"Hillary wants withdrawal bill with teeth."
I'm getting some scary vagina dentata imagery out of that Kos headline.
Hillary wants withdrawal, Bill. With teeth!
September 8, 2007
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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
You have such an obvious plethora of mental issues. It's not even funny anymore.
Stop the drinking and get some psychiatric help.
"For Hillary, Goal Is Dental Withdrawal Bill."
"For Dave™©, Goal Is Castration Fear Denial"
She may want, but settles for Withdrawal Bill with dentures to campaign with her on the need for democracy interruptus in the ME.
On behalf of the international org Planned Hood.
Ohmygod. Jane said "hood."
Ha, that means I'm racist or racy, right?
If a man posted the same thing in these blog comments that Prof. Althouse just did, the charges of sexism and misogyny would be flying! it was funny, though.
You guys -- beginning with Ann -- really have no idea how creepy and fucked up you come off.
Is Bill even in the picture any more? I've been hearing a lot of gossip about Hillary and Don Reagan Mantle.
I can imagine how disturbing this all must sound to someone steeped in the wholesome imagery of rock music lyrics.
I'm thinking the latter, Jane: zestfully spicy. And to guys like Dave™© and Steve Simels, pop music critic extraordinaire... quick as a fox and scary smart.
Be nice.
I agree, man. Seriously creepy, fucked up, and all kinds of bat-shit insane, dudes. But no nearly so much as people who apparently cruise a blog waiting to post about how bat-shit insane it is.
Steve, don't you have totally hip new records to review? And Dave? Don't you need to masturbate?
What Seven Machose said.
Meade, you make my day some days :)
Unserious critics here need to realize the Professor is all about words, images and the images words well up-- intentionally, accidentally on purpose, or oops- subconscious subtext revealed. Is there anything more fun, besides trolling sites you love to hate and being dissed in return?
I said diss.
"You guys -- beginning with Ann -- really have no idea how creepy and fucked up you come off."
LOL. This from an 80-year-old dried kumquat who reviews teen popular music.
And for a critic, you're certainly unimaginative. But that's what partisan indoctrination does to the creative impulse. It's a bucket of cold, stagnant water poured over whatever meager spark of curiosity and playfulness once burned in your tiny mind.
Get help. Seriously.
So Hillary is tough on surrender? Clueless.
(Boy, the anti-Anns sure freak out on Saturdays. No boss in sight?)
This from an 80-year-old dried kumquat who reviews teen popular music
Hmm...a protracted in the molar boomer who's obsessed with American Idol?
Oh -- you're talking about Ann!!!!
I'm with Palladian, what balanced adult doesn't wake up and see a headline, and play word association with Bill Clinton's cock, and Hillary's vagina with teeth?
Bravo Ann, bravo.
"(Boy, the anti-Anns sure freak out on Saturdays. No boss in sight?)"
Close. I'm betting Mommy went shopping at Wal-MART, and they don't know how to work around the internet filter she installed.
Regarding the Hillary!, yes, our enemies have no more effective advocates than national Democrats.
Let's consider this rationally. I am nobody. Garage, DaveTM, and their ilk are nobody. Steve Simels is either nobody or, worse, a fifth-rate critic and lover of shrill leftist cant.
Anyway, we all sit here and comment about what a woman thinks about a headline. I tend to defend because I think it's usually brilliant and beautiful. You insult and call the host crazy.
Now, really. Who is crazy here?
The left is beginning to unravel because their dream of defeat is evaporating.
Stay tuned...the show is just beginning.
I think that Hillary's problem has always been more along the lines of insertion rather than withdrawal. Just thinking of the old joke about the woman who, asked about sex, replies "We tried it once, and it worked," pointing to her child.
Spare me. This has all of the makings of one of those "Althouse says something ridiculous, then people insult her for it, then she responds by insulting the insulters and defends herself by stating that her initial post was a joke, while attempting to subtly defend her initial remarks" situations. We've seen it before. It is cliched and hackneyed. Not as insightful as her posts about Project Runway, hat-shopping with her son, of Hillary Clinton's boobs, but pretty independent and Bush-loving nonetheless.
Robert Benchley:
There seems to be no lengths to which humorless people will not go to analyze humor. It seems to worry them.
Oh, c'mon, Wade. Pull that stick outta your ass! Join the party!
Let's consider this rationally. I am nobody. Garage, DaveTM, and their ilk are nobody. Steve Simels is either nobody or, worse, a fifth-rate critic and lover of shrill leftist cant.
Or, it's just damn fun poking fun at a middle aged woman who seems to have sex on her mind all the time, and finds it in the weirdest places -- like vegetables, buildings, sentences, or photographs. Even funnier is the reaction of mixed boys and girls that immediately jump to her defense on these odd posts. It's all fun Seven, it's Ann's blog, but it is open for comments. Now hit me with a Tower of Babel-esque Strawman and tell me I hate America and worship Stalin and Osama bin Laden.
You can do it!
"Not as insightful as her posts about Project Runway, hat-shopping with her son, of Hillary Clinton's boobs, but pretty independent and Bush-loving nonetheless"
as opposed to being inordinately dependent on her usual party and currying Dem goodwill by mindlessly accepting everything the conjoined-at-their-clay-feet Clintons are and do and hysterically hating everything Bushitler is and does.
Your compliments are improving, Wade Garrett.
Well, we don't want a long-term commitment with this country into which we inserted our forces. Once they fake satisfaction, we can make the some excuse and get the hell out of there.
now hit me with a Tower of Babel-esque Strawman
Well, I think you love America and probably wouldn't like Osama or Stalin if you met them.
But, I also think your comment is very intriguing for that possible upcoming Dr. Helen and Ann discussion about troll psychology.
It's fun poking at middle age women who bring up sex?
Very interesting. Do you also feel a need to slay Glen Reynolds, by chance, who is one of the top male figures in the blogosphere.
Do you see your comments, and thus your identity here, as maybe being the offspring of Ann's posts and Glen's influence?
Slay the (blog)father, poke the mother.
Very interesting.
Yeah, Garage. I'm having no fun at all over. I'm bitter and somber. It's like a wake.
You, on the other hand, are a regular Richard Pryor, except without the freebasing, without the zest for life, without the insight, and without the humor. Other than that, though, dude, you have star power.
Meade: Should I be jealous of Jane?
So Kos wants "Bill to withdraw", hmmmm.
(early withdrawal (and a subsequent stain) is what got Bill in trouble in the first place)
Someone obviously isn't get enough of her own. And I'm not referring to Hillary. Do you want to talk about it? Wait. I'm not sure anyone would want to listen.
"Sigmund" is the same entity that was posting yesterday as Mary Kate and the day before that as another name, and the day before that as probably another. The names are different but they all link to the same Blogger profile. You seem to have an awful lot of personalities, "Sigmund", as well as a disturbing interest in stalking. Care to talk about it? Pay me enough and I'll listen.
Bill C. didn't have a withdrawal issue since he never entered. More like he was knocking on the front door and his bag of groceries broke and spilled before it opened.
And if any man's seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water and be unclean until the evening.
And every garment and every skin whereon is the seed of copulation, shall be washed with water and be unclean until the evening.
You are not a nobody. You.are a somebody. Because you're good enough, and you're smart enough, and - doggone it - people like you!
dave™© and simels are nobodies.
Way to go on nailing "sigmund".
Comment of the week!
Let me just say I think the 24/7 obsession with anything Clinton, and feeling the need to put teeth on Hillary's vagina because you fear her so much, pretty revealing.
Again, the strawman ad homs are the best though -- as if NOT talking about Clinton's cock/semen, or Hillary's tits/vagina constantly, or simply commenting that you think it's strange, means you're in some vortex and you are whacked in the head.
If I seem to remember correctly, it is at moments when a woman is massaging your gonads with her tonsils that your thoughts irresistibly turn to the inescapable, terrible truth that ultimately you can never completely trust another human being not to harm you.
Let me just say I think the 24/7 obsession with anything Clinton, and feeling the need to put teeth on Hillary's vagina because you fear her so much, pretty revealing.
You know how when you think about buying a car and decide on a model you like and suddenly see those cars everywhere? Did people just start buying those cars in bulk knowing your interest or did your own passion for the subject just make it seem like there are more of them?
Maybe there was a buying frenzy but it's more likely the case that we tend to focus on people mentioning our obsessions and interests, even to the point of saying they are obsessed.
I just scrolled down this page. Far as I saw there was one other post mentioning the Clintons. The other posts were a menagerie of topics on all sorts of subjects that well-rounded people find interesting. Art, music, politics, religion, popular culture, etc.
Seems funny then to project a 24/7 obsession about something that only occasionally shows up amidst a broad range of other discussions.
Is this an attempt to assert authority or power? One must reduce the object of desire first, only then can one display dominance upon that which otherwise emasculates.
Or maybe you cast yourself as Hamlet and seek to revenge a supposed betrayal? Ann has forsaken Clinton and has supported another, a supposed pretender to the throne?
The galvanic response for me in withdrawal bill with teeth is between bill and teeth.
As in hen's teeth.
When was the last time Bill would have been able to withdraw from Hillary? Twenty years ago, twenty-five years ago?
This post and subsequent thread is funny on so many levels, from the archetypal-troll humor of dave™© (who keeps playing this persona even though the jig is long up--but I guess one has to protect one's trademarks), zrimsek and jane made me LOL, etc.
But the big meta-joke here, of course, is that Althouse herself has not posted. The vortex swirls around her.
(Now she'll ruin it by posting but...)
This little product is a Hillary politico/sexual image maker, AND a handy kitchen gadget.
We all can imagine a few modifications, but we really needn't go there.
I hasten to add I plan to vote for her, but that doesn't stop me from the occasional grotesque detour.
Hillary is the only Democrat who wants to occasionally pretend that she is a real man.
If she was a real man, that is, if she were secretly a Gary Cooper type, she'd probably have my vote.
But the Democratic party is so stretched in terms of trying to be everything to its rainbow coalition, that I don't think any person with any real principles can ever run their gauntlet and get a nomination ever again.
Everything they do is posing for the Demographics. They ought to call themselves the Demographic Party.
Simels: "You guys -- beginning with Ann -- really have no idea how creepy and fucked up you come off."
What does that attitude have to do with rock and roll? Simels, you are the square tightass rock and roll warned us about.
Bow tie daddy dontcha blow your top
Everything's under control
Bow tie daddy dontcha blow your top
'Cause you think you're gettin' too old
Don't try to do no thinkin'
Just go on with your drinkin'
Just have your fun, you old son of a gun
Then drive home in your Lincoln
The Firesign Theatre were on to something with "Le Trente-Huit Cunegonde." How about a world where the counterculture was enforced:
Cop #1: Dig, Larry: aspirin.
Cop #2: Do her a favor, phone her in.
Girl: I'm telling ya, I took all the uppers! You wanna hear me rap? "I saw the best minds of my generation..."
Cop #1: Put her in the car.
They didn't get the details right, but they knew their Boomers. Oh, they knew their Boomers.
Theo, that is so incredibly weird. I considered quoting "Bow Tie Daddy" to Simels as I was writing the comment just above yours, but in the end I opted to write what I wrote. You are in an eerie mind meld with me! I am seriously freaked out.
Ann, I hope you get some soon! Seriously.
Professor A: Great minds and all that ;-)
Re-reading Simels, it just popped into my head.
But here's the mini-essay I just wrote before I saw your comment:
* * * * *
Now we're "creepy and f**ked up" if we make fun of a tightass political candidate. But we're doing it in milder terms than in 1968. I know. I was there.
Tightass politicians are tightass politicians. I don't care if they're separated by 40 years. But of course now they're "our" tightass candidates.
They used to be people like creepy Nixon, you know, from the brown-shoe square generation. (Now that they're almost all dead, guilty Boomers call them the "Greatest Generation." Too bad we didn't do that in 1968 when we were spending their money and kicking them in the teeth.)
I have a couple of moldy issues of Ramparts in the basement. You wouldn't believe the slime that oozes off the pages about Nixon. Humphrey comes in a close second.
I'm having a hard time trying to decide if Hillary is any less creepy than Tricky Dick. But I plan to vote for her for the same reasons the bow tie daddy generation voted for Nixon: Respect, identification, and fear.
And I'll drive home in my minivan.
Theo, Hilariously close to home.
Ruth Anne, I should be so lucky. Seriously.
Theo Boehm said...
This little product is a Hillary politico/sexual image maker, AND a handy kitchen gadget.
We all can imagine a few modifications, but we really needn't go there.
Oh . . . I can't help it . . . the Hillary cigar clipper!!
You're a good guy, Meade, and I'd be honored.
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