August 23, 2007

A nighttime hello from Brooklyn.


blake said...

Green screen!

Ann Althouse said...

You think this is an elaborate charade?

Palladian said...

Althouse is not really in Brooklyn I bet!

Anonymous said...

FYI, you may already know this but the sound is out of sync with the video.

From Inwood said...

Prof A

I have the same problem withg your presentation as internet ronin.


Paddy O said...

The sound engineers in your Madison studio need to get on top of things.

XWL said...

To really screw with people, you should contract a woman fluent in Japanese with a similar vocal timbre to translate and then re-record exactly what you said in this vlog and then dub over your out-of-sync English soundtrack.

That would be so meta . . .

Ruth Anne Adams said...

It's nighttime in Brooklyn. Do you know where your Silvio is?

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry that it came out of synch. The original is in synch. That happens on uploading sometimes, for reasons I don't understand. But what can I do now?

Anonymous said...

There are videos on YouTube, from what I understand, that explain how to avoid the out-of-sync audio problem, though I know nothing more about it. Sorry I can't be more specific. Video quality is something else that can be heavily influenced by the various options and settings used to record and upload video. Again, my knowledge on the subject is less than an inch deep; I only know that there are instructions for how to mitigate these problems.

Anonymous said...

But what can I do now?

Ignore it. ;-)

John Stodder said...

What a view!

If you do more bloggingheads TV, you should do your end of it from up there.

Starbucks tmobile is unconscionably expensive, but if you live in an area without a lot of appetizing free wifi sites, whattayagonnado? Pay the man.

Ann Althouse said...

It's only for a year. So $360 to get something that's pretty important to me. Absurd not to do it. And I suppose I'll get some benefit out of it at some airports, notably LaGuardia.

Peter Hoh said...

Yeah, it looks like a green screen to me, too. The light coming from your apartment casts a light on you that is not in synch with the scene behind you. It's what news anchors strive for. Because we are used to seeing this effect on television, it has an unnatural quality about it.

But continue to take advantage of the news anchor's background. The effect is lovely.

No, I couldn't spot the Statue of Liberty. Not sure what size blur on the horizon that I was supposed to be looking for.

I saw the Statue of Liberty from a spot in New Jersey called Washington's Point or something like that. It was a high point somewhere near Bound Brook, if I recall correctly, that Washington used to watch British troop movements one winter during the Revolutionary War. The Statue of Liberty was a little greenish blob on the horizon. Quite nice seeing it from there.

Simon said...

John Stodder said...
"Starbucks tmobile is unconscionably expensive, but if you live in an area without a lot of appetizing free wifi sites, whattayagonnado? Pay the man."

I arrived in Chicago way to early for a conference earlier this year, and was diappointed to discover that there was no wireless access at the venue (Northwestern Law), nor at the local Starbucks if I wasn't willing to shell out a ridiculous amount of money (fortunately they carried the NY Times, and it happened to be a day when Ann had an op/ed in there). So I picked up the NYT and my coffee and wandered back to Northwestern. Which turned out to be a very smart move: I tell you, all the very best looking law students are in the Federalist Society. ;)

Maxine Weiss said...

I'm psychic: It's not her cup of tea. She's counting the days till she goes back home.

It's too much. Too much noise pollution. Too much traffic. Too much crime. Too much cement. No car means you're trapped at night. Stranded without wheels---yes, even in New York.

And, it's very isolating. For someone who lives her life very much alone really need the homespun charm of the Midwest (homespun charm?) if you are gonna go it alone.

You live and learn, I guess. Althouse never listens to a word I say. I'd been telling her for months this was the wrong thing to do.

Told you so?

Chip Ahoy said...

No, that would not be funny if you dropped your computer over the balcony.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maxine Weiss said...

Say something nice: She does have a stick-to-it-ive-ness. I'd bail after one day. I, personally, would not stick it out for a year.

Also, the fog is pretty. If you squint your eyes you can fool yourself into thinking it's a steel meadow.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

But what about the peddler-man's Persian good-bye?

Aw, Ado Annie, that ain't nuthin' compared to an Oklahoma hello!

Galvanized said...

These Brooklyn pics and the vlog are nice. Your skyline view is lovely. But it does seem a considerable change, trading smaller-town charm for big-city sophistication. But you can easily stick it out a year. You may have lost the conveniences of Wifi and coffeehouses, but...gah...look at the view. And walking is a good thing!

Still, I think a few of us vicariously miss Madison. You have a kind of Garrison Keillor thing going on there. ;)

Galvanized said...

And the comment by xwl made me LOL. *snort*