July 29, 2007

The seeming "trophy wife" is actually running everything...

Read this:
[Fred] Thompson's second wife [is] a lawyer and Republican political operative widely believed to have encouraged him to enter the fray. As her husband's de facto campaign manager, [Jeri] Thompson has the greatest hands-on role of any spouse in the presidential campaign, even though she has so far steered well clear of the political hustings.

Despite her political pedigree as a former spokesman for the Republican National Committee, her sway over day-to-day operations is troubling some of her husband's supporters. "I do worry that Jeri is the one really running his campaign," said a Republican in Congress who describes himself as "likely" to support Mr Thompson. "She's smart, but that could be a recurring problem."

A campaign aide, also speaking anonymously, told The Washington Post that Mrs Thompson decided everything from the content of direct mailings to the date for her husband to make his official declaration, now expected at the end of the summer. "You name it - anything," said the aide.
If you go read the whole article, you'll see an amazing proportion of it is about Jeri Thompson's breasts! There are even a few paragraphs on the subject of Hillary Clinton's recently exposed cleavage. This is a great demonstration of the power of breasts. Here's this woman who is apparently behind the entire candidacy and campaign for one of the frontrunners and people can barely start talking about her without getting derailed onto the subject of her breasts. Talk about caught in the headlights! The dazzling glare is disabling. Focus people. Who is this woman? What is she doing? And does she have a plan to become President too?


Meade said...

What if... Eleanor Roosevelt had had wings and was able to fly AND had shown cleavage?

AllenS said...

The two authors of this article are idiots:

"They have also reminded commentators of Mr Thompson's reputation as a "ladies' man" after his 1985 divorce - something that may not play well with the social conservatives he is courting in his bid to become the Republican candidate."

Give me a break. Every social conservative that I know loves breasts.

vet66 said...

Provides new meaning to Victoria's Secret bra description (Secret Embrace."

Now we have dueling breasts! Let the games begin starting with the jiggle factor. God help any woman who runs for office after breast augmentation. With apologies to Breck, "Does she or doesn't she."

Stay focused, folks.

The Drill SGT said...

One has to remember that this is the British press. Some run topless models on "Page 3 girls" to drive circulation.

Jeri makes good copy.

1. as for the disconnect between being a mindless blonde bimbo and also the power behind the throne? I expect we'll get the 2 for 1 Clinton comparisons next.

2. on the topic of how social conservatives are going to walk away from Thompson over the fact that he has a second marriage to a much younger woman, I think not. I not a social conservative and certainly not a religious one, but as I remember the story:

- young Thompson (17), knocks up his GF
- does the right thing, marries her, they have a couple of kids
- in the mean time, they raise a family while he works his way through college and law school. (first in his family to attend college)
- stay together 26+ years
- divorce in a friendly fashion (ex supports his campaign)
- 17 years after the divorce and 6 years after meeting Jeri, they marry.
- they have 2 young kids

I don't see any huge issues for social conservatives in that one. the divorced man can't be president went out a long time ago. Reagan I think.

Mr.Murder said...

"You can resume your breastfeeding, right after I change your diaper, Sen.Vitter."

Cedarford said...

There is a side phenomenon to the "trophy wife" which is the energetic younger wife, who, upon achieving a significant betterment in an established older spouses life in terms of sexual bliss, emotional and social gratification - seeks to greatly expand her role and influence using her partners clout or wealth.

Witness new wives that become the Gatekeeper and #1 Advisor for an older husband politician over professional staff with the old foghorn decades.

Or young, energetic Laurie David vaulting to lead the celebrity Learjet liberal airborne brigade and "pushing" Larry to new "greatness".

Or how Bill Gates went by marriage from thinking billions could buy him a 900 square foot video game screen powered by a supercomputer to the Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation, dedicated to sponsoring Lefty Duke-type professors and "solving all Africa's problems".

Wade Garrett said...

Hey, what a coincidence!!! The subject of breasts never pops up on the Althouse blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sgt. Says: "...as for the disconnect between being a mindless blonde bimbo and also the power behind the throne? I expect we'll get the 2 for 1 Clinton comparisons next."

True, but in this case the "2 for 1" element is the only real comparison. It's the "real" political, foreign policy and American social issue experience that separates them...big time.

Anonymous said...

Washington Post spends 746 words on Clinton's cleavage.


Cedarford said...

Luckyoldson said...
Washington Post spends 746 words on Clinton's cleavage.


I'm sorry, but....

I guess you realize the Washington Post had a debate on how many words they had to spend to cover Hillary's cleavage, vs. how many words they would have to spend to cover her big ass.

Economy won out.

Freeman Hunt said...

I wish that reporters who know nothing about social conservatives would stop speculating about their thoughts.

Also, I love that Jeri is forty and being called a "trophy wife." That's impressive.

Invisible Man said...

No one ever say that Cedarford guy doesn't have class.

Brent said...

I plan to vote for the candidate with, or the candidate who's spouse has, the largest bosoms, because large-breasted women keep hitting the glass ceiling in their attempts to be taken seriously.

Now, if I can just come up with the bumper sticker . . .

EnigmatiCore said...

"Now, if I can just come up with the bumper sticker . . ."

How about 'Think Big!'

Anonymous said...

freeman hunt says: "Also, I love that Jeri is forty and being called a "trophy wife." That's impressive."

It sure is!!

Of course you have to consider the fact that Fred's 65, resembles a hairless boulder, and that she's had plenty of plastic surgery to make sure she retains that "fresh and natural" appearance.

Anonymous said...

Poor little Cedar.

He just can't come up with anything that makes sense.

amba said...

I dunno, Ann. Only one paragraph is even remotely about breasts, and it never mentions the word -- just "figure hugging dresses with plunging necklines."

amba said...

Somebody with cartooning talent, please draw a poster of Aunt Samantha in a top hat, American flag dress and deep cleavage. "Aunt Sam wants . . . you."

Meade said...

B said...

Now, if I can just come up with the bumper sticker . . .

How about "Stack the White House; Not the Courts"

amba said...

Large breasts does not equal "mindless" -- the developing breasts do not suck sustenance from the brain -- and Jeri Thompson obviously isn't.

EnigmatiCore said...

"breasts do not suck sustenance from the brain"

Luckyoldson's mom's did.

Balfegor said...

And does she have a plan to become President too?

I think we're a long ways from being able to elect a woman who spells her name "Jeri" to the presidency. Something frumpy like Hillary or Geraldine -- sure. But "Jeri?" Not just yet.

Invisible Man said...

"breasts do not suck sustenance from the brain"

Luckyoldson's mom's did.

Oh goody, yo mamma jokes. I'll give it a try.

Egnimaticore, if yo Momma and Poppa got a divorce, heck, they'd still be Brother and Sister.

Freeman Hunt said...

she's had plenty of plastic surgery to make sure she retains that "fresh and natural" appearance.

Sure, when you can't argue that someone you dislike is unattractive, start dogging plastic surgery. Lame.

Anonymous said...

i never said anything about liking or disliking anybody. i could care less if thompson dates a fucking cheerleader.

i was merely referring to your goofy comment about how really neat it was that a 40 year old woman (as if that's "old") was a trophy wife. (WOW...is that something new in your lifetime of experience?)

i also find the entire news splash regarding thompson's wife, hillary's cleavage and obama's brassy wife to be inane bullshit that has absolutely nada to do with who the next president should be...and a waste of time.

then again, i'm a liberal and try to think before i vote.

Freeman Hunt said...

i was merely referring to your goofy comment about how really neat it was that a 40 year old woman (as if that's "old") was a trophy wife.

I didn't write that she was a trophy wife; I wrote that she was called one. She's not a "trophy wife" in the way that that phrase is usually used to mean very young, very attractive know-nothing. And no, forty isn't old, but trophy wives are generally still in their twenties.

Not that I've ever been under the impression that you could (or would want to) read with comprehension.

Brent said...

then again, i'm a liberal and try to think before i vote.

Well at least you're "trying" to think, Lucky.

It just naturally happens without effort for conservatives.

(Had to jab ya)

Zach said...

Dick Morris made a relevant point in a book on the Clintons. He pointed out that Hillary could never be Chief of Staff, (although she wanted the job) because there might come a time when the president has to fire his Chief of Staff for purely political reasons, and you can't fire your wife. I imagine the same dynamic comes into play with a presidential campaign manager.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Also, I love that Jeri is forty and being called a "trophy wife." That's impressive.

No kidding. I usually equated trophy wives with perky 20 somethings who hung out at the pool all day while hubby was bringing home the bacon. Maybe things are different in the beltway.

EnigmatiCore said...

"Egnimaticore, if yo Momma and Poppa got a divorce, heck, they'd still be Brother and Sister."

We are family, after all. But the best part of this is that most people have grown out of thinking 'yo mamma' jokes are funny by the time they reach late puberty. Luckyoldson dares to be 'different'.

Anonymous said...

freeman says: "And no, forty isn't old, but trophy wives are generally still in their twenties."

i think it generally relates to the AGE of the older party. if a man who's 70, marries a 35 year old...or a man who's 80 marries a woman who's 40...

but, as I said before...who gives a flying fuck?

Gahrie said...


but, as I said before...who gives a flying fuck?

Well, considering you have commented six times on a thread with 31 comments....you do.