July 1, 2007

Sunday pop quiz.

Identify these 2 places. Hint: They're in Madison, Wisconsin.








Chip Ahoy said...

I have no idea.

1) Starbucks
2) student union

Mmmmm. Gyros.

Common Sense Dancing said...

Michaelangelo's is the first one.

Mr.Murder said...

The idea of God giving man(Adam) coffee as a gift is splendid, providing you have an accurate depiction of God in the painting.

My only question is:

Where is She?

dave™© said...

The Dayroom at the Madison Mental Health Center?

I'm trying to think of places you frequent...

Meade said...

She's visited you there, dave™©?

Ann Althouse said...

Wade is right about Michelangelo's (a café on State Street). The other is a restaurant, mostly take-out. Kind of out of the way and pretty new.

Anonymous said...

That painting is blasphemous.

And blasphemy is no longer protected by the First Amendment.

Cause there were laws against blasphemy on the books when the Bill of Rights was passed.

The Vault Dweller said...

My best guess was that all photos were from Ann Althouse's expansive, yet strangely decorated basement.

Paddy O said...

No ambling?

How Midwest.

Daña Alder said...

The secvond place is Jada's Soul Food on Beld Street---in the same location where Mr P's used to be.

Ann Althouse said...

Dana: You got it!

Ann Althouse said...

I don't know what's with all the gyro signs, because I didn't notice gyros on the menu. Actually, they are on it, but don't seem to be the point of this place, which is mainly about deep frying things -- chicken, fish, pork chops.

MadisonMan said...

The menu's cute, and has spunk. I hate spunk -- in a menu. Just list out the food, please, without the adjectives.

Whatever happened to Purlie's on S. Park Street?