM, inclusive.
And regardless, DADT is the law, and Condoleeza Rice is violating it.
She should be imprisoned for sodomy just as those other three soldiers were.
Paul Snivily is gay by the way. I have evidence about that.
downtownlad is like the clown in the dunking booth at the state fair, hurling insults and talking trash in order to get people angry enough that they will spend money to throw a ball and try to dunk you. Resist the temptation, folks. The clown's not worth your balls.
This piece of trash by 90s queen Signorile is meant to inflame the perceived anti-gay prejudices of conservatives. It's a divide-and-conquer tactic of the lowest order, just like Kerry/Edwards' remarks about Cheney's LESBIAN daughter. Does anyone remember when Signorile slimed Andrew Sullivan by publishing private sexual information about him (as if Sullivan were "in the closet" about his sexuality anyway)? A purely revolting political move of the same order.
The message here from the so-called liberals: do what we want or we'll try and shame you and it doesn't matter if we have to inflame people's prejudices in the process. We'd rather prolong hatred than lose another election and, just like Clinton, we'll throw you to the wolves again soon enough.
Silly Palladian.
Please find one insult I've thrown in this thread.
By the way, conservative blogs use that information about Sullivan to slander him constantly. So it proves the point that conservatives are bigots.
By the way, Matt Sanchez is a faggot, so why is he still a military reservist? And why is he allowed to serve in Iraq. Are only self-loathing gay porn stars allowed to serve in Iraq, but 10,000 gay men are kicked out, because they happen to mention that they like theater in their high school yearbook?
Here's Hillary Clinton, on the subject of gay marriage, from WNYC's "The Brian Lehrer Show", Wednesday, June 18, 2003:
"Lehrer: The lead story in the New York Times today is about Canada's decision to fully legalize gay marriage. do you think the United States should do that?
Clinton: Well, obviously in our system it is unlikely ever to be a national decision. It is a state-by-state decision because of the way our federal system operates, where states define what the conditions for marriage, or domestic partnership, or civil union might be, so I don't think that we will ever face it. In fact there is a law on the books, passed before I was in the congress, the Defense of Marriage Act, which goes so far as to say that even if one state does it, other states under our full faith and credit clause of the constitution don't have to recognize it.
Lehrer: But is Canada setting a good example, on that you'd like to see spread through the states here?
Clinton: Well, I have long advocated domestic partnership laws and civil unions, to me...
Lehrer: That's different from marriage.
Clinton: Well, marriage means something different. you know, marriage has a meaning that I... I think should be kept as it historically has been, but I see no reason whatsoever why people in committed relationships can't have, you know, many of the same rights and the same, you know, respect for their unions that they are seeking and I would like to see that be more accepted than it is.
Lehrer: But not with the context of marriage.
Clinton: Yeah, I, I think that is, you know... First of all, I think that it is unlikely, if not impossible, to be something nationally accepted in our country, but I also think that we can realize the same results for may committed couples by urging that states and localities adopt civil union and domestic partnership laws."
Yes Palladian. Hillary Clinton is a lot more tolerant of gays. She favors civil unions and George Bush favors imprisonment.
She's not perfect, but she's VASTLY better than the current scumbag we have serving in the oval office.
Gedaliya is a hater. She thinks that by calling someone gay that it is a "smear".
Yawn. It is a "smear" when you accuse someone of being "gay" when there is no evidence to support the accusation. Most people agree this is a despicable act, although not as bad as "outing" someone who, for whatever reasons, wishes to keep their sexual preference a private matter.
Signorile and Ehrenstein delight in "outing" those with whom they disagree politically. They are the ones who care not whether lives are destroyed or privacy violated. They are the ones who deserve our scorn.
Listen kid, I'm male, not female, and as anyone can tell from how I post here, no hater. I just don't find the need to pander to your silly and childish obsessions with how you decide to get your jollies.I don't give a whit if you're "gay." I just find it boring that you feel compelled to whine about it all the time.
Matt Sanchez is totally hot.
"Please find one insult I've thrown in this thread."
Ok, how about this:
"Silly Palladian."
There are others, too.
"Of course conservatives hate the gays" [And if you claim this is not an insult, well, my parents are conservatives. They don't hate anyone and would be insulted that anyone would think they do.]
"But of course the conservatives will continue to lie" [Or is calling someone a liar not an insult?]
"Yet people like Joe lie" [ditto]
"Condoleeza Rice is a faggot" [if she is gay or not, calling her a faggot is using a slur to be insulting.]
"Gedaliya is a hater." [insult]
I am going to insult you now-- you are one of the most hateful people I have encountered online. I sympathize with your hatred; I understand from where it comes. I loathe what you have had to go through, especially from your own family. But it has turned you into exactly the type of hater that you claim so many others to be.
So now its "despicable" to call someone gay.
Geez - Gedaliya really is a hater. Why does she deny it?
People assume am I straight all the time. While I find that heteronormative thinking annoying, I don't think it's a "smear" to be called straight, although of course it would be "despicable" to actually BE straight. Who wants to be fat and ugly after all . . .
So now its "despicable" to call someone gay.
Geez - Gedaliya really is a hater. Why does she deny it?
People assume am I straight all the time. While I find that heteronormative thinking annoying, I don't think it's a "smear" to be called straight, although of course it would be "despicable" to actually BE straight. Who wants to be fat and ugly after all . . .
Enigmaticbore - Those are not insults. Now just because you have a tiny pecker, please don't take it out on gay people, who have never interfered in your life.
That's an insult (albeit true).
Faggot is not an insult.
After all that's what the anti-gay bigots like Hewitt and O'Riley told us when Ann Coulter used the term.
So if faggot is not an insult, I have no qualms using it against faggots like Codoleeza Rice and Matt Sanchez.
Interesting. I am conservative and I just found out from DTL that I hate gays. This will come as quite a surprise to family members, co-workers and friends. I have to admit, there are a few gay people I can't stand. Like there are a few straight people, white people, black people etc that I cant stand. Because their assholes. I wonder if that might be the issue with DTL experiences.
Jeff - You oppose equal rights for gay people, you favor the Federal Government firing people just because they are gay, and you oppose equality in the law for gay couples, ergo you hate gays.
It's pretty simple.
As I said people, don't waste your balls on the dunk tank lad.
Palladian can't stand that I dare to speak the truth.
In fact, if a local high school has a simple seminar and teaches the students that its wrong to beat up people just because they are gay. Well guess who opposes that seminar.
You betcha!
And George W. Bush.
But they don't hate us - they just enjoy seeing gays have their faces bashed in.
"Faggot is not an insult."
It most certainly can be. When Democratic Rep. Pete Stark was nearly getting into a fistfight in the well of Congress by calling another Representative a "faggot" and a "little fruitcake", he was intentionally trying to be insulting and using the terms as derogatory slurs, as were you.
You could have said that you think or know Condi Rice is gay. But instead, you chose a more aggressive word, using it exactly as one would use a slur.
So do not try to claim innocence now. You do not have plausible deniability.
Those were insults, as was this:
"Now just because you have a tiny pecker"
"please don't take it out on gay people, who have never interfered in your life."
I have nothing against gay people. I do have something against you whenever you go off on one of your hate-ridden tirades. You are what you claim to deplore, and the only question is if you became it because people treated you badly or if people treated you badly because you have always been a hateful sonofabitch.
Unfortunately, a thread like this allows children like DTL to hold court for a while and get some attention. "Gays" like DTL are classic cases of arrested development, never emotionally emerging from adolescence, where everything is viewed through a onanistic lens.
I have to confess that sometimes I am amused watching him (and others like him) go ballistic over this "gay" thing. I feel guilty, but hey, we've all got our weaknesses.
I find it fascinating. Years ago I was involved in a fight pulling gay bashers off of a guy. A couple of years ago I voted against the Ohio constitutional amendment stating marriage is between a man and a women. My first choice for a babysitter is my cousin's partner. According to DTL, I want to see people get their faces punched in. Any more mind reading you want to do today?
It is a "smear" when you accuse someone of being "gay" when there is no evidence to support the accusation.
That's bull. The word "accuse" defines your attitude precisely. There's no accusation in speculating whether someone is gay or straight. One "accuses" someone of something wrong, something shameful, or illegal or otherwise negative. No one's accusing Rice of being gay, just opining that she probably is. So what? Is she's not, it's just a mistaken speculation, and no big deal. That you use words like "smear" and "accuse" says exactly what you think of homosexuality-that's it's something shameful or wrong.
Jeff, I take it you are a conservative.
I'm not (at least I don't believe I am). Yet I too hate gays in DTL's mind.
Bunker mentality. It really is sad, except for the fact that it is so vile.
Yeah, conservative in kind of a libertarian mold. More of a south park conservative I would guess. Seems like a lot of people see diversity in everything except for conservatives. We, of course, are stereotyped into one borg collective of evil. It gets tiring.
That's bull. The word "accuse" defines your attitude precisely. There's no accusation in speculating whether someone is gay or straight.
To "accuse" someone of something is to charge them with an offense. Signorile has accused Rice of the offense of being in the closet, which in Signorile's world is a crime, especially if you are a member of the Bush administration. This, as I said, was a smear, and I see no reason to retract my statement.
Therefore I think the word is apropos in the context in which I used it.
DTL I have news for you. Anyone who has a problem with you, it's because you're an asshole, not because you are gay.
You don't know me and you don't know my views. I worked with gays and had gay friends before you were born. So get over yourself.
Re Bush and gay people, from Lavendar:
"The chances of a lesbian couple celebrating their 10th anniversary at the White House are pretty slim—but Tammy Baldwin and Lauren Azar did.
"Baldwin, the country’s first out lesbian to hold a seat in the House of Representatives, and Azar were at the 2006 Congressional Christmas party at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. When they met up with President Bush, Baldwin introduced Azar as her partner, and told the president, “’It’s our anniversary.’ He asked how many years. I told him, ‘Ten years, Mr. President.’” Bush congratulated them and, according to Baldwin, was gracious."
I think there are many stories like that, of Bush on completely friendly terms with gay people. There is no evidence that he is an anti-gay bigot.
DTL doesn't require evidence, Althouse.
DTL, i'm curious as to why you left lucky of your hater list. Have you never noticed that he likes to insult people by insinuating that they are gay? If you have noticed, have you ever confronted him about it? If not, why not?
I don't happen to think that george bush is anti-gay. He such aligned himselves with anti-gay zealots including Bob Jones University; James Dobson; Tony Perkins; Pat Robertson (where they hired a boatload of those graduates from that esteemed law school); James Dobson; Richard Land and many others.
Also, many or most of the republicans go to kiss each one of these individuals asses in order to hopefully get elected. The democrats don't do this.
I think it is worse that he probably isn't anti-gay but used anti-gay individuals, who believe in therapy to cure the gay-in order to get elected.
Also, it is interesting that none of the straight republicans here think of George Bush as antigay or using the bullshit marriage amendmant in order to get elected in 2004. Check out all of his town hall meetings in received the biggest reception-but I am sure all of them were really just cheering about keeping marriage one man and one woman-nothing to do with any of their actual hatred for gays.
I don't know one of my gay friends or families of my gay friends who believes that this administration hasn't been hostile to gays.
Even the frickin log cabin republicans bitched about it last election and did not endorse Bush.
But all of you include, Althouse can believe that their was no damage or hurt delievered to the gay community by the republicans. Your completely delusioned.
Sorry if we feel differently-you weren't used as a wedge issue last election. History, though, with the younger generation more open, will definitely judge the hate harshly.
OK, now that I said my peace. Today was fabulous in NYC. The weather was initially rainy but it cleared up and was sunny.
It was a day of working out, relaxation and rejuvination for me.
I began at the gym with a Gakic shake and then pecs and tris-downed a creatine shake and salad and moved onto the spa.
My monthly back waxing went well-I don't have too many hairs on my back but just a few that bother me and I will be shirtless on the dance floor tonight and don't want to deal with being paranoid. I am feeling my abs right now and they feel good.
After the waxing I did bikram yoga-I thought I was going to faint-we are on top of each other in that room but I was pleased with my downward facing dog as well as my wide second.
Then I had a haircut, manny and peddy, massage and facial.
The dogs went to doggy daycare. I feel guilty if I leave them along for that long so they got to play with their other friends. Each of their report cards were exceptional today, although one is a little antisocial-we are working on that.
I too, picked fresh flowers for the house and I am going to have a couple of friends over for a cocktail, go to dindin w and off to "Splash" for dancing.
I am thinking I am in the mood for fish tonight-trout, swordfish, mahi mahi or perhaps sea bass-no potatoes of course (I have to keep the 31 inch waist) and a light caprese salad. Oh and a couple of kettel one martinis to rev my engine.
Now everyone take a deap breath, say namaste, enjoy the weekend, fall is here and days like this make me absolutely love NYC. I am relaxed, peaceful, and a few hours will hopefully meet a nice young ethnic man, who is inferior to me in every way so I can feel better about myself.
That sounds like the most boring, bourgeois, torturous day I could possibly imagine.
But I suppose all those yuppie distractions keep the riff-raff out of trouble.
Splash? Really now...
When cornered by a blowhard who bent his ear with a ridiculous rant about his movies, Alfred Hitchcock said:” I understand the inventor of the bagpipes was inspired when he saw a man carrying an indignant, asthmatic pig under his arm. Unfortunately, the manmade sound never equaled the purity of the sound achieved by the pig."
And here I was, all excited about our annual blow-out, dinner-and-houseparty date with another couple to celebrate the guys' birthdays.
Is it the lack of back-waxing? Yeah. That must be it.
I didn't ask if you enjoyed it Padlum-I enjoyed it. It was relaxing, healthy and I am glistening and my pucker is tight.
I sweated out many unhealthy toxins during yoga.
The Gakic and Creakic shakes have enlarged my muscles and I feel hard and good about myself (temporarily).
Don't judge girl.
Padlum you called me riff raff-wow that is mean.
Oh, I forget to mention I got a cute little blouse at Marc Jacobs for tonight-the sales queen, said as soon as I walked out of the dressing room-"wrap it up"-I was so excited.
Ok, one last comment before the friends come over.
Marc Jacobs t
G star Jeans
Prada black sneakers with black straps-don't think they are flashy-they are very understated.
I am ready....it's showtime.
I may write back after I kick the trick out later tonight.
Oh and I don't want anyone to think that the ensemble is primped or really put together looking.
It is all very sloppy with the shirt tucked in some places but left out others.
Have a great night!!!!
Marshall J.D. Cahill (Cahill, U.S. Marshall):"Cause even grown men need understanding."
"I am sure all of them were really just cheering about keeping marriage one man and one woman-nothing to do with any of their actual hatred for gays."
Well, in the case of my mother, yeah, that was the reason for her being uncomfortable with it. And she loves my cousin and his partner. She is also against marriage between one man and multiple women. Who would she be hating in that case? Isn't your party the one of nuance?
Even if Rice is heterosexual, however, it is fascinating and mind-boggling that this woman whose best male friend is an openly gay liberal and whose best female "friend" is a "liberal progressive," would work for a president who has opposed every gay rights initiative and tried to enshrine religious hatred in the Constitution. What does it say about them as well?
That they're normal human beings? Lots of people have friends they disagree with strongly on political issues. My dad and the guy who has been his best friend since childhood are miles apart in political orientation, and they still get along great. They just don't argue about politics. Besides, it isn't like Rice is an advocate for the gay marriage amendment; that's not her area.
Besides, if it doesn't make sense that Rice and Bean could be friends, how does it make any more sense that they could be lovers?
Anyway, for all I know Rice *is* a lesbian. It would be kind of cool if she was.
In fact, if a local high school has a simple seminar and teaches the students that its wrong to beat up people just because they are gay. Well guess who opposes that seminar.
Sheesh, no wonder your own mother can't stand being around you. A guy with as many personality problems as you could at least try to make up for it by being honest.
My what a delightful comments page you have, Ann.
My lover and I (I don't have a partner. Law firm have partners and I didn't fall in love with a law firm) have been together since 1971 -- despite the best efforts of you and yours to demonize me and mine.
As I said on my blog, Condi is merely an hors d'oeurve to nibble on while awaiting the main course -- Patrick McHenry.
Go "Google" him, children.
gedilaya, you didn't say it's a smear to accuse someone of being in the closet. You said this: "It is a 'smear' when you accuse someone of being 'gay' when there is no evidence to support the accusation." So, according to your first wording, saying you think someone is gay, is a smear. I can see why you'd want to back away from that ridiculous statement, but too late, you made it.
There is no evidence that he is an anti-gay bigot.
He doesn't have to be. He just has to enjoy the support of anti-gay bigots. He might happily support an abortion for one of his daughters, but at the same time court the right-to-life vote. I don't particularly care how well-mannered he manages to be in his social relationships with gay people. I care that he's carefully cultivated the support of his base by assuring them of his support for sodomy laws, anti-same-sex constitutional amendments, and abstinence-only sex ed and HIV protection policies. Why do you think it means anything at all in the big picture that he didn't have the White House guards toss the dykes out?
there is absolutley no evidence that conservatives "hate" gays!
that is why i urge each of the Republican candidates to choose an Out Black Lesbian Woman for their running mate!
nothing would shut those liberals up faster!
What an uterly fascinating idea.
Now go find an Out Black Lesbian Woman who supports a constitutional ammendment to ban same-sex marriage.
Hey -- maybe Mary Cheney would be willing to run in blackface!
The whole Condi as a butch lesbian thing got me thinking: Why is there an enforced ideological straitjacket in the gay community? People like Ehrenstein, Mike Rogers, and Signorile act as a new generation of Red Guards-imposing the metaphorical Terror with self-righteous vigor.
I mean, let's take a look at what actually occurred. Condi and Bean own what I believe to be a joint tenancy (Althouse is the lawyer here, she can clear this up) under CA law, and the 2nd mortgage that was the rider to it. It appears that Condi was wealthy enough to be the White Knight to a damsel in distress and is, after all, a stand-up girl.
Rogers, Ehrenstein, and the rest of the crowd immediately assume that they must be swapping strap-ons during secret trysts. Yet there's no actual evidence of a romantic affair at all. Indeed, while there are strong rumors to suggest that Rice is a gay woman, Bean is probably the best friend. This has overtones of Dobie Gillis to it.
There is an assumption on the part of the gay activist community that Rice would be exiled from Republican politics if she were outed (which is part of what Rogers is trying to do...). This shows a profound level of ignorance of modern Republican politics, at least as far as the rank and file are concerned. Let's say Rice comes out on Ellen. I strongly suspect she would receive a vast wave of support within the Republican Party, where she is a revered figure. Liberals assume that we are all angry, hateful people because that's what they tell each other about us.
Wait a minute. Rice would never come out on Ellen. That would piss off Oprah no end. I take that back..
These people probably have very, very few conservative friends. The contrast with Rice herself is instructive. She makes it a point to have friends on both sides of the aisle.
The activities of Rogers, Ehrenstein and Signorile are a cautionary tale of fanaticism and anger dressed up in self-righteousness. They are part of what is wrong with our politics, while Rice, a conservative who practices a more inclusive brand of political give and take, has lived a far more enriching and rewarding life. Whether it is a gay life or not is really her business.
Pure speculation. Just persuasive language with no facts on which to base anything.
Secondly, Rice does work only on the foreign policy side, not domestic.
Not everyone who refuses to openly champion the gay lifestyle is a hypocrite, even if closest friends are homosexual. There are some more conservative homosexuals who themselves would not publicly champion gay causes and wisely choose to keep their orientation private, as sexual matters should be. After all, it's really no one's business but the person/people with whom one wishes to share it.
"Rogers, Ehrenstein, and the rest of the crowd immediately assume that they must be swapping strap-ons during secret trysts."
Really? Never crossed my mind. Thanks for the dish about the strap-ons. May I quote you?
"Yet there's no actual evidence of a romantic affair at all. Indeed, while there are strong rumors to suggest that Rice is a gay woman, Bean is probably the best friend. This has overtones of Dobie Gillis to it."
Which as you recall co-starred a lesbian who has since entered politics
" There are some more conservative homosexuals who themselves would not publicly champion gay causes and wisely choose to keep their orientation private, as sexual matters should be."
Really? Seems to me that heterosexuality isn't private at all. In fact it's in you face 24/7.
Oh, I get it....
Sound and Fury, signifying....gossip.
What crap.
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